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1、学习目标1.根据常识判断出哪些活动符合或者违反学生行为规范2.开展口语拓展活动3.完成阅读2d对话理解4.分角色朗读进行语言操练1. _ listen to music in the classroom or hallways2. _ listen to music in music room3. _ listen to music outside4. _ eat in the classroom2a Listen check () the activities Alan and Cindy talk about.5. _ eat in the dinning hall6. _ eat out

2、side7. _ wear a hat8. _ fight 1.listen to music in the classroom or hallways2.listen to music in music room3.listen to music outside4.eat in the classroom5.eat in the dining hall6.eat outside7.wear a hat8.fight can cantcan cantcan cantcan cantcan cantcan cantcan cantcan cant2b Listen again. Can Alan

3、 and Cindy do these activities? Circle can or cant above.拓展活动:我们的班规write or draw on the desks/walluse mobile phonessit on the desksplay with chalkrun around the classroomspeak or laugh loudy in the classroomread comic books or picture books in class or in the classroom1. Is John new at school?2. Wha

4、t are they talking about?3. How many rules does Alice mention? 4.Can he bright music players to school?5.Do they have to always wear the school uniform?6.What rules does the school have?2d Read the conversation in 2d and answer the questions.1. Is John new at school? _2. What are they talking about?

5、 _ _2d Read the conversation in 2d and answer the questions.Yes, he is.They are talking about the school rules.3. How many rules does Alice mention? _4.Can he bright music players to school? _5.Do they have to always wear the school uniform? _Four rules.No, he cant. Yes, they do. Wear the school uni

6、form.Be quiet in the library. 6.What rules does the school have? Dos DoesntDont be late for school.Dont bring music players to school.2d Role-play the conversation.1) arrive 后面可以不跟到达的地点。后面可以不跟到达的地点。Dont arrive late for school. 不要上学不要上学迟迟到。到。2) arrive后面也可以跟到达的地点。但后后面也可以跟到达的地点。但后面必面必须须要跟介要跟介词词in (大地方)

7、或(大地方)或 at(小地(小地方)。方)。1. arrive 到达到达= get (to)They arrived in Beijing at six.他们六点钟到的北京。他们六点钟到的北京。We usually arrive at the village in the morning.我们通常在早上到那个小村庄。我们通常在早上到那个小村庄。1. My mother usually get _ school at 7:40 in the morning.2. When do you usually arrive _ the bus station?3. Jennys uncle usuall

8、y arrives _ Shanghai in the evening. 选词选词填空填空: in, at, totoin at1) listen 听;用来提醒某人注意,后面不听;用来提醒某人注意,后面不跟事物。跟事物。Listen! Whos singing in the classroom?听!谁在教室里唱歌?听!谁在教室里唱歌?2) 如果后面跟要听的事物,应跟介词如果后面跟要听的事物,应跟介词to再跟事物。再跟事物。 Listen to our teacher carefully.认真听老师讲。认真听老师讲。2. listen 的用法;的用法;3. fight 打架,争吵打架,争吵1)

9、作作动词动词用用 Jack never fights with his brother.杰克从不和他的弟弟打架。杰克从不和他的弟弟打架。2) 作名作名词词,意,意为为“打架;争吵打架;争吵”; 常用常用词组词组have a fight“打架;吵架打架;吵架” Did you have a fight with her?你和她吵你和她吵过过架架吗吗?4. wear 意意为为“穿、戴穿、戴”My aunt wears a blue skirt and a white T-shirt.我姑姑穿着我姑姑穿着蓝蓝色的裙子,白色的色的裙子,白色的T恤。恤。Does he wear glasses?他戴眼他

10、戴眼镜吗镜吗? 5. have to与与must 1) have to意意为为“必必须须做某事做某事”强强调调“客客观观需需要要” They have to wear school uniforms every day.他他们们每天必每天必须须穿校服。穿校服。 2) must 意意为为“必必须须”强强调调主主观观上的愿望上的愿望 Its late. I must go home now.天晚了。天晚了。现现在我必在我必须须要回家。要回家。练一练:用练一练:用have to, must 填空填空1. Its cold outside. We _ stay at home.2. We _ be g

11、ood with our parents.have tomust1.不要在上课时听音乐。不要在上课时听音乐。 _2. 我们必须准时。我们必须准时。 _3. 我们能把音乐播放器带到学校里来吗?我们能把音乐播放器带到学校里来吗? _4.在图书馆里我们必须保持安静。在图书馆里我们必须保持安静。 _5.不要在楼道里跑不要在楼道里跑 。1. _Dont listen to music in class.We must be on time.将下列句子将下列句子译译成英成英语语。Can we bring the music player to school?We must keep quiet in th

12、e library.Dont run in the hallways.提示:提示:1. 上学不要上学不要迟迟到到 2. 按按时时上上课课3. 穿校服穿校服 4. 不在教室里吃不在教室里吃东东西西5. 不要在教室里戴帽子不要在教室里戴帽子 6. 在餐在餐厅厅吃吃东东西西Write the rules in your school. 学习目标1.对本单元所学祈使句和相关情态动词的语言结构进行归纳总结,进而模仿套用2.提供具体语境,根据图标提示为学校图书馆写规章制度,重点练习否定祈使句结构3.练习情态动词have to 和can 的一般疑问句及问答1. Dont arrive late for cl

13、ass. You must be on time. 2. Dont run in the hallways.3. Dont eat in the classroom. You must eat in the dining hall. 4. Dont listen to music in class.5. Dont fight.Dont fight with your classmates.Tell your classmate what the rules should be. Dont listen to music in the classroom.Dont eat in the clas

14、sroom. You must eat in the dining hall.Dont arrive late for school.Dont run in the hallways. 阅读Grammar Focus,并结合导学案,思考以下问题:1.祈使句的否定句怎样构成?肯定句呢?一般在什么情况下会使用祈使句?请举例。2.情态动词在用法上有什么共同点?请举例。3.can在本单元主要表示什么含义?它还可以表达什么意思?请举例。4.have to 在句法上与其他情态动词有何区别?请举例。一、祈使句一、祈使句1. 用法:用法:一般以一般以动词动词原形开原形开头头,表示,表示请请 求、命令、求、命令

15、、劝说劝说、警告等。在祈使句、警告等。在祈使句 中,通常省略句子主中,通常省略句子主语语第二人称第二人称you。2. 句子结构句子结构(1) 肯定句:肯定句:_+ 其他其他 在餐厅里吃东西。在餐厅里吃东西。 _ 在音乐教室里听音乐。在音乐教室里听音乐。 _ 骑自行车去上学。骑自行车去上学。 _Ride the bike to school.Eat in the dining hall.动词动词原形原形Listen to music in the music room. (2) 否定句否定句: _ + _+ 其他其他 不要和同学们打架。不要和同学们打架。 _ 不要在教室里打不要在教室里打篮篮球。

16、球。 _Dont fight with your classmates. Dont play basketball in the classroom.Dont 动词原形动词原形(3) 以以let引起的句子引起的句子 _+ sb.+动词动词原形原形 让让我我们们步行去上学吧。步行去上学吧。_ (4) No + 动词动词-ing形式。表示形式。表示“禁止、禁止、规劝规劝” 禁止停禁止停车车!No Parking. 禁止吸烟!禁止吸烟!No Smoking. LetLets walk to school. 二、询问和讨论学校规则:二、询问和讨论学校规则: 1. 有什么规则?有什么规则?我们必须保持安

17、静。我们必须保持安静。 _ _ 2. 我们可以在上课的时候戴帽子吗?我们可以在上课的时候戴帽子吗? _ 不可以。你可以在外面戴帽子。不可以。你可以在外面戴帽子。 _ _What are the rules?We must be quiet. Can we wear a hat in class?No, we cant. You can wear a hat outside.3. 你必须做什么事?你必须做什么事? _ 我们必须穿校服。我们必须穿校服。 _4. 他必须在校吃午饭吗?他必须在校吃午饭吗? _We must wear the school uniforms.What do you ha

18、ve to do?Does he have to eat lunch at school?Library Rules1.Dont talk.2._3._4._3a Write the rules for the school library.Dont listen to music(in the library).Dont eat or drink(in the library). Dont take photos(in the library). 方法指方法指导导:1. 由由图图示可知都是一些禁止示可知都是一些禁止类类的祈使句。的祈使句。2. 可知可知应应用用“Dont + 动词动词原形原形

19、”句子。句子。1.Be quiet? (she/have to /in the library) Q: Does she have to be quiet in the library? A: Yes, she does.3b Use the words to make questions about the rules. Then write answers according to your school.2. Eat? (he/have to/in the dinning hall) Q: _ A: _3.Listen to music? (we/can/in the hallways)

20、 Q: _ A: _ 4. Wear a hat? (we/can/in the classroom) Q: _ A: _1. 根据例句,可知要求我根据例句,可知要求我们们造一般疑造一般疑问问句句并根据并根据实际实际情况情况进进行回答。行回答。2. 先确定句子的主先确定句子的主语语。 3. 再确定用情再确定用情态动词还态动词还是用助是用助动词动词来构成来构成疑疑问语问语序。序。4. 根据根据实际实际情况做出肯定或否定回答,答情况做出肯定或否定回答,答语语的主的主语语要与要与问问句保持一致。句保持一致。2. Eat? (he/have to/in the dining hall) Q: _? A

21、: _3. Listen to music? (we/can/in the hallways) Q: _? A: _ 4. Wear a hat? (we/can/in the classroom) Q: _? A: _Then answer the questions.Yes, he does.Does he have to eat in the dining hallCan we listen to music in the hallwaysNo, we cant.Can we wear a hat in the classroomNo, we cant.1. Remember the sentences in the Grammar Focus.2. Write five rules in your family.



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