陕西省汉中市陕飞二中高二英语《The Conquest of the Universe》课件 外研版选修8

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陕西省汉中市陕飞二中高二英语《The Conquest of the Universe》课件 外研版选修8_第1页
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1、Module 5The Conquest of the Universe 编读互动Module 47Module 47 编读互动编读互动设置设置“课前热身课前热身”,目的是让学生用,目的是让学生用8 8分钟快速浏览本单元的分钟快速浏览本单元的内容。内容。“知识网络知识网络”知识讲解部分,重点讲解了本模块的重点单知识讲解部分,重点讲解了本模块的重点单词、短语和句型,帮助学生整体把握本模块的内容并在学习过程词、短语和句型,帮助学生整体把握本模块的内容并在学习过程中对重点有所侧重。本模块中,中对重点有所侧重。本模块中,assume, accuse, consultassume, accuse, co

2、nsult是学生是学生比较陌生的词汇,需要学生理解其意义和用法,尤其要注意比较陌生的词汇,需要学生理解其意义和用法,尤其要注意consultconsult一词词义的多变和活用。一词词义的多变和活用。in spite ofin spite of,other thanother than,set set outout短语,是高考热点,短语,是高考热点, 尤其要注意尤其要注意set outset out及其相关短语的复习。及其相关短语的复习。建议课时:讲练一课时;课时作业建议课时:讲练一课时;课时作业( (包括评讲包括评讲) )一课时,共计一课时,共计两个课时。两个课时。 单词点睛1 1assume

3、assumev v. . 以为,认为,假定为;承担;呈现,装出以为,认为,假定为;承担;呈现,装出 assumed assumed adjadj. . 假装的;假的假装的;假的 assume (that)assume (that)假定假定 assume responsibility assume responsibility 承担责任承担责任【活学活用活学活用】(1)I made a mistake and I will _for (1)I made a mistake and I will _for it. it. 我错了,我愿为此承担责任。我错了,我愿为此承担责任。(2)He _of su

4、rprise. (2)He _of surprise. 他装出吃惊的样子。他装出吃惊的样子。(3)I didnt see your car(3)I didnt see your car,so I _ youd gone out. so I _ youd gone out. 我没看到你的车,所以以为你出去了。我没看到你的车,所以以为你出去了。4)_ (4)_ (假定)假定)you lived in 3012,how would you get you lived in 3012,how would you get educated?educated?5 5)What will you do on

5、 the _ that it rains What will you do on the _ that it rains tomorrow?tomorrow?assumeassume responsibilityresponsibilityassumedassumed a a looklookassumedassumedAssumingAssumingassumptionassumption2 2acknowledgeacknowledgev v. . 承认,公认;对承认,公认;对表示感谢;确认收到表示感谢;确认收到 acknowledge defeatacknowledge defeat认输

6、认输 acknowledgeacknowledgeas as 公认为公认为 a generally acknowledged fact a generally acknowledged fact 一个公认的事实一个公认的事实 acknowledge the congratulations acknowledge the congratulations 对祝贺表示谢意对祝贺表示谢意【经典句式经典句式】 It is (generally)acknowledged that It is (generally)acknowledged that大家公认,大家一大家公认,大家一致认为致认为【活学活用活学

7、活用】(1)Many of the poor _their spiritual (1)Many of the poor _their spiritual leader. leader. 很多穷人公认他为精神领袖。很多穷人公认他为精神领袖。(2)_that women can do jobs (2)_that women can do jobs as well as men. as well as men. 人们一致认为女人可以和男人工作做的一样好。人们一致认为女人可以和男人工作做的一样好。 acknowledgedacknowledged himhim asasItIt isis ( (gen

8、erallygenerally) )acknowledgedacknowledged3 3accuseaccusev v. . 指控,控告;指责,把指控,控告;指责,把归咎于归咎于 accuse sb of (doing) sthaccuse sb of (doing) sth指控某人指控某人 the accused the accused 被告被告 the defended the defended 原告原告【词语辨析词语辨析】 accuse accuse和和chargecharge(1)accuse(1)accuse指指“当面指控或指责,不一定诉诸法庭当面指控或指责,不一定诉诸法庭”。(2

9、)charge(2)charge指指“针对较大错误或重大罪行而进行正式的法律控诉针对较大错误或重大罪行而进行正式的法律控诉”。常用搭配:。常用搭配:charge sb with sthcharge sb with sth。 如:如:She accused him of stealing her watch.She accused him of stealing her watch. 她控告他偷了她的表。她控告他偷了她的表。 The police are going to charge him with murder. The police are going to charge him wit

10、h murder. 警察欲以谋杀罪控告他。警察欲以谋杀罪控告他。【活学活用活学活用】 Her son _cheating by the Her son _cheating by the police. police. 她儿子被警方以诈骗罪起诉。她儿子被警方以诈骗罪起诉。waswas accusedaccused ofof/ /chargedcharged withwith4 4graspgraspv v. . 抓住,紧握;领会,领悟抓住,紧握;领会,领悟 n n. . 抓住,抓紧;抓住,抓紧; 理解理解( (力力) ),领会,领会 grasp an opportunitygrasp an op

11、portunity抓住机会抓住机会 grasp the main idea grasp the main idea 领悟大意领悟大意 beyond sbs grasp beyond sbs grasp 不能理解不能理解 grasp sb by the collar grasp sb by the collar 抓住某人的衣领抓住某人的衣领【活学活用活学活用】(1)I dont_. (1)I dont_. 我不懂你的意思。我不懂你的意思。(2)You must_. (2)You must_. 你必须抓住这个机会。你必须抓住这个机会。 graspgrasp youryour meaningmean

12、inggraspgrasp thisthis opportunityopportunity5 5broadbroadadjadj. . 宽广的;宽的;广泛的宽广的;宽的;广泛的 broaden broaden v v. . 加宽;变宽加宽;变宽 broaden your mind/knowledge/horizonsbroaden your mind/knowledge/horizons 开阔胸怀开阔胸怀/ /扩充知识扩充知识/ /开阔视野开阔视野【易错警示易错警示】 学生极易和以下几个词混淆:学生极易和以下几个词混淆: abroad abroad advadv. . 在国外,到国外在国外,到

13、国外 board board n n. . 木板,木板, 甲板;董事会;船舷甲板;董事会;船舷vtvt. . 登登( (飞机、车、飞机、车、船等船等) );有偿提供食宿;有偿提供食宿 aboard aboard prepprep. & . & advadv. . 在在( (船、飞机、车船、飞机、车) )上;上船等上;上船等【词语辨析词语辨析】 wide wide与与broadbroad 两者用作形容词均可表示两者用作形容词均可表示“宽宽”,其反义词均为,其反义词均为 narrownarrow,其,其名词形式分别为名词形式分别为 widthwidth和和broadth broadth 。在用于具

14、体事物时,两者。在用于具体事物时,两者有时可互换。如:有时可互换。如: 100 metres broad/wide 100 100 metres broad/wide 100 米宽米宽 a very wide/broad streeta very wide/broad street一条很宽的街道一条很宽的街道 两者的基本区别是:两者的基本区别是:(1)wide(1)wide强调从一边到另一边的距离。在形容人的嘴、眼睛等之强调从一边到另一边的距离。在形容人的嘴、眼睛等之大以及与大以及与 open open 连用时通常用连用时通常用 wide wide 而不用而不用 broadbroad。wide

15、 wide 还还可以用于引申义,有可以用于引申义,有“广博的,广大的广博的,广大的”等意思。如:等意思。如: She stared at him with wide eyes. She stared at him with wide eyes. 她睁大眼睛注视着他。她睁大眼睛注视着他。 wide reading wide reading 广泛的阅读广泛的阅读 wide knowledge wide knowledge 广博的知识广博的知识(2)broad (2)broad 侧重指表面或幅面的宽广。在形容人的脸、肩、背、侧重指表面或幅面的宽广。在形容人的脸、肩、背、胸以及植物的叶时,通常用胸以及

16、植物的叶时,通常用 broad broad 而不用而不用 widewide。broadbroad也可也可以表示以表示“( (胸怀胸怀) )宽广的宽广的”,“广泛的广泛的”。如:。如: broad chest/shoulder/leaves broad chest/shoulder/leaves 宽胸宽胸/ /宽肩宽肩/ /阔叶阔叶 broadbroad minded minded 胸怀宽广的胸怀宽广的 a broad/wide range of a broad/wide range of 广泛的广泛的【活学活用活学活用】(1)He has _interests. (1)He has _inte

17、rests. 他兴趣非常广泛。他兴趣非常广泛。(2)You should _by travelling (2)You should _by travelling more. more. 你应该多到各地走走以增长见识。你应该多到各地走走以增长见识。(3)All passengers _fell into the river. (3)All passengers _fell into the river. 船上所有乘客都落入河中。船上所有乘客都落入河中。(4)The passengers _the plane at 9 am. (4)The passengers _the plane at 9 a

18、m. 旅客们上午九时登上飞机。旅客们上午九时登上飞机。boardedboardedaboardaboardbroadenbroaden youryour experienceexperiencea a veryvery broadbroad/ /widewide rangerange ofof(5)Many people would like to take holidays_. (5)Many people would like to take holidays_. 许多人愿意到国外度假。许多人愿意到国外度假。 abroadabroad6 6consultconsultv v. . 向向请教

19、;商议,磋商;查阅,查询请教;商议,磋商;查阅,查询 consultant consultant n n. . 顾问顾问 consultation consultation n n. . 咨询,请教;磋商咨询,请教;磋商 consult a doctor about ones illness consult a doctor about ones illness 找医生看病找医生看病 consult reference books/a dictionary consult reference books/a dictionary 翻阅参考书或查词典翻阅参考书或查词典 consult ones

20、watchconsult ones watch 看手表看手表 consult sb about sth consult sb about sth 请教某人某事请教某人某事【活学活用活学活用】 When I come across new words I usually When I come across new words I usually _. _. 我遇到生词时通常查字典。我遇到生词时通常查字典。 Consult/refer to/turn to Consult/refer to/turn to a a dictionarydictionary7 7burstburstv v. (.

21、(使使) )爆裂,爆炸;胀破爆裂,爆炸;胀破 n n. . 爆炸;爆发爆炸;爆发 burst inburst in突然进入突然进入( (房间等房间等) ) burst into tears/cheers/song/laughter/flameburst into tears/cheers/song/laughter/flame 突然哭突然哭/ /欢呼欢呼/ /唱唱/ /笑起来笑起来/ /着起火来着起火来 burst out burst out 突然激动地说;叫嚷突然激动地说;叫嚷 burst out crying/laughing/singingburst out crying/laughin

22、g/singing 突然哭起来突然哭起来/ /笑起来笑起来/ /唱起来唱起来 burst with anger/ grief/ happinessburst with anger/ grief/ happiness【例句例句】 If you blow that balloon up any more, it will burst. If you blow that balloon up any more, it will burst. 那气球再吹就要破了。那气球再吹就要破了。 The river burst its banks and flooded the town. The river b

23、urst its banks and flooded the town. 河水冲决了堤岸,淹没了城镇。河水冲决了堤岸,淹没了城镇。【活学活用活学活用】(1)The police _and arrested the gang. (1)The police _and arrested the gang. 警察突然闯进警察突然闯进( (房门房门) ),逮捕了那帮人。,逮捕了那帮人。(2)(2)“I hate youI hate you!”She_. She_. “我讨厌你!我讨厌你!”她叫嚷道。她叫嚷道。(3)Claire looked as if she were about to(3)Clair

24、e looked as if she were about to _. _. 克莱尔看起来好像要放克莱尔看起来好像要放 声大哭。声大哭。 burstburst ininburstburst outoutburstburst intointo tearstears/ /burstburst outout cryingcrying短语储存other thanother than不同于;除了不同于;除了none other thannone other than不是别人而正是;竟然不是别人而正是;竟然【短语辨析短语辨析】other thanother than和和rather thanrather

25、than(1)other than (1)other than 除了。如:除了。如: You canYou cant get there other than by swimming. t get there other than by swimming. 你只能靠游泳游到那边去。你只能靠游泳游到那边去。(2)rather than (2)rather than 用来表示用来表示“是是而不是而不是”,通常连接两,通常连接两个并列成分。如:个并列成分。如: He is an artist rather than a philosopher. He is an artist rather than

26、 a philosopher. 他是位艺术家而不是位哲学家。他是位艺术家而不是位哲学家。【活学活用活学活用】(1)The tall figure that you saw was none _our (1)The tall figure that you saw was none _our manager. manager. 你所见的那位身材魁梧的先生不是别人正是我们的经理。你所见的那位身材魁梧的先生不是别人正是我们的经理。(2)These are political _social matters. (2)These are political _social matters. 这是政治问题

27、而不是社会问题。这是政治问题而不是社会问题。 otherother thanthanratherrather thanthan跟踪训练跟踪训练1 1They are quietThey are quiet,arent they?arent they? Yes. They are accustomed _ at meals. Yes. They are accustomed _ at meals. A Ato talk Bto talk Bto not talkto not talk C Cto talking Dto talking Dto not talkingto not talking【

28、解析解析】 D D本题考查本题考查be accustomed tobe accustomed to后的动词形式。后的动词形式。be be accustomed to doing sth accustomed to doing sth 意为意为“习惯于做某事习惯于做某事”,即,即toto后接后接动名词,表达否定之意,动名词,表达否定之意,notnot应放在动名词之前。应放在动名词之前。 2 2Its ten years since the scientist_on his Its ten years since the scientist_on his lifes work of discove

29、ring the valuable chemical. lifes work of discovering the valuable chemical. A Amade for Bmade for Bset out set out C Ctook off Dtook off Dturned up turned up 【解析解析】 B B本题考查动词词组辨析。本题考查动词词组辨析。make formake for走向,朝走向,朝前进;前进;set outset out动身,起程,开始;动身,起程,开始;take offtake off脱下,起飞;脱下,起飞;turn turn upup调高,出现

30、,来到。调高,出现,来到。 3 3You didnt tell me the truth about this matter, You didnt tell me the truth about this matter, Barbara. Barbara. Are you _me of lying?Are you _me of lying? A Acharging Bcharging Bcriticizingcriticizing C Ccatching Dcatching Daccusing accusing 【解析解析】 D D本题考查动词辨析。本题考查动词辨析。“你没告诉我事情的真相,你

31、没告诉我事情的真相,芭芭拉。芭芭拉。”“”“你在指责我说谎吗?你在指责我说谎吗?”accuseaccuse常用于常用于accuse sb accuse sb of sthof sth指责某人某事,控告某人犯了指责某人某事,控告某人犯了罪。罪。charge sb with charge sb with sth/with doing sthsth/with doing sth指责指责/ /指控某人指控某人( (做做) )某事,此处不与某事,此处不与ofof连用。连用。 4 4He greeted us with a wave and a_smile, He greeted us with a wa

32、ve and a_smile, obviously happy. obviously happy. A Aforced Bforced Bbroad broad C Cwide Dwide Dnarrow narrow 【解析解析】 B Ba forced smilea forced smile勉强的笑;勉强的笑;a broad smilea broad smile咧嘴笑。咧嘴笑。根据语境可知根据语境可知“他很高兴他很高兴”,因此,因此B B正确。正确。 5 5You are _ careful than your brother. You two You are _ careful than

33、 your brother. You two cant do the work that needs care and skill. cant do the work that needs care and skill. A Anot more Bnot more Bno more no more C Cnot less Dnot less Dno lessno less【解析解析】 B B本题考查比较级结构。以下结构的含义为:本题考查比较级结构。以下结构的含义为: not not moremorethanthan不如不如;no moreno morethanthan和和一样不一样不 ( (否

34、定两者否定两者) );not lessnot lessthanthan不如不如不;不;no lessno lessthanthan和和一样一样 ( (肯定两者肯定两者) )。比较以下各句的意思:。比较以下各句的意思:You are more careful You are more careful than he is. than he is. 你比他仔细。你比他仔细。You are not more careful than You are not more careful than he is. he is. 你不如他仔细。你不如他仔细。You are no more careful th

35、an he You are no more careful than he is. is. 你和他一样不仔细。你和他一样不仔细。You are less careful than he is. You are less careful than he is. 你不如他仔细你不如他仔细( (你比他粗心你比他粗心) )。You are not less careful than You are not less careful than he is. he is. 你比他仔细你比他仔细( (你不如他粗心你不如他粗心) )。You are no less You are no less carefu

36、l than he is. careful than he is. 你和他一样仔细。通过以上分析,再结你和他一样仔细。通过以上分析,再结合句子语境,可知此题最佳答案为合句子语境,可知此题最佳答案为B B项。项。 6 6I have no dreams _ to have a happy life. I have no dreams _ to have a happy life. A Arather than Brather than Bmore thanmore than C Cother than Dother than Dless than less than 【解析解析】 C C本题考查

37、短语的用法区别。本题考查短语的用法区别。rather thanrather than的意思是的意思是“是是而不是而不是,宁愿,宁愿而不愿而不愿”;more thanmore than的意的意思是思是“超过,不仅超过,不仅”;other thanother than的意思是的意思是“除了除了”;less less thanthan的意思是的意思是“少于,决不少于,决不”。在此处只有。在此处只有C C选项最符合。本句选项最符合。本句意义为:除了梦想过上好生活,我没有别的梦想了。意义为:除了梦想过上好生活,我没有别的梦想了。 7 7Incredible _ it wasIncredible _ it

38、 was,it was true. it was true. A Aalthough Balthough Basas C Ceven though Deven though Ddespite despite 【解析解析】 B B本题考查本题考查thoughthough,althoughalthough,even thougheven though,despitedespite的用法区别。句意为:尽管难以置信,但是消息是真实的用法区别。句意为:尽管难以置信,但是消息是真实的。的。asas或或thoughthough引导倒装句表达让步之意,其余选项都不能用引导倒装句表达让步之意,其余选项都不能用于

39、此句型。于此句型。 8 8His success _ a craze for choosing economy as His success _ a craze for choosing economy as the major. the major. A Aset in motion B. put into operationset in motion B. put into operation C Cset in action D. put in practice set in action D. put in practice 【解析解析】 A A本题考查固定短语含义。句意为:他的成功引

40、发本题考查固定短语含义。句意为:他的成功引发了人们选择经济学作为专业了人们选择经济学作为专业( (来学习来学习) )。set in motionset in motion开动,使开动,使转动,调动;转动,调动;set in actionset in action使使行动起来,使行动起来,使开始开始工作,实行;工作,实行;put in practiceput in practice实施;实施;put into operationput into operation实施。实施。因此因此A A项最佳。项最佳。 9 9The generous donation from China to the su

41、fferers in The generous donation from China to the sufferers in the killing Indian Ocean Quakethe killing Indian Ocean Quaketsunami has _ tsunami has _ the Chinese peoples unselfishness and the Chinese peoples unselfishness and internationalism. internationalism. A Alet out B. brought outlet out B.

42、brought out C Cgiven out D. taken out given out D. taken out 【解析解析】 B B本题考查动词短语的区别。本题考查动词短语的区别。bring outbring out清楚地清楚地( (显显示某事物示某事物) ),阐明,说明;,阐明,说明;let outlet out发出;发出;give outgive out用光,消耗用光,消耗尽;尽;take outtake out移开,拿开。由句意可知选移开,拿开。由句意可知选B B项。项。 1010The government has not yet_the seriousness The go

43、vernment has not yet_the seriousness of the crisis. of the crisis. A Amastered Bmastered Bseized seized C Cgrasped Dgrasped Dacquiredacquired【解析解析】 C C本题考查动词辨析。本题考查动词辨析。mastermaster精通,掌握;精通,掌握;seizeseize( (猛地猛地) )抓住,夺取;抓住,夺取;graspgrasp抓住,理解,领悟,明白;抓住,理解,领悟,明白;acquireacquire获得。此句意为获得。此句意为“政府还没有明白危机的严重

44、性政府还没有明白危机的严重性”。Module 47Module 47 课前热身课前热身课前热身.单词拼写单词拼写1 1Everybody sang high praise for her _(Everybody sang high praise for her _(热爱,投热爱,投入入) to the cause of education. ) to the cause of education. 2 2The doctor said it was just the flu. What a r_The doctor said it was just the flu. What a r_! !3

45、 3Great changes have taken place in my hometown in the Great changes have taken place in my hometown in the last two _(last two _(十年十年)since the Opening)since the Opening up and up and Reform. Reform. 4 4He was rewarded for his good d_. He was rewarded for his good d_. 5 5Many support the former alt

46、ernativeMany support the former alternative,but personally I but personally I favour the l_(one). favour the l_(one). devotiondevotioneliefeliefdecadesdecadeseedseedsatteratterModule 47Module 47 课前热身课前热身6 6 _( (分歧分歧) of opinion among themselves ) of opinion among themselves contributed to their defe

47、at. contributed to their defeat. 7 7The play is a _(The play is a _(戏剧的戏剧的)representation of a )representation of a real event. real event. 8 8The man who threw a shoe at Premier Wen Jiabao has The man who threw a shoe at Premier Wen Jiabao has made a very bad _(made a very bad _(影响影响) in the world.

48、 ) in the world. 9 9Judging from the expression on his faceJudging from the expression on his face,he was he was _(_(故意地故意地)trying to upset her. )trying to upset her. 1010After ten days of rain the river _(After ten days of rain the river _(使破裂使破裂) its ) its banks. banks. DivisionDivisiondramaticdra

49、maticimpactimpactdeliberatelydeliberatelyburstburstModule 47Module 47 课前热身课前热身.词语翻译词语翻译 1 1登上;踏上登上;踏上_ 2 2在船在船/ /飞机飞机/ /火车上火车上 _ 3 3习惯于习惯于( (做做) )某事某事 _ 4 4心提到嗓子眼,提心吊胆心提到嗓子眼,提心吊胆 _ _ 5 5意识到意识到 _ 6 6冒险冒险 _ 7 7对对有激情有激情 _ 8 8收听收听( (广播广播)/)/收看收看( (电视电视) _) _ 9 9和和一样不一样不 _setset footfoot onononon boardbo

50、ardbebe/ /getget accustomedaccustomed toto( (doingdoing) )sthsthheartheart inin oneone s s mouthmouthbebe awareaware ofoftaketake risksrisksbebe enthusiasticenthusiastic aboutabouttunetune ininnono moremorethanthanModule 47Module 47 课前热身课前热身1010尽管尽管 _1111除了除了 _1212一系列的一系列的 _1313被公认为被公认为 _1414按任意顺序按任

51、意顺序 _1515导致导致 _1616指责某人做某事指责某人做某事 _1717使某人难过的是使某人难过的是 _1818使某人欣慰的是使某人欣慰的是 _1919来帮助某人来帮助某人 _inin spitespite ofof otherother thanthana a seriesseries ofofbebe acknowledgedacknowledged asasinin randomrandom orderorderresultresult ininaccuseaccuse sbsb ofof sthsthtoto oneone s s sorrowsorrowtoto oneone

52、s s reliefreliefcomecome toto oneone s s aidaidModule 47Module 47 课前热身课前热身2020撇开,不理会,不考虑撇开,不理会,不考虑 _2121与与相一致相一致 _2222使某事开始使某事开始 _2323开始做,着手做开始做,着手做 _2424无论怎样无论怎样 _eithereither waywaysetset outout toto dodosetset inin motionmotionbebe consistentconsistent withwithputput asideasideModule 47Module 47

53、课前热身课前热身.完成句子完成句子1 1到到19861986年年“挑战者号挑战者号”起飞之前,人们似乎已经沉醉于人类走起飞之前,人们似乎已经沉醉于人类走进太空这一巨大成就而忘记了恐惧,也失去了好奇。进太空这一巨大成就而忘记了恐惧,也失去了好奇。 By the time the By the time the ChallengerChallenger took off in 1986 took off in 1986,the world the world seemed _at the seemed _at the amazing achievement of people going up i

54、nto space. amazing achievement of people going up into space. 2 2即便我们掌握了现在的全部先进技术,我们这个世界依然只是即便我们掌握了现在的全部先进技术,我们这个世界依然只是处于太空旅行的起步阶段。处于太空旅行的起步阶段。 _all our advanced technology_all our advanced technology,the world the world is still only _its voyage into is still only _its voyage into space. space. tot

55、o havehave lostlost itsits fearfear andand wonderwonderInIn spitespite ofofatat thethe veryvery beginningbeginning ofofModule 47Module 47 课前热身课前热身3 3全世界都被震惊了全世界都被震惊了也许他们原本都以为这次太空飞行跟乘也许他们原本都以为这次太空飞行跟乘坐飞机一样没什么危险。坐飞机一样没什么危险。 The world was in shockThe world was in shockmaybe they assumed this space mayb

56、e they assumed this space flight would be _getting on an flight would be _getting on an aeroplane. aeroplane. 4 4我已经习惯于在喧闹的房间里工作。我已经习惯于在喧闹的房间里工作。 I _inside the room I _inside the room of noise and excitement. of noise and excitement. 5 5不管怎样,不管怎样,世界之战世界之战在广播史上将永远占有一席之地。在广播史上将永远占有一席之地。 _, _, The War

57、of the Worlds will The War of the Worlds will _a piece of broadcasting history. _a piece of broadcasting history. nono moremore dangerousdangerous thanthanhavehave gotgot accustomedaccustomed/ /usedused toto workingworkingEitherEither waywaybebe rememberedremembered asas同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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