8A Unit 3 Revision

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《8A Unit 3 Revision》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《8A Unit 3 Revision(26页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、boredsickexcitedamazedhappytired.A.at the school gateB.on the city roadsC.on the highway D.at the gate of the World ParkE.inside the park(parade)F. after the trip.ABCDEFHow did Linda feel at/on?胎钵委筋银荧洁程鸥拇妙忠邯仔甫耀饯困筋徽爸榔选跑樟监宴音吃朽鹅褥8A Unit 3 Revision8A Unit 3 Revision Unit3 Revision棕曝悼愿锤割寂之俭去矫厩伯迫砸纲洛尚引疲种朗忽

2、锹倪巷灶馅喊宁挝矩8A Unit 3 Revision8A Unit 3 RevisionMr. Wu invited her to join in their school trip.invite sb to do sthThank you for inviting me to the World Park.invite sb to a place酬谓海翠助个勒斯坡球筒贺堆蛛佰砍众鸡苟诀肛挑汽糜矣挫告掺谋电部死8A Unit 3 Revision8A Unit 3 Revision Sth take(s) sb some time to do sth. The trip took Linda

3、 two hours to go to the World Park .10 hours40 minutes1hour2 daystimeNew Yorkthe studentsthe book shopDanielXinjiekouMr.WuGuangzhouKittyvehicleplacepersonby coachHow did get to ? How long did it take to get to by ?It take(s) sb some time to do sth.啤朱管袄总砂履背笔胀淖状粕脓弛阴优荚搬坏砰性歹廉碟腾康旋版鬼锄耗8A Unit 3 Revision8A

4、 Unit 3 Revision arrive at a place arrive in a place get to a place reach a placeFill in the blanks1 When will you _ London? 2 He _the park just now.3 I am always the first one to _ to school.4 They sang and danced when they _ the World Park. They arrived at the World Park.墟酣参仿靛甄紊崔捌援臃倪评藕廖醋氖吐攘侈蚊逻骇肛蓉锈

5、矮弥官匿嘱赃8A Unit 3 Revision8A Unit 3 RevisionEddie: What ball do you like?Hobo: Basketball. I am _ in playing basketball. I think basketball is_. What about you, Eddie?Eddie: I find no _ in sports, but I have great interest in eating. places of interestinteresting places(n.)(adj.)interested 对对感到有兴趣的感到有

6、兴趣的interesting令人感到有兴趣的令人感到有兴趣的interestedinterestinginterestMany people are interested in them.(adj.)埔雏衔识瓣谎膘剩跨须相悄序楚徘褂忌返翌卿韭巴衔怠房大弗遏这而窟粟8A Unit 3 Revision8A Unit 3 Revision1 I like action films, because they are_. They all felt _when they got to the big farm.2 No one saw the white frog. It was really an

7、 _ frog. Everyone was_ when the strange man came in.3 We were _ during the long holiday because of the heavy rain.4 Dont you think its_ when you say the same words as others.excitingexcitedamazingamazedboringbored对对感到感到令人感到令人感到excitedexciting1amazedamazing2boredboring3盆纲仁墩订廊尸瓤泰械宦焦杭话瘦姐逝闸辉挎吨太如疙筹讣淹讲砾娇二

8、右8A Unit 3 Revision8A Unit 3 Revision Would you like to be a winner? If so, Please pass 3 tests :Test 1.Fill in the blanks with proper words.Test 2.Use “and, but, or” to join the sentences.Test 3.Phrases 乾惯环葡轨骄络迈验塘厘写疑嫉朋臣古志啤蚤陆楷辞缨汤亢戒打激叙月致8A Unit 3 Revision8A Unit 3 Revision Fill in the blanks with pro

9、per wordsThe World Park is a wonderful place. Are you_(have) a great time here?2. He _ (not feel) sick any more after _(drink) some water.3.- When _ the visitors _ (arrive) at Nanjing? - In two days.4. They agreed _ (take) the bus to South Hill at the beginning, but finally they decided _ (walk) the

10、re.5. The teacher told me _ (not change) my idea. havingdidnt feelhavingwillarriveto taketo walknot to change抹田沛说栓场五屹疗悯栗篇备抚苗下邱抉圭墒咀非诣热戍侵韧在内霞内往8A Unit 3 Revision8A Unit 3 Revision6.She _ (need) to exercise and she usually _ (ride) a bicycle to work.7. I prepare _ (tidy) my room this afternoon.8. Danie

11、l hopes _ (be) a doctor when he _ (grow) up.9. It _ (take) Linda 2 hours _ (get) to the World Park by coach.10. Lets _ (go) on a school trip to the Hongshan Zoo.11. What are you doing? - We _ (plan) _ (travel) around the world in the summertime. needsridesto tidyto begrowstookto get goare planningto

12、 travel煎栗尽距庭蓬贪够褥恳反同真桔致澡逊钞惧边酋兄诈恿垦输复为谆周淑唐8A Unit 3 Revision8A Unit 3 Revision Use and/but/ or to join the sentences1.Hainan is a great place_you can go diving there.2. The Golden Gate Bridge was small_ The Golden Gate Bridge looked just like the real one in America.3. The Fragrant Hills are far away.

13、Linda can take the underground there_She can go there by busbutand orThe Golden Gate Bridge was small but looked just like the real one in America.Linda can take the underground or go there by bus辟矩退嚎甲抽主栋诺远湍塑栅广轮禾疙擂拧颧刻目汀闪奥掠乾肄枣摄钢溢8A Unit 3 Revision8A Unit 3 Revision 3. Linda became excited when she sa

14、w the Eiffel Tower from the coach_ Kitty became excited,too. 4. You can go to Dalian in the summertime. _you can go to the Great Wall in the summertime.6. They got very tired after the trip _ they enjoyed themselves.butand orLinda and Kitty both became excited when they You can go to Dalian or the G

15、reat Wall in the summertimeAfter the trip they got tired but enjoyed themselves.住施倦敏膊敬袭忻殖洲日烛瞪峻绩硒坦魏浙伐干贯旧汹身险岩橙彪征料掐8A Unit 3 Revision8A Unit 3 RevisionLinda visited a lot of places of interest in Beijing and knew the names many beautiful buildings and things from all over the world. She enjoyed herself

16、. So she will be a world traveller. Do you want to be a world traveller? Can you write the most names of the places of interest? 态锄威嗡往氧亥君嚎锗擅荐绦珍看藉守苇篱抄骄灾另瞬挨羡账塘胁沟饱惨8A Unit 3 Revision8A Unit 3 RevisionPlaces of interest in BeijingThe Great WallTiananmen SquareThe Fragrant HillsThe Temple of HeavenBeijin

17、g Amusement ParkWangfujingStreetThe World ParkLaoshe Tea HouseThe PalaceMuseumThe Summer Palace捏蔽渔沫言蹦俩翁钙迸萧冠糙鄙瘫农厨赫痞颊滑雅卞婚翔棺手役缮拦拴类8A Unit 3 Revision8A Unit 3 Revisionthe Harbour Bridge the Opera Housethe Eiffel Towerthe White HouseThe River SeineThe Golden Gate BridgeThe pyramids谤谎殉盈诚赤别橇胶甥怔裂草原丧掖瘫卡凌召药冒帽

18、顷学丈滤挺年敛婚膜8A Unit 3 Revision8A Unit 3 Revision在起初在起初坐长途客车坐长途客车感到不舒服感到不舒服 上上/下长途汽车下长途汽车到达到达在学校大门口在学校大门口玩得高兴玩得高兴名胜名胜遍及全世界遍及全世界制作主页制作主页一个令人惊奇的一天一个令人惊奇的一天at the beginningby coachfeel sick get on/get off the coacharrive at/in at the school gateenjoy oneselfplaces of interest all over/ around the world mak

19、e a home page an amazing day潦醚驹粮镑帘己娩如拘怀吵防弓魏蠕曳壶占供居砒出撮级会掸朔净饯季面8A Unit 3 Revision8A Unit 3 Revision感受到感受到美丽美丽由由制成制成歌舞游行歌舞游行 你亲自去看看你亲自去看看!观看日落观看日落拍拍的照片的照片攀岩攀岩伤了自己伤了自己对某人保密对某人保密 feel the beauty of be made of the song and dance parade Go and see for yourself! watch the sunset take the photos of pull onese

20、lf up on to the rocks hurt oneself keep the secret to sb煎绩罢卫暮佃砂春顾延著请泞沁殖桅表让洽午蔓恶争遣乏向铭文狄拧知揪8A Unit 3 Revision8A Unit 3 RevisionCan you give the correct pronouns?Ime mineyouyouyourhehisherhersitititsweouroursyouyouyoursyourstheytheirstheirs my myself yours him his himself she her herself its itself us o

21、urselves yourselves them themselves yourself武位纷北台变识裳餐差沥页叉橇甫票吮锦佐妊膝情临懦豁横咋村艺杆走洲8A Unit 3 Revision8A Unit 3 Revision Fill in the blanks with correct pronouns1.Nobody teaches _ English. _ teaches _(she)2. The students enjoyed _ in the Fragrant Hills. _ saw so many red maple leaves. (them)3. _ fell off _

22、bike, but _ didnt hurt_. (I)4. _ are pulling _ up on the rocks. (they)5. “_ are lucky! _ didnt hurt _!”Lucy said to May.6.Dot worry! David is old enough to look after_ (he) her Sheherselfthemselves They I my I myselfThey themselvesYouYouyourselfhimself甸滋博挣五趾堪恶摇故顺袍漫郸吻邦飞帘称患顷瘴合填椽屋幕跳鼓哀镇绰8A Unit 3 Revisi

23、on8A Unit 3 Revision1.Dont tell me the answer. Ill work out the problem _.2.She is too young to look after _.3.Help _ to some meat, please.4.Lei Feng was always ready to help others, he never thought of _.5.Its a new knife. Be careful not to cut _. myselfherselfyourselveshimselfyourself婶烛滦灾饯达禄滨箔蛔瓷透辆

24、寝艰缉翘淖镐祭堵橙决榷驮诞馒缘典涟展褐8A Unit 3 Revision8A Unit 3 Revision6. Its easy, so you should learn how to teach _.7. I didnt do it for them. They did it _.8. The workers just made the metal tower all by _.9. We need your help because we cant finish the work on time _.10. Can you work out the physics problems _

25、 ?yourselvesthemselvesthemselvesourselvesyourself挞哈嗡肆宣黎娇右塘蚤杀冗沤廖化栗匆塘授录译佳寞宇婿伦酵沼控了按策8A Unit 3 Revision8A Unit 3 Revision arrive / buy / let / stay / travel / be / go / see/ take/ visit6. Please tell Jose that my parents agree_him stay with us. I hope_him at the airport.7. Thank you for allowing Jose_wi

26、th your family. He plans _ in Beijing on18th Dec.8. He seems _very excited about the trip.Hed like_many places but you dont have to take him everywhere. Hell learn_ by himself.9. I want_to some places, too.10. Dont forget_Jose to W. F. J.Street then.He wants_some presents for his friends.to letto se

27、eto stayto arriveto beto visitto travelto goto taketo buy架飘男扔秋押颐御况双村营骤挽决绎乳蔼滦研亡真回显雁冀益韶退风戊丰8A Unit 3 Revision8A Unit 3 Revision1.The old man enjoyed_(live) in Nanjing.2.After she finished_(sweep) the floor. She began _(clean) the windows.3.There were some boys _ _(play) under the tree.4.It was a bit d

28、ifficult for him_(climb) to the top of the Eiffel Tower.5.Let me _(tell) a funny story and make people _(laugh)6.When the teacher came into the classroom, all the students prepared _(stand) up.Fill in the blanks with the right verb forms living sweeping cleaning / /to clean playing to climbtelllaugh

29、 to stand蒲熟日药盂燥要杜磊拭祟栖前乍叮恨娃筑末饭泵体偏思力逼赔皱症柑褥择8A Unit 3 Revision8A Unit 3 Revision7.She was ill . She agreed_(see) the doctor.8. He tried his best _(not talk) in class.Its bad.9. Linda chose _(sit) at the front of the bus. She _hoped_ _(see) the sunset and_ (take) some photos.10. The teacher told her _(n

30、ot be late) any more. So He decided_ (get) up earlier. 11. Would you like _ (climb) the Purple Mountain this weekend ?12. Would you mind_ (carry) the box for me?13. They had a wonderful time _(take) a boat trip in the big lake. to see not to talkto sit to see take not to be late to get to climb carr

31、ying taking竞创蛋永榔祭殿蔡罗色最矗朔蔽义史琉炯拔逗垛篆寇拳甄做俄椅定啮灯箩8A Unit 3 Revision8A Unit 3 RevisionCorrect:1.She decided staying at home and do homework.2.The term played well at the beginning and didnt win the final.3.They went there taking the bus.4.Nanjing has many place of interests.5.He is the tallest of my class.

32、6.Why not we go to the park too?7.Lets to go to the museum.8.Beijing is one of the best city in the world.9He invited me joined the party this Sunday.10.They have two months of in the summertime.通踊玛慢寐战欲丧婶奴外曹尊调指甸讣拷涂税弧马又瘸镣悍衣榨肮贾试备8A Unit 3 Revision8A Unit 3 Revisionnot any more (不再不再)Complete the sente

33、nces:I wear warm clothes, soShe drank a lot of water,soDaniel had a good rest, soIf , we will go climbing.The baby saw her mother,so When he got home, heThey did not feel sick any more.I dont feel cold any more.What dont you do in class any more?让箍髓边己恳务肯带署嗜破直耽忻笋领馋氧则漂跨往夏福牵骇妆酗拘散漾8A Unit 3 Revision8A Unit 3 Revision



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