2012高中英语课时讲练通配套课件 Unit3《Life in the future》Period 4新人教版必修5

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1、1. speed upWhen we wanted the hovering carriage to speed up, we pressed down hard on the driving pedal and bent over in the direction we wanted to go. (P20)当当我我们们想想让让气气垫垫车车加加速速时时,我我们们就就用用力力踏踏驱驱动动踏踏板板,并并且且向向想去的方向俯身。想去的方向俯身。Theyve speeded up production of the new car. 他们加快了新汽车的生产。他们加快了新汽车的生产。speed up的

2、意思是:的意思是:加速加速He drove at a speed of sixty miles per hour. 他以每小时他以每小时60英里的速度开车。英里的速度开车。Drive within the speed limit. 行车不超速。行车不超速。About two miles out of the station the train began to pick up speed. 火车出站约两英里后开始加速。火车出站约两英里后开始加速。at a speed of. . . 以以的速度的速度speed limit最高车速,车速限制最高车速,车速限制pick up speed提速提速If

3、 you want to speed up your work (提高工作的速度提高工作的速度), you should learn how to operate the computer. We had better _ if we want to get there in time. A. pick upB. speed upC. sweep upD. get up【解解析析】选B。句句意意:如如果果我我们想想要要及及时到到达达那那儿儿,最最好好加加速速(前前行行)。pick up捡起起,恢恢复复;如如果果表表示示提提速速时,用用pick up speed;sweep up清除;清除;ge

4、t up站立;站立;get up speed提速。提速。How exciting! I drove my new car _ a speed of 120km/h on Sunday morning. A. forB. atC. inD. on【解解析析】选B。考考查介介词搭搭配配。at a speed of. . . “以以的的速速度度”。The Internet is widely used, which _ the development of English. A. speeds upB. takes overC. gets acrossD. turns to【解解析析】选A。句句意意

5、为:互互联网网被被广广泛泛地地应用用,这加加速速了了(speed up)英英语的的发展展。take over接接管管,接接替替;get across横横过,被理解;,被理解;turn to转向,求助于。向,求助于。2. desertWhat would you do if you found yourself alone on a desert island? (P21)如果你发现自己单独在一个荒凉的岛屿上你将会怎么做呢?如果你发现自己单独在一个荒凉的岛屿上你将会怎么做呢?He survived the plane crash but died in the desert. 他在飞机失事时活了

6、下来,却死在了沙漠里。他在飞机失事时活了下来,却死在了沙漠里。Never desert a friend in trouble. 绝不要抛弃有困难的朋友。绝不要抛弃有困难的朋友。The young soldier deserted the army. 那名年轻战士从军队里开了小差。那名年轻战士从军队里开了小差。desert作名词,意为:作名词,意为:荒原,沙漠荒原,沙漠desert作动词,意为:作动词,意为:舍弃,遗弃;逃亡;开小差舍弃,遗弃;逃亡;开小差As time went by, vast areas became desert (变成了沙漠变成了沙漠). The worker des

7、erted (离开了离开了) his post. Liu Hua _ his high-paid work abroad and returned to China. A. desertedB. lovedC. remainedD. deserved【解解析析】选A。考考查词义辨辨析析。句句意意:刘刘华舍舍弃弃(desert)了了他他在海外高收入的工作回到了中国。在海外高收入的工作回到了中国。B、C、D与与题干不符。干不符。He is afraid to walk on a _ street. A. desertedB. having desertedC. desertingD. being

8、deserted【解解析析】选A。此此处的的deserted是是形形容容词,意意为“无无人人的的,荒荒凉的凉的”。3. instant. . . think your message and the next instant its sent. (P22)想着你要发送的信息,刹那间信息就发送出去了。想着你要发送的信息,刹那间信息就发送出去了。I will come back in an instant. 我马上就回来。我马上就回来。Id like a bowl of instant noodles. 我要来碗方便面。我要来碗方便面。 instant作名词,意为:作名词,意为:瞬间,片刻瞬间,片

9、刻 in an instant 马上,很快马上,很快 instant作形容词,意为:作形容词,意为:立即的,立刻的立即的,立刻的I recognized her instantly /the instant I saw her. 我一看到她就认出她了。我一看到她就认出她了。The moment I saw you, I knew you were angry with me. 我一看到你我一看到你, 就知道你在生我的气。就知道你在生我的气。I recognized her immediately I saw her. 我一看到她就认出她来了。我一看到她就认出她来了。On his arrival

10、 home he found his bike stolen. 他一回家就发现自行车被偷了。他一回家就发现自行车被偷了。单句改错单句改错The young lady rushed into the room instant she heard the noise. instant instantly/the instantThe minute I saw her, and I fell in love with her. 去掉连词去掉连词andYou can see the lightning _ it happens, but you hear the thunder later. A. t

11、he instantB. for an instantC. on the instantD. in an instant【解解析析】选A。句句意意:闪电一一发生生你你就就可可以以看看得得见,但但你你过一一会会儿儿才才能能听听到到雷雷声声。the instant作作连词,引引导时间状状语从从句句,表表示示“一一就就”。for an instant片片刻刻,一一瞬瞬间;in an instant立刻,立刻,马上。上。 The head of the company promised to deal with matters of this sort _ he returned to his off

12、ice. 2012合肥高二合肥高二检测A. untilB. whileC. by the timeD. the moment【解解析析】选D。句句意意为:这家家公公司司的的总裁裁承承诺说他他一一回回到到办公公室室就就会会处理理这类事事情情。本本题干干的的空空格格处需需要要“一一就就”的意思,的意思,结合合语境境应选D。4. settlementHowever, the companies have to train their representatives to live and work in space settlements. ( P22)但是,这些公司必须培训他们的代表能在太空中生活

13、和工作。但是,这些公司必须培训他们的代表能在太空中生活和工作。He took up his settlement in a new house. 他在新屋居住下来。他在新屋居住下来。All hopes of a peaceful settlement were destroyed by his speech. 和平解决的所有希望都被他的讲话打破了。和平解决的所有希望都被他的讲话打破了。Active efforts are being made to reach a settlement. 正在做出积极的努力以达成协议。正在做出积极的努力以达成协议。settlement n. 定居;解决定居;解

14、决reachachieve a settlement 达成和解达成和解, 达成协议达成协议After years of travel, we decided to settle here. (settle v. (使使)定居定居 )Even an upright official finds it hard to settle a family quarrel. (settle v. 解决;确定解决;确定 )Youd better settle down and study the lesson. ( settle down 舒适地坐下或躺下舒适地坐下或躺下)This restaurant i

15、s owned by an Italian settler. ( settler n. 移民者;定居者;调停者移民者;定居者;调停者)用用settle的适当形式填空的适当形式填空They made settlement at the foot of the mountain. I settled down in the chair and went to sleep. As a settler , he tried his best to find out the settlement of the dispute. Speaking of Utopia(乌托托邦邦), a popular e

16、xplanation is that its an ideal world, or a perfect final _. 2012荆州高二州高二检测A. settlementB. motivation C. professionD. dilemma【解解析析】选A。句句意意:说到到“乌托托邦邦”,一一个个通通俗俗的的解解释是是,那那是是一一个个理理想想世世界界,或或者者说是是一一个个完完美美的的最最终居居住住地地。settlement定定居居点点,居居住住地地;符符合合语境境。motivation动机机,积极性。极性。profession职业,专业。dilemma困境,困境,进退两退两难。 I

17、t was so noisy outside that I couldnt _ to read. 2012盐城高二城高二检测A. get downB. put downC. settle downD. tear down【解解析析】选C。句句意意:外外面面太太吵吵了了,使使我我无无法法安安心心读书。settle down专心心于于,符符合合语境境。get down下下车,着着手手进行行。put down记下,放下。下,放下。tear down扯下,撕扯下,撕毁毁。5. Inside was an exhibition of the most up-to-date inventions of t

18、he 31st century. (P22)太空站展出了太空站展出了31世纪一些最前沿的世纪一些最前沿的发明。发明。这是一个完全倒装句,句子的真正主语是这是一个完全倒装句,句子的真正主语是 an exhibition . 表示方位的副词或介词短语,如:表示方位的副词或介词短语,如:here, there, up , down, in, away, out, off, in the room, on the wall等置于句首时,等置于句首时,常用完全倒装;另外如常用完全倒装;另外如now, then等也有同样的用法。当等也有同样的用法。当such置于句首时,也适用此句型。置于句首时,也适用此句

19、型。 Out rushed the children. 孩子们冲了出来。孩子们冲了出来。 Now comes your turn. 现在轮到你了。现在轮到你了。Albert Einstein was such a simple man and the 20th centurys greatest scientist. = Such was Albert Einstein a simple man and the 20th centurys greatest scientist. 这就是爱因斯坦这就是爱因斯坦 ,一个简单的人,也是二十世纪最伟大,一个简单的人,也是二十世纪最伟大的科学家。的科学家

20、。Away they went. 他们走开了。他们走开了。他的朋友吉姆就在这些人当中。他的朋友吉姆就在这些人当中。Among these people is his friend Jim. 盒子里有一些小卡片。盒子里有一些小卡片。In this box are some small cards . In the dark forests _, some large enough to hold thousands of people. A. stand many cavesB. lie many cavesC. many caves lieD. many caves stand【解解析析】选B

21、。方方位位词in the dark forests置置于于句句首首时,句句子子要要倒装。倒装。At the meeting place of the Yangtze River and the Jialing River _, one of the ten largest cities in China. A. lies ChongqingB. Chongqing liesC. does lie ChongqingD. does Chongqing lie【解解析析】选A。表表示示方方位位的的地地点点状状语提提前前,句句子子完完全全倒倒装装, 所以所以选A项。6. Well, now ther

22、es a system where the waste is disposed of using the principles of ecology. (P22)噢,现在有个系统利用生态学原理处理废弃物。噢,现在有个系统利用生态学原理处理废弃物。主句是个主句是个 there be 句型,从句是由句型,从句是由 where 引导的定语从引导的定语从句。句。The accident has reached to a point where both their parents are to be called in. 事情发展到如此地步,不得不请双方家长来一趟了。事情发展到如此地步,不得不请双方家

23、长来一趟了。They have reached the situation where they have to separate with each other. 他们已经到了必须分手的地步。他们已经到了必须分手的地步。They have reached the situation which/that they had hoped for. 他们已经达到了他们所希望的状况。他们已经达到了他们所希望的状况。I have reached a point in my life _ I am supposed to make decisions of my own. A. whichB. wher

24、eC. howD. why【解解析析】选B。主主句句句句意意是是:我我已已经到到达达了了我我生生命命中中的的时刻刻/关关头。从从句句中中缺缺状状语,定定语从从句句先先行行词为a point,故故用用where来引来引导从句。从句。Its helpful to put children in a situation _ they can see themselves differently. A. thatB. whenC. whichD. where【解解析析】选D。句句意意:让孩孩子子们处于于一一个个能能用用不不同同眼眼光光来来看看自自己己的的状状况况中中,对他他们来来说是是有有帮帮助助的的

25、。句句子子的的先先行行词是是a situation,且从句的引,且从句的引导词在从句中作状在从句中作状语,用,用where。Those successful deaf dancers think that dancing is an activity _ sight matters more than hearing. A. whenB. whoseC. whichD. where【解解析析】选D。从从句句中中缺缺的的是是状状语,排排除除B、C选项。先先行行词是是an activity,和,和when无关,因此无关,因此选择D。greedyA giant machine, always gre

26、edy for more, swallows all the waste available. (P22)一一台台巨巨型型机机器器,始始终终张张着着贪贪婪婪的的大大嘴嘴,把所有能得到的垃圾把所有能得到的垃圾(一口就一口就)吞了下去。吞了下去。Many people are greedy for money. 许多人都贪财。许多人都贪财。Alice is always greedy to have more knowledge. 爱丽丝总是渴望能够获得更多的知识。爱丽丝总是渴望能够获得更多的知识。greedy作形容词,意为:作形容词,意为:贪吃的,贪婪的,贪心的贪吃的,贪婪的,贪心的greedy

27、常和介词常和介词 for 连用。也可以接动词不定式,连用。也可以接动词不定式,意为:意为:渴望做某事渴望做某事。 Dont be so greedy (别那那么么贪吃吃),leave some of the food for the rest of us, please. He was always _ knowledge,and at last became an expert in the field of art. A. anxious aboutB. greedy forC. great toD. grave for【解解析析】选B。be greedy for sth. 渴渴望望某某物

28、物,贪求求;be anxious about sth. 对某某事事担担心心、焦焦虑;great to常常用用于于its great to do结构中;构中;D项不常用。不常用。 One of the most remarkable things about the human mind is our ability to imagine the future. In our 1 we can see what has not yet happened. For example, while we are looking forward to 2 a new place or country,

29、we 3 what it will be like. We predict( 预预料料) the 4 people will eat, dress and act. Of course, we do not always predict things 5 . Things are often very different from the way we 6 them to be. One of the 7 dreams in history is the dream of the German scientist, Kekule, who had been 8 to work out a ve

30、ry difficult problem in physics. He had 9 and analyzed(分分析析) the problem from every angle(角角度度) for days, but there 10 to be no way of 11 out the answer. Then one night he went to bed and dreamed. When he 12 up, he realized that he knew the answer. He had solved the problem in his 13 . The hypnotist

31、(催催眠眠者者)sat in the chair opposite him and spoke 14 : I want you to concentrate on my voice. Think about 15 . You know nothing but my voice. And as you pay attention to my voice, your 16 will get heavier. Soon youll be asleep. You will hear my voice and 17 my words, but your body will be asleep, and

32、your eyes are too heavy. You are 18 asleep, and when you wake up you will 19 nothing. You will forget everything. Now I am going to 20 slowly from one to five. One, two, three, four, five. 1. A. brainsB. sensesC. mindsD. sights【解析解析】选C。从前一句。从前一句话中可以得到提示。中可以得到提示。2. A. visitingB. seekingC. reachingD.

33、discovering【解解析析】选A。此此处强强调过程程,另另外外三三个个词是是短短暂动词,不不能能这样用。用。3. A. imagineB. knowC. feelD. guess【解解析析】选A。imagine表表示示一一种种心心理理描描绘,与与look forward to,predict和和expect 等等词意相吻合。意相吻合。4. A. customB. habitC. styleD. way【解解析析】选D。这里里强强调的的是是行行为方方式式。此此外外,第第6个个空空格格前前重重现了了类似的表达方式。似的表达方式。5. A. quicklyB. simplyC. correct

34、lyD. neatly【解解析析】选C。情情况况经常常与与我我们预料料的的不不同同,说明明我我们的的预料不料不总是是“正确的正确的”。6. A. requiredB. wishedC. leftD. expected【解析解析】选D。四个。四个选项中只有中只有expect与与predict 同同义。7. A. funnyB. dullC. famousD. silly【解析解析】选C。凯库勒的梦不具有勒的梦不具有 funny,dull和和silly的特征。的特征。8. A. managingB. tryingC. thinkingD. hoping【解解析析】选B。根根据据下下文文意意思思可可

35、知知是是一一直直在在努努力力解解决决,try to do意意为“努力做努力做”。9. A. studiedB. learnedC. discussedD. researched【解解析析】选A。“研研究究”与与“分分析析”是是紧密密相相联的的。study 此此处意意为“研研究究”。research作作“研研究究”讲时,若若接接宾语,须加加上上介介词on 或或into。10. A. used B. oughtC. seemedD. had【解析解析】选C。根据。根据语境确定。境确定。11. A. making B. findingC. turningD. letting【解解析析】选B。find

36、 out 意意为“弄弄清清”、“找找出出”。其其余余三三个个词不不合文意。合文意。12. A. gave B. satC. wokeD. got【解解析析】选C。wake up“醒醒来来”, 符符合合情情节发展展的的进程程:睡睡觉做梦做梦醒来。醒来。13. A. dreamB. lessonC. researchD. exercise【解析解析】选A。由前文可知,他是在。由前文可知,他是在“梦梦”中解决了中解决了难题。14. A. softlyB. loudlyC. slowlyD. firmly【解解析析】选A。softly意意为 gently and slowly,这是是催催眠眠者者对催眠

37、催眠对象采用的方式。象采用的方式。15. A. everythingB. somethingC. nothingD. anything【解析解析】选C。从前后句来看,催眠者希望他什么也不要想。从前后句来看,催眠者希望他什么也不要想。16. A. eyesB. feetC. headD. body【解解析析】选A。从从下下文文your eyes are too heavy一一句句中中可可得得到到暗示。暗示。17. A. believeB. repeatC. takeD. understand【解析解析】选D。听到并且。听到并且“理解理解”合乎合乎逻辑。18. A. reallyB. extrem

38、elyC. actuallyD. almost【解解析析】选D。almost asleep意意为迷迷迷迷糊糊糊糊地地睡睡着着了了,从从眼眼皮沉重,皮沉重,还有有简单的思的思维活活动来看,不能来看,不能说是完全睡着了。是完全睡着了。19. A. acceptB. rememberC. hearD. receive【解解析析】选B。这里里的的remember nothing等等于于下下一一句句中中的的forget everything。20. A. countB. sayC. addD. speak【解解析析】选A。后后面面列列举的的一一、二二、三三、四四、五五这一一串串数数字字,表明表明“计数数”已已经开始。开始。同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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