高二英语外研版选修7课件《Module 4 Music Born in America》Section Ⅲ Other Parts of the Module

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1、Module 4Music Born in AmericaSection Other Parts of the Module语语篇篇理理解解语言点一语言点一语言点二语言点二语言点三语言点三识识记记掌掌握握理理解解拓拓展展应应用用落落实实识识记记掌掌握握理理解解拓拓展展应应用用落落实实识识记记掌掌握握理理解解拓拓展展应应用用落落实实返回返回返回返回返回返回返回返回返回返回返回返回返回返回返回返回.True (T) or False (F)(Passage on Page 53)1Cantopop only attracts audiences offshore.( )2Cantopop expr

2、esses harmony and virtue besides friction between generation.( )3The reason why mothers would like their kids to watch the stars is that they are all neat and wellbehaved.( )4All the Cantopop singers act in the movies.( )5If he didnt work hard, any Hong Kong star would soon be abandoned by his compa

3、ny and his fans.( )6The passage mainly tells us that Cantopop is a musical empire as well as a type of pop music.( )FFTFTT返回返回返回返回.Choose the best answer according to the passage. (Passage on Page 55)1Which of the following is TRUE according to Cultural Corner?AHis large mouth gave Louis Armstrong t

4、he nickname Satchmo.BJohnsons music has influenced generations of old rock musicians.CWoody Guthrie is both a folk singer and a blues one.DGuthries song was more humourous when he was young.返回返回返回返回2Who died in 1938?ALouis Armstrong.BRobert Johnson.CWoody Guthrie. DAndy Lau.3Where was Woody Guthrie

5、born?AIn New Orleans. BIn Mississippi.CIn Oklahoma. DIn New York.4Who was called the father of rock and roll?ALouis Armstrong. BWoody Guthrie.CRobert Johnson. DBob Dylan.返回返回返回返回5Why did the parents name their son after Woodrow Wilson?ABecause Woodrow Wilson was one of the most influential musician

6、in music history.BBecause Woodrow Wilson wrote very poetic and sad blues songs.CBecause Woodrow Wilson is known as a pioneer of protest music.DBecause Woodrow Wilson was elected President in the year when their son was born.答案:答案:1.A2.B3.C4.C5.D返回返回返回返回返回返回返回返回.根据英文释义写出单词根据英文释义写出单词1 (v.) to affect y

7、our emotion especially so that you feel sad or sympathetic2 (v.) to happen as a result of a particular situation3 (v.) to have a period of rapid growth; to become more successful 4 (n.) a particular good quality or habit touchariseboomvirtue返回返回返回返回5 (n.) agreement among all the people involved6 (v.

8、) to plan the way you will spend the money you have 7 (n.) a specific time or date by which you have to do something8 (v.) to leave a job or school permanently; to stop doing sth. consensusbudgetdeadlinequit 返回返回返回返回.根据所给词性及汉语释义写出单词根据所给词性及汉语释义写出单词1 n. 融洽,一致融洽,一致 adj. 和谐的;和谐的; 和睦的和睦的2 adj. 按惯例的;传统的按惯

9、例的;传统的 n. 习习 俗;习惯俗;习惯3 n. 顾问顾问 v. 咨询;询问咨询;询问4 v. 为为付出时间付出时间/努力努力/金钱等金钱等 n. 专专 心;献身;热爱心;献身;热爱 adj. 挚爱的;挚爱的; 忠诚的忠诚的devotedharmoniousharmonyconventionconventionalconsultconsultantdevotiondevote返回返回返回返回5 adj. 令人耳目一新的令人耳目一新的 v. 使恢复精神使恢复精神6 v. 请求;恳求请求;恳求 n. 乞丐乞丐7 n移民移民 v移居;迁徙移居;迁徙 n移居;迁徙移居;迁徙8 adj. 幽默的幽默的

10、 n. 幽默幽默refreshingrefreshbeggarbegmigratemigrantmigrationhumoroushumor返回返回返回返回1. arise v(由由) 引起引起(产生产生) 教材原句教材原句From a region of seven million people has arisen some of the greatest pop music in the world. 在一个人口在一个人口700万的地区产生了一些世界上最棒的流行音乐。万的地区产生了一些世界上最棒的流行音乐。 North Korean thought it would be easy to

11、 send a satellite, but a lot of problems have arisen. 朝鲜本以为发射卫星会很容易,但是出现了许多问题。朝鲜本以为发射卫星会很容易,但是出现了许多问题。返回返回返回返回It is reported that the traffic accident arose from the drivers drunkdriving.据报道,这起交通事故起因于司机的酒后驾驶。据报道,这起交通事故起因于司机的酒后驾驶。arise 由由产生产生/引起引起from返回返回返回返回arise, arouse, rise, raise原形原形意义意义过去式过去式过去

12、过去分词分词v.ingarise(vi.)发生,出现发生,出现(主语多为抽主语多为抽象名词象名词)arosearisenarisingarouse (vt.)唤醒,激起唤醒,激起aroused aroused arousingrise (vi.)升起,增长;上升升起,增长;上升(主语主语自身移向更高的位置自身移向更高的位置)roserisenrisingraise (vt.)举起;提高;饲养举起;提高;饲养raisedraisedraising返回返回返回返回形形象象记记忆忆返回返回返回返回自填助记自填助记 One of the problems that from the nuclear a

13、ccident in Japan is that the price of salt sharply, because some salt businessmen the price on purpose, saying there would be short of salt. As a result, many people became worried and joined in buying salt. At last, the government the worried people via medias real report.aroseroseraisedaroused返回返回

14、返回返回2schedule n计划表,进度表,日程表;计划表,进度表,日程表;(车车)时刻表时刻表v.把把安排在,预定安排在,预定教材原句教材原句Some make ten movies a year, others record four CDs as well as keeping to a tight schedule of concerts and TV shows.一些明星一些明星1年拍年拍10部电影,另一些部电影,另一些1年录制年录制4张唱片,同时张唱片,同时还安排紧凑的演唱会和电视节目的时间表。还安排紧凑的演唱会和电视节目的时间表。The mainlands leading me

15、dia group Huayi Brothers recently released its filmmaking and releasing schedule for 2013.返回返回返回返回大陆的领军传媒集团华谊兄弟发布了大陆的领军传媒集团华谊兄弟发布了2013年的电影制作及发年的电影制作及发行计划表。行计划表。Because of the heavy fog, many flights couldnt arrive on schedule.由于大雾,许多航班未能按照预定时间到达。由于大雾,许多航班未能按照预定时间到达。Their goal of raising 10,000 for t

16、he sports meeting was achieved ahead of schedule.他们为运动会募集他们为运动会募集1万元的目标提前实现了。万元的目标提前实现了。返回返回返回返回The famous singer, Ella, has a so busy/full schedule that her wedding will be held behind schedule.著名歌手著名歌手Ella因日程安排过多以至于将婚礼推迟举行。因日程安排过多以至于将婚礼推迟举行。Jackie Chan was scheduled to attend the start ceremony of

17、 Jackie Chan Maotai.成龙预定出席成龙茅台酒的首发仪式。成龙预定出席成龙茅台酒的首发仪式。返回返回返回返回 schedule按照预定时间按照预定时间 schedule 先于预定时间先于预定时间 schedule 迟于预定时间迟于预定时间 schedule 满满的日程安排满满的日程安排be scheduled to do sth. onahead ofbehindbusy/full预定做某事预定做某事返回返回返回返回点击下列图片进入点击下列图片进入点击下列图片进入点击下列图片进入返回返回返回返回返回返回返回返回1 order有序有序2try 尝试尝试3be blessed 有幸

18、有幸4come 出版出版5far 完全不完全不6be devoted 对对专一;专注专一;专注7beg 乞求,请求乞求,请求8make an impression sb. 给某人留下印象给某人留下印象inoutwithfromtoonforout返回返回返回返回1come out 出版,发行;显露,出现;传出出版,发行;显露,出现;传出教材原句教材原句When new albums come out, the stars are marketed like consumer products, as teenagers spend their allowance on the latest s

19、ongs.当新专辑发行的时候,明星们就像消费品一样被做宣传,年当新专辑发行的时候,明星们就像消费品一样被做宣传,年轻的歌迷们把他们的零花钱都花在购买最新专辑上。轻的歌迷们把他们的零花钱都花在购买最新专辑上。 The new film of Feng Xiaogang, Memories of 1942, is coming out before the new year of 2013.冯小刚的新作冯小刚的新作温故一九四二温故一九四二将在将在2013 年元旦前发行。年元旦前发行。返回返回返回返回The stars came out as soon as it got dark.天一黑,星星就出

20、来了。天一黑,星星就出来了。It came out that Cecilia Cheung hoped to remarry with Nicholas Tse.消息传出说张柏芝希望能与谢霆锋复婚。消息传出说张柏芝希望能与谢霆锋复婚。返回返回返回返回come across (偶然偶然)遇见遇见come about 发生发生come up with 想出;提出想出;提出come to 总计;达到总计;达到come up to 达到;符合达到;符合come on 开始,来吧开始,来吧come at 扑向扑向;向;向逼近逼近come to oneself 苏醒过来苏醒过来返回返回返回返回自填助记自填

21、助记 Her new novel last week. The story in a big forest. Two boys a bear and its baby. As they the baby bear, the mother them, which makes them frightened. At that moment, one of the boys an good idea that they can pretend to be dead. Fortunately, the bear has left when they themselves.came outcomes a

22、boutcome acrosscome upcomes atcomes up withcome to返回返回返回返回2make an impression on sb.给某人留下印象给某人留下印象教材原句教材原句I wanted black music to make an impression on white audiences and we got some great blues, jazz and gospel artists and Robert Johnson was the greatest.我想使黑人音乐给白人听众留下印象。我们也有一些布鲁斯我想使黑人音乐给白人听众留下印象。

23、我们也有一些布鲁斯音乐、爵士音乐和福音音乐方面了不起的艺术家音乐、爵士音乐和福音音乐方面了不起的艺术家罗伯特罗伯特约翰逊就是其中最伟大的。约翰逊就是其中最伟大的。Liu Qians wonderful magic made a deep impression on the audience in America.刘谦的精彩魔术给美国观众留下了深刻的印象。刘谦的精彩魔术给美国观众留下了深刻的印象。返回返回返回返回(1)impress v 使留下深刻印象使留下深刻印象 be impressed with/by . 被被留下印象留下印象 impress sth. on sb. impress on

24、sb. sth. 使某人了解某事的重要性使某人了解某事的重要性(2)impressive adj. 给人印象深刻的给人印象深刻的返回返回返回返回The students were deeply the film.这部电影给学生们留下了很深刻的印象。这部电影给学生们留下了很深刻的印象。Father me the value of hard work.父亲向我强调努力工作的重要意义。父亲向我强调努力工作的重要意义。Among his many good qualities, punctuality is the most impressive one.在他的众多优秀品质中,守时给人留下了最深刻的印

25、象。在他的众多优秀品质中,守时给人留下了最深刻的印象。impressed by/withimpressed on返回返回返回返回点击下列图片进入点击下列图片进入点击下列图片进入点击下列图片进入返回返回返回返回返回返回返回返回1句型展示句型展示It was the first time that Id heard this kind of music.这是我第一次听到这种类型的音乐。这是我第一次听到这种类型的音乐。典例背诵典例背诵It was the first time that Zhao Benshan and his students had acted in a sentimental

26、way in the TV play Cherry.在电视剧在电视剧樱桃樱桃中,赵本山和他的弟子们第一次上演悲中,赵本山和他的弟子们第一次上演悲情戏。情戏。返回返回返回返回2句型展示句型展示From a region of seven million people has arisen some of the greatest pop music in the world.在一个人口在一个人口700万的地区产生了一些世界上最棒的流行万的地区产生了一些世界上最棒的流行音乐。音乐。典例背诵典例背诵From the corner came the cry of help.从拐角处传来了呼救声。从拐角

27、处传来了呼救声。返回返回返回返回3句型展示句型展示Their fans find the music clean and refreshing, and the songs are easy to sing in karaoke bars.歌迷们觉得他们的音乐干净,令人耳目一新,而且这些歌歌迷们觉得他们的音乐干净,令人耳目一新,而且这些歌曲在卡拉曲在卡拉OK酒吧很容易演唱。酒吧很容易演唱。典例背诵典例背诵I find it necessary to get a map while traveling.我发现旅游时有必要带一张地图。我发现旅游时有必要带一张地图。返回返回返回返回1. It was

28、 the first time that I had heard this kind of music. 那是我第一次听到这种类型的音乐。那是我第一次听到这种类型的音乐。(1)本句中本句中It was the first time that sb. had done sth.为固定为固定 句式,意为句式,意为“那是某人第一次干某事那是某人第一次干某事”,that从句要用从句要用 过去完成时。过去完成时。 It was the first time that she had received a birthday gift. 那是她第一次收到生日礼物。那是她第一次收到生日礼物。返回返回返回返回(

29、2)表示表示“某人第几次干某事某人第几次干某事”的常见句型:的常见句型: This/It is the 序数词序数词 time that sb. has/have done sth. That/It was the 序数词序数词time that sb. had done sth. It is the second time that I a speech at the opening ceremony of sports meeting in our county. 这是我第二次在我们县运动会开幕式上演讲了。这是我第二次在我们县运动会开幕式上演讲了。 That was the third t

30、ime that he had quarreled with his mother. 那是他第三次和妈妈发生争吵了。那是他第三次和妈妈发生争吵了。have made返回返回返回返回2Their fans find the music clean and refreshing, and the songs are easy to sing in karaoke bars.歌迷们觉得他们的音乐干净,令人耳目一新,而且这些歌迷们觉得他们的音乐干净,令人耳目一新,而且这些歌曲在卡拉歌曲在卡拉OK酒吧很容易演唱。酒吧很容易演唱。(1)本句是由第二个本句是由第二个and连接的并列句,第一个分句中含有连接的

31、并列句,第一个分句中含有 find复合结构,其中复合结构,其中the music作宾语,形容词短语作宾语,形容词短语clean and refreshing作宾补。作宾补。返回返回返回返回返回返回返回返回I found a number of people .我发现很多人在那里工作。我发现很多人在那里工作。(现在分词作宾补现在分词作宾补)The old man found himself in hospital.这位老人发现自己在医院里。这位老人发现自己在医院里。(介宾短语作宾补介宾短语作宾补)He found his hands tied behind his back.他发现他的双手被绑在了背后。他发现他的双手被绑在了背后。(过去分词作宾补过去分词作宾补)working there同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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