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1、English Writing增增强书面表达效果的面表达效果的 技巧技巧How to write an impressive passageShizhuang senior high school Ms.Guo一、比较下面两篇书面表达一、比较下面两篇书面表达A We middle school students have had many tests and exams. We have experienced success as well as failure. Considering carefully, I think what matters is not the outcome,

2、but the attitudes towards texts, which have a great influence on it. The majority of students behave positively though they failed. There is no doubt that many factors contribute to the result. Therefore, they analyze the causes and polish up their study skills so that they can build up confidence.

3、Besides, they value correcting the mistakes they made very much, which will help them achieve success in the next examination. However, there are some students show the opposite attitude. They become upset and lack of confidence because of the shock. They cant come up with a solution to the problem,

4、 only wait for others, taking no efforts. It is obviously that they cant achieve success any more due to lack of working hard. As far as Im concerned, under no circumstances can we lose our confidence. As we are middle school students, we should use our intelligence to deal with it. we cant give up

5、before having a try. As an old saying goes, “ where there is a will, there is a way.”. B We middle school students have had many tests and exams. Not only did we have successful experiences, but also have failed. Facing failure of tests, different people hold different opinion. A few people have a n

6、egative feeling toward it. so they lose the positive attitude. They dont work hard any more. It causes a great influence on them who have a negative feeling. But most of people possess a correct attitude. They usually analyze why they dont have a success. And they also learn harder and hard. Eventua

7、lly, they often have a progress. I think we should be positive toward it. it is helpful for us to study. So we can succeed in the future. (105词词)Which one is better? Why?Conclusion1: 要点全:覆盖了所有要点要点全:覆盖了所有要点 2: 连贯性强:即过渡词、句的使用。连贯性强:即过渡词、句的使用。3: 词汇、句型和语法结构的多样化:词汇、句型和语法结构的多样化: 高级词汇高级词汇 高级句型:定语从句、状语从句、名词性

8、从句高级句型:定语从句、状语从句、名词性从句 特殊句型:强调句、感叹句、倒装句、省略句特殊句型:强调句、感叹句、倒装句、省略句增强书面表达效果的技巧增强书面表达效果的技巧 1. 高级高级的词汇的词汇 2. 丰富丰富的句式的句式1. 既有意义又有挑战既有意义又有挑战 be both _ 2. 给某人最深刻的印象给某人最深刻的印象 _ 3. 取得显著的进步取得显著的进步 make _ progress4. 对对充耳不闻充耳不闻 _5. 感到筋疲力尽感到筋疲力尽 _6. 在建造当中在建造当中 _7. 树立现实的目标树立现实的目标 set _goals 8. 激烈的竞争激烈的竞争 _ competit

9、ion9. 很多很多的作业的作业 _ homework10. 乐于、喜爱乐于、喜爱 take _ inrewarding and challenginggive sb the deepest impression remarkableturn a deaf ear tofeel worn out under constructionrealisticfiercedelight一一.点缀以较高级的词汇点缀以较高级的词汇endless English contest Small changes make big differences! 1. 这是件挺难的工作这是件挺难的工作。 This is a

10、 difficult job. This is a challenging job. 2.2.周末我们会有很多作业要做周末我们会有很多作业要做. .We have a lot of homework to do at the weekend . We have endless homework to do at the weekend . 3.3.在我所有的老师里在我所有的老师里, ,我仍然记得刘老师。我仍然记得刘老师。Of all my teachers, I still remember Miss Liu.Of all my teachers, Miss Liu gave me the d

11、eepest impression.4.4.他没听我课上讲的东西。他没听我课上讲的东西。He didnt listen to what I said in class. He turned a deaf ear to what I said in class.5.5.高高级级培培训训班班结结束束后后回回到到家家,他他的的妻妻子子感感到到精精疲疲力尽。力尽。His wife came back home after the advanced training class, feeling very tired.His wife came back home after the advanced

12、training class, feeling worn out.6. 6. 我的家乡正在建造一条铁路。我的家乡正在建造一条铁路。A new railway is being built in my hometown. A new railway is under construction in my hometown. 7. 7. 我过去在中学时喜欢读写诗歌。我过去在中学时喜欢读写诗歌。 I used to like reading and writing poems at middle school. I used to take delight in reading and writin

13、g poems at middle school.1.This is a rewarding activity, from which we can benefit a lot.2. It makes good sense to take part in school activities, where you can make as many friends as possible.3. Filled with courage , we are prepared for any challenges, however difficult they are.4. Lots of tourist

14、s will flood into this area, leading to heavy traffic and expensive tickets. 5. Funny as the cartoon is, it is a common phenomenon in todays society.6. Being a good listener is kind of quality and thats what it takes to keep friendship.7. Not until he returned home did he realize his foolishness.8.

15、It was not until he returned home that he realized his foolishness.二二. 使用较丰富的句式使用较丰富的句式一一 使用定语从句使用定语从句1.which/where引导的非限制性定语从句引导的非限制性定语从句, in which case, as a result of which二二 使用分词结构使用分词结构 Faced with., Compared to/with., Devoted to., , causing/ contributing to/resulting in, (thus) making三三 使用一些有力度的

16、状语从句使用一些有力度的状语从句 whether A or B; whatever; whenever; however; no matter+ 疑问词疑问词;四四 用用what名词性从句名词性从句A is what it takes to do BWhat is known to all is thatWhat matters is that1.倒装句倒装句 2. 强调句强调句3. 五五 特殊句式特殊句式Practice: Translate the following sentences1. 我将努力争取得到一个奖学金,这样的话,我将努力争取得到一个奖学金,这样的话, 我可以减轻父母我可以

17、减轻父母的负担。的负担。 2.形势是如此的严峻,以致我们现在已经到了需要改变的境地。形势是如此的严峻,以致我们现在已经到了需要改变的境地。3.面对能源越来越短缺,我们必须找到这个问题的解决方法。面对能源越来越短缺,我们必须找到这个问题的解决方法。4. 汽车在中国越来越流行,使我们生活更加便利汽车在中国越来越流行,使我们生活更加便利. I will try to win a scholarship, in _case I can greatly relieve the burden on my parents. So serious is the situation that we have g

18、ot to a point _changes are needed._ growing shortages of energy, we have to find a solution to this problem.Cars are becoming increasingly popular in China, _.whichwhereFaced with making our life more convenient6. 6. 总之,无论有形的还是无形的,总之,无论有形的还是无形的, 这两种关键因素在我们生活中这两种关键因素在我们生活中一样是必须的。一样是必须的。7. 我确信勤奋是实现我们梦

19、想所赖以需要的东西。我确信勤奋是实现我们梦想所赖以需要的东西。8.8.任何时候我们都不能以牺牲我们的学习来获得社会经验。任何时候我们都不能以牺牲我们的学习来获得社会经验。9.9.我们必须意识到是我们的内在美使得我们更为杰出。我们必须意识到是我们的内在美使得我们更为杰出。5. 5. 几乎所有的城市儿童都能接受正规教育,享有明亮的教室几乎所有的城市儿童都能接受正规教育,享有明亮的教室和现代化的设施。和现代化的设施。Almost all the city children can have regular education, _ the bright classrooms and modern f

20、acilities.In a word, _, the two kinds of keys are equally necessary in our lifeI know for sure that hard work is _.Never _ at the cost of our studies.We must realize that _makes us stand out. enjoying whether visible or invisible what it takes to realize our dreamsshould we gain social experienceit

21、is our inner beauty that 作作为为中中学学生生,你你经经历历过过多多次次考考试试,体体验验过过成成功功,也也遭遭遇遇过过失失败败。请请你你根根据据提提示示内内容容,简简要要概概述述中中学学生生中中普普遍遍存存在在的的对对考考试试失失败败的的两种态度,并结合自身实际,说明你的态度和理由。两种态度,并结合自身实际,说明你的态度和理由。积极态度积极态度消极态度消极态度你的态度及理由你的态度及理由 分析失败原因分析失败原因 改进学习方法改进学习方法 增强自信心增强自信心 情绪低落情绪低落 丧失信心丧失信心 不再继续努力不再继续努力?词数:词数:150左右,开头已给出,不计入总词

22、数。左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。【参考词汇参考词汇】对对态度:态度:attitude to/ toward 分析:分析: analyzeWe middle school students have had many tests and exams. (2)(2)(3)(3)(4)(4)(1)(1)experience successsuffer from failuretake an active attitudetake a negative attitude toanalyze the reasons for failureimprove ones learning methodstr

23、engthen ones confidencefeel sadlose confidenceno longer work hard We have experienced success and suffered from failure.We not only have experienced success but also have suffered from failure.Not only have we experienced success but also we have suffered from failure.积极态度积极态度 消极态度消极态度 你的态度及理由你的态度及理

24、由 分析失败原因分析失败原因改进学习方法改进学习方法增强自信心增强自信心 情绪低落情绪低落丧失信心丧失信心不再继续努力不再继续努力 ? HOMEWORKRewrite:书面表达 (满分25分)作为中学生,你经历过多次考试,体验过成功,也遭遇作为中学生,你经历过多次考试,体验过成功,也遭遇过失败。请你根据提示内容,简要概述中学生中普遍存过失败。请你根据提示内容,简要概述中学生中普遍存在的对考试失败的两种态度,并结合自身实际,说明你在的对考试失败的两种态度,并结合自身实际,说明你的态度和理由。的态度和理由。词数:词数:150150左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。We middle school students have had many tests and exams. 态度决定一切,细节决定成败!态度决定一切,细节决定成败!



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