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1、高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 1高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 2高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 3高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 考点一:社会交际类考点一:社会交际类1熟悉关系:(1)问候(Greetings)A:Hi/Hello!/Good morning/afternoon/evening!How are you!Please say hello to your parents/yourPlease give my love/regards/best wishes to4高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 B:Hi/Hello!/

2、Good morning/afternoon/evening!Im fine./OK. Thanks, and you?Very well, thank you.Just soso.(一般般)Sure, all right, thanks.5高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 (2)介绍(Introduction)A:My name is(Tim/Jane)Im a(student/teacher/doctor)Im from/come fromThis is Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms.Id like you to meet(Bob)May I introduce(to you)?

3、B:Hello! How do you do?Nice/Glad/Pleased to meet/see you.6高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 (3)告别(Farewells)A/B: Goodbye/Byebye.(熟 人 , 关 系 密 切 )Good night.See you(later/then/tomorrow/soon)(经常见面的熟人之间的用语)Im sorry I have to go now.Im afraid I must be leaving now.Im sorry I must be off now.Nice meeting you/to have

4、met you.(初次见面的人之间的用语)7高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 (4)感谢(Thanks)A:Thank you(very much)Thanks a lot/forThank you forIts very kind of you.I appreciate your help.8高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 B:Its a pleasure.Thats all right/OK.(没关系,不用谢。)My pleasure.Youre welcome.Dont mention it.9高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 (5)道歉(Apologie

5、s)A:Sorry./Im very/terribly/awfully sorry.Please forgive me.Excuse me, please.I beg your pardon for losing your book.Im sorry to interrupt you/(that)I am late for school.B:Thats OK. It is all right.Never mind.It is nothing. Forget it(算了吧)It doesnt matter.10高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 (6)邀请(Invitation)A:Wo

6、uld you like to(go for a walk)?May/Can I invite you to(dinner)?What/How about(having a swim)?11高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 B:Thats a good idea.同意:Yes, Id love to.That would be nice.不同意:No, thank you.Id love to, butIm sorry I cant. What about another time?Im afraid I cant.()(原因)12高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 (7)求

7、允许(Asking for permission)A:May/Can/Could I(use your phone)?Is it all right if I (sit here)?I wonder if I(could smoke here)Would/Do you mind if I(open the window)?13高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 B:Yes, please.Sure/Certainly.Of course. You can.Please do./Go ahead, please.Im sorry(, it is not allowed here)Im a

8、fraid you cant.Youd better not.14高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 (8)祝 愿 和 祝 贺 (Expressing wishes and congratulations)A:Have a good(day/time/trip/journey!)Good luck!Congratulations!Best wishes(to you)!Wish you all the success!Well done.B:Thank you.The same to you. (指双方进行同一件事时,还可以说 You too.)15高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语

9、学海网 (9)约会(Making appointments)A:Will you be free tomorrow?Do you have time this afternoon?How about tomorrow morning?When/Where shall we meet?Could we meet at 4:30?Lets make it 4:30.What time is convenient for you?Id like to make an appointment with Jones.16高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 B:Yes, Ill be free t

10、hen.All right. See you then.Thats fine with me.Im afraid I have no time then.Sorry, I wont be free then. But Ill be free tomorrow.17高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 (10)打电话(Making telephone calls)A:Hello! May I speak to(Tom)?Id like to speak to(Tom)Is that(Tom) speaking?Can I leave a message?Ill ring(him/her)

11、up again.Ill call back later/again.18高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 B: Hello, this is(Mary) speaking!Who is (that) speaking?Hold on/Hold the line, please.Sorry, he/she isnt here right now.Can I take a message?Sorry, Im afraid you have the wrong number.19高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 (11)就餐(Having meals)A:Would you l

12、ike to haveto eat/drink?What would you like (to have)?Would you like some more (fish)?Help yourself to (some fish)Which do you prefer, rice or noodle?20高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 B:Yes, Id likeJust a little, please.Its so delicious. Thank you.I prefer/like(tea)No, thanks, Im full/Ive had enough.Its very

13、delicious, but I cant eat any more.21高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 (12)提醒注意(Reminding and warning)Dont forget our raincoat.Remember to lock the door.Make sure that all the windows are closed.Mind your head/step!No smoking! No spitting! Wet floor!Look out! Be careful! Dont touch! Its dangerous!22高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦

14、 英英 语语学海网 (13)劝告(Advice)Youd better go to see the doctor.You should listen to and read English every day.You need to buy a ChineseEnglish dictionary.If I were you, Id phone him now.Dont rush/hurry/push. Please stand in line.23高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 (14)建议 (Suggestions)Lets go and have a look.Should w

15、e go now?What/How about a picnic this Sunday?Why dont you buy a computer?Why not go to a movie?Have you considered doing?24高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 Maybe it would be better toMaybe we couldIn my opinion, we shouldAs far as I can see, the best thing would be toThere are several things we could do. You m

16、ay ask for help.25高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 2其他关系:(1)提供帮助(Offering help)A:Can I help you?(一般用语)Is there anything I can do for you?(客气用语)Do you want me to do(clean the room)?Let me do(take your bags)B:同意: Yes, thanks.Thats very kind of you.不同意:No, thanks./Thank you all the same.I can manage (it) myself.2

17、6高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 (2)就医(Seeing the doctor)A:What is the matter?How long have you felt like this?Let me take your temperature.Its nothing serious.B:Ive(got) a headache/cough/feverIm not feeling well today.Ive got a pain here.It hurts here.27高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 (3)购物(Shopping)A:What can I do fo

18、r you?How many/How much would you like?What color/size/kind would you like?Here is your change.B:I want/Id like(a pair of shoes)How much is it?Thats fine, Ill take it.Well, Ill think about it.28高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 (4)问路(Asking the way)A:Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to?How can I get to(stat

19、ion)?B:Its about 10 minutes walk from here.Go down this street and you will seeYou cant miss it.Sorry, Im a stranger here.29高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 (5)谈论天气(Talking about weather)A:Whats the weather like today?What a cold/hot day today!Its a nice/fine/beautiful/horrible day today.Lovely day, isnt it?B:

20、Its sunny/cloudy/windy/rainy/snowy/foggy.Its getting cool/cold/warm/hot.Yes, isnt it?30高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 (6)语 言 交 际 困 难 (Language difficulties in communication)Pardon?I beg your pardon?I dont understand.Sorry, I cant follow you.Could you say that again, please?Could you repeat that, please?31高考四

21、元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 考点二:情感态度类考点二:情感态度类1情感类 (Emotions)(1)高兴(Happiness)How wonderful/nice!Im pleased to know that.Thats lovely/great/wonderful!Its well done.Im so happy.32高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 (2)惊奇 (Surprise)Really! Oh dear! Is that so? How come?How nice to see you!How surprising!Im surprised.Does tha

22、t surprise you?Is this what you expected?What a surprise!It surprises me that your English is so beautiful.33高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 (3)忧虑(Worries)Whats wrong?Whats the matter?Anything wrong?What should we do?Is something worrying you?Are you worried about your health?34高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 (4)安慰(Rea

23、ssurance)There, there.Dont be afraid.Dont worry. Its(quite)all right.Itll be OK/all right.Take your time.35高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 (5)满意(Satisfaction)Good! Well done! Perfect!Thats fine. Thats better.Thats good enough.Im pleased with your spoken English.Wonderful, indeed.36高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 (6)遗憾(

24、Regret)Im so sorry! Its a great pity!What a shame! Thats too bad!I wish I had never given it up.If I had been there, he would not have made such a serious mistake.37高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 (7)同情 (Sympathy)Im so sorry!Im so sorry about your illness.Im sorry to hear you are going away.Please accept my d

25、eep sympathy.38高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 (8)恐惧(Fear)Help! How terrible!Im afraid of that dog.Im frightened. You scared me!I dare not go out at night.He gets into a total panic whenIts frightening thatShe is scared to death byWhats really scary isIt makes my hair stand on end.39高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 (9)愤

26、怒(Anger)Damn! Isnt it annoying!What a stupid idiot!40高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 2态度类(Attitudes)(1)同意和不同意(Agreement and disagreement)41高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 Thats a good point. Yes, I think so.Thats exactly what I was thinking.Thats just how I see it.No way.Well, it depends.Of course not.Im afraid I dont

27、agree.I dont think so.42高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 Thats worth thinking about.Im afraid not.Well, Im not so sure about it.Its hard to say.43高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 (2)喜欢和不喜欢(Likes and dislikes)This book is very interesting.I like/love the movie(very much)I like/love to play computer games.I like taking pho

28、tos.I enjoy listening to music.Im interested in science.44高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 He is fond of music.This song is bad/awful.I dont like the movie very much/at all.I dont enjoy collecting stamps.I hate to do homework.45高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 (3)肯定和不肯定(Certainty and uncertainty)Im sure.Im sure of that.I

29、m(quite) sure(that) shell join us.There is no doubt that its made of silk.Its clear that it will rain soon.Its not so certain. Im not sure of that.Im not sure whether/if she can come.Maybe youre right. Perhaps she is at home now.Its hard to say.46高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 (4)可能和不可能 (Possibility and impo

30、ssibility)He can/may come today.It may snow tonight.Its possible to finish the homework before 6 oclock.Its likely to rain this afternoon.Its likely that you will lose this game.He may not come so early.He cant be in the office now.Hes not likely to snow soon.Its impossible to finish my homework wit

31、hin one hour.47高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 (5)能够和不能够 (Ability and inability)He can ride a bike.Hes able to pass the math exam.He is good at football.He cant swim.Hes unable to walk any more.Shes not good at swimming.48高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 (6)偏爱和爱好(Preference and hobbies)I prefer tea.Which do you prefer,

32、tea or coffee?I prefer tea to coffee.Id prefer to go by train.I like English better/best.My favorite subject is physics.Id rather drink coffee than tea.Where would you rather go, London or Tokyo?49高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 (7)意愿和打算(Intentions and plans)Ill go with you.Im going to see my head teacher thi

33、s afternoon.Id like to make a phone call to her after class.I want/hope to find an English pen friend.I plan to go to Hangzhou this summer.We are ready to move to a new house.50高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 Bill intends to spend his vacation in California.I am thinking of driving to Beijing.I wont see the m

34、ovie again.Im not going to buy the book.I dont want to live in the big city.51高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 (8)希望和愿望(Hope and wish)I wish to see you again.I wish I were younger.I hope to become a doctor.I hope so.I hope it says fine.I hope not.52高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 (9)表扬和鼓励(Praise and encouragement)A:Very

35、 good!Well done!Wonderful!Excellent!Your dress is beautiful!Come on!Keep trying!Cheer up!You can do it!You speak English very well.B:Thank you.OK. Ill try it again.53高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 (10)责备和抱怨(Blame and complaint)Hes to blame.She blamed him for coming home late.What do you mean by doing so?How

36、could you cheat your teacher?He shouldnt have done it.Why didnt you tell me the truth?No, you are wrong thinking that54高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 Im sorry to have said that, but this room is too dirty.I hate to have to say this, but its too noisy here.Why dont you do something about it?55高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英

37、语语学海网 (11)冷淡(Indifference)It makes no difference.I dont care what you do.It doesnt matter to me.I dont mind if you smoke.Its none of my business.So what?I dont care.56高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 考点三:时间、空间、特征及其他考点三:时间、空间、特征及其他1时间和空间类(Time and Space)(1)时刻(Point of time)A:Excuse me, whats the time?Excuse me,

38、 what time is it?Have you got the time?What does your watch say?57高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 B:Its half past five/twenty to nine.My watch is two minutes fast/slow.My watch gains two minutes.My watch loses two minutes.58高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 (2)时段(Duration)A:How long have you been in this school?How long

39、does it take you to get to school?When did you live in Beijing?How long have you been ill?B:I have been in this school for three years.It takes me twenty minutes by bike.I lived in Beijing from 1996 to 1999.I have been here since last Monday night.59高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 (3)频度(Frequency)A:How often

40、do you go to movies?B:I go to the movie once a week.(4)时序(Sequence)The cat ran here and there, first on this side, then on that side.Finally we found our way out.What did you do next?It rained even harder later on.60高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 (5)位置(Position)A:Where is the picture?B:Its on/above/under/bes

41、ide/near/behind the table.The British Isles are surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean to the west, and the North Sea to the east.(6)方向(Direction)A:Where is the 9:15 train going?Are you going up/down?B:The train is going to the east/west/south/north.Yes, I am./No, Im not.61高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 (7)距离(Dist

42、ance)A:How far is your school from here?B:Its about 40 minutes by bike/40 minutes ride/a 40minute ride.Its around 6 miles away.62高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 (8)存在(Existence)A:Whats in the tree?Isnt there any water in the bottle?Does water exist on the moon?Is there a bird in the tree?B:There are many bird

43、s in the tree.Theres no water in the bottle.No water exists on the moon?63高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 2特征及其他(Features and Some others)(1)形状(Shape)A:What does it look like?Whats the shape of the clouds?B:Its round/long/tall/Ushaped.Its circle, measuring 5 meters from every round.Its light brown/dark purple

44、.I like the photo in black and white.The hairstyle suits all girls of your age.64高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 (2)材料(Material)A:Whats the table made of?Whats the red wine made from?B:Its made of wood.Its made from grapes.I bought a woolen sweater yesterday.(3)价格(Price)How much is the dictionary?The dictiona

45、ry costs me 59 yuan, and it is well worth it.65高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 (4)规格(Size)What size is your sweater?What size shoes do you wear?The size of my sweater is M.Its too big/tight for me. It doesnt fit me.(5)年龄(Age)How old is she?She is already in her forties, but she looks younger.66高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英

46、 语语学海网 (6)计量(Measurement)How long/wide/deepis the river?Its 900 kilometres in length/long.I drink five glasses of water every day.(7)原因和结果(Causes and effects)A:Why are you late for school?How could you miss the train?67高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 B:Because I got up late.As he was ill, he couldnt come to s

47、chool.Since she did not feel well, she stayed at home.Because of the bad traffic, we missed the train.Due to the heavy fog, the planes were delayed.The reason is that he is not careful enough in his work.He ate too much, so he did not feel well.It is so dark that I can not see anything in the room.6

48、8高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 (8)目的 (Purpose)A:Why are you here today?Why did you talk to your father like that?B:I came here to see you off.I did that in order to protect the trees from being cut down.(9)职业(Occupation)A:What are you going to be when you grow up?What company are you working for/with?B:Im teaching English in a high school.69高考四元聚焦高考四元聚焦 英英 语语学海网 谢谢观看!谢谢观看!70



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