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1、英语励志正能量句子英语励志正能量句子英语励志正能量句子: 1、 every new day is another chance to change your life. 每一个新的一天都是一个改变你自己命运的机会。 2、 smile and stop complaining about the things you cant change.time keeps ticking whether youre happy or sad. 保持微笑,停止抱怨那些改变不了的事。无论你开心与否,时间总是不等人的。 3、 i love photos,because the best thing about

2、it is that itnever changes even when the person in it does.我喜欢照片,它的好处在于它永远不会改变就算是里面的人会。 4、 they always say time changes things but you actually have tochange them by yourself.人们总说时间会改变一切,但是实际上你需要自己努力去改变。 5、 people with passion can change the world 充满激情的人可以改变世界。 6、 later is the word, generally we do

3、not want to change, butunrecognizable.后来这个词,概括了所有我们不想要改变,却又面目全非了的事。 7、 never underestimate your power to change yourself! 永远不要低估你改变自我的能力! 8、 never doubt yourself. never change who you are. dont carewhat people think and just go for it别怀疑自己,别改变自己。别在意别人怎么想,大胆去追求自己想要的。 9、 the only way you can change yo

4、ur future is to do somethingdifferent today改变明天的唯一方法,就是今天做一些不同以往的事。 10、 you cant change the past, but if you worry too much abouttomorrow, will ruin today.你改变不了昨天,但如果你过于忧虑明天,将会毁了今天。第 1页 共 5页 11、 big goals are hard.yet,big goals can forever change ourlives.what are you doing to transform your dreams

5、into goals?远大的目标总是难以实现。但是,远大的目标也能改变我们的生活。你正在做什么来将自己的梦想转化为切实可行的目标呢? 12、 smiling face,not to blame.leisurely,the heart,withyou.destined to allow life to change,only a hundred years later,thelife of a flower.笑着面对,不去埋怨。悠然,随心,随性,随缘。注定让一生改变的,只在百年后,那一朵花开的时间。 13、 give up actually is not how much, just than

6、insist on easyeasier just. insist on actually not difficult than give up howmuch,is just too lazy to change it.放弃其实并不比坚持容易多少,只是比较方便而已。坚持其实并不比放弃困难多少,只是懒得改变而已。 14、 you cant change how people feel about you, so dont try.just live your life and be happy.你不能改变别人对你的感觉,所以无需尝试。只要过自己的生活,过的快乐。 15、 the past ca

7、nt be rewritten,but it can make mestronger.ill be thankful for every change,every heart break andevery scar.过去无法重写,但它却让我更加坚强、我甘心每一次改变,每一次心碎,每一块伤疤。 16、 u want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared wateror do you want a chance to change the world?你想卖一辈子糖水,还是与我一同改变世界? 17、 chance is a gift,so a

8、ct on chance when given theopportunity.改变意味着机遇,所以当有变化发生时,你不可错过这样的机遇。 18、 you cannot change what you refuse to confront.你不去面对又怎么能去改变呢。 19、 the thing called habbit is very terrible, especially when第 2页 共 5页you have to face when changed. 习惯这个东西很可怕,特别是当你不得不面对改变的时候。 20、 you cant change your situation. th

9、e only thing that you canchange is how you choose to deal with it. 我们身处的环境无法改变,唯一能改变的只是自己面对它的态度。 21、 its what you do right now that makes a difference. 你现在所做的是改变现状的关键。 22、 time changes everything e 某 cept something within us whichis always surprised by change. 时间改变一切,除了我们那永远在为变化惊讶的内心。 23、 you must t

10、ake personal responsibility. you cannot change thecircumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself.人必须对自己负责。你无法改变环境,季节,风向,却可以改变你自己。 24、 the past cannot be changed. the future is yet in your power.过去的没办法改变,但未来还在你的掌握之中。 25、 what ive learned is not to change who you are, becauseeven

11、tually youre going to run out of new things to become. 这些年来,我终于认识到,不应该为了迎合别人去改变自己,因为最终,你会找不到可供模仿的对象的。变来变去不如做好你自己! 26、 dont be afraid of change, you may lose out on somethinggood, but you might gain something even better. 不要害怕改变,尽管你可能会因此失去一些好的东西,但你也可能会得到一些更好的东西。 27、 if you dont like the person youve

12、become then do somethingabout it, because no ones gonna do it for you. 不喜欢现在的自己,那你就行动起来去改变啊。因为这事没有人能替你做。 28、 somewhere, someday, the une 某 pected encounter with someonechanged your life somehow.某年某月某一天的某次邂逅,改变了你的一生。励志正能量英语句子精选:第 3页 共 5页 1、 your smile to change the world. dont let the world changeyou

13、r smile. 用你的笑容去改变这个世界,别让这个世界改变了你的笑容。 2、 i cant change the direction of the wind,but i can adjust mysails to always reach my destination. 我不能改变的风的方向,但我可以调整风帆达到目的地。 3、 its what you do right now that makes a difference. 你现在所做的是改变现状的关键 4、 people can change. they just dont because its easier notto. were

14、always waiting for our life to begin. all we have is now.dont run from this.人可以改变,墨守陈规却更容易,所以总巴望着生活重新开始,可我们拥有的是现在,别逃避。 5、 since our test scoreshave been publicly displayed for so manyyears , it takes no difference whether we change the regulation ornot . 既然我们的成绩已经公布这么多年了,是否改变我们的规定没有什么不同。 6、 be yours

15、elf, dont change for anyone. if they dont likeyou at your worst, then they dont deserve you at your best.勇敢的做自己,不要为任何人而改变。如果他们不能接受最差的你,也不配拥有最好的你。 7、 think how different life would be if you had never the oneperson who changed every thing. 想一想,如果你没有遇到那个改变你一切的人,你的世界会有什么不同。 8、 change is not merely nece

16、ssary to life. it is life. 改变并不仅仅是生活的必要,改变就是生活。 9、 if you want to make the world a better place, take a look atyourself and make the change.- michael jackson; man in the mirror 如果你想使世界成为更好的地方,反省一下自己,然后作出改变。-迈克杰克逊 10、 you can learn from people, and educate others, but the only第 4页 共 5页one you can cha

17、nge is yourself. 你可以学习别人,也可以教育别人, 但是你唯一可以改变的人,是你自己。 11、 dont wait for change. create it. 不要等着改变,创造改变。 12、 theres absolutely no point in being negative about thingsyou just cant change. 不肯接受你无法改变的事情,绝对绝对,没有任何意义。 13、 before i planned no to see you any more.the simple hellohas already changed my mind. 从前我计划了好久不要再见你 一句好久不见就彻底改变了我的想法。 14、 accept what you cant change-change what you cant accept.接受你不能改变的, 改变你不能接受的。 15、 eople get up every day and tell themselves theyre gonnachange their life one day. but they never do. 每天,人们起床后都会告诉自己,总有一天要改变自己的生活,可是,没人付诸行动。第 5页 共 5页



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