模块1Unit2 Growing pains

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《模块1Unit2 Growing pains》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《模块1Unit2 Growing pains(96页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains话话题题:家:家 庭、朋庭、朋 友友 与与 周周 围围 的的 人人【词汇积词汇积累累】1.burden n负负担担2.reward v. 奖赏奖赏3.pressure n. 压压力力4.creative adj. 富有富有创创造力的造力的5.outstanding adj. 杰出的杰出的6.diligent adj. 勤勤奋奋的的7.admire v. 钦钦佩;欣佩;欣赏赏模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains8.attitude n. 态态度度9.confidence n. 自信自信10

2、.ambition n. 雄心壮志雄心壮志11.be tired out 筋疲力尽筋疲力尽12.bring up 抚抚养养13.behave oneself 举举止止规规矩矩14.be pleased with 对对满满意意15.lose heart 灰心;泄气灰心;泄气16.look down upon 看不起看不起17.be upset about 对对感到感到难过难过18.devote oneself to 全神全神贯贯注于注于;献身于;献身于模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains【佳句背佳句背诵诵】1.As is known to us all, children spend

3、 less time having heart to heart talks with their parents when they grow older.众所周知众所周知,当孩子当孩子们长们长大的大的时时候候,他他们们花很少的花很少的时间时间与他与他们们的父母的父母进进行知心的交行知心的交谈谈。2.It is a common phenomenon in society that people are getting politer than they used to be.人人们们比比过过去更有礼貌去更有礼貌,这这是社会上的普遍是社会上的普遍现现象。象。3.Only in this wa

4、y can they better understand each other.只有只有这样这样他他们们才能更好地理解彼此。才能更好地理解彼此。模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains【写作模板写作模板】帮助受帮助受伤伤老人老人Nowadays, a lot of people are reportedly unwilling to help others.However, Liu Fang acted differently. Last Sunday afternoon, on her way back to school, Liu Fang came across an old m

5、an lying on the ground, seriously hurt in the leg.She immediately stopped, called 120 and practiced first aid.Soon, the ambulance came and took the man to the hospital.When everything was OK, she left for school.模块模块1Unit 2Growing painsSuch is Liu Fang, a helpful, positive and determined person.As r

6、esponsible citizens, it is our duty to help people in need.Also, if you dont offer your help when others are in trouble, how can you expect help from others when you are in trouble? Therefore, helping others means helping ourselves in a sense, doesnt it?栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1U

7、nit 2Growing pains.单词单词拼写拼写根据根据词义词义写出英文写出英文单词单词。1_v弯腰弯腰,屈身;屈身;(使使)弯曲弯曲2_vt. 容忍;允容忍;允许许3_n. 过错过错,错误错误4_n. 场场面;面;(戏剧戏剧的的)一一场场;景色;景色5_ adj. 不高不高兴兴的的,失望的失望的vt. 使不高使不高兴兴,使失望使失望6_v. 辩辩解解,辩辩白;防御白;防御,保保护护bendtoleratefaultsceneupsetdefend栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains7_adv.

8、反正;尽管如此反正;尽管如此8_vt. 值值得;得;应应得;得;应应受受9_ vt. 处处理;理;应应付付10_adj. 不友好的不友好的,冷淡的冷淡的,疏疏远远的;遥的;遥远远的的11_adj. 愤愤怒的怒的,生气的生气的12_ vt. 禁止禁止13_vt. 误误解解14_adj.&n. 正常正常(的的),一般一般(的的)anyhowdeservehandledistantannoyedforbidmisunderstandnormal栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains15_adj. 身体的;物身体

9、的;物质质的的16_v. 往往;往往;趋趋向;照看向;照看17_ n&v. 限制;极限;界限限制;极限;界限18_n. 独立独立19_ v&n. 平衡;抵消平衡;抵消20_n&vt. 挑挑战战physicaltendlimitindependencebalancechallenge栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains.单词单词拓展拓展写出下列写出下列单词单词及其派生及其派生词词。1_adj. 受惊的;害怕的受惊的;害怕的_v. 使惊恐使惊恐_ n. 惊吓惊吓2_vt.& vi. (使使)挨挨饿饿;饿饿死

10、死vi. 渴望渴望_ n. 挨挨饿饿;饿饿死死3_ n. 耐心耐心_adj. 有耐心的;需要耐心的有耐心的;需要耐心的n. 病人病人frightenedfrightenfrightstarvestarvationpatiencepatient栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains4_adj. 困惑的困惑的,不解的不解的_adj. 令人困惑的令人困惑的_v. 使困惑使困惑_ n. 困惑困惑5_n. 行行为为,举举止止_ v. 举举止止, 表表现现, 行行为为6_ vt.& vi. 解解释释;说说明明_ n.

11、 解解释释;说说明明7_ n. 指指导导,引引导导_ v. 指指导导;向;向导导n. 向向导导;指南;指南confusedconfusingconfuseconfusionbehavio(u)rbehaveexplainexplanationguidanceguide栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains8_ n. 自由自由_ adj. 自由的;空自由的;空闲闲的的adv. 免免费费地地_ adv. 自由地自由地9_ n. 争争论论;论论点;点;论论据据_vt.& vi. 争争论论;辩论辩论10_ adj

12、. 担心的担心的_ adj. 令人担心的;令人担心的;烦烦人的人的_ v& n. 担心;担心;烦恼烦恼freedomfreefreelyargumentargueworriedworryingworry栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains1_ 迫不及待地做迫不及待地做2_ 应该应该,应应当当3_ 处处理理,对对付付4_ 一一团团糟糟,乱七八糟乱七八糟5_ (灯灯)熄熄灭灭6_ 对对苛刻苛刻,对对严厉严厉7_ 为为和和争争辩辩8_ 熬夜熬夜,不睡不睡觉觉9_ 禁止某人做禁止某人做cant wait to

13、dobe supposed to dodo within a messgo outbe hard on.argue with sb.about sth.stay upforbid sb.from doing/to do.栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains10_ 经历经历,经经受受11_ 与与一起一起12_ 往往往往,有做有做的的倾倾向向13_ 在在这这方面方面14_ 在做在做方面有困方面有困难难15_ 原来是原来是,结结果是果是16_ 既然既然17_ 混淆;混淆;搅搅匀;拌和匀;拌和18_ 坚坚持;持

14、;坚坚持持认为认为19_ 目前;当前目前;当前20_ 适适应应社会社会go throughalong withtend to doin this regardhave difficulty (in) doingturn outnow thatmix upinsist onat presentfit in society栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains语语境境填填词词Tom is (1)_(自私的自私的), rude and (2)_(冷漠的冷漠的)He often (3)_(误误解解) other

15、peoples kindness and annoys them.His behavior is (4)_(不不正常的正常的) and many people have no (5)_(耐耐心心) with him.They cant (6)_(容忍容忍) him and (7)_(禁止禁止) him to play with them.His parents are very (8)_(担心的担心的) about him and hope that he can learn to get on well with others.selfishdistantmisunderstandsabno

16、rmalpatiencetolerateforbidworried栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains1分分词词在句中作伴随状在句中作伴随状语语Eric runs in after it, followed by a big dog,walking very slowly.仿写仿写他女儿扶着他,慢慢地回家去了。他女儿扶着他,慢慢地回家去了。He went home,_by his daughter,_very slowly.supportedwalking栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评

17、考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains2with的复合的复合结结构构The room is in a mess, with pizza boxes on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink.仿写仿写当他当他们们嘲笑她嘲笑她时时,她,她总总是打开一本是打开一本书书,假装,假装读书读书,眼,眼泪跌落在打开的泪跌落在打开的书页书页上。上。When they laughed at her, she would open a book, pretending to read, _on the open page.3lea

18、ve宾语宾语宾语补宾语补足足语语“使使处处于某种状于某种状态态”Listen to me, young manwe left you in charge! 仿写仿写我我让让孩子孩子们们看看电视电视。I left the children_ television.with tears droppingwatching栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains4have sth.done “把把做完做完”Daniel has his arms crossed and looks upset.仿写仿写我要在五点前把

19、工作完成。我要在五点前把工作完成。Ill have the work_ before 5 oclock.5here,there,thus,then等副等副词词位于句首引起完全倒装位于句首引起完全倒装Along with these physical changes,there come many psychological changes.仿写仿写约约翰打开翰打开门门,那儿站着一个他从未,那儿站着一个他从未见过见过的女孩。的女孩。John opened the door.There _ he had never seen before.finishedstood a girl栏目栏目导引导引基

20、础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing painsMom and Dad arrive back from vacation a day earlier 1._ expected.Mom wants to surprise the boys.But when she touches the dog, she finds he is so tired and hungry,2._ she asks Eric 3._ he did with the money they left.And at this time when Dad ope

21、ns the curtains, he finds the mess in the room.He becomes very angry, saying he cant trust Daniel and that this is not a family 4._ bad behavior goes unpunished.thansowhatwhere栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing painsDaniel feels angry and shuts the door.He decides not to tell

22、 his parents the truth 5._ they used the money to take Spot to the vet and had 6._ time to clean the house.Mom thinks they were too hard 7._ Daniel, but Dad thinks they have to punish him 8._ he wont respect them.thatnoonor栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains1. toleratevt

23、.容忍;允容忍;允许许(教材教材P22)We wont tolerate such behavior in our house!我!我们们家不会容忍家不会容忍这这种行种行为为!栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains(1)tolerate sth.容忍某事容忍某事tolerate doing sth. 容忍做某事容忍做某事tolerate sb.s doing sth. 容忍某人做某事容忍某人做某事(2)tolerant adj. 宽宽容的容的 be tolerant of. 对对宽宽容容(3)tolera

24、nce n. 宽宽容;忍受;忍耐力容;忍受;忍耐力(4)同同义词义词:stand;bear;put up with栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing painsHow can you tolerate that rude fellow? 你怎么能忍受那个粗野的家伙?你怎么能忍受那个粗野的家伙?You should _other peoples weaknesses.对别对别人的弱点你人的弱点你应该应该多多宽宽容一些。容一些。There is a limit to what one person can toler

25、ate.一个人所能一个人所能够够容忍的是有限度的。容忍的是有限度的。be more tolerant of栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains【活用活用】完成句子完成句子(1)我我们们无法容忍他的无法容忍他的错误错误。We cannot _ his mistakes.We cannot _his mistakes.(2)她拒她拒绝绝接受被称接受被称为为撒撒谎谎者。者。She refused to _a liar.tolerateput up withtolerate being called栏目栏目导引

26、导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains2. faultn过错过错;错误错误(教材教材P23)Why is everything always my fault?为为什么一切什么一切总总是我的是我的错错?find fault with挑剔;挑剔;对对吹毛求疵吹毛求疵be ones own fault 是某人自己的是某人自己的错错(be)in/at fault 有有错错,有有责责任任Its ones fault that. 是某人的是某人的过错过错栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重

27、点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing painsThe fault lies with me, not with her.这错这错是我的是我的责责任,任, 不是她的不是她的责责任。任。Jack is difficult to work with and always _ others.杰克很杰克很难难共事,共事,总总是是对别对别人吹毛求疵。人吹毛求疵。The police said that the other driver was in/at faulthe should have slowed down.警察警察说错说错在另一位司机在另一位司机他本他本应该应该减速。减速。findin

28、g fault with栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains【活用活用】完成句子完成句子(1)但是他但是他们们并不能并不能责责怪我;在很大程度上是他怪我;在很大程度上是他们们自己的自己的错错。However,they can hardly blame me;it _ .(2)他他们对们对我制作的每一个箱子都不我制作的每一个箱子都不满满意。意。They _every box I made.is largely their own faultfound fault with栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自

29、测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains3. scenen(戏剧戏剧的的)一一场场;现场现场;场场面;景色面;景色(教材教材P23)Act Two, Scene One第二幕第二幕, 第一第一场场behind the scene在幕后;暗中在幕后;暗中on the scene 在在现场现场;当;当场场;在台上;在台上come on the scene 出出场场,登登场场at the scene 在在现场现场栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing painsThe

30、police present at the scene had only scratched the surface of the accident.在在场场的警察的警察对对事故只做了事故只做了简单简单的的处处理。理。 Firefighters were _immediately.消防消防队员队员立即赶到了立即赶到了现场现场。 Seeing the happy scene of children playing in the front yard, he was very delighted.看到孩子看到孩子们们在前院玩耍的在前院玩耍的场场景,他很开心。景,他很开心。on the scene

31、栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains易混辨析易混辨析 scene,scenery,sight,viewscene指展指展现现在眼前的情景在眼前的情景,也可以指也可以指scenery的一部的一部分分,大多包括景物中的人及活大多包括景物中的人及活动动在内。在内。scenery指某地指某地总总的自然的自然风风光或景色光或景色,尤指美尤指美丽丽的的乡间乡间景色。不可数。景色。不可数。sight既可以指既可以指场场景景,眼前看到的景眼前看到的景观观,也可以指名也可以指名胜胜、风风景景,在表示在表示“名名胜胜、风风

32、景景”时时,用复数用复数形式。形式。view常指从某个位置或角度所看到的景色常指从某个位置或角度所看到的景色,指指“视视野野,眼界眼界”。还还可表示可表示“观观点点”。栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains【活用活用】用上述用上述词语词语填空填空The Great Wall whose(1)_is beautiful is one of the most breathtaking (2)_in the world,but twenty years ago,beautiful as the (3)_was

33、from the distance,a dirty(4)_appeared in front of us when we arrived there.scenerysightsviewscene栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains4. upsetadj.心心烦烦意乱的;不安的;不适的意乱的;不安的;不适的vt.使不安;使心使不安;使心烦烦;弄翻;弄翻,打翻;打乱打翻;打乱,扰扰乱乱(教材教材P23) Daniel has his arms crossed and looks upset.丹尼丹尼尔尔双臂

34、抱在胸前双臂抱在胸前,看起来很不高看起来很不高兴兴。栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains(1)be upset about/over/at sth.为为某事某事烦烦心心be upsetthatclause 让让人不安人不安(2)upset a plan/an arrangement 打乱打乱计计划划/安排安排(3)upset oneself about sth. 某人某人为为某事自某事自寻烦恼寻烦恼It upsets sb.that. 让让某人心某人心烦烦的是的是栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评

35、自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains(2013高考安徽卷高考安徽卷阅读阅读理解理解)Upsetting people with unsigned messages is cruel and disgusting.用不署名的信息用不署名的信息扰扰乱乱别别人是有意人是有意伤伤人,也是令人人,也是令人厌恶厌恶的。的。I had just lost 50 and I felt very upset.我我刚丢刚丢了了50英英镑镑,感到非常,感到非常烦恼烦恼。We _ the phenomenon that people turn a blind eye

36、 to the old in trouble.我我们对这们对这种种处处于困境中的老人被人于困境中的老人被人们们漠漠视视的的现现象担象担忧忧。are upset about 栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains【助助记记】The little boy is doing his homework while two flies are always upsetting him, and he is upset about them, only to upset the glass full of water

37、.小男孩在做作小男孩在做作业业,有两只,有两只苍蝇苍蝇老是老是嗡嗡嗡嗡地打地打扰扰他,小男孩很他,小男孩很烦恼烦恼,结结果失手打翻了装果失手打翻了装满满水的杯子。水的杯子。栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains【活用活用】用用upset的相关的相关词语词语完成小片段完成小片段Marys call (1)_(让让我我难过难过) a lot.She told me she (2)_(感到心感到心烦烦) her husband who was getting along well with a rich lad

38、y.I wanted to have a talk with her husband,telling him how (3)_(烦恼烦恼)Mary was.But my husband insisted that I should not (4)_(为为而自而自寻烦恼寻烦恼) such a thing because he believed Mary could solve the problem herself.upset mewas upset aboutupsetupset myself about栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1

39、Unit 2Growing pains5. defendv防御;保防御;保卫卫;保;保护护;为为辩护辩护(教材教材P23)They never even gave me a chance to defend myself.他他们们甚至从未甚至从未给给我一个我一个为为自己自己辩辩解的机会。解的机会。(1)defend sb./ sth.保保卫卫/保保护护某人某人/某事某事(2)defense n. 防御防御in defense of 保保卫卫;捍;捍卫卫;为为辩护辩护defense works 防御工事防御工事(3)defensive adj. 防御的;保防御的;保护护的的栏目栏目导引导引基础盘

40、点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing painsShe defended(that) she was innocent and that she would never betray her country.她她辩辩解解说说她是无辜的,她永她是无辜的,她永远远不会背叛自己的国家。不会背叛自己的国家。Many heroic people have died _ liberty.许许多英勇的人多英勇的人们为们为捍捍卫卫自由而自由而牺牺牲。牲。【活用活用】用用defend的适当形式填空的适当形式填空(1)We should _our coun

41、try against enemies.(2)Humour is a more effective _than violence.(3)The newspaper _her against the accusations.in defense of defenddefensedefended栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains6. deservev值值得;得;应应得得(教材教材P23)They dont deserve an explanation.他他们们不配得到解不配得到解释释。deserve st

42、h.值值得得deserve to do 值值得做;得做;应该应该做做Sth.deserves doingSth.deserves to be done (某事某事)值值得被做;某事得被做;某事应应被做被做You deserve it. 这这是你是你应应得的。得的。栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains(2014高考北京卷高考北京卷完形填空完形填空)Since this student worked so hard on the posters, she deserves a prize, too.这这个学

43、生如此用个学生如此用心地出心地出这这个海个海报报,所以她也,所以她也应该获奖应该获奖。(2013高考广高考广东东卷卷读读写任写任务务)No matter how ordinary a job is, it plays a part in society and therefore deserves our due respect.一份工作无一份工作无论论多么普通,它都在我多么普通,它都在我们们的社会中起着一份作用的社会中起着一份作用,因此因此应该应该受到受到应应有的尊重。有的尊重。You _ because you are the best.你你应应当成功,因当成功,因为为你是最棒的。你是最棒

44、的。deserve to succeed 栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains温馨提示温馨提示Sth.deserves sth.Sth.deserves doingSth.deserves to be done此时句子主语此时句子主语sth.与与deserve后的动词是后的动词是逻辑上的被动关系逻辑上的被动关系,即,即deserve后的后的动词动词与主与主语语是是动宾动宾关系。关系。I think his suggestion deserves consideration/_我我认为认为他的建他的建议议

45、值值得考得考虑虑。considering/to be considered栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains【活用活用】一句多一句多译译我我们们都都认为这认为这个个问题值问题值得得进进一步商一步商讨讨。(1)We all think the problem deserves a further _(2)We all think the problem deserves _(3)We all think the problem deserves _ .(4)We all think the proble

46、m_ further discussing.discussionfurther discussingto be further discussedis worth栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains7. handlev处处理;理;应应付;操作付;操作n把手;把柄把手;把柄(教材教材P34)I dont know how to handle this.我不知道如何我不知道如何处处理理这这件事件事handle oneself控控制自己制自己handle sth.with care 小心小心轻轻放放fly o

47、ff the handle (为为不太重要的事不太重要的事)大大发发雷霆雷霆栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing painsSome customers are quite difficult to handle.有些有些顾顾客很客很难应难应付。付。There is no need to _ like that.没有必要像那没有必要像那样样大大发发雷霆。雷霆。温馨提示温馨提示handle可以引申可以引申为为“把柄把柄,口口实实”。此。此时时一般一般用作用作单单数。数。fly off the handle栏目栏目导引

48、导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains【活用活用】写出下列句子中写出下列句子中handle的意思的意思(1)He refused to allow his secretary to handle confidential letters._(2)Do you know how to handle the machine?_(3)This car handled easily, even on wet roads._(4)Your words may give him a handle against you._处处理

49、理操作操作开起来开起来把柄把柄栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains8. insistv坚坚持;持;坚坚持持认为认为(教材教材P35)Recently, he has been refusing to do his homework, and instead insists on wasting his time watching DVDs and listening to foreign music.最近最近,他已他已经经不做家庭作不做家庭作业业了了,而而总总是把是把时间时间浪浪费费在看在看DVD和听外

50、国音和听外国音乐乐上。上。栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing painsinsist on/upon(doing) sth.坚坚持持(做做)某事某事insist that sb.(should)do sth. 坚坚决主决主张张(要求要求)某人做某事某人做某事insist that sb.谓语谓语(用用陈陈述述语语气气) 坚坚持持说说(这时这时insist表示表示坚坚持一个事持一个事实实)栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains

51、(2014高考湖南卷高考湖南卷阅读简阅读简答答)He also insisted that they should leave enough space for children.他他还坚还坚持要求他持要求他们应该为们应该为孩子孩子们们留有足留有足够够的空的空间间。Frank insisted that he was not asleep although I had great difficulty in waking him up.尽管我尽管我费费了好大了好大劲劲才叫醒他,但才叫醒他,但弗弗兰兰克却克却坚坚持持说说自己没有睡着。自己没有睡着。The only wonder is that

52、so many states _ closing their ears to the message.唯一惊唯一惊讶讶的是的是这这么多的国家么多的国家都都坚坚持持对这对这个消息充耳不个消息充耳不闻闻。insist on 栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains易混辨析易混辨析insist on, stick to【活用活用】A用用insist on/stick to填空填空We _ the important thoughtThree Represents,and _ putting it into pra

53、ctice.insist on坚坚决要求决要求,坚坚持持认为认为,是是对对“要求、看法、意要求、看法、意见见或主或主张张”的的坚坚持。持。stick to是是对对“愿望、原愿望、原则则、决定、决定、诺诺言、意言、意见见、理想、理想或某种理或某种理论论”的的坚坚持不渝。持不渝。stick toinsist on栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains【活用活用】B根据根据汉语汉语完成小片段完成小片段Tom broke Marys cup this morning.Mary (1)_ his apology,b

54、ut Tom refused.He insisted that he (2)_ that.At last, Mary got angry and insisted that Tom (3)_ her a new cup besides an apology.今天早晨今天早晨汤汤姆打碎了姆打碎了玛丽玛丽的杯子。的杯子。玛丽坚玛丽坚持要他道歉持要他道歉,但是但是汤汤姆拒姆拒绝绝了。他了。他坚坚持持说说他没有打碎杯子。最后他没有打碎杯子。最后,玛丽玛丽生气了生气了,她她除了要得到道歉外除了要得到道歉外坚坚持要求持要求汤汤姆姆为为她她买买一个新杯子。一个新杯子。insisted onhadnt don

55、e(should) buy栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains9. forbidvt.禁止禁止(forbade/forbadforbidden)(教材教材P37)He even forbids me from chatting with my friends in the Internet cafe! 他甚至禁止我在网吧里和我的朋友聊天!他甚至禁止我在网吧里和我的朋友聊天!forbid(doing) sth.禁止禁止(做做)某事某事forbid sb.from doing sth.forbid sb.t

56、o do sth.禁止某人做某事禁止某人做某事Its forbidden to do sth. 做某事是禁止的。做某事是禁止的。“禁止禁止/不准某人做某事不准某人做某事”的其他表达:的其他表达:ban/prohibit/discourage sb.from doing sth.栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains(2014高考重高考重庆庆卷卷完形填空完形填空)In some Middle Eastern countries, exposing your flesh is forbidden,especi

57、ally if you are a woman.在中在中东东,是禁止把肌肤露在外面的,尤其是,是禁止把肌肤露在外面的,尤其是妇妇女。女。Smoking is forbidden in the office.办办公室禁止吸烟。公室禁止吸烟。The driver _drive/_ driving for six months.该驾驶员该驾驶员被禁止被禁止驾驶驾驶六个月。六个月。was forbidden to from栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains【活用活用】完成小片段完成小片段As parents,

58、we do (1)_our daughter to surf the Internet too much.But we dont forbid (2)_(look) up helpful information through the computer.Of course,she feels unhappy whenever she (3)_to chat with her epals online.Anyway,she is quite understanding.She knows that we dont really (4)_her to learn something good on

59、 the Internet.forbidlookingis forbiddenforbid栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains10. limitv&n.限制;限定;界限;范限制;限定;界限;范围围(教材教材P38).they want to find their own limits and the limits of the world around them.他他们们希望找到他希望找到他们们自身的极自身的极限以及他限以及他们们周周围围世界的极限世界的极限limit.to.(把把)限制在限制在limi

60、t sb.to (doing) sth. 限制某人限制某人(做做)某事某事set a limit to 限制限制,控制控制within limits 在某种程度上;有一定限制在某种程度上;有一定限制beyond the limit 超超过过限度限度栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains(2014高考江西卷高考江西卷阅读阅读理解理解)Sometimes, he was limited to a cage underwater but that did not bother him.有有时时,他被限,他被限制

61、在水下的制在水下的笼笼子里但是子里但是这这没有困没有困扰扰到他。到他。Our government has _ to drunk driving.我我国政府国政府严严格限制酒后格限制酒后驾驶驾驶。We must limit the expenses to what we can afford.我我们们必必须须把开把开销销限制在我限制在我们们的的经济经济能力范能力范围围内。内。set a strict limit 栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains【活用活用】用介用介词词填空填空(1)We set a

62、limit_the expense of the trip.(2)Keep_the limits of the school campus.(3)Any driver found drinking_the limit will be charged.towithinbeyond栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains11. be supposed to应该应该;应应当当(教材教材P22)But,but.you werent supposed to come home until tomorrow!但是但是,

63、但是但是你你们们不是不是应该应该明天才回家的明天才回家的吗吗!(1)be supposed to have doneshould have done本本应该应该做做(实际实际未做未做)(2)be supposed to be 被被认为认为是是It is supposed that. 被被认为认为(3)suppose/supposing 引引导导条件状条件状语语从句从句,相当于相当于if表示表示“如如果果,假假设设”栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains(2014高考山高考山东东卷卷阅读阅读理解理解)Aft

64、er a few moments Peter said,“Maybe Odie was supposed to find you,maybe you should keep it.”过过了一会彼得了一会彼得说说:“或或许许小狗小狗Odie应该应该找到找到你你们们,或,或许许你你们应该们应该收养它。收养它。”(2013高考山高考山东东卷卷阅读阅读理解理解)While waiting for a bus to the office where he _ be interviewed,he saw an elderly man wildly kicking the tyre of his car.当

65、他正在等公当他正在等公交交车车去他本去他本应该应该去参加面去参加面试试的的办办公室公室时时,他看到一位老人在,他看到一位老人在用力地踢他汽用力地踢他汽车车的的轮轮胎。胎。You are not supposed to stay home during the weekend.你不你不应该应该周末周末还还待在家里。待在家里。was supposed to栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains【活用活用】完成句子完成句子(1)我想你并不是当真的我想你并不是当真的,对吗对吗?I dont suppose you

66、re serious,_?(2)假定我假定我们们没有帮助他没有帮助他,那么会出那么会出现现什么情况?什么情况?_we hadnt helped him, what would have happened? (3)你本你本应该应该昨天把作昨天把作业业交上。交上。You were supposed to _your homework yesterday.are youSupposehave handed in栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains12. do with处处理;理;对对付付(教材教材P22)Wh

67、at did you do with the cash we left?你你们们用我用我们们留留给给你你们们的的现现金做什么了?金做什么了?cant do with无法忍受无法忍受have something to do with 与与有关有关deal with 处处理理,对付;论及对付;论及;与;与交易交易do away with 废废除除do up 扣上;修理扣上;修理do without 没有没有也行;凑合;将就也行;凑合;将就栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing painsIf we cant afford

68、 a car,well just have to do without it.我我们们要是要是买买不起汽不起汽车车,也就只好不用了。,也就只好不用了。The school has _ the rules which are not proper for the students.这这个学校个学校废废除了那些不适合学生的制度。除了那些不适合学生的制度。done away with栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains易混辨析易混辨析deal with,do withdeal with与与do with都可表

69、示都可表示“处处理理”deal with用于特殊用于特殊问问句句时时,与与how连连用;用;还还可以表可以表示示“与与相相处处;关于;与;关于;与有生意有生意往来往来”。do with用于特殊用于特殊问问句句时时,与与what连连用。用。栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing painsI dont know what to _ my life.I dont know how to deal with my life.我不知道如何我不知道如何规规划我的人生。划我的人生。【活用活用】用用do with,deal wit

70、h填空填空I dont know how to (1)_the book (2)_politics,but you know what to(3) _it very well.do withdeal withdealing withdo with栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains13. along with连连同;随同;与同;随同;与在一起;除在一起;除之外之外(教材教材P38)Along with these physical changes, there come many psychologic

71、al changes.与与这这些生理些生理变变化同化同时时而来的而来的,还还有很多心理上的有很多心理上的变变化。化。all along一直;始一直;始终终 get along (with) 进进行行,进进展;相展;相处处take along 随身随身带带着着go along with 赞赞同;附和;支持同;附和;支持come along 过过来来,跟我走跟我走,加油加油栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing painsAlong with the letter was his promise that he woul

72、d visit me this coming Christmas.他在信中承他在信中承诺诺:在即将到来的圣:在即将到来的圣诞节诞节来看望我。来看望我。The world trading system is changing _ technology.世界世界贸贸易系易系统统随着技随着技术术的的发发展不断展不断变变化。化。温馨提示温馨提示主主语语后接由后接由along with, with, together with, besides, but, except, including, like, as well as, rather than等等词词引出的短引出的短语时语时,谓语动词谓语动词要

73、与主要与主语语保持一致。保持一致。The library along with bookstores provides reading materials.图书图书室室连连同同书书店一起提供店一起提供阅读阅读材料。材料。along with栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains【活用活用】完成句子完成句子(1)Lily along with her two friends _(要去要去爬爬)Mount Tai next week.(2)He is the last person that Ill_ (与之

74、相与之相处处)(3)He had been afraid of this _(一直一直)is going to climbget along withall along栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains.品句填品句填词词1They really worked hard and they _(值值得得) to be rewarded.2The car accident was not the drivers _(错误错误) as there was a man suddenly running acro

75、ss the road.3I will not _(容忍容忍) that sort of behavior in my class and no one will be tolerant of that.4This kind of film is suitable for both children and _ (成年人成年人)deservedfaulttolerateadults栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains5The room was in a _(凌乱凌乱) after the party.6

76、The first _(场场) in the second act contains a very long speech.7The students had a long _(争争论论)with their teachers about their uniforms.8The speaker must _(限定限定)himself to twenty minutes.9I had better say a few words by way of _(解解释释).10Restaurants are _(禁止禁止)to charge extra money for their service.m

77、esssceneargumentlimitexplanationforbidden栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains.选词选词填空填空1She _ going to Africa to study the animals there, even though her family asked her not to.2Books on popular science are in great demand _3Dont drive so fast!You must keep within the spe

78、ed _insist on;limit;at present;challenge;defend;be supposed to;find fault with;explain;cant wait to;normalinsisted onat presentlimit栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains4Do you know the_ temperature of the human body?5Every pupil _ be in his classroom at 9 am.6Li Peng like

79、s to_ others, so his classmates dont like him.7Im not a sailor and I _ reach dry land.normalis supposed tofind fault withcouldnt wait to栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains8A war is likely to break out between South Korea and North Korea, because each of them wants to _it

80、s own land.9You should understand the school rules by now.Youve had it _ often enough.10Every day we have to face new _and problems.Actually,stress isnt such a bad thing as is often supposed to be.defendexplainedchallenges栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains.单项单项填空填空1Prof

81、essor Smith,along with his assistants,_on the project day and night to meet the deadline.AworkBworkingCis workingDare working解析:解析:该该句主句主语语是是Professor Smith,故故谓语动词谓语动词用用单单数形式。数形式。C栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains2As nobody here knows what is wrong with the machine, we

82、 must send for an engineer to _ the problem.AhandleBraiseCfaceDpresent解析:句意:因解析:句意:因为为没有人知道没有人知道这这台机器出什么毛病了台机器出什么毛病了, ,所以我所以我们们必必须须派人去派人去请请个工程个工程师师来解决来解决这这个个问题问题。handle“解决解决”.A栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains3Tom insisted what he said _ true and we insisted that he _

83、and have a look.Abe;should goBshould be;would goCwas;goDwas;would go解析:句意:解析:句意:汤汤姆姆坚坚持持说说他所他所说说的的话话是真的。我是真的。我们们主主张张他去他去看一看。看一看。insist that sb.(should)do sth.“坚坚决要求决要求(主主张张)某人某人做某事做某事”;insist表示表示“坚坚持以持以为为,硬硬说说”时时,从句用从句用陈陈述述语语气。气。C栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains4The g

84、overnment was at a loss to know _ to deal with the violence.AwhatBwhyChowDwhere解析:用于疑解析:用于疑问问句中句中时时,deal with与与how连连用;用;do with与与what连连用。用。C栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains5What are you doing out of bed, Tom? Youre_to be asleep.AsupposedBknownCthoughtDconsidered解析:句意:

85、解析:句意:汤汤姆姆,你从床上下来做什么?你本来早你从床上下来做什么?你本来早应该应该睡睡着了。着了。be supposed to do sth.“被期望或被要求被期望或被要求(按按规则规则、惯惯例例等等)做某事做某事”, B项项know“知道知道,了解了解”;C项项thought“认为认为”;D项项“认为认为,考考虑虑”,均不符合均不符合题题意。意。A栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains1. (教材教材P22)The room is in a mess, with pizza boxes on the

86、 floor and dirty dishes in the sink.房房间间里一里一团团糟糟,地板上堆放着地板上堆放着许许多比多比萨饼萨饼盒子盒子,脏脏碗碟全堆碗碟全堆在洗碗池里。在洗碗池里。栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains句中句中with pizza boxes on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink是是“with宾语宾语宾补宾补(介介词词短短语语)”结结构构,在句中作伴随状在句中作伴随状语语。补补充充说说明明the room is in a mes

87、s的情况。的情况。 “with宾语宾语宾补宾补”结结构中构中,宾语补宾语补足足语语可以是形容可以是形容词词/副副词词/介介词词短短语语/现现在分在分词词/过过去分去分词词/不定式等等。不定式等等。with复合复合结结构在句子中作状构在句子中作状语语,常表示原因、常表示原因、时间时间、条件、伴随、方式等。、条件、伴随、方式等。这这种种结结构在构在句中也可以作定句中也可以作定语语。栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing painsHe stood there with his hand in his pocket.他站在

88、那儿,手插在口袋里。他站在那儿,手插在口袋里。He fell asleep with all the windows open.他睡着了,所有窗他睡着了,所有窗户户都开着。都开着。 The young woman _ was Liu Yings sister.那个抱着孩子的年那个抱着孩子的年轻轻女子是刘英的姐姐。女子是刘英的姐姐。With no one _,he felt bored.由于没有可以由于没有可以说话说话的人,他感到很无聊。的人,他感到很无聊。with a baby in her armsto talk to栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重

89、点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains2. (教材教材P23)Daniel has his arms crossed and looks upset.丹尼丹尼尔尔双臂交叉、表情气双臂交叉、表情气愤愤。has his arms crossed为为“havesth.(宾语宾语)过过去分去分词词(宾语补宾语补足足语语)”结结构构,意思是意思是“使使处处于某种状于某种状态态,让让被做被做”.这这个句型也可以表示个人遭遇。个句型也可以表示个人遭遇。have sb./sth.doing 使某人做着使某人做着,使某物正使某物正处处于于have sb.do sth. 让让某人做某事某人做某事h

90、ave sth.to do 有有要做要做(have的意思的意思为为“有有”)栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing painsLast year we had the house rebuilt.去年我去年我们们把把这这房子翻修了一下。房子翻修了一下。Im sorry I cant go with you.I have some clothes to wash.对对不起,我不能和你一起去。我不起,我不能和你一起去。我还还有些衣服要洗。有些衣服要洗。 He _ while playing football.他在踢足球他

91、在踢足球时时腿受了腿受了伤伤。He _ all night.他他让让灯亮了一整夜。灯亮了一整夜。had his leg injuredhad the light burning栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains3. (教材教材P38)Along with these physical changes, there come many psychological changes.与与这这些生理些生理变变化同化同时时而来的而来的,还有很多心理上的变化。,还有很多心理上的变化。当句首当句首为为表示方位或方式

92、等的副表示方位或方式等的副词词或介或介词词短短语语out,in,up,down,off,away,here,there,south,north,in the room,in front of the building,on the top of等等,且主且主语为语为名名词时词时,句子用完全倒装。句子用完全倒装。栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing painsSouth of the town lies a railway.小小镇镇的南部有一条的南部有一条铁铁路。路。_ upon hearing the bell.一

93、听到一听到铃铃声,孩子声,孩子们们就冲了出去。就冲了出去。In the lecture hall _,who came from England.演演讲厅讲厅里坐着一位来自英格里坐着一位来自英格兰兰的教授。的教授。温馨提示温馨提示当主当主语为语为代代词时词时,句子不用倒装。句子不用倒装。Here he comes.他来了。他来了。Out rushed the childrensat a professor栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains.完成句子完成句子1Mrs Black sat at the d

94、esk by the window,_(沉浸在沉浸在读读小小说说中中)2By the time you come here tomorrow, I _(已完成已完成) this work.3I dont like to wash clothes,so I always _(让别让别人人给给我洗衣服我洗衣服)4_ (所有工作都完成了所有工作都完成了), Peter went to the seaside to have a rest.5The door opened and _(进进来来)the headmaster.absorbed in reading a novelwill have fi

95、nishedhave my clothes washedWith all the work donein came栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains.句型句型转换转换1The guard forbade us to look out of the window when the train was moving.We _by the guard from _ out of the window when the train was moving.2There was so much homework

96、to do, so I have no time to chat with you._so much homework_,I have no time to chat with you.were forbiddenlookingWithto do栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains3Did Peter fix the computer himself?He asked someone to repair it,because he doesnt know much about computers.Did

97、 Peter fix the computer himself?He _,because he doesnt know much about computers.4Some young people find it hard to fit in society soon after they graduate from college.Some young people _ in society soon after they graduate from college.had it fixed/repairedhave difficulty in fitting栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘

98、点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains5When he lost his job, Peter felt he could not control his life.When _ his job, Peter felt his life was _losingout of control栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains.单项单项填空填空1The living room is clean and tidy, with a dining tab

99、le already _ for a meal to be cooked.AlaidBlayingCto layDbeing laid解析:考解析:考查查with的复合的复合结结构以及非构以及非谓语动词谓语动词作作宾语补宾语补足足语语。table与与lay在在逻辑逻辑上是被上是被动动关系。从关系。从already可以看出可以看出动动作已作已经经发发生。生。laid表示被表示被动动且完成且完成,故故选选A项项。A栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains2_ his father, Wang Lin enter

100、ed the room, _ by his two brothers.AFollow;followBFollowing;followCFollowed;followingDFollowing;followed解析:第一空中用解析:第一空中用following, 与主与主语语Wang Lin为为主主动动关系;第关系;第二空的二空的followed与主与主语语之之间为间为被被动动关系。关系。D栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains3With so many orphans _, the organizatio

101、n calls for more donations.Ato look afterBbeing looked afterCto be looked afterDlooked after解析:此句意解析:此句意为为“因因为为有那么多的孤儿要照有那么多的孤儿要照顾顾,这这个个组织组织呼吁更多的捐献。呼吁更多的捐献。”With so many orphans to look after是是“with宾语宾语宾补宾补”结结构构,在句中作原因状在句中作原因状语语。因。因为为to look after的的动动作是由作是由the organization发发出出,故用不定式的故用不定式的主主动结动结构。构。

102、A栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains4Mr.Smith was surprised to find the watch he had had _ was nowhere to be seen.AitBit repairedCrepairedDto be repaired解析:句意解析:句意:史密斯先生吃惊地史密斯先生吃惊地发现发现他他让让人修的手表不人修的手表不见见了。了。watch之后省略了关系代之后省略了关系代词词which或或that。此。此处为处为had had the watch repai

103、red。C栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains5Is everyone here? Not yet.Look, there_ the rest of our guests!AcomeBcomesCis comingDare coming解析:考解析:考查查倒装句。句意:倒装句。句意:人都来人都来齐齐了了吗吗?还还没有没有, ,你看你看,我我们们剩下的客人从那儿来了。此剩下的客人从那儿来了。此处处是个倒装句是个倒装句, ,正常的正常的语语序序为为:The rest of our guests come t

104、here!故此!故此处处用用come,即即A项项正确。正确。A栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains写作素材写作素材1青春期青春期是我是我们们青少年走向成年的一段青少年走向成年的一段时时期。期。2在在这这段段时时期,我期,我们们除了除了经历经历一些身体的一些身体的变变化之外,化之外,还还要要经经历历心理的心理的变变化。化。3我我们们的父母不能的父母不能容忍容忍我我们认为们认为是正常的一些行是正常的一些行为为。4虽虽然然烦恼烦恼似乎多于收似乎多于收获获,但是但是我我们们相信相信这这两者使我两者使我们们的少的

105、少年年时时代代变变得更加丰富多彩。得更加丰富多彩。提示:提示:黑体部分用本黑体部分用本单单元元词汇词汇表达。表达。连连句成篇句成篇(将以上句子将以上句子连连成一篇成一篇50词词左右的英左右的英语语短文。短文。)栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains_Adolescence is a period when we teenagers grow to adults. During this period we go through some psychological changes as well as p

106、hysical changes.We desire independence,and want to act like adults.But our parents cant tolerate our behavior which we think is normal.Although it seems that pains are more than gains,we believe both of them make our teenage years more colorful.栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains温馨提示温馨提示完成作完成作业业:课课后达后达标检测标检测2栏目栏目导引导引基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评考点串讲考点串讲重点突破重点突破模块模块1Unit 2Growing pains本部分内容讲解结束本部分内容讲解结束按按ESC键键退出全屏播放退出全屏播放



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