Unit 4《Earthquakes》课件17(22张PPT)(人教版必修1)

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1、 Unit 4 Earthquakes一、根据课文内容用适当的词填空一、根据课文内容用适当的词填空Strange things were happening in the countryside in northeast Hebei. For three days the water in wells r_ and fell. A s_ gas came out of the cracks. In Tangshan, the water pipes in some buildings cracked and b_. But the people of the city, who thought

2、 l_ of these events, went to bed as u_.At 3:42 a.m. everything began to s_. It s_that the world was a_ a_ e_! In fifteen seconds a large city l_ i_ r_. osemellyurstittlesualhaketnay n uinsndeemed The n_ of people who were k_ or i_ r_ more than 400,000. Many children were l_without parents. Nearly ev

3、erything was d_. Hospitals, factories, buildings and homes were g_. People were shocked. Nobody knew how long the d_ would l_. The army sent 150,000 soldiers to Tangshan. They o_ teams to d_ o_ those who were t_ under the ruins and to b_ the dead. Hundreds of t_s of people were r_.eftnjuredumbereach

4、edestroyedoneisasterastrganizedigrappeduryhousandescuedutilledThe n_ of people who were k_ or i_ r_ more than 400,000. Many children were l_without parents. Nearly everything was d_. Hospitals, factories, buildings and homes were g_. People were shocked. Nobody knew how long the d_ would l_. The arm

5、y sent 150,000 soldiers to Tangshan. They o_ teams to d_ o_ those who were t_ under the ruins and to b_ the dead. Hundreds of t_s of people were r_.eftnjuredumbereachedestroyedoneisasterastrganizedigrappeduryhousandescuedutilled二、词义辨析 1. rise, 1) e must do everything we can _ _ the peoples living st

6、andards.2) A new problem has _ before the old one is solved.3) The price of houses has _ since last year.toraisearisenrisenraise, arise rise /rose/ risen (vi.)上升,上涨 arise/ arose/ arisen (vi)出现,发生raise/ raised / raised (vt.)使上升,喂养,筹集 2. destroy; ; ;(1)destroy (vt.)常指彻底的,不能或很难修复的“破坏”“毁坏”,也可用于损坏抽象的东西,如

7、名誉,计划,契约等(2)ruin (vt./ n.-ruins) 亦指彻底毁掉,但含有在一定的过程逐渐毁掉的意思.(3)damage (vt./不可数n.)是程度较小的“损坏”,常可修复。(4)break (vt./n.)是“打破,打碎”有形的东西或“破坏”无形抽象的东西,如法律等- destruction (n.)destructive (adj.)ruindamagebreak1) It was twenty years of living in stress that had _ his health.2) With more forests being _ , many plants

8、and animals are in danger of dying out.3) After the earthquake, all the villages and towns were in _.4) Unexpected natural disasters are bringing a great deal of _ to our buildings, possessions even our lives every year. 5) Hundreds of houses in the area were _ by the storm last week. Now people are

9、 repairing them.ruined/damageddestroyedruinsdamagedamaged3. injure; wound; hurt(1)wound (vt.)一般指外伤,如枪伤、刀伤,尤指战争、战斗中受伤; (n.)伤口 (adj.)_(2)injure (vt)一般指由于意外或事故造成的损伤。-injury (n.)伤;伤害 (adj.)_(3)hurt (vt.)可以指肉体也可指精神上的伤害;(vi.) “疼痛”wounded injured1) The pair of shoes are a little small for me, and my feet _

10、.2) Hed had his leg _ trying to save a mate from a fall of coal.3) The bullet _ him in the shoulder, and now his arm cant be raised.4) If you are bitten by an animal, wash the _ under cold running water right now.hurtinjured/hurtwoundedwound三、单选1. It rained for two weeks on end, completely _ our hol

11、iday. A. ruined B. to ruin C. ruining D. was ruined 缺连词-非句子,故用非谓语动词形式doing 表主动and (it) completely ruined或 which completely ruined2. Although the town had been attacked by the storm several times, _ was done.A. a few damages B. few damages C. little damage D. a little damagedamage 作名词时为不可数名词.3. At le

12、ast 203 miners were killed, 22 _ and 13 _ in a coal mine gas explosion in Fuxin.A. injuring, trapping B. injured, trappedC. injuring, trapped D. injured, trapping=22 miners were injured and 13 were trapped. 受伤,被困4. You have no idea how she finished the relay race _ her foot wounded so much. (08福建高考题

13、)A. for B. when C. with D. while第一步(观察):第二步(思考):第三步(判断):第四步(观察选项):答案是C-with短语作伴随状语(for不表伴随)怎样思考怎样思考?her foot wounded so much 是个完整的句子吗?wound是个什么样的动词?(结论):是vt.,“受伤”:be wounded 缺was,非完整谓语 ,是短语,非句子.for, with 是介词,后跟短语;When, while是连词,后须跟句子(when/while her foot was wounded so much- 主从句逻辑主语不一致,be不可省 )第五步(结论)

14、5. Believe it or not, Levys sister suddenly _ crying when we were eating. A. burst out B. burst in C. burst into D. burst on burst ( burst, burst ) vt. vi. (使)爆裂;突然出现;爆发使)爆裂;突然出现;爆发burst out doing sth.=burst into +n. (突然起来)burst with anger/ grief/ joy (勃然大怒;心痛欲绝;乐不可支)burst out crying = burst into te

15、arsburst out laughing=burst into laughter6. _ deep down in the earth, the dead forests rotted away and became coal. A. Burying B. Buried C. To bury D. Having buried7. _ in his novel, he ran into the tree in front of him. A. Burying B. Buried C. To bury D. Having buried被深埋埋头于,专心于bury (vt.) 埋葬;隐藏; 使沉浸

16、,使专心; 插入Many people were buried underground when the coal mine fell.bury ones face in handsbury oneself in=be buried inHe walked slowly, his hands buried in his pockets.被埋双手掩面埋头于;专心于双手插在衣袋里8. The party last night was _ success; we sang and danced until it came to _ end at twelve. A. /; / B. a; the C

17、. the; an D. a; ancome to an end (vi.) 结束bring sth. to an end (vt.)使结束(介词短语:)at an end 结束at the end( of ) 在()的末尾by the end of 到末尾为止(必须用完成时)in the end结果,最后at last四、文体和结构四、文体和结构记叙文(-记叙人物、经历或事件发展过程的一种文体:新闻报道、游记、故事、回忆录、访问等)1、写记叙文应注意以下几点 (1)_齐全。即要把记叙的六个要素交代清楚:_、_、_、_、_和_. (2) _清晰。即要抓住主要线索有条不紊地进行叙述。 (3)_得

18、当。2、常见的叙述方式:_叙、_叙、_叙、夹_夹_3、确定_-多为第_或第_人称(视文章内容而定)4、确定好动词的_。(多为_)5、处理好叙述的_时间(time)地点(place) 人物(people)起因(cause)发展(development)结果(effect)要素条理详略顺倒插叙议人称一三时态过去时过渡四、仿写课文四、仿写课文 2008年5月12日下午2点28 分,在四川汶川地区发生了一场特大地震。请根据以下提示写一篇新闻报道。震前:天气晴朗。午后,人们象往常一样开始上班、上学,无任何异常。震中: 地动山摇,十秒钟之内整个汶川就变成一片废墟。几乎一切都被摧毁了。三分之二的建筑物消失了

19、。成千上万个家庭遇难,许多孩子变成孤儿。在这次地震中死亡的人数达到68,858多人,18618人失踪, 366,586人受伤。震后: 部队派了15万名战士到四川,他们组织小分队,挖出受困者,掩埋死者。数十万人被营救。At 2:28 p.m.on May,12,2008五、拓展写作五、拓展写作请根据以下信息编写一篇新闻报道。事件:一场火灾时间:昨天晚上地点:邮局附近的一栋建筑内人物:楼房周围的居民及消防员经过:居民们尝试扑火但火势无法控制。后被消防员扑灭。结果:火被扑灭,无人伤亡。起因:正在进行进一步的调查(可能由一根燃烧的烟头引起)(字数:100左右。)2. smelly adj. 发臭的,有

20、臭味的-smell There is a strong smell of gas in the room.Taste and smell are closely connected.I can smell something burning.Can fish smell?The fish has begun to smell.The flowers smell sweet.(C)n. 味道(U)n. 嗅觉(vt.嗅)(vi. 有嗅觉)vi.发出臭味(系动词-闻起来)=be smelly(+adj.)The meeting came to an end .The meeting was at an end.They _ 5,000 cars at the end of last month.They _ 5,000 cars by the end of this month.They _ 5,000 cars by the end of last month.They _ 5,000 cars by the end of next month.They sold out all the cars _ the end.soldhave soldhad soldwill have soldin同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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