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1、目录目录一般将来时的形式一般将来时的形式.1.will shall +动词原形动词原形2 be going to +动词原形动词原形3.be doing 请辨析请辨析 a little, a few, little , fewpaperpollutionbuildingpetfactorytreecompanysnakelessfewerssssiesies1.Hurry up! There is _time left.2. I hope there will be _(little) pollution and _(many) trees in the future.3. To keep h

2、ealthy, we should eat _ vegetables and _ meat.A.much,little B.many,few C.more,lessD.more,fewer.4.Dont worry.There is still_time.5.There _(be) little sheep on the hill,arent there?6.There are _eggs left,but not enough,I must go shopping.7.There are _eggs left,I must go shopping.4总结总结There be 的用法的用法5.

3、 小院里有一只鹦鹉和几棵树。小院里有一只鹦鹉和几棵树。There _ a parrot and a few trees in the yard.6. 过去这里处处有工厂和公司。过去这里处处有工厂和公司。There _ _ and _ everywhere in the past.7. 你认为未来几天云南将会有雨吗?你认为未来几天云南将会有雨吗?Do you think _ _ _ _ in Yunnan in the next days?8. There _ a talk show on CCTV4 at nine this evening.iswerefactoriescompanies t

4、here will be rainA.will have B. is going to be B.C. is going to have D. is having such 与与 so 的用法的用法1. such 和和so 都表示:如此都表示:如此. such + a /an +(形容词形容词) + 单数名词单数名词 + (that从句从句)Eg: It was such a good movie that I never dreamed of it. such (+形容词形容词)+ 复数名词复数名词 + that 从句从句Eg: Weve such difficult problems th

5、at no one would like to continue. such(+形容词形容词)+不可数名词不可数名词(+that从句从句) Eg: I dont like such weather. so +形容词形容词/副词副词 + that从句从句Eg: It is so heavy that I cant carry it. so+ 形容词形容词 + a/an + 单数名词单数名词 + that从句从句Eg: She is so good a girl that I cant forget.这这一一句句式式可可与与“such + a /an + 形形容容词词 + 单单数数名名词词 + t

6、hat从从句句”结构换用。结构换用。 Eg: so good a girl=such a good girl (6)如如果果名名词词前前有有many , much , few , little (此此时时,little不表示小而可爱之意不表示小而可爱之意)就用就用soEg : There are so many beautiful flowers in the garden.Such so 区别:区别:such后一定有名词后一定有名词; so 后紧跟形容词后紧跟形容词 .I got up _ late _ I was late for school this morning.A. such,

7、that B. too, to C. as, as D. so, thatShe is _ _ _ _ that all the people love her. 她是一个如此好的人,我们都喜欢她。她是一个如此好的人,我们都喜欢她。It was _ _ _ match. =It was _ _ _ match. 这是一场这是一场如此令人激动的比赛。如此令人激动的比赛。 such a kind person such an exciting so exciting a 1.She is _a little girl that we all like her.2.I dont want to ma

8、ke friends with such a person.3.It is _delicious food that I want to eat it.4.They are _beautiful flowers.5.I cant believe _beautiful the flowers are. seem的用法的用法. Seem It seems that+从句从句 ( to be )+adj. to do She seems (to be) worried.=_ seems that she _ worried now.John 好像回来了。好像回来了。_ _ _ John came b

9、ack.Ted 似乎知道这个秘密。似乎知道这个秘密。Ted _ _ _ the secret.It is It seemed that seems to know他似乎生气了他似乎生气了.应该有几种翻译方法应该有几种翻译方法呢呢? alone 和和lonelyalone, lonelyI was _ in the house 我独自在家。我独自在家。She lives _ in that large houses. 她独自一人住在那个大房子里。她独自一人住在那个大房子里。Sometimes he feels _ because he has no friends. 有时他感到孤独,因为他没有朋

10、友。有时他感到孤独,因为他没有朋友。The old man lives_,he often feels _. alone alone lonely in ,after 和和later 的用法的用法Will people have robots?词语对对碰词语对对碰in in vs vs after after 及及及及later later 相同点相同点相同点相同点: : : : 这三个词都可接时间这三个词都可接时间这三个词都可接时间这三个词都可接时间, , , ,表示表示表示表示“ “在在在在 以后以后以后以后” ”不同点不同点不同点不同点: : : : “ “in+in+in+in+一段时

11、间一段时间一段时间一段时间” ”表示以现在为起点的将来一段时间以后表示以现在为起点的将来一段时间以后表示以现在为起点的将来一段时间以后表示以现在为起点的将来一段时间以后, , , ,常常常常与将来时连用与将来时连用与将来时连用与将来时连用. . . . “ “after+after+after+after+一段时间一段时间一段时间一段时间” ”表示以过去某一时间点开始的一段时间表示以过去某一时间点开始的一段时间表示以过去某一时间点开始的一段时间表示以过去某一时间点开始的一段时间以后以后以后以后, , , ,常于一般过去时连用常于一般过去时连用常于一般过去时连用常于一般过去时连用. . . .

12、当当当当afterafterafterafter后接某一时间点时后接某一时间点时后接某一时间点时后接某一时间点时, , , ,仍可用仍可用仍可用仍可用于将来时于将来时于将来时于将来时. . . . 3.later 3.later 3.later 3.later一般放在时间段后一般放在时间段后一般放在时间段后一般放在时间段后, , , ,如如如如,three days later ,three days later ,three days later ,three days later a moment later later on a moment later later on a momen

13、t later later on a moment later later onItll be finished _ five minutes.He rang you up _supper.Ill be free _ nine oclock.Its two oclock.Ill come _ an hour.ininafterafterafterafterinin can vs be able toWill people have robots?词语对对碰词语对对碰can can vs vs be able tobe able to相同点相同点相同点相同点: : : : 两者都表示能力两者都表

14、示能力两者都表示能力两者都表示能力不同点不同点不同点不同点: : : : can can can can只有现在式和过去式只有现在式和过去式只有现在式和过去式只有现在式和过去式. . . . be able to be able to be able to be able to可用于现在时、过去时和将来时可用于现在时、过去时和将来时可用于现在时、过去时和将来时可用于现在时、过去时和将来时, , , ,但它没有进行时但它没有进行时但它没有进行时但它没有进行时. . . . 表示经过努力而成功的某一次动作表示经过努力而成功的某一次动作表示经过努力而成功的某一次动作表示经过努力而成功的某一次动作,

15、, , ,只能用只能用只能用只能用be able to.be able to.be able to.be able to.试做以下试题试做以下试题试做以下试题试做以下试题: :He _ drive a car.He _ drive a car.He _climb over the mountain He _climb over the mountain before.before.He _speak three languages in He _speak three languages in three years.three years.cancanwas able towas able

16、to keep 的用法的用法keep: v. 保持;维持;喂养保持;维持;喂养1. . keep +形容词形容词 保持保持The man ran up and down to keep warm这个人来来回回地跑着取暖。这个人来来回回地跑着取暖。keep + sb. / sth. +形容词形容词 使某人使某人/某物某物The job kept them busy for a year这项工作让他们忙碌了一年。这项工作让他们忙碌了一年。. 2 keep + doing 继续做,坚持做继续做,坚持做He kept running after her, trying to catch her. 他不

17、停地在追赶她,试图抓到她。他不停地在追赶她,试图抓到她。 keep + sb. / sth. doing 让某人让某人/某物继续做某事某物继续做某事She kept us waiting for her for an hour. . p.38.Its adj. for sb to do sth对于某人来讲做某事是对于某人来讲做某事是adj.: easy ,important ,difficult ,fun Eg: Its not easy for us to learn a foreign language.形式主语形式主语真正的主语真正的主语Its adj. of sb to do sth

18、adj : kind ,clever, good, nice, wrong, foolish .of 前面的形容词是关于性前面的形容词是关于性格,品质的。形容词和人能格,品质的。形容词和人能够构成够构成主系表结构主系表结构。Eg: Its kind of you to say so .You are kind . 2. Its (not)+ adj+ for/of sb to do sthfor 引导逻辑主语要用来说明不定式的性质。引导逻辑主语要用来说明不定式的性质。Eg; Its not easy to learn a foreign language.of 引引导导逻逻辑辑主主语语主主要要

19、用用来来说说明明人人物物特特征征,品品德德或或者者表表示示人人物物意意愿愿的的,即即褒褒贬贬义义形形容容词词:good,kind, nice,clever,foolish,bad。Eg; Its very nice of you to come to see us.wear ,put on, dress.be in sound voice noise1.sound 指自然界里任何声音指自然界里任何声音,如机器如机器声声,枪声枪声,水声等水声等.2.voice 指人的声音指人的声音(说话说话,唱歌等的嗓唱歌等的嗓音音)3 noise (不可数名词不可数名词)指不和谐的噪音指不和谐的噪音.用用vo

20、ice ,sound 和和 noise填空填空.1.Dont make so much _.2.She said in a low (低的低的)_.3.Can you hear the _of the gun(枪枪)?4.She has a sweet_.目录目录 与某人吵架与某人吵架 付付账账 与某人相处融洽与某人相处融洽 比较比较 找到时间找到时间 不让不让进入进入 打打电话给电话给 不时髦的不时髦的/时髦的时髦的 用电话交谈用电话交谈 与与同样的同样的 尽可能尽可能argue with pay for get on well with comparewith fitinto keep o

21、ut call sb. (up) out of style/ in style on the phone the same as as as possible 兼职工作兼职工作 直到直到才才 各种各样的各种各样的 抱怨抱怨 一方面,另一方面一方面,另一方面 part-time job notuntil complain about all kinds of on the one hand, on the other hand 新颖的新颖的 心烦的心烦的 固执己见的固执己见的 疯狂的疯狂的 有组织的有组织的 original upset pushy crazy organized 1. argu

22、e with sb. about sth Tom _ with his father when I came to his house.2. either两个词都是正确的两个词都是正确的._ _ the words _ right.在这个问题上不是你对就是我对在这个问题上不是你对就是我对._ you _ I _ right.我不喜欢唱歌我不喜欢唱歌,他也不喜欢他也不喜欢.I dont like singing, he doesnt like, _. was arguingeitheroreither of+单数单数 Either of isEither or am either3.except

23、/ besidesAll the other Ss went to the park _ Jim.除了除了Jim以外其他所有学生也都去了公园。以外其他所有学生也都去了公园。Everyone went to the park _ Jim.所有学生都去了公园,只有所有学生都去了公园,只有Jim没去。没去。4. fail fail to dofail failed -failedbesidesexceptJim _ _ catch up with others though he _ his _.Jim尽管非常努力,但他还是没能赶上其他人。尽管非常努力,但他还是没能赶上其他人。Jim _ his m

24、ath exam yesterday.Jim 昨天数学考试没及格。昨天数学考试没及格。 failed totried bestfailed5.as as possible=as as sb. can / couldIll tell him as _ as possible. =Ill tell him as _ as _ _.Youd better do your homework as _ as possible.=Youd better do your homework as _ as _ _.soonsoon I can carefullycarefully you canDear Au

25、nt Chen, My cousin is the same age as me. Shes really nice, and we _ on well, but my things always _ by her. Last week, she borrowed my math book and didnt return it. So I couldnt do my homework. I dont want _ a fight with my cousin, because shes my best friend. I dont know what _. Could you please _ me some advice. Yours Looking for Help do, borrow, give, get, havegetare borrowed to have to do give



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