高中英语 Unit21《Human Biology》课件 北师大版选修7

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1、Unit21 Human Biology 人类生物学考纲知识预考纲知识预览览重点单词重点单词1 vi. 循环 n. 循环;传播,发行量2 vt. 消化 n. 消化3 vt. 容忍 n. 忍受,忍耐力;宽容 adj. 宽容的;容忍的4 adj.根本的,基本的 adv. 根本上;基本上5 adj. 强制性的,义务的 adj. (反义词)自愿的;志愿的circulatecirculationdigestdigestiontoleratetolerancetolerantfundamentalfundamentallycompulsoryvoluntary考纲知识预考纲知识预览览6 vt. 反对 ad

2、j. 相反的,反对的 n. 反方,对立面7 vt. 与(其他事物)相矛盾 n. 矛盾的说法;反驳 adj. 矛盾的;抵触的8 vt. 违反,违背 n. 违反;侵害9 vt. 款待 n. 治疗opposeoppositeoppositioncontradictcontradictioncontradictoryviolateviolationtreattreatment考纲知识预考纲知识预览览10 n. 储存 vi. 储存,存放11 vt. 禁止 n. 禁止;禁令12 adj. 彻底的;细致的 prep.(形近词) 穿过,通过13. adj. 系统化的 n. 系统storagestoreproh

3、ibitprohibitionthoroughthroughsystematicsystem考纲知识预考纲知识预览览14 n. 大笔钱财;巨款 adj. 幸运的 adj. (反义词)不幸的15 n. 担心,担忧 v. 关心,涉及,有关 adj. 担心的,关心的,相关的 prep. 关于,有关fortunefortunateunfortunate concern concernconcernedconcerning考纲知识预考纲知识预览览1 徒然;白费力气2 不管多大代价,无论如何3 立刻,马上4 彻底毁灭5 终止;消灭6 无论如何;至少7 偶然发现或遇见8 推迟,拖延高频短语高频短语in va

4、inat all costsstraight awaywipe out stop sth.in its tracksat any ratecome acrossput off考纲知识预考纲知识预览览9 开始做10 仔细检查;复习11 教育;养育;使注意到;引述12 经历;通过;搜查13 通过(考试等);完成14 知道;明白15 清理;清除;解决;说明(神秘的事物等)16 随便地,随意地17 永久地get down togo overbring.up go throughget through be aware of clear.up at randomfor good考纲知识预考纲知识预览览1

5、.the Spanish Flu the most acute epidemic in history.西班牙流感被认为是历史上最严重的流行性传染病。2.we have to there will be solutions in time to stop a Bird Flu epidemic in its tracks.我们必须有信心将会有消灭禽流感的方法。常考句型常考句型is believed to have been have faith that 考纲知识预考纲知识预览览2.we have to there will be solutions in time to stop a Bir

6、d Flu epidemic in its tracks.我们必须有信心将会有消灭禽流感的方法。3When he went to the doctor that day, he what was about to happen to him.当那天他去看病时,他一定不知道什么事将会发生在他身上。have faith thatcould not have known考纲知识预考纲知识预览览4 thousands of people who could have benefited from Traditional Chinese Medicine missed out because of ig

7、norance.很遗憾,由于无知,成千上万的人们错过了用传统中医治疗的机会。It seems a real pity that名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛1. abuse vt.& n滥用;虐待;滥用;虐待;辱骂辱骂abuse ones authority/position/power滥滥用职权用职权/权力权力abuse a child 虐待小孩虐待小孩an abuse of position 职权的滥用职权的滥用an abuse of drugs 药物的滥用药物的滥用单词点击单词点击点对点点对点名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛Laws have been passed to prevent govern

8、ment officials from abusing their power.通过立法防止官员滥用权力。They were so rude that they often abused each other in public.他们很粗鲁,经常在大庭广众之下彼此辱骂。What she did was an abuse of her position as manager.她的所作所为是滥用经理职权。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛1It has been revealed that some government leaders_their authority and position to get

9、 illegal profits for themselves.Aemploy BtakeCabuse Doverlook名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛解析解析:选选C。句意:一些政府领导被揭句意:一些政府领导被揭露滥用职权,非法为个人谋利。露滥用职权,非法为个人谋利。abuse 滥用,滥用,妄用妄用(权力等权力等);(不当地不当地)使用;使用;employ 雇用,雇用,使用;使用;take 拿,取;拿,取;overlook 俯瞰,眺望;俯瞰,眺望;忽略。忽略。 名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛2. tolerate vt. 容忍;忍受容忍;忍受tolerate (sb./ones) doing sth.容

10、忍(某容忍(某人)做某事人)做某事be tolerant of/towards sb./sth.容忍某人容忍某人/某物某物have no tolerance for jokes of any kind 容不得开任何玩笑容不得开任何玩笑the tolerable levels of pollution 可接受可接受的污染程度的污染程度名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛(1)tolerate 常用于否定句。(2)tolerate 后接动名词,但不接不定式。I wont tolerate your bad manners any longer.我再也不能忍受你那种恶劣的态度了。(朗文P1628)The pla

11、nts are tolerant of frost.这些植物耐霜。思维拓展思维拓展名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛He never could tolerate bores.他从来忍受不了那些令人讨厌的人。(朗文P1628)a tolerant father 宽容的父亲(朗文P1628)Many old people have a very limited tolerance to cold.许多老年人对寒冷的忍受力很差。(朗文P1628)名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛2Smoking has been_in more and more public places, which was once just

12、in places like gas stations.Apreserved BprohibitedCignored Dtolerated解析解析:选选B。吸烟在越来越多的场合被吸烟在越来越多的场合被“禁止禁止”。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛3. oppose vt.反对反对opposed adj. 相反的,对立的相反的,对立的oppose A against/to B把把A与与B相对照或相对照或相比相比oppose oneself to 反对反对sb.be opposed to sth./doing sth.某人反某人反对某事对某事as opposed to 与与相对;与相对;与成对成对比比名师

13、一线讲名师一线讲坛坛Most citizens opposed the bill.许多市民反对这项议案。200 attended,as opposed to 300 the previous year.出席的有200人,而前一年是300人。Your evidence opposes the fact.你的证据与事实相背。Im strongly opposed to your suggestion.我坚决反对你的建议。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛3What excuse did John give for his rudeness at the meeting?He didnt even menti

14、on it,_ explain it.Alet alone Band even notCor not Das opposed to解析解析:选选A。let alone 在此意为在此意为“更不更不用说用说”。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛4. seek v. 寻求;追求;探求;探寻求;追求;探求;探索;索;(正式正式)试图试图seek after/for sb./sth. 寻求某人寻求某人/某物某物seek ones fortune 寻找成功(致富)的寻找成功(致富)的机会机会seek sth. from sb. 向某人请求某事(某向某人请求某事(某物)物)seek sb./sth.out 搜寻出;(

15、在一群中)搜寻出;(在一群中)找出找出seek to do sth. 试图做试图做名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛They are seeking him everywhere.他们正到处找他。She managed to calm him down and seek help from a neighbour.她设法使他平静下来,然后向一位邻居求助。He is going to Canada to seek his fortune.他想去加拿大挣大钱。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛4He is always_fault with other people though he doesnt do his o

16、wn work properly.Aseeking BlookingCfinding Dputting解析解析:选选C。seek意为意为“寻找寻找”;look“看看(不及物动词不及物动词)”;find意为意为“找到找到”;put意为意为“放放”。find fault with 意为意为“挑毛病挑毛病”。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛5. postpone vt.推迟;延期推迟;延期postpone sth.(to sth.)推迟某事物;使某推迟某事物;使某事物推迟事物推迟be postponed for an hour 推迟推迟1个小时个小时postpone doing sth.推迟做某事推迟做某事

17、postpone sth.until/to 推迟;耽搁;使延推迟;耽搁;使延期期名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛Well have to postpone the meeting until next week. 我们将不得不把会议推迟到下周举行。They decided to postpone building the new school.他们决定延迟兴建新学校。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛postpone,delay,put off三个词或词组后都不可以跟不定式。(1)postpone是正式用语,语义较强,指有意识地延至将来某一特定时间,在多数情况下,后面说明何时进行。(2)delay 指暂时阻挠或

18、阻挡,稍后可再继续进行,后跟耽搁的原因。(3)put off与postpone 大致同义,但较口语化。比较网站比较网站名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛The game has already been postponed three times.这场比赛已经三度延期了。(牛津P1337)Commuters will face long delays on the roads today.路远乘车上下班的人今天要在路上耽误很多时间了。(牛津P448)He keeps putting off going to visit his uncle.他把看望他叔叔这件事一托再托。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛5翻译句子

19、(1)由于下雨我们推迟了比赛。_答案:We postponed the match because of rain.(2)咱们在获取更多信息之后再做决定也不迟。_答案:Lets postpone making a decision until we have more information.名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛(3)由于双方队员的冲突,比赛被迫推迟半个小时。_答案:The match was postponed for half an hour because of the conflict of players of the two sides.名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛6. prohi

20、bit vt. 禁止;阻止禁止;阻止prohibit.from doing sth.禁止禁止做某做某事事prohibit smoking 禁止吸烟禁止吸烟名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛Smoking in this railway carriage is strictly prohibited.本列车车厢严格禁止吸烟。We are prohibited from drinking alcohol during working hours.工作时间内我们不得喝酒。The price prohibited us from buying it.这东西价钱太高,我们买不起。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛6Chin

21、ese customs regulations _ taking precious works of art out of China.Aprohibit BforbidCavoid Drepel名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛解析解析:选选A。句意:中国海关条例规定句意:中国海关条例规定禁止将珍贵的文物带出中国。禁止将珍贵的文物带出中国。prohibit和和forbid这两个词都有这两个词都有“禁止禁止”之意,但应用之意,但应用范围不同:范围不同:prohibit用于上级部门的正式法用于上级部门的正式法令、规定或权威机构的法律、法令;令、规定或权威机构的法律、法令;forbid用于普通人之间,如禁止

22、做某事或不让某人用于普通人之间,如禁止做某事或不让某人做某事。做某事。avoid避免;避免;repel抵制,排斥,击抵制,排斥,击退。退。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛7. contradict vt.与与(其他事物其他事物)相相矛盾;反驳,否认,顶嘴矛盾;反驳,否认,顶嘴contradict sth.同同矛盾矛盾/抵触抵触contradict sb.反驳某人反驳某人contradiction 矛盾的说法;反驳矛盾的说法;反驳in contradiction to与与互相矛盾互相矛盾contradictory statements 矛盾说法矛盾说法名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛If you contrad

23、ict me once more,youre fired.你再顶撞我一次,我就解雇你!(朗文P323)Their alibis contradict each other.关于他们不在犯罪现场的辩词相互矛盾。(朗文P323)Its a contradiction to say you support the government but would not vote for it in an election.名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛你说你支持政府,但又在选举中不投它的票,这是自相矛盾的。(朗文P323)Your behaviour is in(direct)contradiction to

24、your principles.你的行为与你的原则互相矛盾。(朗文P324)名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛7完成句子(1)他不敢顶撞他的父母。He didnt dare_his parents.答案:to contradict(2)他们的短期重点和长期目标互相矛盾。Their shortterm priorities are_ _their longterm goals.答案:in direct contradiction to名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛8. decline v(使使)下降;衰退;下降;衰退;谢绝谢绝 n. 下降;衰退下降;衰退(1)decline by 下降下降decline to

25、do sth. 拒绝干某事拒绝干某事(2)fall into (a) decline 开始衰退开始衰退be in decline 处于下降、衰退中处于下降、衰退中on the decline 在走下坡路;在衰退(减在走下坡路;在衰退(减少)少)The town fell into (a) decline after the mine closed.这个镇在矿井关闭后开始衰落。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛decline,refuse,reject(1)decline 作“拒绝”之意时,常指有礼貌地回绝,婉言谢绝,其主语只能是人。(2)refuse语气比decline 重,主语可以是人也可以是物。(3

26、)reject比refuse 语气更重,意为“抛弃,拒收,不采纳”。比较网站比较网站名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛I offered to give him a lift but he declined.我主动邀请他搭车但他婉言谢绝了。She refused to accept that there was a problem.她拒不承认有问题存在。(牛津P1452)Ive been rejected by all the universities I applied to.所有我申请的大学都没有录取我。(牛津P1457)名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛8完成句子(1)很抱歉,明天晚上我没空,所以必须谢绝你

27、的邀请。Im sorry,but Im not free tomorrow evening so I have to _.答案:decline your invitation名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛(2)全球经济自2008年以来一直在走下坡路。Global economy_ _ since 2008.答案:has been in decline名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛9. equip vt.使有准备;配备;装使有准备;配备;装备备equipment nU 装备;设备装备;设备equip sb./sth. with sth.用某物装备某人用某物装备某人/物物equip sb./ sth. for

28、 (doing) sth.为(做)为(做)某事而准备某事而准备sb.be equipped to do sth.某人有准备做某人有准备做某事某事equip sb.to do sth. 使某人能够做某事使某人能够做某事be equipped with sth.装备有某物装备有某物a piece of equipment 一件设备一件设备名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛Our classroom is equipped with a TV set and a tape recorder. 我们的教室里配有一台电视和一台录音机。A good education should equip you for li

29、fe.良好的教育能使你受用终生。Our school has been given some new equipment.我们学校有了一些赠送的新设备。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛9We want to_ our children with some special skills, thus, they can live better in the future.Aprepare BequipCpermit Dallow解析解析:选选B。句意:我们想使我们的小句意:我们想使我们的小孩具有某些特长,这样,他们才能在将来生孩具有某些特长,这样,他们才能在将来生活得更好。活得更好。equip使使本身具有

30、本身具有(必要的学必要的学问、能力之类问、能力之类),符合句意。,符合句意。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛10The factory is equipped_ modern machinery and uses the most recent techniques.Awith BonCby Dinto解析解析:选选A。equip.with.“以以配备配备”,be equipped with modern machinery 配备现代化机械。配备现代化机械。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛10. temporary adj. 临时的,短暂临时的,短暂的的a temporary job 一项临时工作一项临时工作

31、a temporary lecturer 临时演讲者临时演讲者a temporary setback 短暂的挫折短暂的挫折be temporarily unavailable 暂时得不到暂时得不到名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛Students often find temporary jobs during their summer holidays.学生们常常在暑假打临工。(朗文P1589)We apologize for the temporary inconvenience caused by these building works.对于建筑施工造成的短期不便,我们谨致歉意。(朗文P1589

32、)The daily flight to Dallas has been temporarily suspended.每天飞往达拉斯的航班暂停。(朗文P1589)名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛temporary的反义词为permanent adj. “永久的,持久的”。思维拓展思维拓展名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛11翻译句子(1)半数以上的职员是临时雇员。_答案:More than half of the staff are temporary.(2)她只是暂时在这儿工作。_答案:Shes only working here temporarily.名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛单项填空Today I cha

33、nged my room with Jack,so I had new_.AschoolmatesBdeskmatesCroommates解析解析:选选C。此处指此处指“我我”交换房间后交换房间后有了新的室友。有了新的室友。单词巧记单词巧记名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛归纳与比较:mate(后缀)同伴后缀n.(名词)原名词mate-mate(同伴)school 学校schoolmate 校友work 工作 workmate 工友,同事room 房间roommate 室友 desk 桌子deskmate 同桌team 队teammate 队友class 班级classmate 同学名师一线讲名师一线讲

34、坛坛【经典案例】When I was a middle school student, we changed seats once a month, so I had many _.AworkmatesBdeskmatesCdesk【解析解析】因为经常交换座位,所以同因为经常交换座位,所以同桌有很多。桌有很多。【答案】B名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛11. in vain 徒然,白费力气徒然,白费力气vain adj. 自负的;自视过高的;空洞的,自负的;自视过高的;空洞的,无用的;无谓的无用的;无谓的a vain attempt 无用的尝试无用的尝试vain promises 空头的许诺空头的许诺

35、vainly adv. 徒劳地徒劳地短语扫描短语扫描线连线线连线名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛We tried in vain to make him change his mind.我们想使他改变主意,结果是白费心机。We tried vainly to persuade her not to go.我们劝她别去,她不听。He was vain about his looks, spending hours in the gym.他对自己的外表很自负,在健身房里一呆就是几个小时。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛12We tried_to persuade him to stay home, but at

36、last, he went to the construction site in spite of his bad illness.AvainBin vainCin fact Din vainly解析解析:选选B。句意:我们极力劝说他待在家,句意:我们极力劝说他待在家,但大都是徒劳的,尽管他生着重病,最后还是去但大都是徒劳的,尽管他生着重病,最后还是去了工地。了工地。in vain(vainly)徒劳地,白费力气地。徒劳地,白费力气地。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛12. at all costs 不管多大代价;不管多大代价;无论如何无论如何at the cost of 丧失;牺牲丧失;牺牲at

37、a cost of 以以的费用的费用/价格价格at any cost 以任何代价以任何代价to ones cost 使某人遭受损失使某人遭受损失名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛He saved his son from drowning but only at the cost of his own life.他救了溺水的儿子,但自己却丢了性命。You are not to allow anyone to leave the house at all costs.无论如何你一定不要让任何人离开这个房子。Its not worth arguing with him as I have learnt to

38、 my cost.和他争论是不值得的,因为我已经尝过苦头了。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛13完成句子(1)He is determined to win_ _(无论如何)答案:at any cost(2)The young policeman saved the little girl from the fire, but _ _(以自己的生命为代价)答案:at the cost of his own life名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛13. at any rate 无论如何,至少无论如何,至少at this/that rate 照这照这/那种情况继续下去那种情况继续下去at a rate of 以

39、以的速度的速度/比率比率birth/unemployment/divorce rate出生出生/失业失业/离婚率离婚率success/failure rate 成功成功/失败率失败率名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛We may miss the next bus, but at any rate well be there before midday.我们可能赶不上下一趟公共汽车,但无论如何,中午以前我们总可以到那里。At this rate, we will soon be bankrupt.照这样下去,我们很快就会破产。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛14I may be away on business

40、 next week but_ Ill be back by Friday.Aat any rateBat a rateCat this rate Dat the rate解析解析:选选A。at this rate 照这样;照这样;at any rate意为意为“不管怎么样不管怎么样”。句意:我可。句意:我可能下周出差,但无论如何我周五要返回来。能下周出差,但无论如何我周五要返回来。故选故选A。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛14. at random 随便地,随意地随便地,随意地random adj. 胡乱的;任意的,随机的胡乱的;任意的,随机的a random sample of voters 随

41、机抽样挑随机抽样挑出的投票者出的投票者randomly selected/distributed 随意挑选随意挑选的的/任意分配的任意分配的an element of randomness to the situation 形势的不稳定因素形势的不稳定因素名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛The people for the experiment were chosen completely at random.用来做实验的人完全是随意挑选的。(朗文P1241)He fired a few random shots.他乱放了几枪。(朗文P1241)名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛15He opened the

42、book_and started reading.Ain vain Bfull of faithCat once Dat random解析解析:选选D。本题考查介词短语辨析。本题考查介词短语辨析。句意:他随意地打开一本书就开始读起来。句意:他随意地打开一本书就开始读起来。in vain 徒然;徒然;full of faith 满怀信心;满怀信心;at once 立刻;立刻;at random 随便地,随意地。根随便地,随意地。根据句意,答案为据句意,答案为D。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛16He was not listening and made a _answer to the teacher

43、s question.Arandom BcarefulCstrict Dat random解析解析:选选A。本题考查词义辨析。句意:他本题考查词义辨析。句意:他没有听讲,对教师的问题乱答一通。没有听讲,对教师的问题乱答一通。random 意意为为“胡乱的,随便的胡乱的,随便的”;careful 仔细的,认真的;仔细的,认真的;strict 严格的;严格的;at random为介词短语,意为为介词短语,意为“随随意地;随便地意地;随便地”。根据句意,答案为。根据句意,答案为A。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛15.【教材原句】.we have to have faith that there will

44、be.我们必须有信心将会有【句法分析】本句中that引导同位语从句。that常用来引导同位语从句,与具有概括性的抽象名词连用,如news,fact,idea,suggestion,warning,hope,promise,thought,doubt,belief,truth,request,proposal,demand等。句型探究句型探究面对面面对面名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛The fact that he won first prize cant be denied.他赢得一等奖的事实不容否认。In spite of the fact that he is over sixty,he is

45、still full of spirit.尽管他已经60多岁了,但仍然精力充沛。Have you heard the news that Mary will be back soon?你听到玛丽不久就要回来的消息了吗?I dont agree on the idea that you will go abroad.我不同意你要出国的想法。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛【注意】that引导同位语从句时,只起到引导词的作用,在从句中不作任何成分,但不可省略。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛除that外,wh词(包括how)也可以引导同位语从句。You have no idea how anxious we we

46、re then.你不知道我们当时多么焦急。I have no idea when he will be back.我不知道他什么时候回来。The question whether he should give it up has been worrying him for days.他该不该放弃这个问题几天来一直困扰着他。思维拓展思维拓展名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛17There is no doubt,in my opinion,_matters is not the speed,but the quality of the product.Awhat what Bthat thatCthat

47、if Dthat what名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛解析解析:选选D。that引导一个同位语从句,引导一个同位语从句,在这个同位语从句中又有一个主语从句:在这个同位语从句中又有一个主语从句:what matters。句意:依我看,毫无疑问,。句意:依我看,毫无疑问,重要的不是速度,而是产品的质量。重要的不是速度,而是产品的质量。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛16.【教材原句】It seems a real pity that thousands of people who could have benefited from Traditional Chinese Medicine missed out

48、 because of ignorance.很遗憾,由于无知,成千上万的人们错过了用传统中医治疗的机会。【句法分析】(1)在“It seemsn./adj.that从句”中,it 为形式主语,that从句为真正的主语。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛(2)seem“好像,似乎”,可用于以下句型:名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛It seemed that he had known the truth.He seemed to have known the truth.他好像知道了真相。His father seems(to be) strict.他父亲似乎很严厉。There seemed to be a voice in the distance.似乎远处有人说话。It always seemed as though everything in my childhood had just happened.我童年的一切仿佛刚刚发生一样。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛18He_as if he has known the news.AappearedBseemedCappears Dseems解析解析:选选D。appear不能与不能与as if 连用,连用,排除排除A和和C;再从时态看可以排除;再从时态看可以排除B。同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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