高二英语单元复习配套课件:Module6《Animals in Danger》 (外研版必修5)

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1、. 句式填空句式填空1. 状语从句的省略状语从句的省略 Although surprised (尽管吃惊尽管吃惊), the poachers had an advantagethere were more of them. 2. v. -ing 作伴随状语作伴随状语Often working at night(在夜里活动)(在夜里活动), the poachers shoot whole herds of antelopes at a time, leaving only the babies, whose wool is not worth so much. 3. 介词介词+关系代词关系代

2、词Sometimes there were gunfights, like the one in which (在此(在此次枪战中)次枪战中)Jiesang Suonandajie was killed. 4. seem + 不定式的进行式不定式的进行式But today the government seems to be winning(似乎正在赢(似乎正在赢得)得) the battle. . 教材设题教材设题1. In the battle which _ Jiesang was shot and killed. A. following B. to followC. to be fo

3、llowed D. followed【解解析析】选选D。句句意意为为:在在接接下下来来的的战战斗斗中中,杰杰桑桑被被击击中中死死去去了了。分分析析句句子子结结构构可可知知,which引引导导定定语语从从句句,空空白白处处应应为谓语,而为谓语,而A、B、C为非谓语形式,故选为非谓语形式,故选D。2. When his _ body was found hours later, he _ his life to save the Tibetan antelope. A. frozen; had given B. frozen; gaveC. freezing; had given D. freez

4、ing; gave【解解析析】选选A。frozen冻冻僵僵的的,常常用用来来修修饰饰人人或或身身体体部部分分;freezing极极冷冷的的,常常用用来来修修饰饰天天气气、水水等等自自然然现现象象。故故排排除除C、D。根根据据前前后后两两句句动动作作的的先先后后关关系系,第第二二空空处处应应用用过过去去完完成成时,表示发生在过去某个动作之前的动作。时,表示发生在过去某个动作之前的动作。3. By the 1990s the number of antelopes _ to about 50, 000. A. fell B. had fallen C. has fallen D. fallen【解

5、解析析】选选B。by 引引导导的的时时间间状状语语,句句子子的的谓谓语语常常用用过过去去/将将来完成时。由本句时间来完成时。由本句时间the 1990s 可知应选可知应选B。4. Hoh Xil Nature Reservethe huge national park on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, is the main _ of the antelopes. A. rabbit B. inhabitantC. habitat D. habit【解解析析】选选C。考考查查形形近近词词。habitat栖栖息息地地, 符符合合句句意意。rabbit 兔子;兔子;i

6、nhabitant居民;居民;habit 习惯。习惯。5. Then, in 1995, the organisation _ an office in Beijing. A. built up B. founded C. set up D. put up【解解析析】选选C。这这几几个个词词都都有有建建立立的的意意思思。build up 侧侧重重“增增进进,加加强强”;found 侧侧重重“成成立立,创创建建组组织织/理理论论”;put up 强强调调“临临时时搭搭建建”。set up 建建立立,建建起起。句句意意:然然后后,在在1995年年,这这个个组组织织在在北北京京建建立立了了一一个个办

7、办事事处处。由由句句意意知知C正正确。确。 1. If you _ bright sunlight _ dry wood with a magnifying glass, it will start burning. A. expose; to B. aim; atC. focus; on D. concentrate; on【解解析析】选选C。句句意意为为:如如果果你你用用放放大大镜镜把把强强烈烈的的太太阳阳光光集集中中到到干干木木上上,它它很很容容易易燃燃烧烧。expose. . . to. . . “向向显显露露”;aim. . . at. . . “瞄瞄准准,对对准准”;focus .

8、 . . on. . . “把把集集中中于于”;concentrate . . . on. . . “把把(注注意意力力)集集中中在在, 聚聚精会神于精会神于”。由句意可知选。由句意可知选C。2. _ youre tired; youve been working for hours. A. No doubt B. No wonderC. No need D. No good【解解析析】选选B。句句意意为为:难难怪怪你你累累了了,你你一一直直工工作作了了好好几几个个小小时时。A项项表表示示“毫毫无无疑疑问问”;B项项表表示示“难难怪怪”;C项项表表示示“没必要没必要”;D项表示项表示“没好处没

9、好处”。3. 用用struggle, fight, war 与与battle的正确形式填空的正确形式填空(1)He has been struggling for success in his business. (2)The two naughty boys are always fighting with each other. (3)In memory of the battle , we set up a museum. (4)The America-Iraq war lasted more than 7 years. 4. 用用worth, worthy 和和worthwhile 完

10、成句子完成句子(1)Her performances are worthy to be remembered. (2)It is worthwhile to have /having a try again. (3)Many people consider it a cause worth doing, from which children can benefit a lot. 1. Mary and Joan quarreled, but they _ after a whileAput up Bbrought upCmade up Dset up 【解解析析】选选C。考考查查短短语语辨辨

11、析析。句句意意:Mary和和Joan吵吵架架了了,但但不不久久她她们们就就和和好好了了。put up举举起起, 建建造造; bring up教教育育, 培培养养, 提提出出; make up 弥弥补补, 和和解解, 化化妆妆; set up设设立立, 装装配配, 创创(纪纪录录)。由句意知由句意知C正确。正确。2. Pigs _ in our school _ the food we students have thrown away. A. fed; feed on B. are fed; live onC. that are fed; feed with D. fed; feed to 【

12、解解析析】选选A。考考查查非非谓谓语语动动词词和和短短语语辨辨析析。第第一一空空为为非非谓谓语语,“被被喂喂养养的的”,过过去去分分词词短短语语作作后后置置定定语语,故故排排除除B、C;第二空是谓语,根据题意应选;第二空是谓语,根据题意应选feed on (动物)以(动物)以为食。为食。3. I want to know what she _ before I vote her. A. stands aside B. stands atC. stands by D. stands for【解解析析】选选D。A指指“袖袖手手旁旁观观”,B指指“犹犹豫豫不不决决”,C指指“袖袖手手旁旁观观”,D指

13、指“代代表表,主主张张,支支持持”,由由句句意意可可知知D项项符合。符合。1. I feel a bit cold. I seem _ a cold. A. to catch B. having caughtC. to have caught D. catching【解解析析】选选C。seem后后跟跟动动词词不不定定式式。句句意意:我我感感觉觉有有点点冷冷,我我好好像像已已经经感感冒冒了了。感感冒冒动动作作要要早早于于感感觉觉冷冷这这个个动动作作,所所以以由句意可知,此处应用不定式的完成式。由句意可知,此处应用不定式的完成式。2. The experiment shows that prope

14、r amounts of exercise, if _ regularly, can improve our health. 2010浙江,浙江,8A. being carried out B. carrying outC. carried out D. to carry out【解解析析】选选C。考考查查省省略略结结构构。句句意意为为:实实验验表表明明,如如果果有有规规律律地地进进行行适适量量的的锻锻炼炼,就就能能提提高高身身体体健健康康状状况况。依依句句意意可可知知proper amounts of exercise 与与carry out 构构成成动动宾宾关关系系,所所以以用用过过去去分

15、分词词表表被被动动含含义义。还还原原省省略略部部分分后后为为if theyre carried out. . . 。. 单词拼写单词拼写1. As is known to us all, panda, Chinas national treasure, is an endangered(濒危的)(濒危的) animal. 2. This warm coat will help to protect(保护)(保护) you against the cold. 3. I was just beginning to wonder(想知道)(想知道) where you were. 4. Dont g

16、et yourself involved(卷入)(卷入) in such matters. 5. She struggled (挣扎)(挣扎)to her feet after she fell down on the icy road. 6. The show last weekend focused (集中)(集中)on works painted after 2000. 7. You can depend on himhes a man who is worthy (值得)(值得)of trust. 8. Since hes in poor condition(状况)(状况), he c

17、ant go for an outing. 9. Jim went to answer the door, meanwhile(同时)(同时), Mary started to prepare supper. 10. The thief was caught on the spot(地点)(地点). . 选词填空选词填空be concerned about, in danger, set up, feed on, stand for, at a time, take an active part in, focus on1. The letters WTO stand for World Tr

18、ade Organization. 2. Small birds feed mainly on insects. 3. The boy set up a building with his toys. 4. He has been particularly concerned about what other people think of him. 5. Im so tired I cant focus on anything today. 6. Dont all speak at once. One at a time , please. 7. Taking an active part

19、in after-school activities is helpful to Senior 3 students. 8. Now many volunteers help to save animals in danger . . 单项填空单项填空1If nothing is done to protect the environment, many species that are alive now will become _ . A. precious B. common C. dangerous D. extinct【解解析析】选选D。考考查查形形容容词词辨辨析析。句句意意为为:如

20、如果果不不采采取取措措施施保保护护环环境境,目目前前存存在在的的许许多多物物种种将将会会灭灭绝绝。extinct 灭灭绝绝的的;precious 珍珍贵贵的的;common 普普通通的的;dangerous危危险险的的,指指给给他人带来危险或危害。他人带来危险或危害。2. Although _ after a whole days work, I spend half an hour doing housework every day. A. was tired B. being tiringC. tired D. tiring【解解析析】选选C。考考查查状状语语从从句句的的省省略略。Alth

21、ough tired是是Although I am tired的省略。的省略。 【方法技巧方法技巧】状语从句的省略状语从句的省略状状语语从从句句的的省省略略原原则则主主要要是是:如如果果从从句句中中的的主主语语和和主主句句中中的的主主语语一一致致,就就可可以以经经过过一一定定的的变变动动把把状状语语从从句句中中的的主主语语和和谓谓语语的的一一部部分分或或全全部部省省略略,从从而而使使语语言言更更加加简简洁洁、明明了了。现现把把各种状语从句的省略现象列举如下:各种状语从句的省略现象列举如下: 一、时间状语从句中的省略一、时间状语从句中的省略 While (I was) at college, I

22、 began to know him, a strange but able student. 我在上大学时就开始认识他,一个奇怪但有能力的学生。我在上大学时就开始认识他,一个奇怪但有能力的学生。 二、地点状语从句中的省略二、地点状语从句中的省略 地地 点点 状状 语语 从从 句句 的的 省省 略略 常常 用用 下下 列列 结结 构构 : where/wherever possible, where/wherever necessary。 Lay these books where possible you can find them easily. 把这些书放在你可能容易找到的地方。把这些书

23、放在你可能容易找到的地方。 三、条件状语从句中的省略三、条件状语从句中的省略 常用的句型是:常用的句型是:if necessary, if possible, if true, if anyone等。等。 Send the goods now if (they are) ready. 货物如果准备好了,请送过来。货物如果准备好了,请送过来。 四、让步状语从句中的省略四、让步状语从句中的省略 He is a good man, though sometimes (he is) rather dull. 他真是个好人,尽管有时有点无聊。他真是个好人,尽管有时有点无聊。 3. Natural gas

24、 like other forms of _ , has greatly increased in price in recent years. A. power B. strength C. force D. energy【解解析析】选选D。考考查查名名词词辨辨析析。句句意意为为:像像其其他他能能源源一一样样,近近年年来来天天然然气气的的价价格格也也迅迅速速上上涨涨。power能能力力,力力量量,功功率率,势势力力,权权力力; strength 力力气气,force力力量量,武武力力,军军队队;energy能源,精力。结合句意,能源,精力。结合句意,D项正确。项正确。4. The famou

25、s director was involved _ on a new film Jian Dang Wei Ye. A. in working B. with workC. working D. to work【解解析析】选选A。考考查查involved的的用用法法。be involved in sth. 热热衷衷于,专心于;与某事有关系。所以正确答案为于,专心于;与某事有关系。所以正确答案为A。5. Can I sit at the table near the window? Sorry. It has been _ . A. deserved B. reservedC. preserve

26、d D. served【解析解析】选选B。考查动词辨析。后句意为:对不起,那张桌。考查动词辨析。后句意为:对不起,那张桌子已经有人订下了。子已经有人订下了。deserve 值得;值得;reserve保留保留, 储备储备, 预约预约; preserve保存保存, 保护保护, 维持;维持;serve招待,供应招待,供应, 为为服务。由服务。由句意可知句意可知B项正确。这几个词都含有项正确。这几个词都含有serve, 要注意加以区别。要注意加以区别。 6. Little Tom was laying his toys, _ Mother was preparing lunch. A. meanwhi

27、le B. whenC. and when D. while【解解析析】选选D。meanwhile 同同时时,副副词词,它它不不能能引引导导一一个个从从句句,故故排排除除A;while 而而,却却,连连词词,连连接接句句子子。如如果果空空格格前前的逗号改为句点,则应选的逗号改为句点,则应选A。7. The little girl showed no anxiety before the competition. She seemed _ for it pretty well. 2011温州模拟温州模拟A. to prepare B. to have preparedC. having prep

28、ared D. to be preparing【解解析析】选选B。句句意意为为:那那小小女女孩孩在在竞竞赛赛前前没没露露出出焦焦虑虑的的神神情情。她她似似乎乎已已经经准准备备得得很很充充分分了了。seem to have done 为为动动词词不定式的完成式,表示动作先于另一动作发生。不定式的完成式,表示动作先于另一动作发生。8. Carry an umbrella to _ yourself from the strong sunlight, will you? A. prevent B. keepC. rescue D. protect【解解析析】选选D。prevent/keep. . .

29、 from (doing) sth. 表表示示“阻阻止止(做做)某某事事”;protect. . . from. . . “保保护护 使使免免于于”;rescue. . . from. . . “将将从从中中营营救救出出来来”。根根据据句句意意选选D。9. The picture in the advertisement is _ , and I dont know what it is. A. out of focus B. in focusC. on focus D. with focus【解解析析】选选A。由由句句意意可可知知,此此空空白白处处应应指指“不不清清楚楚的的,模模糊糊的的”,

30、out of focus 表表示示“不不清清晰晰的的,模模糊糊的的”,in focus 意为意为“清晰的清晰的”。10Mary has got the first place in the 100-meter race. _ she looks so excited. 2011 哈尔滨模拟哈尔滨模拟A. No doubt B. No wonderC. No way D. No problem【解解析析】选选B。no wonder 难难怪怪,怪怪不不得得。后后句句意意为为:难难怪怪她她看起来如此兴奋。看起来如此兴奋。11. _ that he would be late for the meet

31、ing, he put his alarm clock forward. A. Concern B. ConcerningC. Concerned D. To concern【解解析析】选选C。句句意意为为:担担心心开开会会迟迟到到,他他把把闹闹钟钟往往前前拨拨了了。此处为此处为(be) concerned that “担心担心”, 在句中作原因状语。在句中作原因状语。12. Have you taken Jims advice? No, I dont think it worth _ a second time. A. considering B. be consideredC. to co

32、nsider D. being considered【解析解析】选选A。be worth doing “值得做某事值得做某事”, 此结构用主此结构用主动形式表被动含义。动形式表被动含义。 【举一反三举一反三】Dream of the Red Chamber is _ worth _ because we can learn a lot about the noble families in the feudal society. A. very; reading B. well; to be readC. well; reading D. very; to be read【解解析析】选选C 。

33、句句意意为为:红红楼楼梦梦很很值值得得一一读读,因因为为我我们们可可以以了了解解很很多多封封建建贵贵族族家家庭庭的的事事情情。be well worth doing 很很值得做,为固定搭配。值得做,为固定搭配。13. With the evening drawing near, the guide _ tourists and took them to the hotel. A. rounded up B. made upC. fed up D. put up【解解析析】选选A。句句意意:当当夜夜晚晚到到来来时时,导导游游把把游游客客聚聚集集在在一一起起,然然后后把把他他们们带带到到旅旅馆馆。

34、round up将将聚聚拢拢起起来来,使使聚聚集集;make up组组成成,编编造造,化化妆妆;feed up养养肥肥,养养壮壮;put up 竖起,张贴。竖起,张贴。14. The sign of in the biology stands _ the evergreen plant. A. by B. out C. for D. down【解解析析】选选C 。句句意意为为:在在生生物物学学上上符符号号表表示示四四季季常常青青植植物物。stand by “袖袖手手旁旁观观” ; stand out “出出色色”; stand down “离职,下台离职,下台”; stand for “代表,

35、容忍代表,容忍 ”。结合句意应选。结合句意应选C。15. Many famous people _ their own My Space Page where they could respond to their fans. A. set up B. set offC. set out D. set about 【解解析析】选选A。考考查查短短语语辨辨析析。set up 建建立立,建建起起;set off 出出发发,动动身身,引引起起;set out 开开始始做做,出出发发;set about着着手手做做。由句意可知由句意可知A项正确。项正确。. 完形填空完形填空 Teaching coll

36、ege is often a mixed bag of rewards. Sometimes my class feels more like a cafeteria, where students come and go, 1 in the middle of my lectures. Mostly these students have entered college right out of high school. College seems to them like 2 a continuation of high school, 3 the sense of newness tha

37、t often drives curiosity and achievement. But there is a category of students that gives everyone reasons for 4 . They are the so-called “nontraditional students”: those who, for one reason or 5 , didnt go to college when they were 18. Some years back, while calling out names from the roster(花花名名册册)

38、on the first day, I noticed a gray-haired woman of about 70. She was wandering in the doorway, 6 her new books like a schoolgirl. “Im not on the roster, ”she volunteered. “But I was 7 if I could sit in on the first class, to see what marine(海海洋洋)biology is about. ”This womans eagerness 8 me, so Iinv

39、ited her to have a seat. I began the class with questions to get a(n) 9 of how much knowledge they were bringing to the course. As I questioned them about the difference between fishes and seagoing mammals, most of my new students remained 10 . But Natalie, the older woman, was on the edge of her se

40、at, 11 answers. At the end of the class, she came up to me and apologized for being the “extra”student. She said, “Will you 12 it next year? ” 13 at losing her, I acted quickly to remove her 14 . “Ill see you next class, ”I said. Natalie turned out to be a vital and 15 student. She commuted 50 miles

41、 each day to get to schooloften in the severe winterand never missed a class. 16 this, she was enthusiastic about helping my younger students. Apparently these older students have the 17 over them. It lies in the breadth and depth of their path of life. After having 18 numerous personal and professi

42、onal barriers, they have an expansive world view. 19 a return to school may, at first, be frightening for them, they tend to make it because they are 20 great trouble to put their studies into an already-full life. 【文章大意文章大意】难以想像,一位古稀之年的老太太还能克服重难以想像,一位古稀之年的老太太还能克服重重困难坐在大学课堂上认真听课,并且给年轻的同学提供帮重困难坐在大学课堂

43、上认真听课,并且给年轻的同学提供帮助。助。1. A. never B. seldom C. often D. hardly【解解析析】选选C。考考查查副副词词辨辨析析。根根据据前前半半句句“课课堂堂像像咖咖啡啡厅厅”可推知学生经常中途进出。可推知学生经常中途进出。2. A. more than B. no more thanC. rather than D. other than【解解析析】选选B。考考查查副副词词短短语语辨辨析析。联联系系上上下下文文可可知知,他他们们中中的的多多数数人人在在高高中中以以后后直直接接上上了了大大学学,大大学学对对他他们们来来说说就就是是高高中中的的延延续续。他

44、他们们对对大大学学缺缺乏乏新新奇奇感感。no more than = only,含义为,含义为“仅仅仅仅”或或“只是只是”。3. A. creating B. inspiringC. involving D. lacking【解解析析】选选D。考考查查动动词词辨辨析析。见见上上题题解解析析。lack 缺缺少少,缺缺乏。乏。4. A. hope B. desperationC. anger D. pity【解解析析】选选A。考考查查名名词词辨辨析析。通通过过转转折折连连词词 But 可可以以判判断断,这这些些学学生生和和前前面面提提到到的的那那些些截截然然不不同同,他他们们使使得得每每个个人人有

45、有理理由对他们抱有希望。由对他们抱有希望。5. A. the other B. othersC. another D. none【解解析析】选选C。考考查查代代词词辨辨析析。那那些些因因为为这这样样或或那那样样的的理理由由到到18岁没有去上大学的人。岁没有去上大学的人。another“另一另一”表示泛指概念。表示泛指概念。6. A. holding B. buyingC. bringing D. fetching【解解析析】选选A。考考查查动动词词辨辨析析。她她像像一一个个女女学学生生那那样样抱抱着着自自己的新书,在走廊里徘徊。己的新书,在走廊里徘徊。hold抱,拿。抱,拿。7. A. hop

46、ing B. expectingC. thinking D. wondering【解解析析】选选D。考考查查动动词词辨辨析析。我我想想知知道道是是否否可可以以,wonder“想知道想知道”,用来很礼貌地征询对方的许可。,用来很礼貌地征询对方的许可。8. A. puzzled B. embarrassedC. impressed D. amazed【解解析析】选选C。考考查查动动词词辨辨析析。她她听听课课的的那那份份渴渴望望给给我我留留下下了深刻的印象。了深刻的印象。impress sb. 给某人留下深刻印象。给某人留下深刻印象。9. A. view B. idea C. concept D.

47、sense【解解析析】选选B。考考查查名名词词辨辨析析。get an idea of是是固固定定搭搭配配,含含义为义为“了解了解”。10. A. enthusiastic B. calmC. interested D. silent【解解析析】选选D。考考查查形形容容词词辨辨析析。根根据据下下文文中中转转折折词词But 和和Natalie的的举举动动可可知知,大大多多数数学学生生对对这这一一问问题题保保持持沉沉默默,所所以以用用 silent。11. A. asking B. volunteeringC. rejecting D. repeating【解解析析】选选B。考考查查动动词词辨辨析析

48、。但但是是Natalie却却主主动动回回答答问问题题。volunteer主动告诉。主动告诉。12. A. learn B. make C. offer D. introduce【解析解析】选选C。考查动词辨析。考查动词辨析。offer a course/class 开设课程。开设课程。13. A. Alarmed B. RelaxedC. Relieved D. Annoyed【解解析析】选选A。考考查查形形容容词词辨辨析析。根根据据下下文文我我的的举举动动可可推推断断,我我担担心心失失去去这这样样的的学学生生,所所以以用用Alarmed。be alarmed at 担担心,害怕。心,害怕。1

49、4. A. concern B. stress C. tension D. desire【解解析析】选选A。考考查查名名词词辨辨析析。我我迅迅速速做做出出答答复复以以消消除除她她的的忧虑。忧虑。concern担心,忧虑。担心,忧虑。15. A. intelligent B. humorousC. diligent D. open-minded【解解析析】选选C。考考查查形形容容词词辨辨析析。根根据据下下文文的的叙叙述述可可以以判判断断Natalie是是一一位位很很勤勤奋奋的的学学生生。intelligent聪聪明明的的;humorous幽默的;幽默的;diligent勤奋的;勤奋的;open-

50、minded心胸开阔的。心胸开阔的。16. A. Regardless of B. But for C. Except D. Apart from【解解析析】选选D。考考查查介介词词短短语语辨辨析析。根根据据语语境境,除除了了这这些些,Natalie还还很很热热情情地地帮帮助助年年纪纪较较小小的的同同学学。regardless of不不管管;but for如如果果没没有有,要要不不是是;except除除之之外外;apart from除除之外(还)。之外(还)。17. A. advantage B. experienceC. ability D. belief【解解析析】选选A。考考查查名名词词

51、辨辨析析。have the advantage over sb. 比某人有优势。比某人有优势。18. A. got away from B. got acrossC. got over D. got through【解解析析】选选C。考考查查动动词词辨辨析析。在在克克服服了了各各种种个个人人和和职职业业方方面的障碍之后,他们拥有更开阔的世界观。面的障碍之后,他们拥有更开阔的世界观。get over克服。克服。19. A. Unless B. Until C. When D. While【解解析析】选选D。考考查查逻逻辑辑关关联联词词。be frightening和和tend to make i

52、t构成转折关系,所以用构成转折关系,所以用while“虽然虽然”。20. A. demanding B. takingC. sparing D. escaping【解解析析】选选B。考考查查动动词词辨辨析析。take trouble to do sth. 是是固固定定短语,意为短语,意为“尽力做某事尽力做某事”。. 阅读理解阅读理解 Does traveling green necessarily mean we have to pay more? Nowadays as eco-tourism has become a new trend, travelers have started de

53、bating the seemingly high costs of such tourism. “I vote for green travel, but if its more expensive that way, then I would probably reconsider it. ” Such was the concern voiced by many individual travelers and international leaders at this years Copenhagen Climate Summit. If you want to take an eco

54、-trip and avoid overspending, here are some tips that we recommend. Print out maps and information before setting off. Set aside those expensive and heavy guidebooks and use online resources to plan and book your trip. Only when necessary, print out maps and other materials at home on recycled paper

55、. Pack lightly. Make a packing list, edit it several times, and cross off everything you dont absolutely need. By reducing the weight of their luggage, travelers can significantly cut greenhouse gas emissions. Use solar-powered chargers. Use solar-powered chargers for your camera, cellphone and musi

56、c player. Solar-powered chargers can reduce carbon emissions and free you from electrical plugs. Eat local. Visit a local farmers market, shop at a locally owned grocery store and choose locally owned restaurants and buy local food. Locally produced food is a tastier and better option. Buy handicraf

57、ts. Try to support the local people. You can do so by buying locally made eco-friendly handicrafts. Never buy any animal products or anything that may be harmful to the environment. Change clothes less often. Take some pure cotton and quick-dry clothes on your trip. Clothing that dries quickly makes

58、 life easier. If you arent into doing laundry too often, take some older clothing that you are almost ready to throw away, and then you can lighten your luggage when you go home by tossing them out. Use greener methods of transportation. Use alternative modes of transportation as much as possible. F

59、or example, you can choose to travel on foot or by bicycle rather than by taking a taxi or driving yourself. These options are the best low-carbon ways to travel and you dont have to pay more for your environmental guilt. 【文文章章大大意意】本本文文介介绍绍进进行行环环保保旅旅行行以以减减少少对对环环境境影影响响同同时时又节省开支、避免过度消费的几项建议。又节省开支、避免过度

60、消费的几项建议。1. How many tips are mentioned in the passage in order to reduce high costs of eco-tourism? A. Six. B. Seven. C. Eight. D. Nine. 【解解析析】选选B。推推理理判判断断题题。从从文文章章第第二二段段至至文文章章最最后后一一段段,作作者者介介绍绍了了七七种种既既可可以以进进行行环环保保旅旅行行又又可可避避免免过过度度消消费费的的建建议议,其其中中第第五五段段中中有有两两个个方方面面:吃吃当当地地产产的的东东西西,其其次次是是购购买当地人制作的手工艺品。买当

61、地人制作的手工艺品。2. If someone wants to take an ecotrip, he is mostly concerned about _ . A. how to print out maps and information before setting offB. how to reduce the weight of their luggageC. how to use solar-powered chargers for cameraD. how much the eco-trip costs【解解析析】选选D。细细节节理理解解题题。从从文文章章第第一一段段的的“.

62、 . . I vote for green travel, but if its more expensive that way, then I would probably reconsider it. ”可可得得出出答答案案。 Such was the concern voiced by many individual travelers. . . 可可知知人人们们对对旅旅行最为关心的还是费用的问题。行最为关心的还是费用的问题。 3. Which of the following statements is WRONG, according to the passage? A. Print

63、ing out maps and other materials at home on recycled paper. B. Visiting a local farmers market and shopping at a locally owned grocery store. C. Taking some pure cotton and thick clothes on your trip in case of rain. D. Lightening your luggage when you go home by tossing old clothes out. 【解析解析】选选C。细

64、节理解题。细节理解题。A、B、D三项从文中均可找到三项从文中均可找到依据,而依据,而C项中的项中的thick clothes与短文中的与短文中的Take some pure cotton and quick-dry clothes on your trip. 中的中的quickdry clothes显然是不符的,故显然是不符的,故C项不正确。项不正确。 4. The main purpose of the passage is to _ . A. remind us of using alternative modes of transportationB. advise people to

65、protect our environmentC. call on people to take part in eco-tourismD. provide some tips on eco-trip and avoiding overspending【解析解析】选选D。主旨大意题。本文写作的目的就是向读者介。主旨大意题。本文写作的目的就是向读者介绍几种环保旅行、避免过度消费的建议,在第一段的最后一绍几种环保旅行、避免过度消费的建议,在第一段的最后一句,作者也说明了这篇文章的写作意图。句,作者也说明了这篇文章的写作意图。 .语音知音知识1.protectA. serious B. athlet

66、e C. operate D. collect2.meanwhileA. animal B. unit C. living D. dial3.guaranteeA. huge B. neighborC. organize D. passenger4.shoulderA. loud B. pronounceC. soul D. background5.habitatA.imagine B.afford C.blame D.manage答案:答案:15.DDCCA.单词拼写拼写1.As is known to us all, panda, Chinas national treasure, is

67、an endangered(濒危的)危的) animal.2.This warm coat will help to protect(保(保护) you against the cold.3.I was just beginning to wonder(想知道)(想知道) where you were.4.Dont get yourself involved(卷入)(卷入) in such matters.5.She struggled (挣扎)扎)to her feet after she fell down on the icy road.6.The show last weekend f

68、ocused (集中)(集中)on works painted after 2, 000.7.You can depend on himhes a man who is worthy (值得)得)of trust.8.Since hes in poor condition(状况)(状况), he cant go for an outing.9.Jim went to answer the door, meanwhile(同(同时), Mary started to prepare supper.10.The thief was caught on the spot(地点)(地点).选词填空填空

69、be concerned about, in danger, set up, feed on, stand for, at a time, take an active part in, focus on1.The letters WTO stand for World Trade Organization.2.Small birds feed mainly on insects.3.The boy set up a building with his toys.4.He has been particularly concerned about what other people think

70、 of him.5.Im so tired I cant focus on anything today.6.Dont all speak at once. One at a time, please.7.Taking an active part in after-school activities is helpful to Senior 3 students.8.Now many volunteers help to save animals in danger .语法和法和词汇知知识1If nothing is done to protect the environment, many

71、 species that are alive now will become_.A. precious B. common C. dangerous D. extinct【解解析析】选D。考考查形形容容词辨辨析析。句句意意为:如如果果不不采采取取措措施施保保护环境境,目目前前存存在在的的许多多物物种种将将会会灭绝。extinct 灭绝的的;precious 珍珍贵的的;common 普普通通的的;dangerous危危险的的,指指给他人他人带来危来危险或危害。或危害。2.Although _ after a whole days work, I spend half an hour doin

72、g housework every day.A. was tired B. being tiringC. tired D. tiring【解解析析】选C。考考查状状语从从句句的的省省略略。Although tired是是Although I am tired的省略。的省略。 【方法技巧方法技巧】状状语从句的省略从句的省略状状语从从句句的的省省略略原原则主主要要是是:如如果果从从句句中中的的主主语和和主主句句中中的的主主语一一致致,就就可可以以经过一一定定的的变动把把状状语从从句句中中的的主主语和和谓语的的一一部部分分或或全全部部省省略略,从从而而使使语言言更更加加简洁、明明了了。现把把各种状各

73、种状语从句的省略从句的省略现象列象列举如下:如下: 一、一、时间状状语从句中的省略从句中的省略 While (I was) at college, I began to know him, a strange but able student.我在上大学我在上大学时就开始就开始认识他,一个奇怪但有能力的学生。他,一个奇怪但有能力的学生。 二、地点状二、地点状语从句中的省略从句中的省略 地地 点点 状状 语 从从 句句 的的 省省 略略 常常 用用 下下 列列 结 构构 : where/wherever possible, where/wherever necessary。 Lay these

74、books where possible you can find them easily. 把把这些些书放在你可能容易找到的地方。放在你可能容易找到的地方。 三、条件状三、条件状语从句中的省略从句中的省略 常常用用的的句句型型是是:if necessary, if possible, if true, if anyone等。等。 Send the goods now if (they are) ready.货物如果准物如果准备好了,好了,请送送过来。来。 四、四、让步状步状语从句中的省略从句中的省略 He is a good man, though sometimes (he is) rat

75、her dull.他真是个好人,尽管有他真是个好人,尽管有时有点无聊。有点无聊。 3.Natural gas like other forms of _ , has greatly increased in price in recent years.A. power B. strength C. force D .energy【解解析析】选D。考考查名名词辨辨析析。句句意意为:像像其其他他能能源源一一样,近近年年来来天天然然气气的的价价格格也也迅迅速速上上涨。power能能力力,力力量量,功功率率,势力力,权力力; strength 力力气气,force力力量量,武武力力,军队;energy

76、能源,精力。能源,精力。结合句意,合句意,D项正确。正确。4.The famous director was involved_ on a new filmJian Dang Wei Ye.A. in working B. with workC. working D. to work【解解析析】选A。考考查involved的的用用法法。be involved in sth.热衷衷于,于,专心于;与某事有关系。所以正确答案心于;与某事有关系。所以正确答案为A。5.Can I sit at the table near the window? Sorry. It has been_.A. dese

77、rved B. reservedC. preserved D. served【解解析析】选B。考考查动词辨辨析析。后后句句意意为:对不不起起,那那张桌桌子子已已经有有人人订下下了了。deserve 值得得;reserve保保留留, 储备, 预约; preserve保保存存, 保保护, 维持持;serve招招待待,供供应, 为服服务。由由句句意意可可知知B项正正确确。这几几个个词都都含含有有serve, 要要注注意意加加以以区区别。6.Little Tom was laying his toys, _ Mother was preparing lunch.A. meanwhile B. when

78、C. and when D. while【解解析析】选D。meanwhile 同同时,副副词,它它不不能能引引导一一个个从从句句,故故排排除除A;while 而而,却却,连词,连接接句句子子。如如果果空空格格前前的逗号改的逗号改为句点,句点,则应选A。7.The little girl showed no anxiety before the competition. She seemed_ for it pretty well.2011温州模温州模拟A. to prepare B. to have preparedC. having prepared D. to be preparing【解

79、解析析】选B。句句意意为:那那小小女女孩孩在在竞赛前前没没露露出出焦焦虑的的神神情情。她她似似乎乎已已经准准备得得很很充充分分了了。seem to have done 为动词不定式的完成式,表示不定式的完成式,表示动作先于另一作先于另一动作作发生。生。8.Carry an umbrella to_ yourself from the strong sunlight, will you? A. prevent B. keepC. rescue D. protect【解解析析】选D。prevent/keep.from (doing) sth.表表示示“阻阻止止(做做)某某事事”;protect.f

80、rom. “保保护 使使免免于于”;rescue.from.“将将从从中中营救出来救出来”。根据句意。根据句意选D。9.The picture in the advertisement is_, and I dont know what it is.A. out of focus B. in focusC. on focus D. with focus【解解析析】选A 。由由句句意意可可知知,此此空空白白处应指指“不不清清楚楚的的,模模糊糊的的”,out of focus 表表示示“不不清清晰晰的的,模模糊糊的的”,in focus 意意为“清晰的清晰的”。10Mary has got the

81、 first place in the 100-meter race. _ she looks so excited.2011 哈哈尔尔滨模模拟A. No doubt B. No wonderC. No way D. No problem【解解析析】选B。no wonder 难怪怪,怪怪不不得得。后后句句意意为:难怪怪她看起来如此她看起来如此兴奋。11._ that he would be late for the meeting, he put his alarm clock forward.A. Concern B. ConcerningC. Concerned D. To concern

82、【解解析析】选C 。句句意意为:担担心心开开会会迟到到,他他把把闹钟往往前前拨了了。此此处为(be) concerned that “担心担心”, 在句中作原因状在句中作原因状语。12.Have you taken Jims advice? No, I dont think it worth _ a second time.A. considering B. be consideredC. to consider D. being considered【解解析析】选A。be worth doing “值得得做做某某事事”, 此此结构构用用主主动形式表被形式表被动含含义。 【举一反三一反三】Dr

83、eam of the Red Chamber is _ worth_ because we can learn a lot about the noble families in the feudal society.A. very; reading B. well; to be readC. well; reading D. very; to be read【解解析析】选C 。句句意意为:红楼楼梦梦很很值得得一一读,因因为我我们可可以以了了解解很很多多封封建建贵族族家家庭庭的的事事情情。be well worth doing 很很值得做,得做,为固定搭配。固定搭配。13.With the e

84、vening drawing near, the guide _ tourists and took them to the hotel.A. rounded up B. made upC. fed up D. put up【解解析析】选A。句句意意:当当夜夜晚晚到到来来时,导游游把把游游客客聚聚集集在在一一起起,然然后后把把他他们带到到旅旅馆。round up将将聚聚拢起起来来,使使聚聚集集;make up组成成,编造造,化化妆;feed up养养肥肥,养养壮壮;put up 竖起,起,张贴。14.The sign of in the biology stands _ the evergre

85、en plant.A. by B. out C. for D. down【解解析析】选C 。句句意意为:在在生生物物学学上上符符号号表表示示四四季季常常青青植植物物。stand by “袖袖手手旁旁观” ; stand out “出出色色”; stand down “离离职,下台,下台”; stand for “代表,容忍代表,容忍 ”。结合句意合句意应选C。15.Many famous people _ their own My Space Page where they could respond to their fans.A. set up B. set offC. set out D

86、 .set about 【解解析析】选A。考考查短短语辨辨析析。set up 建建立立,建建起起;set off 出出发,动身身,引引起起;set out 开开始始做做,出出发;set about着着手手做做。由句意可知由句意可知A项正确。正确。.完形填空完形填空 Teaching college is often a mixed bag of rewards. Sometimes my class feels more like a cafeteria, where students come and go, 1 in the middle of my lectures. Mostly th

87、ese students have entered college right out of high school. College seems to them like 2 a continuation of high school, 3 the sense of newness that often drives curiosity and achievement. But there is a category of students that gives everyone reasons for 4 . They are the so-called “nontraditional s

88、tudents”: those who, for one reason or 5 , didnt go to college when they were 18. Some years back, while calling out names from the roster(花花名名册册)on the first day, I noticed a gray-haired woman of about 70.She was wandering in the doorway, 6 her new books like a schoolgirl. “Im not on the roster, ”s

89、he volunteered. “But I was 7 if I could sit in on the first class, to see what marine(海海洋洋)biology is about. ”This womans eagerness 8 me, so Iinvited her to have a seat. I began the class with questions to get a(n) 9 of how much knowledge they were bringing to the course. As I questioned them about

90、the difference between fishes and seagoing mammals, most of my new students remained 10 .But Natalie, the older woman, was on the edge of her seat, 11 answers. At the end of the class, she came up to me and apologized for being the “extra” student. She said, “Will you 12 it next year? ” 13 at losing

91、 her, I acted quickly to remove her 14 .“Ill see you next class, ”I said. Natalie turned out to be a vital and 15 student. She commuted 50 miles each day to get to schooloften in the severe winterand never missed a class. 16 this, she was enthusiastic about helping my younger students. Apparently th

92、ese older students have the 17 over them. It lies in the breadth and depth of their path of life. After having 18 numerous personal and professional barriers, they have an expansive world view. 19 a return to school may, at first, be frightening for them, they tend to make it because they are 20 gre

93、at trouble to put their studies into an already-ull life.【文文章章大大意意】难以以想想像像,一一位位古古稀稀之之年年的的老老太太太太还能能克克服服重重重重困困难坐坐在在大大学学课堂堂上上认真真听听课,并并且且给年年轻的的同同学学提提供供帮帮助。助。1.A.never B. seldom C. often D. hardly【解解析析】选C。考考查副副词辨辨析析。根根据据前前半半句句“课堂堂像像咖咖啡啡厅”可推知学生可推知学生经常中途常中途进出。出。2.A.more than B. no more thanC. rather than D

94、. other than【解解析析】选B。考考查副副词短短语辨辨析析。联系系上上下下文文可可知知,他他们中中的的多多数数人人在在高高中中以以后后直直接接上上了了大大学学,大大学学对他他们来来说就就是是高高中中的的延延续。他他们对大大学学缺缺乏乏新新奇奇感感。no more than = only,含,含义为“仅仅”或或“只是只是”。3.A.creating B. inspiringC. involving D. lacking【解解析析】选D。考考查动词辨辨析析。见上上题解解析析。lack 缺缺少少,缺缺乏。乏。4.A.hope B. desperationC. anger D. pity【解

95、解析析】选A。考考查名名词辨辨析析。通通过转折折连词 But 可可以以判判断断,这些些学学生生和和前前面面提提到到的的那那些些截截然然不不同同,他他们使使得得每每个个人人有有理理由由对他他们抱有希望。抱有希望。5.A.the other B. othersC. another D. none【解解析析】选C。考考查代代词辨辨析析。那那些些因因为这样或或那那样的的理理由由到到18岁没有去上大学的人。没有去上大学的人。another“另一另一”表示泛指概念。表示泛指概念。6.A.holding B. buying C. bringing D. fetching【解解析析】选A。考考查动词辨辨析析。

96、她她像像一一个个女女学学生生那那样抱抱着着自自己的新己的新书,在走廊里徘徊。,在走廊里徘徊。hold抱,拿。抱,拿。7.A.hoping B. expectingC. thinking D. wondering【解解析析】选D。考考查动词辨辨析析。我我想想知知道道是是否否可可以以,wonder“想知道想知道”,用来很礼貌地征,用来很礼貌地征询对方的方的许可。可。8.A.puzzled B. embarrassedC. impressed D. amazed【解解析析】选C。考考查动词辨辨析析。她她听听课的的那那份份渴渴望望给我我留留下下了深刻的印象。了深刻的印象。impress sb. 给某人

97、留下深刻印象。某人留下深刻印象。9.A.view B. idea C. concept D. sense【解解析析】选B。考考查名名词辨辨析析。get an idea of是是固固定定搭搭配配,含含义为“了解了解”。10.A.enthusiastic B. calmC. interested D. silent【解解析析】选D。考考查形形容容词辨辨析析。根根据据下下文文中中转折折词But 和和Natalie的的举动可可知知,大大多多数数学学生生对这一一问题保保持持沉沉默默,所所以以用用 silent。11.A.asking B. volunteeringC. rejecting D. repe

98、ating【解解析析】选B。考考查动词辨辨析析。但但是是Natalie却却主主动回回答答问题。volunteer主主动告告诉。12.A. learn B. make C. offer D. introduce【解析解析】选C。考。考查动词辨析。辨析。offer a course/class 开开设课程。程。13.A.Alarmed B. Relaxed C. Relieved D. Annoyed【解解析析】选A。考考查形形容容词辨辨析析。根根据据下下文文我我的的举动可可推推断断,我我担担心心失失去去这样的的学学生生,所所以以用用Alarmed。be alarmed at 担担心,害怕。心,害

99、怕。14.A.concern B. stress C. tension D. desire【解解析析】选A。考考查名名词辨辨析析。我我迅迅速速做做出出答答复复以以消消除除她她的的忧虑。concern担心,担心,忧虑。15.A.intelligent B. humorousC. diligent D. open-minded【解解析析】选C。考考查形形容容词辨辨析析。根根据据下下文文的的叙叙述述可可以以判判断断Natalie是是一一位位很很勤勤奋的的学学生生。intelligent聪明明的的;humorous幽默的;幽默的;diligent勤勤奋的;的;open-minded心胸开心胸开阔的。的

100、。16.A.Regardless of B. But for C. Except D. Apart from【解解析析】选D。考考查介介词短短语辨辨析析。根根据据语境境,除除了了这些些,Natalie还很很热情情地地帮帮助助年年纪较小小的的同同学学。regardless of不不管管;but for如如果果没没有有,要要不不是是;except除除之之外外;apart from除除之外(之外(还)。)。17.A. advantage B. experienceC. ability D. belief【解解析析】选A。考考查名名词辨辨析析。have the advantage over sb.比某

101、人有比某人有优势。18.A.got away from B. got acrossC. got over D.got through【解解析析】选C。考考查动词辨辨析析。在在克克服服了了各各种种个个人人和和职业方方面的障碍之后,他面的障碍之后,他们拥有更开有更开阔的世界的世界观。get over克服。克服。19.A. Unless B. Until C. When D. While【解解析析】选D。考考查逻辑关关联词。be frightening和和tend to make it构成构成转折关系,所以用折关系,所以用while“虽然然”。20.A.demanding B. takingC. s

102、paring D. escaping【解解析析】选B。考考查动词辨辨析析。take trouble to do sth.是是固固定定短短语,意,意为“尽力做某事尽力做某事”。 .阅读理解理解 Does traveling green necessarily mean we have to pay more? Nowadays as eco-tourism has become a new trend, travelers have started debating the seemingly high costs of such tourism. “I vote for green trave

103、l, but if its more expensive that way, then I would probably reconsider it.” Such was the concern voiced by many individual travelers and international leaders at this years Copenhagen Climate Summit. If you want to take an eco-trip and avoid overspending, here are some tips that we recommend. Print

104、 out maps and information before setting off. Set aside those expensive and heavy guidebooks and use online resources to plan and book your trip. Only when necessary, print out maps and other materials at home on recycled paper. Pack lightly. Make a packing list, edit it several times, and cross off

105、 everything you dont absolutely need. By reducing the weight of their luggage, travelers can significantly cut greenhouse gas emissions. Use solar-powered chargers. Use solar-powered chargers for your camera, cellphone and music player. Solar-powered chargers can reduce carbon emissions and free you

106、 from electrical plugs. Eat local. Visit a local farmers market, shop at a locally owned grocery store and choose locally owned restaurants and buy local food. Locally produced food is a tastier and better option. Buy handicrafts. Try to support the local people. You can do so by buying locally made

107、 eco-friendlyhandicrafts. Never buy any animal products or anything that may be harmful to the environment. Change clothes less often. Take some pure cotton and quick-dry clothes on your trip. Clothing that dries quickly makes life easier. If you arent into doing laundry too often, take some older c

108、lothing that you are almost ready to throw away, and then you can lighten your luggage when you go home by tossing them out. Use greener methods of transportation. Use alternative modes of transportation as much as possible. For example, you can choose to travel on foot or by bicycle rather than by

109、taking a taxi or driving yourself. These options are the best low-carbon ways to travel and you dont have to pay more for your environmental guilt.【文文章章大大意意】本本文文介介绍进行行环保保旅旅行行以以减减少少对环境境影影响响同同时又又节省开支、避免省开支、避免过度消度消费的几的几项建建议。1.How many tips are mentioned in the passage in order to reduce high costs of e

110、co-tourism? A. Six. B. Seven. C. Eight. D. Nine.【解解析析】选B。推推理理判判断断题。从从文文章章第第二二段段至至文文章章最最后后一一段段,作作者者介介绍了了七七种种既既可可以以进行行环保保旅旅行行又又可可避避免免过度度消消费的的建建议,其其中中第第五五段段中中有有两两个个方方面面:吃吃当当地地产的的东西西,其其次次是是购买当地人制作的手工当地人制作的手工艺品。品。2.If someone wants to take an eco-trip, he is mostly concerned about _.A. how to print out m

111、aps and information before setting offB. how to reduce the weight of their luggageC. how to use solar-powered chargers for cameraD. how much the eco-trip costs【解解析析】选D。细节理理解解题。从从文文章章第第一一段段的的“.I vote for green travel, but if its more expensive that way, then I would probably reconsider it.”可可得得出出答答案案

112、。 Such was the concern voiced by many individual travelers.可可知知人人们对旅旅行最行最为关心的关心的还是是费用的用的问题。 3.Which of the following statements is WRONG, according to the passage? A. Printing out maps and other materials at home on recycled paper.B. Visiting a local farmers market and shopping at a locally owned gr

113、ocery store.C. Taking some pure cotton and thick clothes on your trip in case of rain.D. Lightening your luggage when you go home by tossing old clothes out.【解解析析】选C。细节理理解解题。A、B、D三三项从从文文中中均均可可找找到到依依据据,而而C项中中的的thick clothes与与短短文文中中的的Take some pure cotton and quick-dry clothes on your trip.中中的的quick-d

114、ry clothes显然是不符的,故然是不符的,故C项不正确。不正确。 4.The main purpose of the passage is to_ .A. remind us of using alternative modes of transportationB. advise people to protect our environmentC. call on people to take part in eco-tourismD. provide some tips on eco-trip and avoiding overspending【解解析析】选D。主主旨旨大大意意题。本本文文写写作作的的目目的的就就是是向向读者者介介绍几几种种环保保旅旅行行、避避免免过度度消消费的的建建议,在在第第一一段段的的最最后后一一句,作者也句,作者也说明了明了这篇文章的写作意篇文章的写作意图。 同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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