高考英语一轮复习 Module1 Basketball 课件 (外研版选修7)

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1、选修7Module 1Basketball基础自主回顾基础自主回顾.课标单词课标单词1_(n.)职业球球员2_(v.)保持保持3_(adj.)有价值的有价值的4_(v.)上上(学学)5 _(n.)平均数平均数professionalholdvaluedattendaverage 6_(n.)动力力7_(v.)应得;得;值得得8_(adj.)杰出的;杰出的;优秀的;出色的秀的;出色的9_(v.)支配;控制支配;控制10_(v.)(尤指通过提供更多证据尤指通过提供更多证据)证实证实,进一步确进一步确定定11_(adj.)体谅的体谅的,考虑周到的考虑周到的motivationdeserveoutst

2、andingdominateconfirmconsiderate12_(v.)防守防守_(n.)防卫,防卫,辩辩护护13_(adj.)有天资的;有才能的有天资的;有才能的_(n.)才能;天分才能;天分_(同义词同义词)14_(adj.)立刻的立刻的_(adv.)立刻立刻15_(v.)任命任命,委派委派_(n.)约会会,预预约约16. _(v.)道歉;谢罪道歉;谢罪_(n.)道歉道歉defenddefence/defensetalentedtalentgiftedinstantinstantlyappoint appointmentapologiseapology.常用短语常用短语1_一直;始一

3、直;始终2_以以为基础为基础3_在在历史上史上4_平均为平均为5_因某事向某人道歉因某事向某人道歉6_吸引某人注意吸引某人注意all the timebe based onin the history ofwith an average ofapologise to sb. for sth.draw ones attention to7_拥有,占有拥有,占有8_以以命名命名9_长大长大10_如果有必要的话如果有必要的话11_对对粗鲁粗鲁12_曾经,一度曾经,一度take possession ofname aftergrow upif necessarybe rude toat one poi

4、nt.重点句型重点句型1Several universities have topclass amateur basketball teams, and talented players often _ as soon as they finish their studies.几所大学有一流的几所大学有一流的业余余篮球球队,出色的球员往往是完成学业出色的球员往往是完成学业后便转为职业球员后便转为职业球员。答案:答案:turn professional2_ he retired, Wilt held many NBA records:he scored 50 or more points 118

5、 times and 60 or more points 32 times.一直到退役一直到退役,威威尔尔特特还保持了多保持了多项NBA记录:118次次单场比比赛得得50分或分或50分以上分以上,32次得次得60分或分或60分以上分以上。答案:答案:By the time3But _ he deserves the title “outstanding player of his generation”但是毫无疑但是毫无疑问,他无愧于他无愧于“一代杰出球一代杰出球员”这一称号一称号。答案:答案:there is no doubt that4_, he told Yao to be more a

6、ggressive and, _, to be rude to his teammates.为了做到了做到这一点一点,他他(教教练)让姚明姚明变得更加具有侵略性得更加具有侵略性,如如有必要有必要,可以可以对他的他的队友粗友粗鲁一点一点。答案:答案:To do this;if necessary.模块语法模块语法写出下列写出下列单词的相的相应形式形式VerbNoun1appear_答案:答案:appearance2produce _答案:答案:production3agree _答案:答案:agreement4marry _答案:答案:marriage5mean _答案:答案:meaningNo

7、unAdjective6mouth _答案:答案:mouthful7wood _答案:答案:wooden8fun _答案:答案:funny9medicine _答案:答案:medical10luck _答案:答案:lucky用括号中用括号中单词的适当形式填空的适当形式填空11The soldiers were filled with_(angry) when they heard all the villagers had been killed by the enemy.答案:答案:anger12The success of our experiment is a great_(satisf

8、y) to us all.答案:答案:satisfaction13They have_(success) in sending every one of the satellites into space.答案:答案:succeeded14The adventurer (冒险者冒险者) gave a_(friend) smile to all those who came to greet him.答案:答案:friendly15You must do the exercises_(care)答案:答案:carefully16It will be_(difficulty) to drive a

9、 motorcar through such a storm.答案:答案:difficult考点探究解密考点探究解密考考 点点 解解 读读1defend v防护;辩护;防卫防护;辩护;防卫精讲拓展:精讲拓展:defend sb./sth.(from/against).保保卫某人某人/某物免遭某物免遭defence n防防卫,防防卫设备defence works防御工事防御工事come to ones defence帮助帮助/保保卫某人某人in defence of为了保了保卫;辩护,拥护defensive adj.防御的防御的,自自卫的的defender n防防卫者者,辩护者者朗文在线:朗文在

10、线:They needed more troops to defend the border against possible attack.他们需要更多的部队来保卫边境地区免受可能的攻击。他们需要更多的部队来保卫边境地区免受可能的攻击。The rockets are a purely defensive measure against nuclear attack.火箭纯粹是针对核进攻的防御性措施。火箭纯粹是针对核进攻的防御性措施。Several people witnessed the attack, but no one came to her defence.有好几个人目睹了有好几个人

11、目睹了这次次袭击事件事件,但是没人站出来帮助她但是没人站出来帮助她。命题方向:命题方向:defend及其名词形式的用法以及与同义词之间及其名词形式的用法以及与同义词之间的词语辨析。的词语辨析。活学巧练:活学巧练:(1)They had three players _(防守防守)the goal against attack.(2)Its important to _ (预防防)diseases.(3)They tried their best to _(保保护)the old temple.(4)We shall _(保保卫)our homeland, whatever happens.def

12、endingguard againstprotectdefend(5)The policemen were on duty around the clock to _ the city against attack.A. protectB. defendC. guard D. promise答案:答案:B2hold v拿,握;保持;占据;阻止;容纳;举行拿,握;保持;占据;阻止;容纳;举行n.抓,抓,握握精讲拓展:精讲拓展:hold back阻止;扣住;隐瞒阻止;扣住;隐瞒hold down保持住;压低,垂下保持住;压低,垂下hold on继续;抓住;坚持继续;抓住;坚持hold to坚持坚持

13、(原则、方向原则、方向);紧握;紧握take/catch/get hold of抓住;得到抓住;得到hold on to紧紧抓住;守住,保住紧紧抓住;守住,保住hold out(供给品等供给品等)维持,持续;守住,坚守维持,持续;守住,坚守hold up支撑;支撑;(使使)耽搁,推迟耽搁,推迟误区警示:误区警示:hold是不是不规则动词,过去式和去式和过去分去分词分分别是是held, held。如:如:A meeting will be held tomorrow.明天将召开会明天将召开会议。朗文在线:朗文在线:The movie theatre holds 500 people.这家电影院能

14、容纳这家电影院能容纳500人。人。We shall hold down prices until the new year.我们会抑制价格上涨,直至新的一年来临。我们会抑制价格上涨,直至新的一年来临。I think I will hold on to the records, but you can hold the tapes.我想我会把唱片留着我想我会把唱片留着,但你可以拿走磁但你可以拿走磁带。命题方向:命题方向:hold作动词的用法以及与不同介词或副词搭配构作动词的用法以及与不同介词或副词搭配构成的短语动词。成的短语动词。活学巧练:活学巧练:We thought of selling t

15、his old furniture, but we decided to _it. It might be valuable.Ahold on to Bkeep up withCturn to Dlook after答案与解析:答案与解析:Ahold on to不放手,保住。不放手,保住。3attend v参加,出席;看护,照料参加,出席;看护,照料精讲拓展:精讲拓展:attend a meeting/lecture出席会议出席会议(听演讲,听课听演讲,听课)attend a wedding/a funeral参加婚礼参加婚礼(葬礼葬礼)attend school/church上学上学(去教堂

16、去教堂)attend to sb.伺候某人,照顾某人伺候某人,照顾某人attend to sth.处理某事,专心于某事处理某事,专心于某事误区警示:误区警示:attend school/church中中,school, church前通常不前通常不用冠用冠词。Li Qun was ill and didnt attend school.李群病了没有去上学李群病了没有去上学。朗文在线:朗文在线:Only 7 people attended the meeting.只有只有7个人参加了会个人参加了会议。The teacher got angry with me when I didnt pay a

17、ttention.当我不当我不专心听心听讲时,老老师很生气很生气。The article was intended to draw attention to the situation in Cambodia.这篇文章旨在呼吁人篇文章旨在呼吁人们关注柬埔寨的局关注柬埔寨的局势。词语辨析:词语辨析:attend, join, join in与与take part inattend用来表示用来表示“出席出席,参加参加(会会议、讲座座、婚礼婚礼、报告等告等)”。join表示参加某一表示参加某一团体体,并成并成为其中的一其中的一员,如入党如入党、入入团、参参军等;如果后等;如果后边接人接人,则表示参加

18、某人的活表示参加某人的活动。Will you join us for dinner?你来与我?你来与我们一起吃一起吃饭吗?join in多指参加比多指参加比赛或活或活动,常用于口常用于口语。join in强强调“加加入某人一起干入某人一起干”或或“加入某加入某项正在正在进行中的活行中的活动”。We stopped our work and joined them in digging soil.我我们停下工作停下工作,和他和他们一起挖地一起挖地。take part in指群众性活指群众性活动,重在重在说明句子主明句子主语参加参加该项活活动并在活并在活动中中发挥作用作用。We often tak

19、e part in physical labour.我我们经常参加体力常参加体力劳动。活学巧练:活学巧练:(1)He_(参加参加)evening school every day when he finishes his work.(2)_(专心于心于)your work and stop talking.(3)Could you_(处理理)this matter immediately?(4)We stopped our work and_(与他与他们一起一起)digging soil.attendsAttend toattend tojoined them in(5)Would you l

20、ike to_my birthday party this Saturday?Sorry, I have an important meeting to_.Aattend; join Btake part in; attendCjoin; take part in Dattend; attend答案:答案:D4appoint vt.任命,委任;约定,指定任命,委任;约定,指定精讲拓展:精讲拓展:appoint sb.(to be)/as.任命某人担任任命某人担任appoint time for/to do sth.约定时间做某事约定时间做某事appointed adj.指定的,约定的;受任命的

21、指定的,约定的;受任命的appointment n约定,约会约定,约会误区警示:误区警示:appoint vt.常接复合常接复合宾语,即即“宾语宾补”。作作宾补的可以是名的可以是名词、不定式或不定式或as短短语。The board appointed him(to be/as)chief manager of the company.董事局任命他担任公司董事局任命他担任公司总经理理职务。朗文在线:朗文在线:They appointed a new teacher at the school.他他们给学校派了一名新老学校派了一名新老师。We met him at the appointed ti

22、me outside the courtroom.我我们按按约定定时间在法庭外在法庭外见到了他到了他。I have an appointment to see the manager.我我约好了与好了与经理理见面面。命题方向:命题方向:appoint接复合宾语的用法以及名词形式接复合宾语的用法以及名词形式appointment的用法。的用法。活学巧练:活学巧练:The teacher will appoint a date_the examination.AforBasCatDon答案与解析:答案与解析:Aappoint a date for sth.约定时间做约定时间做。5deserve v

23、t.(常与常与to连用连用)值得;应受;应该得到值得;应受;应该得到These people deserve our help.精讲拓展:精讲拓展:deserved adj.应得的,当然的应得的,当然的be deserving of应得的,值得的应得的,值得的deserve attention/sympathy值得注意值得注意(同情同情)deserve doing/to be done值得做值得做注意:注意:deserve doing中中doing是主是主动式表被式表被动意意义,所以所以doing必必须是及物的是及物的。误区警示:误区警示:deserve doing主动形式表示被动,类似用法的

24、主动形式表示被动,类似用法的还有还有need,want,require, be worth等。等。朗文在线:朗文在线:The team deserves to win.这个个队该赢。You have been working all morningI think you deserve a rest.你已你已经工作了一早上工作了一早上我想你我想你该歇歇了歇歇了。These suggestions deserve considering.These suggestions deserve to be considered.这些建些建议值得考得考虑。命题方向:命题方向:deserve与其他动词在语

25、境中的辨析是考查的热点。与其他动词在语境中的辨析是考查的热点。活学巧练:活学巧练:(1)这些建些建议值得得认真考真考虑。_.These proposals deserve serious consideration(2)If you do wrong, you_(应得得)punishment.(3)They_(应该)to be sent to prison.(4)He_(受之无愧受之无愧)all that happened to him.deservedeserverichly deserves(5)He said, “They are really great and _ every res

26、pect from us all.”A. deserve B. receiveC. preserve D. perceive答案与解析:答案与解析:A句意:他说:句意:他说:“他们真的很伟大,应该他们真的很伟大,应该得到我们所有人的尊敬。得到我们所有人的尊敬。deserve因为行为、品行、才干因为行为、品行、才干等应该得到;等应该得到;receive接收,收到;接收,收到;preserve保护,维持;保护,维持;perceive理解。理解。6instant adj.立即的,即刻的;立即的,即刻的;(食品等食品等)速食的;速食的;n.瞬间,瞬间,刹那刹那精讲拓展:精讲拓展:instant cof

27、fee速溶咖啡速溶咖啡instant noodles方便面方便面in an instant立刻,马上立刻,马上for an instant片刻,一瞬间片刻,一瞬间instantly adv.立刻,即刻;立刻,即刻;conj.一一就就误区警示:误区警示:下列下列词或短或短语可引可引导时间状状语从句从句,相当于相当于as soon as意意为“一一就就”the instant (that)/moment/minute/secondinstantly/directly/immediately朗文在线:朗文在线:The instant I saw him, I knew he was the man

28、the police were looking for.我一看到他就我一看到他就认出他正是警方在出他正是警方在寻找的那个人找的那个人。Many young people like instant coffee.很多年很多年轻人喜人喜欢速溶咖啡速溶咖啡。When the rain started, the crowd vanished in an instant.下雨了下雨了,人群立刻散尽人群立刻散尽。命题方向:命题方向:the instant和和instantly引导时间状语从句的用法常引导时间状语从句的用法常在考题中出现。在考题中出现。活学巧练:活学巧练:(1)我一看到她我一看到她,就把就把

29、这封信封信给她她。_(2)我我马上就回来上就回来。_Instantly/The instant/The moment/As soon as I see her, I will give her the letter.Ill be back in an instant.(3)(2009唐山一中模唐山一中模拟)_you come back, Ill have finished reading the article.AThe time BThe minuteCBefore DBy the time答案与解析:答案与解析:D本题考查时间状语从句。本题考查时间状语从句。A、B、C、D都都可引导时间状语

30、从句,但由于主句时态用了可引导时间状语从句,但由于主句时态用了will have done而而by the time引导的时间状语从句,主句往往用完成时。引导的时间状语从句,主句往往用完成时。7name.after以以命名命名He named his daughter after his grandmother.精讲拓展:精讲拓展:name sb./sth.名把名把取名为取名为by name名为;名叫;凭名字名为;名叫;凭名字by the name of名叫名叫的的in the name of凭凭之名;以之名;以的名义;看在的名义;看在上上under the name of用用名字;以名字;以

31、假名假名enter ones name for报名参加报名参加with the name(of)叫作叫作误区警示:误区警示:动词name可以表示可以表示“说出出名称名称”。朗文在线:朗文在线:Bill is named after his father.比尔以其父亲的名字命名。比尔以其父亲的名字命名。Manyac made a name for himself in the Parisian art world.马尼亚克在巴黎艺术界出了名。马尼亚克在巴黎艺术界出了名。I claim this land in the name of the King!我代表国王宣布拥有这块土地!我代表国王宣布拥

32、有这块土地!命题方向:命题方向:name作及物动词的用法作及物动词的用法(命名,给命名,给取名取名)以及以及作名词时构成的短语和句型。作名词时构成的短语和句型。活学巧练:活学巧练:(1)I only know her_(名字名字)(2)He goes_(名叫名叫)Henry.(3)They did it all in the name of friendship.(替替换)_by nameby the name ofon behalf of(4)In old movies, the police shouted “Open up_ the law” before they broke the

33、door down.Ain the name of Bat the mercy ofCby the name of Dregardless of答案与解析:答案与解析:A考查考查name构成短语的用法。根据句意应构成短语的用法。根据句意应理解为理解为“以法律之名义以法律之名义”。8draw ones attention to吸引某人注意吸引某人注意(某物某物)精讲拓展:精讲拓展:attract/catch/get ones attention吸引某人的注意吸引某人的注意bring sth. to ones attention吸引某人注意某物吸引某人注意某物pay attention to注意注

34、意devote ones attention to专心于专心于direct/turn ones attention to将注意力转向将注意力转向误区警示:误区警示:注意注意attention短短语的被的被动语态。朗文在线:朗文在线:The article was intended to draw attention to the situation in Iraq.这篇文章旨在呼吁人们关注伊拉克局势。这篇文章旨在呼吁人们关注伊拉克局势。Dont pay attention to himhes always saying stupid things.别对他太在意别对他太在意他总是在说些蠢话。他总

35、是在说些蠢话。She tried to attract the waiters attention.她她设法吸引服法吸引服务员的注意的注意。The matter was first brought to my attention earlier this year.今年早些今年早些时候候,我第一次注意到我第一次注意到这个个问题。命题方向:命题方向:attention在被动语态与复合句中与其他名词的在被动语态与复合句中与其他名词的辨析。辨析。活学巧练:活学巧练:翻翻译(1)The TV was on but Diana wasnt _ it.电视开着开着,可是黛安娜没怎么注意看可是黛安娜没怎么注

36、意看。(2)The article was intended to _ the situation in Iraq.这篇文章旨在呼吁人篇文章旨在呼吁人们关注伊拉克的局关注伊拉克的局势。(3)The matter _earlier this year.今年今年较早早时候候,我第一次注意到我第一次注意到这个个问题。paying much attention todraw attention towas first brought to my attention(4)Attention should be _ to getting everything ready before Sunday.A.

37、had B. doneC. made D. paid答案:答案:D9But there is no doubt that he deserves the title “outstanding player of his generation”但是毫无疑问,他但是毫无疑问,他无愧于无愧于“一代杰出球员一代杰出球员”这一称号。这一称号。精讲拓展:精讲拓展:There is no doubt that.毫无疑毫无疑问There is some doubt whether.怀疑疑I have some doubt whether.我我怀疑疑I dont doubt that.我确信我确信I doubt

38、 if/whether.我我怀疑疑in doubt怀疑地疑地without doubt毫无疑毫无疑问误区警示:误区警示:在名在名词doubt,need,possibility,point等前面常等前面常用用there is;而;而wonder,use,good等前面常用等前面常用it is。朗文在线:朗文在线:There is no doubt that he is an excellent student.毫无疑毫无疑问,他是一名他是一名优秀学生秀学生。I dont doubt that he is a brilliant scientist, but can he teach?我不我不怀疑

39、他是位出色的科学家疑他是位出色的科学家,但他会教但他会教书吗?I doubt whether Tom has taken my watch.我不太相信我不太相信汤姆拿了我的手表姆拿了我的手表。活学巧练:活学巧练:选择(1)_is no doubt that Lucy had a hard time dealing with the diet.A. It B. AsC. That D. There答案与解析:答案与解析:DThere is no doubt that.为一常用句型,为一常用句型,意为意为“是毫无疑问的是毫无疑问的”。(2)(2009湖南衡南模湖南衡南模拟)We dont doub

40、t _the people in Beichuan County will recover from the disaster soon and rebuild their homes better than before.A. that B. ifC. what D. whether答案与解析:答案与解析:Adoubt用在否定句中,后面一般接用在否定句中,后面一般接that引引导的从句。导的从句。We dont doubt that.意为意为“我们不怀疑我们不怀疑”。10构词法构词法1合成法合成法把两个或两个以上独立的词合成一个新词的方法叫合成法。把两个或两个以上独立的词合成一个新词的方法叫

41、合成法。(1)合成名词合成名词构成方式例词名词/代词名词spaceship宇宙飞船shewolf母狼名词动名词machinebuilding机械制造名词及物动词er/orpainkiller止痛药形容词名词highway高速公路及物动词名词breakfast早餐现在分词名词flyingfish飞鱼动名词名词freezingpoint冰点副词动词output输出动词副词turnoff断开介词/副词名词afternoon午后(2)合成形容词合成形容词 构成方式例词形容词/数词十名词edcoldblooded冷血的名词/代词edpotatoshaped马铃薯形的名词/代词分词handmade手工制作

42、的selfeducated自学的名词/代词形容词colourblind色盲的形容词/数词名词lefthand左边的形容词/数词十分词goodlooking漂亮的副词分词hardworking勤劳的副词形容词evergreen tree常青树动词副词seethrough透明的介词名词downhill下坡的含介词或连词的短语wordforword translation逐字翻译(3)合成动词合成动词构成方式例词 副词十动词illtreat虐待名词/代词十动词massproduce大规模生产形容词动词safeguard保卫(4)合成副词合成副词构成方式例词副词副词however但是代词副词anywh

43、ere任何地方副词名词downstairs在楼下形容词名词anyway无论如何(5)合成代合成代词some,any,no可以与可以与thing,one,body合成代合成代词。anybody(任何人任何人),something(某事某事),nobody(没有人没有人),someone/somebody(某人某人)。2转化法化法转化是指化是指词由一种由一种词类转化化为另一种另一种词类。(1)动词转化化为名名词He visited the Summer Palace yesterday.他昨天参他昨天参观了了颐和园和园。(动词)We paid a visit to the scientist la

44、st week.我我们上星期拜上星期拜访了那个科学家了那个科学家。(名名词)英英语中常用中常用give,take,have,make等等动词构成构成这一一类词组,表示一个表示一个动作作。give a shout喊叫喊叫give a kick踢踢take a seat就座就座take a bath洗澡洗澡have a swim游泳游泳have a smoke吸烟吸烟make a bet打打赌make a decision决定决定(2)名名词转化化为动词The hall can seat two thousand people.这个大个大厅能坐能坐2,000人人。They have booked

45、their plane tickets.他他们已已经定了定了飞机票机票。(3)形容形容词转化化为动词The train slowed down to half its speed.火火车速度减慢了一半速度减慢了一半。The room gradually quieted down.屋里慢慢静了下来屋里慢慢静了下来。(4)形容形容词转化化为副副词How long is the line? 那条那条线有多有多长?(形容形容词)How long have you lived there?你在那里住了多久?你在那里住了多久?(副副词)(5)形容形容词转化化为名名词Something has gone w

46、rong with the machine.机器出了点毛病机器出了点毛病。(形容形容词)He didnt know the difference between right and wrong.他不辨是非他不辨是非。(名名词)3派生法派生法派生是由派生是由词根加根加词缀构成新构成新词。构成的新构成的新词称称为派生派生词。词缀分分为前前缀(加于加于词根前根前)、后后缀(加于加于词根后根后)。除少数前除少数前缀外外,前前缀一般只改一般只改变词的意的意义,不改不改变词类;后;后缀一般只改一般只改变词类,不引起不引起词义变化化。前缀例词a构成形容词、副词asleep,abroad,alonedis否定

47、disappear,discourage,disappointen使可能encourage,enablein,il,im,ir 不,非invisible,illegal,impossible,irregularinter相互,之间international,interschoolmis误mistake,misunderstandre重复,再return,reunite,remarrytele远程telephone,telegraph,telescopeun不,non不,非unfit,unfair,unknown,nonpayment, nonconductor活学巧练:活学巧练:根据句意根据句

48、意,在每个空格中填适当的在每个空格中填适当的词(1)Lincoln became very interested in_.In all his_life,he worked hard to build a free state for all the people.(policy)(2)Lincoln worked hard against_,because he wanted to free all the_.(slave)politicspoliticalslaveryslaves(3)The American film True Lies was_by a worldfamous_.(d

49、irect)(4)The first_from Britain reached Canada in the l5th century,but Inuit who came from Asia_in Canada thousands of years ago.They now live in special_.(settle)(5)The play The Blue House will be_by the Beijing_Studio (制片厂制片厂)(film)directeddirectorsettlerssettledsettlementsfilmedFilm考考 题题 演演 练练 1.

50、(2009全国全国)How much _ she looked without her glasses!A. well B. goodC. best D. better答案与解析:答案与解析:D句意:她不戴眼镜看起来好看多了!句意:她不戴眼镜看起来好看多了!much修饰比较级,故只有修饰比较级,故只有better正确。正确。2(2009北北京京卷卷)For breakfast he only drinks juice from fresh fruit _ on his own farm.A. grown B. being grownC. to be grown D. to grow答答案案与与

51、解解析析:Afruit grown on his own farm他他自自己己的的农农场场种种植植的的水水果果。grow与与fruit之之间间为为逻逻辑辑上上的的动动宾宾关关系系,故故用用过过去去分分词词作作定定语语。B项项表表示示正正在在进进行行,C项项表表示示还还未未发发生生,均不符合题意。均不符合题意。3(2009重庆卷重庆卷)Peter was so excited _ he received an invitation from his friend to visit Chongqing.A. where B. thatC. why D. when答案与解析:答案与解析:D句意:当彼

52、得收到他朋友的邀请去参观重句意:当彼得收到他朋友的邀请去参观重庆的时候,他非常兴奋。本题易错选庆的时候,他非常兴奋。本题易错选that。但由句意知并。但由句意知并不是不是“如此如此以致以致”之意。之意。where表地点,表地点,why表原因,表原因,均不合句意,故选均不合句意,故选D项。项。4(2008安徽卷安徽卷)I have some big news for you. Youve been accepted as a member of our club._Thats great!A. Have I? B. Pardon?C. Congratulations! D. Good idea!

53、答案与解析:答案与解析:A句意:句意:我有好消息要告诉你。你被接我有好消息要告诉你。你被接受加入我们的俱乐部了。受加入我们的俱乐部了。是吗?太好了!根据语境,是吗?太好了!根据语境,应选应选A项。项。5(2008辽宁卷辽宁卷)Did you have a good time in Thailand last week?_,it was too hot.A. Not really B. Yeah, why notC. Oh, great D. Youre right答案与解析:答案与解析:A句意:句意:你上周在泰国玩得开心吗?你上周在泰国玩得开心吗?不是很开心,天气太热了。根据上下文的逻辑关系,

54、应不是很开心,天气太热了。根据上下文的逻辑关系,应选选A项项“不是,不完全是不是,不完全是”。B项意为项意为“是的,为什么不是的,为什么不呢?呢?”;C项项“噢,太伟大了噢,太伟大了”;D项项“你说对了你说对了”,显,显然然B、C、D三项与下文不符。三项与下文不符。6(2008福建卷福建卷)_a moment and I will go to your rescue.A. Go on B. Hold onC. Move on D. Carry on答案与解析:答案与解析:Bgo on继续;继续;hold on抓住不放,坚持;抓住不放,坚持;move on继续前进;继续前进;carry on继续

55、进行。根据后句的继续进行。根据后句的I will go to your rescue可知,这里应是可知,这里应是“坚持住坚持住”“别松手别松手”。7(2008四川四川)A cough is usually nothing to worry about unless it lasts for ten days _.A. or more B. insteadC. at most D. only答案与解析:答案与解析:A表示表示“咳嗽如果持续十天或者十天以上,咳嗽如果持续十天或者十天以上,就要引起注意就要引起注意”。8(2008山东卷山东卷)Say, Jane, will you come with

56、 me to the game Friday?_,Bob, but I promised Mary Id go with her.A. My pleasure B. ThanksC. Take it easy D. Forget it答案与解析:答案与解析:B句意:句意:Jane,星期五你能和我一起去,星期五你能和我一起去看比赛吗?看比赛吗?谢谢,谢谢,Bob,但是我已答应,但是我已答应Mary和她一起和她一起去了。去了。A项意为项意为“不用谢不用谢”;C项意为项意为“别着急别着急”;D项意项意为为“不要放在心上不要放在心上”。Module 1Basketball.单词拼写单词拼写1. He

57、has an income of only 200 dollars a month, which is not a _ to support his large family.2. I must a _ for the delay in replying to your letter.3. The tournament is open to amateurs as well as p_.adequateapologiseprofessionals4. At night they crossed the river and took p_ of the village.5. He was a_

58、as chairman of the committee.6. I recognized her the _(瞬瞬间)I saw her.7. She _ (值得得)a reward for her efforts.8. Diana is a _(体体贴的的)boss who is always willing to listen.9. He works very hard and now he is a(n) _(出色出色的的)pupil.10. _(复复杂的的)problems are not easy to solve. possessionappointed instant deser

59、vesconsiderateoutstandingComplicated.单项填空单项填空1. How did you _ the old valuable house?It used to be _ my uncle. He left it to me in his will.A. take possession of; in possession ofB. take the possession of; in the possession ofC. take possession of; in the possession ofD. take the possession of; in p

60、ossession of答案与解析:答案与解析:Ctake possession of为固定短语,为固定短语,possession前没有冠词,意为前没有冠词,意为“拥有,占有拥有,占有”;in possession of拥有;拥有;in the possession of为某人所有。为某人所有。2. I have an important meeting to _, so I cant _ you in the discussion.A. attend; joinB. take part in; attendC. join; take part in D. attend; attend答案与解

61、析:答案与解析:Aattend a meeting参加会议;参加会议;join sb. in sth.加入某人的行列从事某活动;加入某人的行列从事某活动;take part in参加某活动。参加某活动。3. The newlydiscovered star was named _ a Chinese astronomer _ honor of his contributions to astronomy.A. for;in B. after;forC. as;in D. after;in答案与解析:答案与解析:Dname after以以名字命名;名字命名;in honor of为了向为了向表示

62、敬意。表示敬意。4. (2009江西贵溪模拟江西贵溪模拟)They are very familiar with this kind of business, so theres no need to be _ about the outcome.A. enthusiastic B. optimisticC. concerned D. controversial答案与解析:答案与解析:C考查形容词辨析。句意:他们对这种生意考查形容词辨析。句意:他们对这种生意非常熟悉,没必要担心结果会怎样。非常熟悉,没必要担心结果会怎样。enthusiastic热情的;热情的;optimistic乐观的;乐观的

63、;controversial有争议的;有争议的;be concerned about担心的,忧虑的。担心的,忧虑的。5Please tell me how the accident_, I am still in the dark.Acame by Bcame uponCcame to Dcame about答案与解析:答案与解析:D句意:请告诉我事故是怎样发生的,我现句意:请告诉我事故是怎样发生的,我现在仍然不知道。在仍然不知道。come by (从从旁旁)经过,得到;经过,得到;come upon突然产生,突然产生, 偶然遇到,偶然遇到, 降临;降临;come to共计,涉及,共计,涉及,

64、 苏醒过来,苏醒过来, 被继承,被继承, 达成;达成;come about发生。发生。6Ive never seen anyone run so fast_David go.Ajust watch Bjust to watchCjust watching Djust having watched答案与解析:答案与解析:A本题考查动词的用法。根据句子的意思和本题考查动词的用法。根据句子的意思和语境分析,此处应该是祈使句型,所以使用动词原形。语境分析,此处应该是祈使句型,所以使用动词原形。7Most people cant_the day without at least one cup of t

65、ea or coffee.Aget at Bget onCget by Dget through答案与解析:答案与解析:D理解与理解与get相关的短语:相关的短语:get at够得着;够得着; 理理解;解; 意指,暗示。意指,暗示。get on进展;进展; 出人头地;出人头地; 登登(车车), 上上(马马)。get by过活;过活; 过得去;过得去; 经过,经过, 通过。通过。get through通过;通过; 穿过;穿过; (工作工作)完成;完成; (测验测验)合格;合格; 接通电话。根接通电话。根据句意可判断答案是据句意可判断答案是D项。项。8To everyones joy, the f

66、amous film star was_mayor of the city.Aadopted BappointedCnamed after Din the name of答案与解析:答案与解析:B根据句意可判断答案是根据句意可判断答案是B项:项: appoint sb.(to be)职务或职务或appoint sb. as职务,任命某人为职务,任命某人为,to be 可以省略;注意职务前不加任何冠词。可以省略;注意职务前不加任何冠词。9His remarks_me in my opinion that he was a very considerate boy.Aconcerned Bcont

67、actedCconfirmed Dconsidered答案与解析:答案与解析:C句意:他的言论使我更坚定了我的观点:句意:他的言论使我更坚定了我的观点:他是个非常体贴别人的孩子。根据句意可知答案是他是个非常体贴别人的孩子。根据句意可知答案是C项:项:confirm sb. in: 使某人更坚定使某人更坚定(信念等信念等)。10Its bad manners to_others when they are speaking.Ainterrupt Bcut inCinterview Dbreak into答案与解析:答案与解析:A句意:当别人正在说话时,打断他们说话句意:当别人正在说话时,打断他们

68、说话是不礼貌的。是不礼貌的。interrupt打断打断(讲话或讲话人讲话或讲话人); cut in插话;插话; break into闯入,打断;突然闯入,打断;突然起来。根据句意可知答起来。根据句意可知答案是案是A项。项。11Dont disturb your sister, she is_a fairy tale.Aabsorbing in Babsorbed inCabsorbing with Dabsorbed with答案与解析:答案与解析:B理解句意可知答案是理解句意可知答案是B项:项:be absorbed in.专心致力于专心致力于。12Teaching is not just

69、a simple piece of work; its an art_a science.Ais based on Bbased withCbased on Ddepended on答案与解析:答案与解析:C根据句意可知答案是根据句意可知答案是C项:项:based on“以以为基础,建立在为基础,建立在的基础上的基础上”,作名词,作名词art的后置定语。的后置定语。13The teacher used to stay up deep into the night._, he made himself ill.AHowever BEventuallyCMoreover D/答案与解析:答案与解析

70、:Bhowever conj. 然而,可是,不过然而,可是,不过ad. 无论无论如何,不管怎样;如何,不管怎样; 不管用什么方法;不管用什么方法; 究竟怎样,究竟怎样, 到底如到底如何。何。 eventually ad. 最后,终于最后,终于 moreover ad. 并且,加并且,加之,此外。根据句意可知答案是之,此外。根据句意可知答案是B项。项。14Im afraid Mr Wood cant see you until 4 oclock.Oh,_I wont wait.Ano doubt Bafter allCin that case Din this case答案与解析:答案与解析:C

71、句意:句意:恐怕伍德先生恐怕伍德先生4点以前是不能来点以前是不能来见你了。见你了。噢,如果是这样的话我就不等噢,如果是这样的话我就不等(他他)了。此题了。此题考查情景交际中的短语辨析。考查情景交际中的短语辨析。no doubt (无疑地无疑地);after all(毕竟毕竟); in that case (如果是那样的话如果是那样的话);in this case(既然这样既然这样)。根据对话情境和词组含义,。根据对话情境和词组含义,C项最佳。项最佳。15. (2009上海普陀区模拟上海普陀区模拟)Dont waste lots of time looking for the answer to

72、 one question. Leave it and come back to it later _.A. if it necessary B. if you are necessaryC. if is necessary D. if necessary答案与解析:答案与解析:D考查省略句。句意:不要浪费大量时间去考查省略句。句意:不要浪费大量时间去寻求一个问题的答案。先把它放在一边,若有必要的话,寻求一个问题的答案。先把它放在一边,若有必要的话,回头再来解决。回头再来解决。if necessary是是if it is necessary的省略。的省略。.翻译句子翻译句子1杰克出生于纽约,在

73、北京长大。杰克出生于纽约,在北京长大。_答案:答案:Jack was born in New York and grew up in Beijing.2她生性对周围的任何人都慷慨大方。她生性对周围的任何人都慷慨大方。_答案:答案:Its in her nature to be generous to everyone around her.3她的兴趣跟我的相似,我们有很多共同之处。她的兴趣跟我的相似,我们有很多共同之处。_答案:答案:Her interests are similar to mine and we have much in common.4As he gathered his

74、fortune, Gates knew he would eventually want to give back as well, but he didnt expect to devote himself wholeheartedly to one project until he was about 60._答案:当他积累财富的时候,盖茨就知道他早晚要把这些财答案:当他积累财富的时候,盖茨就知道他早晚要把这些财富归还给社会,但六十岁以前,他还不想把全部身心倾注富归还给社会,但六十岁以前,他还不想把全部身心倾注于一个目标。于一个目标。5. Activities of the mind an

75、d higherorder reasoning are processes of deep and careful consideration._答案:心理活动和高级推理是深刻的、仔细的思考过程。答案:心理活动和高级推理是深刻的、仔细的思考过程。.阅读理解阅读理解 A The worlds most famous footballer, David Beckham, is leaving his club,Real Madrid, to sign for the American side, LA Galaxy. Some reports say hell earn about a milli

76、on dollars a week, which will make him the worlds third highestearning sports star. But why has the former England captain decided to leave the most highprofile club in the world to play in a country where football, or soccer as Americans call it, isnt popular? Beckham says he enjoys the challenge o

77、f playing in the USA and wants to build a bridge between America and the rest of the sporting world by making football a major sport. Some people have been surprised by Beckhams decision saying it effectively means the end of his career as a serious footballer. But others, such as the former Manches

78、ter United and England player, Sir Bobby Charlton, think it was predictable. He says “it seems it was possible that at some time his career would finish up in that sort of position in Hollywood”. He and his popstar wife like the Hollywood lifestyle. Others think that David Beckham decided to move be

79、cause hes been unhappy at Real Madrid. He hasnt won any major trophies during his fouryear period there and he seems to have fallen out of favor with the manager. But Beckham has no regrets about his time in Madrid. He said that playing with the likes of Zidane, from France, and Ronaldo, from Brazil

80、, has been the biggest honor in his career. David Beckhams already played for two of the biggest clubs in the world. Hes been the captain of England and now he could become one of the richest athletes in history. If he manages to conquer America then, some say, hell be the most popular British expor

81、t since the Beatles.1. The passage tells us that David Beckham will _.A. give up his career as a football player B. be the worlds highestearning sports star C. finish up in a position in Hollywood D. move to American side, LA Galaxy答案与解析:答案与解析:D细节理解题。由文中首句即可得出答案,细节理解题。由文中首句即可得出答案,贝克汉姆要离开马德里队,加入美国贝克汉

82、姆要离开马德里队,加入美国LA Galaxy。另外,。另外,选项选项A、B与原文首段首、末句相悖;选项与原文首段首、末句相悖;选项C的叙述只是有的叙述只是有些人的猜测。些人的猜测。2. Why will David Beckham leave his club to America according to his idea? A. He wants to earn more money in American. B. He wants to join his wife in Hollywood. C. He wants to spread the football games in the

83、world. D. He has fallen out of favor with the present manager.答案与解析:答案与解析:C推理判断题。由题干直接锁定第推理判断题。由题干直接锁定第2段,本段段,本段用用but转折,转折,why引出的设问句,自问自答。第引出的设问句,自问自答。第2句提出句提出Beckham离开马德里俱乐部是想接受挑战,将足球推向离开马德里俱乐部是想接受挑战,将足球推向世界,故世界,故C为答案。其他三项均为别人的推测或评论,故为答案。其他三项均为别人的推测或评论,故排除。排除。3. Who is different from other characte

84、rs mentioned in this passage?A. David Beckham. B. Sir Bobby Charlton.C. Zidane from France. D. Ronaldo from Brazil.答案与解析:答案与解析:B推理判断题。四个选项中的人物都是足球推理判断题。四个选项中的人物都是足球运动员,由第运动员,由第5段末句可知段末句可知David Beckham与与Zidane和和Ronald在同一个团队踢过球;而在同一个团队踢过球;而Sir Bobby Charlton是是the former Manchester United and England p

85、layer,和其他三人不一样,故选和其他三人不一样,故选B项。项。4. What is the best title of the report?A. MillionDollaraWeek Move to America. B. Real Madrid will Lose His Football Star.C. Remarks on Moving to LA Galaxy. D. Move for MillionDollaraWeek.答案与解析:答案与解析:A主旨大意题。本文开篇点题,讲明贝克汉主旨大意题。本文开篇点题,讲明贝克汉姆要去美国一家俱乐部,周薪姆要去美国一家俱乐部,周薪100万

86、美元,将成为世界第万美元,将成为世界第三位高身价的体育明星,并在报道中多次提到该事情,文三位高身价的体育明星,并在报道中多次提到该事情,文章末尾又以章末尾又以he could become one of the richest athletes in history作为呼应,故选作为呼应,故选A项。项。 B One kilogramthat was all it took to crown (给给加冕加冕) the worlds strongest man. German weightlifter Matthias Steiner pulled ahead of Russian rival E

87、vgeny Chigishev to win the Olympic mens 105 kg weightlifting gold medal on Tuesday. Steiner lifted a total of 461 kg, 203 kg in the snatch (抓举抓举)and 258 kg in the clean and jerk (挺举挺举), to beat Chigishev by a single kilogram. The German won the battle of giants in his last lift, winning his countrys

88、 first gold medal in the event at this years Games.Steiners winning lift was also the last effort of the sport for this Olympics at which China earned eight of the 15 golds. Steiner was born in Austria and represented his country of birth at the Athens Olympics four years ago, placing seventh in the

89、 lower 105 kg category, but had a falling out with Austrias weightlifting federation afterwards. He applied for German citizenship in 2005 and got married, but his career went into deep freeze as he could not compete without a passport. He finally obtained the document last January. The German, who

90、turns 26 on Monday, had come to these Games on a mission to win the title for his wife Susann, who died in a car accident in July last year. The German team said he used the personal tragedy to motivate himself to win the gold medal. Chigishev was the strongest in the snatch session Tuesday.He kisse

91、d his fists after a 210kg lift that gave him a 7kg advantage over fourthplaced Steiner going into the second eventthe clean and jerk. He let out a victorious roar (吼叫吼叫)after cleating 250 kg in his last lift, but the glory was shortlived as Steiner stunned (使瞠目使瞠目) everyone with his final,winning cl

92、ean and jerk effort. Steiner had finished seventh in the 2004 Olympics in the 105 kg weight category, and took the gold in the 2008 European Championship 105 kg snatch competition, bronze in the clean and jerk and silver overall, with a total weight of 446 kg. World champion Viktors Scerbatihs of La

93、tvia settled for bronze.5. Steiner won the gold by lifting_. A. 105 kg B. 461 kg C. 258 kg D. 210 kg答案与解析:答案与解析:B细节理解题。由文章第三段首句可知,细节理解题。由文章第三段首句可知,Steiner以以461公斤的总成绩获得冠军。公斤的总成绩获得冠军。6. Four years ago at the Athens Olympics Steiner represented _. A. Australia B. Germany C. Austria D. Russia答案与解析:答案与解析

94、:C细节理解题。由文章第五段首句可知。细节理解题。由文章第五段首句可知。7. The following statements are true EXCEPT_. A. Steiner beat Chigishey by one kilogram B. Chinese weightlifting team won eight of the 15 gold medals at this years Games C. Steiner didnt get the passport until last February D. Steiner got a bronze in the 2008 Euro

95、pean Championship 105 kg clean and jerk competition答案与解析:答案与解析:C细节理解题。由第六段可知,细节理解题。由第六段可知,Steiner最后最后拿到护照的时间是去年的拿到护照的时间是去年的1月,而不是月,而不是2月。因此月。因此C项叙述项叙述不正确。不正确。8. It can be inferred from the passage that_. A. Steiner was inspired by his unfortunate wife to win the gold medal B. Chigishev was also the

96、strongest in the second event C. it is hard to get a German citizenship D. Steiner was determined to win the medal for the German team答案与解析:答案与解析:A推理判断题。见第七段的推理判断题。见第七段的had come to these Games on a mission to win the title for his wife Susann及及he used the personal tragedy to motivate himself to win

97、the gold medal,可以推知,可以推知Steiner的夺的夺金动力来自他已故的妻子金动力来自他已故的妻子Susann。9. What is the best title of the passage? A. Narrow Victory B. Pitiful Failure C. Gold Medal for His Dearest Wife D. Strongest Man of the World答案与解析:答案与解析:C主旨大意题。综合全文,主旨大意题。综合全文,C项项金牌告慰金牌告慰亡妻亡妻能全面概括文章的大意。能全面概括文章的大意。.短文改错短文改错文中共有文中共有10处语

98、言错误,处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号( )。并在其下面写出该加的。并在其下面写出该加的词。词。删除:把多余的词用斜线删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,修改:在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:注意:1每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改只允许修改10处,处, 多者多者(从第从第11处起处起)不计分。不计分。(哈尔滨市第九中学哈尔滨市第九中

99、学2010届高三第二次高考模拟考试届高三第二次高考模拟考试)First, Id like to thank you for your reminding, although I dont agree with your view which students should spend more time on their lessons instead of read novels.Indeed, reading novels takes up some of the time that should spent on lessons, but itll make us know what h

100、ard life is.Besides, by reading novels we can gain what we cant learn from our textbook.Of course, reading novels has its shortcomings.Novels that have wrong ideas will make us to do something wrong.Maybe, in your eyes, the disadvantages of reading novels outweighs the advantages.And in my opinion,

101、reading novels is just as another pair of eyes, which broadens my horizon.答案:答案:First, Id like to thank you for your reminding, although I dont agree with your view which(that) students should spend more time on their lessons instead of read(reading) novels.Indeed, reading novels takes up some of th

102、e time that should (be) spent on lessons, but itll make us know what(how) hard life is.Besides, by reading novels we can gain what we cant learn from our textbook(textbooks).Of course, reading novels has its(its) shortcomings. Novels that have wrong ideas will make us to do something wrong.Maybe, in your eyes, the disadvantages of reading novels outweighs(outweigh) the advantages.And(But) in my opinion, reading novels is just as(like) another pair of eyes, which broadens my horizon.同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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