Module 3《My First Ride on a Train》课件3(29张PPT)(外研版必修1)

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1、Module 3My First Ride on a Train漫画欣赏 画面描述 Two cactuses are growing in a large area of desert. The mother cactus is holding an umbrella to protect the baby cactus from the baking sun. But against her good wish,the baby cactus is bending down and turning weak in the shade of the umbrella. 寓意理解 In our

2、daily life,parents are making every effort to create a comfortable environment for their children. But too much protection has a side effect on their children. One cannot grow up without experiencing pain and difficulties. 重 点 单 词1abandoned adj.被遗弃的The baby had been abandoned by its mother.这个婴儿被母亲遗弃

3、了。After the snowstorm,the highway was covered with abandoned cars.暴风雪过后,高速公路上到处是被弃的车辆。美国传统你能否对此加以扩展,写一篇120词左右的小短文?【相关链接】abandon vt.放弃,遗弃;n.放任,狂热abandon oneself to沉溺于abandon oneself to despair只会悲观失望abandonedly adv.被遗弃地【妙辨异同】abandon,desert,quit与cancel(1)abandon与desert都可指抛弃、遗弃某人,但desert常指逃避义务或违背誓约等,有责难

4、之意。(2)quit指停止或放弃信仰、行动、工作等,如quit smoking停止吸烟;quit the job辞职。(3)cancel指取消原定的计划或安排。即景活用The broken bike was found _ by the riverside. Aabandoning Babandoned Cto be abandoned Dbeing abandoned 解析:句意:“那辆破自行车被发现丢弃在河边”。本题考查过去分词abandoned作主补。因为bike是abandon动作的承受者。答案:B2scenery n风景,景色Last fall,I went on a trip to

5、 the mountains,and the most exciting part of thetrip,in my view,was the scenery.It was fantastic.去年秋天,我去山中旅游,照我看,其中最激动人心的莫过于山中的风景了。简直美极了。The scenery is beautiful around here.这一带的景色很美。【轻巧辨析】sight/view/scene/scenery(1)sight表示“风景,名胜”时,要用其复数形式。(2)view主要指在远处或高处可以看到的景色。(3)scene是常用词,指局部的,一眼可以见全貌的风景或景色,不仅是自

6、然风景,也可指戏剧、电影、小说等的场景、布景。(4)scenery指某一国家或某一地区的整体的自然风景。We are going to Paris for the weekend to see the sights.我们打算去巴黎过周末,参观那里的名胜。The view from the top of the building is very beautiful.从这个楼顶看,风景很美。He has designed all the scenes and costumes.他设计了全部的布景和服装。We were all shocked by the magnificent scenery o

7、f the lake.我们都被湖泊壮丽的景色所震憾。即景活用Many people who had seen the film were afraid to go to the forest when they remembered the scenes _ people were eaten by the tiger.Ain which Bby which Cwhich Dthat解析:先行词the scenes表示“场景;场面”,此句用“介词+关系代词”引导定语从句,in which即in the scenes,表示“在这个场景中,人被老虎吃掉”。答案:A3frighten vt.使惊吓;

8、vi.惊恐A loud noise frightened me.一声巨响吓了我一跳。美国传统The little girl was frightened by the big dog.小女孩被那只大狗给吓坏了。The child stared at the man with frightened eyes.那小孩用惊恐的眼神盯着那个男人。【思维拓展】be frightened of害怕,对感到恐惧frighten away/off吓跑,吓走frighten sb. into doing sth.用恐吓手段迫使某人做某事frighten sb. out of doing sth.用恐吓手段迫使某

9、人不做某事【指点迷津】frightening adj.“令人恐惧的,引起突然惊恐的”,现在分词,表示主动的意思。Its frightening how quickly time passes.时间过得真快,使人害怕。【词汇派生】frightened adj.受惊的,受恐吓的frightening adj.令人恐惧的,引起突然惊恐的frighteningly adv.令人恐惧地,引起突然惊恐地frightenedly adv.受惊地,受恐吓地即景活用用frighten的适当形式完成句子The man frightened the old lady into signing the paper.H

10、e was very frightened to look down from the top floor of the building.The story he told us was frightening.4interview vt.& n接见,会见He has interviewed a lot of people for the job.他已和应征这份工作的许多人面谈过。The movie star grants no interviews.那位电影明星不接受采访。美国传统【思维整合】(1)interview sb. for sth.为某事对某人进行面试interview sb.

11、about sth.就某事采访某人(2)have an interview with sb.会见某人give an interview to sb.接见某人go for an interview进行面试(3)interviewer n接见者,采访者interviewee n被采访者,被接见者即景活用用适当的介词填空He has an interview next Thursday for a job on the Los Angeles Times.The boss interviewed 10 college students for what was needed in the compa

12、ny.The government official has just been interviewed about the problem of pollution.经 典 短 语1refer to提及,涉及;查阅;求助于;与有关,to为介词The new salary scale only refers to company managers and directors.新的工资级别标准只适用于公司经理和主管人员。剑桥高阶Seeing his angry face,we promised never to refer to the matter again.看到他愤怒的脸,我们答应再也不提

13、这件事。【思维拓展】Refer to提到,说到,指.而方参考,查阅(与look up的区别)与有关系refer.to把提交给(以求获得帮助等)reference n说到;参考;参照;出处,参考书目have reference to和有关系make (a) reference to说到;谈到;参照;参考【友情提示】refer to当“参考,查阅”讲时,其后跟被查阅的人或物;look up后接查阅的内容。 You can refer to your dictionary if you dont know the word. You can look up the word in your dict

14、ionary if you dont know it.如果你不认识这个字,可以查字典。即景活用Has the doctor _ sent for? Areferred to being Breferred to been Creferring to being Dreferred to be解析:referred to是过去分词作后置定语。相当于定语从句who is referred to。句意:提到的大夫已经请了吗?答案:B2more than超过(over);不仅仅(not only)In class,he listens more than attentively.在课堂上,他听讲十分认

15、真。More than 20,000 demonstrators crowded into the square.两万多示威者涌进了广场。剑桥高阶【思维链接】(1)more than+数词,表示“超过,多于”。(2)more than+名词,表示“不仅是,不只是”。(3)more than+形容词/副词,表示“非常,十分”,与very同义。(4)more than之后接含有can的从句时,常表示否定意义。此时,从句中的谓语动词必须是及物动词,并且与句子的主语为逻辑上的动宾关系。 (5)more.than.意为“与其不如;是而不是”,表示自身的比较。(6)no more than=only意为“

16、只有,仅仅”;not more than常用于数词之前,意为“至多,不超过”,其意义相当于at(the)most。即景活用Do you need any help,Lucy? Yes.The job is _ I could do myself. Aless than Bmore than Cno more than Dnot more than 解析:考查固定句型。less than少于;more than多于,超过,超出;nomore than=only不超过,仅仅;not more than不多于。句意为:这项工作超出了我自己的能力范围。more than(more.than.)意义众多

17、,构成多种固定句型,复习中应多总结、记忆。答案:B3get on上车I think we got on the wrong bus.我想我们上错公共汽车了。剑桥高阶Im afraid I didnt get on well in the exam.恐怕这次我考得不好。【思维整合】get down to认真地静下心来(工作)get around传播get along/on with进行;进展;与相处get off下车get rid of除掉;摆脱get through通过;做完get into the car上车get out of the car下车即景活用用get的短语完成句子How doe

18、s Gina get on with her colleagues?Lets get down to our business.You should get rid of your bad habit.4take off拿掉,取消;脱衣;起飞Take your coat off.脱掉你的外套吧。You should take the toy off the table.你应该把桌上的玩具拿走。The plane took off at 830 am.飞机上午8点半起飞。剑桥高阶【思维拓展】take down拿下;拆毁;拆散;写下take in拿进;吸入(空气等);了解;欺骗;改小(衣服)tak

19、e back取回;收回(说错的话)take on雇佣;呈现(面貌、神情等);接受工作;承担责任take over接管take up占用(空间、地方);开始做某事;继续take the place of取代;代替即景活用These teenagers dont know much of the world yet;thats why they are so easily _. Ataken in Btaken on Ctaken up Dtaken off 解析:本题考查动词短语的辨析。take in吸收;欺骗;take on雇佣;呈 现;take up占用;占据;take off脱下;起飞。句

20、意:这些青少年对世界 还了解不多;这就是为什么他们如此容易受骗的原因。 答案:A重 要 句 型1Where do you think most of the people live,in the central part of the country or on the coast?你认为大多数人生活在哪里:国家的中部还 是沿海? 此处do you think为插入语。What do you think he is doing?你认为他现在在做什么?Who do you think are going to take part in the party?你认为谁将参加晚会?【用法点击】“特殊疑

21、问词+do you think+陈述结构。”从语法角度讲,do you think是插入语。无论疑问词在句中作什么成分,特殊疑问句都用陈述语序。【知识链接】除think外,常见的动词还有believe,consider,suppose,imagine,guess和suggest等。I think,I believe,I suppose,I guess,I imagine,I find,I understand,I trust,I know,I say,I hear等可用作插入语,置于句中或句末,通常用逗号隔开,此类插入语,若置于宾语从句中,可不用标点。【友情提示】当插入语为do you sug

22、gest时,其后除了用陈述句语序外,还要用“should+动词原形”,而且should常可省略。即景活用_ is the most useful invention? ADo you think which of these BWhich of these do you think CWhich of these do you know DYou know which of these解析:do you think为插入语,置于特殊疑问词之后;do you know无此用法。答案:B2Would you mind Showing me your ticket?If I saw your tic

23、ket?请出示你的票好吗?本句含有would you mind.句式。I hope you dont mind me bringing the dog with me.希望你不要介意我把狗带在身边。I cant hear the news clearly.Would you mind if I turned up the radio?我听不清新闻,你介意我把收音机音量调大点吗?【知识整合】(1)Would you mind.?后面接名词、动名词以及if引导的从句。if从句中要用一般过去时表示虚拟语气。但Do you mind后的if从句不用过去时态。(2)mind sb. doing sth.

24、介意某人做某事mind your own business管你自己的事,别管闲事(3)keep sth. in mind记住make up ones mind下决心【温馨提示】回答Would you mind或Do you mind.?问句时,一定要特别注意前后文的一致性,常见的表“不介意”的答语有:Certainly not;Not at all;Not a bit;No,go ahead。表“介意”的答语有:Im sorry,but I do;Yes,I do mind;Im sorry,but youd better not。【相关链接】委婉表达法:Would you mind 委婉提出

25、请求,“你介意吗?”Im very sorry but.委婉拒绝对方。Could I.?Excuse me.表示客气地请求即景活用Do you mind if I keep pets in this building? _. AId rather you didnt,actually BOf course not,its not allowed here CGreat!I love pets DNo,you cant 解析:句意:“我在这座楼里养宠物你介意吗?”“最好你别养,确实有点介意。”答语用Id rather后跟句子,用过去时表示委婉拒绝。答案:A3And what a ride!多精彩

26、的一次乘车旅行啊!这是what引导的感叹句。What a girl!多好的女孩啊!What a moving story!多么动人的一个故事啊!What an interesting film!多么有趣的一部电影啊!【归纳拓展】what+a/an+(adj.)+单数可数名词+(主语+谓语)what+(adj.)+不可数名词或复数可数名词+(主语+谓语)How+adj./adv.+(主语+谓语)How+adj.+a/an+单数可数名词+主语+谓语即景活用_ weve been having these days! AHow a terrible weather BWhat a terrible

27、weather CHow terrible weather DWhat terrible weather解析:句意:这些日子来,天气真是糟透了。本题考查what引导的感叹句。what+(a/an)+形容词+名词是一个固定的表示惊讶的句子。weather是不可数名词,因此正确答案应为D。答案:D高 考 经 典 解 读【例1】 Edward,you play so well.But I _ you played the piano. (2009全国,29) Adidnt know Bhadnt known Cdont know Dhavent known【解题方法指导】 考查谓语动词的时态。上句为

28、一般现在时。说明我现 在才知道Edward的钢琴弹得这么好。下句说:(此前)我可不知道你会弹 钢琴啊!因此空白处应用一般过去时。 答案:A教材原文对照They tried riding horses,but the horses didnt like the hot weatherand sand. (P23)【例2】 It took _ building supplies to construct these energysaving houses.It took brains,too. (2009浙江,10) Aother than Bmore than Crather than Dles

29、s than 【解题方法指导】 本题考查短语的辨析。other than“除了”;more than“多于,不仅仅”;rather than“而不是”;less than“少于”。句 意:建造这些节能住宅不仅仅需要建筑用品,还需要用脑。 答案:B教材原文对照Some of the verbs can refer to more than one means of transport. (P21)【例3】 With the governments aid,those _ by the earthquake have moved to the new settlements. (2009上海,33

30、) Aaffect Baffecting Caffected Dwere affected 【解题方法指导】 本题考查过去分词作定语。句意:在政府的援助 下,那些受到地震影响的人们已经搬到新的定居点。affect的过去 分词形式作those的后置定语。 答案:C教材原文对照We ate great meals cooked by experts. (P23)纵观全局,正确感悟语篇情感 在做完形填空过程中,考生有时要把握文章的语篇情感,尽量与作者的思想感情产生共鸣,正确理解作者所要表达的思想情感或内心感受。不要用自己的想法去揣测文章中提到的人物的心理活动。 【典例1】 “Its no use,M

31、um,” said Johnny. “Im just no good at dancing.” “Youve got to keep trying.Tonight will be 36 (different),dear.Try a turn with that pretty Lisette.” Johnny 37 .Every Saturday night used to be the best of the week.He andhis parents went to the 38 (dance) at the Club,where his hero,Alcide,played the ac

32、cordion(手风琴) with the band.But lately everything had changed. Now that Johnny was older,he was 39 (expected)to dance with a girl! (2009湖南卷)37.A.answered B.sighed C.smiled D.laughed 答案:B 点拨:本段提到星期六曾经是一星期中最美好的时光,可是最 近却发生了变化,原因是尽管Johnny不擅长跳舞,却被要求与 一位漂亮的女孩一起跳,所以发出了叹息之声。 误区警示:做此题时,考生受思维习惯影响,容易用自己的观 点揣测文章

33、中人物的内心感受,认为与一位美丽的女孩共舞是 求之不得的事情,因而不假思索地误选smiled或laughed。此外, 这两个选项是同义词,迷惑性很强。 【典例2】 One afternoon,my son Adam asked me, “Are all people the same even if they are different in color?” I thought for a minute,and then I said, “Ill explain, 21 (if)you can just wait until we make a quick 22 (stop)at the gr

34、ocery store.I have something 23 to show you.” At the grocery store,we 24 (bought) some applesred,green and yellow ones.Back home,I told Adam, “Its time to 25 (answer)your question.”I put one apple of each 26 (type) on the table.Then I looked at Adam,who had a 27 look on his face.(2009陕西卷)23.A.expres

35、sive BEncouraging CInformative Dinteresting27A.worried Bsatisfied Cproud Dcurious答案:23.D27.D点拨:文中作者打算以苹果为例,形象生动地回答儿子提出的问题,因此作者认为自己想出的这个主意很“有趣”。而作者的儿子当时一头雾水,不知道苹果与他的问题有什么关系,自然十分“好奇”。误区警示:做23题时,考生容易脱离作者所要表达的思想感情而用自己的思维习惯去主观臆断,认为所展示之物一般都是富有表现力的,从而误选expressive。informative也有很强的干扰性,由于此词比较生僻,意为“提供有用信息的,给予知识的”,往往让学生举棋不定,最终误选此项;做27题时,由于作者即将回答孩子先前提出的问题,而此时考生已经明白作者是想利用苹果加以阐释,认为这是一个绝妙的想法,主观认为孩子对这种方式感到非常“满意”,从而误选satisfied。但这只是考生自己的观点,而没有考虑到孩子当时并不理解这样做的目的。 同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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