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1、Using Attributive Clause in Writing定语从句在写作的简单应用1定语从句在写作的简单应用公开课Enjoy the nice sayings & translateHeaven rewards those who work hard, and flowers in spring come to fruition in autumn. 天道酬勤,春华秋实。(出处书大诰) (摘自中国国家主席习近平应邀出席博鳌亚洲论坛2018年年会开幕式的重要主旨演讲:“天道酬勤,春华秋实”。中国人民坚持聚精会神搞建设、坚持改革开放不动摇,持之以恒,锲而不舍,推动中国发生了翻天覆地的变

2、化)学学“习习”语,知典故语,知典故 2定语从句在写作的简单应用公开课Enjoy the nice sayingsSuccess comes to those who share in one purpose.上下同欲者胜 (出处孙子. 谋攻) (摘自2017年习近平新年贺词:“上下同欲者胜 ”。只要我们13亿多人们和衷共济,只要我们党永远同人民站在一起,大家撸起袖子加油干,我们就一定能走好我们这一代人的长征路)学学“习习”语,知典故语,知典故3定语从句在写作的简单应用公开课Enjoy the nice sayingsHeroes are those who know themselves a

3、nd can overcome their own difficulties.自知者英,自胜者雄。(出处中说. 周公) (摘自2016.10.21习近平在纪念红军长征胜利80周年大会上的讲话:“自知者英,自胜者雄”,民族复兴梦想越接近,改革开放任务越繁重,越要加强党的建设)学学“习习”语,知典故语,知典故4定语从句在写作的简单应用公开课What have you learned last week?WHAT?5定语从句在写作的简单应用公开课Revision 1. 构成要素构成要素先行词:被定语从句修饰的先行词:被定语从句修饰的 _ 或或 _关系词:分为关系词:分为_ 和和_定语从句:修饰定语从

4、句:修饰 _ 或或 _的从句,一般的从句,一般 紧跟在紧跟在_的后面。的后面。2. 结构:结构: _词词+_词词+从句从句 3. 分类:分类:_ 和和 非限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句 4.应用:可以用来描述应用:可以用来描述_ 和和_ 5.翻译:翻译:“的的”名词名词代词代词名词名词代词代词关系副词关系副词关系代词关系代词先行词先行词关系关系先行先行事物事物人物人物限制性限制性6定语从句在写作的简单应用公开课引导非限制定从,指代整个主句的内容主语或宾语宾语定语,表所属关系状语7定语从句在写作的简单应用公开课I am a student from Xiaosheng Middle School

5、, _ is surrounded by many green trees. whichPractice 1: 在空格中填入合适的关系词8定语从句在写作的简单应用公开课The reason _I want to introduce my school is that it is one of the most beautiful schools in Shantou. why why 9定语从句在写作的简单应用公开课There are modern basketball courts and playground _are available (可利用的)for us to take exer

6、cise. that/which10定语从句在写作的简单应用公开课 I can well remember there was a time _ a blue sky and the green trees have kept me spellbound. when 11定语从句在写作的简单应用公开课Whats more, there are many friendly classmates _ I could get along well.with whom12定语从句在写作的简单应用公开课More importantly, I have met a great number of exce

7、llent teachers _ have rich teaching experience. that/who13定语从句在写作的简单应用公开课 I will never forget the classroom _ we study together.where14定语从句在写作的简单应用公开课This is the beautiful school _ I will spend three happy years. where15定语从句在写作的简单应用公开课Practice 2把下列每组题中的简单句合并为一个含有定从的复合句16定语从句在写作的简单应用公开课 I like the Mi

8、d-autumn Festival. The Mid-autumn Festival is as important as the Spring Festival. People will try to go home for the family reunion. People work far from their homes.There is a kind of special food for this festival.The name of the food is mooncake.1) I like the Mid-autumn Festival which is as impo

9、rtant as the Spring Festival.3)There is a kind of special food, the name of which is mooncake.3)There is a kind of special food, whose name is mooncake.2) People who work far from their homes will try to go home for the family reunion . Tip1: 写出两个简单句写出两个简单句主句主句从句从句主句主句主句主句从句从句从句从句 Tip2:在一个简单句中找出一个要修

10、饰的在一个简单句中找出一个要修饰的词汇(这个词在两个简单句中都有)词汇(这个词在两个简单句中都有)Tip3:把另一个简单句改成定从,从句要紧跟把另一个简单句改成定从,从句要紧跟先行词先行词(特别注意引导词的选择)特别注意引导词的选择)whowhichwhich17定语从句在写作的简单应用公开课定语从句运用于写作Why do we learn the Attributive Clauses?WHY?18定语从句在写作的简单应用公开课写作中定语从句的主要作用:写作中定语从句的主要作用:1.增加词数增加词数Today some teachers are visiting our class.The

11、teachers are from Xiaosheng Middle School .Today some teachers who are from Xiaosheng Middle School are visiting our class.I want to play basketball in the NBA. 2.可连接两个包含同一事物的句子,避免单词重复可连接两个包含同一事物的句子,避免单词重复和句式单一和句式单一3.补充细节,以丰富文章内容补充细节,以丰富文章内容This is my uncle, a doctor.This is my uncle, who is a docto

12、r. I want to play basketball in the NBA, which is always my dream.19定语从句在写作的简单应用公开课How do we use the Attributive Clauses in writing ?HOW?定从的使用情况20定语从句在写作的简单应用公开课一: 两个(以上)简单句的合并 John is my best friend. John gave me a gift. He bought this gift from USA, gave me a gift, John,which he bought from USA. m

13、y best friend,(题干中出现两句(以上)涉及同一事物的简单句)定从的使用 21定语从句在写作的简单应用公开课我们班是一个大家庭。我们班是一个大家庭。这个大家庭包括这个大家庭包括3535个女孩和个女孩和4040个男孩。个男孩。Our class is a big family.The family consists of 35 girls and 40 boys.Our class is a big family, which consists of 35 girls and 40 boys.consist ofPractice:22定语从句在写作的简单应用公开课二:插入语的使用众所

14、周知:如上所述: As we all know:As is mentioned above: 定从的使用 23定语从句在写作的简单应用公开课众所周知,中国有世界上最多的人口As we all know, China has the largestpopulation all over the world.China has the largest population all overr the world, as we all know.China , as we all know, has the largest population all overr the world.24定语从句在

15、写作的简单应用公开课正如上面所提到的,定语从句用处很大。_, the Attributive Clause is of great use.As is mentioned above25定语从句在写作的简单应用公开课如上所述,我支持后者的观点。 in favor of I, as is mentioned above, am in favor of the latter view.正如我们所期待的,她取得了第一名。She , as we all expect, got the first prize.26定语从句在写作的简单应用公开课三:非限指代整句的使用我们不应玩手机,这会影响学习。我们应该

16、每天锻炼,这对身体好。We should not play the mobilephone, which has a bad effect on our study.We should take exercise every day, which is good for our health. 定从的使用 27定语从句在写作的简单应用公开课For example:My school is a beautiful place.My school is a beautiful place,where there are green trees, beautiful flowers , singin

17、g birds and fresh air. Solution:找到这个简单句中的中心词,用定语从句将其丰富我的学校是个美丽的地方。有多美丽?有多美丽?因何美丽?因何美丽?题干中只有一个孤立的简单句。题干中只有一个孤立的简单句。四:定从在要点增加上的使用定从的使用 28定语从句在写作的简单应用公开课(2013年高考山东卷)描述你的假期打算(包括兼职、旅游、志愿者等)I would like to do a part-time job, which will help me earn money and accumulate working experience.Practice:用定语从句增添

18、做这些事情的原因Traveling is one of my choices, which will enrich my life and broaden my horizon.I would like to do voluntary work, which will make a great contribution to society .29定语从句在写作的简单应用公开课Translate the following sentences.1.我总是会参观一些博物馆,这些博物馆于拓宽视野、丰富知识来说是不应错过的。 2.你知道,中国结非常受中国人的喜欢。(Chinese knot)3.当今

19、,父母为他们的独生子女做所有的事情,这使得这些独生子女非常依赖于父母。4.人们可以一边吃月饼一边赏月,月饼是这个节日的特殊食品。30定语从句在写作的简单应用公开课1.I would visit some museums which should not be missed to widen my horizons as well as enrich my knowledge. (2013山东高考满分作文)我总是会参观一些博物馆,这些博物馆对于拓宽视野、丰富知识来说是不应错过的。2.As you know, Chinese knots are very popular with Chinese

20、people. (2013新课标全国卷满分作文)你知道,中国结非常受中国人的喜欢。31定语从句在写作的简单应用公开课4. People can enjoy the moon while eating mooncakes, which are the special food for this festival.(2013辽宁高考满分作文)人们可以一边吃月饼一边赏月,月饼是这个节日的特殊食品。3.Nowadays parents have done everything for their single children, which makes the children rely on the

21、ir parents badly.(2013福建高考满分作文)当今,父母为他们的独生子女做所有的事情,这使得这些独生子女非常依赖于父母。32定语从句在写作的简单应用公开课作文中是不是越多定语从句就越好?33定语从句在写作的简单应用公开课2017年全国卷假定你是李华,想邀请邀请外教Henry一起参观中国剪纸(paper-cutting)艺术展。请给他写封邮件,内容包括:1.展览时间、地点;2.展览内容。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。34定语从句在写作的简单应用公开课DearHenryImLiHua,whoistheleaderofthepaper-cuttingc





26、usefulandinterestingactivities,fromwhichyoucanhaveaclearerpictureofChineseculture.Iwouldappreciateitifyouacceptmyinvitation.Imsureitcanleaveawonderfulimpressiononyou!Imlookingforwardtoyourreply.Bestwishes!Yours,LiHua36定语从句在写作的简单应用公开课123Please add anything you like and anything you wantPlease add any

27、thing you like and anything you wantPlease add anything you like and anything you wantcontentsDearHenryImLiHua,whoistheleaderofthepaper-cuttingclubinourschool.LasttimeyoutoldmeyoulookedforwardtolearningmoreabouttraditionalChineseculture.NowImgladtotellyoutherewillbeaChinesepaper-cuttingexhibitionwhi


29、alotofusefulandinterestingactivities,fromwhichyoucanhaveaclearerpictureofChineseculture.Iwouldappreciateitifyouacceptmyinvitation.Imsureitcanleaveawonderfulimpressiononyou!Imlookingforwardtoyourreply.Bestwishes!Yours,LiHua范文一1324537定语从句在写作的简单应用公开课123Please add anything you like and anything you want

30、Please add anything you like and anything you wantPlease add anything you like and anything you wantcontentsDearHenry,ImLiHua,theleaderofthepaper-cuttingclubinourschool.LasttimeyoutoldmeyoulookedforwardtolearningmoreabouttraditionalChineseculture.NowImgladtotellyoutherewillbeaChinesepaper-cuttingexh


32、ewillbealotofusefulandinterestingactivities,fromwhichyoucanhaveaclearerpictureofChineseculture.Iwouldappreciateitifyouacceptmyinvitation.Imsureitcanleaveawonderfulimpressiononyou!Imlookingforwardtoyourreply.Bestwishes!Yours,LiHua范文二高考英语满分作文高考英语满分作文“黄金三定律黄金三定律”: 行文清晰、准行文清晰、准确、简洁三点确、简洁三点12heldbyoursch

33、ool.名词短语作同位语 createdbyafamousartistofthisfield.过去分词做后置定语not only but also 倒装句38定语从句在写作的简单应用公开课作文中是不是越多定语从句就越好?Two or three Attibutive Clauses are enough in one composition !除定语从句外,我们可以用并列句,非谓语做后置定语或状语,用介词短语(with+宾语+宾补),名词性从句等复合句,强调句,倒装句39定语从句在写作的简单应用公开课重写这次月考作文:1、12分以下,先用简单句,再用 1-2句定语从句整合句子;2、12-16分至少使用2句以上 的定语从句;3、16分以上,尽量句式多样化。Homework40定语从句在写作的简单应用公开课THANK YOU41定语从句在写作的简单应用公开课



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