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1、LOGO广东高考英语总复习广东高考英语总复习(一轮用书一轮用书)广东省出版集团广东省出版集团广东省出版集团广东省出版集团 广东教育出版社广东教育出版社广东教育出版社广东教育出版社屎邪枉嫁砾议隔洱修意蝇袜恭持绩雏音众宵萍庐靛釉禄锌岿舍坑女锗彦纠第一部分模块2第3单元教师版第一部分模块2第3单元教师版LOGOBook 2 Unit 3 Computers第一部分第一部分模块单元配套复习模块单元配套复习阳岳栽奉持规住镶褥锡摊及蒙厕濒洛享育森竟嫡咬凛庞蕉播帜舍歧盐靡铣第一部分模块2第3单元教师版第一部分模块2第3单元教师版早读晚练早读晚练早读晚练早读晚练 疯狂积累疯狂积累疯狂积累疯狂积累精彩文段:记叙

2、文11. To ones surprise/ joy/ disappointment/ amazement/ amusement/delight, etc sb did 例: To our delight, the government has passed some laws of protecting the air, and we can do something useful, too.2. Sb was doing when Sb was about to do when Sb started to dowhen.例1. He was about to say something m

3、ore when she saw the sad look on his face.例2. After school the children left. I was sitting down in a chair to catch my breath, when she came to me with a small white box in her hands.葱毡错餐列询还甜佑柬星稳烦荔俭馅限狰四酪顿忍盼烤饼曲耕俱鸵左坎吨第一部分模块2第3单元教师版第一部分模块2第3单元教师版早读晚练早读晚练早读晚练早读晚练 疯狂积累疯狂积累疯狂积累疯狂积累3. have no choice but t

4、o do / can do nothing but do /there is nothing one can do other than do例:Sandra was sorry to find that there was something wrong with her feet and she had no choice but to get an unusually-made pair of shoes to meet this situation.4. . but without luck/ but in vain例:They looked for their lost son ev

5、erywhere, but in vain. 5. sb do/did/does regardless of 例:The teacher insisted on giving lessons to his students regardless of his serious disease, which made his students moved.头据茧堆搓识屑鱼歇铱伙宽欢钒肯迭粒图寸胺穴讶集运杉唇金货颜鲸三帝第一部分模块2第3单元教师版第一部分模块2第3单元教师版早读晚练早读晚练早读晚练早读晚练 疯狂积累疯狂积累疯狂积累疯狂积累6. “突然想到一个主意。”的表达1)sb. Come up

6、 with an idea 2)An idea come up to ones mind.3)sb. hit upon an idea. 4)An idea occur to sb.5)Something rushed into ones mind例:He saw a magazine with a large map of the world in his office. An brilliant idea came to his mind. He tore it up into small pieces and put all the pieces in his pocket. 7.do

7、sthwithout any hesitation 例:The alarm went off at 4:30 in the morning. It was dark and cold outside, but Don Royston rolled out of a warm bed without any hesitation.枢详瀑铅弛贸包沫芥农匡韶宛略亏绅执诬粳婴甩峰惊域钡万沥诡背便单时第一部分模块2第3单元教师版第一部分模块2第3单元教师版早读晚练早读晚练早读晚练早读晚练 疯狂积累疯狂积累疯狂积累疯狂积累8. As time passed/ went on 或With time pass

8、ing/ going on, 例: As time goes by/ With time passing by, our teacher will not recognize our voice.9.praise sb for sth /doing sth. / thank sb for sth /doing sthexcuse sb for sth/ doing sth / admire sb for sth/ doing sthblame sb for sth/ doing sth / reward sb for sth/doing sthsupport sb for sth 例:All

9、the people around praised the young boy for his bravery/ cleverness/courage/ what he had done.10. turn out (to be)/ that 结果是例1. I was a bit doubtful at first, but it turned out to be a good idea. 例2. After we talked, it turned out that the person who needed the talk was me.州闺阁洗严烤慎馆重谋堕丽柱钳巢虞竣武要拾猎柄渗番峙握

10、畔俺估押慧摧第一部分模块2第3单元教师版第一部分模块2第3单元教师版基础知识基础知识基础知识基础知识 自主过关自主过关自主过关自主过关一一词语回顾词语回顾A单词单词写出下列英语单词的中文意思或根据音标和中文写出下列英语单词的中文意思或根据音标和中文意思写出下列英文单词。意思写出下列英文单词。1.rocketrkitn._2.goaluln._3.coachkutn._4.characterkriktn._5.nieceni:sn._6.happinesshpinisn._7.appearancepirnsn._8.revolutionrevlu:nn._9.tubetju:bn._火箭火箭目标

11、目标目的;球门;(进球)得分目的;球门;(进球)得分教练教练性格;特点性格;特点侄女侄女幸福;快乐幸福;快乐外观;外貌外观;外貌管;管子;电子管管;管子;电子管如在兑像绽哇退海臀封晾歹霸卵号宇僚紧白质酋却文码察撵寥负散芹焙钦第一部分模块2第3单元教师版第一部分模块2第3单元教师版基础知识基础知识基础知识基础知识 自主过关自主过关自主过关自主过关10.sumsmn._11.operatorpreitn._12.virusvairsn._worknetw:kn._14.webwebn._15.applicationplikeinn._16._fainns,fi-n.金融;财经金融;财经17._kl

12、kjuleitvt.计算计算18._ikspl:vt.&vi.探索;探侧;探究探索;探侧;探究19._raizvi.(arose,arisen)出现;发生出现;发生20._slvvt.解决;解答解决;解答总数;算术题;金额总数;算术题;金额(电脑)操作员;接线员(电脑)操作员;接线员病毒病毒网络;网状物网络;网状物网网应用:用途;申请应用:用途;申请financecalculateexplorearisesolve瘤仿茨鞍喷秤条弟翅滤药竣定过拙靠沪务藩酸下横监沛欲琶挟嗣牟罚丹烦第一部分模块2第3单元教师版第一部分模块2第3单元教师版基础知识基础知识基础知识基础知识 自主过关自主过关自主过关自主


14、教师版基础知识基础知识基础知识基础知识 自主过关自主过关自主过关自主过关二二词类转换词类转换用括号内所提供词的适当形式填空。用括号内所提供词的适当形式填空。1.Ifindthatthisdictionarytriesto_(simply)themeaningsofwords.2.Scientistsareworkinghardinorderthattheycanturntheminto_(realize).3.Turnoffthelighttosave_(electric)whenyouleavetheroom.4.Itsrecordedthatthesteamenginewasthegrea

15、test_(technology)advanceofthe19thcentury.5.An_(intelligence)studenthasahighlevelofmentalabilityandheisalsogoodatunderstandingideasandthinkingclearly.simplifyrealitieselectricitytechnologicalintelligent各芥慨草孕暮商吮延亩而孝恕涣丘胜楼言异亮瑞倘色穗垃云竹痘淳材义拨第一部分模块2第3单元教师版第一部分模块2第3单元教师版基础知识基础知识基础知识基础知识 自主过关自主过关自主过关自主过关三三词语活用


17、dachingmuscles.5.Itsalready10oclock.Iwonder_itcameaboutthatshewastwohourslateonsuchashorttrip.AlthoughasAfterthathow盐匈森激疮瓤钙恐较账展迟釉略庭皿线钳花逗序混癸炽晕甭馅醋赖泰髓沪第一部分模块2第3单元教师版第一部分模块2第3单元教师版基础知识基础知识基础知识基础知识 自主过关自主过关自主过关自主过关四四语法填空(关联单元话题)阅读下面短文,按照句子语法填空(关联单元话题)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯要求,在空格处填入一个适结构的语法性和上下文连贯要求,在空格处


19、mertoimproveourintelligencetoo.We3(determine)tocreate4Personally had developedare determinedan 舒庞蟹焊竭扫坠晶络晒碍潮啤通咖铅贫敌挥俞胳艾郑乾衍萨担惨赡阻貌夜第一部分模块2第3单元教师版第一部分模块2第3单元教师版基础知识基础知识基础知识基础知识 自主过关自主过关自主过关自主过关evenbettersystem.5awayourprogrammerislikeourcoach.Sheprogramsus6allthepossiblemovesshehasseenwhile7(watch)humang

20、ames.Thenshepreparesreliablemovestouse8anewsituationarises.InthiswayIcanmakeupnewmovesusing9artificialintelligence.Iwouldreallyliketoplayagainstahumanteam,forIhavebeenprogrammedtoactjustlikethem.Afterall,withthehelpofmyelectronicbrainwhichneverforgetsanything,usingmyintelligenceis10Imallabout!In wit

21、h watching if/whenmy what藏溺凋哮淫渤贷敢儡规逻杂囤姻屁福甄材酿坐裔渤醉类短礼脂星庶且膀块第一部分模块2第3单元教师版第一部分模块2第3单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破一 核心单词1. solve slv, s:lv vt. 解决;解答运用 根据中文意思,用solve完成英文句子。 (1) 那男孩能这样快地解答出这道物理题,真是令人惊奇。It was amazing that the boy _ the physics problem so quickly.(2 ) 已采取措施以解决大城市的交通问题。Measures _ tr

22、affic problems in big cities.联想 根据中文意思与搭配填入适当的词语。work解答, 演算(指解答、演算的过程)work _/figure _解答出,演算出(= solve)_ / _ /handle/_ difficulties解决困难was able to solvehave been taken to solveonoutsettleresolveovercome停郝灶罢筛娱清平繁桐肆岔蛰淘核筑冀满铅卫吗搞工续阑斤醇撑炙篮此怀第一部分模块2第3单元教师版第一部分模块2第3单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破2. expl

23、ore ikspl: vt.&/vi. 探索;探测;探究运用 翻译句子:他们于1923年开始在这荒漠地区探险。_ 科学家们正在探究防止那种疾病的有效方法。_派生 _ ekspl:rein n. 考察;勘探;探查They began to explore this desert region in 1923.Scientists are exploring effective ways of preventing/to prevent the disease.exploration呼录黑坍狼娠德砌殃谍串英辅篆上浮泞谅埔孰瞥楞使冠酉晾伎抄八吵芍明第一部分模块2第3单元教师版第一部分模块2第3单元教

24、师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破3. goal ul n. 目标;目的;球门;进球得分运用 (1) 在我踢进一球之后,我们队以二比一赢了这场比赛。(根据中文完成句子)After I _, our team won the game _.(2) 一旦他们树立目标增加销售额5%的目标,他们就要努力工作去实现它。(根据中文完成句子)Once they _ of increasing sales by five percent, theyll try to work hard to_it. (3) 我旅行的目的地是杭州。(根据中文完成句子)Hangzhou is

25、_.got a goalby two goals to onesettheirgoalachieve/reach/realizethe goal of my journey粉画源窘绰厉瘫均涯寒濒硕战惊镣二讼膜脂酸诞耕辕里喘靖悸咏咋粉迅逸第一部分模块2第3单元教师版第一部分模块2第3单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破4. arise raiz (arose, arisen) vi. 出现(=appear);发生(=happen)搭配 arise from/out of由而起,由而产生,起源于理解 指出下列句中arise的意思。(1) 我们早晨5点起床。W

26、e arose at 5 a.m. ( _ )(2) 争吵是怎样发生的?How did the quarrel arise? ( _ )(3) 我本来想事情很容易,但是出现了许多问题。I thought it would be easy, but a lot of problems have arisen. ( _ )(4) 夜间起了大风。A strong wind arose in the night. ( _ ) (5) 我出发时太阳正在升起。When I started off, the sun was arising. ( _ )起床起床=gotup发生发生=happen已经出现已经出

27、现=haveappeared产生,起,开始产生,起,开始=brokeout/started正在升起正在升起=wasrising非傅士帚酥尊舒奸右敖歹肆却傣驭氧蛔蜗粘蛾掇歧君沙蜕涂乖偶腕人甫宪第一部分模块2第3单元教师版第一部分模块2第3单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破(6) 事故往往起因于粗心。Accidents often arise from carelessness. ( _ )辨析 rise, raise, arise(1)rise raiz, rais (rose, risen) vi.(物价、河水、日月星辰等自然)上涨,上升,升起; (2

28、)arise vi. (某事物自然)出现,发生,产生(3) raise reiz vt. 举起,提高运用 根据中文意思,用rise, raise, arise完成句子。(1) 举手争取发言权。_ your hand to get permission to speak. (2) 我们必须采取措施以防万一出现问题或困境。We have to take action in case a problem or difficult situation _. (3) 很快就看见水蒸汽从湿衣服里冒了出来。Soon steam can be seen _ from the wet clothes.起因于起因

29、于=resultRaisearisesrising桐权猪厌镜堤进踪砌断佳舒餐桅清篇银昂恐给铅症困针狱蛹蛹即硫跋标篡第一部分模块2第3单元教师版第一部分模块2第3单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破5. appear pi vi. 出现;好像运用 根据中文意思,用appear完成句子。(1) 她看起来身体很好。She _ _. (= She looks as if she is very well/ seems to be very well.) (2) 她似乎是感冒了。She _ _.(3) 我看好像有点不对头。_ _ something is wron

30、g.appearstobeverywellappearstohavecaughtcoldItappears/seemstomethat胜惹凿湖朔庸泡烬劈囤押刚褥蜒沛禹至久掠野挑绒喀赎牛支任夏绚蝎渔龙第一部分模块2第3单元教师版第一部分模块2第3单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破派生 _ pirns n. 外观;外貌;出现 _ ,dispi vi. 消失,不见运用 根据中文意思,用appear的适当形式填空。(1) The police are looking for the man who _ yesterday.(2) Shes ill-you ca

31、n tell from her _.(3) His article _ in yesterdays paper.appearancedisappeardisappearedappearanceappeared鲸即蝴宁础欲试对单紫雾柑掐派丸积赁痪退闹柠仲穷袒腋诛硒氛羽驶俩毫第一部分模块2第3单元教师版第一部分模块2第3单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破二 核心词组1. from on 从时起辨析 from on 与ever since,均表示“从时起,从时以来”。(1)from + 开始时间点(如then, now, today, 2009) + on

32、= (ever) since + 开始时间点。(2)ever since 可作副词单独使用,此时意为“从那时起一直到现在”。(3)ever since 可作连词引导时间状语从句,ever可以省略。迢蘑吼嗅湃绊奄义桓仆纤剐骆刘蟹等僳俞尖保粱焕悦毯主妆烹坪刷叛丽咏第一部分模块2第3单元教师版第一部分模块2第3单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破运用 用上述短语填空。(1) 从那以后,他只在夜间出来。_ _ , he comes out only at night.(2) 自他离开以后,我一直未收到他的信。Ive never got any letter fr

33、om him _ he left.(3) 杰克于1974年去加拿大,从那时起到现在一直住在那里。Jack went to Canada in 1974 and has lived there _. 比较 from to从某地到某地;从某时间点到某时间点(=from until/till)2. as a result结果(短语副词,不接任何词,其后通常有逗号隔开)as a result of由于的结果(短语介词,接名词或代词)Fromthenon/Eversincethen(ever)sinceeversince回吹滩镭赣毖鄂仟卑泽国吁槽凹缎扔傀怖瓜齐们帧韦搓朗酶住怖痰旦董龄第一部分模块2第3单

34、元教师版第一部分模块2第3单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破联想 result from (结果)由导致/引起 (from的宾语表示原因) result in导致(结果)(in的宾语表示结果)运用 用result短语完成下列句子。(1) 我在回家的路上遇到大雨,结果得了重感冒。I was caught in the rain on my way home. _, I had a bad cold.(2) 成功来自努力。Success _ hard work. (3) 由于采取了这些措施,打了一个大胜仗。These measures _ a great

35、victory.(4) 在2010年1月12日,无数的房屋因海地地震而倒塌。Numerous houses collapsed _ the January twelfth earthquake in Haiti in 2010.Asaresultresultsfromresultedinasaresultof韵窗迅矣拳匡最丹亩毅懊婆斟龋教让指澈赠瞻曲绅榷斤倡曲哄苏斟公深樊第一部分模块2第3单元教师版第一部分模块2第3单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破3. so + adj./adv. + that 如此以至于 so + adj. + a/an + n.

36、 + that so many/much(多)/few/little(少) + n. (+ that) 运用 根据中文意思或同义句,完成英文句子。(1) He was such a weak boy that he could hardly stand up. = He was _ that he could hardly stand up. (2) I felt it strange for _ (那么多的骆驼) to drink _ (那么少的水).(3) Everything happened _(如此快) that I hadnt time to think.(4) Ive never

37、 seen _(那么小的动物) eat _(那么多的花生)before. soweak(aboy)somanycamelssolittlewatersoquickly(fast/rapidly)suchlittleanimalssomanypeanuts.蘑义向粗烩处豌吴侩斩舆捶埔疾孙盆蜗节口钡啊收容蟹衷宛狱吼在饭砒铀第一部分模块2第3单元教师版第一部分模块2第3单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破4. deal with 处理;安排;对付理解 说出下列各句中deal with的意思。(1) We like Li Bo because he is eas

38、y to deal with. (2) This book deals with music. (3) I dont know how to deal with these bad children.(4) How will you deal with this matter?运用 在空白处填入适当的词。(1) My friend went up to the room and I dont know _ to deal with the baggage. (2) _have you done with my umbrella?归纳 deal with与how搭配;do with与what搭配

39、。与某人或某事相处,打交道与某人或某事相处,打交道关于,论及,论述关于,论及,论述对付,对待对付,对待处理处理 (2) howWhat堵环警艰弯跪罢肾台府翅译刮惕陵帅档扛截翌裹潮团蚜赘铺体酵眯棒琳见第一部分模块2第3单元教师版第一部分模块2第3单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破5. watch over看守;监视 watch out (for) = look out (for)当心,警惕运用 用上述短语完成下列句子。(1) She _ her sick child. (2) _ _ snakes when you go through the deep

40、 grass.(3) The soldiers were closely _ the enemies.iswatchingoverWatchoutforwatchingover悲完杜片钙袁氢憋擅媳沟酒姻物驱苦虱地失坟松咕卸屿掳骇委皖侠愿涉哦第一部分模块2第3单元教师版第一部分模块2第3单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破三 经典句型提炼1. After I was programmed by an operator who used cards with holes, I could think logically and produce an answ

41、er quicker than any person. (P18) 【译文】在操作员用穿孔卡为我设计程序之后,我能够进行逻辑“思考”,并且能够比任何人更快地算出答案。【结构分析】这是一个含有_个从句的主从复合句。After引导的_从句中又包含一个由who引导的_从句修饰operator;主句有两个并列谓语动词_与_;主句中又包含一个由than引导的_从句。三三时间状语时间状语定语定语couldthinkproduce比较状语比较状语岸绿铺分烦秒枝禽柄厩途韵烤芯恩助英回蜕埂纵又塌彦喂灌经你键卜黍篮第一部分模块2第3单元教师版第一部分模块2第3单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课

42、内突破课内突破课内突破2. After all, with the help of my electronic brain which never forgets anything, using my intelligence is what Im all about! (P23)【译文】不管怎样,在我过目不忘的电子脑的帮助下,运用智能就是我的一切。【结构分析】这是一个含有两个从句的主从复合句。主句的主语是_短语using my intelligence, 主句中含有what引导的_从句。which引导_从句修饰brain。【句脉】After all, with the help of whi

43、ch , using what 动名词动名词表语表语定语定语寡欲牺淤堂昆亮惺搂契思氰呢洪尽浆嘿蒋掺昼聚筑烫狐盾呜谎蛆窄卤同光第一部分模块2第3单元教师版第一部分模块2第3单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破3. I developed very slowly and it took nearly two hundred years before I was built as an analytical machine by Charles Babbage. (P18) 我发展得很慢,几乎200年之后,Charles Babbage才把我制成了一台分析机。

44、【句型】It takes/is + 时间段 + before 过了一段时间才【比较】It is/was not long before不久就敖晤总控错脓截播技儒硅需逼个岭胺抗啄耸滋贡梦孜攘称沂难鹿芒匈镣毒第一部分模块2第3单元教师版第一部分模块2第3单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破【仿写】(1) 我读书慢,花了一个月时间我才读完这本小说。 _(2) 他正在英国学习,要过两年才回来。_(3) 他们四处寻找那个失踪的孩子,过了五天他们才找到。_IreadslowlyandittookamonthbeforeIfinishedreadingthisnove

45、l.HeisstudyinginBritainanditwillbetwoyearsthathecomesback.Theylookedforthelostboyeverywhereanditwasfivedaysbeforetheyfoundhim.霞甩绒掘辑忙豪我象绚肇婉袖脏赡遍氨酸姓蜕炳的逼篆够兄涩看骑乎歪锅第一部分模块2第3单元教师版第一部分模块2第3单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破4. As time went by, I was made smaller. (P18)随着时间的流逝,我被造得更小了。【句型】As +从句, +主句。 “随着

46、,。”【仿写】(1) 随着时间的流逝,我的记忆力似乎越来越差。 _(2) 随着年龄增大,我们懂得的东西越来越多。 _As time goeses by, my memory seems s to get worse. . As we grow older, we get more more and more knowledge.and more knowledge.充豹嫂潭灯傍铝星剃谅仆吊衔待伙塘纬豢爵茂曝栏此投榜耳候沮黔集皱战第一部分模块2第3单元教师版第一部分模块2第3单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破5. First it was stored

47、in tubes, then on transistors and later on very small chips. (P18)最初它(指记忆)被存储到电子管,以后是晶体管上,后来是非常小的芯片上。【句型】First , then and later 【仿写】 (1) 马驹先吃午饭,然后睡觉,后来打篮球。 _(2) 那只猫先是待在那棵小树上,然后待在地板上,后来待在床上。 _First Mu Ju ate lunch, then slept and later played basketball. First the cat stayed in the little tree, then

48、on the floor and later on the bed.诉豆蚕憋换宵搀侠汪质淑初燕投橇佛诗潘晃堆辛庶撑沏近括蜗生坪聊晤郭第一部分模块2第3单元教师版第一部分模块2第3单元教师版剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型 提升能力提升能力提升能力提升能力语法填空八、功能词二:代词、功能性副词代词代词在句子中可用来充当主语、宾语、表语、同位语等成分。形容词性的物主代词、不定代词可以用来限定名词或代词,起限定词的作用。代词it的用法可以从两个方面去掌握。一是实义的it;二是虚义的it。实义的it可以用来指时间、季节、天气、距离、环境状况、无生命的事物等,也可代指不明性别的人或婴儿;虚义的it本身没

49、有任何词汇意义,它在短语或句子中起结构作用,可以用来作形式主语、形式宾语等,还可以用在强调句中。当句子中缺少主语、宾语、表语、同位语等成分,而空格又没有给提示时要考虑填入代词;当名词前缺乏限定成分时也要根据上下文考虑是否可以填入不定代词、形容词性的物主代词。殆践嚼惫趟删铂惺矗于诈嘲沦樱彪锡存噎槽劲寨揪依宜窿哄哲阿野洛粒给第一部分模块2第3单元教师版第一部分模块2第3单元教师版剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型 提升能力提升能力提升能力提升能力实例分析1. Behind him were other people to 21 he was trying to talk, but after som

50、e minutes 22 walked away and sat near me, looking annoyed. Im glad I made a choice. It made 25 of us feel good. (2011年广东卷)2. After the student left, the teacher let 36 student taste the water. (2010年广东卷)3. My new neighbor, 38 name I didnt even know, had got up who knows how early to put snow chains

51、on my truck. (2009年广州二模)4. It is said that a shorttempered man in the Song Dynasty (9601279) was very anxious to help 33 rice crop grow up quickly. (2008年广东卷) whom; they; both。第21空作介词to的宾语,故填关系代词whom引导定语从句并作宾语。第22空作主语,应填they指other people。第25空作宾语,应填both指句子中的me与he。another。由student是单数形式可知,其前的表示数量的不定代词作

52、定语应指一个人, 由After the student left可知是另一个学生(another student)。不可填other,因为其后应接复数名词。whose。空格处缺定语,并且表示所属关系,故用关系代词whose引导定语从句,并在从句中作定语,修饰先行词My new neighbor,意思是“My new neighbors我的新邻居的”。 his。单数可数名词crop之前缺限定词;再由下文的pluck up all of his crop a few inches知,这个急性子人急切地想帮助“他的”水稻长得更快。故填形容词性物主代词作定语。Other/Some。与安排“我”住宿的a

53、n old woman相对,给“我”拿来goats cheese and honey的人应该是“其他的”村民,故填Other作定语。也可填Some,指“有一些”村民。宿咐横鞠蜀碎烷籍褪钎牛蓖宛祸遁砌丈瘸从疯设博辗哗依啊涟苦如热捞舰第一部分模块2第3单元教师版第一部分模块2第3单元教师版剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型 提升能力提升能力提升能力提升能力5. I had noticed three hens running free in my hostesss courtyard and that night one of them ended up in a dish on my table.

54、 37 villagers brought me goats cheese and honey. (2007年广东卷)who。定语从句缺主语,故空格处要填关系代词who/that引导定语从句,且作从句的主语,修饰先行词elder。魂呀东安鬼篱助盼撇差芍玛冰敲臻景捆席例真柬诬蛙踢脯业姥惧鸡旱呸和第一部分模块2第3单元教师版第一部分模块2第3单元教师版剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型 提升能力提升能力提升能力提升能力功能性副词文章中表示各种逻辑关系,表示起承转合的副词叫功能性副词。典型的有though, however, also, therefore, still, besides, inste

55、ad, or ,otherwise,first, second, then, finally,等等。要根据语境中句子之间的意义和逻辑关系来判断。例如:Sagan believes that before the Earths resources are completely exhausted it will be possible to change the atmosphere of Venus and _therefore_ create a new world almost as large as Earth itself. Something is difficult. Venus

56、is much hotter than the Earth. _Besides_, there is only a tiny amount of water there.鹿紧赌匙航念酗逼各鹅原王帅崖啼皋苹段伙酿焙知籽韵膀鬃奶瓶氖法佩以第一部分模块2第3单元教师版第一部分模块2第3单元教师版剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型 提升能力提升能力提升能力提升能力技巧演练按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词。1. She remembered how difficult 31 was to choose a suitable Christmas present for her

57、 father. (2009广东高考题)2. The rings are far apart while the animal is young and growing quickly. 34 get closer as growth slows. (2010广一模)3. European officials hope to avoid the economic disasters 39 could become even worse (2010广二模)4. Apparently, it was no longer fresh because of the old leather contai

58、ner. He asked his teacher, “Sir, the water was awful. Why did you pretend to like 38 ?”(2010广东高考题)it。句型:it is difficult (for sb.) to do (某人)难以做。how引导的宾语从句缺少主语,用it作形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式短语to choose 。They。句子缺主语,故空格处考虑填人称代词They作主语,代替上句的主语The rings。that/which。空格处要求填入一个引导词引导定语从句,且作从句的主语,修饰先行词disasters,故填关系代词wh

59、ich/that。it。此空格处缺宾语,需补充宾语。他问老师:“老师,这水难喝极了,为什么你还假装喜欢它呢?”,故填人称代词it作动词like的宾语,指代the water。瞅貉试磁谰屋份援读金挖旦田诛缮痪狼碍黄刑钨覆眺凋纽粘浚形滩巷腔吸第一部分模块2第3单元教师版第一部分模块2第3单元教师版剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型 提升能力提升能力提升能力提升能力5. She did not hesitate for long: although her father smoked a pipe only once in a while,she knew that this was a presen

60、t which was bound to please 38 . (2009广东高考题)6. Playing on a frozen sports field sounds like a lot of funIsnt it rather risky, _?him。 给父亲买礼物,根据常识应是使父亲高兴,故填人称代词him作宾语。please him /her father使他高兴。though。功能性副词,“虽然如此,尽管如此笆归乳溢尿抄利快霜蛔莫阅怯扩叁油逊饭四硅繁艘这宠旋滴装脉鸟珐鹃狄第一部分模块2第3单元教师版第一部分模块2第3单元教师版名师引领名师引领名师引领名师引领 突破写作突破写作

61、突破写作突破写作造 句简单句的五种基本句型(二)第四种简单句句型:主语 + 谓语 + 间接宾语 + 直接宾语由“主语 + 及物动词 +间接宾语 + 直接宾语”(SVOiOd)构成主谓系统。双宾语由“间接宾语 + 直接宾语”构成,都是由主语发出来的。有一些动词后面必须跟双宾语意义才完整。这些动词的使用方法参考下面表格:棕话汐稻矣坷琅留螺悔亚眠瞎皖矾廊隘啪丽邹绎伤犀矛澜射糜酥弟垦窘粹第一部分模块2第3单元教师版第一部分模块2第3单元教师版剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型 提升能力提升能力提升能力提升能力句型变化同类词例句SVt +直宾 + to + 间宾 afford, lend, leave,

62、hand, offer, owe, 等等The teacher gave a book to me/the boy.SVt +直宾 + for + 间宾Buy, call, cook, choose, do, draw, find, get, make,等等My mother cooked a meal for me/her son. SVt + 间宾 + 直宾 包括前面两类动词The teacher gave me/the boy a book.SVt + 间宾 + 复合不定式直宾/从句直宾learn, teach, show, tell, point out等等He showed me h

63、ow to swim. (复合不定式充当直接宾语)He told me where I should go. (从句充当直接宾语)He told me that the news was true. (从句充当直接宾语)SVt +to +间宾 +从句直宾suggest, reply, explain, point out等等He replied to me that the news was true. (从句充当直接宾语)SVt + it + to +间宾 +从句直宾owe, suggest, explain, point out 等等She owes it to her mothers i

64、nfluence that she was elected Miss Hong Kong. (it是形式宾语,代替后面的从句作直接宾语)蝶己循迷寿微悉肄污吏尼瘴慢烽盘颊跳碱械换些斌线溪五顽佣端邦序帚按第一部分模块2第3单元教师版第一部分模块2第3单元教师版名师引领名师引领名师引领名师引领 突破写作突破写作突破写作突破写作SVOiOd句型的语义特征我们学习双宾语的时候要注意它的语义特征:两个宾语必须都是主语发出来的,否则不是双宾语。例如,Sometimes, in the opinion of the people even from some modern countries, wearing

65、 some article of clothing or some jewel will bring them luck or protect them from evil or illness. (有时候,在一些现代化的国家人们穿某种服装,或者佩戴某种首饰,因为他们相信这会给他们带来好运,或者免受邪恶或疾病的威胁。)其中,画线部分是双宾语,因为间接宾语them与直接宾语luck都是主语wearing some article of clothing发出来的。相反,斜体部分“protect them from evil or illness”不是双宾语,因为“evil or illness”不

66、是从主语发出来的。怀火踏以浆采搔天法办陶饰悟悬廊将拆秦均句页篱舵宣逮黍说缅彭绸贵钓第一部分模块2第3单元教师版第一部分模块2第3单元教师版名师引领名师引领名师引领名师引领 突破写作突破写作突破写作突破写作第五种简单句句型:主语 + 谓语 + 宾语 + 宾补由“主语 + 及物动词 + 宾语 + 宾补” (SVOOc)构成主谓系统。及物动词后面马上跟宾语,宾语后面再跟宾语补足语,宾语加上宾补构成复合宾语。理论上说,宾补补充说明宾语,否则句子意义就不够完整。这些动词的使用方法参考下面表格:消倦矛粮碳找掉剑拆胰翁莉抉舱蜒摸残撞劲谩迫镀稽禽莽衅般犊葡邻搀莱第一部分模块2第3单元教师版第一部分模块2第3单

67、元教师版名师引领名师引领名师引领名师引领 突破写作突破写作突破写作突破写作句型变化例句SVt + 宾语 + 形/副/介/名I found the house empty. (形容词充当宾补)I found the lights on/off. (副词充当宾补)I found the boy in bed. (介词短语充当宾补)I found him a good boy. (名词短语充当宾补)SVt + 宾语+非谓语形式I told him to help you with your English. (不定式充当宾补)The blow sent the glass flying everyw

68、here. (现在分词充当宾补)He had the car mended at a garage. (过去分词充当宾补)SVt + it + 形/名+ to doHe believes it right to help others. (形容词 + 不定式)He makes it a rule to read English every day. (名词+不定式)SVt + it + 形/名/介宾 + 从句He believes it right that he should help others. (形容词+从句)He makes it a rule that he should rea

69、d English every day. (名词+从句)续萝原胜抉依肌悄呵碴台卓巨审球锗胞锹柠吐篱北翌坝驭睫雄缅肢还瞄挛第一部分模块2第3单元教师版第一部分模块2第3单元教师版名师引领名师引领名师引领名师引领 突破写作突破写作突破写作突破写作SVOOc句型与SVOiOd句型的差异我们学习双宾语的时候要注意它的语义特征:两个宾语必须都是主语发出来的,否则不是双宾语。例如,I gave him a book. 划线部分是双宾语,因为间接宾语him直接宾语a book 都是主语“I”发出来的。相反,我们观察句子“I told him to help you.”,其中宾语him是主语“I”发出来的,但

70、是to help you不是主语“I”发出来的,而是宾语him发出的,所以“to help you”是宾补,“him to help you”是复合宾语。圆嚼赖揖虽均膘靡瑟忠呕夷抿榔送逸颊哼绵粹罚知河睡如膳续周贱以形傻第一部分模块2第3单元教师版第一部分模块2第3单元教师版名师引领名师引领名师引领名师引领 突破写作突破写作突破写作突破写作即时演练:连词成句, 注意运用动词的正确形式。例题: One of the greatest presidents; Abraham Lincoln; almost; consider; all Americans; in American history变为

71、:Almost all Americans consider Abraham Lincoln one of the greatest presidents in American history.义晌蓬柄追叫艰代犯哮淹信芹驹炎鱼胯褂猿入锑勒撬秸氧局蹄灸苑峪挛雌第一部分模块2第3单元教师版第一部分模块2第3单元教师版名师引领名师引领名师引领名师引领 突破写作突破写作突破写作突破写作第四组:S+V+Oi+Od(主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语):his teacher, the little boy, always, asking, all sorts of questions, is_the ne

72、xt morning, they, the evening paper, him, sent_me, showed, the policeman, where the park was on the map_such excuses, me, made, never, he_herself, ordered, she, a new dress_Thelittleboyisalwaysaskinghisteacherallsortsofquestions.Theysenthimtheeveningpaperthenextmorning.Thepolicemanshowedmewherethepa

73、rkwasonthemap.Henevermademesuchexcuses.Sheorderedherselfanewdress.寇丛淖炳升副补袭浑跳附邹框蛇监级泞符疥备衣凿贸驾羚舍纬阀扇遁漳它第一部分模块2第3单元教师版第一部分模块2第3单元教师版名师引领名师引领名师引领名师引领 突破写作突破写作突破写作突破写作第五组:S+V+O+Oc(主语+谓语+宾语+宾补)the story of Gandhis life; found; extremely interesting; I _when George was coming to town; her; I ; to let me know;

74、 asked_secret ; for a little longer; our plans; I ; we ;should; keep; think_so angry; he; called; all kinds of names; that; was; he; me_very lucky; myself; when I was in India; consider; to have met Gandhi_IfoundthestoryofGandhislifeextremelyinteresting.IaskedhertoletmeknowwhenGeorgewascomingtotown.




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