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1、第五节Readingtask11。 by oneself 独自地独自地 / 独自一人独自一人She used to sit by herself and read books. He finished his homework by himself.for oneself 亲自亲自,独自独自/ 为了自己为了自己week later I decided to go and see for myself. be oneself行为正常行为正常2. think highly of = think well / much of 对某人评价好对某人评价好 / 看重看重think lowly /badly

2、/ ill / little/poorly of 对某人评价不好对某人评价不好 /轻视轻视 We all think highly of him.23. by the light of the moon 借助月光借助月光4. to ones surprise/ amazement / joy/ delight /sorrow/ excitement / disappointment 使使 某人惊讶某人惊讶/高兴高兴/难过难过/兴奋兴奋 / 失望的是失望的是5. the entrance to.的入口的入口 the answer to.的答案的答案 the key to.的钥匙的钥匙/.的关键的

3、关键 the right to sth拥有某物的权利拥有某物的权利 the notes to the text课文的注释课文的注释 a reply to a letter回信回信 a secretary to a president 总统的秘书总统的秘书36. take turns to do sth = take turns (at) doing sth= do sth by turns 轮流做某事轮流做某事 in turn 依次依次, 一个一个地一个一个地 by turns 轮流轮流,交替交替The nurses took turnsto watch thepatient.We kept

4、watch by turns.7.work as 担任,以担任,以身份工作身份工作,作为作为.工作工作If you have time you can work as a guide 8.It will not only give you a chance of practising your English but also of developing An interest in local history at the same time.4Howareyou?Howareyougettingonrecently?Howareyougettingon/alongwith?英语书信开头和结


6、rdtohearingfromyou.书信结尾常用语:书信结尾常用语:78FengJicai/BigFengHeisafamouswriter.HehaswrittenmanynovelsandessaysabouttheexperienceasayoungmanduringtheCulturalRevolution,suchasten years of madness,pearl birdsandsoon.Hebelievesthatactionsspeaklouderthanwords.9Self-testing Read the passage quickly and decide wh

7、ich summary describes it best. A. It tells us about Big Feng and his interests.B. It tells us that Big Feng put his career on hold to save the old buildings of his hometown.C. It tells us that Big Feng has saved all the old buildings in Tianjin.10Paragraph1: Answer the following questions in your ow

8、n words.What does Big Feng think about cultural relics?He thinks that saving cultural relics is more important than writing his novels.11Herepliedthatatthemomenthefeltprotectingculturalrelicswasmoreimportant.Languagepoints:动名词做主语,谓语动词用单数动名词做主语,谓语动词用单数eg.一天吃一个苹果对身体有好处。一天吃一个苹果对身体有好处。Eatinganappleadayi

9、sgoodforhealth.12Findouttheattributiveclauseinparagraph1.Severalyearsago,however,heputdownhispenforawhileandbegantoprotecttheculturalrelicsinTianjin,wherehelives.13Paregraph2:Answer the following questions in your own words. What does he do to protect the cultural relics of his hometown?He asks the

10、local government to protect things of cultural interests and works very hard to save the old buildings of his hometown, Tianjin. 14 What are his two successful projects?His two successful projects are protecting the oldest street in Tianjin and persuading the city government to buy some land in the

11、centre of the city so it could not be sold for business. 151.persuadesb.todosth.2.eg.Jim说服妈妈去给他买冰激凌。说服妈妈去给他买冰激凌。3.Jimpersuadedmothertobuyice-creamforhim.4.2.Itis/wasthat5.eg.电(被强调者)在我们日常生活中起着非常重要电(被强调者)在我们日常生活中起着非常重要的作用。的作用。6.Itiselectricitythatplaysanimportantroleinourdailylife.Languagepoints:16Par

12、agraph3: Answer the following questions in your own words. How does he feel about his actions? He thinks that digging down into the earth is like reading page after page of a book. 17Eachdynastyfoundintheearthislikeaninterestingstory.过去分词作后置定语过去分词作后置定语eg.被风刮倒的那棵树有很长的历史了。被风刮倒的那棵树有很长的历史了。Thattreeblown



15、butalso19Unit11.Iamnotquitesurewhothatbookbelongsto.2.Mr.BrowncametoChinainsearchofabetterfuture.3.Hetookaparttwooldchairsinordertomakeasofa.4.Johnmentionedthenamesofafewjudgeswhomhedidnotthinkhighlyof.5.Thereisnodoubtthatthesearchforthoseculturalrelicswillcontinue.6.Whentwocountrieswereatwar,troopsofsoldiersweresenttothefrontlinetofight.7.Shegavemefoodandclothesandshedidnotaskforanythinginreturn.2021Thank you!22



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