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1、Review of Unit 78Review of Unit 78(新目标八年级下册(新目标八年级下册(新目标八年级下册(新目标八年级下册) )薛建珍薛建珍山亭翼云中学山亭翼云中学复习目标复习目标 : 1. 灵活运用灵活运用unit 7-8的重要词的重要词汇和句式汇和句式 2. 学会运用重要语法学会运用重要语法: Would you mind +动名词动名词. ? Why dont youwhy not? 3. 能向能向 对方委婉地提出请求、对方委婉地提出请求、看法及表达自己的不满看法及表达自己的不满. Mary is a _(礼貌的)礼貌的)girl。She always helps he

2、r mother clean the _(院子院子)and _(洗洗)the dishes .one day, she found someone _ _(丢垃圾丢垃圾) everywhere. she got annoyed and _ (捡起捡起) them up. When they_ (排队)排队)in a bookstore。She saw her friend lily. Lily asked her if she could _ (插插队)。队)。She told her to keep her _(声声音)音)down and not to _(破坏)破坏)the rules.

3、 or other people would get mad . politeyardwashdropping litterpickedwaited in linecut in linevoicebreak Everyone likes (1) _(礼物礼物).But differentpeople like different kinds of them. Some (2)_(孩们孩们)like animals, They think they are lovely(3) _(足够的足够的).And they think they can be their(4) _(伙伴伙伴).Young

4、people like something (5) _(特别的特别的). Ive (6) _(收到收到) a very meaningful gift that my father (7) _(给给) to me on my tenth birthday . When I (8) _(打开打开) it, I was surprised.Thats an English book with CD (9) _(而不是而不是) a doll. He (10) _(建议建议) melearning English well. And his words (11)_(鼓鼓 励励 ) me to lear

5、n English.( 12) _(除除外外), there was an MP3 under the book. Listening more helps me make great (13)_(进步进步). Now I am good at it. And I listento English every day, until I (14)_(入入睡睡). I also (15 )_(与与交友交友) foreigners. Everyone likes (1) _(礼物礼物).But different people like different kinds of them. Some (

6、2)_(孩们孩们)like animals, They think they are lovely(3) _(足够的足够的).And old people also like animals, because they think they can be their(4) _(伙伴伙伴).Young people like something (5) _(特别的特别的). Ive (6) _(收到收到) a very meaningful gift that my father (7) _(给给) to me on my tenth birthday . When I (8) _(打开打开)

7、it, I was surprised. presentsgifts childrenkids enough companiesspecialreceived gaveopenedThats an English book with CD (9) _ (而而不不是是) a doll. He (10) _ (建建议议) me learning English well. And his words (11)_(鼓鼓励励) me to learn English. (12)_ (除除外外),there was an MP3 under the book. Listening more helps

8、me made great (13)_ (进进步步). Now I am good at it. And I listen to English every day, until I(14)_ _(入入睡睡). I also (15) _(与与交友交友) foreigners.rather thaninstead ofsuggestedencouragedbesidesprogress fall asleepmake friends with1.Please _ _(熄灭)your cigarette out in the meeting room 。2. Everyone isnt _ _

9、_ (不允许破坏)the school rules.3. Our teacher often _us _ _(鼓励多说)more English . 4. _ _ (为什么不)go and ask her what she like.put outallowed to breakencouragesWhy notto speak5. In fact ,we should also_ _ _ _ _(小心不要咳嗽) or sneeze loudly _ _(在公共场所). 6.later, the same gift may _ _ _(赠送)to someone else. 7. would

10、you mind _(与外国人交朋友)foreigners. 8. It suggests way for Beijingers to_ _ _ _ _ _(对英语产生兴趣)。 take care notto cough be given awaymaking friends withtake aninterest in learning Englishin public1.Would you mind moving your bike?(翻译) _(变否定句)_以练促记 Would you mind my smoking here?(同义句) would you mind _ _ _ her

11、e?. would you mind _smoking here? if I smokeme你介意把你的自行车挪一挪吗?Would you mind not moving your bike? would you mind ones doing sth? doing sth? if+句子句子? 不介意:不介意: No, not at all.Of course not.Go ahead.Certainly not.介意:介意: Im sorry, but I do. Youd better not. 2. Why don you get her a scarf? (翻译) _ (变同义句)_拓

12、展:用其他提建议的句式表达Why not + do?Lets + do.Shall we + do?Would you like + to do?What about + doing ?How about + doing ?为什么不给她买一条围巾呢?Why not you get her a scarf ?以练促记以练促记 Why dont you go to movies with us? (同义句)1) _ _ _to the movies with us ?2) _ _ to the movies .3)_ you _ _ go to the movies with us ?4)_ _g

13、oing to the movies with us?Why not goLets go Would like toWhatHow aboutWhy not do sth? Why dont you do sth? What/ How about doing sth?Would you mind (not) doing sth?Would you like (not) to do sth?Would / Could you please (not) do sth?Lets do sth, shall we?Shall we do sth?Youd better (not) do sth.Its

14、 better to do sth.提提建建议议3. It is enough to make her very happy.(翻译) _It +谓语动词+形容词副词+enough +(for sb.)to do sth 意思为“ 对某人来说做某事足够”。以练促记以练促记 1).It is strong enough for the boy _the box.A.carry B. carries C. carrying D. to carry 2). 以她的年龄完全可以照顾自己了。It is old enough for her _herself.to look after这就足够让她开心了。

15、这就足够让她开心了。 (besides/exceptbut) (1)We went to the cinema yesterday _ Tom. (Tom有去) (2)We went to the cinema yesterday _ Tom. (Tom没去) (3)There is nothing in the room _ a broken chair.Can you choose the correct words?besidesexceptbut(instead of/instead)(1) He didnt go to the cinema. Instead, he went to

16、swimming. =he went to swimming _ _ _ the cinema.(2) He is too busy, let me go _. (3) He asked me another question _ answering me.insteadCan you choose the correct words?instead of goinginstead of spend, pay, cost, take(1) It _ him half an hour to finish the task.(2) The dictionary _ me 30 yuan.(3) I

17、 _ ten dollars for the shirt.(4) We _ ten dollars buying the jeans.tookcostpaidspentsixth 中考链接中考链接1.2012青岛- would you mind getting out of the shower, Anna? -_. A. Ok. Ill do them right away. B. sorry. Ill get up now. C. Sorry, I wont be long. D. No. I wont .2. 2011济南- Would you mind moving your bike

18、? _-_ A. Its red B. Thanks C. Its great D. Not at all. 3.2012菏泽As one of school rules, middle school students are not _to smoke.A. ordered B. refused C. allowed D. forbidden.4.2012 安顺 I think _ not difficult _English Every morning. A. that; keep reading B. its; keep reading C. that ; to keep reading

19、 D. its; to keep reading5. 2012铜仁 根据汉语意思完成单词 When we meet with difficulties, our teacher always _(鼓励)us to work them out by ourselves.6.2012扬州根据汉语意思完成单词As a citizen, we mustnt do anything_(破坏) the law.encouragesto break根据汉语完成句子根据汉语完成句子1我们应该尽量做到不烦恼。 We should try _ _be _.2这支钢笔没法用,你可以再给我看一支吗? This pen

20、 doesnt _. _ you _ showing me _ one?3我在学校图书馆总有这样的事发生。 This _ to me _ in the school library. not to boredwork Wouldmind anotherhappensall the time 5. 学习英语最好的方式是与英语国家的人们交朋友。 The _ _ _ _English is making friends _ people in English speaking countries.6. 在他六岁生日的时候,他收到一份特别的礼品。 He _ a _ present _ his _ bi

21、rthday.7. 他并没去广州,反而去了上海。He _ _go to Guangzhou. _, he went to Shanghai.best way to learnwithreceived special ondidnt insteadsixth书面表达书面表达 下个星期天是Lucy妈妈的生日,Lucy 想送母亲一个礼物,但是她又拿不定注意。于是Lucy 在email 中问了Ann几个问题,请代Ann 给Lucy回信。要点:1.礼物是为了表达情义,它不能用金钱衡量的 (cant be measured by money)2. 花钱买礼物还是要向父母要钱3. 个人建议:买束花,再自制一

22、张卡片送给母亲。提示词:heard from; cant be measured by money; perhaps; creative enough; why not ;too special.Dear Ann, What should I do? Next Sunday will be my moms birthday, but I dont know what to get her. I want to get her a sweater, but I dont have enough money. Do you have any suggestions? Lucy例文例文:Dear L

23、ucy, Glad to hear from you but sorry to know youre so worried. In my opinion, gifts are just something to show our love. They cant be measured by money. Perhaps you wanted to send your mom a sweater, so you would have to ask for some money from your parents. I dont think thats creative enough. Why not buy some flowers and make a beautiful birthday card for your mother? Its too special, and thatll be enough to make her happy. Yours, Ann



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