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1、高中英语第八册高中英语第八册( (选修选修8)8)Module 43Module 43 Deep South 第四十三讲第四十三讲 Module 1Deep South 编读互动Module 43 Module 43 编读互动编读互动设置设置“课前热身课前热身”,目的是让学生用,目的是让学生用8 8分钟快速浏览本单元分钟快速浏览本单元的内容。知识讲解部分,重点讲解了本模块的重点单词、短语的内容。知识讲解部分,重点讲解了本模块的重点单词、短语和句型,帮助学生整体把握本模块的内容并在学习过程中对重和句型,帮助学生整体把握本模块的内容并在学习过程中对重点有所侧重。本模块中点有所侧重。本模块中 val

2、uevalue,riskrisk及及breakbreak的短语都是高考的短语都是高考热点,需要学生反复练习使用;热点,需要学生反复练习使用;not untilnot until引起的倒装及引起的倒装及not not untiluntil与强调句的结合需要学生反复练习以免混淆。与强调句的结合需要学生反复练习以免混淆。建议课时:讲练一课时;课时作业建议课时:讲练一课时;课时作业( (包括评讲包括评讲) )一课时,共一课时,共计两个课时。计两个课时。 美文佳句Module 43 Module 43 美文佳句美文佳句诵美文诵美文你在网络上读到一篇关于你在网络上读到一篇关于“九零后九零后”的文章,引发了

3、你对的文章,引发了你对这个话题的思考,于是你打算以这个话题的思考,于是你打算以 “PostPost 9090s Generation, a s Generation, a Successful or an Unsuccessful GenerationSuccessful or an Unsuccessful Generation?”为题,写一为题,写一篇短文,谈谈你的看法,内容包括:篇短文,谈谈你的看法,内容包括:Module 43 Module 43 美文佳句美文佳句Module 43 Module 43 美文佳句美文佳句注意:注意:1.1.必须包括表格中的所有内容;必须包括表格中的所有内

4、容; 2. 2.为了使文章通顺完整,可以适当增加内容;为了使文章通顺完整,可以适当增加内容; 3. 3.词数:词数:100100左右。左右。Module 43 Module 43 美文佳句美文佳句PostPost 9090s Generation, a Successful or an s Generation, a Successful or an Unsuccessful Generation?Unsuccessful Generation?ItIts true that the posts true that the post 9090s generation have some s g

5、eneration have some weaknesses.weaknesses. Some of them, for example, rely on their Some of them, for example, rely on their parents too much and tend to live comfortable lives.Some parents too much and tend to live comfortable lives.Some are even selfish and care little for others.are even selfish

6、and care little for others.At the same time, the postAt the same time, the post 9090s generation desire s generation desire to learn more about the world around them, and they are to learn more about the world around them, and they are independent in thinking. They always keep up with modern indepen

7、dent in thinking. They always keep up with modern science and technology and have many new ideas.science and technology and have many new ideas.Module 43 Module 43 美文佳句美文佳句I think the postI think the post 9090s generation should carry s generation should carry forward their strong points and overcom

8、e the weaknesses, forward their strong points and overcome the weaknesses, and try to tell the world that they are a hopeful and try to tell the world that they are a hopeful generation.generation.Module 43 Module 43 美文佳句美文佳句背佳句背佳句1 1ItIts true that the posts true that the post 9090s generation have

9、 some s generation have some weaknesses. weaknesses. 的确,的确, 9090后有一些缺点。后有一些缺点。 赏析赏析 该句使用了一个该句使用了一个thatthat引导的主语从句。引导的主语从句。ItIt是形式主是形式主语。语。2 2At the same time, the postAt the same time, the post 9090s generation desire s generation desire to learn more about the world around them, and they to learn m

10、ore about the world around them, and they are independent in thinking. are independent in thinking. 同时,同时,9090后的一代渴望了后的一代渴望了解他们周围的世界,同时他们思想独立。解他们周围的世界,同时他们思想独立。 赏析赏析 At the same time At the same time承上启下,引出了下文;该句是承上启下,引出了下文;该句是一个并列句,分别列举了一个并列句,分别列举了9090后的两大优点。后的两大优点。Module 43 Module 43 美文佳句美文佳句3 3I

11、think the postI think the post 9090s generation should carry s generation should carry forward their strong points and overcome the forward their strong points and overcome the weaknesses, and try to tell the world that they are weaknesses, and try to tell the world that they are a hopeful generatio

12、n. a hopeful generation. 我觉得我觉得9090后的一代应该发扬长处,后的一代应该发扬长处,克服弱点,并努力克服弱点,并努力( (通过行动通过行动) )告诉世人,他们是充满希望的告诉世人,他们是充满希望的一代。一代。 赏析赏析 该句是作者的发挥,对该句是作者的发挥,对9090后提出了建议:扬长避短,后提出了建议:扬长避短,向世界发出自己的声音:他们是有希望的一代。向世界发出自己的声音:他们是有希望的一代。“that that they are a hopeful generationthey are a hopeful generation”是宾语从句。该句另一是宾语从句

13、。该句另一亮点是亮点是andand的使用,使得句式结构紧凑、容量大增。的使用,使得句式结构紧凑、容量大增。 Module 43 Module 43 课前热身课前热身课前热身1 1She is always m_and shy about showing her She is always m_and shy about showing her knowledge. knowledge. 2 2The president came under _(The president came under _(严厉的严厉的)criticism for )criticism for his handling

14、 of the crisis. his handling of the crisis. 3. In case of e_3. In case of e_,press the alarm button. press the alarm button. 4 4Its such a _(Its such a _(令人沮丧令人沮丧) town) townits full of its full of uglyugly,disused factories. disused factories. 5 5He draws _(He draws _(灵感灵感) from ordinary scenes. )

15、from ordinary scenes. odestodestsevereseveremergencymergencydepressingdepressinginspirationinspirationModule 43 Module 43 课前热身课前热身6 6At one timeAt one time,she is fineshe is fine;but at anotherbut at another,she is she is _(_(不正常的不正常的). ). 7 7The Prime Ministers visit will p_the The Prime Ministers

16、visit will p_the cooperation between the two countries. cooperation between the two countries. 8 8Im _(Im _(极度极度)sorry for the delay. )sorry for the delay. 9 9We _(We _(权衡权衡) the advantages of living in a big ) the advantages of living in a big city against the disadvantages. city against the disadv

17、antages. 10. If you meet with any difficulty in your study10. If you meet with any difficulty in your study,dont dont be d_. be d_. abnormalabnormalromoteromoteextremelyextremelybalancedbalancediscouragediscouragedModule 43 Module 43 课前热身课前热身.词语翻译词语翻译 1 1接近接近 _ 2 2平均起来平均起来 _ 3 3适应适应 _ 4 4以以的形式的形式 _

18、5 5突出;显眼突出;显眼 _ 6 6踏上;到达踏上;到达 _ 7 7进入视野进入视野 _ 8 8陷入,被困在陷入,被困在 _ 9 9( (使使) )破裂,分解破裂,分解 _ 10. 10. 扎营扎营 _closeclose totoonon averageaverage adaptadapt toto inin thethe formform ofof standstand outout setset footfoot onon comecome intointo sightsightbebe trappedtrappedbreakbreak upupsetset upup campcamp

19、Module 43 Module 43 课前热身课前热身11. 11. 想出想出( (主意等主意等) _) _1212无无/ /不受不受伤害伤害( (或影响等或影响等)_)_13. 13. 冒险冒险 _14. 14. 精神抖擞,保持高昂的情绪精神抖擞,保持高昂的情绪 _15. 15. 遵守诺言遵守诺言 _16. 16. 没能做某事没能做某事 _17. 17. 除了除了 _1818劝阻某人不做某事劝阻某人不做某事 _19. 19. 尤其,特别尤其,特别 _20. 20. 万一万一 _comecome upup withwithkeepkeepfreefree fromfrom/ /ofoftak

20、etake a a riskriskkeepkeep oneone s s spiritsspirits upupkeepkeep oneone s s promisepromisefailfail toto dodoexceptexcept forfor discouragediscourage sbsb fromfrom doingdoinginin particularparticularinin casecase ofofModule 43 Module 43 课前热身课前热身.完成句子完成句子1 1你应该适应新环境。你应该适应新环境。 You should _the new envi

21、ronment. You should _the new environment. 2 2南极洲是最后一个被发现的大陆。南极洲是最后一个被发现的大陆。 Antarctica was the last continent_. Antarctica was the last continent_. 3 3除了有无线电和电子通讯,我们完全是与世隔绝的。除了有无线电和电子通讯,我们完全是与世隔绝的。 We _radio and We _radio and electronic communications. electronic communications. adaptadapt ( (yourse

22、lfyourself) )totototo bebe discovereddiscoveredareare totallytotally isolatedisolated/ /cutcut offoff exceptexcept forforModule 43 Module 43 课前热身课前热身4 4万一有紧急情况你可以获得医疗救助。万一有紧急情况你可以获得医疗救助。 Medical assistance is available _an Medical assistance is available _an emergency. emergency. 5 5南极洲的生态非常脆弱,我们必须小

23、心除了自己的脚印不能南极洲的生态非常脆弱,我们必须小心除了自己的脚印不能留下任何东西。留下任何东西。 The ecology of Antarctica is so delicate that we The ecology of Antarctica is so delicate that we should be carefulshould be careful _. _. inin casecase ofof notnot toto leaveleave anythinganything butbut footprintsfootprints单词点睛Module 43 Module 43

24、单词点睛单词点睛1 1statestaten n. . 州,国家,政府;状态,状况;情况,情形州,国家,政府;状态,状况;情况,情形 vt vt. (express sth in spoken or written words. (express sth in spoken or written words,esp esp carefullycarefully,fully and clearly) fully and clearly) 陈述或说明陈述或说明( (某事某事)()(尤指仔尤指仔细、细、 详尽而明确地详尽而明确地) ) in a state of in a state of/in a

25、/in astatestate处于处于状况状况 a poor state of health a poor state of health 健康欠佳健康欠佳 state school state school 国立学校国立学校 state ones views state ones views 陈述自己的见解陈述自己的见解 make/issue a statement make/issue a statement 发表声明发表声明Module 43 Module 43 单词点睛单词点睛【活学活用活学活用】(1)The house was_. (1)The house was_. 那房子很脏。那

26、房子很脏。(2)He _positively that he had never seen the man. (2)He _positively that he had never seen the man. 他肯定地说他从未见过那个男子。他肯定地说他从未见过那个男子。 inin a a dirtydirty statestatestatedstatedModule 43 Module 43 单词点睛单词点睛2 2valuevaluen n. . 价值;用途,积极作用价值;用途,积极作用 vt vt. . 评价,估价;重视评价,估价;重视 valuable valuable adjadj. .

27、 很有用的;很重要的;宝贵的很有用的;很重要的;宝贵的 valueless valueless adjadj. . 没有价值的;不值钱的没有价值的;不值钱的 good value (for money) ( good value (for money) (钱钱) )花得值;物有所值花得值;物有所值 of no value of no value 没有价值的;没有用的没有价值的;没有用的 value valueasas 重视;珍视重视;珍视 value valueatat 估估( (某物的某物的) )价位价位【词语辨析词语辨析】(1)price(1)price,costcost,valueval

28、ue,worthworth,chargecharge和和expenseexpenseModule 43 Module 43 单词点睛单词点睛priceprice意为意为“价钱价钱”,指卖方对物品所要求的价格,高于,指卖方对物品所要求的价格,高于costcost。costcost意为意为“代价,成本代价,成本”,指对货物所付的一切代价,如制作、,指对货物所付的一切代价,如制作、包装、运输等。包装、运输等。valuevalue意为意为“价值价值”,指按人的主观判断,对物品本身内在用,指按人的主观判断,对物品本身内在用途的评价。如:途的评价。如: I paid him $500 for the pa

29、inting I paid him $500 for the painting,but its real value but its real value must be about $50,000. must be about $50,000. 这幅画我付给他这幅画我付给他500500美元,但它真正美元,但它真正的价值大约是的价值大约是5 5万美元。万美元。Module 43 Module 43 单词点睛单词点睛worthworth意为意为“价值价值”,指物体本身永远不变的价值,含着一定,指物体本身永远不变的价值,含着一定数量的金额,用法比较特殊。如:数量的金额,用法比较特殊。如: ten

30、pounds worth of apples ten pounds worth of apples 价值价值1010英镑的苹果英镑的苹果 chargecharge意为意为“索价,收费,费用索价,收费,费用”,指为其提供服务后所要求,指为其提供服务后所要求付的价钱,也可以用作动词。常用短语:付的价钱,也可以用作动词。常用短语:charge sbcharge sb钱钱for for sthsth;free of chargefree of charge免费。免费。expenseexpense意为意为“开支,花费开支,花费”,指对,指对的实际开支金额。常的实际开支金额。常用短语:用短语:at the

31、 expense ofat the expense of;at ones expense(at ones expense(以以为开为开支或代价支或代价) )。Module 43 Module 43 单词点睛单词点睛(2)valueless (2)valueless 没有价值的;不值钱的没有价值的;不值钱的 worthless worthless 没有价值的;没有用处的没有价值的;没有用处的 priceless priceless 无价的;值钱的无价的;值钱的【活学活用活学活用】(1)He _the house for me at 20,000 pounds. (1)He _the house

32、for me at 20,000 pounds. 那栋房子他替我估价两万英镑。那栋房子他替我估价两万英镑。 (2)I _ very much. (2)I _ very much. 我非常重视你的建议。我非常重视你的建议。(3)This car is _ your money. (3)This car is _ your money. 这辆汽车你买得很合算。这辆汽车你买得很合算。valuedvaluedvaluevalue youryour adviceadvicegoodgood valuevalue forforModule 43 Module 43 单词点睛单词点睛(4)Marriage

33、and other _have made me poor. (4)Marriage and other _have made me poor. 结婚和其他的开支使我变得贫穷。结婚和其他的开支使我变得贫穷。(5)What is the _for a day at the hotel?(5)What is the _for a day at the hotel? 住一天旅馆多少钱?住一天旅馆多少钱?(6)Most restaurants now include the tip in the _of (6)Most restaurants now include the tip in the _of

34、 the meal. the meal. 现在大多数饭店餐费里包含了小费。现在大多数饭店餐费里包含了小费。(7)The use of cheap labor helped to keep _down. (7)The use of cheap labor helped to keep _down. 使用廉价劳动力有助于降低成本。使用廉价劳动力有助于降低成本。(8)The winner will receive ten pounds _of books. (8)The winner will receive ten pounds _of books. 获胜者将获得价值获胜者将获得价值1010英镑的

35、书。英镑的书。 expensesexpenseschargechargepricepricecostscostsworthworthModule 43 Module 43 单词点睛单词点睛3 3traptrapv v. . 使陷入圈套,使中计;使陷入困境;卡住,夹住使陷入圈套,使中计;使陷入困境;卡住,夹住 n n. . 圈套;陷阱圈套;陷阱 fall into a trap fall into a trap 上当,落入圈套上当,落入圈套 lay a trap for lay a trap for 给给设圈套设圈套 trap sb into sth/into doing sth trap sb

36、 into sth/into doing sth 使某人中计,上当使某人中计,上当 be trapped in(to be in a bad situation from which be trapped in(to be in a bad situation from which you cannot escape) you cannot escape) 被困在被困在/ /陷入困境陷入困境Module 43 Module 43 单词点睛单词点睛【活学活用活学活用】(1)For some women marriage is_. (1)For some women marriage is_. 对

37、有的妇女来说,婚姻就是一种羁绊。对有的妇女来说,婚姻就是一种羁绊。(2)The firefighters were trying to rescue those (2)The firefighters were trying to rescue those _the burning hotel. _the burning hotel. 消防队员们正在努力营救困在燃烧着的旅馆里面的那些人。消防队员们正在努力营救困在燃烧着的旅馆里面的那些人。(3)She _a dead end job. (3)She _a dead end job. 她觉得工作没有出路,陷入困境。她觉得工作没有出路,陷入困境。

38、a a traptraptrappedtrapped ininfeltfelt trappedtrapped ininModule 43 Module 43 单词点睛单词点睛4 4promotepromotevtvt. . 促进,推动;促销,推销;提升,晋升促进,推动;促销,推销;提升,晋升 promotion promotion n n. . 提升,提拔;晋级;推广提升,提拔;晋级;推广 promote sb from promote sb fromtoto 提升,晋升提升,晋升 promote growth/understanding promote growth/understandin

39、g促进增长促进增长/ /了解了解 get/win promotion get/win promotion 获得晋级获得晋级【活学活用活学活用】(1)Your job is_. (1)Your job is_. 你的工作是促销这一新产品。你的工作是促销这一新产品。(2)The young army officer _the rank of (2)The young army officer _the rank of captain. captain. 这个年轻军官被提升为上尉。这个年轻军官被提升为上尉。 toto promotepromote thethe newnew productprodu

40、ctwaswas promotedpromoted totoModule 43 Module 43 单词点睛单词点睛5 5discouragediscouragevtvt. . 使气馁;阻碍使气馁;阻碍 discouraged discouraged adjadj. . 感到泄气的感到泄气的 discouraging discouraging adjadj. . 令人泄气的令人泄气的 courage courage n n. . 勇气勇气 discourage sb from doing sth discourage sb from doing sth 劝阻某人别做某事劝阻某人别做某事【活学活

41、用活学活用】(1)Hearing the _result(1)Hearing the _result,he felt_. he felt_. 听了这个令人泄气的结果,他感到很泄气。听了这个令人泄气的结果,他感到很泄气。(2)We _giving up the job. (2)We _giving up the job. 我们劝他不要放弃那份工作。我们劝他不要放弃那份工作。 discouragingdiscouragingdiscourageddiscourageddiscourageddiscouraged himhim fromfromModule 43 Module 43 单词点睛单词点睛

42、6 6riskriskn n. . 风险;冒险风险;冒险 vtvt. . 冒冒的危险的危险 risky risky adjadj. . 充满危险或风险的;有很大危险或风险的充满危险或风险的;有很大危险或风险的 high/low risk high/low risk 高高/ /低风险低风险 risk ones health/fortune/life risk ones health/fortune/life 冒丧失健康冒丧失健康/ /财富财富/ /生命之险生命之险 take a risk/risks/take the risk of doing sth take a risk/risks/tak

43、e the risk of doing sth 冒险冒险( (做可能失败或有危险的事做可能失败或有危险的事) ) reduce/increase the risk of something reduce/increase the risk of something 减少减少/ /增加某事的风险增加某事的风险 run the risk of doing sth run the risk of doing sth 冒险做某事冒险做某事Module 43 Module 43 单词点睛单词点睛 at the risk of doing sth at the risk of doing sth 冒冒(

44、(做某事做某事) )的危险的危险 at risk at risk 有危险;冒风险有危险;冒风险【经典句式经典句式】 There is a risk that There is a risk that有有的风险。的风险。【活学活用活学活用】(1)He _to save mine. (1)He _to save mine. 他冒着生命危险来救我。他冒着生命危险来救我。(2)I couldnt _leaving him alone (2)I couldnt _leaving him alone even for a short time. even for a short time. 我不能冒险留他

45、一个人,即使一会儿。我不能冒险留他一个人,即使一会儿。riskedrisked hishis lifelifetaketake/ /runrun thethe riskrisk ofofModule 43 Module 43 单词点睛单词点睛(3)By criticizing her boss(3)By criticizing her boss,she riskedshe risked _. _. 批评老板,她冒着丢掉职位之险。批评老板,她冒着丢掉职位之险。(4)_sounding stupid(4)_sounding stupid,can I ask a can I ask a questi

46、onquestion? 可能听起来有点愚蠢,但我可以问个问题吗?可能听起来有点愚蠢,但我可以问个问题吗?(5)_the crisis may spread further. (5)_the crisis may spread further. 危机有进一步蔓延的风险。危机有进一步蔓延的风险。 losinglosing herher positionpositionAtAt thethe riskrisk ofofThereThere isis a a riskrisk thatthatModule 43 Module 43 短语储存短语储存短语储存1 1stand outstand out出色

47、,杰出;更为重要出色,杰出;更为重要 stand by stand by袖手旁观;支持袖手旁观;支持 stand for stand for 代表;意指;忍受代表;意指;忍受 stand up stand up 站起来站起来 stand up for sb/sth stand up for sb/sth 维护,支持维护,支持 stand up(to sth) stand up(to sth) 经得起经得起( (检验检验) ) Stand still! Stand still! 站住,不许动!站住,不许动! Module 43 Module 43 短语储存短语储存【活学活用活学活用】(1)Her

48、 work _from the rest as easily the best. (1)Her work _from the rest as easily the best. 她的工作业绩远比其他人都好。她的工作业绩远比其他人都好。(2)The American flag _freedom and justice. (2)The American flag _freedom and justice. 美国国旗代表自由及公平。美国国旗代表自由及公平。(3)How can you _and let him treat his dog like (3)How can you _and let him

49、 treat his dog like that?that? 他那样虐待他的那只狗,你怎么能袖手旁观呢?他那样虐待他的那只狗,你怎么能袖手旁观呢? standsstands outoutstandsstands forforstandstand bybyModule 43 Module 43 短语储存短语储存2 2break upbreak up( (使使) )断开;断开;( (使使) )破碎;破裂;解散破碎;破裂;解散 break away break away突然;离开;逃走;脱离;放弃突然;离开;逃走;脱离;放弃 break out break out 发生;爆发;突围发生;爆发;突围

50、break through break through 突破;克服;打破突破;克服;打破 break down break down 失败,落空;出故障;失败,落空;出故障; ( (健康,情绪等健康,情绪等) )崩溃,垮掉崩溃,垮掉Module 43 Module 43 短语储存短语储存【活学活用活学活用】 用用breakbreak短语的适当形式填空短语的适当形式填空(1)She _from him and ran to the window. (1)She _from him and ran to the window. (2)Whats worse(2)Whats worse,his ma

51、rriage has just_. his marriage has just_. (3)Several demonstrators(3)Several demonstrators(示威者示威者)_ the )_ the barriers despite warnings from the police. barriers despite warnings from the police. (4)You will _sooner or later if you go on (4)You will _sooner or later if you go on ignoring your healt

52、h.ignoring your health.brokebroke awayaway brokenbroken upup brokebroke throughthroughbreakbreak downdownModule 43 Module 43 句型透视句型透视句型透视句型透视Not until the 18th century did the British explorer Not until the 18th century did the British explorer James Cook cross the Antarctic CircleJames Cook cross t

53、he Antarctic Circle,but he never saw but he never saw land. land. 直到直到1818世纪晚期,英国探险家世纪晚期,英国探险家James CookJames Cook才穿越了南极圈,但才穿越了南极圈,但他从来没有看到过陆地。他从来没有看到过陆地。not until not until 放在句首引起部分倒装:放在句首引起部分倒装:Not until Not until 时间状语时间状语/ /时间状语从句助动词主语谓语动时间状语从句助动词主语谓语动词词Module 43 Module 43 句型透视句型透视【相关拓展相关拓展】 It i

54、s not until It is not untilthatthat【活学活用活学活用】(1)Not until youve done your homework(1)Not until youve done your homework _. _. 直到你写完了作业才能出去玩。直到你写完了作业才能出去玩。(2)_the war finally came to (2)_the war finally came to an end. an end. 直到直到19721972年战争才结束。年战争才结束。 cancan youyou gogo outout toto playplayItIt was

55、was notnot untiluntil 1972 1972 thatthatModule 43 Module 43 跟踪训练跟踪训练跟踪训练1 120092009江苏卷江苏卷 I m surprised to hear that Sue and I m surprised to hear that Sue and Paul have _. Paul have _. So am I. They seemed very happy together when I So am I. They seemed very happy together when I last saw them. las

56、t saw them. A Abroken up Bbroken up Bfinished upfinished up C Cdivided up Ddivided up Dclosed upclosed upModule 43 Module 43 跟踪训练跟踪训练【解析解析】 A A本题考查动词短语辨析。本题考查动词短语辨析。break up break up 断绝关系。断绝关系。 finish up finish up 结果成为;最终到来。结果成为;最终到来。 divide up divide up 分担,分配,分担,分配,分享。分享。close up (close up (伤口伤口) )

57、愈合。愈合。 Module 43 Module 43 跟踪训练跟踪训练2 220092009四川卷四川卷 How about your journey to Mount How about your journey to Mount Emei?Emei? Everything was wonderful except that our car Everything was wonderful except that our car _ twice on the way. _ twice on the way. A Aslowed down Bslowed down Bbroke down br

58、oke down C Cgot down Dgot down Dput down put down 【解析解析】 B B本题考查动词短语辨析。答语的意思是:除了我本题考查动词短语辨析。答语的意思是:除了我们的车在途中抛锚了两次外,一切都顺利。们的车在途中抛锚了两次外,一切都顺利。break downbreak down抛锚;抛锚;slow down slow down 慢下来;慢下来;get downget down记下,写下;记下,写下;put down put down 扑灭。所扑灭。所以该题的答案为以该题的答案为B B项。项。 Module 43 Module 43 跟踪训练跟踪训练3

59、3Whats that noise?Whats that noise? OhOh,I forgot to tell you. The new machine_. I forgot to tell you. The new machine_. A Awas tested Bwas tested Bwill be testedwill be tested C Cis being tested Dis being tested Dhas been testedhas been tested【解析解析】 C C本题考查时态和语态。根据语境可判断,此处表本题考查时态和语态。根据语境可判断,此处表示示“机

60、器正在被检测机器正在被检测”,因此要用现在进行时的被动语态。,因此要用现在进行时的被动语态。 Module 43 Module 43 跟踪训练跟踪训练4 4Not until the motorbike looked almost new _ Not until the motorbike looked almost new _ repairing and cleaning it. repairing and cleaning it. A Ahe stopped Bhe stopped Bdid he stop did he stop C Cstopped he Dstopped he Dhe

61、 did stop he did stop 【解析解析】 B B本题考查倒装结构。本题考查倒装结构。not until not until 提前,要求主句提前,要求主句部分倒装。部分倒装。 Module 43 Module 43 跟踪训练跟踪训练5 5I had to apologize to Mr Smith for_to keep the I had to apologize to Mr Smith for_to keep the appointment. appointment. A Atrying Btrying Bfailing failing C Ctrying not Dtryi

62、ng not Dnot failing not failing 【解析解析】 B B本句句意应为:我因为没能赴约不得不向斯密斯本句句意应为:我因为没能赴约不得不向斯密斯先生道歉。先生道歉。fail to do sthfail to do sth没能做某事。没能做某事。forfor后面用动名词形式。后面用动名词形式。 Module 43 Module 43 跟踪训练跟踪训练6 6Does this car give you good _ for your money?Does this car give you good _ for your money? A Avalue value B Bp

63、rice price C Cworth worth D Dcost cost 【解析解析】 A Agood value for money good value for money 值得花那么多的钱。值得花那么多的钱。 Module 43 Module 43 跟踪训练跟踪训练7 7My cousin would like to risk _ the My cousin would like to risk _ the weightweight loss pills rather than _ in a gym. loss pills rather than _ in a gym. Really

64、? He must be mad. Really? He must be mad. A Ato taketo take;work out Bwork out Bto taketo take;working outworking out C Ctakingtaking;working out Dworking out Dtakingtaking;work out work out 【解析解析】 D D第一空考查第一空考查riskrisk后跟动名词作宾语的用法;第二后跟动名词作宾语的用法;第二空考查空考查“would like to dowould like to dorather than do

65、rather than do”结构。结构。 Module 43 Module 43 跟踪训练跟踪训练8 8She got into a(n) _when she thought shed She got into a(n) _when she thought shed forgotten doing homework. forgotten doing homework. A Atrap Btrap Bdelight delight C Cpanic Dpanic Dargumentargument【解析解析】 C C句意为:想起忘记了做作业,她顿时惊慌起来。句意为:想起忘记了做作业,她顿时惊慌

66、起来。traptrap困境,圈套;困境,圈套;delightdelight欣喜,愉快;欣喜,愉快; panicpanic恐慌,惊慌;恐慌,惊慌;argumentargument争论。根据题意,只有争论。根据题意,只有C C项正确。项正确。Module 43 Module 43 跟踪训练跟踪训练9 9Education should not be considered to be a _ Education should not be considered to be a _ in a modern society. in a modern society. A Aprivilege Bpriv

67、ilege Bacquaintance acquaintance C Cadvantage Dadvantage Daffection affection 【解析解析】 A Aprivilegeprivilege特权。句意为:在一个现代社会中,受特权。句意为:在一个现代社会中,受教育不应该被看成是一种特权。教育不应该被看成是一种特权。acquaintance acquaintance 熟人,熟人,( (与某人与某人) )认识;认识;advantage advantage 优点,好处;优点,好处;affectionaffection喜爱,钟爱。喜爱,钟爱。 Module 43 Module 43

68、 跟踪训练跟踪训练1010In face of difficulties the climbers_in the In face of difficulties the climbers_in the hope of reaching the top before dark. hope of reaching the top before dark. A Ainsisted on Binsisted on Blooked up looked up C Cturned away Dturned away Dkept on kept on 【解析解析】 D D本题考查动词短语辨析。本题考查动词短语

69、辨析。keep onkeep on可用作及物动词可用作及物动词和不及物动词,意为和不及物动词,意为“继续继续”。句意为:尽管困难重重,登山。句意为:尽管困难重重,登山队员们继续前进,希望天黑前到达山顶。队员们继续前进,希望天黑前到达山顶。insist oninsist on坚持;坚持;look look upup查寻,向上看,仰视;查寻,向上看,仰视;turn awayturn away转过脸去,转换方向。转过脸去,转换方向。 Module 44Module 44 The Renaissance 第四十四讲第四十四讲 Module 2 The Renaissance Module 44Modu

70、le 44 编辑互动编辑互动编辑互动设置设置“课前热身课前热身”,目的是让学生用,目的是让学生用8 8分钟快速浏览本单元分钟快速浏览本单元的内容。知识讲解部分,重点讲解了本模块的重点单词、短语的内容。知识讲解部分,重点讲解了本模块的重点单词、短语和句型,帮助学生整体把握本模块的内容并在学习过程中对重和句型,帮助学生整体把握本模块的内容并在学习过程中对重点有所侧重。本模块中,点有所侧重。本模块中,blameblame是高考高频词汇,需要重点掌握。是高考高频词汇,需要重点掌握。重点句型中的重点句型中的wherewhere引导的多种从句是重点内容,需要重点讲解。引导的多种从句是重点内容,需要重点讲解

71、。建议课时:讲练一课时;课时作业建议课时:讲练一课时;课时作业( (包括评讲包括评讲) )一课时,共一课时,共计两个课时。计两个课时。 Module 44Module 44 课前热身课前热身课前热身.单词拼写单词拼写1 1_( (基本上基本上) ),its all a question of upbringing. its all a question of upbringing. 2 2He has had some _(He has had some _(令人不安的令人不安的) experience. ) experience. 3. A s_technician takes years

72、to train. 3. A s_technician takes years to train. 4 4He was b_by the manager for the neglect of duty. He was b_by the manager for the neglect of duty. 5 5This is an unpleasant s_ of conversation. This is an unpleasant s_ of conversation. 6. We may never know what m_ him to kill his 6. We may never k

73、now what m_ him to kill his wife. wife. BasicallyBasicallydisturbingdisturbingkilledkilledlamedlamedubjectubjectotivatedotivatedModule 44Module 44 课前热身课前热身7 7They sang with great p_. They sang with great p_. 8 8The disease occurs most frequently in _(The disease occurs most frequently in _(农村农村) ) a

74、reas. areas. 9 9He is a g_musician and I believe he will be He is a g_musician and I believe he will be famous one day. famous one day. 10. He was m_ a boy! I wouldnt have expected him 10. He was m_ a boy! I wouldnt have expected him to understand. to understand. assionassionruralruraliftediftederel

75、yerelyModule 44Module 44 课前热身课前热身.词语翻译词语翻译 1 1和和形成对比形成对比_ 2 2简言之简言之 _ 3 3形状像形状像 _ 4 4和和齐头并进;关系密切齐头并进;关系密切 _ 5 5依赖;依靠依赖;依靠 _ 6 6把把抛在身后抛在身后 _ 7 7呼吁某人做某事呼吁某人做某事 _ 8 8尝试,试图尝试,试图 _ 9. 9. 代表代表 _contrastcontrast withwithinin shortshortbebe shapedshaped likelikegogo handhand inin handhand dependdepend ononl

76、eaveleavebehindbehindappealappeal toto sbsb toto dodo sthsthmakemake anan attemptattempt onon behalfbehalf ofofModule 44Module 44 课前热身课前热身1010厌倦厌倦 _ _1111出现;到达出现;到达 _1212渴望得到渴望得到 _1313导致;通向导致;通向 _1414从事;开始做从事;开始做 _1515找到路,到达找到路,到达 _getget tiredtired ofofturnturn upupbebe thirstythirsty forforleadlea

77、d tototaketake upupfindfind oneone s s waywayModule 44Module 44 课前热身课前热身.完成句子完成句子1 1我代表我的同事向你表示感谢。我代表我的同事向你表示感谢。 _I thank you. _I thank you. 2 2和上帝的伟大比较起来,人的生命曾经一度被认为没有什么和上帝的伟大比较起来,人的生命曾经一度被认为没有什么价值。价值。 At one time human life was considered At one time human life was considered _the greatness of God

78、. _the greatness of God. 3 3我们呼吁大家积极参与野生动物的保护工作。我们呼吁大家积极参与野生动物的保护工作。 We are _involve themselves We are _involve themselves in the protection of wild animals. in the protection of wild animals. OnOn behalfbehalf ofof mymy colleaguescolleaguesofof littlelittle valuevalue comparedcompared withwithappea

79、lingappealing toto everyoneeveryone totoModule 44Module 44 课前热身课前热身4 4是他父亲激励他把从事写作作为职业的。是他父亲激励他把从事写作作为职业的。 It was his father _writing It was his father _writing as a profession. as a profession. 5 5简言之,莱奥纳多是一个非凡的天才,一个被描述成简言之,莱奥纳多是一个非凡的天才,一个被描述成“文艺文艺复兴人物复兴人物”的典范。的典范。 _,Leonardo was an extraordinary g

80、eniusLeonardo was an extraordinary genius,an an example of _example of _“Renaissance Renaissance manman”. . InIn shortshortwhatwhat hashas beenbeen describeddescribed asaswhowho inspiredinspired himhim toto taketake upup单词点睛Module 44Module 44 单词点睛单词点睛1 1blame blame n n. (. (坏事或错事的坏事或错事的) )责任;责备,指责责任

81、;责备,指责 vtvt. . 把把归咎于,责怪,指责归咎于,责怪,指责 take/bear the blame take/bear the blame承担责任;负责承担责任;负责 blame sb for sth blame sb for sth 因某事责备某人因某事责备某人 blame sth on sb blame sth on sb 把某事归咎于某人把某事归咎于某人 be to blame be to blame 应该受责应该受责 lay/put the blame for sth on sb lay/put the blame for sth on sb 把某事归咎于某人把某事归咎于某

82、人Module 44Module 44 单词点睛单词点睛【易错警示易错警示】 be to blame be to blame 是固定短语,表示是固定短语,表示“该受责备该受责备”之意,虽有被动之意,虽有被动 含义却不能用被动语态。含义却不能用被动语态。【词语辨析词语辨析】 blame blame,scoldscold和和criticizecriticize(1)blame (1)blame vtvt. . 归咎于,责怪。指在遭受失败或挫折后想去追究归咎于,责怪。指在遭受失败或挫折后想去追究是谁的过失或责任,但没有用言语责骂之意。如:是谁的过失或责任,但没有用言语责骂之意。如: Who is t

83、o blame for the failure Who is to blame for the failure,you or Jack?you or Jack? 这次失败该归咎于谁呢,你还是杰克?这次失败该归咎于谁呢,你还是杰克?(2)scold (2)scold vtvt. &. &vivi. . 责备,斥责。多指长辈或教师的斥责、抱责备,斥责。多指长辈或教师的斥责、抱怨,但不是用肮脏的语言骂。常用搭配:怨,但不是用肮脏的语言骂。常用搭配:scold sb for sthscold sb for sth。如:如:Module 44Module 44 单词点睛单词点睛 The lady sco

84、lded the boy for breaking her window. The lady scolded the boy for breaking her window. 那那位女士责备那个男孩,因为他打碎了她家的窗玻璃。位女士责备那个男孩,因为他打碎了她家的窗玻璃。(3)criticize (3)criticize vtvt. . 批评,评论。多指用语言或文章来评判某人批评,评论。多指用语言或文章来评判某人或某事。常用搭配:或某事。常用搭配:criticize sb for sthcriticize sb for sth。如:。如: The article criticized the

85、mayor for breaking his The article criticized the mayor for breaking his words. words. 文章批评市长不遵守诺言。文章批评市长不遵守诺言。【活学活用活学活用】(1)We were ready to _what had (1)We were ready to _what had happened. happened. 我们准备对所发生的事承担责任。我们准备对所发生的事承担责任。(2)Which driver _for the accident?(2)Which driver _for the accident?

86、哪位司机是此次事故的肇事者?哪位司机是此次事故的肇事者? taketake/ /bearbear thethe blameblame forforwaswas toto blameblameModule 44Module 44 单词点睛单词点睛2 2seek(soughtseek(sought,sought)sought)v v. . 寻找,追求;寻求,设法得到寻找,追求;寻求,设法得到 seek out seek out 找出,搜出;挑出找出,搜出;挑出 seek after/for seek after/for 寻求,探索;追求;寻找寻求,探索;追求;寻找 seek to do seek

87、to do 试图做某事试图做某事 seek (ones)advice/help from seek (ones)advice/help from 征求征求( (某人某人) )建议建议/ /寻求寻求( (某人某人) )帮助帮助 seek ones fortune seek ones fortune 外出寻找发财机会;外出闯荡;闯世界外出寻找发财机会;外出闯荡;闯世界Module 44Module 44 单词点睛单词点睛【词语辨析词语辨析】 search search和和seekseek(1)search(1)search通常指对某处、某地进行搜查或搜索,后面接人时意通常指对某处、某地进行搜查或搜

88、索,后面接人时意为为“搜身搜身”。常接。常接forfor构成短语构成短语search forsearch for,作,作“寻找,搜寻寻找,搜寻”讲,其对象多为一个或一批人或物,如找矿、找资料、找讲,其对象多为一个或一批人或物,如找矿、找资料、找文件、找工作等。它强调寻找的行为,不着重指结果。文件、找工作等。它强调寻找的行为,不着重指结果。 searchsearch也可以作名词,构成短语也可以作名词,构成短语in search ofin search of。searchsearch后面后面的宾语表示寻找的范围,而的宾语表示寻找的范围,而search forsearch for后面跟寻找的目标。后

89、面跟寻找的目标。(2)seek(2)seek一般用于抽象意义,有时也表示渴望得到某一具体的东一般用于抽象意义,有时也表示渴望得到某一具体的东西,是比较正式的书面用法。可构成西,是比较正式的书面用法。可构成seek forseek for,seek afterseek after等短语,作等短语,作“追求,寻找,设法得到追求,寻找,设法得到”讲。其后也可接动词讲。其后也可接动词Module 44Module 44 单词点睛单词点睛 不定式,此时意为不定式,此时意为“试图,企图试图,企图”。 【活学活用活学活用】(1)You should _from your lawyer on this (1)

90、You should _from your lawyer on this matter. matter. 这件事情你应该请教你的律师。这件事情你应该请教你的律师。 (2)Local schools _the dropout rate. (2)Local schools _the dropout rate. 当地学校正在努力降低辍学率。当地学校正在努力降低辍学率。(3)I _the missing papers, but I (3)I _the missing papers, but I couldnt find them. couldnt find them. 我翻遍抽屉寻找遗失的文件,但是没

91、能找到。我翻遍抽屉寻找遗失的文件,但是没能找到。(4)The police _escaped prisoners. (4)The police _escaped prisoners. 警察正在搜查逃犯。警察正在搜查逃犯。 seekseek adviceadviceareare seekingseeking toto reducereducesearchedsearched thethe drawersdrawers forforwerewere searchingsearching forforModule 44Module 44 单词点睛单词点睛3 3suspectsuspectv v. .

92、 怀疑;猜想怀疑;猜想 adjadj. . 令人怀疑的;不可信的令人怀疑的;不可信的 n n. . 嫌疑犯嫌疑犯 suspicious suspicious adjadj. . 猜疑的;可疑的;表示怀疑的猜疑的;可疑的;表示怀疑的 suspect that suspect that 怀疑,猜想怀疑,猜想 suspect sb of suspect sb of 怀疑某人怀疑某人 be suspicious of/about be suspicious of/about 对对表示怀疑表示怀疑【例句例句】 His statements are suspect. His statements are

93、suspect. 他的说法靠不住。他的说法靠不住。 They found a suspicious/suspect package under the They found a suspicious/suspect package under the seat. seat. Module 44Module 44 单词点睛单词点睛 他们在座位下发现了一个可疑的包裹。他们在座位下发现了一个可疑的包裹。 They were suspicious about my past. They were suspicious about my past. 他们对我的过去有些怀疑。他们对我的过去有些怀疑。【活学

94、活用活学活用】(1)I _the equipment. (1)I _the equipment. 我怀疑她毁坏设备。我怀疑她毁坏设备。(2)Some of his colleagues at work became _(2)Some of his colleagues at work became _ his behaviour. his behaviour. 他的几个同事开始怀疑他的行为。他的几个同事开始怀疑他的行为。suspectedsuspected herher ofof damagingdamagingsuspicioussuspicious ofofModule 44Module

95、44 单词点睛单词点睛4 4inspireinspirev v. . 激励,鼓舞;赋予灵感,激发想法,启示激励,鼓舞;赋予灵感,激发想法,启示 inspiring inspiring adjadj. . 鼓舞人心的,激励的,启发灵感的鼓舞人心的,激励的,启发灵感的 inspiration inspiration n n. . 灵感,鼓舞人心的人灵感,鼓舞人心的人( (或事或事 物物) );( (心血来潮的心血来潮的) )妙计,好主意妙计,好主意 inspire sb to do sth inspire sb to do sth 激励某人做某事激励某人做某事 inspire sb to grea

96、ter efforts inspire sb to greater efforts 激励某人做出更大努力激励某人做出更大努力 inspire hope/enthusiasm/confidence in sb inspire hope/enthusiasm/confidence in sb inspire sb with hope/enthusiasm/confidenceinspire sb with hope/enthusiasm/confidence 燃起某人的希望燃起某人的希望/ /激起某人的热情激起某人的热情/ /信心信心Module 44Module 44 单词点睛单词点睛【活学活用

97、活学活用】(1)The audience was carried away by his _(1)The audience was carried away by his _ speech. speech. 他鼓舞人心的发言使听众听得入了神。他鼓舞人心的发言使听众听得入了神。(2)What he said didnt exactly _in me. (2)What he said didnt exactly _in me. 她的话并没有激起我的信心。她的话并没有激起我的信心。(3)I hope this success will(3)I hope this success will _. _.

98、 我希望这次成功会激励你更努力。我希望这次成功会激励你更努力。(4)Many poets and artists have drawn their _(4)Many poets and artists have drawn their _ from nature. from nature. 许多诗人和艺术家从大自然中获得灵感。许多诗人和艺术家从大自然中获得灵感。inspiringinspiringinspireinspire confidenceconfidenceinspireinspire youyou toto ( (makemake) )greatergreater effortsef

99、fortsinspirationinspiration短语储存短语储存Module 44Module 44 短语储存短语储存1 1get tired ofget tired of厌烦厌烦 be sick of doing/be fed up with/be bored with sth be sick of doing/be fed up with/be bored with sth 厌倦厌倦 be tired with/be tired from doing sth be tired with/be tired from doing sth 因因而疲乏而疲乏 be tired out be

100、tired out 累得要死,累极了累得要死,累极了【活学活用活学活用】 You never _this story. You never _this story. 这个故事百听不厌。这个故事百听不厌。 getget tiredtired ofof hearinghearingModule 44Module 44 短语储存短语储存2 2find ones wayfind ones way找到路;找到路;( (某物在一段时间后某物在一段时间后) )到达到达 find ones way/a way out find ones way/a way out 寻找解决方法寻找解决方法【活学活用活学活用】

101、(1)Unable to _back to the hotel(1)Unable to _back to the hotel,I had to I had to turn to the police for help. turn to the police for help. 找不到回宾馆的路了,我只好向警察求助。找不到回宾馆的路了,我只好向警察求助。(2)Only one of his inventions has _(2)Only one of his inventions has _ into the shops. into the shops. 他的发明只有一项最终进入了市场。他的发明

102、只有一项最终进入了市场。(3)We must _our difficulty. (3)We must _our difficulty. 我们必须找出摆脱困境之路。我们必须找出摆脱困境之路。 findfind mymy waywayfoundfound itsits waywayfindfind a a wayway outout ofof句型透视句型透视Module 44Module 44 句型透视句型透视So you can walk along a street for half an hour or so So you can walk along a street for half a

103、n hour or so and end up five minutes from where you started. and end up five minutes from where you started. 那么你那么你有可能沿街走了半个小时左右,结果离你出发的地点实际仅有有可能沿街走了半个小时左右,结果离你出发的地点实际仅有五分钟的路程。五分钟的路程。【要点解读要点解读】wherewhere引导的名词性从句。引导的名词性从句。wherewhere可以引导名词性从句、定语从可以引导名词性从句、定语从句、状语从句。句、状语从句。Module 44Module 44 句型透视句型透视【活

104、学活用活学活用】(1)You are saying that everyone should be equal(1)You are saying that everyone should be equal,and and that is_. that is_. 你说每个人都应该平等,这一点我不赞同。你说每个人都应该平等,这一点我不赞同。( (引导名词性从句引导名词性从句) )(2)He is now in a situation(2)He is now in a situation _. _. 他现在处于可能失去工作的处境。他现在处于可能失去工作的处境。( (引导定语从句引导定语从句) )(3

105、)You should let your children play(3)You should let your children play _. _. 你应该让孩子们在你看得到的地方玩。你应该让孩子们在你看得到的地方玩。( (引导地点状语从句引导地点状语从句) ) wherewhere I I disagreedisagreewherewhere hehe isis likelylikely toto loselose hishis jobjobwherewhere youyou cancan seesee themthem跟踪训练Module 44 跟踪训练跟踪训练1. Youd bett

106、er not leave the medicine _ kids can 1. Youd better not leave the medicine _ kids can get at it. get at it. A Aeven if Beven if Bwhichwhich C Cwhere Dwhere Dso thatso that【解析解析】 C C本题考查状语从句。句意为:你最好不要把药物放本题考查状语从句。句意为:你最好不要把药物放在孩子们能够够得着的地方。在孩子们能够够得着的地方。wherewhere引导地点状语从句,相当于引导地点状语从句,相当于in in the place

107、 wherethe place where。 Module 44 跟踪训练跟踪训练2 2Are you going to have a holiday this year?Are you going to have a holiday this year? Id love to. I cant wait to leave this Id love to. I cant wait to leave this place_. place_. A Aoff Boff Bout Cout Cbehind Dbehind Dover over 【解析解析】 C Cleave behind leave b

108、ehind 在这里是在这里是“离开离开”的意思。句意表的意思。句意表示示“我等不及离开这个地方了我等不及离开这个地方了”。 Module 44 跟踪训练跟踪训练3 3_for the breakdown of the school computer network_for the breakdown of the school computer network,Alice was in low spirits. Alice was in low spirits. A ABlaming BBlaming BBlamedBlamed C CTo blame DTo blame DTo be bla

109、medTo be blamed【解析解析】 B B本题考查非谓语动词。根据句意,本题考查非谓语动词。根据句意,AliceAlice因为计算机因为计算机事件事件“受到责备受到责备”, 情绪低落。情绪低落。 blame sb for sthblame sb for sth,“因某事因某事而责备某人而责备某人”,句子主语与,句子主语与blameblame之间是逻辑上的被动关系,因此之间是逻辑上的被动关系,因此用过去分词。用过去分词。 Module 44 跟踪训练跟踪训练4 4_ of all the staff_ of all the staff,I would like to wish you a

110、 I would like to wish you a happy retirement. happy retirement. A AIn honour BIn honour BIn placeIn place C COn behalf DOn behalf DOn account On account 【解析解析】 C C本题考查介词短语的辨析。本题考查介词短语的辨析。on behalf ofon behalf of意为意为“代代表表”。 Module 44 跟踪训练跟踪训练5 5No matter how frequently _No matter how frequently _,the

111、 works of the works of Beethoven still attract people all over the world. Beethoven still attract people all over the world. A Aperformed Bperformed Bperformingperforming C Cto be performed Dto be performed Dbeing performed being performed 【解析解析】 A A考查省略结构。完整句为考查省略结构。完整句为No matter how No matter how

112、frequently (they are) performedfrequently (they are) performed Module 44 跟踪训练跟踪训练6 6If the students _ pass a round of interviews by If the students _ pass a round of interviews by Peking University, they will have an extra 30 points Peking University, they will have an extra 30 points _ to their nat

113、ional college entrance exam _ to their national college entrance exam scores. scores. A Arecommended; addedrecommended; added B Brecommended; addingrecommended; adding C Cwill be recommended; addedwill be recommended; added D Dto be recommended; to be addedto be recommended; to be addedModule 44 跟踪训

114、练跟踪训练【解析解析】 A A在第一空中,在第一空中,recommendedrecommended作作the students(the students(主语主语) )的后置定语,即的后置定语,即“被推荐的学生被推荐的学生”;第二空是;第二空是have sth donehave sth done结构。句意表示结构。句意表示“被推荐的学生如果通过了北京大学的面试,被推荐的学生如果通过了北京大学的面试,高考可以加高考可以加3030分分”。 Module 44 跟踪训练跟踪训练【解析解析】 B B本题考查关系代词的用法,学生容易错误地选择本题考查关系代词的用法,学生容易错误地选择wherewhere

115、。 7 7Xueyao Middle School is a big stage_allows Xueyao Middle School is a big stage_allows teachers and students to show off their talents and teachers and students to show off their talents and skills. skills. A Awhere Bwhere Bthat that C Cwhen Dwhen Dwhat what Module 44 跟踪训练跟踪训练【解析解析】 C C本题考查动词短语辨

116、析。此处最好补充各个短语本题考查动词短语辨析。此处最好补充各个短语的意思。的意思。turn upturn up意为意为“出现出现”。But he hasnt turned up But he hasnt turned up yet(yet(但他至今还没出现但他至今还没出现) )与上文与上文“他答应来他答应来”相对比。相对比。8 8He promised to come yesterdayHe promised to come yesterday,but he hasnt but he hasnt _ yet. _ yet. A Aturned down Bturned down Bturned

117、 out turned out C Cturned up Dturned up Dturned to turned to Module 44 跟踪训练跟踪训练【解析解析】 D D句意为:句意为: 我不喜欢被打扰,尤其是我专心学习我不喜欢被打扰,尤其是我专心学习的时候。的时候。especiallyespecially尤其是,特别是;尤其是,特别是;specificallyspecifically特定地,特定地,明确地;明确地;speciallyspecially特别地,专门地。特别地,专门地。 9 9I hate interruptionsI hate interruptions,_when I

118、m concentrating _when Im concentrating on my study. on my study. A Aspecifically Bspecifically Bgenerally generally C Cspecially Dspecially Despecially especially Module 44 跟踪训练跟踪训练1010_you disturb her with these annoying _you disturb her with these annoying questions just when she was busy cooking

119、dinner?questions just when she was busy cooking dinner? Sorry, I _ that at that time. Sorry, I _ that at that time. A AShould; should have doneShould; should have done B BShall; may have doneShall; may have done C CMust; should doMust; should do D DMust; should not have done Must; should not have do

120、ne Module 44 跟踪训练跟踪训练【解析解析】 D D第一空用第一空用mustmust表示表示“既然她正忙于准备晚餐,你既然她正忙于准备晚餐,你为什么偏偏用这些烦人的问题打扰她呢为什么偏偏用这些烦人的问题打扰她呢”;第二空根据;第二空根据“SorrySorry”,说明,说明“我我”已经这样做了,所以第二空应该表示已经这样做了,所以第二空应该表示“本不应该做某事本不应该做某事”,所以选,所以选D D。 Module 45Module 45 Foreign Food 第四十五讲第四十五讲Module 3 Foreign Food Module 45Module 45 编读互动编读互动编读互

121、动设置设置“课前热身课前热身”,目的是让学生用,目的是让学生用8 8分钟快速浏览本单元分钟快速浏览本单元的内容。的内容。“知识网络知识网络”知识讲解部分,重点讲解了本模块的重知识讲解部分,重点讲解了本模块的重点单词、短语和句型,帮助学生整体把握本模块的内容并在学点单词、短语和句型,帮助学生整体把握本模块的内容并在学习过程中对重点有所侧重。本模块中出现的词汇都属于高考常习过程中对重点有所侧重。本模块中出现的词汇都属于高考常见考点,例如,见考点,例如,fixfix,oweowe,mannermanner的词义活用,的词义活用,makemake,go go 短语短语的灵活运用,以及的灵活运用,以及n

122、o wonderno wonder句型。句型。 建议课时:讲练一课时;课时作业建议课时:讲练一课时;课时作业( (包括评讲包括评讲) )一课时,共一课时,共计两个课时。计两个课时。 Module 45Module 45 美文佳句美文佳句美文佳句诵美文诵美文Directions: Write an English composition according Directions: Write an English composition according to the instructions given below in Chinese.to the instructions given b

123、elow in Chinese.你校校长打算你校校长打算改进食堂的设施改进食堂的设施(facilities)(facilities)和服务和服务(service)(service),请你给校长写封信,谈谈你的建议。请你给校长写封信,谈谈你的建议。 词数在词数在120120左右。左右。Module 45Module 45 美文佳句美文佳句Dear Mr. PresidentDear Mr. President, My classmates and I are very glad to know that you My classmates and I are very glad to know

124、that you are determined to improve our canteen facilities and are determined to improve our canteen facilities and service. I would like to give my opinions.Firstly, the service. I would like to give my opinions.Firstly, the quality of the dishes should be improved. Undoubtedly, quality of the dishe

125、s should be improved. Undoubtedly, there are a lot of delicious dishes, but all the year there are a lot of delicious dishes, but all the year round, they are the same. More and more students are round, they are the same. More and more students are complaining about eating the same food each day.Apa

126、rt complaining about eating the same food each day.Apart from the quality, the price is supposed to be adjusted, from the quality, the price is supposed to be adjusted, too. too. Module 45Module 45 美文佳句美文佳句Some food which is delicious has been priced Some food which is delicious has been priced dram

127、atically high that most of us candramatically high that most of us cant afford.t afford. WhatWhats more, the environment is so noisy that we s more, the environment is so noisy that we cancant enjoy our meals in a good mood. I suggest that t enjoy our meals in a good mood. I suggest that there be so

128、me soft music to help us relax.there be some soft music to help us relax. From bad to From bad to worse, the lights are so dull.worse, the lights are so dull.We will appreciate it We will appreciate it from the bottom of our hearts if you will take action from the bottom of our hearts if you will ta

129、ke action immediately.immediately. Yours, David Yours, DavidModule 45Module 45 美文佳句美文佳句背佳句背佳句1 1WhatWhats more, the environment is so noisy that we s more, the environment is so noisy that we cancant enjoy our meals a in good mood. t enjoy our meals a in good mood. 更何况,环境如更何况,环境如此嘈杂,以致我们没有心情吃饭。此嘈杂,以

130、致我们没有心情吃饭。 赏析赏析 该句使用了一个该句使用了一个“sosothatthat”结构,结构,thatthat引导一个结引导一个结果状语从句。果状语从句。WhatWhats mores more和和FirstlyFirstly,Apart fromApart from三个短三个短语,把自己的建议层次分明地表达了出来。语,把自己的建议层次分明地表达了出来。2 2I suggest that there be some soft music to help us I suggest that there be some soft music to help us relax. relax.

131、我建议播放一些轻音乐使我们我建议播放一些轻音乐使我们( (吃饭的时候吃饭的时候) )放松一下。放松一下。Module 45Module 45 美文佳句美文佳句 赏析赏析 suggest suggest 后跟了一个由后跟了一个由there bethere be句型充当的宾语从句,句型充当的宾语从句,从句用虚拟语气委婉地提出了自己的建议。从句用虚拟语气委婉地提出了自己的建议。3 3We will appreciate it from the bottom of our hearts We will appreciate it from the bottom of our hearts if you

132、 will take action immediately. if you will take action immediately. 如果您愿意马上采如果您愿意马上采取行动,我们将万分感激。取行动,我们将万分感激。 赏析赏析 该句使用了该句使用了“appreciateappreciateititif (if (从句从句) )”结构。结构。 Module 45Module 45 课前热身课前热身课前热身.单词拼写单词拼写1 1Many believe that poverty is a direct_Many believe that poverty is a direct_ ( (后果后果)

133、 of overpopulation. ) of overpopulation. 2 2A waiter offered him the m_ and he began to take A waiter offered him the m_ and he began to take his order. his order. 3 3He has a _(He has a _(固定的固定的) pattern of behavior. ) pattern of behavior. 4 4The Greens e_us to dinner last night. The Greens e_us to

134、 dinner last night. 5 5The sentences all have the same grammatical_. The sentences all have the same grammatical_. consequenceconsequenceenuenufixedfixedntertainedntertainedpatternpatternModule 45Module 45 课前热身课前热身6 6It will offer a wider choice of goods for the It will offer a wider choice of goods

135、 for the _ (_ (消费者消费者). ). 7 7I dont like c_dressed people. I dont like c_dressed people. 8 8The refugees main _(The refugees main _(需求需求) are food and ) are food and shelter. shelter. 9. We aim to offer good value and service to all our 9. We aim to offer good value and service to all our _(_(顾客顾客)

136、. ). 10. As the weeks passed10. As the weeks passed,I _ (I _ (逐渐地逐渐地) accepted ) accepted the idea of his leaving. the idea of his leaving. consumersconsumersasuallyasuallyrequirementsrequirementscustomerscustomersgraduallygraduallyModule 45Module 45 课前热身课前热身.词语翻译词语翻译 1 1难怪难怪_ 2 2使某人非常恐惧的是使某人非常恐惧的是

137、_ 3 3结束结束 _ 4 4看出;理解看出;理解 _ 5 5根据根据 _ 6 6违反;违背违反;违背 _ 7 7与与有共同之处有共同之处 _ 8 8通常;一贯通常;一贯 _ 9 9不用说;显而易见不用说;显而易见 _ 10. 10. 与某人关系密切与某人关系密切 _nono wonderwonder muchmuch toto oneone s s horrorhorrorendend upup makemake outoutaccordingaccording toto gogo againstagainsthavehaveinin commoncommonasas a a rulerul

138、egogo withoutwithout sayingsayingbebe onon closeclose termsterms withwith sbsbModule 45Module 45 课前热身课前热身11. 11. 挽救,拯救,使免于挽救,拯救,使免于 _12. 12. 总之;简而言之总之;简而言之 _13. 13. 效仿某人效仿某人 _14. 14. 以以的方式的方式 _15. 15. 的趋势的趋势 _16. 16. 把把称为称为 _17. 17. 以以命名命名 _18. 18. 以以为基础为基础 _19. 19. 放火烧放火烧 _20. 20. 把把转变为转变为 _ _saves

139、ave sbsb fromfrominin shortshortfollowfollow oneone s s exampleexampleinin a amannermannera a trendtrend towardstowards referrefer totoasasnamename afterafter bebe basedbased onon setset firefire toto transformtransformintointoModule 45Module 45 课前热身课前热身.完成句子完成句子1 1第一道上来的六七个菜好像就已经占满了整个桌子,盘子很第一道上来的六七

140、个菜好像就已经占满了整个桌子,盘子很危险地一个摞着一个。危险地一个摞着一个。 The first six or seven dishes seemed to fill the The first six or seven dishes seemed to fill the tabletable,_ plates _one on _ plates _one on top of another. top of another. 2 2我惊讶于他们闲适优雅的举止,而我却站在那里对他们的食我惊讶于他们闲适优雅的举止,而我却站在那里对他们的食物有些茫然。物有些茫然。 I _their easy and

141、graceful manner while I _their easy and graceful manner while I stood there _by the food. I stood there _by the food. withwithdangerouslydangerously balancedbalancedwaswas amazedamazed atatfeelingfeeling somewhatsomewhat confusedconfusedModule 45Module 45 课前热身课前热身3 3最完美的主人不管付出什么代价都会设法避免他的客人尴尬。最完美的主人

142、不管付出什么代价都会设法避免他的客人尴尬。 The perfect host is the one who _his guest The perfect host is the one who _his guest _embarrassment_embarrassment_4 4不久以后,大家都效仿他,很随意地把芦笋扔到地上,谈话不久以后,大家都效仿他,很随意地把芦笋扔到地上,谈话在友好和放松的气氛中继续。在友好和放松的气氛中继续。 Before long Before long,everybody was _everybody was _,casually _the asparagus on

143、to the floorcasually _the asparagus onto the floor,while the conversation continued inwhile the conversation continued in _. _. savessavesfromfromwhateverwhatever thethe costcost( (maymay bebe).).followingfollowing hishis exampleexamplethrowingthrowinga a friendlyfriendly andand relaxedrelaxed manne

144、rmannerModule 45Module 45 课前热身课前热身5 5他一定以为我在开玩笑。他一定以为我在开玩笑。 He _I was joking. He _I was joking. mustmust havehave thoughtthought单词点睛单词点睛Module 45Module 45 单词点睛单词点睛1 1tastetasten n. . 味道;味觉;品味,鉴赏力;爱好,志趣味道;味觉;品味,鉴赏力;爱好,志趣v v. . 有有味道;品尝;体验,领略味道;品尝;体验,领略 tasteful tasteful adjadj. . 高雅的,雅致的,精美的高雅的,雅致的,精美

145、的 tasteless tasteless adjadj. . 无味的,不可口的;粗俗的无味的,不可口的;粗俗的 tasty tasty adjadj. . 好吃的好吃的 to ones taste to ones taste 合合口味,合口味,合的意;称的意;称的心的心 have good taste (in sth) have good taste (in sth) 有很好的鉴赏力有很好的鉴赏力 have a taste for have a taste for 喜欢喜欢 taste of taste of 有有的味道的味道Module 45Module 45 单词点睛单词点睛【易错警示易

146、错警示】 taste taste 表示表示“尝起来有尝起来有的味道的味道”,是系动词,后面要加,是系动词,后面要加形容词作表语,且不能用被动语态。如:形容词作表语,且不能用被动语态。如:The meat tastes The meat tastes delicious. delicious. 【活学活用活学活用】(1) _(1) _,the food was soon sold out. the food was soon sold out. 尝起来味道不错,这种食物很快就被卖光了。尝起来味道不错,这种食物很快就被卖光了。(2) He has never_. (2) He has never_

147、. 他从未尝过失败的滋味。他从未尝过失败的滋味。 TastingTasting goodgoodtastedtasted defeatdefeatModule 45Module 45 单词点睛单词点睛(3)My brother _music. (3)My brother _music. 我哥哥对艺术很有鉴赏力。我哥哥对艺术很有鉴赏力。(4)It isnt_. (4)It isnt_. 它并不合每个人的口味。它并不合每个人的口味。hashas excellentexcellent tastetaste inintoto everyoneeveryone s s tastetasteModule

148、45Module 45 单词点睛单词点睛2 2fixfixv v. . 固定,安装;确定,决定固定,安装;确定,决定( (约会、时间、数量等约会、时间、数量等) ); 找到,确定找到,确定( (位置、时间位置、时间) );修理,校准;修理,校准 fixed fixed adjadj. . 固定的;不变的;确定的固定的;不变的;确定的 fix ones attention/eyes on fix ones attention/eyes on 把注意力集中在把注意力集中在/ /盯着盯着 fix up fix up 安排,提供;修理,整理安排,提供;修理,整理【词语辨析词语辨析】 mend mend

149、,fixfix和和repairrepair(1)mend(1)mend通常指较简单的修复过程,一般不需要专门技术或特殊通常指较简单的修复过程,一般不需要专门技术或特殊工具。工具。mend mend 可以用来表示对打破、撕破、穿破等的物或衣服可以用来表示对打破、撕破、穿破等的物或衣服进行修理或修补,也可以表示治愈创伤、矫正过错或使破裂进行修理或修补,也可以表示治愈创伤、矫正过错或使破裂的感情重归于好。的感情重归于好。Module 45Module 45 单词点睛单词点睛(2)repair(2)repair可与可与mendmend换用,但一般指需要较高的职业技能和使用换用,但一般指需要较高的职业技

150、能和使用较复杂的工具进行修理。当一种比较复杂的东西部分损坏了较复杂的工具进行修理。当一种比较复杂的东西部分损坏了或损伤的范围大时,如果表示把它修复起来,最好用或损伤的范围大时,如果表示把它修复起来,最好用repairrepair。(3)fix(3)fix具有具有mendmend和和repairrepair这两个动词的一般含义,差别在于这两个动词的一般含义,差别在于fixfix是非正式用语。是非正式用语。fixfix多用于美语,仅用于指带有安装、固定性多用于美语,仅用于指带有安装、固定性质的修理。质的修理。Module 45Module 45 单词点睛单词点睛【活学活用活学活用】(1)We ha

151、ve to _to meet. (1)We have to _to meet. 我们得安排一个见面的日期。我们得安排一个见面的日期。(2)Can you _with a bed for the night? (2)Can you _with a bed for the night? 你能提供一张床让我过夜吗?你能提供一张床让我过夜吗?(3)Her eyes _the painting for long. (3)Her eyes _the painting for long. 她两眼紧盯着画很久。她两眼紧盯着画很久。 fixfix ( (upup) )a a datedatefixfix mem

152、e upupwerewere fixedfixed ononModule 45Module 45 单词点睛单词点睛3 3oweowevtvt. . 欠欠( (债、情等债、情等) );把;把归功于归功于 owing to owing to 由于由于 owing owing adjadj. . 欠着的,未付的欠着的,未付的 owe sb sth/owe sth to sb/owe it to sb that owe sb sth/owe sth to sb/owe it to sb that 把把归功于;欠情归功于;欠情 owe sb a lot/a great deal owe sb a lot

153、/a great deal 对某人很感激对某人很感激 owe sb an apology/a letter owe sb an apology/a letter 该向某人道歉该向某人道歉/ /该给某人写信该给某人写信【活学活用活学活用】 用用oweowe的适当形式完成句子的适当形式完成句子Module 45Module 45 单词点睛单词点睛(1)I_. (1)I_. 我很感激我的老师。我很感激我的老师。 (2)He _luck than to ability. (2)He _luck than to ability. 他认为他的成功是靠运气而不是因为自己有能力。他认为他的成功是靠运气而不是因

154、为自己有能力。 (3)I _the doctor that I am alive. (3)I _the doctor that I am alive. 我仍活着这都归功于医生。我仍活着这都归功于医生。(4)_our joint efforts the task was fulfilled (4)_our joint efforts the task was fulfilled ahead of schedule. ahead of schedule. 由于我们的共同努力,任务提前完成了。由于我们的共同努力,任务提前完成了。 oweowe mymy teacherteacher a a lotl

155、otowesowes hishis successsuccess moremore totooweowe itit totoOwingOwing totoModule 45Module 45 单词点睛单词点睛4 4mannermannern n. . 方式,方法;态度,举止;方式,方法;态度,举止;( (plpl) )礼貌,礼仪礼貌,礼仪 in a in amannermanner以以的方式的方式 manner of doing sth manner of doing sth 做某事的方式做某事的方式 table manners table manners 餐桌礼仪餐桌礼仪 well well

156、 mannered mannered 有礼貌的有礼貌的【经典句式经典句式】 It is good/bad manners to do sth. It is good/bad manners to do sth. 做某事有礼貌做某事有礼貌/ /没有礼貌。没有礼貌。Module 45Module 45 单词点睛单词点睛【活学活用活学活用】(1)One thing I do admire is the polite manner (1)One thing I do admire is the polite manner _British people eat_British people eat,e

157、ven if it is just a even if it is just a potato. potato. 让我非常敬佩的是英国人吃饭的举止,哪怕仅仅是一个土豆,让我非常敬佩的是英国人吃饭的举止,哪怕仅仅是一个土豆,他们也吃得斯斯文文。他们也吃得斯斯文文。(2)_to interrupt. (2)_to interrupt. 打断别人说话是不礼貌的。打断别人说话是不礼貌的。 inin whichwhichItIt isis badbad mannersmannersModule 45Module 45 单词点睛单词点睛5 5altogetheraltogetheradvadv. . 完全

158、;总之;合计,总共完全;总之;合计,总共 together together在一起,共同;一齐在一起,共同;一齐( (常构成短语常构成短语together with)together with)【易错警示易错警示】 altogether altogether与与togethertogether极易混淆,极易混淆, togethertogether意思是:在一意思是:在一起,共同,一齐;常构成短语起,共同,一齐;常构成短语together withtogether with。【活学活用活学活用】 判断下列句中判断下列句中altogetheraltogether的含义,写出它对应的英语近义词的含义

159、,写出它对应的英语近义词( (组组) )Module 45Module 45 单词点睛单词点睛(1)I dont altogether agree with you. _(1)I dont altogether agree with you. _(2)You owe me 20 dollars altogether. _(2)You owe me 20 dollars altogether. _(3)Altogether(3)Altogether,what you said cant convince me. what you said cant convince me. _completel

160、ycompletely/ /entirelyentirelyin all/in totalin all/in totalconsidering everything/on the whole/all in allconsidering everything/on the whole/all in allModule 45Module 45 单词点睛单词点睛6 6remarkremarkn n. . 谈话,言辞;评论;注意,看,察觉谈话,言辞;评论;注意,看,察觉 v v. . 说起,谈论,评论说起,谈论,评论 remarkable remarkable adjadj. . 非凡的,奇异的,引人

161、注目的非凡的,奇异的,引人注目的 remark on/upon remark on/upon 谈论,议论,评论谈论,议论,评论 make a remark on make a remark on 就就发表意见,对发表意见,对品头论足品头论足【活学活用活学活用】(1)My _were not aimed at you. (1)My _were not aimed at you. 我的话不是针对你的。我的话不是针对你的。(2)The editor _that the article was well (2)The editor _that the article was well written.

162、 written. 编者评论说那篇文章写得很好。编者评论说那篇文章写得很好。 remarksremarksremarkedremarkedModule 45Module 45 单词点睛单词点睛7 7entertainentertainvtvt. . 娱乐;招待,款待娱乐;招待,款待 entertainment entertainment n n. . 娱乐节目娱乐节目/ /活动;招待,款待活动;招待,款待 entertaining entertaining adjadj. . 有趣的,娱乐的,使人愉快的有趣的,娱乐的,使人愉快的 entertain sb with sth entertain

163、sb with sth 使快乐使快乐【词语辨析词语辨析】entertainentertain和和treattreatentertainentertain和和treattreat都有都有“请客,招待请客,招待”的意思。的意思。entertainentertain多多指在自己家中宴请客人指在自己家中宴请客人(receive sb as a guest(receive sb as a guest;provide provide food and drink for sbfood and drink for sb,esp in ones home)esp in ones home);treattrea

164、t指一般指一般请客吃饭、看戏、看电影和球赛等请客吃饭、看戏、看电影和球赛等(to buy or do something (to buy or do something special for someone that you know they will enjoy)special for someone that you know they will enjoy),Module 45Module 45 单词点睛单词点睛还可以指使自己获得某种享受。常用搭配还可以指使自己获得某种享受。常用搭配treat sb to sthtreat sb to sth。如:如:They often enter

165、tained their friends at weekends. They often entertained their friends at weekends. 他们常在周末招待朋友。他们常在周末招待朋友。Im going to treat myself to a new pair of shoes. Im going to treat myself to a new pair of shoes. 我要给自己买双新鞋子。我要给自己买双新鞋子。Lets go out for lunchLets go out for lunch(this is) my treat. (this is) my

166、 treat. 咱们出去吃饭吧咱们出去吃饭吧我请客。我请客。Module 45Module 45 单词点睛单词点睛【活学活用活学活用】(1)He _us for hours with his stories and (1)He _us for hours with his stories and jokes. jokes. 他给我们讲故事、说笑话,让我们高兴了好几个小时。他给我们讲故事、说笑话,让我们高兴了好几个小时。 (2)Barbecue is a good way to _friends. (2)Barbecue is a good way to _friends. 烧烤是招待朋友的一种

167、好方式。烧烤是招待朋友的一种好方式。(3)He used to _films often. (3)He used to _films often. 他过去经常请她看电影。他过去经常请她看电影。 entertainedentertainedentertainentertaintreattreat herher totoModule 45Module 45 单词点睛单词点睛8 8trendtrendn n. &. &vivi. . 趋向,趋势,倾向趋向,趋势,倾向(towards)(towards) current/present/latest/recent trend current/prese

168、nt/latest/recent trend目前的趋势,最近的趋势目前的趋势,最近的趋势 general trend general trend 总的趋势总的趋势 tend tend vivi. . 易于;趋向,倾向易于;趋向,倾向 tend to tend to 往往,趋向于往往,趋向于 tendency tendency n n. . 趋向,趋势趋向,趋势(towards)(towards)【经典句式经典句式】 There is a (growing) trend towards There is a (growing) trend towards有有的趋势。的趋势。 There is a

169、 tendency (for sb) to do sth/towards There is a tendency (for sb) to do sth/towards 有有的趋势。的趋势。Module 45Module 45 单词点睛单词点睛【例句例句】 There is a growing trend towards smaller families. There is a growing trend towards smaller families. 现在家庭有日益小型化的趋势。现在家庭有日益小型化的趋势。 Old people tend to get fat. Old people te

170、nd to get fat. 老年人容易发胖。老年人容易发胖。 There is an increasing tendency for women to have There is an increasing tendency for women to have children later in life. children later in life. 现在妇女有晚生育的趋势。现在妇女有晚生育的趋势。Module 45Module 45 单词点睛单词点睛【活学活用活学活用】(1)Lately there has been a _hiring (1)Lately there has been

171、 a _hiring more partmore part time employees. time employees. 最近有雇用更多兼职员工的趋势。最近有雇用更多兼职员工的趋势。(2)Women _live longer than men. (2)Women _live longer than men. 女人往往比男人长寿。女人往往比男人长寿。 trendtrend/ /tendencytendency towardstowardstendtend toto短语储存短语储存Module 45Module 45 短语储存短语储存1 1make outmake out书写,填写;明白,理解;

172、辨认出,设法应付书写,填写;明白,理解;辨认出,设法应付 make the most/best of make the most/best of充分利用充分利用 make for make for走向,朝走向,朝前进;促成;有助于前进;促成;有助于 make up make up编造;组成;补足;弥补;化妆;和解编造;组成;补足;弥补;化妆;和解 make it make it 完成某事;赶上;取得成功;出席,到场完成某事;赶上;取得成功;出席,到场【活学活用活学活用】 根据语境选择合适的短语填空根据语境选择合适的短语填空(1)He is such a man that I can hardl

173、y (1)He is such a man that I can hardly makemake him_. him_. 他这人有些怪,我几乎理解不了他。他这人有些怪,我几乎理解不了他。outoutModule 45Module 45 短语储存短语储存(2)Can you _what that sign says? (2)Can you _what that sign says? 你能辨认出牌子上写的是什么吗?你能辨认出牌子上写的是什么吗? (3)You are always _excuses. I wont believe in (3)You are always _excuses. I w

174、ont believe in you. you. 你总是在编造借口,我不再相信你了。你总是在编造借口,我不再相信你了。(4)I think its time we _school. (4)I think its time we _school. 我想我们该去上学了。我想我们该去上学了。 mademade forformakingmaking upupmakemake outoutModule 45Module 45 短语储存短语储存2 2go againstgo against违反;不利于违反;不利于 go down with go down with 感染感染( (疾病疾病) ) go ah

175、ead go ahead 前进;前进;( (口语口语) ) 随便用随便用 go with go with 伴随,与伴随,与相配相配 get going get going 开始行动开始行动 go all out for sth/to do go all out for sth/to do 全力以赴做某事全力以赴做某事 go without go without 没有没有也行也行 go in for go in for 参加,从事参加,从事 go for it go for it 尽力争取尽力争取 go by ( go by (时间时间) )过去,依照过去,依照Module 45Module 4

176、5 短语储存短语储存go overgo over 仔细审查,仔细审查, 仔细搜查;复习仔细搜查;复习go off go off 熄灭;变质,变坏熄灭;变质,变坏go through go through 经历;通过;仔细检查,仔细寻找经历;通过;仔细检查,仔细寻找go hungry/bad/mad/wildgo hungry/bad/mad/wild 挨饿挨饿/ /变质变质/ /发疯发疯/ /疯狂疯狂go down go down 下去,下沉;下降下去,下沉;下降go against nature go against nature 违背自然违背自然( (的规律的规律) )go against

177、 sb go against sb 对某人不利对某人不利【活学活用活学活用】用用gogo短语的适当形式填空短语的适当形式填空Module 45Module 45 短语储存短语储存(1)(1)Do you mind if I open the window?Do you mind if I open the window? NoNo,_. _. (2)Its late! I must_. (2)Its late! I must_. (3)Do you think this shirt will _my trousers?(3)Do you think this shirt will _my tr

178、ousers?(4)The company will _to improve on last (4)The company will _to improve on last years sales. years sales. (5) This case may _you. Youd better get (5) This case may _you. Youd better get prepared for the worst. prepared for the worst. (6)She was scared to _her fathers wishes. (6)She was scared

179、 to _her fathers wishes. (7)It is possible to _food for a few days. (7)It is possible to _food for a few days. (8)Dave _his pockets looking for the keys. (8)Dave _his pockets looking for the keys. gogo aheadaheadgetget goinggoinggogo withwithgogo allall outoutgogo againstagainstgogo againstagainstgo

180、go withoutwithoutwentwent throughthrough句型透视句型透视Module 45Module 45 句型透视句型透视No wonder my fellow guests had had only a few bites of No wonder my fellow guests had had only a few bites of each disheach dish;they knew what was still to come. they knew what was still to come. 难怪我的同难怪我的同伴们每种菜只吃了一点点,他们知道后面

181、还要上什么。伴们每种菜只吃了一点点,他们知道后面还要上什么。【要点解读要点解读】 no wonder no wonder 难怪,怪不得难怪,怪不得【相关拓展相关拓展】(Its) no wonder (that)(Its) no wonder (that)难怪难怪;不足为奇。不足为奇。It is a wonder (that)It is a wonder (that)奇怪的是奇怪的是Module 45Module 45 句型透视句型透视(It is) small/little wonder (that)(It is) small/little wonder (that)没有什么奇怪没有什么奇怪/

182、 /不足为怪。不足为怪。wonder at/aboutwonder at/about 对对感到惊奇感到惊奇/ /惊叹惊叹/ /惊讶惊讶wonder why/how/what wonder why/how/what 疑惑,想知道疑惑,想知道【活学活用活学活用】(1)_ he didnt pass the exam. He didnt work (1)_ he didnt pass the exam. He didnt work hard at all.hard at all. 难怪他考试不及格,他根本不努力学习。难怪他考试不及格,他根本不努力学习。NoNo wonderwonderModule

183、45Module 45 句型透视句型透视(2)_ no one got hurt. (2)_ no one got hurt. 没有人受伤,这真是个奇迹。没有人受伤,这真是个奇迹。(3)I _they will arrive on time. (3)I _they will arrive on time. 我也不知道他们能不能准时到。我也不知道他们能不能准时到。 wonderwonder whetherwhetherItIt s s a a wonderwonder跟踪训练Module 45Module 45 跟踪训练跟踪训练1 120092009浙江卷浙江卷 In the good care

184、 of the nurses In the good care of the nurses,the the boy is _ recovering from his heart operation. boy is _ recovering from his heart operation. A Aquietly Bquietly Bactually actually C Cpractically Dpractically Dgraduallygradually【解析解析】 D D本题考查副词辨析。本题考查副词辨析。graduallygradually逐渐地。句意为:逐渐地。句意为:在护士的精心

185、照顾下,小男孩逐渐从心脏手术中恢复过来。在护士的精心照顾下,小男孩逐渐从心脏手术中恢复过来。Module 45Module 45 跟踪训练跟踪训练2 2The melon the Smiths served at dinner would have The melon the Smiths served at dinner would have tasted_ if it had been put in the fridge for a tasted_ if it had been put in the fridge for a little while. little while. A Ag

186、ood Bgood Bbetter Cbetter Cbest Dbest Dwell well 【解析解析】 B B本题考查系表结构。句意为:史密斯一家晚餐时本题考查系表结构。句意为:史密斯一家晚餐时上的甜瓜要是在冰箱里放一会儿,味道尝起来会更好。上的甜瓜要是在冰箱里放一会儿,味道尝起来会更好。 Module 45Module 45 跟踪训练跟踪训练3 3John was dismissed last week because of his _ John was dismissed last week because of his _ attitude towards his job. at

187、titude towards his job. A Ainformal Binformal Bcasualcasual C Cdetermined Ddetermined Dearnest earnest 【解析解析】 B B本题考查形容词辨析。本题考查形容词辨析。casualcasual不认真的,马虎的;不认真的,马虎的;informalinformal不正式的;不正式的;earnestearnest认真的,热心的;认真的,热心的;determineddetermined意志意志坚强的,坚决的。这几个词中只有坚强的,坚决的。这几个词中只有“不认真的不认真的”工作态度才可工作态度才可能导致被解

188、雇。能导致被解雇。 Module 45Module 45 跟踪训练跟踪训练4 4Its _ that he has left out _ Its _ that he has left out _ “n n” in in the word the word “governmentgovernment”. . A Aobvious; an Bobvious; an Bobviously; aobviously; a C Cclear; the Dclear; the Dclearly; a clearly; a 【解析解析】 A AIts obvious/clear thatIts obvious

189、/clear that表示表示“很显然很显然”,此句型相当于,此句型相当于Obviously/ClearlyObviously/Clearly;第二空在元音音素前,;第二空在元音音素前,用不定冠词用不定冠词“anan”。 Module 45Module 45 跟踪训练跟踪训练5 5Yesterday there wasnt time for breakfast, so she Yesterday there wasnt time for breakfast, so she had to_without. had to_without. A Acome Bcome Bgogo C Cstrugg

190、le Dstruggle Dmanage manage 【解析解析】 B B本题考查固定搭配。本题考查固定搭配。go withoutgo without相当于相当于do do withoutwithout,意思是,意思是“没有没有也能凑合也能凑合”,符合语意。,符合语意。 Module 45Module 45 跟踪训练跟踪训练6 6I _ you an apology for what I said this I _ you an apology for what I said this morning. Anywaymorning. Anyway,I meant no offence. I

191、meant no offence. A AOwe BOwe Bmake make C Cdemand Ddemand Dacceptaccept【解析解析】 A Aoweowe意为意为“欠欠”。句意表示。句意表示“我应该就今天早我应该就今天早晨所说的话向你道歉晨所说的话向你道歉”。受。受make an apologymake an apology的干扰,很容易误的干扰,很容易误选选B B项。项。 Module 45Module 45 跟踪训练跟踪训练7 7I cant thank you enough for the gift you sent me. I cant thank you eno

192、ugh for the gift you sent me. _. _. A AWith pleasure BWith pleasure BNoNo,thanksthanks C CPlease dont say so DPlease dont say so DMy pleasure My pleasure 【解析解析】 D D本题考查情景交际。上句意思为:非常感谢你送本题考查情景交际。上句意思为:非常感谢你送给我的礼物,给我的礼物, 下句应用下句应用“不用谢,不客气不用谢,不客气”之类的用语。之类的用语。 Module 45Module 45 跟踪训练跟踪训练8 8This problem m

193、ay lead to more serious ones if This problem may lead to more serious ones if _ unsolved. _ unsolved. A Amaking Bmaking Bremainedremained C Ckeeping Dkeeping Dleft left 【解析解析】 D D本题考查省略句的用法。此处完整的句子应为:本题考查省略句的用法。此处完整的句子应为:This problem may lead to more serious ones if it is This problem may lead to mo

194、re serious ones if it is left unsolved. left unsolved. 在从句中如果主语与主句的主语一致时,常将在从句中如果主语与主句的主语一致时,常将从句的主语和谓语部分的从句的主语和谓语部分的bebe省略。省略。 Module 45Module 45 跟踪训练跟踪训练9 9In only 10 years, our province has been_into In only 10 years, our province has been_into an advanced industrial province.an advanced industri

195、al province. A Atransformed Btransformed Bentered entered C Cregarded Dregarded Dissued issued 【解析解析】 A A本题考查动词辨析。本题考查动词辨析。transformtransform指指“人、物在性质人、物在性质上或形态上发生彻底或基本的变化上或形态上发生彻底或基本的变化”;enterenter意为意为“进入进入”;regardregard指指“认为认为”;issueissue指指“出版,发行,发表,发布出版,发行,发表,发布”。根。根据句意据句意“仅仅1010年间,我省就成为了一个先进的工业省

196、年间,我省就成为了一个先进的工业省”可知应可知应选选A A。 Module 45Module 45 跟踪训练跟踪训练10. 10. Do you think that housing price will keep Do you think that housing price will keep _ in the years to come?_ in the years to come? SorrySorry,I have no idea. I have no idea. A Alifting up Blifting up Bgoing upgoing up C Cbringing up D

197、bringing up Dgrowing up growing up 【解析解析】 B B本题考查有关本题考查有关upup的短语辨析。的短语辨析。housing pricehousing price与与go go upup搭配,指房价上升,其他搭配不当。搭配,指房价上升,其他搭配不当。lift uplift up鼓舞,激励,升鼓舞,激励,升起;起;bring upbring up抚养,提出;抚养,提出;grow upgrow up长大。长大。 Module 46Module 46 Which English? 第四十六讲第四十六讲 Module 4 Which English? 编读互动Mod

198、ule 46 编读互动编读互动设置设置“课前热身课前热身”,目的是让学生用,目的是让学生用8 8分钟快速浏览本单元分钟快速浏览本单元的内容。的内容。“知识网络知识网络”知识讲解部分,重点讲解了本模块的重知识讲解部分,重点讲解了本模块的重点单词、短语和句型,帮助学生整体把握本模块的内容并在学点单词、短语和句型,帮助学生整体把握本模块的内容并在学习过程中对重点有所侧重。本模块中,习过程中对重点有所侧重。本模块中,matter matter 是高考高频词汇,是高考高频词汇,尤其作动词的用法非常重要。尤其作动词的用法非常重要。convincedconvinced是高考的新热点,不仅是高考的新热点,不仅

199、要理解意义,还要注意其搭配要理解意义,还要注意其搭配be convinced ofbe convinced of。建议课时:讲练一课时;课时作业建议课时:讲练一课时;课时作业( (包括评讲包括评讲) )一课时,共一课时,共计两个课时。计两个课时。 课前热身Module 46 课前热身课前热身.单词拼写单词拼写1 1It is important for manufacturers to identify It is important for manufacturers to identify _(_(潜在的潜在的)problems at the design stage. )problems

200、 at the design stage. 2 2Do you have any r_ experience in advertising? Do you have any r_ experience in advertising? 3 3The question is one of manners rather than _(The question is one of manners rather than _(道道德德). ). 4 4Neighbours c_ to the police about the dogs Neighbours c_ to the police about

201、the dogs barking. barking. potentialpotentialelevantelevantmoralsmoralsomplainedomplainedModule 46 课前热身课前热身5 5A company cannot be sold without the a_ of the A company cannot be sold without the a_ of the shareholders. shareholders. 6 6I found it hard to c_ my feelings in words. I found it hard to c_

202、 my feelings in words. 7. She has mastered English grammar and a_ a 7. She has mastered English grammar and a_ a large vocabulary without the help of a teacher. large vocabulary without the help of a teacher. 8 8Just to satisfy my _(Just to satisfy my _(好奇心好奇心) ),how much did how much did you pay fo

203、r your car?you pay for your car?9 9The house is too smallThe house is too small,and f_ its too far and f_ its too far from the office. from the office. 1010There is a _(There is a _(倾向倾向) towards regional ) towards regional cooperation. cooperation. pprovalpprovalonveyonveycquiredcquiredcuriositycur

204、iosityurthermoreurthermoretendencytendencyModule 46 课前热身课前热身.词语翻译词语翻译 1 1在这个意义上在这个意义上_ 2 2把把区分开区分开 _ 3 3在在达成一致达成一致 _ 4 4只要只要 _ 5 5确切地说确切地说 _ 6 6在于在于 _ 7 7以防万一;如果;假设以防万一;如果;假设 _ 8 8尤其是尤其是 _ 9 9到达;进入到达;进入 _inin thisthis sensesensetelltellapartapartagreeagree onon asas longlong asasoror ratherratherlie

205、lie inininin casecaseinin particularparticularfindfind oneone s s wayway toto/ /intointoModule 46 课前热身课前热身1010总之总之 _1111与与有关有关 _1212开始开始( (认真做认真做) )某事某事 _ _1313使人失望使人失望 _1414打算为打算为 _ _inin conclusionconclusionbebe relevantrelevant totogetget downdown toto( (doingdoing) )sthsthletlet sbsb downdownbeb

206、e meantmeant forforModule 46 课前热身课前热身.完成句子完成句子 1 1很多学生熬夜观看足球赛的现场直播,这就是很多人上课睡很多学生熬夜观看足球赛的现场直播,这就是很多人上课睡着的原因。着的原因。 Many students sat up watching the live broadcast of Many students sat up watching the live broadcast of the football game, _many of them fell the football game, _many of them fell asleep

207、in class. asleep in class. 2 2中国汉语水平考试始于中国汉语水平考试始于19901990年,最初是为那些把汉语当做第年,最初是为那些把汉语当做第二语言或外语的人设立的。二语言或外语的人设立的。 _in 1990, the HSK test was _in 1990, the HSK test was initially _those learners who regard Chinese initially _those learners who regard Chinese as a second or foreign language. as a second

208、or foreign language. whichwhich waswas whywhyEstablishedEstablished/ /StartedStartedmeantmeant forforModule 46 课前热身课前热身3 3可以说有多少人说英语,就有多少变体。可以说有多少人说英语,就有多少变体。 You could say that there are _of You could say that there are _of English _there are speakers of it. English _there are speakers of it. 4 4那个

209、社会问题的解决办法在于社会和政治变革。那个社会问题的解决办法在于社会和政治变革。 The solution to the society problem _social The solution to the society problem _social and political reform. and political reform. 5 5他得走着他得走着应该说是跑着应该说是跑着去上班。去上班。 He had to walk _run to the office. He had to walk _run to the office. asas manymany varietiesva

210、rieties asaslieslies ininoror ratherratherModule 46 单词点睛单词点睛单词点睛1 1mattermattern n. . 事情,情况;麻烦事,毛病;事态,情势事情,情况;麻烦事,毛病;事态,情势(pl)(pl);物质物质UU vi vi. . 重要,要紧,有关系重要,要紧,有关系 as a matter of fact as a matter of fact事实上;说真的;事实上;说真的; 其实其实 to make matters worse to make matters worse 使事情更糟的是使事情更糟的是 a matter of li

211、fe and death a matter of life and death 生死攸关的事情;生死攸关的事情; 成败关键成败关键 no matter who/what/where, etc ( no matter who/what/where, etc (whoever/whatever/wherever, etc )whoever/whatever/wherever, etc )无论谁无论谁/ /什么什么/ /何处等何处等Module 46 单词点睛单词点睛【经典句式经典句式】 Whats the matter with Whats the matter with?怎么了?怎么了? Is

212、anything the matter? Is anything the matter? 怎么了?怎么了? Theres nothing the matter with Theres nothing the matter with没有问题。没有问题。 It is no matter/doesnt matter (to sb) if/what etc It is no matter/doesnt matter (to sb) if/what etc 不要紧,无关紧要。不要紧,无关紧要。【活学活用活学活用】(1)_to me whether you arrive (1)_to me whether

213、 you arrive early or late. early or late. 你来早来晚我都无所谓。你来早来晚我都无所谓。ItIt s s nono mattermatter/ /doesndoesn t t mattermatterModule 46 单词点睛单词点睛(2)Dont open the door, _who comes. (2)Dont open the door, _who comes. 不管谁来都别开门。不管谁来都别开门。(3)Theres something_. (3)Theres something_. 这辆汽车有点毛病。这辆汽车有点毛病。 (4)(4)I can

214、t do it. I cant do it. _. Ill do it myself. _. Ill do it myself. “我做不了。我做不了。”“”“没关系,没关系, 我会自己做。我会自己做。” nono mattermatterthethe mattermatter withwith thisthis carcarNoNo mattermatter/ /ItIt doesndoesn t t mattermatterModule 46 单词点睛单词点睛2 2debatedebaten n. & . & v v. . 讨论,争论,辩论讨论,争论,辩论 hold a debate ho

215、ld a debate 举行辩论举行辩论 beyond debate beyond debate无疑义,无可争辩无疑义,无可争辩 under debate under debate 辩论中辩论中 debate with sb about/on sth debate with sb about/on sth 与某人就某事进行辩论与某人就某事进行辩论【词语辨析词语辨析】 debate debate,discussdiscuss和和argueargue(1)debate(1)debate意为意为“辩论辩论”。比较正式的用词,表示不同观点的双方。比较正式的用词,表示不同观点的双方力求驳倒对方,说服对方

216、。力求驳倒对方,说服对方。(2)argue(2)argue意为意为“争论争论”。普通用语,表示条理清晰地陈述赞成或。普通用语,表示条理清晰地陈述赞成或反对的理由。反对的理由。Module 46 单词点睛单词点睛 argue with/against sb about sth argue with/against sb about sth 为某事与某人争论为某事与某人争论(3)discuss(3)discuss着重于交换意见而进行的讨论,不一定含不同意见的着重于交换意见而进行的讨论,不一定含不同意见的争辩。争辩。 discuss sth with sb discuss sth with sb和某

217、人讨论某事和某人讨论某事【活学活用活学活用】 After a long_ After a long_, , the House of Commons approved the House of Commons approved the bill. the bill. 经过长时间的辩论,下议院通过了议案。经过长时间的辩论,下议院通过了议案。 debatedebateModule 46 单词点睛单词点睛3 3opposeopposev v. . 反对;抵制;阻挠反对;抵制;阻挠 opposed opposed adjadj. . 反对的;截然不同的反对的;截然不同的 be opposed to b

218、e opposed to 反对反对 object to object to 反对反对【易错警示易错警示】 be opposed to be opposed to 和和object to object to 中中toto都是介词,后面加名词或都是介词,后面加名词或动名词。动名词。【活学活用活学活用】 He _his daughter He _his daughter marrying the young. marrying the young. 他反对女儿嫁给这个年轻人。他反对女儿嫁给这个年轻人。 opposesopposes/ /isis opposedopposed toto/ /objec

219、tsobjects totoModule 46 单词点睛单词点睛4 4overcomeovercomevtvt. . 征服;克服征服;克服( (困难困难) );受到极大影响;受到极大影响; 被被( (感情感情) )制服制服 be overcome by/with grief be overcome by/with grief,angeranger,despairdespair,etc etc 因悲哀、气恼、绝望等而不能自持因悲哀、气恼、绝望等而不能自持 overcome difficulties overcome difficulties 战胜困难战胜困难 【活学活用活学活用】(1)He st

220、ruggled to _his shyness. (1)He struggled to _his shyness. 他努力克服自己的羞怯。他努力克服自己的羞怯。(2)Her parents _at the funeral. (2)Her parents _at the funeral. 在葬礼上她的父母悲痛欲绝。在葬礼上她的父母悲痛欲绝。 overcomeovercome/ /getget overoverwerewere overcomeovercome withwith griefgriefModule 46 单词点睛单词点睛5 5convincedconvincedadjadj. . 确

221、信的,信服的确信的,信服的 convince convince v v. . 使相信,使确信;说服使相信,使确信;说服 convincing convincing adjadj. . 有说服力的,使人信服的有说服力的,使人信服的 be convinced of sth/that be convinced of sth/that 相信,确信相信,确信 convince sb (of convince sb (of/that/that) ) 使某人确信,使某人信服使某人确信,使某人信服 convince sb to do convince sb to do 说服某人做某事说服某人做某事【活学活用活

222、学活用】(1)I _that he knew the truth. (1)I _that he knew the truth. 我确信他知道真相。我确信他知道真相。(2)I _his honesty. (2)I _his honesty. 我对他的诚实深信不疑。我对他的诚实深信不疑。 waswas convincedconvincedamam convincedconvinced ofof短语存储Module 46 短语存储短语存储let sb/sth down let sb/sth down 放下,降低;使失望放下,降低;使失望let golet go放开,松手放开,松手let alone

223、let alone 不打扰,不惊动;更不用提,更别说不打扰,不惊动;更不用提,更别说let out let out 泄露;发出,释放泄露;发出,释放【活学活用活学活用】(1)I am sorry to_. (1)I am sorry to_. 很抱歉让你失望了。很抱歉让你失望了。havehave letlet youyou downdownModule 46 短语存储短语存储(2)At the sight of the snake(2)At the sight of the snake,the girl _a the girl _a scream. scream. 看到那条蛇,小女孩尖叫了一声

224、。看到那条蛇,小女孩尖叫了一声。(3)I havent decided on the menu yet, _bought (3)I havent decided on the menu yet, _bought the food. the food. 我还没决定吃什么菜呢,我还没决定吃什么菜呢, 更不必说买好了。更不必说买好了。 letlet outoutletlet alonealone句型透视Module 46 句型透视句型透视主句主句in casein case引导的状语从句引导的状语从句But when he asked how to spell the nameBut when he

225、 asked how to spell the name,in case the in case the customer wanted him to write her name in the book, he customer wanted him to write her name in the book, he realized that the customer had been asking the questionrealized that the customer had been asking the question:how much is it?how much is i

226、t?但是当他询问如何拼写顾客名字以防他要自己在书上签名用时,但是当他询问如何拼写顾客名字以防他要自己在书上签名用时,他突然明白过来顾客问的是:这本书多少钱?他突然明白过来顾客问的是:这本书多少钱?Module 46 句型透视句型透视【归纳比较归纳比较】 in case in case 是连词,引导从句作状语,表示是连词,引导从句作状语,表示“以防万一;假以防万一;假设,如果设,如果”。从句谓语习惯用。从句谓语习惯用“shouldshould动词原形动词原形”(should(should常常省略省略) )或陈述语气,但也可以单独使用,表示或陈述语气,但也可以单独使用,表示“以防万一以防万一”。i

227、n that casein that case意为意为“既然那样,假若是那样的话既然那样,假若是那样的话”,用来承接,用来承接上文。上文。in any casein any case意为意为“无论如何,总之无论如何,总之”。in no casein no case意为意为“在任何情形下决不,无论如何都不在任何情形下决不,无论如何都不”,用于,用于句首时句子要进行部分倒装。句首时句子要进行部分倒装。in case of sthin case of sth意为意为“若发生某事,如果,假如若发生某事,如果,假如”,是介词短,是介词短语,后接名词、代词、动名词作宾语。语,后接名词、代词、动名词作宾语。

228、Module 46 句型透视句型透视as is often the case as is often the case 意为意为“情况经常是这样的情况经常是这样的”。This is not the case. This is not the case. 情况不是这样的。情况不是这样的。【活学活用活学活用】(1)He doesnt dare to leave the house _ he (1)He doesnt dare to leave the house _ he should be recognized. should be recognized. 他不敢出门,生怕被认出来。他不敢出门,

229、生怕被认出来。(2)_rain(2)_rain(_ it rains)_ it rains),they cant go. they cant go. 要是下雨,他们就走不了了。要是下雨,他们就走不了了。(3)_can you cheat. (3)_can you cheat. 任何情况下你都不能欺骗。任何情况下你都不能欺骗。inin casecase( (thatthat) )InIn casecaseInIn casecase ofof InIn nono casecaseModule 46 句型透视句型透视(4)Haste makes waste,_. (4)Haste makes was

230、te,_. 忙中有错是很常见的。忙中有错是很常见的。(5)I will take some money just_. (5)I will take some money just_. 我会带点钱,以防万一。我会带点钱,以防万一。 asas isis oftenoften thethe casecaseinin casecase跟踪训练Module 46 跟踪训练跟踪训练1 120102010福建卷福建卷 Weve just moved into a bigger house Weve just moved into a bigger house and theres a lot to do.

231、Lets_ it. and theres a lot to do. Lets_ it. A Akeep up with Bkeep up with Bdo away withdo away with C Cget down to Dget down to Dlook forward tolook forward to【解析解析】 C C本题考查动词词组。句意为:我们刚刚搬进大一点本题考查动词词组。句意为:我们刚刚搬进大一点的房子,而且有很多事情要做。让我们开始做吧。的房子,而且有很多事情要做。让我们开始做吧。keep up withkeep up with跟上,和跟上,和保持联系;保持联系;d

232、o away withdo away with废除,去掉;废除,去掉;get down toget down to开始认真开始认真( (做某事做某事) );look forward tolook forward to渴望,盼望。渴望,盼望。 Module 46 跟踪训练跟踪训练2 2Scientists are convinced _ the positive effect Scientists are convinced _ the positive effect of laughter _ physical and mental health.of laughter _ physical

233、and mental health. A Aofof;at Bat Bbyby;in in C Cofof;on Don Donon;at at 【解析解析】 C Cbe convinced of be convinced of 是固定短语,意为是固定短语,意为“使信服使信服”;后面表示后面表示“对对的影响的影响”。根据搭配,。根据搭配,effecteffect后应用介词后应用介词onon。 Module 46 跟踪训练跟踪训练3 3It is not known yet how these huge stones were It is not known yet how these huge

234、 stones were _over a distance of _over a distance of 380 kilometers.380 kilometers. A Aremoved Bremoved Btransformedtransformed C Ctransmitted Dtransmitted Dconveyed conveyed 【解析解析】 D D本题考查动词辨析。句意为:目前还不能确切地知本题考查动词辨析。句意为:目前还不能确切地知道,这些大石头是怎么从道,这些大石头是怎么从380380千米之外的地方被运送过来的。千米之外的地方被运送过来的。removeremove移开,

235、脱下,去掉,开除;移开,脱下,去掉,开除;transformtransform改变,使改观;改变,使改观;transmittransmit发射,传播,传导;发射,传播,传导;conveyconvey运输,表达。从语意的连贯运输,表达。从语意的连贯性判断选性判断选D D,conveyconvey此处表示此处表示“运送运送”。 Module 46 跟踪训练跟踪训练4 4It seems that Westerners seldom give their friends It seems that Westerners seldom give their friends financial help

236、. financial help. Maybe. For them_friendship is Maybe. For them_friendship is mostly_matter of providing emotional support mostly_matter of providing emotional support and spending time together. and spending time together. A A/ /;the Bthe Bthethe;a Ca C/ /;a Da Da a;the the 【解析解析】 C C本题考查冠词的用法。本题考查

237、冠词的用法。friendshipfriendship是抽象名词,所是抽象名词,所以前面不用冠词;以前面不用冠词;a matter ofa matter of为固定用法。句意表示为固定用法。句意表示“对于他们对于他们来说,友谊主要是用来提供感情支持和共度时光的来说,友谊主要是用来提供感情支持和共度时光的( (事情事情) )”。 Module 46 跟踪训练跟踪训练5 5He played the computer game till late last night, He played the computer game till late last night, _early this mor

238、ning. _early this morning. A Aor rather Bor rather Bother than other than C Crather than Drather than Dmore than more than 【解析解析】 A Aor ratheror rather用于纠正所说的话或提供更确切的信息,用于纠正所说的话或提供更确切的信息,意思为意思为“更确切地讲,更准确地说更确切地讲,更准确地说”。other thanother than除了;除了;rather rather thanthan而不是;而不是;more thanmore than多余,超过;不仅

239、仅。句意为:多余,超过;不仅仅。句意为: 昨天他昨天他玩电脑游戏到深夜,更确切地说,到今天凌晨。玩电脑游戏到深夜,更确切地说,到今天凌晨。Module 46 跟踪训练跟踪训练6 6The criminal, as well as some _ people, was The criminal, as well as some _ people, was arrested by the police yesterday. arrested by the police yesterday. A Arelevant Brelevant Bskilled skilled C Creleased Dre

240、leased Dlucky lucky 【解析解析】 A Arelevant relevant 相关的。句意为:那个罪犯,连同一些相相关的。句意为:那个罪犯,连同一些相关的人昨天被警察逮捕了。关的人昨天被警察逮捕了。 Module 46 跟踪训练跟踪训练7 7In order to _ a good knowledge of English, he In order to _ a good knowledge of English, he gave up his job and went to study in an English gave up his job and went to st

241、udy in an English school. school. A Arequire require B Binquire inquire C Cacquire acquire D Daddress address 【解析解析】 C C本题考查动词辨析。本题考查动词辨析。acquireacquire获得,获得, 得到。句意为:得到。句意为: 为了提高英语,他放弃了工作,到一所英语学校学习。为了提高英语,他放弃了工作,到一所英语学校学习。requirerequire需需要,要求;要,要求;inquireinquire询问;询问; addressaddress发表演说。发表演说。 Module

242、 46 跟踪训练跟踪训练8 8The British are not familiar with different cultures The British are not familiar with different cultures and other ways of doing thingsand other ways of doing things,_ is often the _ is often the cases in other countries. cases in other countries. A Athat Bthat Bwhat Cwhat Cas Das Dw

243、hich which 【解析解析】 C C本题考查非限制性定语从句中的固定结构。本题考查非限制性定语从句中的固定结构。as is as is often the case often the case “正如正如的情况一样的情况一样”,在这种固定结构中,在这种固定结构中asas不可以用不可以用 which which 代替。类似的还有代替。类似的还有“as is known to us all, as is known to us all, as is mentioned above, as we can see(know), as has as is mentioned above, as

244、we can see(know), as has happenedhappened”等。等。Module 46 跟踪训练跟踪训练9 9Lucy has_all of the goals she set for herself in Lucy has_all of the goals she set for herself in high school and is ready for new challenges at high school and is ready for new challenges at university. university. A Aacquired Bacqu

245、ired Bfinishedfinished C Cconcluded Dconcluded Dachieved achieved 【解析解析】 D D本题考查动词词义辨析。本题考查动词词义辨析。achieve the goals achieve the goals 意为意为“实现目标实现目标”。其他搭配不合理。其他搭配不合理。 Module 46 跟踪训练跟踪训练10. I have read the material several times but it doesnt 10. I have read the material several times but it doesnt ma

246、ke any_to me. make any_to me. A Ameaning Bmeaning Bimportance importance C Csense Dsense Dsignificance significance 【解析解析】 C C本题考查动词短语。本题考查动词短语。make sensemake sense,“有意义有意义”,为,为固定短语。固定短语。Module 47 Module 47 The Conquest of the Universe 第四十七讲第四十七讲 Module 5The Conquest of the Universe 编读互动Module 47Mod

247、ule 47 编读互动编读互动设置设置“课前热身课前热身”,目的是让学生用,目的是让学生用8 8分钟快速浏览本单元的分钟快速浏览本单元的内容。内容。“知识网络知识网络”知识讲解部分,重点讲解了本模块的重点单知识讲解部分,重点讲解了本模块的重点单词、短语和句型,帮助学生整体把握本模块的内容并在学习过程词、短语和句型,帮助学生整体把握本模块的内容并在学习过程中对重点有所侧重。本模块中,中对重点有所侧重。本模块中,assume, accuse, consultassume, accuse, consult是学生是学生比较陌生的词汇,需要学生理解其意义和用法,尤其要注意比较陌生的词汇,需要学生理解其意

248、义和用法,尤其要注意consultconsult一词词义的多变和活用。一词词义的多变和活用。in spite ofin spite of,other thanother than,set set outout短语,是高考热点,短语,是高考热点, 尤其要注意尤其要注意set outset out及其相关短语的复习。及其相关短语的复习。建议课时:讲练一课时;课时作业建议课时:讲练一课时;课时作业( (包括评讲包括评讲) )一课时,共计一课时,共计两个课时。两个课时。 美文佳句Module 47Module 47 美文佳句美文佳句诵美文诵美文请用英语写一篇请用英语写一篇120120词左右的短文,介绍

249、伟大的发明家词左右的短文,介绍伟大的发明家爱迪生。要求根据所给信息作适当发挥,且需包括以下三部分爱迪生。要求根据所给信息作适当发挥,且需包括以下三部分内容:内容:1 1对该人物的简单介绍;对该人物的简单介绍;2 2喜欢该人物的理由;喜欢该人物的理由;3 3从该人物身上得到的启示。从该人物身上得到的启示。Module 47Module 47 美文佳句美文佳句Thomas EdisonThomas EdisonInventorInventor;CreativeCreative;diligentdiligent;Full of wisdomFull of wisdom“Genius is one p

250、ercentGenius is one percentinspiration and ninetyinspiration and ninety nineninepercent perspiration.percent perspiration.”Module 47Module 47 美文佳句美文佳句Thomas EdisonThomas Edison Born in America Born in America,Thomas Edison was a great scientist Thomas Edison was a great scientist and inventor. and i

251、nventor. He was once thought to be a boy who was not He was once thought to be a boy who was not worth educating.worth educating. Later, however, he turned out to be a Later, however, he turned out to be a man full of imagination.man full of imagination. I admire Edison a lot because of his great I

252、admire Edison a lot because of his great contribution to the world. He had more than 1,000 contribution to the world. He had more than 1,000 inventions. inventions. In his life time, he was always eager to know In his life time, he was always eager to know how_ things worked, which helped him to hav

253、e the nickname how_ things worked, which helped him to have the nickname “the Wizard of Melo Parkthe Wizard of Melo Park”. . Module 47Module 47 美文佳句美文佳句He was also so diligent that he worked day and night. And He was also so diligent that he worked day and night. And this explained why he had so man

254、y great inventions.this explained why he had so many great inventions. What impresses me most is his famous saying, What impresses me most is his famous saying, “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninetyGenius is one percent inspiration and ninety nine nine percent perspiration.percent perspirati

255、on.” Probably I cannot be an Edison Probably I cannot be an Edison myself, but I can be a hardmyself, but I can be a hard working teammate. working teammate. From him, I From him, I realize the secret to success is not when or where you realize the secret to success is not when or where you were bor

256、n, but what you are doing and how you do it in were born, but what you are doing and how you do it in your life.your life.Module 47Module 47 美文佳句美文佳句背佳句背佳句1 1He was once thought to be a boy who was not worth He was once thought to be a boy who was not worth educating. educating. 他曾被认为是一个不值得教育的孩子。他曾被

257、认为是一个不值得教育的孩子。 赏析赏析 该句包含了一个该句包含了一个whowho引导的定语从句,其中主句中使用引导的定语从句,其中主句中使用了了think sb. to bethink sb. to be的被动式,从句中使用了的被动式,从句中使用了“be worth be worth doingdoing”结构。结构。2 2In his life time, he was always eager to know how In his life time, he was always eager to know how things worked, which helped him to ha

258、ve the nickname things worked, which helped him to have the nickname “the Wizard of Melo Parkthe Wizard of Melo Park”. . 在他的一生中,他总是渴望在他的一生中,他总是渴望搞清楚事物的原理,这使得他拥有绰号搞清楚事物的原理,这使得他拥有绰号“the Wizard of Melo the Wizard of Melo ParkPark”。Module 47Module 47 美文佳句美文佳句 赏析赏析 该句中包含了一个该句中包含了一个whichwhich引导的非限制性定语从句。其

259、引导的非限制性定语从句。其中主句中也包含了中主句中也包含了howhow引导的名词性从句作引导的名词性从句作knowknow的宾语。的宾语。3 3From him, I realize the secret to success is not when From him, I realize the secret to success is not when or where you were born, but what you are doing and how or where you were born, but what you are doing and how you do it

260、in your life. you do it in your life. 从他身上,我认识到成功的秘诀不从他身上,我认识到成功的秘诀不在于你是在何时何地出生的,而在于你在做什么以及在生活中在于你是在何时何地出生的,而在于你在做什么以及在生活中是如何做事的。是如何做事的。 赏析赏析 主句为主句为I realizeI realize,宾语从句中又包含了一个表语从句,宾语从句中又包含了一个表语从句,表语从句中用表语从句中用notnotbutbut,以及,以及andand等成分连接了三个名词性从等成分连接了三个名词性从句。句。 Module 47Module 47 课前热身课前热身课前热身.单词拼写

261、单词拼写1 1Everybody sang high praise for her _(Everybody sang high praise for her _(热爱,投热爱,投入入) to the cause of education. ) to the cause of education. 2 2The doctor said it was just the flu. What a r_The doctor said it was just the flu. What a r_! !3 3Great changes have taken place in my hometown in t

262、he Great changes have taken place in my hometown in the last two _(last two _(十年十年)since the Opening)since the Opening up and up and Reform. Reform. 4 4He was rewarded for his good d_. He was rewarded for his good d_. 5 5Many support the former alternativeMany support the former alternative,but pers

263、onally I but personally I favour the l_(one). favour the l_(one). devotiondevotioneliefeliefdecadesdecadeseedseedsatteratterModule 47Module 47 课前热身课前热身6 6 _ _( (分歧分歧) of opinion among themselves ) of opinion among themselves contributed to their defeat. contributed to their defeat. 7 7The play is a

264、_(The play is a _(戏剧的戏剧的)representation of a )representation of a real event. real event. 8 8The man who threw a shoe at Premier Wen Jiabao has The man who threw a shoe at Premier Wen Jiabao has made a very bad _(made a very bad _(影响影响) in the world. ) in the world. 9 9Judging from the expression on

265、 his faceJudging from the expression on his face,he was he was _(_(故意地故意地)trying to upset her. )trying to upset her. 1010After ten days of rain the river _(After ten days of rain the river _(使破裂使破裂) its ) its banks. banks. DivisionDivisiondramaticdramaticimpactimpactdeliberatelydeliberatelyburstburs

266、tModule 47Module 47 课前热身课前热身.词语翻译词语翻译 1 1登上;踏上登上;踏上_ 2 2在船在船/ /飞机飞机/ /火车上火车上 _ 3 3习惯于习惯于( (做做) )某事某事 _ 4 4心提到嗓子眼,提心吊胆心提到嗓子眼,提心吊胆 _ _ 5 5意识到意识到 _ 6 6冒险冒险 _ 7 7对对有激情有激情 _ 8 8收听收听( (广播广播)/)/收看收看( (电视电视) _) _ 9 9和和一样不一样不 _setset footfoot onononon boardboardbebe/ /getget accustomedaccustomed toto( (doing

267、doing) )sthsthheartheart inin oneone s s mouthmouthbebe awareaware ofoftaketake risksrisksbebe enthusiasticenthusiastic aboutabouttunetune ininnono moremorethanthanModule 47Module 47 课前热身课前热身1010尽管尽管 _1111除了除了 _1212一系列的一系列的 _1313被公认为被公认为 _1414按任意顺序按任意顺序 _1515导致导致 _1616指责某人做某事指责某人做某事 _1717使某人难过的是使某人难

268、过的是 _1818使某人欣慰的是使某人欣慰的是 _1919来帮助某人来帮助某人 _inin spitespite ofof otherother thanthana a seriesseries ofofbebe acknowledgedacknowledged asasinin randomrandom orderorderresultresult ininaccuseaccuse sbsb ofof sthsthtoto oneone s s sorrowsorrowtoto oneone s s reliefreliefcomecome toto oneone s s aidaidMod

269、ule 47Module 47 课前热身课前热身2020撇开,不理会,不考虑撇开,不理会,不考虑 _2121与与相一致相一致 _2222使某事开始使某事开始 _2323开始做,着手做开始做,着手做 _2424无论怎样无论怎样 _eithereither waywaysetset outout toto dodosetset inin motionmotionbebe consistentconsistent withwithputput asideasideModule 47Module 47 课前热身课前热身.完成句子完成句子1 1到到19861986年年“挑战者号挑战者号”起飞之前,人们似

270、乎已经沉醉于人类走起飞之前,人们似乎已经沉醉于人类走进太空这一巨大成就而忘记了恐惧,也失去了好奇。进太空这一巨大成就而忘记了恐惧,也失去了好奇。 By the time the By the time the ChallengerChallenger took off in 1986 took off in 1986,the world the world seemed _at the seemed _at the amazing achievement of people going up into space. amazing achievement of people going up

271、into space. 2 2即便我们掌握了现在的全部先进技术,我们这个世界依然只是即便我们掌握了现在的全部先进技术,我们这个世界依然只是处于太空旅行的起步阶段。处于太空旅行的起步阶段。 _all our advanced technology _all our advanced technology,the world the world is still only _its voyage into is still only _its voyage into space. space. toto havehave lostlost itsits fearfear andand wonder

272、wonderInIn spitespite ofofatat thethe veryvery beginningbeginning ofofModule 47Module 47 课前热身课前热身3 3全世界都被震惊了全世界都被震惊了也许他们原本都以为这次太空飞行跟乘也许他们原本都以为这次太空飞行跟乘坐飞机一样没什么危险。坐飞机一样没什么危险。 The world was in shock The world was in shockmaybe they assumed this space maybe they assumed this space flight would be _getti

273、ng on an flight would be _getting on an aeroplane. aeroplane. 4 4我已经习惯于在喧闹的房间里工作。我已经习惯于在喧闹的房间里工作。 I _inside the room I _inside the room of noise and excitement. of noise and excitement. 5 5不管怎样,不管怎样,世界之战世界之战在广播史上将永远占有一席之地。在广播史上将永远占有一席之地。 _, _, The War of the Worlds will The War of the Worlds will _a

274、 piece of broadcasting history. _a piece of broadcasting history. nono moremore dangerousdangerous thanthanhavehave gotgot accustomedaccustomed/ /usedused toto workingworkingEitherEither waywaybebe rememberedremembered asasModule 47Module 47 单词点睛单词点睛单词点睛1 1assumeassumev v. . 以为,认为,假定为;承担;呈现,装出以为,认为,

275、假定为;承担;呈现,装出 assumed assumed adjadj. . 假装的;假的假装的;假的 assume (that) assume (that)假定假定 assume responsibility assume responsibility 承担责任承担责任Module 47Module 47 单词点睛单词点睛【活学活用活学活用】(1)I made a mistake and I will _for (1)I made a mistake and I will _for it. it. 我错了,我愿为此承担责任。我错了,我愿为此承担责任。(2)He _of surprise. (

276、2)He _of surprise. 他装出吃惊的样子。他装出吃惊的样子。(3)I didnt see your car(3)I didnt see your car,so I _ youd gone out. so I _ youd gone out. 我没看到你的车,所以以为你出去了。我没看到你的车,所以以为你出去了。assumeassume responsibilityresponsibilityassumedassumed a a looklookassumedassumedModule 47Module 47 单词点睛单词点睛2 2acknowledgeacknowledgev v.

277、 . 承认,公认;对承认,公认;对表示感谢;确认收到表示感谢;确认收到 acknowledge defeat acknowledge defeat认输认输 acknowledge acknowledgeas as 公认为公认为 a generally acknowledged fact a generally acknowledged fact 一个公认的事实一个公认的事实 acknowledge the congratulations acknowledge the congratulations 对祝贺表示谢意对祝贺表示谢意【经典句式经典句式】 It is (generally)ackno

278、wledged that It is (generally)acknowledged that大家公认,大家一大家公认,大家一致认为致认为Module 47Module 47 单词点睛单词点睛【活学活用活学活用】(1)Many of the poor _their spiritual (1)Many of the poor _their spiritual leader. leader. 很多穷人公认他为精神领袖。很多穷人公认他为精神领袖。(2)_that women can do jobs (2)_that women can do jobs as well as men. as well

279、as men. 人们一致认为女人可以和男人工作做的一样好。人们一致认为女人可以和男人工作做的一样好。 acknowledgedacknowledged himhim asasItIt isis ( (generallygenerally) )acknowledgedacknowledgedModule 47Module 47 单词点睛单词点睛3 3accuseaccusev v. . 指控,控告;指责,把指控,控告;指责,把归咎于归咎于 accuse sb of (doing) sth accuse sb of (doing) sth指控某人指控某人 the accused the accus

280、ed 被告被告【词语辨析词语辨析】 accuse accuse和和chargecharge(1)accuse(1)accuse指指“当面指控或指责,不一定诉诸法庭当面指控或指责,不一定诉诸法庭”。(2)charge(2)charge指指“针对较大错误或重大罪行而进行正式的法律控诉针对较大错误或重大罪行而进行正式的法律控诉”。常用搭配:。常用搭配:charge sb with sthcharge sb with sth。 如:如:She accused him of stealing her watch.She accused him of stealing her watch. 她控告他偷了她

281、的表。她控告他偷了她的表。Module 47Module 47 单词点睛单词点睛 The police are going to charge him with murder. The police are going to charge him with murder. 警察欲以谋杀罪控告他。警察欲以谋杀罪控告他。【活学活用活学活用】 Her son _cheating by the Her son _cheating by the police. police. 她儿子被警方以诈骗罪起诉。她儿子被警方以诈骗罪起诉。waswas accusedaccused ofof/ /chargedch

282、arged withwithModule 47Module 47 单词点睛单词点睛4 4graspgraspv v. . 抓住,紧握;领会,领悟抓住,紧握;领会,领悟 n n. . 抓住,抓紧;抓住,抓紧; 理解理解( (力力) ),领会,领会 grasp an opportunity grasp an opportunity抓住机会抓住机会 grasp the main idea grasp the main idea 领悟大意领悟大意 beyond sbs grasp beyond sbs grasp 不能理解不能理解 grasp sb by the collar grasp sb by

283、the collar 抓住某人的衣领抓住某人的衣领【活学活用活学活用】(1)I dont_. (1)I dont_. 我不懂你的意思。我不懂你的意思。(2)You must_. (2)You must_. 你必须抓住这个机会。你必须抓住这个机会。 graspgrasp youryour meaningmeaninggraspgrasp thisthis opportunityopportunityModule 47Module 47 单词点睛单词点睛5 5broadbroadadjadj. . 宽广的;宽的;广泛的宽广的;宽的;广泛的 broaden broaden v v. . 加宽;变宽加

284、宽;变宽 broaden your mind/knowledge/horizons broaden your mind/knowledge/horizons 开阔胸怀开阔胸怀/ /扩充知识扩充知识/ /开阔视野开阔视野【易错警示易错警示】 学生极易和以下几个词混淆:学生极易和以下几个词混淆: abroad abroad advadv. . 在国外,到国外在国外,到国外 board board n n. . 木板,木板, 甲板;董事会;船舷甲板;董事会;船舷vtvt. . 登登( (飞机、车、飞机、车、船等船等) );有偿提供食宿;有偿提供食宿 aboard aboard prepprep. &

285、 . & advadv. . 在在( (船、飞机、车船、飞机、车) )上;上船等上;上船等Module 47Module 47 单词点睛单词点睛【词语辨析词语辨析】 wide wide与与broadbroad 两者用作形容词均可表示两者用作形容词均可表示“宽宽”,其反义词均为,其反义词均为 narrownarrow,其,其名词形式分别为名词形式分别为 widthwidth和和breadth breadth 。在用于具体事物时,两者。在用于具体事物时,两者有时可互换。如:有时可互换。如: 100 metres broad/wide 100 100 metres broad/wide 100 米宽

286、米宽 a very wide/broad street a very wide/broad street一条很宽的街道一条很宽的街道 两者的基本区别是:两者的基本区别是:(1)wide(1)wide强调从一边到另一边的距离。在形容人的嘴、眼睛等之强调从一边到另一边的距离。在形容人的嘴、眼睛等之大以及与大以及与 open open 连用时通常用连用时通常用 wide wide 而不用而不用 broadbroad。wide wide 还还可以用于引申义,有可以用于引申义,有“广博的,广大的广博的,广大的”等意思。如:等意思。如:Module 47Module 47 单词点睛单词点睛 She sta

287、red at him with wide eyes. She stared at him with wide eyes. 她睁大眼睛注视着他。她睁大眼睛注视着他。 wide reading wide reading 广泛的阅读广泛的阅读 wide knowledge wide knowledge 广博的知识广博的知识(2)broad (2)broad 侧重指表面或幅面的宽广。在形容人的脸、肩、背、侧重指表面或幅面的宽广。在形容人的脸、肩、背、胸以及植物的叶时,通常用胸以及植物的叶时,通常用 broad broad 而不用而不用 widewide。broadbroad也可也可以表示以表示“( (

288、胸怀胸怀) )宽广的宽广的”,“广泛的广泛的”。如:。如: broad chest/shoulder/leaves broad chest/shoulder/leaves 宽胸宽胸/ /宽肩宽肩/ /阔叶阔叶 broad broad minded minded 胸怀宽广的胸怀宽广的 a broad/wide range of a broad/wide range of 广泛的广泛的Module 47Module 47 单词点睛单词点睛【活学活用活学活用】(1)He has _interests. (1)He has _interests. 他兴趣非常广泛。他兴趣非常广泛。(2)You shou

289、ld _by travelling (2)You should _by travelling more. more. 你应该多到各地走走以增长见识。你应该多到各地走走以增长见识。(3)All passengers _fell into the river. (3)All passengers _fell into the river. 船上所有乘客都落入河中。船上所有乘客都落入河中。(4)The passengers _the plane at 9 am. (4)The passengers _the plane at 9 am. 旅客们上午九时登上飞机。旅客们上午九时登上飞机。boarded

290、boardedaboardaboardbroadenbroaden youryour experienceexperiencea a veryvery broadbroad/ /widewide rangerange ofofModule 47Module 47 单词点睛单词点睛(5)Many people would like to take holidays_. (5)Many people would like to take holidays_. 许多人愿意到国外度假。许多人愿意到国外度假。 abroadabroadModule 47Module 47 单词点睛单词点睛6 6consu

291、ltconsultv v. . 向向请教;商议,磋商;查阅,查询请教;商议,磋商;查阅,查询 consultant consultant n n. . 顾问顾问 consultation consultation n n. . 咨询,请教;磋商咨询,请教;磋商 consult a doctor about ones illness consult a doctor about ones illness 找医生看病找医生看病 consult reference books/a dictionary consult reference books/a dictionary 翻阅参考书或查词典翻阅参

292、考书或查词典 consult ones watch consult ones watch 看手表看手表 consult sb about sth consult sb about sth 请教某人某事请教某人某事Module 47Module 47 单词点睛单词点睛【活学活用活学活用】 When I come across new words I usually When I come across new words I usually _. _. 我遇到生词时通常查字典。我遇到生词时通常查字典。 consultconsult a a dictionarydictionaryModule 4

293、7Module 47 单词点睛单词点睛7 7burstburstv v. (. (使使) )爆裂,爆炸;胀破爆裂,爆炸;胀破 n n. . 爆炸;爆发爆炸;爆发 burst in burst in突然进入突然进入( (房间等房间等) ) burst into tears/cheers/song/laughter/flame burst into tears/cheers/song/laughter/flame 突然哭突然哭/ /欢呼欢呼/ /唱唱/ /笑起来笑起来/ /着起火来着起火来 burst out burst out 突然激动地说;叫嚷突然激动地说;叫嚷 burst out cryin

294、g/laughing/singing burst out crying/laughing/singing 突然哭起来突然哭起来/ /笑起来笑起来/ /唱起来唱起来【例句例句】 If you blow that balloon up any more, it will burst. If you blow that balloon up any more, it will burst. 那气球再吹就要破了。那气球再吹就要破了。Module 47Module 47 单词点睛单词点睛 The river burst its banks and flooded the town. The river

295、burst its banks and flooded the town. 河水冲决了堤岸,淹没了城镇。河水冲决了堤岸,淹没了城镇。【活学活用活学活用】(1)The police _and arrested the gang. (1)The police _and arrested the gang. 警察突然闯进警察突然闯进( (房门房门) ),逮捕了那帮人。,逮捕了那帮人。(2)(2)“I hate youI hate you!”She_. She_. “我讨厌你!我讨厌你!”她叫嚷道。她叫嚷道。(3)Claire looked as if she were about to(3)Clai

296、re looked as if she were about to _. _. 克莱尔看起来好像要放克莱尔看起来好像要放 声大哭。声大哭。 burstburst ininburstburst outoutburstburst intointo tearstears/ /burstburst outout cryingcryingModule 47Module 47 短语储存短语储存短语储存other thanother than不同于;除了不同于;除了none other thannone other than不是别人而正是;竟然不是别人而正是;竟然【短语辨析短语辨析】other thanot

297、her than和和rather thanrather than(1)other than (1)other than 除了。如:除了。如: You can You cant get there other than by swimming. t get there other than by swimming. 你只能靠游泳游到那边去。你只能靠游泳游到那边去。Module 47Module 47 短语储存短语储存(2)rather than (2)rather than 用来表示用来表示“是是而不是而不是”,通常连接两,通常连接两个并列成分。如:个并列成分。如: He is an artis

298、t rather than a philosopher. He is an artist rather than a philosopher. 他是位艺术家而不是位哲学家。他是位艺术家而不是位哲学家。【活学活用活学活用】(1)The tall figure that you saw was none _our (1)The tall figure that you saw was none _our manager. manager. 你所见的那位身材魁梧的先生不是别人正是我们的经理。你所见的那位身材魁梧的先生不是别人正是我们的经理。(2)These are political _social

299、 matters. (2)These are political _social matters. 这是政治问题而不是社会问题。这是政治问题而不是社会问题。 otherother thanthanratherrather thanthanModule 47Module 47 句型透视句型透视句型透视句型透视 Millions of people watched that first moon landing Millions of people watched that first moon landing on televisionon television,their hearts in

300、their mouthstheir hearts in their mouths,aware of aware of how difficult and dangerous an adventure it washow difficult and dangerous an adventure it was,and and what risks had to be taken. what risks had to be taken. 数以百万计的人们从电视上观看了首次登月,他们的心提到了嗓数以百万计的人们从电视上观看了首次登月,他们的心提到了嗓子眼,因为他们十分清楚这次是多么艰难多么危险,以及要

301、冒多子眼,因为他们十分清楚这次是多么艰难多么危险,以及要冒多大的风险。大的风险。Module 47Module 47 句型透视句型透视【要点解读要点解读】形容词形容词( (短语短语) )可以在句中作状语,表示原因、伴随等,位于句首可以在句中作状语,表示原因、伴随等,位于句首或句末,往往有逗号和句子分开。或句末,往往有逗号和句子分开。【活学活用活学活用】(1)He stood there in surprise(1)He stood there in surprise,_. _. 他惊讶地站在那里,一句话也说不出来。他惊讶地站在那里,一句话也说不出来。(2)He came home_. (2)H

302、e came home_. 他安全到家了。他安全到家了。(3)After more than ten days of searching(3)After more than ten days of searching,the missing the missing lady was found at lastlady was found at last,_. _. 经过十几天的搜寻,总算找到了那位失踪的女士,但是她失经过十几天的搜寻,总算找到了那位失踪的女士,但是她失去了意识。去了意识。 unableunable toto saysay a a wordwordsafesafe andand

303、soundsoundunconsciousunconsciousModule 47Module 47 跟踪训练跟踪训练跟踪训练跟踪训练1 1They are quietThey are quiet,arent they?arent they? Yes. They are accustomed _ at meals. Yes. They are accustomed _ at meals. A Ato talk Bto talk Bto not talkto not talk C Cto talking Dto talking Dto not talkingto not talking【解析解析

304、】 D D本题考查本题考查be accustomed tobe accustomed to后的动词形式。后的动词形式。be be accustomed to doing sth accustomed to doing sth 意为意为“习惯于做某事习惯于做某事”,即,即toto后接后接动名词,表达否定之意,动名词,表达否定之意,notnot应放在动名词之前。应放在动名词之前。 Module 47Module 47 跟踪训练跟踪训练2 2Its ten years since the scientist_on his Its ten years since the scientist_on hi

305、s lifes work of discovering the valuable chemical. lifes work of discovering the valuable chemical. A Amade for Bmade for Bset out set out C Ctook off Dtook off Dturned up turned up 【解析解析】 B B本题考查动词词组辨析。本题考查动词词组辨析。make formake for走向,朝走向,朝前进;前进;set outset out动身,起程,开始;动身,起程,开始;take offtake off脱下,起飞;脱下

306、,起飞;turn turn upup调高,出现,来到。调高,出现,来到。 Module 47Module 47 跟踪训练跟踪训练3 3You didnt tell me the truth about this matter, You didnt tell me the truth about this matter, Barbara. Barbara. Are you _me of lying?Are you _me of lying? A Acharging Bcharging Bcriticizingcriticizing C Ccatching Dcatching Daccusing

307、accusing 【解析解析】 D D本题考查动词辨析。本题考查动词辨析。“你没告诉我事情的真相,你没告诉我事情的真相,芭芭拉。芭芭拉。”“”“你在指责我说谎吗?你在指责我说谎吗?”accuseaccuse常用于常用于accuse sb accuse sb of sthof sth指责某人某事,控告某人犯了指责某人某事,控告某人犯了罪。罪。charge sb with charge sb with sth/with doing sthsth/with doing sth指责指责/ /指控某人指控某人( (做做) )某事,此处不与某事,此处不与ofof连用。连用。 Module 47Module

308、 47 跟踪训练跟踪训练4 4He greeted us with a wave and a_smile, He greeted us with a wave and a_smile, obviously happy. obviously happy. A Aforced Bforced Bbroad broad C Cwide Dwide Dnarrow narrow 【解析解析】 B Ba forced smilea forced smile勉强的笑;勉强的笑;a broad smilea broad smile咧嘴笑。咧嘴笑。根据语境可知根据语境可知“他很高兴他很高兴”,因此,因此B B

309、正确。正确。 Module 47Module 47 跟踪训练跟踪训练5 5You are _ careful than your brother. You two You are _ careful than your brother. You two cant do the work that needs care and skill. cant do the work that needs care and skill. A Anot more Bnot more Bno more no more C Cnot less Dnot less Dno lessno lessModule 47

310、Module 47 跟踪训练跟踪训练【解析解析】 B B本题考查比较级结构。以下结构的含义为:本题考查比较级结构。以下结构的含义为: not not moremorethanthan不如不如;no moreno morethanthan和和一样不一样不 ( (否定两者否定两者) );not lessnot lessthanthan不如不如不;不;no lessno lessthanthan和和一样一样 ( (肯定两者肯定两者) )。比较以下各句的意思:。比较以下各句的意思:You are more careful You are more careful than he is. than he

311、 is. 你比他仔细。你比他仔细。You are not more careful than You are not more careful than he is. he is. 你不如他仔细。你不如他仔细。You are no more careful than he You are no more careful than he is. is. 你和他一样不仔细。你和他一样不仔细。You are less careful than he is. You are less careful than he is. 你不如他仔细你不如他仔细( (你比他粗心你比他粗心) )。You are no

312、t less careful than You are not less careful than he is. he is. 你比他仔细你比他仔细( (你不如他粗心你不如他粗心) )。You are no less You are no less careful than he is. careful than he is. 你和他一样仔细。通过以上分析,再结你和他一样仔细。通过以上分析,再结合句子语境,可知此题最佳答案为合句子语境,可知此题最佳答案为B B项。项。 Module 47Module 47 跟踪训练跟踪训练6 6I have no dreams _ to have a happ

313、y life. I have no dreams _ to have a happy life. A Arather than Brather than Bmore thanmore than C Cother than Dother than Dless than less than 【解析解析】 C C本题考查短语的用法区别。本题考查短语的用法区别。rather thanrather than的意思是的意思是“是是而不是而不是,宁愿,宁愿而不愿而不愿”;more thanmore than的意的意思是思是“超过,不仅超过,不仅”;other thanother than的意思是的意思是“除

314、了除了”;less less thanthan的意思是的意思是“少于,决不少于,决不”。在此处只有。在此处只有C C选项最符合。本句选项最符合。本句意义为:除了梦想过上好生活,我没有别的梦想了。意义为:除了梦想过上好生活,我没有别的梦想了。 Module 47Module 47 跟踪训练跟踪训练7 7Incredible _ it wasIncredible _ it was,it was true. it was true. A Aalthough Balthough Bthoughthough C Ceven though Deven though Ddespite despite 【解析

315、解析】 B B本题考查本题考查thoughthough,althoughalthough,even thougheven though,despitedespite的用法区别。句意为:尽管难以置信,但是消息是真实的用法区别。句意为:尽管难以置信,但是消息是真实的。的。asas或或thoughthough引导倒装句表达让步之意,其余选项都不能用引导倒装句表达让步之意,其余选项都不能用于此句型。于此句型。 Module 47Module 47 跟踪训练跟踪训练8 8His success _ a craze for choosing economy as His success _ a craze

316、 for choosing economy as the major. the major. A Aset in motion B. put into operationset in motion B. put into operation C Cset in action D. put in practice set in action D. put in practice 【解析解析】 A A本题考查固定短语含义。句意为:他的成功引发本题考查固定短语含义。句意为:他的成功引发了人们选择经济学作为专业了人们选择经济学作为专业( (来学习来学习) )。set in motionset in m

317、otion开动,使开动,使转动,调动;转动,调动;set in actionset in action使使行动起来,使行动起来,使开始开始工作,实行;工作,实行;put in practiceput in practice实施;实施;put into operationput into operation实施。实施。因此因此A A项最佳。项最佳。 Module 47Module 47 跟踪训练跟踪训练9 9The generous donation from China to the sufferers in The generous donation from China to the su

318、fferers in the killing Indian Ocean Quakethe killing Indian Ocean Quaketsunami has _ tsunami has _ the Chinese peoples unselfishness and the Chinese peoples unselfishness and internationalism. internationalism. A Alet out B. brought outlet out B. brought out C Cgiven out D. taken out given out D. ta

319、ken out 【解析解析】 B B本题考查动词短语的区别。本题考查动词短语的区别。bring outbring out清楚地清楚地( (显显示某事物示某事物) ),阐明,说明;,阐明,说明;let outlet out发出;发出;give outgive out用光,消耗用光,消耗尽;尽;take outtake out移开,拿开。由句意可知选移开,拿开。由句意可知选B B项。项。 Module 47Module 47 跟踪训练跟踪训练1010The government has not yet_the seriousness The government has not yet_the s

320、eriousness of the crisis. of the crisis. A Amastered Bmastered Bseized seized C Cgrasped Dgrasped Dacquiredacquired【解析解析】 C C本题考查动词辨析。本题考查动词辨析。mastermaster精通,掌握;精通,掌握;seizeseize( (猛地猛地) )抓住,夺取;抓住,夺取;graspgrasp抓住,理解,领悟,明白;抓住,理解,领悟,明白;acquireacquire获得。此句意为获得。此句意为“政府还没有明白危机的严重性政府还没有明白危机的严重性”。Module 48M

321、odule 48 The Tang Poems 第四十八讲第四十八讲 Module 6 The Tang Poems 编读互动Module 48Module 48 编读互动编读互动设置设置“课前热身课前热身”,目的是让学生用,目的是让学生用8 8分钟快速浏览本单元分钟快速浏览本单元的内容。的内容。“知识网络知识网络”知识讲解部分,重点讲解了本模块的重知识讲解部分,重点讲解了本模块的重点单词、短语和句型,帮助学生整体把握本模块的内容并在学点单词、短语和句型,帮助学生整体把握本模块的内容并在学习过程中对重点有所侧重。本模块中,习过程中对重点有所侧重。本模块中,shareshare,provepro

322、ve,cautioncaution,reflectreflect,expenseexpense及其拓展是重点,需要重点讲解。及其拓展是重点,需要重点讲解。take ontake on短语是高考热点,短语是高考热点, 尤其要注意其意义的多变和活用。本单元词尤其要注意其意义的多变和活用。本单元词组较多,在课前预习时提醒学生要反复识记,以备做题时使用。组较多,在课前预习时提醒学生要反复识记,以备做题时使用。建议课时:讲练一课时;课时作业建议课时:讲练一课时;课时作业( (包括评讲包括评讲) )一课时,共计一课时,共计两个课时。两个课时。 Module 48Module 48 课前热身课前热身课前热身

323、课前热身.单词拼写单词拼写1 1His economic policies paved the way for industrial His economic policies paved the way for industrial _(_(扩张扩张). ). 2 2The doctors did not _(The doctors did not _(揭露揭露) the truth to him. ) the truth to him. 3 3This experience caused him much _(This experience caused him much _(精神上的精神

324、上的) ) suffering. suffering. 4 4Everyone began shouting at once and the meeting broke Everyone began shouting at once and the meeting broke up in _(up in _(混乱混乱). ). expansionexpansionrevealrevealmentalmentaldisorderdisorderModule 48Module 48 课前热身课前热身5 5The poems provide a _(The poems provide a _(渠道渠

325、道) through which ) through which they can communicate with the worldthey can communicate with the world,and express and express their feelings. their feelings. 6 6Poor health may be a b_ to success. Poor health may be a b_ to success. 7 7We d_ the house for Christmas. We d_ the house for Christmas.

326、8 8Young people want i_ from their parents. Young people want i_ from their parents. 9 9_( (向来向来) ),he would come in late and then say he would come in late and then say that he had to go early. that he had to go early. 10. The new fashion soon lost its _(10. The new fashion soon lost its _(吸引力吸引力).

327、 ). channelchannelarrierarrierecoratedecoratedndependencendependenceTypicallyTypicallyappealappealModule 48Module 48 课前热身课前热身.词语翻译词语翻译 1 1与与齐头并进齐头并进 _ 2 2标志着标志着时代的开始时代的开始 _ 3 3认为认为是是 _ 4 4抓住抓住 _ 5 5立即,不假思索地立即,不假思索地( (回答等回答等) _) _ 6 6在在方面很糟糕方面很糟糕 _ 7 7请说吧请说吧 _ 8 8记住记住 _ 9 9又一想,转念一想又一想,转念一想 _gogo hand

328、hand inin handhand withwithmarkmark thethe beginningbeginning ofofthinkthink ofofasastaketake holdhold ofofoffoff thethe toptop ofof mymy headheadhopelesshopeless atat sthsth/ /doingdoing sthsthfirefire awayawaylearnlearn sthsth byby heartheartonon secondsecond thoughtsthoughtsModule 48Module 48 课前热

329、身课前热身10. 10. 无论无论还是还是 _ _11. 11. 给自己表达的机会给自己表达的机会 _12. 12. 为为筹集资金筹集资金 _13. 13. 对对入迷入迷 _14. 14. 呈现出新的活力呈现出新的活力 _15. 15. 与与相关相关 _16. 16. 满足满足的要求的要求 _17. 17. 与与通信通信 _18. 18. 每几个月每几个月 _whetherwhetherororgivegive oneselfoneself a a voicevoiceraiseraise fundsfunds forforbebe addictedaddicted tototaketake

330、onon a a newnew lifelifehavehave associationsassociations withwithcatercater forforcorrespondcorrespond withwitheveryevery fewfew monthsmonthsModule 48Module 48 课前热身课前热身1919形成对生活的积极态度形成对生活的积极态度 _ _20. 20. 动力和成就感动力和成就感 _developdevelop a a positivepositive attitudeattitude toto lifelifea a sensesense

331、ofof motivationmotivation andand achievementachievement Module 48Module 48 课前热身课前热身.完成句子完成句子1 1直到直到1111世纪他在诗歌创作上的天赋才被认可。世纪他在诗歌创作上的天赋才被认可。 It was only in the 11th century It was only in the 11th century _. _. 2 2诗可以帮助我们认识和探究我们的问题,并帮助我们培养积诗可以帮助我们认识和探究我们的问题,并帮助我们培养积极的人生态度。极的人生态度。 Poems can help us to _

332、our Poems can help us to _our problems and to _a positive attitude to life. problems and to _a positive attitude to life. 3 3通过写下你的情感,你可以更好地理解自己,而且如果感觉通过写下你的情感,你可以更好地理解自己,而且如果感觉自己被忽视了,你可以通过诗给自己一个表达的机会。自己被忽视了,你可以通过诗给自己一个表达的机会。thatthat hishis poeticpoetic geniusgenius waswas recognizedrecognizedrecogn

333、izerecognize andand exploreexploredevelopdevelopModule 48Module 48 课前热身课前热身 _,you can learn to you can learn to understand yourself better and give yourself a voice understand yourself better and give yourself a voice if you feel you are being ignored. if you feel you are being ignored. 4 4电视节目必须迎合各

334、种人的爱好。电视节目必须迎合各种人的爱好。 TV must _many different tastes. TV must _many different tastes. 5 5你可以拿最适合你戴的帽子。你可以拿最适合你戴的帽子。 You can take _suits you best. You can take _suits you best. ByBy writingwriting downdown youryour feelingsfeelingscatercater forfor/ /totowhicheverwhichever hathatModule 48Module 48 单词

335、点睛单词点睛单词点睛单词点睛1 1sharesharen n. . 一份,份儿;股份一份,份儿;股份 v v. . 共用;分担;分摊;分享共用;分担;分摊;分享 share sth(out) (among/between sb) share sth(out) (among/between sb) 将某物平均分配将某物平均分配 share sth (with sb) share sth (with sb) 与别人分享与别人分享( (某物某物) );与别人共有或合用;与别人共有或合用( (某物某物) );在;在( (某方面某方面) )有共同之处有共同之处 share (in) share (in)

336、分享,分担分享,分担 share ones opinions/interest share ones opinions/interest 与某人有共同的观点与某人有共同的观点/ /兴趣兴趣 share ones story share ones story告诉别人告诉别人的故事的故事Module 48Module 48 单词点睛单词点睛【活学活用活学活用】(1)_ the sweets _the children. (1)_ the sweets _the children. 把糖分给孩子们。把糖分给孩子们。(2)He told us that he was ready_. (2)He tol

337、d us that he was ready_. 他告诉我们说他愿意把他的故事讲给我们听。他告诉我们说他愿意把他的故事讲给我们听。(3)I will _with you. (3)I will _with you. 我愿与你分摊费用。我愿与你分摊费用。 ShareShareamongamongtoto shareshare hishis storystoryshareshare ( (inin) ) thethe costcostModule 48Module 48 单词点睛单词点睛2 2proveprovev v. . 证明,证实;证明,证实;linklink v v证明是;原来是证明是;原来

338、是 proof proof n n. . 证据证据 prove sth to sb prove sth to sb 把把证明给某人证明给某人 prove (to be) prove (to be)n n. /. /adjadj. . 证明是证明是【易错警示易错警示】 prove prove表示表示“证明是,原来是证明是,原来是”时是系动词,不能用被动语态。时是系动词,不能用被动语态。【活学活用活学活用】 The task _than wed The task _than wed thought. thought. 这项任务原来比我们预想的难得多。这项任务原来比我们预想的难得多。 provedp

339、roved ( (toto bebe) ) moremore difficultdifficultModule 48Module 48 单词点睛单词点睛3 3cautioncautionv v. . 警告;劝警告;劝小心小心 n n. . 小心,谨慎小心,谨慎 cautious cautious adjadj. . 小心的,谨慎的小心的,谨慎的 with caution with caution 小心地小心地 caution sb not to do caution sb not to docaution sb against doingcaution sb against doing 警告某

340、人不要做警告某人不要做( (此处此处cautioncaution相当于相当于warn)warn) caution sb about sth caution sb about sth 警告某人某事警告某人某事 be cautious about be cautious about 对对谨慎谨慎Module 48Module 48 单词点睛单词点睛【活学活用活学活用】(1)He is very _spending money. (1)He is very _spending money. 他用钱很仔细。他用钱很仔细。(2)He _the forest at night. (2)He _the fo

341、rest at night. 他警告他们夜晚避开森林。他警告他们夜晚避开森林。 cautiouscautious aboutaboutcautionedcautioned themthem toto avoidavoidModule 48Module 48 单词点睛单词点睛4 4reflectreflectv v. . 反映,反射;显示;表达;思考,反省反映,反射;显示;表达;思考,反省 reflection reflection n n. . 反映,反射;映象,倒影;反映,反射;映象,倒影; 深思,反省,思考深思,反省,思考 reflect on/upon reflect on/upon 仔

342、细想,考虑;反省仔细想,考虑;反省 on (upon) reflection on (upon) reflection 经再三思考经再三思考【词语辨析词语辨析】 reflect reflect和和reactreact react react 反应,作出反应反应,作出反应 reflect reflect 反射;表达;反映反射;表达;反映 如:如:Module 48Module 48 单词点睛单词点睛 You never know how he is going to react. You never know how he is going to react. 你根本不知道他会作何反应。你根本不

343、知道他会作何反应。 Does this letter reflect how you really think? Does this letter reflect how you really think? 这封信是否表达了你真实的想法?这封信是否表达了你真实的想法?【活学活用活学活用】(1)(1)_,I saw that she might be I saw that she might be rightright,after all. after all. 我考虑再三,认为她可能最终是对的。我考虑再三,认为她可能最终是对的。(2)He _his past mistakes. (2)He _

344、his past mistakes. 他反省了他的过错。他反省了他的过错。OnOn furtherfurther reflectionreflectionreflectedreflected ononModule 48Module 48 单词点睛单词点睛(3)Her sad looking _the thought passing (3)Her sad looking _the thought passing through her mind. through her mind. 她悲伤的表情反映了她的想法。她悲伤的表情反映了她的想法。(4)How did they _to your sugg

345、estion?(4)How did they _to your suggestion? 对于你的建议,他们有何反应?对于你的建议,他们有何反应? reflectedreflectedreactreactModule 48Module 48 单词点睛单词点睛5 5expenseexpensen n. U. U花费;代价;花费;代价; plpl.花费的钱花费的钱 no expense(s) spared no expense(s) spared不惜费用不惜费用 (all) expenses paid ( (all) expenses paid (由雇主等由雇主等) )已付费用的已付费用的 meet

346、/cover the expenses of meet/cover the expenses of 支付支付的费用的费用 at sbs expense at sbs expense 由某人付费由某人付费 at the expense of sth at the expense of sth 以以为代价为代价Module 48Module 48 单词点睛单词点睛【活学活用活学活用】(1)He built up a successful business but it was all (1)He built up a successful business but it was all done

347、_ his health. done _ his health. 他创建的企业很成功,但这一切却损害了他的健康。他创建的企业很成功,但这一切却损害了他的健康。(2)Im going to take you out to dinner(2)Im going to take you out to dinner,_. _. 我带你出去用餐,花费多少都无所谓。我带你出去用餐,花费多少都无所谓。 atat thethe expenseexpense ofofnono expenseexpense sparedsparedModule 48Module 48 单词点睛单词点睛6 6approveappro

348、vevivi. . 赞成;同意赞成;同意 vtvt. . 批准;认可批准;认可 approval approval n n. . 核定;批准;赞成,认可核定;批准;赞成,认可 approving approving adjadj. . 赞成的;同意的赞成的;同意的 approve of approve of 赞成;同意赞成;同意【活学活用活学活用】(1)I hope the arrangements meet with your_. (1)I hope the arrangements meet with your_. 我希望这些安排会得到你的同意。我希望这些安排会得到你的同意。 (2)My

349、parents dont _me smoking cigarettes. (2)My parents dont _me smoking cigarettes. 我父母不赞成我吸烟。我父母不赞成我吸烟。approvalapprovalapproveapprove ofofModule 48Module 48 单词点睛单词点睛(3)The equipment must be bought from a supplier (3)The equipment must be bought from a supplier _by the company. _by the company. 设备必须从公司认

350、可的供应商那里购买。设备必须从公司认可的供应商那里购买。 approvedapprovedModule 48Module 48 短语储存短语储存短语储存短语储存take ontake on承担;呈现;雇用,聘用承担;呈现;雇用,聘用【活学活用活学活用】 1 1写出下列各句中写出下列各句中take ontake on的含义的含义(1)The insect can take on the color of its surroundings. (1)The insect can take on the color of its surroundings. _(2)He is unwilling to

351、 take on heavy responsibilities. (2)He is unwilling to take on heavy responsibilities. _ _(3)Were not taking on any new staff at the moment. (3)Were not taking on any new staff at the moment. _呈现呈现承担承担雇用雇用Module 48Module 48 短语储存短语储存2 2根据汉语意思完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子 我们的国家正呈现出崭新的面貌。我们的国家正呈现出崭新的面貌。 Our country_.

352、 Our country_. isis takingtaking onon a a newnew looklookModule 48Module 48 句型透视句型透视句型透视句型透视 Poets use language as a way of expressing their Poets use language as a way of expressing their feelingsfeelings,whether positive ones of lovewhether positive ones of love,happiness and happiness and hopehop

353、e,or negative feelings like anger and fear. or negative feelings like anger and fear. 诗人把诗人把语言作为表达情感的方式,不管是表达爱、幸福与希望等积极语言作为表达情感的方式,不管是表达爱、幸福与希望等积极的情感,还是像愤怒、恐惧等消极情感。的情感,还是像愤怒、恐惧等消极情感。【要点解读要点解读】 whether whetheror (not)or (not)意为意为“无论无论还是还是”,引导包,引导包含选择范围的让步状语从句。含选择范围的让步状语从句。Module 48Module 48 句型透视句型透视【

354、活学活用活学活用】(1)(1)_,this is her last chance. this is her last chance. 不管是赢是输,不管是赢是输, 这都是她的最后一次机会。这都是她的最后一次机会。(2)_ we like a particular piece of news _(2)_ we like a particular piece of news _,all we have to do is to sit in front of the tube and all we have to do is to sit in front of the tube and let i

355、t happen. let it happen. 不管我们喜欢不喜欢某条新闻,不管我们喜欢不喜欢某条新闻, 我们所能做的只是坐在电我们所能做的只是坐在电视机前任其播放。视机前任其播放。 WhetherWhether sheshe winswins oror loseslosesoror notnotWhetherWhetherModule 48Module 48 跟踪训练跟踪训练跟踪训练跟踪训练1 1Eight hundred dollars a month is not a fortune but Eight hundred dollars a month is not a fortune

356、but would help cover my living _. would help cover my living _. A Abills B. expenses Cbills B. expenses Cprices Dprices Dchargescharges【解析解析】 B B本题考查名词辨析。本题考查名词辨析。expenseexpense花费,开支;花费,开支;billbill账单;账单;priceprice价格;价格;chargecharge收费。收费。 Module 48Module 48 跟踪训练跟踪训练2 2The country has already sent up

357、three unmanned The country has already sent up three unmanned spacecraftspacecraft,the most recent_at the end of last the most recent_at the end of last March. March. A Ahas been launched B. having been launched has been launched B. having been launched C Cbeing launched D. to be launchedbeing launc

358、hed D. to be launched Module 48Module 48 跟踪训练跟踪训练【解析解析】 B B此句前后句没连词,只有逗号是不能连接两个此句前后句没连词,只有逗号是不能连接两个句子的,所以后边句子的,所以后边“the most recent _ at the end the most recent _ at the end of last Marchof last March”是独立主格的形式,也就是要选择非谓语的是独立主格的形式,也就是要选择非谓语的形式,因此排除形式,因此排除A A项。项。B B、C C、D D项都是非谓语形式,但是项都是非谓语形式,但是B B表示表示

359、完成时的被动结构;完成时的被动结构;C C表示正在发生的被动结构;表示正在发生的被动结构;D D则表示将则表示将要发生的被动结构,因此选要发生的被动结构,因此选B B项。项。 Module 48Module 48 跟踪训练跟踪训练3 3Seans strong love for his country is_ in his Seans strong love for his country is_ in his recently published poems. recently published poems. A Arelieved Brelieved Breflected reflect

360、ed C. responded D C. responded Drecoveredrecovered 【解析解析】 B B本题考查动词词义辨析。本题考查动词词义辨析。reflectreflect反映;反映;relieverelieve减轻,解除,救济;减轻,解除,救济;respondrespond回答,响应,作出反应;回答,响应,作出反应;recoverrecover恢复。恢复。 Module 48Module 48 跟踪训练跟踪训练4 4The economic crisis makes jobs almost impossible to The economic crisis makes

361、jobs almost impossible to find and even able pupils feel_about job find and even able pupils feel_about job prospects. prospects. A Ahelpful Bhelpful Bhopeful hopeful C Chelpless Dhelpless Dhopelesshopeless【解析解析】 D D本题考查形容词辨析。本题考查形容词辨析。helpfulhelpful有用的,有益的;有用的,有益的;hopefulhopeful抱有希望的,持有乐观态度的;抱有希望的,

362、持有乐观态度的;helplesshelpless无助的,不无助的,不能自理的;能自理的;hopelesshopeless绝望的;无望的。本句意为:经济危机使绝望的;无望的。本句意为:经济危机使得很难找到工作,就连那些有能力的学生也对自己的就业前景得很难找到工作,就连那些有能力的学生也对自己的就业前景感到无望。感到无望。 Module 48Module 48 跟踪训练跟踪训练5 5The prize of the game show is $30 and an all The prize of the game show is $30 and an all expenses_vacation t

363、o China. expenses_vacation to China. A Apaying Bpaying Bpaid paid C Cto be paid Dto be paid Dbeing paid being paid 【解析解析】 B Bpaidpaid在这里作在这里作expensesexpenses的后置定语,所以是过去的后置定语,所以是过去分词形式。分词形式。 Module 48Module 48 跟踪训练跟踪训练6 6The large company is _ small ones by buying up The large company is _ small ones

364、 by buying up their shares. their shares. A. taking off B A. taking off Btaking overtaking over C. taking in D C. taking in Dtaking fromtaking from 【解析解析】 B B本题考查动词短语。本题考查动词短语。take offtake off起飞;起飞; take overtake over接管,负责;接管,负责;take intake in收留,欺骗;收留,欺骗;take fromtake from取自于取自于# #句句意为:大公司通过购买小公司的所有

365、股份来接管小公司。意为:大公司通过购买小公司的所有股份来接管小公司。 Module 48Module 48 跟踪训练跟踪训练7 7At last he addedAt last he added,I cannot support a policy of which I cannot support a policy of which I have never _. I have never _. A Aaccomplished Baccomplished Bapprovedapproved C Cappliedapplied D Dabandonedabandoned【解析解析】 B Bapp

366、rove of approve of 赞成。句意为:我不会支持我从来赞成。句意为:我不会支持我从来就不赞成的政策。就不赞成的政策。accomplishaccomplish完成;完成;applyapply应用;应用;abandonabandon放弃,放弃,抛弃。抛弃。Module 48Module 48 跟踪训练跟踪训练8 8He said that doing partHe said that doing part time jobs did no good to time jobs did no good to students, but few_his view. students, bu

367、t few_his view. A Aagreed Bagreed Bpermittedpermitted C Cshared Dshared Dnoddednodded 【解析解析】 C C本题考查动词词义辨析。本题考查动词词义辨析。agreeagree同意,赞成;同意,赞成;permitpermit许可,答应;许可,答应;shareshare分享,共享,共有;分享,共享,共有;nodnod点头。句意点头。句意为:他说做兼职对学生没好处,但几乎无人和他持相同的观点。为:他说做兼职对学生没好处,但几乎无人和他持相同的观点。 Module 48Module 48 跟踪训练跟踪训练9 9On th

368、e long journeyOn the long journey,Peter _ a most Peter _ a most interesting guide. We all had a wonderful time. interesting guide. We all had a wonderful time. A Apracticed Bpracticed Bbehaved behaved C Cproved Dproved Dconductedconducted 【解析解析】 C C本题考查动词的用法。首先理解句子的意思:漫本题考查动词的用法。首先理解句子的意思:漫长的旅途中,彼特被

369、证明是一个很有趣的导游。我们都玩得很长的旅途中,彼特被证明是一个很有趣的导游。我们都玩得很开心。开心。proveprove后接后接to beto be形容词形容词/ /名词或名词短语,名词或名词短语,to beto be可以可以省略。省略。Module 48Module 48 跟踪训练跟踪训练1010She is only a(n)_She is only a(n)_,not a friend of mine. not a friend of mine. A Aacquaintance Bacquaintance Bfamiliarityfamiliarity C Cannouncement Dannouncement Dfamilyfamily 【解析解析】 A A本题考查名词辨析。本题考查名词辨析。acquaintanceacquaintance熟人。句意为:熟人。句意为:她不是我的朋友,仅是一个熟人而已。她不是我的朋友,仅是一个熟人而已。familiarityfamiliarity熟悉;熟悉;announcementannouncement宣布,公告;宣布,公告;familyfamily家庭,家人家庭,家人 同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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