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1、义务教育教科书英语(广州版)义务教育教科书英语(广州版) 六年级下册六年级下册Module 3 Famous peoplePeriod 1单元整体设计内容分配单元整体设计内容分配Period 1 Unit 6 Steve Jobs单词、短语及课文。单词、短语及课文。 Period 2 课本课本P34-35 Fun with language中中Ex.1,Ex.2, Ex.3内容。内容。Period 3活动手册活动手册P27 Ex.2, P28-29 Ex.3,自编名人海报,自编名人海报,课本课本P36 Story Time内容。内容。本节课实现目标本节课实现目标1. 能在听说读写的语言活动中理

2、解和运用下列单能在听说读写的语言活动中理解和运用下列单词和词组:词和词组:iPad, probably, true, come true, company, maker, once, once again, successful, return, iPod, iPhone, lose, lost 2. 能就本课话题人物,提出自己想了解的内容。能就本课话题人物,提出自己想了解的内容。3. 能理解和流利朗读课文。能理解和流利朗读课文。4. 能在听说读写的语言活动中,凭借记忆按实际能在听说读写的语言活动中,凭借记忆按实际情况书面回答教师的的口头提问,完成对情况书面回答教师的的口头提问,完成对Stev

3、e Jobs生平细节的梳理及检测。生平细节的梳理及检测。Say out loudly 学生根据屏幕出现的提示,立即快速大学生根据屏幕出现的提示,立即快速大声说出其描述所暗示的人物姓名。此环声说出其描述所暗示的人物姓名。此环节既是对已学内容的复习回顾,快速反节既是对已学内容的复习回顾,快速反应抢答的形式也能激发学生的学习兴趣。应抢答的形式也能激发学生的学习兴趣。同时在本环节的最后,通过文字提示及同时在本环节的最后,通过文字提示及照片引出本单元本节课的话题人物照片引出本单元本节课的话题人物Steve Jobs。Say their names out loudly and quickly accor

4、ding to the hints.Thomas Edisoninventorinvented the light bulbJ.K.Rowlingwriterwrote Harry Potter booksAlexander Bellinventorinvented the telephone Mo YanChinese writerwon the Nobel prizeAbraham LincolnAmerican leaderfreed the black peopleXu BeihongChinese painterpainted many wonderful pictures of h

5、orses Xu BeihongChinese painterpainted many wonderful pictures of horses American inventormade iPod, iPhone and iPad教师在本环节的最后提出:教师在本环节的最后提出:This man was an American inventor. He made iPod, iPhone and iPad. He made the world different. Today we will know more about this great man. Maybe you cant wait

6、 to know him. Lets look at some pictures.(由此引出本节(由此引出本节课的话题人物课的话题人物Steve Jobs)Raise questionson your own教师给学生看若干图片,引导他们就这教师给学生看若干图片,引导他们就这幅图上的人物提出一些他们想知道的问幅图上的人物提出一些他们想知道的问题。既调动其积极主动思考,又为其主题。既调动其积极主动思考,又为其主动构建名人认知框架夯实基础。(学生动构建名人认知框架夯实基础。(学生已经在本模块的第五单元第二课时尝试已经在本模块的第五单元第二课时尝试就人物提出自己想知道的问题,再次练就人物提出自己想知

7、道的问题,再次练习时表达应会更熟练,更自信。同时再习时表达应会更熟练,更自信。同时再次自己构建对名人认识的思维导图。)次自己构建对名人认识的思维导图。)When you see these pictures, what will you ask me about him?Teachers may say:Who was he?/ Who is he?When was he born? When did he die?Where was he born?What did he invent?Why is he so famous / important?本章本章PPT列举了学生可能会提出的问题,

8、列举了学生可能会提出的问题,教师可以将学生的提问用关键词的形式教师可以将学生的提问用关键词的形式标注在黑板上标注在黑板上,以便学生之后将自己的提以便学生之后将自己的提问与课本问与课本33页中问题做比对。(学生已页中问题做比对。(学生已经在本模块的第五单元第二课时尝试就经在本模块的第五单元第二课时尝试就人物提出自己想知道的问题,再次练习人物提出自己想知道的问题,再次练习时表达应会更熟练,更自信。同时再次时表达应会更熟练,更自信。同时再次自己构建对名人认识的思维导图。)自己构建对名人认识的思维导图。)What did he do?Listen for meaning为培养学生良好的倾听习为培养学生

9、良好的倾听习惯教师让学生听第一次惯教师让学生听第一次(只是听,不播放课文视(只是听,不播放课文视频)并获取课文大意。频)并获取课文大意。Listen to the text for the first time.Read for detail为培养学生良好的阅读习为培养学生良好的阅读习惯及提取信息的能力,教惯及提取信息的能力,教师让学生在阅读之前浏览师让学生在阅读之前浏览课本课本P33的问题,阅读后的问题,阅读后将问题答案在文中先自行将问题答案在文中先自行做上标记。做上标记。Read the text for the first time.(1)When was Steve Jobs born

10、?(2) What did Steve do after he left school?(3) Where did Steve build his first computer?He was born on February 24th, 1955.When he finished school, he worked as a computer game-maker.He and his friend built his first computer in their home.Answer the questions.(4) What did Steve do after he left Ap

11、ple?(5) What happened to Apple when Steve returned?He started making cartoon movies.He turned Apple into the worlds biggest company. They first made the iPod, then the iPhone and later the iPad.Answer the questions.Cooperate for unknown同桌两人或以四人小组为同桌两人或以四人小组为单位小组内合作将不懂或单位小组内合作将不懂或不熟悉发音的生词及短语不熟悉发音的生词及

12、短语做上标记,发挥同伴互助做上标记,发挥同伴互助的作用,取长补短,组员的作用,取长补短,组员合作自学生词及短语。教合作自学生词及短语。教师在下一环节将进行合作师在下一环节将进行合作自学成果的检测。自学成果的检测。.Choose & Check本环节教师对学生合作学本环节教师对学生合作学习生词及短语的成果进行习生词及短语的成果进行检测。学生根据每题提供检测。学生根据每题提供的小情境,联系前后文选的小情境,联系前后文选择正确的词或短语填空。择正确的词或短语填空。.Read the textStudents:1. Follow the teacher and read.2. Read togethe

13、r all the way through.3. Read in their groups.Read the text with different forms. (1) Im going to Shanghai next Monday. I will stay there for three days. Then I will _ to Guangzhou. (2) I cant open the door now. I _ my key yesterday on my way to school. (3) Yesterday I saw him in the market. This mo

14、rning I saw him there _. (4) If you work hard, you will make that dream _. (5) Last year, he worked in a big _. He was always very busy. (6) He made lots of toys. He was a toy _. (7) If you want to keep fit, swimming is _ the best way of exercise. (8) He was a _ businessman. He made a lot of money o

15、nly in one year.probablycome trueonce againsuccessfulcompanyreturnlostmakerChoose these words and fill into the blanks.Order the story学生对打乱了顺序的乔布学生对打乱了顺序的乔布斯的生平事迹进行排序,斯的生平事迹进行排序,此环节通过读句子再次巩此环节通过读句子再次巩固所学内容,同时通过排固所学内容,同时通过排序检测课文内容的把握程序检测课文内容的把握程度。度。.( ) Steve was born in America.1( ) When he finished

16、 school, he worked as a computer game-maker.2( ) He and his friend started to build computers in their home. They called their company Apple Computers.3( ) Steve left Apple and started making cartoon movies.4( ) When Steve Jobs died in 2011, the world lost a great man.7( ) After he returned, he turn

17、ed Apple into the worlds biggest company. They first made the iPod, then the iPhone and later the iPad.6( ) Steve sold his movie company and returned to Apple.5Read and order Steves story according to the time.读下面的句子,按时间发展的顺序排列乔布斯的生平。读下面的句子,按时间发展的顺序排列乔布斯的生平。Memory Game学生通过以上环节学习了学生通过以上环节学习了课文,对课文,对S

18、teve Jobs有了有了一定的了解。为了巩固其一定的了解。为了巩固其学习成果,本环节进行记学习成果,本环节进行记忆游戏,要求学生在不查忆游戏,要求学生在不查看课本的前提下,听老师看课本的前提下,听老师口头提出关于口头提出关于Steve Jobs的问题,学生凭借记忆按的问题,学生凭借记忆按实际情况书面回答问题,实际情况书面回答问题,完成对完成对Steve Jobs生平细生平细节的梳理及检测。节的梳理及检测。Listening Scripts (1) Where was Steve Jobs born? (2) When did he die? (3) Whats his companys na

19、me? (4) Do you love playing with an iPad? (5) Do you like watching cartoon movies like Toy Story? (6) Did Steve Jobs work as a computer game-maker? (7) Did Steve Jobs first make the iPad and later the iPhone? (1)_ (2)_ (3)_ (4)_ (5)_ (6)_ (7)_Listen and write down the answers. 听问题,根据实际情况写出问题的答案。听问题,

20、根据实际情况写出问题的答案。He was born in America.He died in 2011.Apple Computers.Yes, I do. /No, I dont.Yes, I do. /No, I dont.Yes, he did.No, he didnt. He first made the iPod.Homework 1.四会掌握四会掌握Unit6生词,家听本课生词一次。生词,家听本课生词一次。2.熟读熟读Unit6课文,用英文将你所了解的课文,用英文将你所了解的Steve Jobs与与家人及同学分享。家人及同学分享。3.活动手册活动手册P31 Ex.5,看图读对话,根据对话内容回答看图读对话,根据对话内容回答问题。问题。必做:必做:选做:选做:搜集一些关于搜集一些关于Steve Jobs的图片、照片,并制作一张介的图片、照片,并制作一张介绍其生平的海报。绍其生平的海报。同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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