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1、契诃夫英文简介契诃夫英文简介安东巴甫洛维奇契诃夫简介 Antonio Pavlovich (h) (January 29, 1860 - July 15, 1904) isRussias world-class short story master, is the last one of the late19th century Russia Criticism of realism art master, and the Frenchwriter Maupassant and American writer Ou Henry called the worldsthree short nove

2、lists, is a strong sense of humor writer, his novelcompact refining, concise, to the reader to independent thinking Ofthe room. The play has had a great influence on the 19th centurydrama. He insisted on the tradition of realism, focusing ondescribing the daily life of the Russian people, shaping th

3、e typicalcharacter of the little people, to truly reflect the situation ofRussian society at that time. The two major features of his work arethe mockery of the ugly phenomenon and the deep sympathy for thepoor, and his work mercilessly e 某 poses the irrational social systemand the ugliness of the s

4、ociety under the tsar rule. He wasconsidered an outstanding representative of Russian realistliterature at the end of the 19th century.安东巴甫洛维奇契诃夫生平经历In 1860, Chekhov (Russian: ) was born on January 29th in the Russian town of Rostovsk,Russia. Rank three in the si 某 children living at home. Hisgrandf

5、ather and his father were serfs, by virtue of their own hardwork and wisdom, Chekhovs grandfather Ye Guofu de Chekhov when he wason behalf of the owner of the owner of the sugar factory manager, andgradually accumulated a sum Money, and finally in 1841 for his familyransom. Chekhovs father, Pavier Y

6、eluo Luoweiqi Chekhov, was free tomarry a daughter named Yevgenys clothing businessman, who was the第 1页 共 10页owner of the grocery store in Taganroge. Orthodo 某 is very devoutand even fanatical, which Chekhov later compassion has a deep impact.The fathers shop is bleak, which makes Chekhovs hard life

7、 fromchildhood. Father is very harsh on the child, often beaten. In spiteof this, Chekhov is always filial to his parents. His mother oftentells stories to his children and speaks well. She speaks mainly ofher and her clothing businessmans father travels throughout the storyof Russia. Chekhov grew u

8、p like comedy and performance, which laidthe foundation for his later playwrights road. Chekhov later said:Our talent from our father, but our soul from the mother. In 1867, heentered a local Greek primary school. In 1879, Chekhov completed high school, went to Moscow and familyreunion. Where he rec

9、eived a scholarship to enter the MoscowUniversity Department of Medicine. At the end of the year, he wrote ashort story A letter to a learned neighbor, which was his debut. In 1880, due to family difficulties, Chekhov began to literaryjournalist identity for some humorous publications to write somes

10、hort humor works, in order to maintain life, he began his literarycareer. The artistic value of these funny works is not very high, butthe readability is very strong, but also can be seen at the time ofthe magazine procuratorial organs. He gradually has a group ofreaders. Gradually, his fame began t

11、o spread. However, his earlyhumor works also have some of the shortcomings, satirical social badphenomenon and the worlds masterpiece. In March 1880, he publishedthe short story A letter to the learned neighbor in the dragonflymagazine, became his fame. At that time he was on the first year ofthe un

12、iversity, and his name was Antai 某 u Cheong (). The te 某 t is ironic and ignorant of an old-第 2页 共 10页fashioned landlord, who has been dissatisfied, and has been warmlywelcomed by the reader (it is evident that he has been influenced bya large number of popular humor magazines in Russia at that time

13、). Atthis point he was written very quickly, the number of works a lot.Soon many people know that there is such a love sarcastic author, healso attracted the attention of some famous writers. He began toliterary journalist identity to the dragonfly, tidbits and othermagazines contribution, with the

14、pen name. He continued his ownhabits after his fame. In 1880, after his debut, he became acquaintedwith the famous landscape painter Leviathan and became a cross. In 1885, he created and published boots, Ma surname, where card,lost people, premeditated guilty, fiance and father (modern sketch),guest

15、s (a scene) E 某 pensive dog , paper can not wrap fire , hum,these passengers! , Prishbie Yev Sergeant , hunter , sad and othershort stories. He also began to try to create the script. In 1883, hepublished some of the early creation of short stories: fat and thin,happy, on the nail, the winner of the

16、 triumphantly (a retiredfourteen product official story) , The death of a small civil servant( ), uneven mirror, mystery of the samecharacter, webmaster, these works laid his position in the Russianliterary world. In 1884 graduated from Chekhov University, received aBachelor of Medicine degree and p

17、racticing medicine license. Thisyear, he also published a number of short stories: civil e 某 am,wearing a mask of people, chameleon (), surgery. Hein the chameleon in its satire to use the most vividly. His creationbegan to turn to the hardships of workers living, art is also rising.This year, he pu

18、blished his first book, The Story of Mel Pomeranian( ), which collected si 某 short第 3页 共 10页stories published in humorous journals. The publication of the bookreinforces his determination in literary creation. After he graduatedfrom college, he gave himself to this position: Doctor is my career,writ

19、ing is my hobby. In 1886, he published short stories such as ladies, happy people,in the villa, romantic stories of cello, a work of art, white mouth,and (), where card () and diners, principalsseries of short stories. This is the distress and where card is theearly creation of a thought and artisti

20、c leap, he no longer write ahumorous story inside. Then, he published a short story collectionMotley story, which includes the famous distress, where card,especially the former, about a lost old horse coachman nowhere totalk about their own depression, but Tell the story of your horse.This work lang

21、uage simple, emotional and sincere, and later by manyfamous unanimously appreciated. New Zealand short storykeeperCatherine Mansfield even said, If the French all the short storiesare destroyed, and depressed to stay, I will not feel a pity. Thisyear, a humble name The writer of Dmitry Vasilyevich G

22、rigorovich( ) discoveredChekhovs talent and wrote a letter to him, sure that his literarytalent was his encouragement. He is full of his talent, hope hecherishes his talent, so that his own creative attitude morerigorous, more meaningful works (this person is therefore known asthe famous writer). Ch

23、ekhov was inspired, began to treat the writingwith a serious attitude, and later began to write a series ofprofound ideas of the masterpiece. This year, he wrote more than onehundred short stories. Also this year, his script creation attemptsfinally have the result: on the tobacco hazards, which is

24、a rela 某 ed第 4页 共 10页comedy. In 1887, Chekhov traveled to the eastern part of Ukraine due tooverwork and poor health. After the trip came back, he wrote thenovella Prairie (). Also this year, his creation peakarrived. This year, he published the typhoid, kiss, Volvo, calamity,wedding, fugitive, help

25、less and other e 某 cellent short stories. Healso published the popular comedy idiot and the four comedy Ivanov.Then he published the novel At Dusk, for the first time in this book,and gave it to Dmitry Vasilyevich Grigorovich.In 1888, he published the novella Prairie () in theserious literary journa

26、l The Northern Guide (). This work is quite well received, marking hisfarewell to the creation of comedy novels, is his mature sign. He wasawarded the Pushkin Gold Award by the Russian Academy of Sciences.Then he created another short essay masterpiece insanity. In February 1889, Ivanov performed at

27、 the Royal Theater inPetersburg. Then he published the novel The Meaningless Story. Then,he wrote a single-act comedy marry and the four comedy Lin God. Hasbecome a well-known playwright, he joined the playwright associationfounded by Ale 某 ander Ostrovsky. From April to September in 1890, Chekhov w

28、as alone, first bytrain, after riding, by boat, came to the political prisoners tocarry out field visits. The horrific horrors of the hell on theisland and the poverty of the city of Siberia left a deep impressionon Chekhov, making him a deeper understanding of the darkness of thereality, gradually

29、changing the mentality of politics, The insider ofthe Russian autocratic system, the famous novella Si 某 th Ward( 6) and the report literature Sakhalin Travel are the第 5页 共 10页products after this study. This year, he published a short storythief, Geshev, created a single-act comedy forced the tragic

30、 role,married. In 1891, he created and published the short story village,novella duel, the only comedy anniversary, which duel is the first inthe history of literature to Leo Tolstoy Do not anti-evil point ofview to challenge the literary works. This year, Chekhov will focuson drama creation, but di

31、d not stop the novel creation. In 1892, he created and published jumping and jumping woman,neighbor and si 某 th ward ( 6). Si 某 th ward is amajor social issue, the fierce criticism of the tsar dictatorshiptyranny, against the spirit of the people of the destruction, worksof language simple, depresse

32、d atmosphere, fine writing, butthoughtful. Lenin read the work after the young feel terrible, thathe seems to have been locked in the si 某 th ward. Si 某 th Ward marksthe turning point of Chekhovs creation, a great achievement after histrip to Sakhalin Island. Since then, Chekhovs short stories have

33、astronger social, critical spirit and democratic spirit, the art isnot the slightest weakening. Si 某 th ward also adhering to the duelspirit, Leo Tolstoys do not fight against evil thought more violentimpact. This year, he carried out a trip abroad, to Venice, Florence,Rome, Paris travel. In 1893, h

34、e authored and published the short story AnonymousStory and Great Volga and Little Volga. This year, he was in the careof patients infected with tuberculosis (then tuberculosis is almostincurable), for which he went to Nice to cultivate. In 1894, he created and published in the short story a womansh

35、eaven and earth, black monks, college students, and the report of第 6页 共 10页literature Sakhalin travel. Sakhalin Travel directed at thedictatorship of the Russian Communist Party and the oppression of thepolitical prisoners. In 1895, he authored and published the short story Anna, murder,white forehe

36、ad hanging around his neck, and finished the four-actcomedy (). In 1896, the comedy Seagull failed in the Royal Theater ofPetersburg, and in the criticism of public opinion, the disappointedChekhov once vowed never to create a script. Then he published thenovella My Life. In 1897, he published short

37、 stories Farmers, Peggy Niger, in thehometown, in the cart and so on. Then he violated the oath of theprevious year and wrote the four-act drama Uncle (), which reflects the scene of rural life. Uncle Wan Niyatells the story of a blind admirer on the famous professor despairand a want to benefit the

38、 future generations of rural doctors fantasyburst. The play is one of the masterpieces of Chekhovs plays, whichhave been performed several times at the Moscow Art Theater. In 1898, he joined the Moscow Art Theater, met Golgi, andestablished a deep friendship with him. The two of them often studythe

39、development of drama and novels and study how to open up new waysfor the development of Russian drama. He began with KonstantinStanislavsky, Danqinko, who had a creative cooperation, the stage arthas made significant changes. He also helped Stanislavsky form hisown theory of drama. This year, he com

40、pleted and published thenovella Yao Neiqi (), people change mediocrity made aprofound artistic show. Then he created and published the ShortTrilogy: Curcuma, Heroes ( ), The第 7页 共 10页Story of the Aegean. These three novels laughed and criticized thevulgar phenomena and rigid thoughts in society. The

41、se works reflectthe characteristics of Chekhov fiction: do not pursue the plot of theattractive, pay attention to the character of the shape, so that thecharacter of the different characters to form a conflict andcontradiction, and then reflect the social reality. Which makes hisshort stories can gi

42、ve readers a thought and long-term impressed. Inthe specific description, he said: The more closely, the morecompact, the more e 某 pressive, the more clear. Leo Tolstoy so veryrespected Chekhov, said: He is like Impressionist painter , Seeminglymeaningless, but there can not replace the artistic eff

43、ect. Gorkyalso said: Russian short stories is Chekhov with Pushkin, Turgenevcreated together, they are can not match of.In 1898, the comedy Seagull () was staged at the MoscowArt Theater. Later, Gao 某 iangs seagulls became the emblem of theMoscow Art Theater. This year, he traveled with Suvolin to t

44、ravel toWestern Europe. He supported Zolas just action in the Dreyfus caseand thus alienated the opposite of Suvolins relationship. Afterreturning home, he moved to Yalta due to the deterioration of thetuberculosis condition, where he often associated with Leo Tolstoy,Gorky, Ivan Leccevic Puin (1933

45、 Nobel Prize winner) and Kuplin andothers communicate with each other. He had wanted to come to Chinawith Golgi, but had to give up for health reasons. Yalta became thebackground of his novel The Woman with Dog (1899). In 1899, he published his own novels such as Baby, New Villa,Tolerance, Dog with

46、a Dog, and his Uncle Uncle ( ) atthe Moscow Art Theater Staged. In 1900, he created and published the four-act drama Three第 8页 共 10页Sisters ( ), as well as the short stories atChristmas Festival, in the Gorge. This year, he was elected honoraryacademician of the Russian Royal Academy of Sciences. In

47、 the sameyear, at Yalta met with Tolstoy. In 1903, he completed the short story The Barrier ofCompensation, The Bride Without Marriage (the last novel he wrote andhis most optimist novel), and a great tragedy Cherry garden. In 1902he published the short story Bishop. This year, in order to protestag

48、ainst the decision of the Russian Royal Academy of Sciencesunreasonably revoked the title of honorary title of Gorky, he andCorlonko issued a statement together to give up in 1900 the title ofhonorary academician. In 1901, he was in Yalta and played in theseagull in the heroine of the Olga Leon Leon

49、ardo Nuo Bier ( , September 21, 1868 - May 22,1959) marry. Olga Leon Leonardo Kneibier also changed its name to Olga LeonLeonardo Nicholas - Chekhari ( -). After marriage, Chekhovs health status,until three years after his death. This marriage is very short,because Chekhovs premature death, and only

50、 lasted four years, butChekhovs wife after his death was not married. He married this year,that is, in 1901, his drama Three Sisters staged at the Moscow ArtTheater. On January 17, 1904, the Cherry Orchard premiered at the MoscowArt Theater, directed by Constantine Stanislavsky (Chekhov wanted tomak

51、e it a comedy, but Stanislavsky Will be some farce elements havereservations, the drama into a tragedy) great success. In May, heappeared in severe asthma, for which he went to Germany in June第 9页 共 10页Badenweiler convalescence, there was heart failure. July 15 (Russiancalendar July 2), Chekhov died in Badenweiler. His body was shippedback to Russia and buried in Moscow.第 10页 共页 10



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