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1、 Communication Manner in the business World 商务世界里的交流方式商务世界里的交流方式Social Manner and Style社交礼仪和风格Avoiding the commonly made errors in Social Behaviors社交礼仪几大忌社交场合的礼仪1.Body Noise 身体发出的声音Coughing 咳嗽 Turn the head from people and cover your mouth with your handkerchief. Say softly “Excuse Me” Respond with

2、“Bless you”Yawning 打哈欠 Apologize must be made by blaming your yawn on lack of sleep, even when boring is the cause. Never pretend people can not hear it.社交场合的礼仪2.Same sex generally do not hold hands 同性朋友不要牵手3.Refrain from greetings that involve hugging 一般情况下问候时都不用拥抱4.Escalator 乘坐扶手电梯时应靠右5.Unreceptiv

3、e to being touched 避免身体接触 保持身体距离 社交场合的礼仪6.Body Fidgeting This is absolutely forbidden in social behavior:身体不停晃动二郎腿,不停抖动在办公室的举止Swirling the pen转动手上的笔Swirling the ring转戒指Hands crossed两手交叉放胸前Putting the chair in order把椅子放好Knocking with your hand手指敲击桌面Hands on the waist双手叉腰Holding the door for the follo

4、wers为后来者按着门Biting your finger咬手指小动作影响大坐电梯的礼仪Let people get out first先出后入The last passenger最后冲入的乘客Loud conversation勿高谈阔论Spare room for people getting out腾出空间让后面的人先出Reaching out for the button进入后按楼层键Greeting打招呼Ladies with long hair长发女士须注意Learn to Take Compliments Graciously学习如何接受赞美vWhen someone praise

5、s your work or performance, express your thanksThank you.Thank you, you are very kind to do so.Thank you, I am glad that you like this song.No.I sing very poorly.It is not that good.Business Introductionand Handshaking商务介绍和握手礼仪First Greetings初次见面Self Introduction自我介绍Social Introduction社交介绍Business I

6、ntroduction商业介绍A man is always introduced to a woman先把男士介绍给女士v“Miss Wang, I would like you to meet Mr. Li”v “王小姐,让我介绍李先生给你认识。”v“Mr. Li, this is Miss Wang”v “李先生,这位是王小姐。”v先把年轻的介绍给年长的人(1)先把比较熟悉的人介绍给比较陌生的人Social Introduction社交介绍(1)Miss Wang(2)Mr.Li先男后女Business manner different from social introduction

7、manner, because it is based on hierarchy(阶级地位),rank(社会地位)and authority(权威人士).The rule is:-People of less authority are introduced to people of greater authority. 职位较低的被介绍给职位较高的。-Gender and Age play no role 性别与年龄,不列入规则Exceptional Cases 例外情况:-Clients and Officials are always more important than people

8、 in your company (CEO). 客人及官方人员永远比你公司的高层人士重要。Business Introduction商务介绍 The Greatest Fears about Making an IntroductionBusiness Introduction商务介绍Forgetting a Persons Name忽然忘记客人名字Mispronouncinga Persons Name说错客人的名字Hearing a Name But Not Understanding it.听不懂e.g. Giancarlo Ermotti李祎范赟Title puts the perso

9、n into context for others. 头衔把人们放进恰当的社会角色中去。 Is this a professor? 教授? a doctor? 医生? a priest? 神父? an engineer? 工程师? an accountant? 会计师?Using Titles称呼头衔vNever assume that you can call someone by his or her first name automatically.v永远不要自认为可以直接称呼别人的名字。vYou should use a persons title until you are invi

10、ted to use the first name.v有头衔的话一定要称呼头衔。Mr.Mrs./ Miss/ MsMs or Miss - Unmarried Women (未婚) Mrs. - Married Women (已婚)Social Titles社交中常用头衔How to Make a GreatImpression in Giving andReceiving Name Cards如何通过递送和接受名片留下深刻印象?Giving and Receiving 名片交换1.交换名片时,应双手递出名片给客人,名片正面朝上。 同样的,在接受名片时亦应双手接过来。 - Mr. Johnso

11、n, can I give my card to you? - Mr. Johnson, this is my card.2.如商务餐宴中交换名片时,应在餐前或餐后,不应在用餐期间交换。3.名片递给中国人,中文面朝上;递给外国人,英文面朝上。Business Card名片How to Make a Great impression by Reading Name Card 留下深刻的印象Business Card名片When Handed a NameCard, Read it把名片读出Acknowledgethe Company确认公司名称Say the Name Out Loud 读出名字

12、Mention the Job Title提及职位e.g. “Gwendolyn Emottie” “Did I Say Correctly?”vIn a group of outsiders, a boss should always acknowledge the presence of staff members and make sure that theyre introduced to the group.v要记得在别人面前介绍自己的团队成员。上级应该说“我的同事”,下级则需记住“老板永远是老板”。vIf youre introducing a client to your adm

13、inistrative assistant, make sure to introduce the client in the same way that the client should be addressed.v介绍客户给内部同事时,要记得用正式的称谓。 Addressing Your Staff, Your Colleagues and Your Boss 称呼你的员工,同事和上司Mannerly survival atMeeting & Conferences见面和会议的礼貌技巧Receiving Clients at Your Office (I)接待礼仪vBe Prepared

14、 客户来之前做好准备(标语、横幅、迎接人员)vTake initiative and greet your client 争取主动Greeting 先打招呼The purpose of the clients visit 了解客户拜访的目的vYour Client should be on your right 前为尊,右为大vYour Client should be at the center 三人行,中为尊vShould let your female client move a bit in front of you 男女同行,女士优先Receiving Clients at Your

15、 Office (II)接待礼仪vClimbing up staircase 上楼梯(客人先) vGetting into lift 进电梯 我们先进入电梯控制Receiving Clients at Your Office (III)接待礼仪Climbing down staircase 下楼梯(我们先) Getting out of the lift 出电梯 则客人先出vSeating height 座位的高度vBlinding light coming in through windows 从窗帘透入的光线vA desk as a barrier 书桌成为你与客人的障碍vRefreshm

16、ents 茶水的招待vInterruptions 避免受到妨碍Receiving Clients at Your Office (IV)接待礼仪对坐(上司和部下)Receiving Clients at Your Office (IV)接待礼仪AB侧向(适合方桌)横坐(通常不适合商务场合)选择合适的座位ABBAvMaking appointment 拜访前应先预约vRe-confirm once again on the day of the meeting 拜访当天应联系被拜访者,做再次确认vPunctuality 准时到达vUpon arrival How you should prese

17、nt yourself 到达后 你应如何自我介绍 - Manners to be observed at waiting area 等候时应注意的礼貌Business Meeting at Clients Office商务拜访会议vExpress your thanks to who ever leads to the meeting room 被引进会客室时,向引路者表示感谢vLet your client know how much time you have for this meeting (If you have another one to follow) 如你有其他的会议应提早通

18、知客户vThanks your clients time in attending this meeting 会议结束后,道别时,必须感谢被拜访者给予这个会议的时间vDress for the occasion 注意着装 Business Meeting at Clients Office商务拜访会议Car taking车的座次DriverDACBDriver (host) + VIP A B C DBossABDCBoss (host) + VIP A B C D主持人的开场白3-5分钟简洁明确内容包括:会议目的介绍与会者发言时间分配纪律规则制定会议记录者How to chair a Mee

19、ting with Professionalism如何专业的主持会议v冷场时会议主持者先挑熟悉内容的人发言。v如果遇到有开小会的现象,靠近其椅背给对方施加压力,或沉默,或手放在其椅背上进行提醒。v如果会议内容是brainstorming形式,且涉及项目众多,可采用合并同类项的方法,列出不同程度的重要性。How to chair a Meeting with Professionalism如何专业的主持会议Manners Matter atWestern Meal西餐中的礼仪男女间隔主人右手边为最重要的异性客人主人左手边为第二重要的异性客人Table settings餐桌的摆设A FemaleD

20、 MaleD FemaleB MaleC MaleC FemaleB FemaleA Male3 courses or 4 course Meal1)Starter/Appetizer Very light seafood (salmon, crabmeat, shrimp) Very small portion of meat (Slice of duck breast or cold meat)2)Soup/Salad Clear soup (Italian mixed vegetable soup, ox-tail soup) Cream soup (Mushroom soup, chi

21、cken with sweet corn soup ) Vegetable Salad Sorbet3)Entre Meat (Steak, Lamb, Duck, Chicken, Pork) Seafood (Fish, Prawn, Crabmeat)4)Dessert Cake, Fruit, Ice-cream, CheeseReading Menu and Ordering阅读菜谱及点餐Table Setting餐具摆放注意事项:餐具由外到里拿,刀刃朝里,叉尖朝上。面包不需要用餐具,可以用手掰。黄油如果从公共盘中取,要一次取出多一点放在自己盘中。喝汤的汤勺从里往外,不能用嘴吹凉。吃

22、到最后的汤,将盘往外倾斜用勺从里往外舀。如果汤没有喝完,需要暂时离开,可以将汤勺放在碗里,表示还没有用完。肉食类的,切多少吃多少。不要一下子全部切开。中途离开,刀叉可以八字形放在盘中。如果吃完离开,可以将刀叉平行重叠放在盘中。注意事项:盐、胡椒用完归位。茶、咖啡的调羹是用来调的,不要用来喝。甜点一点一点吃。小费一般1015。一般西餐中每桌都有指定的服务生,所以不要麻烦不是负责你们桌的服务生。如果餐具掉在地上,自己不要捡,让服务生来换成新的。如果想分享事物,请事先和厨师沟通。饭前女士可以把口红擦掉。说话时记得把餐具放下。1.Purses, briefcases, keys, hats, glov

23、es, eyeglasses Keep them off the table 不要把你的私人物品放在餐桌上2.Dont salt your food before you taste it 不要在未尝试食物前放调味料3.If someone at the table takes a pill, dont ask about it 当他人在用餐时吃药,不要随便询问A Little List of No-Nos (I)用餐时的禁忌4.If people sitting on your left, use your bread-and-butter plate by mistake, put you

24、r bread on the side of the main course plate 当坐在你左右边的客人用你的面包碟时, 你应不慌不忙地把你的面包放在你的主菜碟边5.No food sharing 不要与他人分享食物A Little List of No-Nos (II)用餐时的禁忌6.Do not start eating until all food are delivered to each guest 食物未完全送到每个客人前,不要开始进餐7.Dont talk with food in your mouth or folk in your hand and chew with

25、your mouth open 切勿满嘴食物或者拿着刀叉开口说话,或张着大嘴咀嚼食物A Little List of No-Nos (III)用餐时的禁忌qWhether for business or for pleasure, navigating the wine list and ordering wine, as a rule, is done by the host 无论是商务用餐或娱乐用餐,总是由主人 来选择所饮之酒 Who Selects Wine?谁来选择酒Holding the Glass: Stem or Bowl? (I)如何举杯: 杯脚还是杯身?Red wine gl

26、ass红酒杯Larger bowl to allow the robust wineto breathe大杯身,让酒加速挥发,与空气融合Shorter stem杯脚短You should hold the glass closer to thebowl because the heat from your handrelease the wines flavor举杯时,手靠近杯身,手的热量可以帮助散发酒的香味Holding the Glass: Stem or Bowl? (II)如何举杯: 杯脚还是杯身?White wine glass白葡萄酒杯The bowl of the glass i

27、s smaller thanthat of a red wine glass, with a morefragile look to complement the delicateflavor and clear color of the wine杯身比红酒杯小,精致的外观映衬酒的香醇Long and slender stems杯脚高且细长Hold the stem and thus keep the heatof your hand from warming the wine举杯时手握杯脚,避免酒因手的热量而加温Holding the Glass: Stem or Bowl? (III)如何

28、举杯: 杯脚还是杯身?Champagne glass香槟酒杯 Tall and narrow and are designed to display the effervescence and flavor of sparkling wine 高且细长,这种设计可以让香槟的气泡慢慢一直的升上来,让它的香气挥发得更好How to be a Well-manneredGuest of Your Client如何给客户留下一个彬彬有礼的印象Being a Gracious Guest 做一个礼仪得体的客人If the invitation is telephoned and you arent ab

29、le to give the host an answer over the phone, say something like this: “What a lovely invitation! Thank you so much for thinking of us. Ill check with Tom and get back to you on Wednesday.” 如果是电话邀请,且你无法在电话上给予立即回复,你可以这样说: “感谢你想起并邀请我们,但是我必须和Tom协商一下,星期三给你答复吧。”RSVP Give a respond for the invitation 请柬回复

30、Responding to Invitations Promptly及时回复邀请Not too early or too late 不要早到也切勿迟到If the event is a dinner party and youre running late, phone ahead to the request that the host start without you 如果赴宴将要迟到,先打电话通知主人Do not assume that additional company is welcome 切勿自认为额外的伙伴也会受欢迎Arriving at an Event到达社交场合When

31、 youve been invited to a party, its always nice gesture to take the host a small gift, even if the invitation instructs you not to 当你收到宴会的邀请,为主人准备一份小礼物是非常礼貌的, 即使邀请中提到不用送礼。Bringing bottle of wine, a flowering plant, or candy is a considerate way to show your appreciation 一瓶酒,一束花或糖果,都能很好的表现出你的诚意。Bring

32、ing a Gift礼品Good TopicsCurrent eventSportsCongratulationsCultureGood newsConversation in Networking寒暄时交谈话题的选择Bad TopicsReligiousBad newsPrivacy鸡尾酒宴会上如何表现自我Good chance for networkingAsk for a guest list向主人要一份宾客名单Ask for information about the interests of the other guests打听其他宾客有什么兴趣爱好。3分钟开场白l积极正面的观察l开

33、放式的问题,让人们有机会思考。l从自己开始左手拿酒杯、右手交换名片和握手(女士建议用短链包)活动结束后的几天内回一封简短的感谢信。Talking Business:The Telephone Manner谈论业务:电话中应注意的礼貌v报上自己的名字身份,不要总以为对方知道你是谁。v如果打错电话,应该在挂之前道歉。否则是很没有礼貌的。 有来电显示的对方甚至可能打回你的公司去投诉。v询问对方是否有时间方便听电话。否则另约时间打过去。v电话留言让对方回电时,把自己的号码留下,即便对方可能有自己的号码。v当用免提时,应告诉对方,并且告知谁和你在一起听。Answering Your Own Phone

34、(I)应答你自己的电话v整理好要说的内容。甚至可以先发传真/电子邮件让对方明确要点。v先开始的电话有优先权。途中打进的电话,除非非常紧急,应该结束后再处理。v注意用语。不用消极的词汇,如:果你忘记了,你应该等。尽量用正面的词汇,如:你发给我上次讨论的报告了吗?v如果不能立即有答案,也应该约定时间何时能够告知结果。v结束时,小结要做的事情,感谢对方的时间。Answering Your Own Phone (II)应答你自己的电话“If I pick up a ringing phone, I accept the responsibility to ensure the caller is sa

35、tisfied, no matter what the issue is.”vYour voice do from a mental picture of you based on the tone and quality of your voice.vYour mood smile, happy or angry often comes throughTips for Telephone Talk电话会谈技巧Vocal Quality声音的质量Words are Clearly Articulated读字发音应要清晰Point by point1.That way will be more

36、organized 说话有组织性2.Give yourself a pause 有停顿的机会3.Set a good platform for people to listen and receive 让他任有思想准备聆听 Pace is Important Neither too Slow or too Fast不快不慢的节奏Its because the ring tune starts on your line first beforethe caller, therefore if you pick up immediately, thecaller is not ready to h

37、ear the voice from you and itwill be rude and confusing.Phone is Answered on 2nd or 3rd Ring铃响2-3下才接电话 4 elements“Good morning” (Greeting)“XXX company” (Destination)“This is Sandy Sun” (Identification)“How may I help you?” (Re-action)Answering the Phone接电话How about in our company在我们公司接电话 4元素 “您好” (G

38、reeting) “深圳高速” (Destination) “我是XXX” (Identification) “很高兴为您服务” (Re-action)How about in our company在我们公司打出电话时 4元素 “您好” (Greeting) “请问您是XX先生/小姐(或职称)吗?” (Destination) “我是深圳高速XX部门XXX” (Identification) “请问您现在方便接听电话吗?” (Request)Representative Identifies Self to CallWhen Answering Your Own Telephone接听者应表

39、示身份“Mary Mao”“HR Department”内线电话也要正式点,因为可能是外线转入。Date/Time _For _Callers Name _ (Would you mind to spell for me)Returned Call _Telephone_Taken by_ (It is important, because the recipient will be able to ask you for clarification)Message Taken are Complete & Accurate电话留言完整且准确“Please, if I may have you

40、r telephone number again for his convenience”我可以记录一下您的电话号码,以方便他打回来么?Message Taken are Complete & Accurate电话留言完整且准确X ( Silence )X Hold onX Hang onX Hang on a minuteX Please hold May I put you on hold? Will you hold, please? May I put you on hold?Putting A Caller on Hold让来电者等一会儿Im transferring a call

41、from Mr. Smith to you.He needs an updated on his account.我转一位史密斯先生的电话过来,他想了解一下他最近的账户情况。vWho is on the line? 谁打来的?vWhy are you transferring the call? 为何事?vAlways talk about the caller in respectful term 不要用客户反感的称谓Call Transfer are handled Professionally专业的电话转接Manner of Using Hand-phonesIn Business En

42、vironment在商务场合使用手机的礼貌须知vTurn off the phone before entering a concert hall, theater, restaurant.v进剧院、音乐厅、餐厅时要关闭手机vTurn off the phone at all kinds of meeting or conference. 适时关机/调到震动vIf you are expecting an urgent call, let the chairman or your guests know about this and turn to vibrate. 如遇紧急电话,最好事先知会

43、主持人或谈话的对方 (离场的时候注意)Good Hand-phone Manners手机礼仪At least make sure you know where it is, so that you dont have to spend embarrassing seconds, which seems like hours. 养成习惯,知道手机放在哪儿,减少尴尬的发生。 Apologize 道歉If it rings at an inopportune(不合时宜) momentvNever initiate a business phone conversation in the public

44、 Lift, building lobby, quite restaurant etc. 不在公众场合主动打出电话。vNever call a clients mobile only with a genuine emergency. 避免打客户手机,除非必要。vMind the background when you need to talk to others on your mobile. 注意背景的声音。Good Hand-phone Manners手机礼仪1.使用的先后问题。当你有一份很长的传真需要发出去时,而轮在你之后的同事只需要传真一两页时,应让他先用。2.在公司里一般不要发私人

45、传真稿件。3.如果遇到传真纸用完时,应及时更换新传真纸。 如果遇到传真机出故障,应及时找出原因,先处理好再离开。 如不懂修理,就请别人帮忙。不要把问题留给下一个同事。4.使用完毕后,不要忘记将你的原件带走,否则容易丢失原稿, 或走漏消息,给你自带来不便。When you are using Fax使用传真时 1.标有页码。2.公章盖印清晰。3.纸张大小规范。4.如果页数多,传真前后要和对方电话确认。When you are using Fax使用传真时 Dress for Business Success 着装和事业成功着装和事业成功vFor a first meeting, you cann

46、ot go wrong if you dress conservatively.Guidelines/Principles for Business Wear商务服饰的选择导航/原则Business SuitsPant SuitsOne Piece DressWith JacketBusiness Dress Code 商务服饰 Men 男士男士Business Dress Code 商务服饰 Men 男士男士Business Formal商务正装vBusiness Suit 商务套装(羊毛)vCollared Shirt 有领衬衫vTie 领带vLeather Sole Shoes 皮鞋三粒

47、扣西装,扣第一粒或上两粒扣或中间一颗。领带的最宽处正好盖在皮带扣上。Business Suit (I)商务套装Winter Color冬天选择的颜色Summer Color夏天选择的颜色Business Suit (II)商务套装Extra-long Shirttail衬衫袖长要长于西服Grey Dark Charcoal Navy烟灰 焦炭色 藏青Color Selection颜色选择DONTBrown 咖啡色A no-no color 忌用的颜色Brown 棕色 Corduroy 灯芯绒Light Brown浅棕色Dress Shirt衬衫必须是全棉衬衫Color Selection颜色选

48、择DODONT酒红色深橄榄色深蓝色Ties领带Dress Shoes皮鞋Lace-up shoesWith toe cap有鞋带的皮鞋(皮质鞋底)Rubber Sole Shoes橡胶休闲鞋DONTvAppropriate Color 适当的颜色 Navy 深蓝色 / Dark Grey 深灰色 / Black 黑色vEnsure your socks cover the space between your pants bottoms and shoe tops when seated. 袜筒的长度应到裤脚底Socks袜子Socks袜子DONTCotton Rib Socks 棉袜Busin

49、ess Dress Code 商务服饰 Men 男士男士Business Casual商务休闲Navy Blazer深蓝色外衣(扣子是金属的)3-button CoatBusiness Casual商务休闲Business Casual商务休闲DONTBusiness Dress Code 商务服饰 Men 男士男士Smart Casual时尚休闲Polo soft shirt with blazer有领子棉质衬衫和外衣Light stone dress-pants浅米色的西裤Smart Casual时尚休闲Polo ShirtPolo汗衫DONTBusiness Dress Code 商务服

50、饰 Women 女女士士Business Dress Code 商务服饰 Women 女女士士Business Suit (I)商务套装Business Suit (II)商务套装A four-piece wardrobe.This is an ideal mix and match for business tripsDress服饰DontColor Selection (I)颜色选择Light GreyBeigePastel Blue BlackColor Selection (II)颜色选择Dark GreyNavy BlueDark Green BlackColor Selection

51、 (III)颜色选择Brown 咖啡色Yellow 黄色Orange 橙色 Red 红色White 白色 Pink 粉红色 DontShoes鞋类Court ShoesInappropriate Footwear不适宜的鞋类Platform shoes厚底鞋Sandals凉鞋Rubber Sole胶底鞋Business Dress Code 商务服饰 Women 女女士士Business Casual商务休闲Business Dress Code 商务服饰 Women 女女士士Smart Casual (I)时尚休闲首饰的使用首饰佩戴越少越好颜色不要超过3种胸口以上不要佩戴超过3样首饰戒指佩戴

52、越少越好耳环形状简单低调职场妆容基本化妆工具和用品v擦脸纸,化妆棉(棉签),收敛水或化妆水,粉底霜(液),海绵粉扑,大小毛刷3-5支(大的毛刷一般毛长2.5厘米,小的一般毛长0.3厘米左右),睫毛夹,腮红,散粉,眼影,眉笔,眼线笔,睫毛膏,唇线笔,唇膏,唇彩等。十分钟简单的化妆步骤(隔离霜)- 粉底液 (遮瑕霜)- 散粉 眼影- 眼线 眉毛 腮红 睫毛膏 唇膏唇彩v在进行面部化妆前先要洗净双手,用手指或海绵蘸取粉底,在额头,面颊,鼻部,唇周和下颌等部位采用印按的手法,由上至下,依次将底色涂抹均匀。各部位要衔接自然,不能有明显的分界线,在鼻翼两侧,下眼睑及唇周围等海绵难以深入的细小部位可以用手指



55、刷,免得睫毛并在一起。用特别的小梳轻轻梳理睫毛。用睫毛膏时要注意,不要使眼泪流下。唇线笔和唇膏唇线笔和唇膏先用色泽较深的唇线笔勾勒出唇部外形,再用唇膏涂满唇部, 这样唇部的外形林廓就较为清晰了。如果单用唇膏,则可能使唇部外形不够清晰。近年来流行的唇膏有各种深浅的颜色,化妆者可以根据自己的情况选用。十分钟简单的化妆步骤v化妆品分解产生的某种毒物,如果在皮肤上停留久了,会导致吸收中毒,化妆品中的营养成分会变为细菌,真菌的培养墓;残留于皮肤表面的化妆品能堵塞皮肤出汗,排脂的开口,阻挠皮肤行使呼吸职能,还为微生物,尘埃,污垢等有害物质的附着提供方便.为消除以上弊害,也为更新化妆品,有上妆就必须有卸妆,

56、而且必须当天完成.目的就只4个字,净肤护肤.v用眼用卸妆水涂抹假睫毛,然后揭去,揭时动作要轻巧,如假睫毛粘得较牢,可用酒精棉球拭掉粘胶再揭,千万不要生拉硬扯,以免造成伤害。v用卸妆油置于双掌上揉开,轻柔面部皮肤,使原有的化妆品与油融合,再用纸巾擦掉。最后以温水冲洗面,颈部。v没有专用的卸妆油时,可以用适量橄榄油替代。v在用洗面奶或洗面皂时, 先用双手搓出丰富的泡沫, 再轻柔的在面部打圈,而不要在脸上过多的用力搓,以免产生皱纹。同理也不宜用毛巾在脸上用力擦洗.最后,应该用毛巾印在脸上吸干水分,而不是擦干。卸妆的小窍门v数量以少为好。v同色最好。如果同时佩戴两件或两件以上的首饰,要求色彩一致。v质地相同。v同样款式的戒指戴在不同的手指上,会产生不同的印象和效果。v选择链坠时要力求和项链在整体上协调一致。v耳饰,手镯,手链的选择和佩戴。首饰的使用原则谢谢大家!



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