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1、INTRODUCTION TO ANNE AND HER BEST FRIENDDIARYAnne Frank was born on June 12, 1929 in Frankfurt(法兰克福)(法兰克福), Germany. Her father, Otto Frank, was a respected businessman and a solid member of the citys Jewish communityhe could trace his familyin the citys documents all the way back to the seventeenth

2、 century. Anne and her older sister Margot grew up in small, close-knit surroundings of parents, relatives, and nurses. In 1933, however, Otto Frank feared the spread of Nazi persecution, he moved directly to Holland, where he started a food production business. Holland had a long history of shelter

3、ing refugees. War was declared in September 1939. Hitlers Germany had a series of victories in Poland, Denmark and Norwayand then moved to crush Holland inApril 1940. For Anne, life went on mostly as before, except that she had to leave the Montessori School and attend a segregated(被被隔隔离离的的) Jewish

4、school. But her parents, recognizing that Hitler would eventually send Dutch Jews to concentration camps just as he had sent German Jews there, began preparations for the family to go into hiding. AlthoughOtto Frank had been forced to abandon his business, he still had friends among his Dutch associ

5、ates and employees. With their assistance, he prepared a group of rooms at the top and back of his old office building to serve as their hiding place. On July 6, 1942, the day after sixteen-year-old Margot was summoned(传传唤唤) for deportation(驱驱逐逐出出境境), the entire family went into hiding. For the next

6、 two years, the Franks lived in the “secret annexe” joined by the Van Daan family and an elderly dentist named Albert Dussel. While Germany was at the height of its conquest, Anne struggled to adjust to life in hidinga life that meant staying quietduring the day and only moving about at night, a lif

7、e that meant never going outdoors and living with bad food and the tensions that came with life in close quarters. The Franks, Van Daans and Mr. Dussel all followed the news on an illegal radio.On August 4, 1944, acting on information from a Dutch informer, the Gestapo entered the secret place. They

8、 arrested the Franks, the Van Daans, Mr. Dussel, and two Dutchmen who hadbeen assisting them. One of the Dutchmen, Mr. Kraler, spent eight months in a forced labor camp; the other was released for medical care. All of the Jews were sent to Westerbork and then Auschwitz(奥奥许许维维次次) in Poland. On Septem

9、ber 3, they were among sixteen years old. In October 1944, Anne, Margot and Mrs. Van Daan were selected to be moved to the Belsen(贝贝尔尔森森) camp in Germany. Mrs. Frank died at Auschwitz on January 6, 1945. The Belsen camp was different from Auschwitzwhere Auschwitz had been a model of terrorizing acti

10、vity and order, Belsen was disorganized and lacking food and water. Typhus(斑斑疹疹伤伤寒寒症症) raged among the prisoners and most people were starving. Although the Allies were winningbattle after battle in Europe, there was little hope for the prisoners of Belsen. There Anne met her school friend, Lies Goo

11、sens. Lies described the night when they found each other, saying that “We cried and cried, for now there was only the barbed wire between us, nothing more. . . no longer any difference in our fates. ” Annes sister Margot died at the end of February or the beginning of March, 1945. Otto Frank, who s

12、urvived the war, saw Mr. Van Daan sent to the gas chambers in the mens barracks at Auschwitz. Mr. Dussel died in a German camp by the name of Neuengamme(新新加加默默). When the Germans abandoned Auschwitz in February, they took Peter Van Daan with them, and he was never heard from again. Anne Frank died a

13、 few days after her sister. She was not quite a girl first moved to Aachen(亚亚琛琛), near the Belgian border, while Otto got settled. In May 1945, after the war ended, Otto Frank returned to Amsterdam. Some of the Dutch who had helped his family in hiding gave him the papers that the Gestapo had left b

14、ehind in the “secret annexe”. Among the papers were Annes diary. At first, Otto Frank spread her diary among his friends and relatives as a memorial, but a Dutch university professor urged him to publish the book. It was first published in Holland in 1947. Since then it has been translated into thirty-one languages. 同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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