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1、1、经常性发生的事情、习、经常性发生的事情、习 惯和爱好等惯和爱好等2、或者是指一些客观存在、或者是指一些客观存在 的事实或规律。的事实或规律。一般现时:时间词有:时间词有:Usually通常, often经常, always总是, never从不, sometimes有时,every 每一 seldom 极少Ioften play computer games.Wenever play computer games.You always play computer games.They usually play computer games.You often play computer g

2、ames.She seldom plays computer games.It never plays computer games.结构结构非三单非三单+动词原型动词原型三单三单+动词动词-sesHeoften plays computer games.Idont play computer games.Wedont play computer games.Youdont play computer games.Theydont play computer games.Hedoesnt play computer games.Shedoesnt play computer games.It

3、doesnt play computer games.否定形式否定形式 非三单动词前非三单动词前+ dont三单动词前三单动词前+does+notIDo you play computer games?WeDo you play computer games?YouDo I play computer games?YouDo we play computer games?HeDoes he play computer games?SheDoes she play computer games?ItDoes it play computer games?TheyDo they play comp

4、uter games?一般疑问句一般疑问句非三非三单句子句子+Do。 三三单句子前句子前+Does。 说话时正在做的事情。说话时正在做的事情。现在进行时:关键词:关键词:句首有句首有look! listen,!句中或句尾有句中或句尾有now, Its .(几点了几点了) . 后的句子后的句子I am playing computer games now.We are playing computer games now .You are playing computer games now .He is playing computer games now.She is playing com

5、puter games now.It is playing computer games now.动词构成动词构成 be(am is are)+doingThey are playing computer games now.I I am not playing computer games.WeWe arent playing computer games.YouYou arent playing computer games.YouYou arent playing computer games.He He isnt playing computer games.She She isnt

6、playing computer games.It It isnt playing computer games.TheyThey arent playing computer games.否定形式否定形式 be+ not +doingAre you playing computer games?Are you playing computer games?Am I playing computer games?Are we playing computer games?Is he playing computer games?Is she playing computer games?Is

7、it playing computer games?Are they playing computer games?一般疑问句一般疑问句 把把be拉到句首,后面的句子不变。拉到句首,后面的句子不变。总结总结动词时态动词时态名称名称 特征词特征词 结构结构一般现在一般现在Usually通常, often经常, always总是, never从不, sometimes有时,every 每一 seldom 极少 非三单非三单+动原动原 三单三单+动词动词ses现在进行现在进行句首有句首有look! listen,!句中或句尾有句中或句尾有now, Its .(几点了几点了) . 后的句后的句子子be

8、(amisare + doing练习练习( )1)Look! They are _ . A.are swimming B.swimming C.swims( )2)Listen! Sally _ in the classroom. .A.singing B. is singing C.sings( )3) We are _ lesson now. A.having B.has C. have( )4)We _football next Sunday. A. will play B. play C. playsBBAA( )5) Is he _some reading tomorrow? A.d

9、o B. going to do C.will do( ) 6)Jiamin _to Guangzhou in 2014. A.go B. will go C.goes ( )7) My mother often_flowers in the morning.( )8) Does your mother usually _ flowers in the morning?( ) 9) Sometimes I _ flowers in the morning. A water B.waters C.wateringBBBAA现在进行时现在进行时结构结构 amis are +动词动词ing, 特征词

10、:特征词:句子前有句子前有look!或!或Listen!句子前或句子未有句子前或句子未有now。 将来时将来时结构结构will或或be going to 接动词原形。接动词原形。 特征词:特征词:tomorrow明天,明天, next下一个。下一个。和表示将来的时间如:和表示将来的时间如: in 2015. this Sunday 一般现在一般现在时结构时结构(三单(三单+动词加动词加ses 非三单非三单+动原)动原)特征词:特征词:usually通常通常 often 经常经常 sometimes 有时有时 never从不从不 seldom极少极少 every 每一个每一个 always 一直一直过去时结构:过去时结构:动词用过去式动词用过去式特征词:特征词:ago 以前以前 yesterday昨天昨天 last 上。上。just now 刚刚刚刚 this morning 表示过去的具体时间例如:表示过去的具体时间例如:2010



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