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1、国际商务谈判国际商务谈判International Business Negotiation主讲人:谭飞燕主讲人:谭飞燕 (Delphinium) 1 1Main Points|Lectures( (理论部分理论部分):):谈判动机、谈判结构、双谈判动机、谈判结构、双赢理念、合作原则谈判法、利益分配法则、谈判力、信赢理念、合作原则谈判法、利益分配法则、谈判力、信任法则、博弈论在谈判中的应用、谈判者个性与谈判模任法则、博弈论在谈判中的应用、谈判者个性与谈判模式、文化模式与谈判模式式、文化模式与谈判模式(concentrating on motives, structures, basic the

2、ories and principles, personality styles and culture patterns)|Case studies( (案例研究案例研究):):经典案例研究、课文经典案例研究、课文辅助案例辅助案例(to facilitate better understanding of lectures, both famous cases and cases happening in normal business activities provided for analysis)|Simulations(模拟谈判)(模拟谈判): : 模拟谈判、模拟谈判、 小组小组谈论

3、、回答问题、谈判竞赛谈论、回答问题、谈判竞赛2 2参考书目参考书目&1.1.全英主编,全英主编,国际商务谈判国际商务谈判,清华大学出版社,清华大学出版社,20032003年年8 8月;月;&2.2.谢晓莺、朱万忠等,谢晓莺、朱万忠等,商务英语谈判商务英语谈判,商务出版社,商务出版社,20052005年年4 4月;月;&3.3.潘肖玉、谢承志编,潘肖玉、谢承志编,商务谈判与沟通技巧商务谈判与沟通技巧,复旦大,复旦大学出版社,学出版社,20022002年年1 1月;月;&4.4.张立玉、王红卫编,张立玉、王红卫编,实用商务英语谈判实用商务英语谈判策略与技巧策略与技巧,北京理工大学出版社,北京理工大

4、学出版社,20032003年年8 8月;月;&5.5.余慕鸿等主编,余慕鸿等主编,商务英语谈判商务英语谈判,外语教学与研究出,外语教学与研究出版社,版社,20052005年年9 9月月; ;&6.6.王王淑淑贤贤, 商商务务谈谈判判理理论论与与实实务务,经经济济管管理理出出版版社社,20032003年年&7.7.美美 弗弗兰兰克克LL阿阿库库夫夫, 国国际际商商务务谈谈判判,刘刘永永涛涛译译,上海人民出版社,上海人民出版社,19951995年年; ;&8.8.宫捷,宫捷, 现代商务谈判现代商务谈判,青岛出版社,青岛出版社,20012001年年; ;&9.9.刘刘园园等等, 国国际际商商务务谈谈

5、判判,对对外外经经济济贸贸易易大大学学出出版版社社,19991999年年3 3参考参考网站和网页网站和网页http:/www.pon.harvard.edu/research/projects/hnp.php3http:/ 4Four RequirementsPlease prepare your lessons before class.Please take your dictionary with you in class.Please review your lessons after class.Dont call me or send me emails after final e

6、xamination.5 5Contact MeMy mobile phone number: 15607310006My email address: 6 6Two Famous Negotiation CasesJThere are two daughters and their mother. One day two girls wanted to share an orange. Their mother just cut it in half. But these girls werent satisfied with the result. Why?JBecause their

7、purposes were different. One girl wanted the pulp(果肉)果肉) for making juice. Another girl wanted the rind(果皮)果皮) for cooking. They just got half of what they wanted respectively. 7 7|Two farmers were sharing a rice cake. A stander-by helped them share it. What was his suggestion which would make the r

8、esult satisfactory to both of them? |One of farmers cut it in half and another one choose the piece first.8 8Chapter 1Negotiation Motives and Key Terminology谈判动机与关键概念谈判动机与关键概念9 9Mr.Zhangs DilemmaCharacter: Mr Zhang And His wife :Both are teachers in a middle school His son :After graduation from a u

9、niversity,he is applying for studying abroad.Focus:The family has a deposit of 120,000 yuan, but how to use it Mr Zhang:A new car and travelHis wife :A new apartmentHis son :Cost for studying abroad 1010Mans unlimited demandScarce natural resources1111economypoliticsreligioncultureconflictswarsnegot

10、iationssociality12121.Negotiation 谈判谈判uOrigination of NegotiationThe word “negotiation” derives from the Latin infinitive (不定词)不定词)“negotiari”( (做做贸易或生意)贸易或生意)which means “to trade or do business”.This word is from another word, “negare”( (拒绝)拒绝)meaning “to deny” and a noun, “otium”(休闲),休闲),meaning

11、leisure.Thus,the ancient Roman businessperson would “deny leisure”until the business has been settled. It is the process we use to satisfy our needs when someone else controls what we want. 1313Reasons For Negotiations Mans unlimited demand has constantly given rise to conflicts between such demand

12、and limited ,scarce natural resources.People differ, and they use negotiation to handle their differences.How to settle the conflicts:1.Militaty means: wars2.Peaceful means: negotiations.Negotiation is one part of our lives.1414Ex: Negotiation in your daily life有个有个1010岁的男孩每天都不肯洗澡,于是妈妈决定和儿子谈岁的男孩每天都不

13、肯洗澡,于是妈妈决定和儿子谈谈。妈妈问儿子:谈。妈妈问儿子:“你如果每天洗澡,我就答应你提出你如果每天洗澡,我就答应你提出的一个要求。的一个要求。”儿子回答:儿子回答:“那我每天能多和小朋友玩那我每天能多和小朋友玩一个小时吗?一个小时吗?”妈妈认为一个小时太长了,于是说:妈妈认为一个小时太长了,于是说:“儿子,你如果每天洗澡,我可以每天让你多和小朋友玩儿子,你如果每天洗澡,我可以每天让你多和小朋友玩半小时。半小时。”儿子答应了。于是,妈妈和儿子都各得其所。儿子答应了。于是,妈妈和儿子都各得其所。1515“Discourage litigation( (诉讼诉讼, , 起诉起诉) ). .Per

14、suade your neighbors to compromise whenever they can. Point out to them how the nominal ( (名义上的名义上的, , 有名无实的有名无实的) )winner is often a real loser in fees, expenses, and waste of time.”-Abraham Lincoln, July 1, 18501616What is a negotiation?A negotiation is a process of communication between parties t

15、o manage conflicts in order for them to come to an agreement, solve a problem or make arrangements.谈谈判是各方为化解冲突而进行沟通的过程,目的是使各方达成一项判是各方为化解冲突而进行沟通的过程,目的是使各方达成一项协议、解决一个问题或做出某种安排。协议、解决一个问题或做出某种安排。Factors in a successful negotiation1. The outcome of negotiation is a result of mutual taking and giving.谈判的协

16、议应是共同的给予和获取的结果谈判的协议应是共同的给予和获取的结果2. The existence of conflicts and collaboration 冲突与合作并冲突与合作并存存3.All negotiators have the right to say “no” to the conditions put forward by the other party ,which is a show of equal right of the negotiators.所有谈判者都有对对所有谈判者都有对对方提出的条件行使否决权的权利,这才能显示谈判者的平等权利。方提出的条件行使否决权的权利

17、,这才能显示谈判者的平等权利。17172.Conflicts 冲突冲突What is a conflict ?A conflict is a dispute, disagreement or argument between two or more interdependent parties who have different and common interests. 冲突是发生在两个或更冲突是发生在两个或更多既有不同利益又有共同利益的相多既有不同利益又有共同利益的相互依赖的当事人之间的对抗、争执互依赖的当事人之间的对抗、争执或不同意见。或不同意见。1818Three points 1.

18、 Parties in conflict are interdependent.冲突的当事方是相互依赖的冲突的当事方是相互依赖的2. Both different and common interests coexist.冲突的当事人之间不同利益与相同冲突的当事人之间不同利益与相同利益并存利益并存3. Parties in conflict will fight for each others own interests各方均为实现自己各方均为实现自己的利益而努力的利益而努力Good and bad features of conflicts冲突冲突对谈判所带来的正、反两方面的影响对谈判所带来

19、的正、反两方面的影响P5 table 1.1Conflicts can bring about both favorable and unfavorable results depending on how people manage conflicts so that bad effects may be diminished to the minimum degree.1919Good Features(正面特性)(正面特性)Bad Features(反面特性)(反面特性)Communication(沟通(沟通)Interests(利益)(利益)disclose (揭开)(揭开)Suppr

20、ess(掩盖)(掩盖)Issues(事件)(事件)clarify(澄清)(澄清)Cloud(混淆)(混淆)Creativity(创造性)(创造性)learning(学习)(学习)help(促进)(促进)hinder(阻碍)(阻碍)Innovation( (创新)创新)Stimulate(激励)(激励)Inhibit(抑制)(抑制)Relationship(关系)(关系)tension(紧张)(紧张)optimize(乐观)(乐观)Increase(升级)(升级)Satisfaction(满意)(满意)Increase(增加)(增加)decrease(下降)(下降)Outcomes( (结局)结

21、局)Benefit(获利)(获利)high(高)(高)Low(低)(低)escalation(局面)(局面)control(控制)(控制)Incite(激化)(激化)20203.Stakes 利益得失利益得失Stakes are the value of benefits that may be gained or lost,and costs that may be incurred or avoided.利益得利益得失是指(通过谈判)可以获得的利益或者是失去的利益及可以引失是指(通过谈判)可以获得的利益或者是失去的利益及可以引发或者是避免的成本。发或者是避免的成本。Four points1

22、.The negotiations are pertinent to relevant parties own affairs and interests.谈判是对于各方具有利害关系的事件谈判是对于各方具有利害关系的事件2.All parties have to pay for the gaining, but what they will get is determined by how well negotiators manage the situation.谈判各方必须有所付出才能获取利益,但所获取谈判各方必须有所付出才能获取利益,但所获取利益取决于谈判者如何应对谈判利益取决于谈判者如

23、何应对谈判3.How much of stakes can be gained are also gauged in view of the current situation.谈判开始时事态的发展状况是谈判开始时事态的发展状况是衡量利益得失的一个标准衡量利益得失的一个标准4.Negotiators will have to compare and balance the relation between the current interests and long-term interests.谈谈判者必须对眼前利益和长远利益之间作出权衡判者必须对眼前利益和长远利益之间作出权衡21214.W

24、s and 1 HIn negotiations, both parties should know- Why we negotiate?- Who we negotiate with?- What we negotiate about?- Where we negotiate?- When we negotiate?- How we negotiate?2222Signature of the Declaration of Independence托马斯托马斯 杰斐逊在其晚年写给朋友的信中说:那时签字的独立厅杰斐逊在其晚年写给朋友的信中说:那时签字的独立厅就在马厩的隔壁,七月的天气非常的闷热

25、,到处都是苍蝇。代就在马厩的隔壁,七月的天气非常的闷热,到处都是苍蝇。代表们穿着短马裤和丝袜参加会议,一边发言,一边不停地用手表们穿着短马裤和丝袜参加会议,一边发言,一边不停地用手拍赶走腿上的苍蝇。最后代表们决定立即在拍赶走腿上的苍蝇。最后代表们决定立即在独立宣言独立宣言上签上签字,以便尽快离开那个鬼地方。字,以便尽快离开那个鬼地方。美国独立宣言美国独立宣言为为北美洲北美洲十三个英属殖民地十三个英属殖民地宣告自宣告自大不列颠大不列颠王国王国独立,并宣明此举正当性之文告。独立,并宣明此举正当性之文告。17761776年年7 7月月4 4日日,本宣言,本宣言由第二次由第二次大陆会议大陆会议于于费城

26、费城批准,当日之后成为批准,当日之后成为美国独立纪念日美国独立纪念日。宣言之原件由大陆会议出席代表共同签署,并永久展示于美国宣言之原件由大陆会议出席代表共同签署,并永久展示于美国华盛顿特区华盛顿特区之之美国国家档案馆美国国家档案馆(National Archives and National Archives and Records AdministrationRecords Administration)。此宣言为美国最重要的立国文书之)。此宣言为美国最重要的立国文书之一。一。11 farmers and 1 farmer为了尽快接受这令人难受的讨论,为了尽快接受这令人难受的讨论,1111个

27、农夫都开始动摇了,考个农夫都开始动摇了,考虑改变自己的立场。这时一声惊雷震破了虑改变自己的立场。这时一声惊雷震破了1111个农夫的心,他们个农夫的心,他们再也忍受不住了纷纷表示愿意改变自己的态度,转而投票赞成再也忍受不住了纷纷表示愿意改变自己的态度,转而投票赞成那一位农夫的意见,宣告被告无罪。那一位农夫的意见,宣告被告无罪。 2323美越停战谈判美越停战谈判在几个月充满敌意的对立状态下,北越的态度终于趋在几个月充满敌意的对立状态下,北越的态度终于趋向温和。在美国大选即将揭开序幕之时,终于同意在向温和。在美国大选即将揭开序幕之时,终于同意在巴黎举行和平谈判。美国立即派遣哈里曼为谈判代表,巴黎举行

28、和平谈判。美国立即派遣哈里曼为谈判代表,他在巴黎市中心的一个豪华饭店以他在巴黎市中心的一个豪华饭店以7 7天为单位租了一个天为单位租了一个房间。而北越代表在巴黎市郊租了一幢别墅,租期长房间。而北越代表在巴黎市郊租了一幢别墅,租期长达两年半。事实证明巴黎和谈没有成功解决越南战争达两年半。事实证明巴黎和谈没有成功解决越南战争问题,至少是没有满足美国的需要。问题,至少是没有满足美国的需要。24245.Results of Negotiation胜者王侯胜者王侯 = = Win-Lose ( unbalanced )败者贼败者贼 = = Lose-Win ( unbalanced )鱼死网破鱼死网破

29、= = Lose-Lose ( balanced )皆大欢喜皆大欢喜 = = Win-Win ( balanced ) 失一地而得全局失一地而得全局 = = Lose A Battle, Win A War2525Case Study Konosuke Matsushitas Wisdom Sacrifice current interests to satisfy long term interestsKonosuke Matsushita (松下幸之助松下幸之助 November 27, 1894 April 27, 1989) was a Japanese industrialist,

30、the founder of Matsushita Electric, better known as the parent firm of electronics brand Panasonic, a company based in the suburb of Kadoma ,Osaka( (大阪府门真市大阪府门真市 )in Japan. For many Japanese, he is known as the god of management. 2626In 1918, Matsushita Electric Industrial Co.Ltd. was founded under

31、the name of Mr. Konosuke Matsushita. Over more than 90 years, Matsushita Electric Industrial has already developed into a world well-known Group with above 300 subsidiary companies, ranging such aspects as video, audio, home appliances, communicative devices and batteries, etc. About Panasonic2727Ab

32、out Philip 飞利浦电子公司(飞利浦电子公司(Philips Electronic N.V) 成立于成立于18911891年,在全球年,在全球500500家大企业中居第家大企业中居第5858位,在世界电子行业中位,在世界电子行业中排名第排名第9 9。在。在6060多个国家设有营业机构,共有雇员多个国家设有营业机构,共有雇员26.5126.51万人。其股票万人。其股票在在9 9个国家的个国家的1616个交易所上市。主要生产视听产品、照明、电子元件、个交易所上市。主要生产视听产品、照明、电子元件、半导体、医疗系统、小家电、工业电子及商业电子等,其中照明设备、半导体、医疗系统、小家电、工业电

33、子及商业电子等,其中照明设备、彩色显象管、电动剃须刀、彩色显象管、电动剃须刀、X X光分析仪及音响设备在国际市场居领先地光分析仪及音响设备在国际市场居领先地位。总部设在荷兰阿姆斯特丹。位。总部设在荷兰阿姆斯特丹。2828Results Of The NegotiationCosts:Payment for technical assistant( (技术援助费)技术援助费): : 4.5% of Matsushitas sales volume.Patent payment(专利转让费)(专利转让费): $550,000 (=200,000,000 yen) paid in lump sum,

34、 nearly half of the companys property.Gains: Sophisticated scientific equipment, research institute and 3,000 capable research fellows owned by Philip. 2929|松下在寒暄中失去先机松下在寒暄中失去先机|Wholesaler:我们是第一次打交道吧?以前我好象没见我们是第一次打交道吧?以前我好象没见过您。过您。|Matsushita:我是第一次来东京,什么都不懂,请多多我是第一次来东京,什么都不懂,请多多关照。关照。|Wholesaler:你打算

35、以什么价格卖出你的产品?你打算以什么价格卖出你的产品?|Matsushita:我的产品每件成本是我的产品每件成本是20元,我准备卖元,我准备卖25元。元。|Wholesaler:你首次来东京做生意,刚开张应该卖得更你首次来东京做生意,刚开张应该卖得更便宜些。每件便宜些。每件20元如何?元如何?3030Exercises&Please check off the following situations that represent negotiations.1.Purchasing a computer at a department store.2.Deciding with the fam

36、ily where to go for the weekend.3.Bidding for a second-handed car.4.Deciding how the house will be cleaned up.5.Borrowing a musical instrument from a friend.6.Selecting a contractor to build a new kitchen.7.Deciding whether to stay late at work to finish up a project. 8.Getting an extension on your

37、unfinished assignments.9.Making up,or rebuilding a relationship with someone you love.313110.Deciding on a date for the next meeting with your customer.11.Picking a successor for the CEO of a company where you are on the board.12. Getting a child to go to bed.13.Buying plants for your backyard.14.So

38、liciting( (恳求恳求) ) a major gift from a major donor.15.Deciding who gets to use the car for the weekend.16.Getting admitted to a technical seminar with limited enrollment.17.Agreeing on change of work schedule with your employer.18.Arranging a trip abroad through a travel agency.19.Finding an advisor

39、 or a new dentist.20.Discussing with a recruiter(招聘人员)招聘人员) the salary and benefits you feel you deserve. 323221.Talking to a stranger on the street who keeps following you.22.Deciding with your partner where and how to invest your joint capital.23.Apologizing to someone whose property you unknowingly damaged.24.Interviewing a potential housekeeper.25.Accepting a bribe.26.Turning down a bribe.27.Getting another country to lower a trade barrier.28.Meeting someone who is going to share an apartment with you.3333



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