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1、1、掌握形容词作表语、定语、宾语补足、掌握形容词作表语、定语、宾语补足 语等的基本用法。语等的基本用法。2、形容词和副词的原级一些基本句型、形容词和副词的原级一些基本句型、 比较级和最高级用法及句型。比较级和最高级用法及句型。3、掌握副词修饰动词、副词的比较级和、掌握副词修饰动词、副词的比较级和 最高级的基本用法及其位置。最高级的基本用法及其位置。1.一般放在一般放在be或连系动词(五个感官动词或连系动词(五个感官动词look,feel,smell,taste,sound;三个变得;三个变得turnget,become;保持保持keep,seem等)的后面做表语等)的后面做表语.2.Thedi

2、ctionaryisveryusefulandhelpfultoallofus.3.ShelookshappytodaybecauseshegotanAinthetest.一、形容词的基本用法:一、形容词的基本用法:2. 放在名词前作定语,修饰名词。放在名词前作定语,修饰名词。 This is a very useful and helpful dictionary.注意:注意: 形容词修饰形容词修饰名词名词,放在名词的,放在名词的前面前面;当形容词修饰由;当形容词修饰由some-,any-,no-,every-构成的不定代词时构成的不定代词时,形容词要放在这些不定代词的形容词要放在这些不定代

3、词的之后之后. e.g.Isthereanythinginterestingintodaysnewspaper?3. 做宾语补足语,常用在下面动词后:做宾语补足语,常用在下面动词后:keep, make, find, feel, think 等等。常见的句型有:等等。常见的句型有:keep sth. +adj. We should keep the windows open to let the fresh air in.make sb.+adj. What the boy does makes his parents happy.find/feel/think it +adj. to do

4、sth. You will find it rather easy to work out the math problems.某些形容词加上冠词可以泛指一类人或物,某些形容词加上冠词可以泛指一类人或物,相当于名词。做主语时,谓语用复数相当于名词。做主语时,谓语用复数e.g.Dontlaughattheblind.Weshouldofferseatstotheoldwhenweareonthebus.The young in China now spend a lot of spare time in the Internet.表示长、宽、高、深和年龄的形容词,表示长、宽、高、深和年龄的形容词

5、,应放在相应的名词之后应放在相应的名词之后e.g.Heissixyearsold.Theriveris200meterslong.Thetreeis20meterstall.注意几个以注意几个以ly结尾的形容词结尾的形容词lonely friendly lively lovelydaily, silly, likely, ugly二、副词的基本用法:二、副词的基本用法:副词一般用来修饰动词、形容词、其他副词,副词一般用来修饰动词、形容词、其他副词,全句或全句或名词词组及句子的词名词词组及句子的词并放在他们的后面;表示程度的并放在他们的后面;表示程度的副词一般放在动词前面副词一般放在动词前面It

6、 often rains in the south of China, but it never snows there.The students are now working very hard. 副词的构成副词的构成: A 本身就是副词:如:本身就是副词:如: now, there, rather B. 由形容词加词尾由形容词加词尾ly变来,变来, 如:如: happily, firmly, luckily C. 与形容词同形与形容词同形 adj. adv early(早的早的) early(早)(早) high(高的)(高的) high(高高地)(高高地) long(长的,长久的)(长

7、的,长久的) long (长久地)(长久地)enough 修饰名词时,放在名词前, 但修饰形容词和副词时则要放在他们的后面: Here we have enough chairs for each student. He is working hard enough to catch up with his classmates.三、形容词和副词的基本句型三、形容词和副词的基本句型 2在在 asas “和和一样一样” 1) My friend Kay is as tall as me. 2) My friend Kay runs as fast as I / me. 3)Michael lik

8、es football as much as Kangkang. 4)We study as hard/carefully as they/them. 下列情况用原级下列情况用原级: 1. 在在 very, quite, rather,too, enough, so 后。后。 Today is rather cold. The news is quite surprising. The streets are now too busy in big cities.3、” A不及不及/不如不如 B “ Anot as/so+原级原级+as B. 1) My father isnt as/ so

9、tall as my grandfather. 2) My friend Kay doesnt run as/so fast as I / me. 3) Im not _ she / her. A. as hard-working as B. as harder-working as C. as hard-working so D. as hardly-working as 4) I dont study _ he / him. A. so careful as B. so carefully as C. more carefully as D. carefully as ABThishall

10、isbigenoughtoholdonethousandpeople.4、so+形容词形容词/副词原级副词原级+that丛句丛句such+名词名词that丛句丛句Heissobigthathecantentertheroombythedoor.Itissuchabigboxthatthegirlcantcarryit.5、too+原级原级+todosth.Heistooyoungtojointhearmy. 6、形容词原级形容词原级+enoughtodosth. Exercises:选词填空选词填空1:Iam_(happy,happily).Heis_(successful,successfu



13、.wellC.happily5.3.Thefoodsmells_.Idontlikeit6.A.goodB.badlyC.bad7.4.Hewritesvery_.8.A.carefulB.carefullyC.bad9.5.Istudyvery_.10.A.hardB.hardlyC.careful11.6.Theweathergets_12.A.warmB.warmlyC.coldly13.7.Ourcountryisbecoming_.14.A.strongB.stronglyC.richlyABCBAAA综综 合合 操操 练练(1): 选择选择1.你能给我一些吃的吗你能给我一些吃的吗?


15、carefullyenoughisntcarefulenoughinclassThemusicsoundswonderfulTomlookssad/unhappy.istooheavyformeto(2) 按意思完成句子:按意思完成句子:9Joan与ate一样小心。Joan is _ Kate.ascarefulas10、我与你学习一样努力。I study _ you.ashardas11、那条绿色的裙子不如那条红色的漂亮。The green skirt _ the red one.is not so/as nice/beautiful as12.那些学生跳高不如我。The students

16、didnt jump _ I.as(so) highas13.他没吉姆那么早来到学校。He _ come to school _ Jim.doesntas/soearlyas14、汤姆与她一样认真听老师讲课。Tom listens to the teacher _ she. ascarefullyas四、形容词和副词的比较级和最高级四、形容词和副词的比较级和最高级(一)、构成的规则变化有(一)、构成的规则变化有5种:种:1、一般在单音节词尾加、一般在单音节词尾加er或或est原级原级比较级比较级最高级最高级coldcoldercoldesthighhigherhighesttalltaller

17、tallestquietquieterquietest2、以、以e结尾的单词只在词尾加结尾的单词只在词尾加-r或或-st 原级原级 比较级比较级 最高级最高级 fine finer finest late later latest nice nicer nicest large larger largest 3、只有一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节单词、只有一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节单词, 先双写这个辅音字先双写这个辅音字母母, 再加再加-er 或或-est。 big -bigger -biggest sad-sadder-saddest thin - thinner -thinnest red

18、-redder-reddest fat -fatter - fattest glad-gladder-gladdest4、以、以“辅音字母辅音字母+ y”结尾的单词,先改结尾的单词,先改y为为i, 再加再加-er或或-est。除。除early 外,以外,以ly结尾的单词,一般在词前加结尾的单词,一般在词前加more / most. easy easier easiest happy happier happiest busy busier busiest early earlier earliest carefully more carefully most carefully5、多音节词和部

19、分双音节词在词前加、多音节词和部分双音节词在词前加 more或或 most。 delicious more / most delicious beautiful more / most beautiful interesting more / most interesting important more / most important friendly - more / most friendly quickly- more / most quickly happily- more / most happily 写出一下形容词的比较级和最高级写出一下形容词的比较级和最高级1、tallhar

20、dlargewide2、bighotthinfatwet3、happydryearly4、narrowclever 5、difficultpopularslowly6、goodfarbad(二)、不规则变化:(二)、不规则变化:原级原级goodwellbadillmanymuchlittlefarold比较级比较级最高级最高级betterbestworseworstlessmoremostfartherfurtherolderelderleastfarthestfurthestoldesteldest巧记:巧记:特殊形式比较级特殊形式比较级,共有三对二合一共有三对二合一,坏病两坏病两多多并两并

21、两好好,little意思不是小意思不是小,一分为二有两个一分为二有两个,一是一是老老来二是来二是远远(指路程更远)(指路程更远)(指意义深远或进一步)(指意义深远或进一步)(指年龄大小)(指年龄大小)(指家庭成员长幼)(指家庭成员长幼)(三)比较级句型(三)比较级句型:表示两者表示两者 (人或事物人或事物) 的比较的比较1、A 比较级比较级+ than B. I study better than Tom. My dress is more beautiful than hers.2、比较级前可加、比较级前可加a little / a bit (一点儿)(一点儿), a lot/much(得多

22、得多), far/even / still(甚至甚至/更加更加)等来修饰。等来修饰。 Im a little / a bit taller than Tom. My dress is even more beautiful than hers. He works a lot / much harder than I (do ).3、比较级、比较级+and+比较级,表示比较级,表示“越来越越来越.” faster and faster, more and more beautifulA.When spring comes, it becomes warmer andB. warmer, and

23、the days are getting longer and longer. However, when winter comes, it usually gets colder and colder, and the days gets C. shorter and shorter.B. English is more and more important.C. The World Cup is getting more and more popular1.他跑得越来越快。他跑得越来越快。He ran _ _ _.faster andfaster我们的生活变得越来越好。我们的生活变得越来越

24、好。Ourlifeisgetting _ _ _.betterandbetter那个公园变得越来越美丽。那个公园变得越来越美丽。Theparkisgetting _ _ _ _.more andmorebeautiful她越来越聪明了。她越来越聪明了。Shebecomes_ _ _.cleverer andcleverer5.雨正越下越大。雨正越下越大。Itsraining_.moreandmoreheavilyExercises: 完完 成成 句句 子:子:4、The +比较级比较级, the+比较级比较级, 表示表示“越越越越.”The more , the better. 越多越好。越多

25、越好。The more you practice, the better youll speak.The more you exercise, the healthier youll become.The harder you study, the better result you will get. 5、Who / Which+the +比较级比较级( 是特指是特指 ), A or B?Which is better, A or B? A is the better of two. John is the taller of the two boys. 比较级前可用比较级前可用 much,

26、alittle,alot,far,still,no,even,any 等表示程度;等表示程度;Heismuchtallerthanme.Thisoneisgood,butthatoneisevenbetter.Yesterdaywascold,buttodayismuchcolder.比较级前的修饰语比较级前的修饰语(1)timesas+形容词原形形容词原形+as“几几倍倍”Ourschoolistwotimesasbigasyours.=Ourschoolistwiceasbigasyours.(三)倍数的表示法:三)倍数的表示法: (2)Aistimes+比较级比较级+thanBOur s

27、chool is three times bigger than yours.我们学校比你们学校大三倍。This river is three times longer thanthat one。这条和比那条河长两倍。比较级要避免与自身进行比较,故常有比较级要避免与自身进行比较,故常有 other 一词。一词。 China is larger than any other country in Asia.Shanghai is larger than _ city in China.Shanghai is larger than _city in Africa. A. any B. any o

28、ther C. any others D. someBA比较级必须在同类东西之间、对称物之间进行比较,因此常有待比较级必须在同类东西之间、对称物之间进行比较,因此常有待that , those, one, ones 、名词的所有格、介词短语等、名词的所有格、介词短语等 The climate of Kuming is better than that of Lanzhou. The population of China is larger than that of Japan. The students in the north are studying harder than those

29、in the south.1.Iam_thanhim(tall)2.Itismuch_(cold)today.3.Thecoatiseven_(beautiful)4.thanthatone.5.Hewritesalittle_(slowly)thanyou.6.Ourclassroomis_(bright)thanyours7.Heiseven_(ill)today8.Icanwalk_thanhe.(far)9.Englishismuch_(important)10.Themeatsmellsstill_(delicious)thanthatone11.7.Therainisas_asit




33、intheclass.Jackisthemostpopularofthethree.(2)oneofthe+最高级最高级+名词名词s,表示表示“最最之一之一”China is one of the largest countries in the world., and Shanghai is one of the largest cities in the world too.(3) the +序数词+最高级+名词, 表示”第几最“Canada is second largest country in the world,while Changjiang River is the third

34、 longest river on the earth.ChangjiangRiveris_river_China.1.在所有人当中,谁的书写最好?在所有人当中,谁的书写最好?Whosehandwritingis?thebestofall?Jim,Tim和和Tom三个人当中,谁跑得最快?三个人当中,谁跑得最快?Whoruns,Jim,TimTom?thefastest or3.中山是中国最美丽的城市之一。中山是中国最美丽的城市之一。Zhongshanisoneof_citiesinChina.themostbeautiful4.长江是中国第一长河。长江是中国第一长河。thefirstlonge

35、stinExercises: 完成句子完成句子 易混淆词义辨析易混淆词义辨析1、alone; lonely alone; 形容词,形容词,“单独的,独立的单独的,独立的”;副词;副词 “独立地独立地”lonely:形容词,:形容词,“孤独的孤独的, 寂寞的,寂寞的, 荒凉的荒凉的”The old man lives alone ,so he often feels lonely.Though there were many people at the party, she felt lonely.The soldiers are getting some training on that lo

36、nely island.The math problems are not difficult, you should do it alone.2、hard, hardly hard 形容词,形容词,“大的,困难的,硬的大的,困难的,硬的”。 副词,副词,“大大地,努力地大大地,努力地”hardly 副词,副词, “几乎不几乎不”The students are sitting on the hard chairs and they are studying hard.It is raining hard/heavily outside. We can hardly see the build

37、ing next to us.some time 名词词组,名词词组,“一些(一段)时间,若干时间一些(一段)时间,若干时间”sometime 表时间的副词,过去或将来表时间的副词,过去或将来 “某一时间某一时间”sometimes 副词,表频度,副词,表频度, “有时,不时、经常有时,不时、经常”some times 几次或几倍几次或几倍=several/ a few times3.sometimes, sometime , some time, some times 1._ my parents take me to visit my uncle in Tianjin.2. I like

38、Harry Porter so much that I have seen it _.3. He will stay in London for _ before he goes to Paris.4. We will have a spring field trip _ next month.Sometimessome timessome timesometime4. much too, too much, too many (1) much too + 形容词、副词原级,表示形容词、副词原级,表示”非常,极其,太非常,极其,太“(2)too much +不可数名词,表示不可数名词,表示”太

39、多太多“(3)too many+复数名词,复数名词, 表示表示”太多太多“Children shouldnt eat _ junk food because it is bad for their health.Now_ children like playing computers games so schools should do something to stop them.The box is _ heavy for you. Please leave it there. too muchtoo manymuch toohow often, how long, how soon ,h

40、ow far1. how often 表示频率,常用表示频率,常用once, twice, three times等来回答。等来回答。2. how long 表示持续多久,通常用表示持续多久,通常用”for+一段时间一段时间“或或since+时间点时间点”等等来回答来回答3. how soon 表示表示“还要多久还要多久”,通常用和一般将来时连用,并用,通常用和一般将来时连用,并用”in+一段时间一段时间“ 来回答来回答 4. how far表示表示”多远多远“,通常用,通常用kilometers, .miles,”或或five minutes walk 等来回答。等来回答。1._ have

41、you been in London? For six months.2._ do you visit your grandparents? - Twice a month.3.-_ will you be ready? We have been waiting for you for an hour!4. - Sorry. I will be ready in ten minutes.5.4. -_ is your school from your home?6. -Its only about five minutes walk. I go to school every day on f

42、oot.How longHow oftenHow soonHow farI.根据句意填空。根据句意填空。1.Whichfilmis_,thisoneorthatone?(interesting)2.IthinkEnglishisoneof_subjectsinmiddleschool(important).3.LiLeidoesntstudyso_ashissister.(care)课时训练课时训练moreinterestingthemostimportantcarefully4.Annisalittle_thanJoan,butsheismuch_.(young,tall)5.TheChan





47、yes_A.softB.safeC.safelyD.safety15.Wouldyoupleasespeak_?Istillcantfollowyou.A.slowB.muchslowC.muchslowlyD.moreslowlyBD1.He sang 0f all the students 2. in the class(04年中考)年中考) Aloud Bthe loudest Clouder Da little louder 2.Lets go _ . The train is leaving very soon (04年中考)年中考) Aquietly Bquickly Cslowl

48、y DeasilyBB3. Have you ever seen Tom and Jerry ? Sure. It is one of_ cartoons I have ever seen. (05年中考)年中考)A. wonderful B. the most wonderfulC. more wonderful 4.Do you like the two skirts? -The yellow one is good but the green one looks _.(06年中考)年中考) Anicer Bnice CbestBA5. 刘翔是中国最受欢迎的明星之一。刘翔是中国最受欢迎的明

49、星之一。 Liu Xiang is one of _ _ in China.(06年中考)年中考)6.ThedoctortoldMarytoeat_vegetablesand_meatbecauseshewasgettingfatterandfatter.(07年中考)年中考) Amuch; little Bmore; less Cmany; few D.more; fewerthemostpopularstarsB7. John, is Henry your twin brother? _Oh, yes. he is twenty minutes _ than me.(08年中考)年中考)

50、A. heavier B. elder C. taller D. older8.It takes more time tp go there by ship than by bus. Its _ by train of the three.(08年中考)年中考) A. faster B. the fastest Cfast D. much fastDB【例例1】Whichis_seasoninBeijing?Ithinkitsautumn.2003北京北京A.goodB.betterC.bestD.thebest外省中考真题再现:外省中考真题再现:【例例2】Itis_todaythanyest





55、A.strongB.strongerC.muchstrongerD.thestrongest11.Lileioftentalks_butdoes_soeveryonesaysheisagoodboy.A.less;moreB.few;muchC.more;littleD.little;many12.Whenthefamoussingerstartedtosing,everyonebegantoshoutvery_.A.loudlyB.loudC.heavilyD.highAAA同学们,还记得在这个专项里我们复习了同学们,还记得在这个专项里我们复习了什么吗?什么吗?1、形容词的基本用法;、形容词的基本用法;2、副词的基本用法、副词的基本用法3、形容词和副词的原级句型、形容词和副词的原级句型4、形容和副词的比较级的变化规则(规则和不规则的词)、形容和副词的比较级的变化规则(规则和不规则的词)5、形容词和副词比较级的句型、形容词和副词比较级的句型6、形容词和副词比较级前用法的注意事项、形容词和副词比较级前用法的注意事项7、倍数的句型、倍数的句型8、形容词和副词的最高级句型、形容词和副词的最高级句型在老师的帮助下,在老师的帮助下, 你们都掌握了吗?要努力啊!你们都掌握了吗?要努力啊!



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