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1、Unit 4 When is Easter?一、单元教学分析本单元围绕 special days 这一话题展开,重点学习表达日期的词汇和句型,使学生能够借助所学知识询问中西方主要节日及个人生日的具体日期并做出相应的回答。节日和生日都与学生的日常生活密切相关,可以激发学生的学习兴趣。A 部分通过讨论中西方节日和学校举办活动等,教授如何对日期进行提问和回答。 B 部分通过呈现讨论彼此和家人生日的情一步强化对日期进行提问与回答的相关知识;在读写部分,以日记的形式呈现出日期的教学时,教师可以灵活地运用教材情境图和相应的音、 视频帮助学生感知、 理解的语义及语用情境,呈现和操练新教授的内容,进而达到灵活

2、运用语言的目的。 在前几个单元学习的基础上,学生对表示月份的词汇和基数词已经比较熟悉 ,教师可以引导学生发现基数词转变为序数词的词形变化规律,提醒学生关注基、序数词的不同用法。本单元将学习字母组合 t 的两种不同的发音规则,教师可以在进行序数词的教学时渗透 three,thirteen 等的语音知识,将语音学习与发音实践有机地结合起来,引导学生运用语音知识提升对单词的认读和识记效果。C 部分的 Story time 以时间为主线,呈现每一天的主要活动。故事的内容是对本单元重点内容的拓展,在阅读理解的基础上,可以鼓励有能力的学生给故事配音或分角色表演。二 单元教学目标能够听、 说、 读、 写核心

3、句型: When is April FoolsDay?It s on AprilIst.When is your birthday My birthday is on April 4th能够在情景中运用句型 When is April FoolsDay?rt s on April lst询问并回答某节日的日期 ;能够在情景中运用句型 When is your birthday?Mybirthday is on April4th.询问并回答有关生日日期的内容能够按照正确的语音、语调、意群朗读对话能够在图片的帮助下理解日记;能够按照正确的语音、语调、意群朗读日记,能运用核心句型完成写完整句的任务知

4、识与能力目标词汇能够听、说、读、写序数词: first(lst), second(2nd), third(3rd),fourth(4th) ,fifth(5th) ,twelfth(12th) ,twentieth(20th) ,twenty-first(21st)twenty-third(23rd), thirtieth (30th)能够在语境中正确运用上述序数词语音能够掌握字母组合 th 的发音规则,即在单词中 th 发/O/或/O/的规则能够读出符合 th 的发音规则的单词, 并能够根据发音拼写出符合 th 发音规则的单词能够在单线上完成抄写句子的活动,做到书写规范情感态度、文化意识能够

5、体会并表达自己喜欢的中外节日了解中西方重要节日的日期学习策略目标能够根据 th 的发音规则拼读、拼写单词三、单元课时建议第一课时:A(Lets try Lets talk)第二课时:A(Lets learn Ask and answer Lets wrap it up) ,第三课时:A(Lets spell)第四课时:Main scene B(Lets try Lets talk)第五课时:B(Lets learn Look and write Lets check)第六课时:B(Read and write) C(Story time)课前检测题:1.找出划线部分发音不同的单词 A. lun

6、ch B. teacher C.sheep2._ season do you like best? A. What B. Which C. Where3.Its hot, I can go swimming in_in China. A. January B. December C. July4.-When is Easter?Its in _.5.-When is the school trip? -Its_ October.PEP Book6 Unit4 A Lets talk一、教学内容 A Lets try & Lets talk二、教学目标1.学生能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意

7、;2.能够根据正确的语音、语调、意群朗读对话,并能够进行角色扮演;3.能够在情景中运用句型 When is April Fools Day?It s on April 1st.And Easter? Its on April5 th this year.询问并回答节日的日期;能够在情景中运用句型 There are some special days in April. 表述某月有多少特殊的日子;4.能够在语境中理解单词 special 的意思,并能正确发音。5.能区分 in 和 on 在月份中的使用;三、教学重点难点 1.重点:在情境中运用句型 When is.?Its on .2.难点:对

8、 special days 的正确认识和正确表达;四、教学准备课前学生已学:12 个月份的单词、12 个月份所对应的一些节日的名称:NewYearsDay,TreePlantingDay,Easter,MayDay,Mid-AutumnDay,MothersDay,NationalDay,ChildrensDay,FathersDay,Thanksgiving Day,Christmas师准备:词卡,PPT,与复活节和愚人节有关的一些资料五、教学过程Step1.Warm-up and Revision1.Lets chant:12 month2.A:When is _?(Childrens D

9、ay,New Years Day,MothersDay) B:Its in_.(复习 12 个月份及节日)Step2.Presentation1. Game: Yes or No ? (引出 in,on 的用法和 special 这个单词及意思)1.Mothers day is in May. Yes. -a specil day 特殊的日子2.New Years day is on April 20th. No,It s on January 1st.3. Childrens day is on April 20th. No,Its on June 1st.4. My birthday is

10、 on April 20th.?Guess:When is my birthday?Not on April 1st ,Not on June 1st After April 30thBefore June1stMy birthday is on May Day.My birthday is on a special day. Teach“special”.2. Which month are we talking about ?A. March B: MayLets try.3.April 4th is a special day,are there any more special day

11、s inApril?Listen-April Fools Day and Easter.When is April Fools Day? Its in April. Its (in/on )April 1 .Its on April 1st.April Fools Day is a day to play jokes on other.4. When is Easter this year?Listen and choose.Its on April 5th this year.5. Teach sentence:There are some special days in April6. A

12、sk and answer:When is April Fools Day ?Its on Apirl 1st.And Easter?=When is Easter?Its on Apirl 5th this year.(操练重点句型,询问并回答节日的日期;能够在情景中运用句型)7.Read along. 录音开始读 2 秒后,轻轻的随后读8 Read it better. 跟读,注意语音语调和连读。7. Try 1: Read and act. 同桌分角色朗读。Step3.Practice 1. Read and order. 排序 (让学生更好的理解对话内容,熟悉对话的先后顺序)( ) I

13、ts on Apirl 1st.( ) What are they?( ) April Fools Day and Easter.( ) When is April Fools Day ?( ) There are some special days in April.( ) Wow! I love April.( ) And Easter?( ) Its on Apirl 5th this year.st2.Step5. Summary本节课学习了重点句型:When is AprilFools Day?It s onApril 1st.And Easter? Its on April 5th

14、 this year.并让学生学会在情景中操练句型。区分了 in 和 on 在月份中的使用Step6. Homework1.Listen and repeat. P38.听音,跟读。 (必做)2.Recite.背诵课文 .3.Make a new dialouge with your partner.选择自己觉得特殊的日子,和同学说一说。 (选做)设计意图:附:板书设计When is April Fools Day?Its on April 1st.And Easter?Its on April 5th this year.六、课堂检测根据所备内容,编制三道课堂检测题。课后检测题:一,选出正确

15、的答案。1.When is Easter? Its _ April 5th this year. A. in B. at C. on2. When is Chinas National Day?Its on_. A. August 1st B. December 1st C. Oct 1st3.-April Fools Day is on_.A. April 5th B.April 1st C. April 11th二、连词成句:1.April , Its , year , this , on , 5th( ( . )_ _ 2.April , When , Day , is , Fools

16、( ? )_ _三、填空。There are some special days in a year.New Years Day is on _ _.May Day is on _ _.Childrens Day on _ _.Chinas National Day is on _ _.Easter is on _ _ this year.I love special days.PEP Book6 Unit4 A Lets learn课前检测题:1.找出划线部分发音不同的单词A. class B. plate C.clean2._ is New Years Day?Its on_Junuary

17、.A. When B. Where C. Which3.When is April Fools Day? Its _April 1st. A. in B. at C. on 4.-Easter is on _this year.5.-Childrens Day is _ June.一、教学内容:Unit4 A Lets learn二、教学目标1.能够听、说、读、写 firt(1st),second(2nd),third(3rd,fourth(4th), fifth(5th)单词;2.能够熟练运用句型 When is the sports meet? It s on April4th.询问和回答

18、节日与活动的日期。三、 教学重点:序数词的缩写形式, 能够熟练运用句型 When is the sports meet?It s on April4th.询问和回答节日与活动的日期。教学难点:序数词和基数词的区别和运用.四、教学准备课前学生已经学了月份的单词, 在第一课里还学了月份后面 1 号和 5 号的表述以及询问节日具体日期的句子:When is _?Its on_.师准备词卡,课件等五、教学过程Step1.Warm-up and Revision1. season song2. 复习数字、月份和节日设计意图:复习学过的内容,让学生更好的运用重点句型。Step2.Presentation1

19、.Lets guess:Its in April.You can joke(开玩笑) on other people.(打一节日)-April Fools Day.Whats the date?-April 1st.first ir - bird,girlWhen is.? Its on _. Childrens Day-June 1st. Chinas National Day-October New Years Day-January 1stArmy Day- August 1stMay Day-May 1st设计意图:操练巩固 1st.2.first-thirteen-thirty-th

20、ird-3rd3.Wu Yifan:We have a maths test.I got 100, I am the first. Sarah:I get 98. I am the third. Amy:I get 99. I am the _.-second4,We have a sports meet.Jill,Soso,Tutu,Leo,A:Who is the_?B:_is the _.Soso is the -4thLets chant:Who is the first? Leo is the first. Who is the second?Jill is the second.

21、Who is the third?Tutu is the third. Who is the fourth?Soso is the fourth.5. PK game基数词-序数词-缩写的转换 Five-? fifth 5th基变序,有规律,第 1,2,3 特殊记,first,second 和 third。4 以上加 th, 8 去 t,9 去 e.ve 需用 f 替。6. Look and choose1.There are _ seasons in a year. Winter is the _ season of the year.2.There are _ days in a week

22、.Sunday is the _ day of the week.3.There are _ months in a year.May is the _ month of the year.7. Listen and repeat.8. Ask and answerA: When is _?B: Its on _.Step3.Practice1Read and fill in the blanks._is the 1st month of the year._ is the 2nd month of the year._is the 5th month of the year.August i

23、s the _ month of the year.October is the_ month of the year.2.Look and say in P39设计意图:让学生更熟悉序数词的用法3.Lets wrap it up.Step5. Summary学习了序数词及其用法Step6. Homework1.听读背 P39;2.抄写本 42,并听写在 46;设计意图:附:板书设计A: When is _? B: Its on _.1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th六、课堂检测课后检测题:一、选出正确的答案1.When is Easter? Its on _ this year.A. A

24、pril 1st B.April 5th C.April 13th2. When is _maths test?Its on November. A. the B. a C. /3.- When is _Childrens Day?Its on June 1st. A. a B. / C. the _二、选出不同类的单词:1.()A.first B.three C.third D.fifth2.()April B.May C.second D.June三、根据提示写出字母:s _ _ _nd(第二) f _ _ st(fif_ _(第五) th_ _ d(第一)第三)PEP Book6 Uni

25、t4 A LetPEP Book6 Unit4 A Lets spells spell一、教学目标一、教学目标1让孩子们知道字母组合在单词中的两种发音。2.能正确的拼写出 th 字母组合的单词。3.掌握 th 字母组合什么时候发清音,什么时候发浊音的一般规律,并能按照一般的规律来拼读出相关的单词。二、重点二、重点知道两种发音, 以及相关的规律,能按照一般的规律拼读。三、难点三、难点能按照一般的规律拼读,并辨别出 th 字母组合在单词中的读音,相关单词的拼写。四、教学过程四、教学过程Step1.Warm-up and RevisionStep1.Warm-up and RevisionPhoni

26、cs song设计意图设计意图: : 复习字母发音,感知发音。Step2.PresentationStep2.Presentation(1)介绍一个小男孩引出例词 :thin thirteen three maths 拼读例词,试着拼读 th 字母组合发清音的新单词。然后可以配合视频让学生再次跟着拼读相关的单词与句子。设计意图:让学生感知发清音单词的单词规律。(2)介绍小男孩的的家庭成员引出例词:this that mother brother . 试着拼读 th 字母组合发浊音的新单词。然后可以配合视频让学生再次跟着拼读相关的单词与句子。让学生感知发清音单词的单词规律。Step3.Pract

27、iceStep3.Practice(1). lets spell.设计意图设计意图: : 复习含有 th 的单词,感知发音。(2).find home(3).listen, circle and say(4). read and choose(5).choose write and say设计意图设计意图: : 通过练习复习 th 的浊辅音和清辅音的发音,并能熟练区别两种发音,帮助学生找规律。Step4.Extension and ProductionStep4.Extension and Production(1)完成作业本的相关练习(2)找一找单词表中有 th 字母组合的单词,并把它们进行

28、分类。设计意图: 通过练习进一步复习 th 的浊辅音和清辅音的发音,并能熟练区别两种发音,帮助学生找规律。Step6. Homework日期听读背预习抄听课外p40p39p41p40说出含有 th 单词,并分出清浊辅音。五附:五附:六、课堂检测六、课堂检测1( ).A third B fifth C these1( ).A third B fifth C these2( ).A that B three C those2( ).A that B three C those3( ).A mouth B clothes C tooth3( ).A mouth B clothes C tooth4(

29、 ).A mother B father C maths4( ).A mother B father C maths【标题标题】PEP Book6 Unit4 B Lets talk每日精选题A. third B. fourth C.mother1.找出划线部分发音不同的单词2.-When do you go to bed? -I usually go to bed 9:30 pm. A. on B.in C. at3.-When is Mid-Autumn Day? -Its usually September. A. on B. in C. at【正文正文】一、教学内容:一、教学内容:B

30、LetB Lets try Lets try Lets talks talk二、教学目标二、教学目标教学目标:(1)能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意。(2)能够运用正确的语音、语调和意群朗读对话。(3)能够在情境中恰当运用核心句型 When is your birthday? Mybirthday is on .就生日日期展开问答。(4)能够在情境中运用句型 What will you do for your mum? I will cooknoodles for her. 表达自己能为家人或者朋友做些什么。(5)能够在语境中理解短语 both of you 的意思并能正确发音。三、教学重

31、点难点三、教学重点难点教学重点:能够正确询问他人的生日,并作出相应的回答。教学难点:当生日刚好碰上特殊的节日,如何将两者巧妙地结合。四、教学准备四、教学准备学生已学过的相关单词 句子或知识点:1、十二个月份的单词2、第一至第五的序数词3、-When is . Its in . Its on .教师准备多媒体课件五、教学过程五、教学过程Step1.Warm-up and RevisionLets try1. 教师出示图片, 引导学生看图(Who s this boy/girl? Who s that babyin the photo?)2. When is the baby s birthday

32、?给出三个选项,先请学生读一读这三个日期,然后引导学生听录音,完成选择生日日期的练习。Step2.Presentation1. 由 Lets try 部分 Mikes new cousin 的生日,直接过渡到 When isMikes birthday? 看视频动画回答问题。2. 追问:Whos birthday is on April 4th, too.(Chen Jies mums)3. Read the dialogue and judge some sentences.1). Mikes birthday and Chen Jies birthday are on the same d

33、ay.2). Chen Jie will cook noodles for her mum.3). Mike dosent like Chinese noodles.4). Chen Jie will have a birthday party for her mum and Mike.(学生翻开自己的书本自己阅读理解对话,用四个句子的判断来检验学生们是否读懂这个对话, 在反馈的时候跟文本的句子录音进行朗读, 学习 both of you这个新的知识点。 )4. 再次观看视频动画,跟读模仿。注意对重读、连读和停顿的指导。Step3.Practice课堂作业本 P30 练习,第一题中的 19,2

34、0 是没有教到的,需要先读图,再练习。第二题需要强调书写。第三题朗读理解句子,理清逻辑关系。Step4.Extension and Production绘制背诵课文脑图,给出开头,帮助孩子记忆课文。设计意图:脑图能帮助学生更好地理清课文脉络,给出开头,能帮助孩子更好地记忆内容。Step5. Summary1.小结从这段小对话中得出的两层意义。 给出前半句, 让学生进行小组讨论,把句子补充完整。设计意图:对话中得出两层意义:第一层是 Mike 的生日和 Chen Jie 妈妈的生日在同一天,延续 A 部分 special day 的话题。第二层是 Chen Jie 是个乖巧、 孝顺的孩子, 因为

35、她会为妈妈做生日面条, 还会邀请在异国他乡的 Mike到家里一起过生日。3. Make a new dialogue.设计意图:给出对话模板,学生根据自己的实际情况,综合已有的知识,进行新对话的输出。在练习中思考能为他人做些什么,渗透情感教育,培养感恩意识和利他意识。Step6. Homework设计意图:设计不同作业,针对学生能力不同,分层作业。附:板书设计六、课堂检测六、课堂检测【标题标题】PEP Book6 Unit4 B Lets learn每日精选题【正文正文】一、教学内容:一、教学内容:B LetB Lets learn Lets learn Lets checks check二、

36、教学目标二、教学目标(1) 能听、 说、 读、 写单词: twelfth (12th) , twentieth (20th) , twentyfirst(21st),twenty third(23rd),thirtieth(30th) 。(2)能够在语境中正确运用上述序数词。(3)能熟练运用句型 When is yourbirthday? Its on . 询问他人生,并作出回答,同时能在真实生活中运用。初步感知What will you do? Iwill .句型的理解和运用场景。四、教学重点难点教学重点难点教学重点: 掌握 12th, 20th, 21st, 23rd, 30th 这五个单

37、词及句型 Whensyour birthday? Its on .教学难点:掌握序数词的变化规则;理解基数词和序数词的不同用法。四、教学准备四、教学准备学生已学过的相关单词 句子或知识点:1、十二个月份的单词2、第一至第五的序数词3、-When is . Its in . Its on .学生准备自制的单词卡片教师准备多媒体课件五、教学过程五、教学过程Step1.Warm-up and Revision呈现脑图,引导学生根据脑图背诵 B Lets talkStep2.Presentation5. 呈现 Lets learn 插图,引导学生注意日历上谁的生日,读一读。提问:When is Gra

38、ndpas birthday?6. 教学几个序数词Twelf th (学生自制卡片上划分音节)与基数词 twelve 比较、区别,总结变化规则,延展 1319,Twen tie th (学生自制卡片上划分音节)与基数词 twenty 比较、区别。Twen ty-fir st(学生自制卡片上划分音节)与上面的第二十比较,总结变化规则:基数词+序数词,延展 2229(其中 23 呈现卡片,同样教学)Thir tie th (学生自制卡片上划分音节)与上面的第二十比较字形,总结变化规则。3.播放录音,跟读模仿。Step3.Practice1. Lets check1)Listen and numbe

39、r2)引导学生拼读:seventh, tenth, second, thirteenth3)Listen and tick or cross2. 课堂作业本 P31 练习,第一题需要先读题,再练习。第二题连线。第三题需要指导书写。Step4. Summary1. 朗读板书词汇部分,区分表示排序和表示数量的两种数词并板书。2. 读一读,选择正确的词汇,感悟两种数词的不同用法。Step5. Homework设计意图:设计不同作业,针对学生能力不同,分层作业。附:板书设计七、课堂检测七、课堂检测PEP Book6 Unit4 B Read and writePEP Book6 Unit4 B Rea

40、d and write一、教学目标一、教学目标知识、能力目标:1. 能够听、说、读、理解 kitten,fur, still 和 make noises 等生词。2. 能读懂并理解日记,能按意群正确地朗读日记。3. 能根据图片想象,在阅读中尝试捕捉关键词,寻找答案。4. 能在学习过程中感受日记的格式及表达方法。情感态度目标:1.能理解小猫咪的成长过程,进而了解更多动、植物的成长,增长见识。二、重点二、重点读懂 Sarah 的日记;阅读和表达策略的培养读。三、难点三、难点对小动物、植物从孕育到出生,从出生到长大的生命历程有一定的背景了解。四、教学过程四、教学过程Step1.Warm-up and

41、 RevisionStep1.Warm-up and Revision1. GreetingsNow , it is spring, Whats the date today? How are you? How old are you?Look at the screen. What do you see? There are many animals. Do you like animal?pet?April 14 . What do you usually do in April?T: I love animals ,too. Lets enjoy a song about animals

42、.thWhats your favourite animal? What s it like? What can it do ? Do you have a设计意图设计意图: : 通过简单的交流拉近师生的距离, 同时为后面的学习做好铺垫。 播放图片,对本课的主题成长稍有了解。2.The Baby Animals SongT: What animals do you see? Can you remember?S: I see theT: We can see many animals and baby animals, we call the baby dog puppy,we call th

43、e baby cat kitten. Puppy will grow up into dog. Lamb will growup into sheep. Kitten will grow up into cats. Today ,our topic is aboutgrowing. See how they grow.Lets enjoy some picturtes.Lets see, how学生跟读。设计意图设计意图: : 由日记引入日期的表达Step2: Pre-reading1.Lead-in T:She likes animals very much. She has a cat.

44、The cats has two babies.How do we call baby cats?S: Kittens.T: Sarah likes kitten very much. So she keeps diaries about them.2. About diary(1)Know the diary and read the date.T: These are Sarahs diaries. They are diaries because there are dateson them. Can you read ?S: April 15th, April 21st, April

45、26th, May 3rd.3.Arrange the photos.T: And Sarah often takes photos .For every dairy, there is photo. Canyou arrange them?S: ADBCT: Why ? Maybe you are right.设计意图设计意图: : 完整呈现第一则日记并在理解的基础上了解日记的书写格式。 主要以问题的形式推进日记的学习。Step3: While-reading1.The first diary.1) Imagine and say.T: Look at the first photo. Wh

46、ats the date?S: April 15th.T: Yes, on April 15th. what are they like?S:On April, they are small/ cute/ young/ .引导性问题 T: How old are they? Are they big? What colour are they?T: Can you imagine what they can/cant do ?S: They can/ cant 2.Read the diary.T: You have good imagination. Maybe Sarah has the

47、same opinions.Lets look at Sarahs diary. Lets read follow her.S:T: Can they see? Why?S: Because they are young.T: Yes, because they are still too young, their eyes are closed.They still cant see.设计意图设计意图: : 通过学一学猫叫辅助理解make noises同时也为枯燥的阅读活动增添趣味。读一读,排序,并让学生积极思维。2. The second diary (Listen and say)(1)

48、. Listen and sayT:After some days, they grow up. How old are they?S:They are 6 days.T:Can they see now?S: No, they still cant see.T: What are they like then? And what can they do? Listen and Look atthe diary.S: (1) (2). white furWhat colour are they now?They are white now.Because they have white fur

49、.(nurse)Animals have fur. But we have hair.(3)make noisesThey still cant see. But they make noises.(播放猫叫吵闹声)Do you know how kittens make noises? Let me show you.教读 make noisesCan you make noises like kittens? How do babies make noises?When do kittens make noises?S: When they are hungry.T: When will

50、kittens make noises, too?S: They make noises when they are.(4) Time to read the diary.1. The third and the fourth diary.(1) T: Time flies, the kittens are growing and growing. Look, theireyes are open. And they can do some things.Please read the third and the fourth diary by yourself. And tell me :W

51、hat colour are their eyes? What can they do on May 3rd.S: 默读找答案并回答。校对答案。Look at the photo. Where are they? Why?(2)Can you remember Sarahs diary? 学生口头填空并跟读。Lets try to complete Sarahs diary.2. Enjoy how two kittens growSo these are Sarahs diaries about her kittens, do you like her diary?Choose one an

52、d read it.让学生自由地读一读故事,注意语音语调。选择一则日记声情并茂地读一读。设计意图设计意图: : Sarah 以挂照片的方式为大家呈现完整的日记内容也就是小猫咪的成长过程。检测对课文的理解和从文中获取信息的能力。能够通过学习,学以致用, 以拼图的方式学会日记的基本流程。 介绍一些相关的绘本了解更多的科普知识。T:After some days, they grow up. How old are they?S:They are 6 days.T:Can they see now?S: No, they still cant see.T: What are they like th

53、en? And what can they do? Listen and Look atthe diary.S: 1)(2). white furWhat colour are they now?They are white now.Because they have white fur.(nurse)Animals have fur. But we have hair.(3)make noisesThey still cant see. But they make noises.(播放猫叫吵闹声)Do you know how kittens make noises? Let me show

54、 you.教读 make noisesCan you make noises like kittens? How do babies make noises?When do kittens make noises?S: When they are hungry.T: When will kittens make noises, too?S: They make noises when they are.(4) Time to read the diary.1.1. The third and the fourth diary.The third and the fourth diary.(1)

55、 T: Time flies, the kittens are growing and growing. Look, theireyes are open. And they can do some things.Please read the third and the fourth diary by yourself. And tell me :What colour are their eyes? What can they do on May 3rd.S: 默读找答案并回答。校对答案。Look at the photo. Where are they? Why?(2)Can you r

56、emember Sarahs diary? 学生口头填空并跟读。Lets try to complete Sarahs diary.2.2. Enjoy how two kittens growEnjoy how two kittens growSoSo thesethese areare SarahSarahs s diariesdiaries aboutabout herher kittens,kittens, dodo youyou likelike herher diary?diary?五附:五附:六、课堂检测六、课堂检测( )1.My cat has two new _ _.( )1

57、.My cat has two new _ _. A. puppies B.kittens C. lambs A. puppies B.kittens C. lambs( ) 2.-The kitten can _now.( ) 2.-The kitten can _now. A. walk B. to walk C. walking A. walk B. to walk C. walking( ) 3. There are -kittens at my home.( ) 3. There are -kittens at my home. A. fouth B. four A. fouth B. four



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