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1、2020-20212020-2021 学年学年外研版英语七年级下册外研版英语七年级下册词汇讲义拓展学习法词汇讲义拓展学习法第 119 组language1) language 英lwd 美lgwd语言1.Language Skill Deficits in Chinese Children with Specific ReadingDisorder;汉语阅读障碍儿童语言能力研究2.Language is the Bridge of Connecting Feelings between Nurses andPatients;语言是沟通护患感情的桥梁3.The Art of the Use of

2、 Language in Clinicial Work;临床工作中语言运用的艺术4.offensive remarks, language, behaviour无礼的言语、 语言、 行为1 12020-20212020-2021 学年学年5.opprobrious language, remarks, deeds辱骂的语言、 言语、 行为.6.proficiency in language usage语言修养 语言修养7.genetic theory of language语言天赋论 语言天赋论parative philology比较语言语文学9.BASIC extension语言扩充外研版英

3、语七年级下册外研版英语七年级下册词汇讲义拓展学习法词汇讲义拓展学习法2 22020-20212020-2021 学年学年10.COBOL extension语言扩充11.ALGOL-like source language类源语言12.diagnostic FORTRAN诊断 fortran 语言13.COBOL application语言应用14.BASIC application语言应用外研版英语七年级下册外研版英语七年级下册词汇讲义拓展学习法词汇讲义拓展学习法3 32020-20212020-2021 学年学年15.Of or relating to language or lingui

4、stics.语言的,语言学的语言或语言学的或与之相关的16.a second, a foreign, an acquired language第二语言、 外国语言、 后天学得的语言.17.FROM LANGUAGE TO SPEECH-Sources and Changes ofArtistic Language;从语言到言语艺术语言的源流和变迁18.The Distinction between Language and Speech (Langue et Parole)and the Standardization of Language and Words;语言和言语的区分与语言文字规范

5、化2) language 英lwd 美lgwd语言文字外研版英语七年级下册外研版英语七年级下册词汇讲义拓展学习法词汇讲义拓展学习法4 42020-20212020-2021 学年学年1.Exploration of the promotion of the language standardization in theMedical College医学院校推进语言文字规范化工作的探索与实践2.The standardization of medium language has close relationship withedition quality.新闻媒体语言文字规范化方面的问题同编校质

6、量存在的问题密切相关。3.It is a fact that in some years there has been phenomenonof language confusion in publications and it is becoming more obvious.语言文字错乱现象是若干年来我国出版物客观存在的一个事实,而且至今还有广泛的表现,不可能短期内被根绝;但也是一个必须正视并逐渐克服的文化现象。4.Relations between Views of Lu Xun s Language and JapaneseDevelopment;外研版英语七年级下册外研版英语七年级下

7、册词汇讲义拓展学习法词汇讲义拓展学习法5 52020-20212020-2021 学年学年外研版英语七年级下册外研版英语七年级下册词汇讲义拓展学习法词汇讲义拓展学习法鲁迅的语言文字观与日本语言文字发展之关系5.A Sociolinguistic Analysis on Taiwanese Linguistic Planning台湾语言文字规划的社会语言学分析6.On the Common Properties between Ancient Chinese Language andEnglish论古汉语和英语两种语言文字的共性7.Language and Modern Spirit -On l

8、anguage cultural notion of theLiberal School;语言文字与现代精神论开明派的语言文化观8.Application of The Law of the National Commonly - UsedLanguage and Script in Teaching Chinese to Foreign Students as aSecond Language;6 62020-20212020-2021 学年学年外研版英语七年级下册外研版英语七年级下册词汇讲义拓展学习法词汇讲义拓展学习法国家通用语言文字法与对外汉语教学9.Chinese Standardiz

9、ation and Teaching of Modern Chinese;语言文字规范化与“现代汉语”教学10.LANGUAGE, spoken and written, is the most fundamental of allcultural abilities.文化能力的基本工夫是语言文字。11.Duan Yucai s Spoken and Written Language Standpoints in thePreface In terpreting of ShuoWen;从说文序段注看段玉裁的语言文字观12.The Value of Dunhuang Literature fro

10、m the Perspective ofLanguage and Writing;从语言文字的角度看敦煌文献的价值7 72020-20212020-2021 学年学年13.The Academic Value of Language and Chinese CharactersSymbolized in Wenxuan Manuscripts from Dunhuang;试论敦煌本文选的语言文字价值14.The Evolution of Textspeak and the Norms of Linguistic Symbols“火星文”的嬗变与语言文字符号的规范15.An Analysis o

11、f the Negative Effect of the Ad. Terms on theStandard of the Spoken and Written Language;析广告语言对语言文字规范的消极影响16.doesnt need to be in words.不仅仅依靠文字语言。17.外研版英语七年级下册外研版英语七年级下册词汇讲义拓展学习法词汇讲义拓展学习法8 82020-20212020-2021 学年学年外研版英语七年级下册外研版英语七年级下册词汇讲义拓展学习法词汇讲义拓展学习法Yes, but not in words.会?但不是用文字语言。18.grasp the mea

12、ning of sth said or written弄清言语或文字的意义3) language 英lwd 美lgwd言语1.Dialectic Relationship between Language and Speech in AudiovisualMultimedia Teaching of Foreign Languages;外语电化教学中的语言与言语2.Restressing the Language Cultivation of Medical Staff;论医务人员言语修养的重拾3.In this paper,we try to look into the misleading

13、 inference ofthe language in advertising and argue that prototype-based metonymic9 92020-20212020-2021 学年学年外研版英语七年级下册外研版英语七年级下册词汇讲义拓展学习法词汇讲义拓展学习法mapping is likely to lead to the discrepancy between text-basedimpressions and the reality.广告研究的视角多种多样,在本文中,我们所关心的是转喻认知模式在广告言语理解中的误导作用。4.FROM LANGUAGE TO S

14、PEECH-Sources and Changes ofArtistic Language;从语言到言语艺术语言的源流和变迁5.The Distinction between Language and Speech (Langue et Parole)and the Standardization of Language and Words;语言和言语的区分与语言文字规范化6.A spoken language or dialect.语言说的语言或方言7.10102020-20212020-2021 学年学年外研版英语七年级下册外研版英语七年级下册词汇讲义拓展学习法词汇讲义拓展学习法formu

15、la translatorfortran 语言8.The body language includes the body-gesture language, head-necklanguage, sign language, face language and looks language.形体语言包括身姿语言、颈语言、势语言、部语言、目语言。9.proficiency in language usage语言修养 语言修养10.genetic theory of language语言天赋论 语言天赋论parative philology比较语言语文学11112020-20212020-2021

16、 学年学年12.BASIC extension语言扩充13.COBOL extension语言扩充14.ALGOL-like source language类源语言15.diagnostic FORTRAN诊断 fortran 语言16.COBOL application语言应用外研版英语七年级下册外研版英语七年级下册词汇讲义拓展学习法词汇讲义拓展学习法12122020-20212020-2021 学年学年17.BASIC application语言应用18.Of or relating to language or linguistics.语言的,语言学的语言或语言学的或与之相关的4) la

17、nguage 英lwd 美lgwd话语1.The Research On Language Consciousness in Second LanguageAcquisition;第二语言习得过程中的话语意识研究述略2.Through expounding the motivation to compose news and his expressionsin the process of composing news,this article has an intention ofexplaining the significance of media in Wang Shuos langu

18、age.外研版英语七年级下册外研版英语七年级下册词汇讲义拓展学习法词汇讲义拓展学习法13132020-20212020-2021 学年学年外研版英语七年级下册外研版英语七年级下册词汇讲义拓展学习法词汇讲义拓展学习法文章通过探询王朔话语制造新闻的动机,王朔话语在制造新闻过程中的种种表现方式,达到对其在传播学意义层面的最终阐释。3.He made his first major change in literary creation, by learning fromWilliam Faulkners The Sound and the Fury, from traditional narrati

19、onmodel to a multi-language one.莫言创作的第一次重大转变,是在向福克纳喧哗与骚动学习借鉴的基础上,从传统叙事模式向多重话语叙事模式的转变,而此次转变的标本性文本即是与红高粱家族同时诞生的天堂蒜薹之歌。5) language 英lwd 美lgwd语种1.From three agriculture-based largest databases CAB, Agris and Agricola,911 documents related to banana studies were collected from 2001-2006,and analyzed stat

20、istically in terms of research fields, countries, languagesand sources.14142020-20212020-2021 学年学年外研版英语七年级下册外研版英语七年级下册词汇讲义拓展学习法词汇讲义拓展学习法统计分析了 20012006 年国外三大农业数据库 CAB、 Agris、 Agricola中收集的 911 篇有关香蕉的科技文献的专业领域、 国家、原文语种和来源。2.The paper proposes an approach to language independent textclassification witho

21、ut word segmentation.本文提出了一种独立于语种不需分词的文本分类方法。3.Based on the six representative samples in the library science andinformation science,the paper draws 300 web citations randomly andexplores their availability from three differentaspectsavailability,language,original web site.本文以图书情报学科 6 种有代表性的核心期刊为样本 ,从中随机抽取了 30 0 篇 web 引文 ,从可获得性、语种、来源网站三个不同的角度研究了其可查证性。6) language 英lwd 美lgwd语文科1.15152020-20212020-2021 学年学年外研版英语七年级下册外研版英语七年级下册词汇讲义拓展学习法词汇讲义拓展学习法Discussion about optimize language teaching method on dancing school;论优化舞蹈类学校语文科的教学手法1616



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