七年级英语下册 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar同步作文指导课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt

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《七年级英语下册 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar同步作文指导课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《七年级英语下册 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar同步作文指导课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、单元同步作文指导单元同步作文指导 本单元的写作旨在锻炼大家熟练运用情态动词can表达某人在某一方面所具备的才能及喜好。具体到书面表达中,要求同学们能够根据本单元所学来写一则招聘广告,同时也要求同学们能够根据招聘广告进行有效回复。教材中出现的能用于招聘广告中的常用句型:We want students for the school show.我们学校演出需要一些学生。Do you like.?你喜欢?Can you.?你会?Are you busy after school?放学后你忙吗?Then you can be in our school music festival.那么你能参加我们学

2、校的音乐节。Please call Mr. Brown at 2937742.请拨打2937742找布朗先生。拓展常用句型:We want you.我们想要你Come and join us!来加入我们吧!You are welcome to be in our school music festival.学校音乐节欢迎你的加入。If you want to join us,please call us at.如果你想加入我们,请拨打找我们。My email address is.我的电子邮件地址是根据下面的提示写一则招聘广告。假如你校音乐节缺少打鼓和吹喇叭的同学,还需要一位绘画的同学为音乐节

3、制作海报(poster)。请你写一则50词左右的招聘广告。标题已给出,联系电话:5689327,电子邮箱:。Help WantedCan you play the drums?Can you play the trumpet?You are welcome to be in our school music festival.Can_you_draw?We_want_you_to_draw_a_poster_for_our_school_music_festival.Our_email_address_is_.Also,you_can_call_us_at_5689327.【点拨】:开门见山,

4、直奔主题,点出所需要的同学要具备的条件。以问句形式把条件列出,符合广告习惯。注意广告应涵盖所有的提示信息,让人一目了然。为了使所写广告生动,更加吸引人的眼球,要灵活运用各种句型,同时也要在提示信息的基础上增添一些内容,但一定要合理、自然,如文中两句可改为“Are you free after school?Yes?Can you draw?Yes,then we need you to help us draw a poster for our school music festival.”两句可改为“If you want to join us,please call us at 56893

5、27,or email us at .”阅读下面的一则广告,然后按要求答题。Students Wanted fo Winter CampChildren aged 1216Are you good with children?Happy Kids Winter Camp needs help with:sportsmusicartCatch the chance!Send your personal(个人的) information to 假如你是Jack,想去应聘,请你根据招聘广告中的要求,在表格空白处填出两项你能做的事情,并根据表格中的所有信息发一封电子邮件,介绍你的个人情况,如兴趣、爱好

6、及能力等。要求:70词左右。NameAgeSchoolLikeCanJack13Ren MinMiddle Schoolreading,computer games,playing basketballDear Sir,I want to join your Winter Camp to help children with art,music and sports.Id like to introduce myself first.My name is Jack.I am thirteen years old.I am a student in Ren Min Middle School.I

7、 like reading,playing computer games and playing basketball.I can draw pictures very well.And I can also sing many songs.I hope I can get the job.Please believe that I can do it well.Yours,Jack你们学校的运动俱乐部要招收新的运动员,请你帮助俱乐部写一张海报来吸引更多的同学来参加俱乐部。词数:60左右。(标题已给出,不计入总词数)提示词:player运动员;run跑步One possible version

8、:Players Wanted for the Sports ClubDo you like sports We want some players for the school sports club.Can you run?Can you swim?Can you play basketball,volleyball or tennis?Then you can be in our sports club.If you want to join us,please call us at ,or email at .单元常见错误诊断病号1:Can you play_the_pingpong?

9、【处方】pingpong是表示球类运动的名词,play与表示球类运动的名词连用时,名词前不加定冠词the。故原句应去掉定冠词the。病号2:Mary cant play_violin【处方】play与表示乐器的名词连用时,名词前必须加定冠词the,意为“演奏乐器”。故正确句子应为“Mary cant play the violin.”但需要注意的是,汉语音译为英语的乐器前不加定冠词the,如play erhu“拉二胡”。病号3:Can your father play_the_chess?【处方】play与棋牌类名词连用时,名词前不能用定冠词the,如play cards打牌。故上句中的the

10、必须去掉。病号4:Bill can sings English songs well.【处方】can是情态动词家庭中的一员,没有人称和数的变化,后面必须跟动词原形。故原句中的sings应改为sing。单元常见错误诊断病号5:She can play the guitar and she cant play it well.【处方】前后两个单句为转折关系时,应用连词but;为并列关系时,应用连词and。故原句中and应改为but。病号6:Can you show your model plane for me?【处方】“把某物展示给某人看”有两种表达方法:show sb. sth.show st

11、h. to sb.故此句中,应把介词for改为to。病号7:I am good at draw【处方】be good at意为“擅长于”,后接动词时,必须接动词ing形式。故原句中draw应改为drawing。病号8:I like play basketball with my friends on the weekend.【处方】like意为“喜欢”,后常接动词不定式或动词ing形式,即like to do sth./like doing sth.意为“喜欢做某事”。故原句中应把play改为to play或playing。病号9:Marys pen pal (笔友) can say English.【处方】表示“说某种语言”应用动词speak,而say通常强调说话的具体内容。故原句中say应改为speak。



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