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1、第一部分第一部分 系统复习系统复习 成绩基石成绩基石七年级下册七年级下册第第 4 4 讲讲Module 7Module 7Revision module BRevision module B要点梳理要点梳理过关过关高频考点高频考点精讲精讲考点考点 1 1 strictstrict的用法的用法She was strict but very nice.她严格但很和蔼。 M7 P42【透析】 strict作形容词,意为“严格的,严厉的”。如:She is a very strict teacher.她是一位非常严厉的老师。【拓展】 辨析 be strict in与be strict withbe s

2、trict in后接sth.,意为“对某事(工作、学习等)要求严格”Students must be strict in their study and teachers must be strict with their students.学生必须对学习要求严格,老师则必须对学生要求严格。be strict with后接sb.,意为“对某人要求严格” 考点考点 2 2 one dayone day的用法的用法One day Ill go back.(将来)有一天我将要回去 M8 P44【透析】 one day在句中作时间状语,用在将来时中,意为“有朝一日,以后的某一天”;用在过去时中则意为“

3、过去的一天,有一天”。如:One day,I will leave the city and move to the country.有朝一日,我要离开城市搬到农村去。One day in May,she met an old friend in the street.五月的一天,她在街上遇见了一位老朋友。one day表示过去或将来的某一天One day in March,I climbed the hill near my home with my friend.三月的一天,我跟朋友去爬我家附近的山了。some day常表示将来的某一天He will come to see me some

4、 day.总有一天他会来看我的。【拓展】 辨析 one day与some day考点考点 3 3 decidedecide的用法的用法She decided to go for a walk in the park with her basket.她决定挎着篮子在公园里散散步。 M8 P48考点考点 4 4 pick uppick up的用法的用法She picked up the very big bowl but she didnt like itit was very hot.她端起了那只大的碗,但她不喜欢它它太烫了。 M8 P48【透析】 pick up意为“捡起;拾起”,是“动词副词

5、”结构,名词作其宾语时,放在up之前或之后均可;代词作其宾语时,只能放在pick和up的中间。如:Please pick it up.请把它捡起来。【拓展】 pick up的其他含义考点考点 5 5 辨析辨析 asleep asleep,sleepsleep,sleepysleepy与与sleepingsleepingVery soon she was asleep in it.很快她就在上面睡着了。 M8 P50asleepadj.睡着的(表语形容词)常作表语、宾语补足语。be asleep“睡着”,强调状态;fall asleep“睡着”,强调动作sleepv.入睡;睡觉;n.睡眠指睡觉的

6、动作。如:begin to sleep入睡;go to sleep入睡sleepyadj.困倦的;想睡觉的可用作定语或表语。如:be sleepy想睡觉的;feel sleepy感到困倦sleepingadj.正在睡觉的作前置定语。如:the sleeping baby正在睡觉的婴儿 考点考点 6 6 diedie的用法的用法William Shakespeare died at the age of fiftytwo.威廉姆莎士比亚在52岁时去世了。 M9 P56【透析】 die作动词,意为“死”。如:She died at the age of eighty.她80岁时去世了。由die构成

7、的短语有:die from/of“死于”;die out“消失,灭绝”。【拓展】 辨析 die from与die of(1)die from外因。如:die from a traffic accident死于车祸;(2)die of内因。如:die of sadness死于悲伤。【归纳】 dead作形容词,意为“死的”;death作名词,意为“死,死亡”。 考点考点 7 7 辨析辨析 success success,succeedsucceed,successfulsuccessful与与successfullysuccessfullyHe became a successful actor

8、and began to write plays.他成为一名成功的演员,并开始写戏剧。 M9 P56successn.成功表示抽象意义的“成功”,是不可数名词;表示具体意义的“成功的人或事”,是可数名词Failure is the mother of success.失败乃成功之母。succeedv.成功succeed in doing sth.“成功做某事”We have already succeeded in working out ground rules.我们已经成功地敲定了基本原则。successfuladj.成功的是由名词successful构成的形容词,be successfu

9、l in doing sth.“成功地做某事”Mr.Wang was successful in finding the criminal.王警官成功的找到了罪犯。successfullyadv.成功地是由形容词successfully构成的副词,修饰动词The engineer successfully produced a new kind of car.这位工程师成功地生产出一款新型汽车。 考点考点 8 8 辨析辨析 arrive arrive,get toget to与与reachreachJenny and I arrived by plane the day before yest

10、erday.我和詹妮前天乘飞机到的。 M10 P62词汇词性用法例句arrive 不及物动词arrive in大地方;arrive at小地方He arrived in Shanghai yesterday.他昨天到达了上海。get及物动词get to地方We got to the top of the mountain at noon.我们在中午到达了山顶。reach及物动词reach地方When did you reach New York?你什么时候到纽约的?【注意】 当get to,arrive in/at后接home,here或there等副词时,要省略介词to,in或at。 考点考

11、点 9 9 国家名称的用法国家名称的用法Were going to have some Russian teachers at school tomorrow,and Im welcoming the visitors.明天我们学校要来一些俄罗斯的老师,我将去迎接他们。 M11 P66【透析】 Russian作形容词,意为“俄罗斯的,俄罗斯人的,俄语的”;用作名词,意为“俄罗斯人,俄语”;名词Russia意为“俄罗斯”。如:Some Russians will come to visit some buildings of Russian style in Harbin.一些俄罗斯人将要来哈尔

12、滨参观一些俄罗斯风格的建筑物。【拓展】 其他国家名称的用法国家n.语言n.某国的,某国人的adj.AmericaAustralia ChinaEnglandFranceGermanyJapanSpainItalyIndiaCanadaEnglishEnglishEnglishChineseEnglishFrenchGermanJapaneseSpanishItalianIndianEnglishAmericanAustraliaAustralianChineseEnglishFrenchGermanJapaneseSpanishItalianIndianCanadian 考点考点 10 10

13、辨析辨析 voice voice,noisenoise与与soundsoundThe sound is very.different,isnt it?声音是不同的,不是吗? M12 P72【透析】voice,noise和sound这三个名词都可表示“声音”,但是,它们表示的“声音”并不相同。voice 嗓音指人的说话声或唱歌声The girl has a beautiful voice.那女孩嗓音很美。noise噪音,吵闹声常具有贬义,表示令人心烦的、不和谐的“嘈杂声,噪音,响声”。noise可以用a,some,any,much等词修饰,但不用many修饰The noise of the tr

14、affic kept him awake.车辆的喧闹声使他睡不着。sound泛指一切声响,指一切可以听到的声音sound还可以用作系动词,意为“听起来”,后面接表语。sound like意为“听起来像”At midnight he heard a strange sound.半夜里他听到一种奇怪的声音。Light travels much faster than sound.光的传播速度比声音快得多。关联语法链接关联语法链接语法1:一般过去时态 见P115语法2:祈使句 见P122语法3:感叹句 见P120 语法4:选择疑问句 见P121考点即时考点即时运用运用1考点1Toms parents

15、 are strict _ his behaviours.AinBwithCatDon2考点4Lets _ those pieces of glasses and put them into the dustbin.Apick up Bwake up Cset up Dput up3考点3What bad weather it was!We decided _Ato go out Bnot to go outCto not go out Dnot going outABA4考点9Must I sing the song in _?No,you neednt.Its up to you.ARus

16、sia BRussiansCRussian DRussias5考点6Nowadays many people die _ cancer.Afrom Bto Con Dof6考点8It was such a long way that they didnt _ the hotel until it became dark.Areach Barrive Cget DgotCDA7考点10Through the halfopened door came the _ of many _Asound;voices Bvoice;noisesCnoise;sounds Dvoice;noise8考点5Wh

17、y are you looking _ in class all day?Because I cant finish my homework until eleven every night.Aawake BasleepCsleeping Dsleepy9考点3John decided _ to college instead of working.Ago Bgoing Cgone Dto goDAD10考点7Jin Dong has been a _ star.Asuccessful B.successfully Csuccess Dsucceed11语法32017天水中考_ wonderf

18、ul report he wrote!AWhat a BWhat CHow DHow a12语法22017长沙中考改编 _carefully,please! Look at the road sign.There is a school ahead.ADrive BTo drive CDriving DDrove13考点2I will see you again_Aa day Beveryday Cone day Devery dayAAAC话题写作指导话题写作指导话题 3:旅游考情分析旅游已经融入人们的日常生活,从而关于旅游的话题也成为中考作文的热点话题。一般从以下两个角度命题:1写一次旅游

19、经历或计划;2介绍当地景点。常用短语句型常用短语句型【积累背诵】计划安排1plan to do sth.计划做某事2be going to do sth.将要做某事3go on/for a trip去旅行4be famous/wellknown for因而著名/以而闻名5come to an end结束从事活动1pay a visit to去参观2show sb.around带某人参观3go sightseeing去观光4take photos拍照5spend some time (in)doing something花点时间(在)做某事感受体会1enjoy oneself/have a go

20、od time玩得愉快2open up ones eyes/mind开阔某人的眼界/思维3enjoy the beauty of.领略的美4improve oneself提升自己5look forward to期待6cant wait to do sth.迫不及待做某事【基础写作运用】1我们计划去北京参观旅游。 2我爸爸经常带我去全国各地旅行来开阔我的视野。 3据说在这里可以领略大自然的美丽。We plan to visit Beijing.My father often takes me to all over the country to open up my eyes. Its said

21、 that we can enjoy the beauty of the nature there. 4旅行中玩得开心很重要。 Its important to have a good time during the trip. 经典亮句积累经典亮句积累开头句1Every year thousands of visitors from all over the world visit here.每年来自世界各地的成千上万的游客到这里参观。2Im so excited about my trip to Hong Kong.去香港的旅行让我很兴奋。3As for me,traveling is t

22、he best way to relax.对我来说,旅行是最好的休闲方式。中间句1Im very glad to be your guide.我很高兴成为你的导游。2Youd better wear your sports shoes.你最好穿上你的运动鞋。3There are many places of interest here.这有很多名胜古迹。结尾句1It is the most beautiful place that Ive ever visited.这是我参观过的最美的地方。2I hope to visit.again some day.我希望有一天再去参观俗语谚语Read t

23、en thousand books,travel ten thousand miles.读万卷书,行万里路。典例运用典例运用【例】 2016苏州中考上海迪士尼乐园于今年6月16日正式开放,许多孩子打算前往游玩。假如你是一名乐园的志愿者,请你根据下列表格中的要点提示,用英语向孩子们介绍乐园并提醒他们文明游园。 上海东部,地铁可达由6个主题公园组成参加活动,欣赏表演购买礼物,观看烟火文明游园不扔垃圾,保持整洁考生自拟(至少2点)注意:1.词数90左右。短文的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数;2短文须包括所有要点,不要逐词解释,可适当发挥,使短文连贯、通顺;3短文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信

24、息。参考词汇:theme n主题;firework n烟火【审题指导】1确定体裁。本文是一篇说明文,主要给孩子们介绍乐园相关的情况和提醒文明游园。2确定时态和人称。根据信息提示,文章应用一般现在时态,第一人称来写。3词数90左右,文中不得出现真实的人名、校名及相关信息。【拟定提纲】【我的作品】Good morning,children!As a volunteer from Shanghai Disneyland ,Id like to say something about the park and tell you how to behave well in it. Good mornin

25、g,children! As a volunteer from Shanghai Disneyland,Id like to say something about the park and tell you how to behave well in it. The Disneyland is in the east of Shanghai.You can get there by underground.Its made up of six theme parks.You can join in different kinds of activities there such as enj

26、oying wonderful musicals or plays.Also,therere lots of nice presents in the shopping area for you to choose.At night,you can watch fireworks.范文借鉴范文借鉴 However,its important to behave well in the park.Littering isnt allowed.You should keep the park clean.Remember to wait for your turn anytime.Moreover,its impolite to shout oudly in public. The park is worth your visit.I hope you will have fun.借鉴点借鉴点适当运用连词such as使文章的逻辑更为清晰。祈使句的恰当运用体现了作者扎实的写作功底。Itsadj.to do句式的运用,也为本文增色不少。



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