高考英语一轮复习 Module 1 Unit 1 Lifestyles课件 北师大

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1、Module 1 Unit 1 Lifestyles类类别别课标课标要点要点重重点点单单词词1. vt.认为认为,猜想,猜想 2. vt. 转换转换,转变转变3. adj. 遥控的遥控的 4. adj. 急迫的,急迫的,紧紧急的急的5. n. 公文,文件公文,文件 6. adj. 厌烦厌烦的,不感的,不感兴兴趣的趣的7. n. 压压力力 8. n. 专专家家9. vi. 感到疼痛,遭受感到疼痛,遭受(痛苦痛苦) 10. vt. 忍耐,忍受忍耐,忍受11. vt. 更喜更喜欢欢,宁愿,宁愿 12. n. 志愿者志愿者13. vi. 毕业毕业 14. n. 挑挑战战15. vt.& n. 支持;支

2、撑支持;支撑 16. adv. 否否则则,另外,另外17. vt.& vi. 放松放松 18. vt. 组织组织19. vi. 抱怨,投抱怨,投诉诉 20. n. 广告广告supposeswitchremoteurgentdocumentbored dstress/pressure expert sufferstandprefervolunteergraduatechallenge support otherwiserelax organizecomplain advertisement常常用用短短语语1. 把开关打开(关上),接通(关上)把开关打开(关上),接通(关上)2._ 转换频转换频道

3、,道,转变转变 3. (爆竹,爆竹,铃铃等等)响响4 占据占据 5. 充充满满着着6 忍受,遭受忍受,遭受 7. 此刻,目前此刻,目前8 换换衣服衣服 9. 追上,赶上,想出,找到追上,赶上,想出,找到 10 盼望,期望盼望,期望(其中其中to是介是介词词) 11. _除除之外之外还还;既;既又又;和;和一一样样好好12._数年数年间间 13. _喜欢喜欢switch on (off)take up suffer from get changed come up with look forward to as well asgo offbe filled with at the momento

4、ver the yearsbe fond ofswitch over典典型型句句式式1.I always take my portable TV and I sit on the stone wall the dog walks round in a circle.我我总总是随身携是随身携带带手提手提电视电视,坐在石,坐在石墙墙上看,而小狗上看,而小狗则则在我的身在我的身边绕边绕圈。圈。2I normally wake up about five minutes my alarm clock . 我一般在我一般在闹钟闹钟响前响前5分分钟钟就醒了。就醒了。3 me less than fifte

5、en minutes wash,get changed,have breakfast,leave home and get on a bus. 从洗漱、穿衣、吃早从洗漱、穿衣、吃早饭饭、离家到坐上公共汽、离家到坐上公共汽车车只用只用15分分钟钟。4But I try to work hard I can make more money for them. 但是我得拼命工作,但是我得拼命工作,为为他他们赚们赚更多的更多的钱钱。5Usually,its_ crowded _I cant find anywhere to sit. 通常地通常地铁铁很很拥挤拥挤,我很,我很难难找到座位。找到座位。wh

6、ilebeforegoes offIt takes so that tosothat 重重 点点 单单 词词1.suppose vt.1.suppose vt.认为,猜想;认为,猜想;conj.conj.假设假设 【精讲拓展】【精讲拓展】 suppose+ that从句从句/to be 认为,猜想认为,猜想 be supposed to(do)被期望;本应,应该)被期望;本应,应该 suppose/supposing假定,假设(与假定,假设(与given, provided, providing通用)通用) do you suppose(常作为插入语)(常作为插入语) I suppose so

7、/No, I suppose not/No, I dont suppose so. (用(用not/so 来代替前面的情况,避免重复)来代替前面的情况,避免重复) 温馨提示:温馨提示: (1)当主语是第一人称,当主语是第一人称,suppose后接否定结构时,应将否定提前,后接否定结构时,应将否定提前,即否定即否定suppose。I dont suppose you are right. 我认为你说得不对我认为你说得不对注意:类似的用法动词还有注意:类似的用法动词还有believe, think, expect, imagine等。等。(2)在在suppose后可用后可用so来代替来代替that

8、从句,避免重复表达过的想法。从句,避免重复表达过的想法。I dont suppose he will agree.我认为他不会同意。我认为他不会同意。Will prices go up?物价会上涨吗?物价会上涨吗?I suppose so.我觉得会。我觉得会。 I suppose not.或或I dont suppose so.我认为不是这样。我认为不是这样。【典型例句】【典型例句】 You were supposed to be here an hour ago. 你本应在一个小时之前就到这儿。你本应在一个小时之前就到这儿。 朗文当代朗文当代 Its going to be fine thi

9、s evening. 今晚一切都会好的。今晚一切都会好的。 I suppose so. 我想是的。我想是的。 朗文当代朗文当代 Suppose it rains, what shall we do? 假如下雨,我们怎么办?假如下雨,我们怎么办? 朗文当代朗文当代 It is widely supposed (that) the minister will be forced to resign.很多人都猜测首相会被迫辞职。很多人都猜测首相会被迫辞职。 剑桥高阶剑桥高阶What do you suppose has happened to him?你认为他发生了什么事?你认为他发生了什么事?即即

10、 学学 即即 用用 Who do you suppose _the car before the owner came back? A. to steal B. stealing C. to have stolen D. had stolen 解析:解析:do you suppose是插入语是插入语 答案:答案:D。The train was to arrive at 12:30,but it was an hour late. A. about B. likely C. certain D. supposed 解析:解析:句句意为:这列火车本应在意为:这列火车本应在12 30到达,但它晚了一

11、个小到达,但它晚了一个小时;时;be about to do sth.马上就要做某事;马上就要做某事;be likely to do sth.很有可能做某事;很有可能做某事;be certain to do sth.一定,务必要做某事。一定,务必要做某事。答案答案:D plain vi.抱怨,投诉抱怨,投诉 【精讲拓展】【精讲拓展】 complain to sb.of/about sth.向某人抱怨某事向某人抱怨某事 complain that从句从句 make a complaint of/about sth.抱怨抱怨/投诉某事投诉某事 即学即用即学即用 The shoppers may m

12、ake a(n) _to the manager in charge if the goods are not up to standards. Aexcuse Bcomplaint Cexplanation Dreport 翻译句子翻译句子 他的妈妈经常抱怨他好忘事。他的妈妈经常抱怨他好忘事。 . BHis mother often complains that he has a tendency to forget things 3.stand vt.忍受忍受 【精讲拓展精讲拓展】 cant stand sth./doing sth.不能忍受某事不能忍受某事/做某事做某事 stand sb

13、. doing sth.忍受某人做某事忍受某人做某事 stand by袖手旁观袖手旁观 stand aside站在一边,不介入站在一边,不介入 stand still站立不动站立不动 stand for代表,象征代表,象征(represent);支持,主张;支持,主张 (be for) stand out显著,显现,突出显著,显现,突出 stand on ones head倒立倒立 stand for代表,象征代表,象征 stand up to经受住,勇敢面对(经受住,勇敢面对(stand up站起来站起来 )【典型例句】【典型例句】 Tom cant stand the pain. 汤姆无法

14、忍受痛苦。汤姆无法忍受痛苦。 朗文当代朗文当代 I never could stand people telling me what to do. 我从来不能忍受被人家摆布。我从来不能忍受被人家摆布。 朗文当代朗文当代 We cant stand by while millions of people starve. 数百万人在忍饥挨饿,我们不能袖手旁观。数百万人在忍饥挨饿,我们不能袖手旁观。 剑桥高阶剑桥高阶 Stand aside,please,so the doctor can get through. 请靠边站,让医生过去。请靠边站,让医生过去。 剑桥高阶剑桥高阶即学即用即学即用 a

15、chair in the corner of the room? A. Does there stand B. Stand there C. There standing D. Do stand there 解析:句意为解析:句意为:房间的角落处有椅子吗房间的角落处有椅子吗?英语中英语中There be句型句型 中的中的be动词可以用某些含有动词可以用某些含有“存在存在”意义的动词来代替,使句意义的动词来代替,使句 子更加形象,如:子更加形象,如:exist,live,stand,lie,used to be, appear,come等。如:等。如:Many years ago, there

16、lived an King in a village。很多年前,村子里住着一位国王。很多年前,村子里住着一位国王。 答案:答案:A I want to leave now. I cant _nothing useful here.Astand to do Bstand doingCstand being done Dstand to be doing【解析】【解析】stand作作“忍受忍受”解时,后可跟名词、代词或动词解时,后可跟名词、代词或动词ing形式;形式;I是动作的发出者,因此,是动作的发出者,因此,do必须用主动形式。必须用主动形式。【答案】【答案】B4.prefer vt.更喜欢,

17、宁愿更喜欢,宁愿 【精讲拓展】【精讲拓展】 prefer sth./sb.更喜欢某物更喜欢某物/人人 prefer to do更愿意做(倾向具体的动作)更愿意做(倾向具体的动作) prefer doing更愿意做(倾向普遍的行为习惯)更愿意做(倾向普遍的行为习惯) prefer sb.to do sth.更愿意某人做某事更愿意某人做某事 prefer sth.to sth.比起比起更喜欢更喜欢 prefer doing sth.to doing sth.宁愿做宁愿做而不愿做而不愿做 prefer to do sth.rather than do sth.宁愿做宁愿做而不愿做而不愿做 prefe

18、r that从句的动词用从句的动词用(should)原形原形【典型例句】【典型例句】 He prefers to go to the movies rather than stay at home. 他宁愿去看电影而不愿待在家里。他宁愿去看电影而不愿待在家里。 朗文当代朗文当代 They preferred their son to go to college. 他们宁可让儿子上大学。他们宁可让儿子上大学。 朗文当代朗文当代 I prefer that you (should) not say anything about it. 我宁愿你对此什么也不要说。我宁愿你对此什么也不要说。 朗文当代

19、朗文当代 I prefer tea to coffee. 比起咖啡,我更喜欢茶。比起咖啡,我更喜欢茶。 美国传统美国传统即学即用即学即用 Rather than on a crowded bus,he always prefers a bicycle. A.ride;ride B.riding;ride C.ride;to ride D.to ride;riding 解析解析:句意为:他总爱骑自行车而不愿挤公交车。考查句意为:他总爱骑自行车而不愿挤公交车。考查 prefer to do.rather than do句型,而将句型,而将rather than提前。提前。 答案:答案:C 5. s

20、uffer vt. & vi.遭受,蒙受;患病遭受,蒙受;患病 【精讲拓展】【精讲拓展】 suffer for因因而受苦而受苦 suffer sth.忍受,容忍(某物);经得起,蒙受(后常接忍受,容忍(某物);经得起,蒙受(后常接 pain, defeat, loss, cold, hunger, poverty等)等) suffer from sth.受受折磨;患某种疾病;有某种缺陷折磨;患某种疾病;有某种缺陷 suffering n痛苦,困难痛苦,困难 sufferer n受害者;受苦者受害者;受苦者【典型例句】【典型例句】 Shes been suffering from(=been i

21、ll with) cancer for two years.她患癌症已经有两年了。她患癌症已经有两年了。 剑桥高阶剑桥高阶 The city suffered serious damage from the earthquake. 这个城市因地震而遭受严重破坏。这个城市因地震而遭受严重破坏。 朗文当代朗文当代 How can you suffer such insolence? 你怎能忍受这样的侮辱呢?你怎能忍受这样的侮辱呢? 朗文当代朗文当代即学即用即学即用 The performance of the host,intended to please the audience, a cold

22、 silence,however. A.suffered B.suffering C.suffering from D.to suffer from 解析:解析:作谓语,句意为:那位主持人的表演本打算取悦作谓语,句意为:那位主持人的表演本打算取悦 观众,不料却遭到了冷淡的沉默反应。观众,不料却遭到了冷淡的沉默反应。 答案答案:A 6. imagine vt.想象,猜想想象,猜想 【精讲拓展】【精讲拓展】 imagine sth.想象某物想象某物 imagine that从句想象,猜想从句想象,猜想 imagine what/how/why从句想象从句想象 imagine (sb.) doing

23、 sth.想象(某人)做某事想象(某人)做某事 imagine sb. (sth.) as/to be以为以为是是【典型例句】【典型例句】 Can you imagine the life without music? 你能想象没有音乐的生活吗?你能想象没有音乐的生活吗? 朗文当代朗文当代 Dont imagine him as a kind man. 别以为他是个好人。别以为他是个好人。 朗文当代朗文当代 Can you imagine what it would be like to live without electricity? 你能想象生活中没有电是什么样的情景吗?你能想象生活中没

24、有电是什么样的情景吗? 朗文当代朗文当代 She imagined herself sitting in her favourite armchair back home. 她想象自己正坐在家中最喜欢的扶手椅上。她想象自己正坐在家中最喜欢的扶手椅上。 剑桥高阶剑桥高阶即学即用即学即用I dont imagine that he is so careless, ? A. do I B. dont I C. isnt he D. is he 解析:解析:在在I think/believe/suppose/expect/imagine等加等加that引引 导的导的 宾语从句后,构成反意问句,反意问句

25、的助动宾语从句后,构成反意问句,反意问句的助动 词与主语词与主语要要 与与that后的从句的主谓语一致,但要注意否定的转移。后的从句的主谓语一致,但要注意否定的转移。 答案:答案:DYou cant imagine such a mistake A. him to make B. him make C. him making D. his made 解析:解析:句意为:你无法想象他竟然犯下这样的错误。句意为:你无法想象他竟然犯下这样的错误。imagine 后接动名词的复合结构作宾语。后接动名词的复合结构作宾语。 答案:答案:C即学即用即学即用He was lying in the sun,_.

26、Arelaxing and happyBrelaxed and happyCrelaxation and happily Drelaxed and happily答案答案 B7.relax vt. & vi.(使使)放松;放松;(使使)松懈松懈【精讲拓展】【精讲拓展】 relax the audience使观众放松使观众放松 relaxing令人放松的令人放松的(常修饰常修饰“事事”) relaxed放松的放松的(常修饰常修饰“人人”,) relaxation n. 放松,娱乐放松,娱乐 It is relaxing to have a walk in the park on Sundays.

27、 星期天在公园散步是一件十分轻松的事情。星期天在公园散步是一件十分轻松的事情。 He is feeling relaxed now.他现在感觉轻松了。他现在感觉轻松了。 8. switch vt.转换,转变转换,转变 n.开关,闸,转换器开关,闸,转换器【精讲拓展】【精讲拓展】 switch (from A) to B(由由A)转换成转换成B switch on开开(电灯、机器等电灯、机器等) switch off关关(电灯、机器等电灯、机器等);失去兴趣;觉得乏味;失去兴趣;觉得乏味 switch over转换频道;转转换频道;转 【典型例句】【典型例句】 Were in the proce

28、ss of switching over to a new lifestyle. 我们正在向一种新的生活方式转变。我们正在向一种新的生活方式转变。 Please switch the lights off as you leave. 你离开时,请把灯关了。你离开时,请把灯关了。即学即用即学即用: 用适当的介词或副词填空:用适当的介词或副词填空:(1)He switched _the gas and went out.(2)My husband is always switching _when he watches TV.(3)His long boring lecture really sw

29、itched us_.(4)How do you switch this machine_?【答案】【答案】(1)off(2)over(3)off(4)on/off 9. believe v相信;认为相信;认为【精讲拓展】【精讲拓展】 believe so/not相信如此相信如此/不是这样不是这样 believe it or not信不信由你信不信由你 believe sb. (to be)adj./n.相信某人是相信某人是 believe sb. to have done相信相信/认为某人做过某事认为某人做过某事 believethat从句,相信从句,相信/认为认为 Its believed

30、 that.(People believe.)人们相信人们相信/认为认为 即学即用即学即用We_ communism and we_ communism is certain to be realized.Abelieve in;believe Bbelieve;believe inCbelieve in;believe in Dbelieve;believe【答案】【答案】A【典型例句】【典型例句】I believe him to have done it.我相信他做过那事。我相信他做过那事。In fact,the London Stock Exchange is believed to h

31、ave started from these coffeehouses.事实上,人们认为伦敦的股票交易就是从这些咖啡屋开始的。事实上,人们认为伦敦的股票交易就是从这些咖啡屋开始的。 10. support vt支持,支撑;资助支持,支撑;资助 n支持,支撑支持,支撑 【精讲拓展】【精讲拓展】 in support of (=in favor of)支持;证明支持;证明 give/lend/offer support to支持支持, 支援支援 support sb. to sth.支持某人做某事支持某人做某事 support a family/oneself 养家糊口自力更生养家糊口自力更生【典

32、型例句】【典型例句】 If you raise the view at the meeting, Ill support you. 如果你在会议上提出这个观点,我会支持你。如果你在会议上提出这个观点,我会支持你。 He has a large family to support. 他有一大家子人要养活。他有一大家子人要养活。 Her job is the familys only means of support. 她的工作是全家惟一的生活来源。她的工作是全家惟一的生活来源。 She decided to support herself with her musical talents. 她决

33、定依靠自己的音乐天赋养活自己。她决定依靠自己的音乐天赋养活自己。 11. otherwise adv.在其他方面,除此之外在其他方面,除此之外 conj.要不然,否则要不然,否则 adj.另外的,别样的另外的,别样的【精讲拓展】【精讲拓展】 otherwiseif not(or else) 否则,要不然否则,要不然 or otherwise 或相反或相反 otherwise than 除除.之外之外 and otherwise等等;及其他等等;及其他【典型例句】【典型例句】 You should go now, otherwise youll miss the bus. 你现在该走了,否则赶不

34、上公共汽车了。你现在该走了,否则赶不上公共汽车了。 He helped me with advice and otherwise. 他通过向我提出劝告等方式给我帮助。他通过向我提出劝告等方式给我帮助。 I am not concerned with his honesty or otherwise. 我倒不管他诚实不诚实。我倒不管他诚实不诚实。 【用法】【用法】 作作“否则否则”时时otherwise与后面的句子用逗号隔开,与后面的句子用逗号隔开,or则不用逗号则不用逗号 隔开。隔开。12. distance n. C, U距离;距离;U远处,远方;冷淡,疏远远处,远方;冷淡,疏远 at a(

35、some) distance 在一定的距离在一定的距离 at(from) distance of 在在远的地方远的地方 from the distance 从远处从远处 in the distance 在远处在远处 go the distance 自始至终坚持下来自始至终坚持下来 keep sb. at a distance 对某人保持一定距离对某人保持一定距离 out of distance (from) 离离太远太远, 达不到达不到 keep ones distance 客客气气,不亲近客客气气,不亲近They saw a few houses in the distance. 他们看见远

36、处有一些房子。他们看见远处有一些房子。 Her father advised her to keep her distance from drug. 她父亲建议她远离毒品。她父亲建议她远离毒品。 The school is three miles distant from the city. 这个学校离城三英里。这个学校离城三英里。 重重 点点 短短 语语1.take up1.take up占据(时间或空间);开始(从事);拿起占据(时间或空间);开始(从事);拿起 【精讲拓展】【精讲拓展】 take over控制;管理;接任控制;管理;接任take sb. apart轻易击败某人轻易击败某人

37、take sth. apart拆卸某物拆卸某物take down记下,拿下记下,拿下take the trouble费力费力take on呈现;承担;雇用呈现;承担;雇用take for误以为;当做误以为;当做take notice of注意注意take in收容,接待收容,接待take off脱下;请假脱下;请假take away拿走,使离开拿走,使离开take turns轮流轮流【典型例句】【典型例句】 Ill take up the story where I left off yesterday. 我将从昨天停下来的地方接着讲这个故事。我将从昨天停下来的地方接着讲这个故事。 朗文当代朗

38、文当代 She took up acting while she was at college. 她在上大学时开始喜欢上演戏。她在上大学时开始喜欢上演戏。 朗文当代朗文当代 She takes after her mother. 她长得像她妈妈。她长得像她妈妈。 朗文当代朗文当代 The teacher took me for my sister. 老师错把我当成我姐姐。老师错把我当成我姐姐。 美国传统美国传统即学即用即学即用11 Helen always helps her mother even though going to school most of her day. A.takes

39、 up B.makes up C.saves up D.puts up 解析解析:句意为:尽管上学占据了海伦一天大部分时间,但句意为:尽管上学占据了海伦一天大部分时间,但 她总会帮助她母亲忙。她总会帮助她母亲忙。make up化妆,打扮;组成;编造;化妆,打扮;组成;编造; 弥补;讲和;弥补;讲和;save up节省,积攒;节省,积攒;put up建起,挂起。建起,挂起。 答案答案:A2.apart from2.apart from除除之外之外 【精讲拓展】【精讲拓展】 =except意为意为“除除之外(都)之外(都)” =in addition to;besides;as well as“除

40、除之外(还)之外(还)”; 此外,加之此外,加之tell apart区别开区别开take.apart把把拆开拆开【典型例句】【典型例句】 Apart from the cost,the dress doesnt suit me. 除了费用,这裙子的款式也不适合我。除了费用,这裙子的款式也不适合我。 朗文当代朗文当代 A good piece of work,apart from a few slight faults. 除了一些小缺点外,不失为一件好作品。除了一些小缺点外,不失为一件好作品。 朗文当代朗文当代 I cant tell the twins apart. 我辨认不出这对双胞胎。我辨

41、认不出这对双胞胎。 朗文当代朗文当代 We had to take the chair apart to refinish it. 我们不得不把椅子拆开重装。我们不得不把椅子拆开重装。 美国传统美国传统即学即用即学即用 完成句子完成句子 12 他把钟拆开来修理。他把钟拆开来修理。 He took the clock to repair it. 翻译句子翻译句子 13 我们玩得很快乐,可就是天气不大好。我们玩得很快乐,可就是天气不大好。apartWe had a pleasant time,apart from the bad weather.3.more than3.more than 【精讲

42、拓展】【精讲拓展】 修饰名词,表修饰名词,表“不止,不只是不止,不只是” 修饰形容词,副词,动词,用来加强语气表修饰形容词,副词,动词,用来加强语气表“非常,很非常,很” 修饰数词修饰数词=over表表“多于多于” 后接含有情态动词后接含有情态动词can的从句,表的从句,表“远非,超过远非,超过”【典型例句】【典型例句】 Bamboo is used for more than building. 竹子不只是用于建筑。竹子不只是用于建筑。 朗文当代朗文当代 What he did more than satisfied me. 他所做的使我非常满意。他所做的使我非常满意。 朗文当代朗文当代 T

43、he beauty of the city is more than words can describe. 这个城市之美是无法用语言描述的。这个城市之美是无法用语言描述的。 朗文当代朗文当代 He finds physics far/much more difficult than other science subjects. 他感到物理比其他理科学科难得多。他感到物理比其他理科学科难得多。 剑桥高阶剑桥高阶【词语辨析】【词语辨析】 (1)(2)【典型例句】【典型例句】 There are not more than 50 students in this class. 这个班不到五十个学

44、生。这个班不到五十个学生。 朗文当代朗文当代 There are no more than 50 students in this class. 这个班只不过五十个学生。(有嫌少之意)这个班只不过五十个学生。(有嫌少之意) 朗文当代朗文当代 Tom is no more diligent than Mary. 汤姆与玛丽一样不勤奋。汤姆与玛丽一样不勤奋。 朗文当代朗文当代 Tom is not more diligent than Mary. 汤姆没有玛丽勤奋。汤姆没有玛丽勤奋。 朗文当代朗文当代即学即用即学即用14 Her mothers whole school education add

45、ed up to (不过两年)(不过两年).15 (不止一人)(不止一人)was killed in the fire.16 Uncle Wang was (多少多少)drunk.no more thantwoyearsMorethanonepersonmoremoreorless 4. come up with提出;提供;想出提出;提供;想出(计划,答案计划,答案)【与【与come有关的短语】有关的短语】 come about发生发生 come across(尤指偶然尤指偶然)遇见,碰上遇见,碰上(run into);发现;发现 come back回来回来(return);又成为流行的、成功

46、的或时髦的;又成为流行的、成功的或时髦的 (become popular,successful again) come from来自;出自;出生于来自;出自;出生于 come in到达;抵达到达;抵达 come on开始;来临开始;来临(start to appear);加油;加油 come out出现;显露出来出现;显露出来(appear);(秘密等秘密等)传出传出 come upon偶然发现,碰见偶然发现,碰见 She came across some old letters in the course of her search. 她在找东西时偶然发现了一些旧信件。她在找东西时偶然发现了

47、一些旧信件。 Theres very little money coming in at present.眼下收进的钱很少。眼下收进的钱很少。 There is a storm coming on.暴风雨要来了。暴风雨要来了。(2007年江苏卷年江苏卷)Have you _some new ideas?Yeah. Ill tell you later.Acome about Bcome intoCcome up with Dcome out with【解析】【解析】本题考查动词短语的用法。本题考查动词短语的用法。come up with想想出,提出;出,提出;come about发生;发生;c

48、ome into进入。根据句进入。根据句意,答案应选意,答案应选C。【答案】【答案】C5. as well as除除之外还之外还;既;既又又;和;和一样好一样好(1)as well as可以和可以和besides,in addition to,not only.but also.相互转换相互转换 (2)A as well as B强调前者,强调前者,not only A but also B强调后者。强调后者。(3)连接并列主语时,连接并列主语时,as well as应根据前面的主语确定谓语形式,而应根据前面的主语确定谓语形式,而not only.but also.应根据就近原则确定谓语动词的

49、形式应根据就近原则确定谓语动词的形式 He is a talented artist as well as a scientist.他不但是个科学家而且还是个天才的艺术家。他不但是个科学家而且还是个天才的艺术家。The young mother as well as her sons was suffering from a serious headache.这位年轻的母亲和她的儿子们都患有一种可怕的头痛病。这位年轻的母亲和她的儿子们都患有一种可怕的头痛病。温馨提示:温馨提示:as well adv.“也也”,用于肯定句句末,前面无标点符号。,用于肯定句句末,前面无标点符号。Give me t

50、hose books as well.把那些书也给我吧。把那些书也给我吧。即学即用即学即用When we design a building,we should provide an entrance suitable for wheelchairs on the passage,_lifts,suitable bathrooms and toilets.Aexcept Bas wellCas well as DBut【答案】【答案】C6. at the moment此刻;目前此刻;目前for the moment暂时;目前暂时;目前for a moment片刻;一会儿片刻;一会儿at any

51、 moment随时;任何时候随时;任何时候in a moment立即;立刻;很快立即;立刻;很快after a moment一会儿之后一会儿之后the moment一一就就(引导时间状语从句,相当于引导时间状语从句,相当于as soon as)For the moment we are content to watch and wait.目前我们甘心在一旁观察和等待。目前我们甘心在一旁观察和等待。Can I speak to you for a moment?我可以和你谈一会儿话吗?我可以和你谈一会儿话吗?Be carefulhe might come back at any moment!当

52、心当心他随时都可能回来!他随时都可能回来! 16.选择at the moment,for the moment,for a moment,at any moment,in a moment填空:(1)Im leaving work and Ill get home _.So just wait_.(2)Who have you decided to choose?I cant tell you anything about it_.(3)Could you tell us something about that matter?Im afraid not.I was not on the sc

53、ene_.(4)If you have any questions you can call me_.【答案】【答案】(1)in a moment;for a moment(2)for the moment(3)at the moment(4)at any moment7. for fun取乐,闹着玩取乐,闹着玩 (for pleasure)make fun of sb.同某人开玩笑同某人开玩笑 in fun开玩笑地开玩笑地in a funny way 以非常有趣的方式以非常有趣的方式be full of fun很好玩,很有趣很好玩,很有趣 通常作总称或集通常作总称或集 Have fun(=E

54、njoy yourself)! 尽情地玩吧尽情地玩吧have fun doing sth.=enjoy doing sth.做某事很快乐做某事很快乐【辨析】【辨析】fun / joke fun:玩笑,娱乐。是不可数名词。例如:玩笑,娱乐。是不可数名词。例如:The old man is full of fun.joke:玩笑,笑料。是可数名词。例如:玩笑,笑料。是可数名词。例如:Lets play a joke on Mr. Wang.Sorry, I dont mean to hurt you. I said that _A. for fun B. in fun C. with fun D.

55、 of fun B8. too much 太多太多too much(不可数名词不可数名词),太多,太多()talk too much说太多说太多too many可数名词可数名词(复数复数),太多,太多The new car costs too much money.这辆新汽车花销太大了。这辆新汽车花销太大了。Dont eat too much.不要吃太多。不要吃太多。There are too many children in the kindergarten to look after.幼儿园里孩子太多,照看不过来。幼儿园里孩子太多,照看不过来。 much too 太;过分(后跟形容词或副词

56、)The work is much too difficult for a boy of 15.这工作对于15岁的孩子来说太难了。 12.(2009年全国卷)Its high time you had your hair cut;its getting_.Atoo much long Bmuch too longClong too much Dtoo long much【解析】【解析】句意为:你该理发了,头发太长了。much too long太长了。【答案】【答案】BWhat kind of lifestyle do you think the people have?你认为人们拥有何种生活方

57、式? “疑问词do you think陈述句结构”是英语中常见的句式。这种句式常用来询问对方对某事的意见或想法。do you think在句中作插入语。能用在该句式中的动词除了think外,还有believe,imagine,suppose,guess,suggest,feel等。What do you think is the most difficult in learning English?你认为学英语什么最困难?How do you suppose the film will end?你认为电影会怎么结局?Who do you believe has taken the dictio

58、nary?你认为是谁拿走了词典? 在陈述句中作插入语的有:I think,I hope,I am afraid,I believe,you know等,这些插入语通常用逗号与其他部分分开。This diet,I think,will do good to your health.我认为像这种饮食对你的健康有好处。It will be a fine day,I hope.我希望会晴天。 17.The young scientist made another wonderful discovery,_of great importance to study SARS.Awhich I think

59、is Bwhich I think it isCI think which is DI think is which【解析】【解析】I think是插入语。【答案】【答案】AHes on the same course as me!他和我学习同样的课程! (1)the same.as和一样的(2)the same.that和一样的“the same.as”句型中的as通常是关系代词、介词,用做关系代词时,引导定语从句,as在从句中可以充当主语、表语或宾语。在这种从句中,为避免重复,前面出现的部分在后面总是被省略掉。the same.as强调相似。the same.that和一样的,表示的是同一

60、事物。He gave the same answer as before.他的回答和以前一样。This is the same bike that I lost the other day.这正是我前几天丢的那辆自行车。 such.that.中,that引导的是结果状语从句,that是连词,不充当句子成分;such.as.中,as引导定语从句,并充当从句的主语,宾语或表语。He is such a good teacher as we all love.我们都喜欢像他这样的好老师。He is such a good teacher that we all love him.他是这么好的一个老师

61、,以至于我们都喜欢他。 18.His plan was such a good one_we all agreed to accept it.Aso BandCthat Das【答案】【答案】CI always take my portable TV and I sit on the stone wall while the dog walks round in a circle.我总是随身携带手提电视,坐在石墙上看,而小狗则在我的身边绕圈。 while此处作并列连词,意为“然而,但是,却”,表示对比关系。while作从属连词,常表时间,意为“当的时候”,要求从句的谓语动词延续。Some ar

62、e rich,while others are poor.有些人很有钱,有些人却很穷。I drink black coffee while he prefers it with cream.我爱喝清咖啡,而他喜欢加奶油的。He fell asleep while he was doing his homework.他做着功课时睡着了。 while表让步时意为“尽管、虽然”,相当于although或though,引导一个让步状语从句。While I admit that the problems are difficult,I dont agree that they cannot be sol

63、ved.虽然我承认这些问题很难,我并不同意无法解决他们。 19.(2008年湖南卷)_the Internet is of great help,I dont think its a good idea to spend too much time on it.AIf BWhileCBecause DAs【解析】【解析】句意为:尽管因特网对我们有很大的帮助,但我认为花太多的时间上网不是一个好主意。whileeven though尽管;if如果;because因为;as因为,当的时候。只有B项符合句意。【答案】【答案】B20(2009年山东卷)Shall we have our picnic t

64、omorrow?_it doesnt rain.AUntil BWhileCOnce DIf【解析】【解析】句意为:明天我们去野餐好吗?如果不下雨的话(我们就去)。until直到时;用于否定句时,意为“直到(才)”;while当的时候;once一旦(就);if如果。【答案】【答案】DUsually,its so crowded that I cant find anywhere to sit.通常地铁很拥挤,我很难找到座位。so.that.通常引导结果状语从句,意为“如此以致”。He is so funny a man that we all like him.他如此有趣以至于我们都喜欢他。T

65、here were so many cars in the street that I couldnt get through.路上有如此多的车,我过不去。He left so quickly that we didnt have time to say goodbye.他走得很匆忙,我们都没有时间和他道别。 such.that.也可以用来引导结果状语从句,但such常用来修饰名词,其后可以跟以下几种结构:He is such a kind man that everybody likes him.他和蔼可亲,以至大家都喜欢他。They are such small shoes that I

66、cant wear them.这些鞋都太小,我穿不上。It is such fine weather that we will go swimming.今天天气那么好我们将去游泳。注意:注意:so that可引导目的状语从句,从句中的谓语动词通常和can,may,should等情态动词连用;so that也可引导结果状语从句,意为“因此,结果”,其前通常有逗号。They set out early so that they might arrive on time.他们早早出发为的是按时到达。(目的状语从句)He did not plan his time well,so that he di

67、dnt finish the work on time.他没有把时间计划好,结果没按时完成工作。(结果状语从句) 21.(2007年上海卷)Pop music is such an important part of society_it has even influenced our language.Aas BthatCwhich Dwhere【解析】【解析】考查such.that “如此以至于”结构。【答案】【答案】BDo you like collecting things?If so,what?你喜欢收集东西吗?如果喜欢,喜欢收集什么东西? if so是缩略条件句。so意为“如此”,

68、指前句的内容。if soif you like collecting things。否定句的省略式是if not,也是省略了前句的内容。Have you ever grown any plants?If so,what kind of plant did you grow?If not,what kind would you like to grow?你曾经种植过植物吗?如果种过,你种的什么植物?如果没有种过,你愿意种哪种植物? if any如果有的话if possible/necessary如果有可能/有必要There is very little water,if any.就是有水也很少。

69、Correct the mistakes in your exercises,if any.练习中若有错误就改正过来。If necessary,I would start off at once.如果有必要,我马上动身。 22.Have you finished your homework?_,I would be in the cinema now.AIf so BIf notCIf any DIf no【解析】【解析】下句意为:如果完成,我现在就看上电影了。【答案】【答案】A重重 点点 句句 型型1.I find painting or drawing very relaxing. 我发现

70、画画使人放松。我发现画画使人放松。 【精讲拓展】【精讲拓展】 relaxing在句中作宾语补足语。动词在句中作宾语补足语。动词find后经常跟形容词、动词后经常跟形容词、动词 的的-ing形式、过去分词以及介词短语作宾补。形式、过去分词以及介词短语作宾补。 【典型例句】【典型例句】 I found the book very interesting.我发现这本书很有趣。我发现这本书很有趣。 She found herself in a different world. 她发现她来到了一个不同的世界。她发现她来到了一个不同的世界。 When I came back,I found the dis

71、hes on the table untouched.当当 我回来时,我发现桌上的菜没动。我回来时,我发现桌上的菜没动。即学即用即学即用 完成句子完成句子 17 When he came back to life,he found himself (躺在地上躺在地上). 18 When the door opened,he was found (被杀死在床上被杀死在床上).lyingon thegroundkilledinthebed2.Usually,the bus is so crowded that I cant find anywhere to sit.公交车通常拥挤,我找不到坐的地方

72、。公交车通常拥挤,我找不到坐的地方。 【精讲拓展】【精讲拓展】 句型句型so.that.中,中,that引导结果状语从句,当引导结果状语从句,当so位于句首位于句首 时,主句要部分倒装。时,主句要部分倒装。 The box is so heavy that nobody can lift it. =So heavy is the box that nobody can lift it. 箱子太重,没有人能托起来。箱子太重,没有人能托起来。 so.that.,too.to.,adj.(adv.)enough to do经常互换,灵活运用。经常互换,灵活运用。 如上句也可以说成:如上句也可以说成:

73、The box is too heavy for anybody to lift.或或The box is not light enough for anybody to lift.此外,此外,such(+名词名词).that.与与so(+形容词,副词形容词,副词).that.也常互换:也常互换:This is such a heavy box that nobody can lift it.=This is so heavy a box that nobody can lift it.It was so dark in the cinema that I could hardly pick

74、out my friend.=It was in such darkness in the cinema that I could hardly recognize my friend.电影院里漆黑一团,我几乎认不出我的朋友。电影院里漆黑一团,我几乎认不出我的朋友。即学即用即学即用 用用so(such).that, so that填空填空 19 His English was limited he couldnt understand what the native speakers said. 20 He has made great progress all the teachers ar

75、e pleased. 21 He worked hard he was admitted into Anhui University. 22 hot a day it was we all went swimming.sothatsuchthatsothatSothat名师原创名师原创1.Tom, why did you make no reply to me when I called your name in the street just now? Sorry,Jim.I to my wife on the phone. A.was talking B.talked C.am talki

76、ng D.had talked 解析:解析:句意为:句意为:汤姆,刚才在街上我喊你时,你怎么不汤姆,刚才在街上我喊你时,你怎么不 回答?回答?对不起,吉姆,我当时正同我妻子通话。对不起,吉姆,我当时正同我妻子通话。 was/were doing was/were doing常表示在过去某个时间正发生的动作或存在常表示在过去某个时间正发生的动作或存在 的状态。的状态。 答案:答案:A2.Your forehead hot.I guess you a fever. A.feels;have got B.is feeling;have C.is felt;are having D.has felt;

77、have got 解析:解析:句意为:你的额头很烫,我想你是发烧了。句意为:你的额头很烫,我想你是发烧了。 feel/taste/smell/sound/look feel/taste/smell/sound/look等是系动词,后接形容词等是系动词,后接形容词 作表语,无被动语态,无进行时。作表语,无被动语态,无进行时。 答案:答案:A3.I bet Jack when we get home. A.is still sleeping B.is to be sleeping C.will still be sleeping D.will have been sleeping 解析:解析:句意

78、为:我敢说当我们到家时,句意为:我敢说当我们到家时,JackJack还在睡。还在睡。will will be doing表示将来进行时,后面表示将来进行时,后面whenwhen引导的从句是表示点引导的从句是表示点 时,不能用将来完成时时,不能用将来完成时will have been doing。而。而be to do 常表示计划,安排好的将来。常表示计划,安排好的将来。 答案:答案:C4.Tom,I should tell you this is the fifth time you for class. A.are late B.were late C.have been late D.ha

79、d been late 解析:解析:句意为:句意为:Tom,Tom,我要告诉你这是第五次上学迟到我要告诉你这是第五次上学迟到 了。句型:了。句型:It/This/That is the first/second time It/This/That is the first/second time (that) (that)从句,(这是第一次从句,(这是第一次/ /第二次第二次),强调到说话),强调到说话 时的影响,所以从句要用现在完成时。时的影响,所以从句要用现在完成时。 答案:答案:C5.Youve left the light on. Oh,so I have. but I changed

80、 my mind later. A.Ill go B.Ive gone C.I go D.I was going to 解析解析:句意为:句意为:你把灯还开着。你把灯还开着。是的,我原是的,我原 准备关,但后来我又改变了这一想法。准备关,但后来我又改变了这一想法。 答案:答案:D6.If a person works too hard,we usually say he is . A.a workaholic B.a couch potato C.a bookworm D.an executive 解析:解析:句意为:如果一个人工作过于努力,我们通常称之句意为:如果一个人工作过于努力,我们通常

81、称之 为工作狂。为工作狂。couch potatocouch potato终日懒散的人;终日懒散的人;bookwormbookworm书书 呆子;呆子;executiveexecutive董事,行政领导。董事,行政领导。 答案:答案:A7.Do you know where my blue coat is? Dont bother to look for it.Im sure it will some day. A.turn out B.turn on C.turn up D.turn over 解析:解析:turn outturn out结果是,原来是,被证明是;结果是,原来是,被证明是;t

82、urn onturn on打打 开;开;turn upturn up出现,显现,来到出现,显现,来到;turn over;turn over打翻。句意打翻。句意 为:为:你可知道我的蓝大衣在哪?你可知道我的蓝大衣在哪?不用特地去找,不用特地去找, 我敢肯定某天它会出现的。我敢肯定某天它会出现的。 答案:答案:C8.Are you through with your homework? Well, . A.sort of B.go ahead C.why not D.thats OK 解析:解析:句意为:句意为:你的作业做完了?你的作业做完了?哦,差不多完哦,差不多完 了。了。 sort of几

83、乎,差不多;几乎,差不多;go ahead行,可以,行,可以, 说吧说吧,做吧;做吧;why not(表建议)为什么不;(表建议)为什么不;thats OK可以,行,就这么办。可以,行,就这么办。 答案:答案:A9.Which do you prefer your weekends,playing computer games or watching TV? A.spending B.to spend C.being spent D.spend 解析:解析:句意为:周末时你是喜欢玩电脑游戏还是喜欢看电句意为:周末时你是喜欢玩电脑游戏还是喜欢看电 视?视?whichwhich作作preferpr

84、efer宾语,宾语,to spend.to spend.是不定式作目的状语。是不定式作目的状语。 答案:答案:B10.Is this raincoat yours? No,mine there behind the door. A.is hanging B.has hung C.hangs D.hung 解析:解析:句意为:句意为:这大衣是你的吗?这大衣是你的吗?不,我的就不,我的就 挂在门后。挂在门后。be doingbe doing可以表示当时之状态。可以表示当时之状态。 答案:答案:A语语 法法 精精 讲讲一般现在时一般现在时1.表客观真理,科学事实,格言及其它不受时间限制的客观存在。表

85、客观真理,科学事实,格言及其它不受时间限制的客观存在。 a.The earth moves around the sun. b.A rolling stone gathers no moss(青苔)(青苔).流水不腐。流水不腐。2.表经常习惯性动作。表经常习惯性动作。 a.Father doesnt smoke. b.He always sleeps with his windows open.3.表现在的行为或状态。表现在的行为或状态。 a.Someones at the door. b.Whats the matter with you?4.表主语所具备的特点,特征或能力。表主语所具备的特

86、点,特征或能力。 Tom speaks good English.5.常用于时间、条件、让步状语从句,表将来。常用于时间、条件、让步状语从句,表将来。 a.If it is fine tomorrow,well go to the countryside. b.Well go out for a walk as soon as the rain stops.6.用于根据规定或时间表预计要发生的动作。用于根据规定或时间表预计要发生的动作。 a.The train leaves at 7 30 this evening. b.The term starts on 23rd August.7.用于描

87、述戏剧、歌剧等中的动作以及用于电台评论员,用于描述戏剧、歌剧等中的动作以及用于电台评论员, 解说员对体育比赛,图片说明等的报道中。解说员对体育比赛,图片说明等的报道中。 Tom passes the ball to Harper;Harper shoots and the goalkeeper leaps for it but-yes,its a good.8.用于用于Here,There等开头的倒装句中,表正在进行的动作。等开头的倒装句中,表正在进行的动作。 a.Here comes the bus. b.There goes the bell. 以上两句型均不可用进行时。以上两句型均不可用

88、进行时。一般将来时一般将来时1.一般现在时表将来时一般现在时表将来时 (1)主要用于表示根据规定、时间表预计要发生的。)主要用于表示根据规定、时间表预计要发生的。 a.She retires next month. b.Christmas falls on a Thursday this year.(2)用于时间、条件、让步状语从句表将来。)用于时间、条件、让步状语从句表将来。 Ill give it to you after he comes. 辨析:辨析:a.be to do可用于条件句表将来,表示可用于条件句表将来,表示“想,打算。想,打算。 b.will表表“意愿意愿”时可用于条件句。

89、时可用于条件句。 例:例:If you will listen,Ill tell you. If we are to be there before ten,well have to go now.2.be to do2.be to do表将来表将来 (1)表计划、安排即将发生的事,常见于报刊、广播,用)表计划、安排即将发生的事,常见于报刊、广播,用 于宣布官方的计划、决定。于宣布官方的计划、决定。 a.Where are we to stay tonight? b.The Queen is to visit China next year.(2)表命令,禁止、)表命令,禁止、“必须;不得不必

90、须;不得不”。 You are to finish your work before supper.(3)用于第一人称,表征求对方意见。)用于第一人称,表征求对方意见。 Are we to go on with this work?(4)可用于条件句表将来。)可用于条件句表将来。 If we are to be there before ten,well have to go now.3.be doing现在进行时表将来时,表计划、安排即将发生的现在进行时表将来时,表计划、安排即将发生的 动作,常用于位置移动的词:动作,常用于位置移动的词:go,come,leave,start, arrive

91、,return等以及等以及die,marry等。等。 a.What are you doing tonight? b.We are starting the work in a few days.4.be going to4.be going to表将来。表将来。 (1)表计划、安排好的即将发生的动作。)表计划、安排好的即将发生的动作。 How long is he going to stay here? (2)根据迹象表明将要发生的动作。)根据迹象表明将要发生的动作。 a.It is going to rain. b.She is going to have a baby.5.shall/w

92、ill5.shall/will表将来。表将来。 (1)shall常用于第一人称在陈述句中表将来,常用于第一人称在陈述句中表将来,will用于所用于所 有人称表将来。多表示单纯的将来或意愿式的将来,有人称表将来。多表示单纯的将来或意愿式的将来,will 还可表示临时决定之将来。还可表示临时决定之将来。 a.He will be here in half an hour. b. Tom is in hospital. I dont know.Ill go to see him.6.shall/will be doing表将来。表将来。 (1)表亲切、客气的语气。)表亲切、客气的语气。 I shal

93、l be thinking of you. (2)表确信某事肯定会发生。)表确信某事肯定会发生。 When I arrive at the airport,my whole family will be waiting for me. (3)用于询问别人的安排,特别是想得到别人的帮助。)用于询问别人的安排,特别是想得到别人的帮助。 Will you be passing the post office when youre out?7.be about to do sth.=be on the point of doing sth.表即将、表即将、 马上要进行的动作。马上要进行的动作。 The

94、 train is about to leave.现在进行时现在进行时 be doing用以体现现在(或现阶段)正在发生或进行的动作用以体现现在(或现阶段)正在发生或进行的动作1.表说话的时刻正在发生或进行的动作。表说话的时刻正在发生或进行的动作。 He is watching TV now.2.表目前一段时间内正在进行的动作,说话时动作未必正在表目前一段时间内正在进行的动作,说话时动作未必正在 进行。进行。 Mr.Green is writing a novel these days.3.与频度副词、连词与频度副词、连词always,continually,forever, constant

95、ly,all the time等连用,带有感情色彩,多半表等连用,带有感情色彩,多半表 示说话人不满情绪、惊讶或赞赏等感情色彩。示说话人不满情绪、惊讶或赞赏等感情色彩。 a.Shes always borrowing money and forgetting to pay me back. b.He is always thinking of others.4.4.表将来时,表计划、安排即将发生的动作表将来时,表计划、安排即将发生的动作。 a.He is marrying next month. b.Were meeting him after the performance.5 .用于动词用

96、于动词get,grow,become,turn,begin,go等表渐变。等表渐变。 a.The leaves are turning red. b.Its getting warmer and warmer.6.6.表刚刚过去的动作。表刚刚过去的动作。 I dont know what you are talking about.现在完成时现在完成时1.表过去发生或已经完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果。表过去发生或已经完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果。 a.I have never heard of that before. b.Ive just lost my science bo

97、ok. 一般过去时只表示过去的动作或状态。一般过去时只表示过去的动作或状态。 c.He lived in Beijing before liberation. 解放前他住在北京。(现在是否住在北京不知道)解放前他住在北京。(现在是否住在北京不知道) d.He has lived in Beijing since liberation. 解放以来他一直住在北京。(说明他现在仍在北京)解放以来他一直住在北京。(说明他现在仍在北京)2.现在完成时还可以用在时间和条件状语从句中,表示现在完成时还可以用在时间和条件状语从句中,表示 将来某时完成的动作。将来某时完成的动作。 a.Ill go to you

98、r home when I have finished my homework. b.If it has stopped snowing in the morning,well go to the park.现在完成进行时现在完成进行时have/has been doing表示过去开始的动作一直持续到现在并在继表示过去开始的动作一直持续到现在并在继续之中,仍有可能继续下去。续之中,仍有可能继续下去。a.Ive been thinking it over.b.Im exhausted,because I have been painting the room all day.语语 法法 专专 练

99、练1.Lets keep to the point or we any decisions. A.will never reach B.have never reached C.never reach D.never reached 答案:答案:A2.Its really time I went home but Im enjoying myself,so I here a bit longer. A.am staying B.have stayed C.stayed D.stay 答案答案:A3.My dictionary .I have looked for it everywhere b

100、ut still it. A.has lost;dont find B.is missing;dont find C.has lost;havent found D.is missing;havent found 答案:答案:D4.Hurry!The train .You know it at 8 30 a.m. A.leaves;leaves B.is leaving;leaves C.leaves;is leaving D.is leaving;is leaving 答案答案:B5.No one this building without the permission of the pol

101、ice. A.is leaving B.is to leave C.has left D.will be leaving 答案答案:B 6.Bob must be very wealthy. Yes,he more in one day than I do in a week. A.earns B.had earned C.has been earned D.earned 答案:答案:A7.People present at the dinner party were all ,men in suits and women in dresses. A.put on formal clothes

102、 B.dressing formally C.wearing formal clothes D.worn formally 答案:答案:C8.Why did you leave the water running in the sink? Heavens!I guess I to turn it off. A.Forgot B.have forgotten C.will forget D.had forgotten 答案答案:A9.I wonder why you wont do it as and its the third time you so. A.I told you;do B.be

103、 told;have done C.told to;have done D.told;do 答案:答案:C10 How are you today? Oh,I as ill as I do now for a very long time. A.didnt feel B.wasnt feeling C.dont feel D.havent felt 答案:答案:D11Look!What a mistake!Why? Sorry,I_on it. Adont concentrate Bhadnt concentrated Chadnt been concentrated Dwasnt conce

104、ntrating 答案:答案:D12 Jack and David are brothers. Oh,I why they looked so alike. A.was wondering B.wonder C.have wondered D.will wonder 答案:答案:A13 I a glass while I the dinner yesterday. A.has broken;was cooking B.was breaking;cooked C.had broken;was cooking D.broke;was cooking 答案:答案:D14 roses sweet? A

105、.Are;smelling B.Do;smell C.Do;taste D.Are;smelt 答案答案:B15 I saw an old friend of mine yesterday,whom I for years. A.didnt see B.havent seen C.hadnt seen D.wouldnt see 答案答案:C16.How long this fine weather ? A.do you think;lasts B.have you thought;lasted C.have you thought;will last D.do you think;will

106、last 答案:答案:D17.The harder you ,the greater achievements you . A.will study;will make B.study;will make C.will study;make D.study;are to make 答案答案:B18.His brother for ten years.He a cold November night. A.has been away from home;left home on B.has left home;was away from home on C.had left home;left

107、home at D.was left home;was out in 答案答案:A19.I wont lend you the novel until I reading it. A.will finish B.have finished C.shall finish D.will have finished 答案答案:B20.“The ceremony has already started.”“Look!The flag is now.” A.being raised B.risen C.being risen D.raising 答案:答案:A1.Entering the office,

108、I found the mayor at the desk and something in a hurry. A.seating;writing B.seat;write C.seated;writing D.seated;wrote 解析解析:seat oneselfseat oneself使使坐下,坐下,seatseat是及物动词,用过是及物动词,用过 去分词去分词seatedseated作作mayormayor的宾语补足语;的宾语补足语;writingwriting也是作宾语也是作宾语 补,但与补,但与mayormayor成主动关系。成主动关系。 答案:答案:C2.“How long

109、have the Smiths lived in Chicago?”“They .” A.have been living there since five years B.lived there since five years ago C.lived there since five years D.have been living there for five years 解析解析:sincesince后只能接点时间,不接段时间,但点时间与后只能接点时间,不接段时间,但点时间与 since since连用时表段时间,句子的谓语要用现在完成时。连用时表段时间,句子的谓语要用现在完成时。 答

110、案:答案:D3.He the experiment with me tomorrow afternoon. A.would do B.will have done C.will be done D.will be doing 解析解析:will be doing表纯粹将来表纯粹将来。 答案答案:D4.It for three days.How I wish the rain could stop now. A.is raining B.has been raining C.had been raining D.rained 解析解析:根据句意雨在三天前就开始下了,一直下到说话时根据句意雨在三天

111、前就开始下了,一直下到说话时 还在下,很可能还要持续,故用现在完成进行时还在下,很可能还要持续,故用现在完成进行时。 答案:答案:B5.Is the post office painted green? A.is being B.the one is being C.being D.which is being 解析解析:将句子还原成陈述句,就可容易选出答案。将句子还原成陈述句,就可容易选出答案。paint paint sth.+ sth.+颜色颜色“把把漆成漆成颜色颜色”,be being donebe being done表表示示 现在进行时的被动语态。现在进行时的被动语态。 答案:答案:

112、C【例【例1】We tried to find a table for seven,but they were all . (2009安徽安徽,33) A.given away B.kept away C.taken up D.used up【解题方法指导】解题方法指导】句意:我们想找一张句意:我们想找一张7个人坐的桌子,但个人坐的桌子,但 桌子全都有人了。桌子全都有人了。give away出卖,赠送;出卖,赠送;keep away远远 离;离;take up占据;占据;use up用光。用光。 答案答案:C 教材原文对照教材原文对照 Meetings and phone calls take

113、 up a large part of the day.(P9)【例【例2 2】Peter was so excited he received an invitation from his friend to visit Chongqing.(2009重庆,重庆,27) A. where B. that C. why D. when【解题方法指导】【解题方法指导】考查状语从句。考查状语从句。when引导时间状语从引导时间状语从 句,表示句,表示“当当时候时候”。这句话的意思是:当彼得收到朋。这句话的意思是:当彼得收到朋 友参观重庆的邀请时,他很激动。其他选项不合题意。友参观重庆的邀请时,他很

114、激动。其他选项不合题意。 答案答案:D警示误区警示误区:这是一个陷阱题。不要看到前面的这是一个陷阱题。不要看到前面的so就认为这里应用就认为这里应用that,认为是认为是so.that.结构。注意此处表示的是时间而非结果。结构。注意此处表示的是时间而非结果。教材原文对照教材原文对照We do jobs when they need to be done and that could be early in the morning or late at night.(P15)【例【例3 3】 ,you need to give all you have and try your best. (2

115、009辽宁,辽宁,27) A.Being a winner B.To be a winner C.Be a winner D.Having been a winner【解题方法指导】【解题方法指导】考查非谓语动词。考查非谓语动词。B项的不定式表示目的,项的不定式表示目的, 即要想成为赢家,你必须竭尽全力。其他选项不符合语境。即要想成为赢家,你必须竭尽全力。其他选项不符合语境。 答案:答案:B教材原文对照教材原文对照 To solve this problem,the Duchess came up with the clever idea of inviting some friends to

116、 join her for an afternoon meal between four and five oclock.(P18)9、静夜四无邻,荒居旧业贫。2024/7/212024/7/21Sunday, July 21, 202410、雨中黄叶树,灯下白头人。2024/7/212024/7/212024/7/217/21/2024 2:54:32 AM11、以我独沈久,愧君相见频。2024/7/212024/7/212024/7/21Jul-2421-Jul-2412、故人江海别,几度隔山川。2024/7/212024/7/212024/7/21Sunday, July 21, 202

117、413、乍见翻疑梦,相悲各问年。2024/7/212024/7/212024/7/212024/7/217/21/202414、他乡生白发,旧国见青山。21 七月 20242024/7/212024/7/212024/7/2115、比不了得就不比,得不到的就不要。七月 242024/7/212024/7/212024/7/217/21/202416、行动出成果,工作出财富。2024/7/212024/7/2121 July 202417、做前,能够环视四周;做时,你只能或者最好沿着以脚为起点的射线向前。2024/7/212024/7/212024/7/212024/7/219、没有失败,只有暂

118、时停止成功!。2024/7/212024/7/21Sunday, July 21, 202410、很多事情努力了未必有结果,但是不努力却什么改变也没有。2024/7/212024/7/212024/7/217/21/2024 2:54:32 AM11、成功就是日复一日那一点点小小努力的积累。2024/7/212024/7/212024/7/21Jul-2421-Jul-2412、世间成事,不求其绝对圆满,留一份不足,可得无限完美。2024/7/212024/7/212024/7/21Sunday, July 21, 202413、不知香积寺,数里入云峰。2024/7/212024/7/2120

119、24/7/212024/7/217/21/202414、意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像泥块一样任意揉捏。21 七月 20242024/7/212024/7/212024/7/2115、楚塞三湘接,荆门九派通。七月 242024/7/212024/7/212024/7/217/21/202416、少年十五二十时,步行夺得胡马骑。2024/7/212024/7/2121 July 202417、空山新雨后,天气晚来秋。2024/7/212024/7/212024/7/212024/7/219、杨柳散和风,青山澹吾虑。2024/7/212024/7/21Sunday, July 21, 202410

120、、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。2024/7/212024/7/212024/7/217/21/2024 2:54:32 AM11、越是没有本领的就越加自命不凡。2024/7/212024/7/212024/7/21Jul-2421-Jul-2412、越是无能的人,越喜欢挑剔别人的错儿。2024/7/212024/7/212024/7/21Sunday, July 21, 202413、知人者智,自知者明。胜人者有力,自胜者强。2024/7/212024/7/212024/7/212024/7/217/21/202414、意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像泥块一样任意揉捏。21 七月 20

121、242024/7/212024/7/212024/7/2115、最具挑战性的挑战莫过于提升自我。七月 242024/7/212024/7/212024/7/217/21/202416、业余生活要有意义,不要越轨。2024/7/212024/7/2121 July 202417、一个人即使已登上顶峰,也仍要自强不息。2024/7/212024/7/212024/7/212024/7/21MOMODA POWERPOINTLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce id urna blandit, eleifend nulla ac, fringilla purus. Nulla iaculis tempor felis ut cursus. 感感 谢谢 您您 的的 下下 载载 观观 看看专家告诉



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