高三英语一轮复习 Unit 6 Life in the future精品课件

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1、Unit 6 Life in the futureUnit 6 Life in the future基础落实基础落实.重点单词思忆重点单词思忆1.They know meIm a regular 1.They know meIm a regular ( (顾顾 客客).).2.Will you be able to 2.Will you be able to ( (治好治好) him,doctor?) him,doctor?3.I go there quite 3.I go there quite ( (经常经常).).4.Payments can be made by cheque or i

2、n4.Payments can be made by cheque or in ( (现金现金).).5.The law needs to be 5.The law needs to be ( (改革改革).).customercustomercurecureregularlyregularlycashcashreformedreformed.考纲词汇拓展考纲词汇拓展1.1. n n. .预言;预报;预告预言;预报;预告 v v. . 预言,预料;预测预言,预料;预测2.2. vtvt. .表明表明; ;象征;预示象征;预示 n n. n n. .指示器指示器3.3. n n.& .& vtv

3、t. .购买;购置(物)购买;购置(物) n n. .买方,购买者买方,购买者4.4. adjadj. .有规律的;定期的;习惯性的有规律的;定期的;习惯性的 advadv. .有规律地;定期地有规律地;定期地 n n. .规章,规则规章,规则5.5. n n. .远处远处, ,远方;距离远方;距离 adjadj. . 遥远的;远离的遥远的;远离的6.6. vtvt.& .& vivi. .要求要求, ,需要需要 n n. . 要求要求predictionpredictionpredictpredictindicateindicateindicationindicationindicatori

4、ndicatorpurchasepurchasepurchaserpurchaserregularregularregularlyregularlyregulationregulationdistancedistancedistantdistantrequirerequirerequirementrequirement.重要短语识记重要短语识记1.to be 1.to be 确切地说确切地说2.2. a glimpse of a glimpse of瞥见瞥见3.3. in touch with. in touch with.与与保持联系保持联系4.4. with with处理;安排处理;安排5

5、.pay 5.pay to to注意;留意注意;留意6.6. store store贮藏着;准备着;就要来到贮藏着;准备着;就要来到7.in 7.in society society在当代社会在当代社会8.in the 8.in the 在远处在远处exactexactcatchcatchkeepkeepdealdealattentionattentioninincontemporarycontemporarydistancedistance10.at 10.at 很快地;高速地很快地;高速地11.as 11.as 像往常一样像往常一样12.12. for for寻找寻找13.13. all

6、all毕竟毕竟14.14. up up清理清理speedspeedusualusualsearchsearchafteraftercleanclean.经典句式再现经典句式再现1.1. (未(未 来的生活是什么样的)来的生活是什么样的)is difficult to is difficult to predict. predict.2. 2. ( (公共交通已经得到很好的发展公共交通已经得到很好的发展)in )in most urban areas of China. most urban areas of China.3.Scientists are also developing new

7、fuels 3.Scientists are also developing new fuels and engines that will let us travel and engines that will let us travel ( (不必担心我们是不必担心我们是 否在污染环境否在污染环境).).What life will be like in the futureWhat life will be like in the futurePublic transportation is already wellPublic transportation is already wel

8、ldevelopeddevelopedwithout worrying about whether we arewithout worrying about whether we arepolluting the environmentpolluting the environment4.Many companies and consumers have already 4.Many companies and consumers have already begun begun ( (改革他们做事情的方式改革他们做事情的方式).).5. 5. ( (由于对人的身体有了更好的了解由于对人的身体

9、有了更好的了解),), scientists and physicians will be able to scientists and physicians will be able to cure more diseases. cure more diseases.6.If we learn to accept change and 6.If we learn to accept change and appreciate what is new and different,we appreciate what is new and different,we will will ( (有准

10、备地迎接未有准备地迎接未 来带给我们的一切来带给我们的一切).).reforming the way they do businessreforming the way they do businessWith a better understanding of the humanWith a better understanding of the humanbodybodybe wellbe wellprepared for whatever prepared for whatever thethefuture may have in storefuture may have in stor

11、e7.My e7.My efriend friend ( (很像我很像我)and )and ( (我们在一起我们在一起 很快乐很快乐).).8.In the year 3044,we can see8.In the year 3044,we can see ( (不仅仅只是一幅画面不仅仅只是一幅画面) );we we see a lifelike model of the person. see a lifelike model of the person.is a lot like meis a lot like mewe have lots of fun togetherwe have l

12、ots of fun togethermore thanmore thanjust a picturejust a picture导练互动导练互动重点单词重点单词1.ensure1.ensure To To safety,the train is controlled safety,the train is controlled by an advanced computer system.( by an advanced computer system.(回归课本回归课本P P4343) )观察思考观察思考 He wrote one poem which ensured his undyin

13、g He wrote one poem which ensured his undying fame. fame. 他写的一首诗使他永享声誉。他写的一首诗使他永享声誉。 This medicine will ensure you a good This medicine will ensure you a good nights sleep. nights sleep. 这药保证能让你睡一夜好觉。这药保证能让你睡一夜好觉。ensureensure归纳拓展归纳拓展ensureensure词性:词性: 意思:意思:ensure safety/successensure safety/success

14、保证安全保证安全/ /成功成功ensure sb.sth.ensure sb.sth.保证保证/ /确保某人(得到)某物确保某人(得到)某物ensure sb.from/against sth.ensure sb.from/against sth.保护某人免受保护某人免受的伤害的伤害ensure that.ensure that.(=make sure that.=make sure that.确保,保证)确保,保证)注意注意:enen动词化前缀或后缀动词化前缀或后缀“使变得、成为使变得、成为”,如:如:enlarge;enable;endanger;encourageenlarge;enab

15、le;endanger;encourage等。等。vt.vt.确保;保证确保;保证能力转化能力转化(1 1)几天前温家宝总理说,我们必须确保食品安)几天前温家宝总理说,我们必须确保食品安 全。全。 Premier Wen Jiabao said that we must Premier Wen Jiabao said that we must the safety of food the other day. the safety of food the other day.(2 2)充足的睡眠能保证你早日康复。)充足的睡眠能保证你早日康复。 A good sleep will A good

16、sleep will . .(3 3)我们要保护自己,以防备任何危险。)我们要保护自己,以防备任何危险。 We should We should all all possible risks. possible risks.ensureensureensure you quickerensure you quickerrecoveryrecoveryensure ourselves againstensure ourselves against2.remain2.remain People in the future will be able to People in the future w

17、ill be able to enjoy a longer and healthier life and enjoy a longer and healthier life and active even in old age. active even in old age. ( (回归课本回归课本P P4444) )观察思考观察思考 Very little of the house remained after Very little of the house remained after the fire. the fire. 火灾之后,这座房子所剩无几。火灾之后,这座房子所剩无几。 On

18、e should remain calm in case of danger. One should remain calm in case of danger. 在危险的情况下应该保持镇定。在危险的情况下应该保持镇定。remainremain归纳拓展归纳拓展remainremain词性:词性: & & 意思:意思: 形容词形容词/ /副词副词 名词名词remain+ remain+ 现在分词现在分词/ /过去分词过去分词 不定式不定式 介词短语介词短语remain to be seenremain to be seen尚待分晓尚待分晓remains n.remains n.plpl. .残留

19、物;遗体残留物;遗体remaining remaining adjadj. .剩余的剩余的注意注意:remainingremaining作形容词,表示作形容词,表示“剩余的剩余的”时,时,只能作前置定语;而只能作前置定语;而leaveleave的过去分词的过去分词leftleft充当形充当形容词时只能放在所修饰名词的后面,作后置定语。容词时只能放在所修饰名词的后面,作后置定语。link- v.link- v. vi.vi.保持;仍然;继保持;仍然;继续;剩下;(人)逗留续;剩下;(人)逗留能力转化能力转化(1 1)约翰都当上法官了,但杰克仍是个工人。)约翰都当上法官了,但杰克仍是个工人。 Jo

20、hn became a judge but Jack John became a judge but Jack . .(2 2)非洲人仍然很贫穷。)非洲人仍然很贫穷。 The African people The African people . .(3 3)还有许多工作要做。)还有许多工作要做。 Much work Much work . .(4 4)门还是关着的。)门还是关着的。 The door The door . .remained aremained aworkerworkerremain in great povertyremain in great povertyremains

21、 to be doneremains to be doneremains closedremains closed3.deal3.deal Advances in medical science also allow us Advances in medical science also allow us to to with new diseases,such as SARS. with new diseases,such as SARS. ( (回归课本回归课本P P4444) )观察思考观察思考 The question is how to deal with the The quest

22、ion is how to deal with the increasing amount of traffic in the increasing amount of traffic in the streets. streets. 问题是如何去应付街上不断增加的交通量。问题是如何去应付街上不断增加的交通量。 We did a deal with the management on We did a deal with the management on overtime. overtime. 我们与资方在加班问题上达成了一项协议。我们与资方在加班问题上达成了一项协议。dealdeal归纳拓

23、展归纳拓展dealdeal词性:词性: & & & & 意思:意思:deal outdeal out分配;配发分配;配发deal withdeal with与与有生意往来;与有生意往来;与相处;对付;相处;对付;处理;关于;设计处理;关于;设计deal in sth.deal in sth.经营;买卖(某一产品)经营;买卖(某一产品)do a deal with sb.do a deal with sb.与某人做一项交易与某人做一项交易Its a deal.Its a deal.成交;一言为定。成交;一言为定。vt.vt.vi.vi.n.n.对付;处理;分对付;处理;分配;成交;交易;协议配;

24、成交;交易;协议拓展辨析拓展辨析deal withdeal with,do withdo with,do withoutdo without(1 1)deal withdeal with意为意为“处理,应付,对付处理,应付,对付”,侧,侧重于解决问题,强调处理问题的方法或方式,在重于解决问题,强调处理问题的方法或方式,在问句中常与问句中常与howhow连用。连用。(2 2)do withdo with意为意为“处置,利用处置,利用”,侧重对某物,侧重对某物的利用(有的利用(有“用某物来干什么用某物来干什么”的含义),此短的含义),此短语中语中dodo为及物动词,在问句中常与为及物动词,在问句中

25、常与whatwhat连用。连用。(3 3)do withoutdo without意为意为“没有没有也行;没有也行;没有而设法对付过去而设法对付过去”。能力转化能力转化用用do with,deal with,do withoutdo with,deal with,do without的适当形式的适当形式填空填空(1 1)The new teacher didnt know what to The new teacher didnt know what to the class. the class.(2 2)Butter was so expensive that we had to Butt

26、er was so expensive that we had to margarine( margarine(人造奶油人造奶油)in those days.)in those days.(3 3)What have you What have you papers for the papers for the meeting? meeting?(4 4)We cannot We cannot a telephone in a telephone in our business. our business.do withdo withdo withdo withdone withdone wi

27、thdo withoutdo without(5)There wasnt any coffee left,so we had (5)There wasnt any coffee left,so we had to to it. it.(6)He knows well how to (6)He knows well how to children. children. (7)I think the problem should be(7)I think the problem should be quickly. quickly.do withoutdo withoutdeal withdeal

28、 withdealt withdealt with4.cure4.cure .,scientists and physicians will be .,scientists and physicians will be able to able to more diseases.( more diseases.(回归课本回归课本P44)P44)观察思考观察思考 This medicine will cure your headache. This medicine will cure your headache. 这种药可以治好你的头痛。这种药可以治好你的头痛。 He has cured of

29、 his habit of drinking. He has cured of his habit of drinking. 他已经改掉喝酒的坏习惯了。他已经改掉喝酒的坏习惯了。 An effective cure for cancer has not yet An effective cure for cancer has not yet been found. been found. 对付癌症的有效疗法目前尚未发现。对付癌症的有效疗法目前尚未发现。curecure归纳拓展归纳拓展curecure词性:词性: & & 意思:意思:(1 1)cure a patient/a diseasecu

30、re a patient/a disease治愈病人治愈病人/ /疾病疾病cure sb.of a diseasecure sb.of a disease治愈某人的某种疾病治愈某人的某种疾病cure sb.of sth.cure sb.of sth.矫正矫正/ /根治某人的不良习惯根治某人的不良习惯(2)a cure for a disease(2)a cure for a disease治疗某种疾病的疗法或治疗某种疾病的疗法或良方良方vt.vt.n.n.治疗;治愈;药方;治疗;治愈;药方;治好治好拓展辨析拓展辨析treat,curetreat,cure( (1 1) )t tr re ea

31、at t指指通通过过药药物物、特特别别的的食食品品或或运运动动治治疗疗病病人人或或治治病病,但但并并不不表表明明是是否否治治愈愈,强强调调治治疗疗过过程程,t tr re ea at t s sb b. .f fo or r s st th h. .医医治治某某人人病病;还还可可作作“对对待待,看看待待”讲讲,t tr re ea at t. . . .a as s把把看看作作/ /视视为为。(2 2)c cu ur re e意意为为“治治愈愈,痊痊愈愈”,特特别别指指病病后后恢恢复复健健康康,强强调调治治疗疗结结果果。其其后后可可接接表表示示疾疾病病的的名名词词或或代代词词,也也可可接接s

32、sb b. .o of f再再加加表表示示疾疾病病的的名名词词。另另外外,还还可可作作“矫矫正正,改改正正”解解,借借喻喻指指消消除除社社会会上上某某种种不良现象或个人恶习等。不良现象或个人恶习等。能力转化能力转化(1 1)这种药物应该能够治好你的感冒。)这种药物应该能够治好你的感冒。 The medicine should The medicine should . .(2 2)这种病尚没有确切的治愈方法,但可以医)这种病尚没有确切的治愈方法,但可以医 治。治。 There is no known There is no known but the illness but the illne

33、ss . .cure you of your coldcure you of your coldcurecurecan be treatedcan be treated5.require5.require You are You are to pay for your to pay for your before before you leave the supermarket. ( you leave the supermarket. (回归课本回归课本P P4545) )观察思考观察思考 All the students are required to attend All the stu

34、dents are required to attend the meeting. the meeting. 所有学生都应出席这个会议。所有学生都应出席这个会议。 The desk requires repairing/to be repaired. The desk requires repairing/to be repaired. 这张桌子需要修理了。这张桌子需要修理了。 He required that the work (should) be He required that the work (should) be finished before dark. finished be

35、fore dark. 他要求这项工作应在天黑前完成。他要求这项工作应在天黑前完成。requiredrequired归纳拓展归纳拓展requirerequire词性:词性: & & 意思:意思:(1 1)require sth.require sth.需要某物需要某物require sth.of sb.require sth.of sb.向某人要求某事向某人要求某事require sb.to dorequire sb.to do要求某人做要求某人做sth.requires doing/to be donesth.requires doing/to be donerequire that.(sho

36、uld) dorequire that.(should) do(2 2)requirement n.requirement n.要求,需要;要求的东西要求,需要;要求的东西meet/satisfy ones requirementmeet/satisfy ones requirement满足某人的满足某人的需要需要vt.vt.vi.vi.需要;要求需要;要求需要需要注注意意: ( 1 1)r re eq qu ui ir re e表表 示示 “(某某物物)需需要要 ”时时,后后接接 d do oi in ng g表表示示被被动动意意义义或或者者接接动动词词不不定定式式的的被动式。类似的词还有被

37、动式。类似的词还有need,wantneed,want等。等。(2 2) 在在 r re eq qu ui ir re e引引导导的的宾宾语语从从句句或或相相应应的的名名词词性性从从句句中中,谓谓语语一一般般用用 “(s sh ho ou ul ld d)+ +动动词词原原形形 ”,表表示示虚虚拟拟。类类似似的的动动词词还还有有: o or rd d e er r, ,i in n s si is st t, ,d de em m a an nd d, , d de es si ir re e, , c co om m m m a an nd d, , p pr ro op po os se

38、e, , r re eq qu ue es st t等等。其其相应的名词形式也具有此功能。相应的名词形式也具有此功能。能力转化能力转化(1 1)这些宠物需要悉心照顾。)这些宠物需要悉心照顾。 These pets These pets . .(2 2)这种情形需要他在场。)这种情形需要他在场。 The situation The situation he be present. he be present.(3 3)法律规定必须系好安全带。)法律规定必须系好安全带。 The wearing of seat belts The wearing of seat belts . .require a

39、 lot of care andrequire a lot of care andattentionattentionrequired thatrequired thatis required byis required bylawlaw重点短语与句型重点短语与句型6.keep in touch with.6.keep in touch with. The Internet also makes it easier for The Internet also makes it easier for companies to companies to customers customers an

40、d companies in other countries. and companies in other countries. ( (回归课本回归课本P P4444) )观察思考观察思考 He still keeps in touch with his old He still keeps in touch with his old friends. friends. 他仍和老朋友们保持着联系。他仍和老朋友们保持着联系。 Im trying to get in touch with my brother. Im trying to get in touch with my brother.

41、 我正在想办法同我的哥哥取得联系。我正在想办法同我的哥哥取得联系。keep in touch withkeep in touch with归纳拓展归纳拓展keep in touch with.keep in touch with.get in touch with sb.get in touch with sb.与某人取得联系与某人取得联系lose touch with sb.lose touch with sb.与某人失去联系与某人失去联系be in touch with sb.be in touch with sb.与某人有联系与某人有联系be out of touch with sb.b

42、e out of touch with sb.与某人失去联系与某人失去联系bring sb.into touch with sb./sth.bring sb.into touch with sb./sth.使使与与接触,使认识接触,使认识stay in contact with sb.stay in contact with sb.与某人保持联系与某人保持联系和和保持联系保持联系能力转化能力转化During you stay there,please telephone me During you stay there,please telephone me every few days,an

43、d in that way we can every few days,and in that way we can each other.each other.A.make friends with B.keep in touch withA.make friends with B.keep in touch withC.get in touch with D.lose touch withC.get in touch with D.lose touch with解解析析 考考查查词词组组辨辨析析。句句意意为为:你你在在外外期期间间,请请每每隔隔几几天天打打电电话话给给我我,那那样样的的话话

44、,我我们们就就可可以以彼彼此此 保保 持持 联联 系系 。 e ev ve er ry y f fe ew w d da ay ys s表表 示示 “每每 隔隔 几几天天”,强强调调一一段段时时间间,而而 A A、C C、D D只只与与时时间间点点连连用用 。 k ke ee ep p i in n t to ou uc ch h w w i it th h强强调调状状态态,而而 g g e et t i in n touch withtouch with强调动作。强调动作。B7.pay attention to7.pay attention to People now are People

45、now are the importance of a healthy diet and an the importance of a healthy diet and an active life. ( active life. (回归课本回归课本P P4444) )观察思考观察思考 You must pay attention to the teacher.Do You must pay attention to the teacher.Do not let your attention wander. not let your attention wander. 你必须专心听老师讲课,不

46、要分散注意力。你必须专心听老师讲课,不要分散注意力。 Too much attention was paid to the Too much attention was paid to the details.details. 太过于注意细节了。太过于注意细节了。paying more attention topaying more attention to归纳拓展归纳拓展pay attention topay attention topay little (no) attention topay little (no) attention to毫不理睬或重视毫不理睬或重视draw/attra

47、ct/catch/get ones attention todraw/attract/catch/get ones attention to吸引某人对吸引某人对的注意的注意fix/focus ones attention onfix/focus ones attention on将注意力集中于将注意力集中于turn/direct/switch ones attention toturn/direct/switch ones attention to将某将某人的注意力转向人的注意力转向devote ones attention todevote ones attention to专心致志于专心致

48、志于stand at attentionstand at attention立正站着立正站着注意;留意注意;留意call ones attention tocall ones attention to叫人某人注意叫人某人注意May I have your attention please?=Attention May I have your attention please?=Attention pleaseplease!请注意!请注意! !注注意意:以以上上短短语语中中的的 t to o均均为为介介词词,其其后后须须跟跟名名词词或或动动名名词词等等作作宾宾语语,不不能能直直接接跟跟动动词词原

49、原形形,英英语语中中类类似似的的短短语语还还有有很很多多。例例如如 : :l lo oo ok k f fo or rw w a ar rd d t to o, ,g ge et t d do ow w n n t to o, ,m m a ak ke e c co on nt tr ri ib bu ut ti io on ns s t to o, ,g ge et t/ /b be e u us se ed d t to o, ,g ge et t/ /b be e a ac cc cu us st to om m e ed d t to o, ,d de ev vo ot te e. .

50、 . .t to o. . . ., ,stick tostick to等。等。能力转化能力转化(1 1)如果必要的话要注意记笔记。)如果必要的话要注意记笔记。 notes when notes when necessary. necessary.(2 2)应该更加关心国家大事。)应该更加关心国家大事。 should should state state affairs. affairs.(3 3)我将请学生们注意此事。)我将请学生们注意此事。 Ill Ill this matter. this matter.(4 4)母亲把所有的注意力都集中在孩子身上。)母亲把所有的注意力都集中在孩子身上。

51、 Mother Mother her her baby. baby.Pay attention to makingPay attention to makingMore attentionMore attentionbe paid tobe paid tocall my studentsattention tocall my studentsattention tofocused all her attention onfocused all her attention on8.8. things will change. things will change. 将来情况肯定会发生变化。将来情

52、况肯定会发生变化。典例体验典例体验 our success. our success. 我们肯定能成功。我们肯定能成功。 he will win in the he will win in the competition. competition. 他肯定能在这场比赛中获胜。他肯定能在这场比赛中获胜。 whether he will whether he will e. 他是否会来,我没有把握。他是否会来,我没有把握。It is certain thatIt is certain thatWe are certain/sure ofWe are certain/sure ofIt is cer

53、tain thatIt is certain thatI am not certain/sureI am not certain/sure拓展辨析拓展辨析certain,surecertain,sure(1 1)certaincertain和和suresure都可以作形容词,表示都可以作形容词,表示“一一定定的,必然的,有把握的,确信的的,必然的,有把握的,确信的”,此时下列用,此时下列用法法可以通用:可以通用:be certain of/about(=be sure of/about)be certain of/about(=be sure of/about)对对有把握,确信有把握,确信be

54、 uncertain of/about(=be not sure be uncertain of/about(=be not sure of/about)of/about)对对没有把握没有把握be certain to do sth.(=be sure to do sth.)be certain to do sth.(=be sure to do sth.)一定会做一定会做sb.be certain that.(=sb.be sure that.)sb.be certain that.(=sb.be sure that.)某人肯定某人肯定/ /确信确信(2 2)“b be e s su ur

55、re e t th ha at t+ +从从句句”的的主主句句主主语语必必须须是是人人,而而不不能能说说I It t i is s s su ur re e t th ha at t+ +从从句句,而而“b be e c ce er rt ta ai in n t th ha at t+ +从从句句”的的主主句句主主语语既既可可是是人人,也也可可是形式主语是形式主语itit。能力转化能力转化句型转换句型转换(1 1)It is certain that we will get to the It is certain that we will get to the top before dar

56、k. top before dark. We We get to the top get to the top before dark. before dark.(2 2)He is sure that he will pass the He is sure that he will pass the driving test. driving test. He He pass the driving pass the driving test.test.(3 3)He is sure that hell be admitted into He is sure that hell be adm

57、itted into Peking University. Peking University. He He into Peking into Peking University. University.areare certain/surecertain/sure totoisis certain/surecertain/sure totoisis sure of beingsure of being admittedadmitted9.9. ,however,however, to use models to use models to make forecasts about futur

58、e to make forecasts about future developments. developments.然而,我们可能使用模型来预然而,我们可能使用模型来预 测未来的发展。测未来的发展。典例体验典例体验 get there by bus. get there by bus. 可以乘公共汽车到那里。可以乘公共汽车到那里。 leave a leave a message for her? message for her? 我可以给她留个话儿吗?我可以给她留个话儿吗?It isIt ispossiblepossibleIt is possible toIt is possible t

59、oWould it be possible for me toWould it be possible for me to归纳拓展归纳拓展 to do. to do. that. that.It is likely/probable for sb.to do.It is likely/probable for sb.to do.某人有某人有可能做可能做It is likely/probable that.It is likely/probable that.可能可能sb.be likely to do sth.sb.be likely to do sth.某人有可能做某事某人有可能做某事注意注

60、意:possible,probablepossible,probable不能用人作主语,而不能用人作主语,而likelylikely既可以用人作主语也可用物。既可以用人作主语也可用物。probableprobable的的语气比语气比likely,possiblelikely,possible强烈。强烈。It is possibleIt is possible/impossible/impossible可能可能/ /不可能不可能能力转化能力转化(1 1)下个月她可能会离开这里。)下个月她可能会离开这里。 that she will leave here that she will leave h

61、ere next month. next month.(2 2)我们有可能按时到达那里。)我们有可能按时到达那里。 for us for us arrive there on arrive there on time. time.It is possibleIt is possibleIt is possibleIt is possibletoto【例例1 1】When she first arrived in China, she When she first arrived in China, she wondered what the future might have wondered

62、 what the future might have for her, but now all her worries are for her, but now all her worries are gone. ( gone. (湖北高考湖北高考) ) A.in need B.in time A.in need B.in time C.in preparation D.in store C.in preparation D.in store 解解 析析 i in n n n e ee ed d需需 要要 ; i in n t ti im m e e及及 时时 ; i in n p pr r

63、e ep pa ar ra at ti io on n准准备备; i in n s st to or re e贮贮藏藏着着;储储备备着着, 由句意可知由句意可知D D项正确。项正确。 课文原文课文原文 If we learn to accept change and If we learn to accept change and appreciate what is new and different,we appreciate what is new and different,we will be well will be wellprepared for whatever the pr

64、epared for whatever the future may have future may have . .Din storein store【例例2 2】 is known to us all is that the is known to us all is that the 2008 Olympic Games will take place in 2008 Olympic Games will take place in Beijing. ( Beijing. (福建高考福建高考) ) A.It B.What A.It B.What C.As D.Which C.As D.W

65、hich 解析解析 分析题干结构分析题干结构“ is known to us all”“ is known to us all” 是主语从句,从句中缺少主语,是主语从句,从句中缺少主语,whatwhat引导主语引导主语 从句,在从句中作主语。如果选从句,在从句中作主语。如果选it,it,需去掉需去掉allall 后的后的is;is;如果选如果选as,as,需去掉需去掉is thatis that。 课文原文课文原文 is is difficult to predict. difficult to predict.BWhat life will be like in the futureWhat

66、 life will be like in the future【例例3 3】Theyve won their last three Theyve won their last three matches, matches, I find a bit surprising I find a bit surprising actually. ( actually. (辽宁高考辽宁高考) ) A.that B.when C.what D.which A.that B.when C.what D.which 解析解析 句意为:他们已经赢得了最后三场比赛,句意为:他们已经赢得了最后三场比赛, 这真使我

67、感到有点惊奇。后半句应为定语从句,这真使我感到有点惊奇。后半句应为定语从句, 空格处需填关系代词(副词)来引导定语从句,空格处需填关系代词(副词)来引导定语从句, 并在从句中作并在从句中作findfind的宾语,同时指代前句内容,的宾语,同时指代前句内容, 所以选所以选D D项。项。 课文原文课文原文 A good example of how transportation is A good example of how transportation is changing is the new maglev train, changing is the new maglev train,

68、is is environmentally friendly,. environmentally friendly,.Dwhichwhich【例例4 4】 by the advances in technology,by the advances in technology, many farmers have set up wind farms on many farmers have set up wind farms on their land. ( their land. (天津高考天津高考) ) A.Being encouraged B.Encouraging A.Being enc

69、ouraged B.Encouraging C.Encouraged D.Having encouraged C.Encouraged D.Having encouraged 解解析析 e en nc co ou ur ra ag ge e与与主主句句主主语语 m m a an ny y f fa ar rm m e er rs s之之 间间 为为逻逻辑辑上上的的动动宾宾关关系系,因因此此应应用用被被动动形形式式,故故 排排 除除 B B、D D两两 项项 ; A A项项表表示示该该动动作作正正在在进进行行; Encouraged by the advances in technology E

70、ncouraged by the advances in technology 为过去分词短语作原因状语。为过去分词短语作原因状语。 课文原文课文原文 E- commerce,or business E- commerce,or business ,is becoming more and more ,is becoming more and more popular. popular. Cdone on thedone on theInternetInternet自主检测自主检测.品句填词品句填词1.The shop assistant is very friendly to 1.The s

71、hop assistant is very friendly to the the ( (顾客顾客).).2.This kind of disease cant be2.This kind of disease cant be ( (治愈治愈).).3.He has formed the habit of getting up and 3.He has formed the habit of getting up and going to bed early and does everything going to bed early and does everything ( (有规律地有规

72、律地).).4.The thief broke into the shop and stole 4.The thief broke into the shop and stole much much ( (现金现金).).consumersconsumerscuredcuredregularlyregularlycashcash5.In my opinion,we should 5.In my opinion,we should ( (改革改革) our ) our old teaching methods. old teaching methods.6.All cars 6.All cars

73、 ( (需要需要) serving regularly.) serving regularly.7.What you said was 7.What you said was ( (荒唐的荒唐的).It was ).It was not logical. not logical.8.I had no difficulty in finding the 8.I had no difficulty in finding the carriage which Holmes had carriage which Holmes had ( (表明表明).).reformreformrequirerequ

74、ireabsurdabsurdindicatedindicated.用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空1.All the passengers are required1.All the passengers are required (show) their tickets before they board (show) their tickets before they board the plane. the plane.2.The pilot asked all the passengers on 2.The pilot asked all the passengers o

75、n board to remain board to remain (seat) as the (seat) as the plane was making a landing. plane was making a landing.3.The room required 3.The room required (clean).So the (clean).So the boss required that it boss required that it (clean) (clean) at once by the workers. at once by the workers.4.When

76、 I left hospital I was completely 4.When I left hospital I was completely (cure). (cure).to showto showseatedseatedcleaningcleaningbe cleanedbe cleanedcuredcured5.These ideas 5.These ideas (deal) with more (deal) with more fully in Chapter Five. fully in Chapter Five.6.The 6.The (trend) in education

77、 is towards (trend) in education is towards more helpful teaching methods. more helpful teaching methods.7.The guide 7.The guide (indicate) the place (indicate) the place on a map that we will visit. on a map that we will visit.8.Pay attention to 8.Pay attention to (get) everything (get) everything

78、ready before dark. ready before dark.are dealtare dealttrendtrendindicatesindicatesgettinggetting.翻译句子翻译句子1.1.有太多的问题要处理,我真不知道该怎么办。有太多的问题要处理,我真不知道该怎么办。 (deal withdeal with) . .2.2.由于过度使用,断电了,还好我们储藏着几支由于过度使用,断电了,还好我们储藏着几支 蜡烛。(蜡烛。(in storein store) . .There are too many problems to dealThere are too ma

79、ny problems to dealwith.I really dont know what to dowith.I really dont know what to doThe electricity was cut off because ofThe electricity was cut off because ofthe overuse of it.Luckily we had severalthe overuse of it.Luckily we had severalcandles in storecandles in store3.3.他们经常写信,保持联系。(他们经常写信,保

80、持联系。(keep in touch keep in touch with with) . .4.4.警察要求他停车。(警察要求他停车。(requirerequire) . .5.5.很难预测未来的生活将会是什么样子。很难预测未来的生活将会是什么样子。 . .They keep in touch with each other byThey keep in touch with each other bywriting regularlywriting regularlyThe policeman required that he (should)The policeman required

81、that he (should)stop the carstop the carWhat life will be like in the future isWhat life will be like in the future isdifficult to predict./Its difficult todifficult to predict./Its difficult topredict what life will be like in thepredict what life will be like in thefuturefuture.单项填空单项填空1.We have a

82、 lot of food 1.We have a lot of food for the bad for the bad weather. weather. A.in store B.for store A.in store B.for store C.at store D.on store C.at store D.on store 解析解析 句意为:我们储存着许多食物以应对坏句意为:我们储存着许多食物以应对坏 天气。天气。in storein store意为意为“存储,备用存储,备用”,其他搭,其他搭 配不存在。配不存在。A2.The most exciting thing for him

83、 was 2.The most exciting thing for him was he finally found two tinned fruits in he finally found two tinned fruits in seemed to him to be a servants bedroom. seemed to him to be a servants bedroom. A.that;what B.what;what A.that;what B.what;what C.that;that D.what;that C.that;that D.what;that 解析解析

84、第一空用第一空用thatthat引导一个表语从句,引导一个表语从句,thatthat 在从句中不作任何成分;第二空用在从句中不作任何成分;第二空用whatwhat引导一引导一 个宾语从句,个宾语从句,whatwhat在从句中作主语。在从句中作主语。A3.If he 3.If he quietly as the doctor quietly as the doctor instructed,Ronald would not suffer so instructed,Ronald would not suffer so much now. much now. A.laid B.lay A.laid

85、 B.lay C.should lie D.had lain C.should lie D.had lain 解析解析 ifif从句中表示的是与过去情况相反的假从句中表示的是与过去情况相反的假 设,所以用过去完成时。句意为:如果设,所以用过去完成时。句意为:如果RonaldRonald 按医生所指示的那样安静地躺着,那他现在就按医生所指示的那样安静地躺着,那他现在就 不会那么痛苦了。不会那么痛苦了。D4.It isnt quite 4.It isnt quite that the director that the director will be present at the meeting

86、 tomorrow. will be present at the meeting tomorrow. A.sure B.right C.certain D.exact A.sure B.right C.certain D.exact 解析解析 certaincertain表表“肯定肯定”意思时,主语既可是意思时,主语既可是 人也可是形式主语人也可是形式主语“it”“it”;suresure不能用于不能用于Its Its sure that. sure that.句型中。句型中。C5.Right,we send emails to each othernot 5.Right,we send e

87、mails to each othernot but now and then. but now and then. A.regularly B.normally A.regularly B.normally C.absolutely D.actually C.absolutely D.actually 解析解析 句意为:我们是互相发邮件,但是并不句意为:我们是互相发邮件,但是并不 是很有规律,只是偶尔。可知,是很有规律,只是偶尔。可知,regularlyregularly符符 合。合。A6.We do meet now and then,but not 6.We do meet now an

88、d then,but not . . A.freely B.commonly A.freely B.commonly C.regularly D.presently C.regularly D.presently 解解析析 题题 干干 中中 的的 n no ow w a an nd d t th he en n的的 意意 思思 是是 “有有 时时,经经常常 ”,和和选选项项 C C “ 有有规规律律地地 ”搭搭配配使使用用。 f fr re ee el ly y意意 为为 “自自由由地地 ”;c co om m m m o on nl l y y意意 为为 “一一 般般 地地”;p pr re

89、 es se en nt tl ly y意意 为为 “很很 快快 地地 ”,均均不不符符合合 题意。题意。C7.He is used to 7.He is used to the matters that I the matters that I dont know dont know . . A.dealing with;what to do with them A.dealing with;what to do with them B.dealing with;how to deal with B.dealing with;how to deal with C.do with;what t

90、o do with C.do with;what to do with D.do with;how to deal with them D.do with;how to deal with them 解解析析 第第 一一 空空 前前 b be e u us se ed d t to o短短 语语 意意 为为 “习习 惯惯 于于”,t to o为为介介词词,其其后后应应跟跟名名词词或或动动名名词词,排排 除除选选项项 C C、D D;第第二二空空所所在在的的宾宾语语从从句句中中引引导导词词 t th h a at t已已充充当当了了 w w h ha at t t to o d do o w w

91、 i it th h s st th h. . 结结构构中中的的 sth., sth.,故选项故选项A A中中themthem多余,所以多余,所以A A不正确。不正确。B8.The media can often help solve problems 8.The media can often help solve problems and and attention to situations attention to situations help help is needed. is needed. A.take;which B.draw;where A.take;which B.dr

92、aw;where C.pay;that D.draw;/ C.pay;that D.draw;/ 解解析析 d dr ra aw w a at tt te en nt ti io on n t to o吸吸引引某某人人的的注注意意力力; s si it tu u a at ti io on n , ,c ca as se e后后 常常 用用 w w h he er re e引引导导定定语语从从句句, pay attention to pay attention to关注,注意。关注,注意。B9.It took him a long time to 9.It took him a long ti

93、me to the skills the skills he needed to become a professional artist. he needed to become a professional artist. A.acquire B.require A.acquire B.require C.request D.achieve C.request D.achieve 解解析析 a ac cq qu ui ir re e意意 为为 “获获 得得 ”;r re eq qu ui ir re e意意 为为 “ 要要 求求 , 需需 要要 ”;r re eq qu ue es st

94、t意意 为为 “请请 求求 ”; a ac ch hi ie ev ve e意意 为为 “达达到到,达达成成 ”。根根据据题题意意可可知知, 是是“获得技能获得技能”,用,用acquireacquire。A10.The prisoner has completely 10.The prisoner has completely and and proved to be a good man. proved to be a good man. A.reformed B.performed A.reformed B.performed C.informed D.increased C.inform

95、ed D.increased 解析解析 reformreform除了除了“改革改革”的意思之外,还有的意思之外,还有 “ “改造改造”的意思。的意思。A11.His attention which should be paid to 11.His attention which should be paid to is now being drawn to is now being drawn to games. games. A.studying;play B.his study;playing A.studying;play B.his study;playing C.his study;

96、play D.study;play C.his study;play D.study;play 解析解析 pay attention topay attention to和和draw attention todraw attention to 这两个短语中的这两个短语中的toto均为介词,后跟名词或动名均为介词,后跟名词或动名 词。词。B12.The house rent is expensive.Ive got 12.The house rent is expensive.Ive got about half the space I have at home and about half t

97、he space I have at home and Im paying Im paying here. here. A.as double much B.as much double A.as double much B.as much double C.much as double D.double as much C.much as double D.double as much 解析解析 题中题中doubledouble表示表示“两倍,双倍两倍,双倍”,相当,相当 于于twicetwice。在表达倍数的时候,一般都要把倍数。在表达倍数的时候,一般都要把倍数 放在放在as.asas.a

98、s或比较级或比较级+than+than的前面。的前面。D13.It remains 13.It remains whether Jimll be fit whether Jimll be fit enough to play in the finals. enough to play in the finals. A.seen B.to be seen A.seen B.to be seen C.seeing D.to see C.seeing D.to see 解析解析 remain to be doneremain to be done是一种固定用法,表是一种固定用法,表 示示“(某事)有

99、待被(某事)有待被”。句意为:。句意为:JimJim是否是否 能够康复得可以参加决赛尚有待观察。能够康复得可以参加决赛尚有待观察。B14.2I caught 14.2I caught her her but I didnt but I didnt try to speak to her. try to speak to her. A.glimpse of;hurrying away A.glimpse of;hurrying away B.sight of;hurrying away B.sight of;hurrying away C.a glimpse of;to hurry away C

100、.a glimpse of;to hurry away D.sight of;to hurry away D.sight of;to hurry away 解析解析 catch/get a glimpse ofcatch/get a glimpse of看一眼;看一眼;catch catch sight of sight of看见;看见;hurrying awayhurrying away表示动作正在进表示动作正在进 行。行。B15.What I want to point out is 15.What I want to point out is you you disagree,let me know. disagree,let me know. A.whoever B.whatever A.whoever B.whatever C.whenever D.whichever C.whenever D.whichever 解解析析 A A、B B、D D三三项项都都是是代代词词,在在 i is s后后面面的的表表语语 从从句句中中要要担担当当句句子子成成分分,可可是是 d di is sa ag gr re ee e是是不不及及 物物动动词词,后后面面不不能能直直接接跟跟宾宾语语,故故只只能能选选 C C项项 。C返回



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