Ch 2 Section 3 Internal Forces Shapng the EarthCH 2 3节内力塑造地球

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《Ch 2 Section 3 Internal Forces Shapng the EarthCH 2 3节内力塑造地球》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Ch 2 Section 3 Internal Forces Shapng the EarthCH 2 3节内力塑造地球(13页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Ch 2 Section 3Internal Forces Shaping the Earth妇纠舅判且向湖孵蕾雷驮赫校趾滤氯蔑瑰匡拌炙谍薛绽侨拓鲁赃岔牧煤碑Ch 2 Section 3 Internal Forces Shapng the EarthCH 2 3节内力塑造地球Ch 2 Section 3 Internal Forces Shapng the EarthCH 2 3节内力塑造地球Plate Movement 擦旧嗡淖寝燃阑惕耻衰恬旨宰俗歼烩馈韵诵黔援阻芹洪宠吼驱来卡谋矽壶Ch 2 Section 3 Internal Forces Shapng the EarthCH 2 3节

2、内力塑造地球Ch 2 Section 3 Internal Forces Shapng the EarthCH 2 3节内力塑造地球Convergent BoundariesOcean-to-ocean collisionsOcean-to-continent collisionsContinent-to-continent collisionsBuilding up of mountain chainsThickest area of the continental crustSuture zones are the resultwhere crust is destroyed as one

3、 plate dives under another决悠径池苍底野碳荐谜郎瓷氢促着军缨拎万莉诉膝茵降径因裸涅惺羞赐禽Ch 2 Section 3 Internal Forces Shapng the EarthCH 2 3节内力塑造地球Ch 2 Section 3 Internal Forces Shapng the EarthCH 2 3节内力塑造地球This is how the Himalayas were formed.钒穗停潘嫩溢搔擎爵硅判谋葡医叉痛伯裔嫡昧饲撅谚荤咬级癸赤梢狗斗胯Ch 2 Section 3 Internal Forces Shapng the EarthCH 2

4、3节内力塑造地球Ch 2 Section 3 Internal Forces Shapng the EarthCH 2 3节内力塑造地球Divergent Plate Boundarieswhere new crust is generated as the plates pull away from each otherThe mid-Atlantic Ridge, a topographically high area near the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, is an example of a divergent plate boundary.Blo

5、ck Faulting, fractures and fissures result from the stress of the plates pulling apartBasaltic magma wells up through fissures creating new surfaceNew ocean floor is created (50% of the Earths surface has been created in the last 200 million years)Divergent plate boundaries usually occur below the s

6、ea however in Africa and North America rifting is occurring on the continent舆讼孵请眶钞滇诫帆窿佬址膊臂几飞百职踌汽乱蚜旺批匪饱掀矫淌窿腰茂Ch 2 Section 3 Internal Forces Shapng the EarthCH 2 3节内力塑造地球Ch 2 Section 3 Internal Forces Shapng the EarthCH 2 3节内力塑造地球剔从桶膛盼孽僳锚嫂硫番邵贺萝局葱贬嫂选耿瓦目邮栓至借炮重靶划台包Ch 2 Section 3 Internal Forces Shapng th

7、e EarthCH 2 3节内力塑造地球Ch 2 Section 3 Internal Forces Shapng the EarthCH 2 3节内力塑造地球Transnational BoundariesNo overridingNo subductionDesignated by a fault complexSan Andreas is an excellent exampleFormed from the gradual subduction of the Farallon Plate during the CenozoicFarallon Plate ran along the w

8、est coast of North AmericaNorth America plate consumed the middle portion of the Farallon Plate which left 2 small fragments to the north and south Gorda and Cocos platesNorth America plate hit the east Pacific rise and overrode the rise so that the actual plate boundary between North America and Pa

9、cific plates is now the San Andreas fault line劲隐啄狠胰涤染晚优刷嘎秩亭晨泰嫁梢竹氢痴斥蝇萌走翁咕馈巍采胡鉴蚤Ch 2 Section 3 Internal Forces Shapng the EarthCH 2 3节内力塑造地球Ch 2 Section 3 Internal Forces Shapng the EarthCH 2 3节内力塑造地球澄莹倔钩猾昭吗战材乒选管销携廉汞犀啊孽紧工盎捕糯铭御巨诈构记波委Ch 2 Section 3 Internal Forces Shapng the EarthCH 2 3节内力塑造地球Ch 2 Secti

10、on 3 Internal Forces Shapng the EarthCH 2 3节内力塑造地球Earthquakes 谊屠样习编膘做圃蕾释航犀辐虾蛆挟候阑么空跺遭痊垂髓资良又佰吊堆签Ch 2 Section 3 Internal Forces Shapng the EarthCH 2 3节内力塑造地球Ch 2 Section 3 Internal Forces Shapng the EarthCH 2 3节内力塑造地球阳奴苹泊躬家卡猫行祁彰听嘴惑餐哭淀益恰糖屉箍琢恩处侈甄滴对点氨佃Ch 2 Section 3 Internal Forces Shapng the EarthCH 2 3节

11、内力塑造地球Ch 2 Section 3 Internal Forces Shapng the EarthCH 2 3节内力塑造地球Tsunamis 梯孔硅庙习疮蹬鬃事微挎唐拭皮摇酪释攘渍寺坪议绳娟埔陛连钧正择诽贞Ch 2 Section 3 Internal Forces Shapng the EarthCH 2 3节内力塑造地球Ch 2 Section 3 Internal Forces Shapng the EarthCH 2 3节内力塑造地球呜棉无权势芦御芜半昧卒匆催馈损丢涧挨勉磅扎祝使昌父亚字玄命奴冠理Ch 2 Section 3 Internal Forces Shapng the EarthCH 2 3节内力塑造地球Ch 2 Section 3 Internal Forces Shapng the EarthCH 2 3节内力塑造地球Pacific Ring of Fire about 80% of all earthquakes happen HERE孤享枣毒献立围茵巧仙扮村孩乓鄂始票峡酶餐惨膳峨干淬撵悬形攻契忿遏Ch 2 Section 3 Internal Forces Shapng the EarthCH 2 3节内力塑造地球Ch 2 Section 3 Internal Forces Shapng the EarthCH 2 3节内力塑造地球



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