新人教版七年级英语上册Unit 8课件(谷风校园)

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1、人教版(新目标)(人教版(新目标)(2012教材)初中七上教材)初中七上Unit8Whenisyourbirthday?1沐风教资2沐风教资Lead inListen to the song: Happy birthday to you!3沐风教资January February March PresentationThere are 12 months in a year. Do you know them?4沐风教资April May June 5沐风教资July August September 6沐风教资October November December 7沐风教资一月一月二月二月三月

2、三月四月四月五月五月JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJan.Feb.Mar.Apr.May.Say the names of the months说出月份名词说出月份名词全写全写缩写缩写8沐风教资六月六月七月七月八月八月九月九月十月十月十一月十一月十二月十二月 JulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberJul.Aug.Sep.Oct.Nov.Dec.JuneJun.全写全写缩写缩写9沐风教资1aListen and repeat.10沐风教资Days1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th

3、 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st11沐风教资How old are you?Im nine (years old.)ninePresentation12沐风教资When is your birthday?My birthday is on January 1st.13沐风教资When is your birthday party?At five this afternoon.Happy birthday!Thank y

4、ou!14沐风教资When is your sisters birthday?Her birthday is on October 15th.15沐风教资Listen and number the conversation 1-3.A: When is your birthday, Linda?B: My birthday is on May 2nd. 1bA: When is your birthday, Mary? B: Its on January 5th. A: When is your birthday, Mike?B: My birthday is on June 3rd. 1 1

5、2 23 316沐风教资1cPairworkWhen is your birthday, Linda?My birthday is on May 2nd.When is your birthday, Mary?Its on January 5th.Practice the conversation with your partner. When is your birthday, Mike?My birthday is on June 3rd.17沐风教资Its on/My birthday is onWhen is your birthday, ?Make you own conversat

6、ions. 18沐风教资first 1stSecond 2ndthird 3rdFourth 4thfifth 5thsixth 6thseventh 7theighth 8thninth 9thtenth 10th eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty Eleventh 11thtwelfth 12ththirteenth 13thfourteenth 14thfifteenth 15thsixteenth 16thSeventeenth 17th eighteen

7、th 18thnineteenth 19thTwentieth 20th基数词基数词 Cardinal Numbers 序数词序数词 Ordinal NumbersOneTwoThreeFourFiveSixSevenEightNineten19沐风教资twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety hundredtwenty-first twenty-second twenty-third thirtieth fortieth fiftieth sixtieth seventi

8、eth eightieth ninetieth hundredth 21st 22nd 23rd 30th 40th 50th 60th 70th 80th 90th 100th基数词基数词 序数词序数词20沐风教资基变序,有规律,词尾加上基变序,有规律,词尾加上th。一二三一二三 特殊记(特殊记(first,second,third),八去八去t(eighth),九减九减e(ninth)ve要用要用f替替,(fivefifth;twelve twelfth)整十变化需注意,先变整十变化需注意,先变y为为ie,(twenty twentieth,thirty thirtieth)-th 最后加

9、上去,最后加上去,若是第几十几若是第几十几,前为基前为基,后为序(只变个位就可以)。后为序(只变个位就可以)。(twenty-onetwenty-first; twenty-fourtwenty-fourth)21沐风教资Listen and repeat.2a1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th10th 11th12th13th14th15th16th17th18th 19th20th21st22nd23rd24th25th26th 27th28th29th30th31st22沐风教资Listen and circle the numbers you hear in 2a.

10、 2b1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th10th 11th12th13th14th15th16th17th 18th 19th20th21st22nd23rd24th25th 26th 27th28th29th30th31st23沐风教资Name Month DateAlice July 4thFrank August 22ndEric January 5thJane September 17th Listen again. Match the names, months and dates. 2c24沐风教资Notes:How old is he? 他多少岁?“how o

11、ld”用于提问用于提问“多少岁,多大年龄多少岁,多大年龄”。又如:How old are you?I am 12 (years old).How old is your father?He is thirty-eight (years old).25沐风教资Read the dialogue in 2e. Then match the things with the right places. Bill Age年龄年龄AlanBirthday 生日生日 twelvethirteenin Augustthis afternoon26沐风教资Bill: Hi, Alan. Happy birthd

12、ay!Alan: Thank you, Bill.Bill: So, how old are you, Alan?Alan: Im twelve. How old are you?Bill: Im thirteen.Alan: When is your birthday?Bill: Well, do you want to come to my birthday party?Alan: When is your birthday?Bill: Oh, yes. When is it?Alan: At three this afternoon. Bill: OK, great. See you!

13、PairworkRole-play the conversation. 2e27沐风教资1. when是疑问副词,意为是疑问副词,意为“什么时候;何时什么时候;何时”,常见结构为,常见结构为 “When + be/助动词助动词+主语(主语(+其他)?其他)?”用来询问时间,既可询用来询问时间,既可询问某个时段或时刻,也可询问具体的日期。如:问某个时段或时刻,也可询问具体的日期。如:When is the football match? 足球比赛在什么时候?足球比赛在什么时候?Its September 15th. 在九月在九月15号。号。When do you watch TV? 你什么时候看

14、电视?你什么时候看电视?At eight oclock. 在八点钟。在八点钟。 28沐风教资 2. October 2nd(10月月2日)是日期的表达法。表达具体日日)是日期的表达法。表达具体日期通常为期通常为“月份月份+序数词序数词”,月份为专有名词,首字母必须,月份为专有名词,首字母必须大写、书写时日期可以是序数词,也可以是基数词。如:大写、书写时日期可以是序数词,也可以是基数词。如: 6月月8日日 June 8th 或或 June 4 8月月3日日 August 3rd 或或 August 3 拓展拓展英语中表示具体年、月、日的方式:英语中表示具体年、月、日的方式:“月月+日日+年年”

15、,年份要用逗号隔开。如:年份要用逗号隔开。如: 2012年年12月月9日可表达为:日可表达为:September 9th, 201229沐风教资3. Its on January 5th. 是是1月月5日。日。1) 月份后有具体的日期时,前面的介词用月份后有具体的日期时,前面的介词用on;若只有年、;若只有年、月就用介词月就用介词in。如:。如: on May 22nd 在在5月月22日日 in October 在在10月月 in 2018 在在2018年年 2) 该句中的该句中的it用来代指时间。如:用来代指时间。如:Its August 1st today. 今天是八月今天是八月1日。日。

16、Its six oclock now. 现在是现在是6点钟。点钟。 归纳归纳it还可以代指上文中提到的单数名词(事物)。如:还可以代指上文中提到的单数名词(事物)。如:Whats this in English? 这个用英语怎么说?这个用英语怎么说?Its a cup. 这是一个茶杯。这是一个茶杯。30沐风教资4. Happy birthday! 生日快乐!生日快乐!句中的句中的happy用于表达祝愿。回答时一般用用于表达祝愿。回答时一般用Thank you. 如:如:Happy Teachers Day! 教师节快乐!教师节快乐!Thank you. 谢谢。谢谢。拓展拓展 happy还可以用

17、作形容词,意为还可以用作形容词,意为“高兴的,愉快高兴的,愉快的的” 相当于相当于glad。如:。如:She has a happy party. 她过了一个愉快的聚会。她过了一个愉快的聚会。 31沐风教资5. 询问及回答年龄。询问及回答年龄。 how old意为意为“多大年纪;几岁多大年纪;几岁”,引导特殊疑问句,引导特殊疑问句询问年龄。其句型结构为询问年龄。其句型结构为“How old + be + 主语?主语?”答答语通常为语通常为“主语主语 + be + 基数词基数词+ years / months old”,其中其中years/months old可以省略。如:可以省略。如:How

18、old is your cousin? 你表姐多大了?你表姐多大了?Shes thirteen (years old). 她她13岁了。岁了。 How old are your grandparents? 你爷爷奶奶多大岁数了?你爷爷奶奶多大岁数了?Theyre eighty (years old). 他们八十岁了。他们八十岁了。32沐风教资6. At three this afternoon. 今天下午三点。今天下午三点。 介词介词at意为意为 “在在”,在本句中表示时间,其,在本句中表示时间,其后一般跟表示钟点的词。如:后一般跟表示钟点的词。如: at 6:00 在在6点点at 7:15

19、在在7点点15分分 辨一辨辨一辨 表示时间的介词表示时间的介词at, in与与on (1) at常用于时刻前或一些固定的习惯用语中。如:常用于时刻前或一些固定的习惯用语中。如: at 9:00 在在9点钟点钟at noon 在中午在中午(2) in用在月份、季节、年份等前面,也可以表示用在月份、季节、年份等前面,也可以表示“在在早上、在下午、在晚上早上、在下午、在晚上”。如:。如:33沐风教资 in May 在五月在五月in 2013 在在2013年年 in winter在冬天在冬天 in the morning/afternoon/evening 在早上在早上/下午下午/晚上晚上(3) on

20、用在日期、星期几、节日前,也可用来表示具用在日期、星期几、节日前,也可用来表示具体某一天的上午、下午或晚上。如:体某一天的上午、下午或晚上。如: on November 1st 在11月1日 on Childrens Day 在儿童节在儿童节 on Tuesday evening 在周二晚上在周二晚上 34沐风教资35沐风教资Questions:_ 1. When is Jennys birthday?_ 2. When are their birthdays?_ 3. When is your brothers birthday? _ 4. Is his birthday in July?

21、_ 5. Is your birthday on February 1st? 3aMatch the questions and answers. bdeca女性复数形式特殊疑问句一般疑问句是具体的日期36沐风教资A: How _ are you, Grace?B: _ twelve. A: And _is your birthday?B: My _ is on March 12th. How about you and Tom?A: Well, my birthday is _ July 5th, and Toms birthday is _ December. Practice3bComp

22、lete the conversation and practice it with your partner. 37沐风教资Find out your classmates birthdays and ages. 姓名 年龄 生日Li Hong 12 January 16th_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _3cHow old are you, ?Im Its on .When is your birthday?Sun Fei 12 January 23rdDu Tao 13 September 2ndWu Dong l3 December 11thZhang Yan 1

23、3 July 30th Zhao Ling 13 August 21st Ding Mei 13 March 12th Zhou Feng 13 May 28th 38沐风教资Line up from the youngest to the oldest.姓名 年龄 生日_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Sun Fei 12 January 23rdLi Hong 12 January 16th Du Tao 13 September 2ndWu Dong l3 December 11thZhang Yan 13 July 30th Zhao Ling 13 Augus

24、t 21st Ding Mei 13 March 12th Zhou Feng 13 May 28th 39沐风教资40沐风教资basketball gameschool tripEnglish testpartysoccer gamevolleyball game41沐风教资Sports Daybook saleEnglish DaySchool Dayart festivalI love English!42沐风教资in the morningin the eveningin the afternoon43沐风教资1. _ English test 3. _ school trip2. _

25、 party 4. _ basketball gamedcba1aMatch the pictures with the events.Listen and circle the events you hear in 1a. 1b44沐风教资Listen again. Fill in Johns calendar. 1c24 25 26 27 28 29 30SEPTEMBER1 2 3 4 5 6 7OCTOBERthe basket-ballgameSallys birthday partythe school tripthe English testthe school trip45沐风

26、教资1dPairworkWhen is Johns school trip?Its on September 25th.When is the basketball game?Its on October2nd.Ask and answer questions about Johns calendar. When is Sallysbirthday party?Its on October5th.46沐风教资soccer game school trip school Day book sale English Day art festival Sports Day party 2aCheck

27、 () the activities youhave at your school. 47沐风教资Read the passage and answer the question. Dear students, We have some interesting and fun things for you this term. On September 21st, we have a school trip in the afternoon. October is a great month. On the 12th and the 15th, we have two ball games,

28、soccer and volleyball. School Day is on October 22nd. Your parents can come to our school. Next month, we have an art festival. Its on November 3rd. We have an English party on November 30th. And on December 3rd,we have a book sale in the school library. This is a really busy term! Have a good time!

29、2b48沐风教资DatesActivitiesSeptember 21stOctober 12thOctober 15thOctober 22ndNovember 3rdNovember 30thDecember 3rd school tripsoccer gamevolleyball gameschool dayArt festivalEnglish partybook sale 49沐风教资2cDiscuss the questions with your partner. 1. What activities from 2b do you like?2. What other activ

30、ities do you like? school tripsoccer gamevolleyball gameSchool Dayart festivalEnglish partybook saleI like?I like?basketball gameSports DayEnglish Day50沐风教资1. Next month, we have an art festival. 下个月,我们举行艺术节。下个月,我们举行艺术节。1) month用作名词,意为用作名词,意为“月;月份月;月份”,其复数,其复数形式为形式为months,不可写为,不可写为monthes。 There are

31、 twelve months in a year. 一年有十二个月。一年有十二个月。language points51沐风教资2. have 表示表示“举行;举办举行;举办”,后面跟表示活动,后面跟表示活动的名词,指举办某种活动。如:的名词,指举办某种活动。如: have a class meeting 开班会开班会 have a music festival 举办音乐节举办音乐节 have tennis games 举办网球赛举办网球赛 have a book sale 举行减价售书活动举行减价售书活动 52沐风教资归纳归纳 have的其他用法:的其他用法: (1) have有有“有;拥有有

32、;拥有”之意。如:之意。如: I have three soccer balls, but my brother doesnt. 我有三个足球,而我弟弟没有。我有三个足球,而我弟弟没有。 (2) have有有“吃;喝吃;喝”之意。如:之意。如: I usually have an apple and a hamburger for breakfast. 早饭我通常吃一个苹果和一个汉堡。早饭我通常吃一个苹果和一个汉堡。 (3) have用于某些短语中,如:用于某些短语中,如: have a look 看一看。看一看。53沐风教资3. Have a good time! 在课文中一个表示祝福的句在

33、课文中一个表示祝福的句子,意为子,意为“祝你玩得高兴!祝你玩得高兴!”。 have a good time也是一个固定词组,意为也是一个固定词组,意为“玩玩得高兴;过得愉快得高兴;过得愉快”,相当于相当于have fun或或enjoy oneself (oneself随主语的变化而变化随主语的变化而变化)。如:。如:Eric has a good time there every day. =Eric has fun there every day. =Eric enjoys himself there every day. 埃里克在那里每天过得都很愉快。埃里克在那里每天过得都很愉快。 54沐

34、风教资55沐风教资Dear Alan,Do you _ sports? Do you have a _? Please come to _ next week. We have a basketball _. It is on _ 2nd. See you there!Guo Peng 3aComplete the note with the words in the box. my school game September like basketball September basketballgamelikemy school56沐风教资3bWrite your own note to

35、a friend. Invite him / her to an activity in your school. Use the questions to help you. What is your friends name? What does your friend like to do? What activity do you have in your school? When is the activity? 57沐风教资Dear_One possible version: Jane, Do you like English? Do you have a tape player?

36、 Please come to the English party next week. On November 16th, we have an English party in our school library. See you there! Eric 58沐风教资Complete the chart with the correct forms of the numbers. 1OnefirstsixtwelvesecondsevenththirteenthThreeeighttwentyfourthninetwenty-firstfivetenththirtytwosixth th

37、ird sevenfoureighthfifthninthtentwelfththirteen twentiethtwenty-onethirtieth59沐风教资1. When is Childrens Day(儿童节儿童节)? Its on _. 2. When is National Day(国庆节国庆节)? Its on _.3. When is Womens Day(妇女节妇女节)? Its on _.4. When is New Years Day(新年新年)? Its on _. Write the dates for these holidays in China. 2June

38、 1stOctober 1st March 8thJanuary 1st60沐风教资中国的主要节假日:中国的主要节假日:New Years Day 元旦(元旦(January first)the Spring Festival 春节(农历正月初一)春节(农历正月初一)the Lantern Festival 元宵节(农历正月十五)元宵节(农历正月十五)Womens Day 妇女节(妇女节(March eighth)May Day 五一劳动节(五一劳动节(May first)Childrens Day 儿童节(儿童节(June first)Army Day 建军节(建军节(August firs

39、t)the Mid-autumn Festival 中秋节(农历八月十五)中秋节(农历八月十五) National Day 国庆节(国庆节(October first) 61沐风教资英美国家的主要节日:英美国家的主要节日:New Years Day 新年(新年(January first)St. Valentines Day 情人节(情人节(February fourteenth)April Fools Day 愚人节(愚人节(April first)Mothers Day 母亲节(母亲节(the second Sunday in May)Fathers Day 父亲节(父亲节(the third Sunday in June)62沐风教资Halloween 万圣节万圣节 (November 1st)Thanksgiving 感恩节感恩节 (the last Thursday in November)Christmas Day 圣诞节(圣诞节(December twenty-fifth) 63沐风教资



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