中考英语 书面表达专项复习课件

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《中考英语 书面表达专项复习课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中考英语 书面表达专项复习课件(23页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 假如你是校英文报一名通讯员,最近你针对时下热议的话题假如你是校英文报一名通讯员,最近你针对时下热议的话题“路人摔倒,路人摔倒,你会不会扶你会不会扶”对你校对你校200名学生进行了调查(结果如下表所示)。请你根名学生进行了调查(结果如下表所示)。请你根据调查结果,给你校英文报写一篇报道,并发表自己的看法。据调查结果,给你校英文报写一篇报道,并发表自己的看法。 要求:(要求:(1)词数)词数80-100,开头已给出,但不计入总词数;,开头已给出,但不计入总词数; (2)可适当增加一些细节,使行文连贯。)可适当增加一些细节,使行文连贯。 参考词汇:美德参考词汇:美德 virtue n. Recen

2、tly,200 students took part in a survey to see whether help a person who fell down on the street. According to the survey ,20% of the students said _会扶,助人为乐是传统美德会扶,助人为乐是传统美德20%不会扶,怕陷入麻烦,但会打电话求救不会扶,怕陷入麻烦,但会打电话求救50%不好说,视情况而定不好说,视情况而定30%Student AStudent AStudent BStudent B词汇词汇句式句式从句从句关联词关联词扩展句扩展句字数字数116

3、58ComparationComparation of two compositions of two compositions Better 假如你是校英文报一名通讯员,最近你针对时下热议的话题假如你是校英文报一名通讯员,最近你针对时下热议的话题“路人摔倒,路人摔倒,你会不会扶你会不会扶”对你校对你校200名学生进行了调查(结果如下表所示)。请你根名学生进行了调查(结果如下表所示)。请你根据调查结果,给你校英文报写一篇报道,并发表自己的看法。据调查结果,给你校英文报写一篇报道,并发表自己的看法。 要求:(要求:(1)词数)词数80-100,开头已给出,但不计入总词数;,开头已给出,但不计入总

4、词数; (2)可适当增加一些细节,使行文连贯。)可适当增加一些细节,使行文连贯。 参考词汇:美德参考词汇:美德 virtue n. Recently,200 students took part in a survey to see whether help a person who fell down on the street. According to the survey ,20% of the students said _会扶,助人为乐是传统美德会扶,助人为乐是传统美德20%不会扶,怕陷入麻烦,但会打电话求救不会扶,怕陷入麻烦,但会打电话求救50%不好说,视情况而定不好说,视情况而

5、定30%A: They would help them, helping others was a traditional virtue .B:They would like to offer help ,because helping others in trouble was one of our Chinese traditional virtues. Which is better会扶,助人为乐是传统美德会扶,助人为乐是传统美德会扶,助人为乐是传统美德会扶,助人为乐是传统美德Step 1.Use good words 9likeenjoyveryextremelymanyplenty

6、of want feel like importantplay an important role in shouldbe supposed to /be expected to1. Nowadays, English is very important. English plays an extremely important role in nowadays .Have a try2. We should protect our environment.l We are supposed to protect our environment.l We are expected to pro

7、tect our environment11A: And 30% of the students couldnt make decisions.B: The rest of students said it was difficult to make a decision.Which is better不好说,视情况而定不好说,视情况而定不好说,视情况而定不好说,视情况而定Step 2.Different sentence patterns 131.“众所周知众所周知”2. 据说据说3.如此如此以至于以至于4.尽最大努力做尽最大努力做1.5.做某事对于某人而言做某事对于某人而言.2.6.那就是

8、为什么那就是为什么.(替换替换so)7 .只有用这样的方法,我们才能只有用这样的方法,我们才能.It is well-known thatIt is said/reported/believed thatsothat /suchthat We should do what we can to+VThats the reason why+句子句子 Only in this way ,can we .(倒装)倒装)It is +adj. for sb. to do sth. 1.1.我认为学英语很有趣我认为学英语很有趣。 I think learning English is interestin

9、g. I find it really fun to learn English .2. 我们应该保护环境。我们应该保护环境。We should protect the environment.Its our duty to protect the environment.Have a tryWe should do what we can to protect the environment.GoodGoodBetterBetterBestBest15A: But 50% of the students said they wouldnt help the person, but they

10、would call 120 for help. B: Half of the students said they would call 120 for help instead of lifting them up because they were afraid to get into trouble.Which is better不会扶,怕陷入麻烦,但会打电话求救不会扶,怕陷入麻烦,但会打电话求救不会扶,怕陷入麻烦,但会打电话求救不会扶,怕陷入麻烦,但会打电话求救Step 3. Add clauses 171. I think/hope +句子句子.2. If+从句从句,主句主句/从句

11、从句+so 主句主句3.My+N is that 句子句子.定语从句定语从句 We should build more librariesWe should build more libraries18I think we should build more libraries. (宾语从句宾语从句)If we build more libraries , people will enjoy reading.(状语从句)(状语从句)My advice is that more libraries should be built (表语从句)(表语从句) We should build more

12、 librariesWe should build more librariesI think we should build more libraries, which can make people full of knowledge (定语从句)(定语从句)How many connection words are there in student Bs composition ? List them,pleaseTask And Compared with Because Whats more Based on In my point of view In additionStep 4

13、. Use connection words 1.表示并列或递进表示并列或递进: and, as well as, bothand, whats more, besides, in addition, not onlybut also, neithernor2.表示选择表示选择: or, eitheror3.表示转折表示转折: but, however, althoughthough, after all, anyway4.表示因果表示因果: because, so, therefore, since, for, as a result5.表示条件表示条件: if , unless6.表示对比

14、表示对比: instead, notbut, while, in the same way,on one handon the other hand7.表示举例表示举例: for example, for instance, such as, like8.表示顺序表示顺序: to begin with, firstly, first (of all), second(ly), next, later, since then, from then on, finally, 9.表示强调表示强调: especially, actually, in fact10.表示结论表示结论: all in a

15、ll, altogether, in a word, generally speaking, in short , in conclusion,in summary, in my opinion, from my point of view关联词关联词(connection words) Dear Mary, I heard you didnt do well in English. Here is some advice for you. Yours _, I think reading English every day and listening to the teacher caref

16、ully in class are the most important._, you can join the English club to practice English, _ talking with foreigners. _, it is necessary for you to listen to the English radio every morning. As the saying goes “Practice makes perfect.” It can improve your listening skill. _, English is not difficult

17、 to learn .YOUR TURN TO GO FOR IT!In factIn additionFirst of allSecondSuch as Dear Mary, I heard you didnt do well in English. Here is some advice for you. Yours _, I think reading English every day and listening to the teacher carefully in class are the most important._, you can join the English cl

18、ub to practice English, _ talking with foreigners. _, it is necessary for you to listen to the English radio every morning. As the saying goes “Practice makes perfect.” It can improve your listening skill. _, English is not difficult to learn .YOUR TURN TO GO FOR IT!In factIn additionFirst of allSecondSuch as AddExamples & Proverbs



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