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1、1.(灯)熄灭了_ _2某人应得_ _3. 对严格_ _ _ 4.既然_ _5. 对粗鲁_ _ _6.感觉想要_ _go outdeserve to be hard onnow thatbe rude to feel like4.4.埃里克坐在床上埃里克坐在床上, ,瞧着双臂交叉、表情愤怒的丹尼瞧着双臂交叉、表情愤怒的丹尼尔。尔。 Eric sits on his bed looking at Daniel,who has his arms and looks angry.crossed.have.have的三种句型的三种句型 (1)我们会让他做那项工作。我们会让他做那项工作。 Well ha

2、ve him the work. (2)不好意思不好意思,让你等这么久。让你等这么久。 Im sorry to have you for so long. (3)昨昨天我把我的天我把我的长发剪短了。长发剪短了。 I had my long hair yesterday.dowaitingcut short(4)The lady had her wallet (steal) at the cinema last night.(5)I wont have you (talk) to Mother like that!(7)Just a minute.Ill have Bob (show) you

3、to the door.stolentalkingshow既然你总是上网玩游戏而不是学习,我觉得你的妈妈就应该对你严格。这是你应得的。Now that you are always playing games online instead of studying, I feel like your mom are supposed to be hard on you. You deserve it.Textbook P34-P351.取代 ,代替_ _2. 熬夜_ _3. 毕竟,终究_ _4. 混淆,弄混_ _5. 寻求某人意见_ _ _ _6.采纳某人意见_ _ _7.They _ _ _

4、(以为骄傲)me for _ _ _ (取得好成绩)at school.instead of (doing)stay upare proud ofmix upask for ones advicetake/follow ones adviceafter allgetting good marks1.最近,我努力学习,总熬夜到很晚而不是玩电脑。2. 毕竟,我是一名高三(Senior 3 )的学生。3.我希望我的父母以我为荣。4.你不应该把“after all”和 “above all”弄混。5.我向老师寻求建议。老师给了我一些建议。我采纳了老师的建议。Recently, I am working

5、 hard instead of playing computer.After all, I am a Senior Three student. .I hope my parents can be proud of me.You are not supposed to mix up “after all” with “above all”.P36-P371.使整齐_ _ _ _2. 对某人生气_ _ _ _3. 打扫,清洁_ _4.和某人争论某事_ _ _ _5造成影响,起重要作用_ _ _他打不打扫教室卫生对我不造成影响(都一样)。get sp tidied up be angry wit

6、h sbclean upargue with sb about sthmake a differenceWhether he cleans up the classroom or not makes no difference to me. 1.(P38)Many people in families become _each other_small problems. 许多家庭成员之间许多家庭成员之间因为因为一些小问题彼此不一些小问题彼此不愉快。愉快。upset withoverinsistinsist(1)(1)我认定他是正确的。我认定他是正确的。 I insist that .(2)(2

7、)他们坚持要他出席这次仪式。他们坚持要他出席这次仪式。 They insisted that he _ the ceremony.(3)(3)虽然得了流感虽然得了流感, ,她仍坚持在实验室里做实验。她仍坚持在实验室里做实验。 She insisted _ in the laboratory, even though she got the flu.he is right(should ) attendon doing the experiment即即学活练学活练Tom insisted what he said true and we insisted that he and have a l

8、ook. A.be;should go B. should be;would go C. was; go D. was; would goCinsist now that you valueless painting buy,should not ask for my advice youNow that you insist on buying that valueless painting, you shouldnt ask for my advice.建议、命令、请求类词汇advise, agree, demand, determine, insist, order, request,

9、require, suggest, urge(敦敦促)促).常考到的是常考到的是: suggest, advise, demand, require, propose, insist, order, request.1.不管他是谁不管他是谁,不管他做什么不管他做什么,如果他违反法如果他违反法班规(班规(break),都将受到陶老师的惩罚。都将受到陶老师的惩罚。 Whoever he is and whatever he does,he will be punished by Mr Tao if he breaks the rules of our class.2.无论谁负责无论谁负责4班班,他

10、都应该对这个班负责。他都应该对这个班负责。Whoever is in charge of Class 4, heshould be responsible for this class.suggestsuggest(1)我建议等他回来。我建议等他回来。 I suggest .(2)我向他建我向他建议他不要吃垃圾食品。议他不要吃垃圾食品。 I suggested to him that he (3)他脸上的表情表明他当时很生气。他脸上的表情表明他当时很生气。 The expression on his face suggested that at that time.waiting for hi

11、m to come back(should) not eat junk foodhe was angry(4)(4)我我建建议议捐捐出出一一些些钱钱来来给给乡乡村村(in in rural rural areas)areas)儿童。儿童。( (用两用两种方种方式翻译式翻译) ) . .I suggest donating some money to children in rural areas.I suggest that we donate some money to children in rural areas.Bill suggested a meeting on what to d

12、o for the Shanghai Expo during the vacation. (上海高考上海高考) A.having held B.to hold C.holding D. hold课课文原文文原文 Whenever I want to do something or an idea,.(P38)Csuggest每当我和朋友聊天,我都会学到有价值的东西。每次我听从你的建议,我都会有麻烦。Every time/each time I chat with my friends, I can learn some valuable things.Each time I listen to

13、 /take your advice, I will get in trouble.The first /last/next time2.The kid kept asking me some strange questions and laughing at me I couldnt answer. A.every time B.all the time C.the next time D.at the same time A(1)(1)大大厅不允许吸烟。厅不允许吸烟。 in the hall.(2)(2)他他甚甚至至禁禁止止我我在在网网吧吧里里和和网网友友们们在在线线聊聊天天。( (用两种

14、用两种方式翻译方式翻译) )He even_ at the Internet cafe. =He even _at the Internet cafe.Smoking is forbiddenforbade me to chat online with my friendsforbade me from chatting onlinewith my friendsforbid forbid vtvt. .forbidforbadeforbidden;forbidding(2)forbidden adj.禁止的禁止的,不准的不准的the Forbidden City紫禁城紫禁城即即学活练学活练T

15、he police forbade out of the building. A.him to go B. to let him goC.him going D. from his goingAGame: Bingo!1. instead of (doing) 11. now that2. be proud of 12. as though3.stay up 13. insist on4. after all 14. allow 5. mix up 15. like crazy6.take your advice 16.forbid7. make a difference 8. be angr

16、y with9. be upset with每当教师节来临的时候,我都会想念我那做老师的妈妈。 她对我非常严格,她要我有大人的样子,说在家表现不好会受到惩罚。她禁止我上网打游戏,聊天,会网友什么的。但有时,我也不听话,拒绝她要我做的每一件事,甚至发疯似地和她争吵。记得有一次,妈妈出差,本该第二天回来,结果她提前了一天。当她推开门发现家里乱糟糟的,满地都是垃圾,她说那是我的错,下次再也不会把家交给我了。Every time Teachers Day is coming, I will miss my mom who is a teacher. She is hard on me. She req

17、uires me to act like an adult. If I behave badly, I will be punished. She forbids me to play computer games ,chat online or meet e-pals. But sometimes, I dont listen to her and refuse to do everything she asks me to do, even argue with him like crazy. Once, my mom went out on business. She was not supposed to come back until tomorrow. However, she came back one day earlier than expected. When she opened the door ,she found the house in a mess with trashes on the floor.She said that was my fault and that she would not leave me in charge of the house.



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