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1、单元主题素养练单元主题素养练一、Miss Fang正在给小朋友们讲英语故事。听录音,选出你所听到的单词。每小题读两遍。()1. A. dad B. bag C. bad()2. A. horse B. house C. mouse()3. A. little B. litter C. late()4. A. cake B. make C. take()5. A. cow B. how C. now()6. A. there B. hair C. whereCBABCA二、下列图片与Miss Fang给小朋友们讲的英语故事有关。听录音,选出正确的图片。每小题读两遍。()1. A. B. ()2.

2、 A. B. AB()3. A. B. ()4. A. B. ()5. A. B. BAA三、听录音,选出正确的选项。每小题读两遍。()1. This is _. A. my pigB. your houseC. his dogB()2. His house is _. A. very big B. very smallC. very strongA()3. Look!_A. Three fat pigs. B. Two fat pigs. C. Two fat cows. B()4. Whos afraid of the _?A. big bad sheepB. small bad wolf

3、C. big bad wolfC()5. She has _. A. a good dog B. a good ideaC. three little pigsC四、学完本单元的英语故事后,Miss Fang提出了几个问题。听录音,选出正确的选项。每小题读两遍。()1. A. Yes, they are. B. No, they arent. ()2. A. Toms. B. Jims. AB()3. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt. ()4. A. Yes, it does. B. No, it doesnt. ()5. A. Theyre clever. B.

4、Theyre not clever. BBA五、Miss Fang正在给同学们讲改编版三只小猪的故事。选择合适的单词补全故事内容。 Pig: Help! Help!Dog: Whats the 1. _,little 2. _? Pig: I see a 3. _ wolf. matterpigpigstronghousecantCome matter badbadDog: Where is it? Pig: Its near my 4. _. Dog: Dont worry! 5. _ to my house. Its 6. _. The wolf 7. _ come in. Pig: Th

5、ank you. Dog: You are welcome. houseComepigstronghousecantCome matter badstrongcant六、Miss Fang给同学们讲了一只鹦鹉的故事。给下列句子排序。()Every day John says to it, “Hello, I can see you!”( 1 )John has a parrot(鹦鹉). ()One day a thief(贼) goes into Johns room. ()A voice(声音) says,“Hello, I can see you!”()Soon the bird can

6、 say,“Hello, I can see you!”()The thief takes nothing and runs away. 24536七、阅读短文,完成任务。A wolf wants to eat the sheep. But it is afraid of the farmer and his dogs. One day, the wolf finds the skin(皮)of a sheep, puts it on(穿上它)and walks among(在之间)the sheep. Two sheep think the wolf is their mother. The

7、y follow the wolf. Soon after they leave the dogs, the wolf eats them. (一)根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。()1. The wolf wants to eat _. A. the dogsB. the sheepC. the farmerB点拨:点拨:由短文第一句话可知狼想吃羊,故选由短文第一句话可知狼想吃羊,故选B。()2. The _ finds the skin of a sheep. A. wolf B. dog C. farmer点拨:点拨:由短文第三句话可知狼找到了一张羊由短文第三句话可知狼找到了一张羊皮,故选

8、皮,故选A。A()3. Two sheep think the wolf is their _. A. father B. brotherC. mother点拨:点拨:由原文由原文“Two sheep think the wolf is their mother. ”可知两只羊认为狼是它们的妈可知两只羊认为狼是它们的妈妈,故选妈,故选C。C(二)根据短文内容,判断句子正(T)误(F)。()1. The wolf isnt afraid of the farmer or the dogs. 点拨:点拨:由短文第二句话可知狼害怕农民和狗,由短文第二句话可知狼害怕农民和狗,故此句错误。故此句错误。F

9、()2. Finally(最后), the wolf eats two sheep. 点拨:点拨:由短文最后一句话可知最后狼吃了两由短文最后一句话可知最后狼吃了两只羊,故此句正确。只羊,故此句正确。T()3. The wolf is very bad. 点拨:点拨:根据短文内容可知狼很坏,故此句正根据短文内容可知狼很坏,故此句正确。确。T八、三只小猪的故事告诉我们什么道理呢?大声朗读下面的小短文,想一想吧!Tom,Tim and Jim are brothers. They make three houses. Toms house and Tims house arent very strong. But Jims house is very strong. One day, a wolf comes. It wants to eat them. But it cant go into Jims house. The pigs arent afraid of the big bad wolf.



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