人教版英语九全Unit 6 Section B(1a-1c)教案

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1、Unit6 When was it invented Section B1a-1cUnit6 When was it invented Section B1a-1c 学情分析学情分析 九年级学生经过初中两年的学习,已具有一定的英语综合能力,也积累了一定的英语词汇量, 通过本单元前两课时的学习对被动语态已基本知道如何正确表达。 学生们对英语学习还保持着较浓厚的兴趣,因此在教学中我应加强知识的强化并培养学生的学习兴趣。同时,该年龄段的学生也很在乎他人的评价,所以在学习过程中我通过鼓励性评价等措施,在教学活动中尽量让他们参与到活动中来,创造更多的机会,鼓励他们多说英语,树立学好英语的自信心。通过学生

2、间的合作学习,降低他们的学习难度,使他们体验到成功的喜悦,从而提高学生的综合语言应用能力。 同时, 通过此节课, 也能了解到地方文化, 自己家乡的文化。 教材分析教材分析 本单元以 “When was it invented ?”为话题展开教学活动,中心话题是theinventions,主要语言功能是用一般过去时的被动语态talk about the history ofinventions.首先学会恰当地使用一般过去时的被动语态,再学会用被动语态描述各种发明。本部分为第六单元第三课时,是一节听说课,主要学习几个有关食物味道的形容词,并通过听说了解 potato chips 的历史。同时,利用

3、当地特色文化豆腐的发源故事进行拓展,让学生能更好将英语运用到生活实际中。 目标分析目标分析 一、知识目标:掌握下列词汇:crispy /krispi/ adj. 脆的;酥脆的sour /sau(r)/ adj. 酸的;有酸味的salty /s:ti/ adj. 咸的by mistake 错误地;无意中customer /kstm (r)/ n. 顾客;客户soybean sbin n.大豆soy milk n. 豆浆gypsumdipsm n.石膏immortal imt()l adj.永生的alchemy lkimi n. 炼金术;魔力addicted diktidadj.沉迷于口笔头掌握以

4、下句型:1.Potato chips were invented by mistake.2.The customer was happy in the end.3.They were invented in 1853.4.George wanted to make the customer happy.5.Gypsum can turn soymilk into Toufu.二、二、技能目标:技能目标:能用过去时的被动语态熟练地谈论某些发明物。三、情感态度价值观目标:三、情感态度价值观目标:了解世界上一些对人类有着重大意义的发明和当地文化的相关信息, 开阔学生的眼界,养成勤于思考,善于发现的好

5、习惯,培养学生的创造精神。NameNameClass TypeClass TypeObjectivesObjectivesChen Haojun (No.19 middle school) 陈浩君 淮南十九中Listening and speaking1. To understand and describe how food can taste.2. To learn the history of potato chips and toufu by listeningcarefully.3. To practice talking about the invention of potato

6、chips.Key structureKey structure1. The customer was happy in the end.2. Do you know how potato chips were invented?3. Did you know potato chips were invented by mistake? Wow, I didnt know that. Who invented them?DifficultiesDifficultiesVocabularyVocabularyHow to understand and talking about the inve

7、ntion of potato chipsand local food-toufu.crispy /krispi/ adj. 脆的;酥脆的sour /sau(r)/ adj. 酸的;有酸味的salty /s:ti/ adj. 咸的by mistake 错误地;无意中customer /kstm (r)/ n. 顾客;客户soybean sbin n.大豆soy milk n. 豆浆gypsumdipsm n.石膏immortal imt()l adj.永生的alchemy lkimi n. 炼金术;魔力addicted diktidadj.沉迷于by mistake,turn into,hap

8、pen to1ProcedureProcedureShow a prize for the students (potato chips)New words teachingPlay a bombing gameStep 2Step 2Listen and answer the questions.Questions:1. When was the potato chips invented?2. Who invented the potato chips?Step 3Step 3Step 4Step 4Activity 1c.Listen and circle Tor FActivity 1

9、d.Listen again and then complete the sentences.PeriodsPeriodsLead-inLead-inStep 1Step 1Step 5Step 5StepStep 6 6Level 5:Role-playVoiceover(旁白):Potato chips were invented by mistake. It s saidthat they were invented by a cook called George Crum. One day,acustomer came into the restaurant where George

10、worked.Waiter: May I take you order now, sir?Customer: Yes, Id like a plate of fried potatoes.Customer: Waiter/Waitress, the potatoes were cut too thick. Id like tochange another dish.Waiter: I am really sorry for that. I will change it for you.Voiceover(旁白):The cook was very angry.Cook: What? Too t

11、hick? Now I will cut it really really thin. And cookit for a long time. Then put more and more salt on them.Customer: Yummy, It is crispy and salty.Voiceover(旁白):Then potato chips have been loved by everyonesince then.Exercises:Fill in the blanks1.Potatoechips_ _by George Grumin1893.(invent)2.Aplate

12、offriedpotatoes_byacustomer.(order)3.Potatoes _ _too thick.(cut)4.Potatoes were cut really thin.5.Potatoes _ _for a long time until they werecrispy.(cook)6.Crispy and salty potato chips _ _by everyone.(love)Retell the story-by mistake, -sent back-, because-. But -so angry, so -cut-andcooked -for-unt

13、il-.And-put -on -so-.Step 7Step 7Step8Step8Watch a video about Huainan ToufuLevel 8:Listen and fill the blanks1._, Liu An, the king of Huainan was addictedto alchemy(炼金术)2. He was making an immortal pill in_.3. He _add some gypsum in it.4. Many people believe thats how tofu_ _.5. The invention of to

14、fu however _changes the fate(命运) of soybeans.Summary: Histories make men wise.Homework: WritingHuainan Toufu2000 多年前刘安发明豆腐;Step 9Step 9Step 10Step 10沉迷炼金术,( was addicted to alchemy)制长生(immortal)不老药;意外加入石膏(gypsum);把豆浆做成豆腐;美味的豆腐被大家所喜爱。 评测练习评测练习 一、Fill in each blank with the correct word given.crispysw

15、eetsaltysour1. I dont like eating chocolate. The taste is too_ .2. Mom added salt but it still wasnt_ enough.3. I prefer lemons to oranges. I like the _ taste.4. She likes _ cookies. They are hard, dry and easily broken.二、根据汉语意思完成英语句子1.酒是被错误地发明的。 The wine _ _ _ _.2.我想让我妈妈每天开心。I want to _ _ _ _every

16、day.3.最后我去超市给她买了个礼物。_ _, I go to the market to buy a gift for her.4. Would you like to eat _(酥脆的) food?5. There were many _(顾客) in the mall that day.6. This apple is so _(酸的) that I cant stand it. 教学反思教学反思 1.用旧知识引出新知识,学生比较如意掌握。2.学生们能够通过听说练习复习掌握单词和句型。3.练习部分不是很多,少部分同学对被动语态把握的还不够好。其实我们生活中处处充满可以利用的资源,关键

17、是我们如何用心、用脑、用手去做。 我国基础教育课程改革的趋势之一是加强课程与学生生活和现实社会的联系。 本次课程改革的内容强调联系生活、 社会、 学生实际, 在方法上强调探索、实践、活动,实现课程生活化、社会化和实用化,但这并不是让课程脱离学术轨道, 而是让课程和学生生活和现实社会更有效地融合起来,给已有充分发展的学术课程增添时代的源泉和生活的活力。我们有理由相信:怎样有效的把课堂与生活紧密联系在一起,化课堂为生活,融生活于课堂,是一个值得我们老师好好利用却时时困扰我们的话题。只要我们做有心人,充分挖掘生活中的可利用资源。相信孩子们在学习中会获得乐趣,在游戏中获得知识,在课堂中除了学到语言,更多的是学会用语言的方法。真正使英语贴近生活,运用于生活,服务于生活。



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