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1、Appositives , Appositive Clauses And Their Application同位语同位语 、同位语从句及运用、同位语从句及运用 Zhao MeiStep1. Warming up and lead in热热身和导入身和导入Read the following sentences and find out what kind of parts of speech the underlined words are. 读下列句子,读下列句子,并指出划横线词语所充当的句子成分。并指出划横线词语所充当的句子成分。He, Song Joong-ki , was born o

2、n September 19, 1985. 宋仲基出生于1985年9月19日。Descendents of the sun, a mini TV series, attracted us all.太阳的后裔,一部迷你电视剧,吸引了我们所有人。People, male and female, are attracted by Song Joong-ki.人们,男的女的,都为宋仲基所吸引。Although I was also attracted by this TV play, the belief that true love can overcome all difficulties lef

3、t the deepest impression on me. 尽管我也为这部电视剧所吸引,给我印象最深的还是真爱能克服一切困难这个信念。总结:同位语是句子成分的一种总结:同位语是句子成分的一种, 它位于名词、代词后面它位于名词、代词后面, 关系不紧关系不紧密时密时,可用逗号隔开,补充解释说可用逗号隔开,补充解释说明它们的明它们的_, 它可以由它可以由_、_、_或或_充当。充当。身份或具体内容身份或具体内容 从句从句名词或名词短语名词或名词短语 代词代词 形容词形容词 Step2. Appositive clauses同位语从句同位语从句Task 1: Read the following s

4、entences and find out the rules for appositive clauses. 任务一:读下列句子,并找出同任务一:读下列句子,并找出同位语从句的规则。位语从句的规则。1) The fact that he is handsome and humorous is absolutely true.2) I have no idea why Song Joong-ki attracted so many fans.3) I have been thinking about the question whether I should try to see him in

5、 person.4) In this TV play, there was a suggestion that all men should have a strong sense of responsibility.Rule 1: 在复合句中充当_语的从句叫同位语从句.它一般跟在某些抽象名词_面,用以说明该名词表示的_。因此同位语从句结构是_ +_ + _。常见的引导同位语从句的名词有belief(信念信念), idea(主意主意), fact(事实事实), question/problem(问题问题), truth(真相真相), suggestion(建议建议), thought(想法想法

6、), news(消息消息), promise(承诺承诺), doubt(怀疑怀疑), hope(希望希望), message(信息信息), reply(回复回复), order(命令命令), fear(害怕害怕), conclusion(结论结论), possibility(可能可能)。同位同位后后具体内容具体内容名词名词引导词引导词从句从句Rule 2: 引导同位语从句的引导词有引导同位语从句的引导词有:从从属连词属连词 (不充当成分,无意义不充当成分,无意义), (不充当成分,(不充当成分,“是否是否”);连);连接代词接代词 (什么)(什么), (谁)(谁)等,等, 连接副词连接副词 (

7、什么时候)(什么时候), (在哪儿)(在哪儿), (为什么)(为什么), (如何,怎样)等。(如何,怎样)等。thatwhetherwhatwhowhen wherewhyhowRule 3:在suggestion后面的同位语从句要用_语气,即 _+_。出现以下名词,同样要用此种语气。一坚持 insistence 二命令 order, command三建议 suggestion, advice, recommendation四要求 proposal, demand, request, requirement虚拟虚拟should动词原形动词原形【小组活动小组活动1】语法填空语法填空(用适当的连接

8、词用适当的连接词填空填空)1) They expressed the hope _they would come over to visit China again.2) I have no idea _ they were able to get it done in so short a time.3) Have you any idea _ he is doing now?4) They asked me the question _ the work was worth doing.5) The question _should do the work requires conside

9、ration. thathowwhatwhetherwhoTask 2: Judge what clauses they are in the following sentences.判断以判断以下从句类型。下从句类型。1.I hated the fact that the lovers had broken up in the second episode(集). 2.I hated the fact that he told me. 3.The news that Song Joong-ki will come to China is exciting. 4. The news that

10、he told me is exciting. 同位语从句同位语从句定语从句定语从句同位语从句同位语从句定语从句定语从句总结:同位语从句和定语从句的区别总结:同位语从句和定语从句的区别1)同位语从句用来进一步同位语从句用来进一步_ 前面名词的内容前面名词的内容; 定语从句用来定语从句用来_前面的名词。前面的名词。 2)在同位语从句中在同位语从句中that_成分,只成分,只起起_作用,作用, 一般一般_省略省略; 在定语从句中在定语从句中that代替先行词作代替先行词作_成分,用作成分,用作_可省略。可省略。补充解释说明补充解释说明修饰限制修饰限制不充当不充当连接连接不可不可充当主充当主/宾宾/

11、表表宾语宾语【小组活动小组活动2】高考链接:高考链接:1)语法填空:语法填空: Maybe you leave a habit _is driving your family crazy.(2014全国)There can be little doubt_ classes can help the gifted children to graduate earlier and take their place in life sooner. (2011广东)2)改错:)改错:But I still remember the story, believe it or not, which we

12、got lost on a rainy night.that/whichthat_thatStep3. The application of appositives 一、同位语是对前面的名词或代词进行一、同位语是对前面的名词或代词进行补充说明,因此可以通过同位语的解补充说明,因此可以通过同位语的解释来猜测它所修饰词的含义释来猜测它所修饰词的含义 【小组活动小组活动1】Try to guess the meaning the of the underlined word according to the appositive that modifies it.1) The modern age

13、of medicine began with the stethoscope, an instrument for listening to a patients heartbeat and breathing. ( )2) Semantics, the study of the meaning of words, is necessary if you are to speak and read intelligently. ( )3) Our class learned how to use a protractor, a tool for measuring angles(角度). (

14、)听诊器听诊器语义学语义学量角器量角器4) But suddenly they became the parents of quintuplets, four girls and a boy looking the same , an event which quickly changed their lives. ( ) 5) William Shakespeare said, “The web of our life is of a mingled yarn(纱线), good and ill together.” ( )五胞胎五胞胎混合交织的混合交织的二、同位语运用于介绍二、同位语运用于

15、介绍人物人物、事物事物或或地地点点。 既然同位语是对前面的名词或代词进既然同位语是对前面的名词或代词进行补充说明,将同位语去掉后,句子行补充说明,将同位语去掉后,句子的结构不受影响,依然完整,即结构的结构不受影响,依然完整,即结构依然是主谓宾、主系表等。依然是主谓宾、主系表等。如:如:Song Joong-ki, a pop star from South Korean, is one of my favorite actors.a pop star fromSouth Korean【小组活动【小组活动4】请用同位语介绍你的请用同位语介绍你的同桌、同学、好友、学校、家乡或同桌、同学、好友、学校

16、、家乡或者最喜欢的菜肴、水果等。者最喜欢的菜肴、水果等。如:如:Zhanjiang, a famous home of seafood and tropical fruits, is my hometown. a famous home ofseafood and tropical fruitsStep4. The application of appositive clauses to writing 同位语从句常用情景及句型:同位语从句常用情景及句型:1) 引出新闻报导,消息,谣言等内容引出新闻报导,消息,谣言等内容: News/ Word came that消息传来说. Rumors g

17、ot around/ spread that谣言传开开2)陈述观点)陈述观点(特别是表达正反两方的观点特别是表达正反两方的观点), 提出建议提出建议, 或用来解释观点、理由、结论等或用来解释观点、理由、结论等的内容的内容. Sb. be in favor of/ be against , for the reason that 某人支持/反对, 认为./原因是. Sb. hold the opinion/view/belief that. 持有.的观点 Sb. have/has no idea that某人不知道 Sb.can safely draw the conclusion that某人

18、可以得出的结论 Sb have/has a dream that某人有一个梦想3)用于一些功能句型表特定含义:)用于一些功能句型表特定含义: on condition that/ on the assumption that 只要 There is no doubt that/ There is no denying that 毫无疑问【小组活动小组活动5】翻译:利用同位语从句优化句翻译:利用同位语从句优化句子。子。1. 他建议我减肥。我不赞成他的建议,因为肥是幸福的表现。 He suggested that I should lose weight. I am against his sug

19、gestion, because being fat suggests that I am happy.合并优化:合并优化:_I am against his suggestion that I should lose weight , for the reason that being fat suggests that I am happy.2. 我认为幸福就是猫吃鱼,狗吃肉,奥特曼打小怪兽。 I think happiness is that a cat eat its fish, a dog enjoy its meat, while Ultraman fight in the Jap

20、anese street. 优化表达:优化表达:_I held the opinion/view/belief that happiness is that a cat eat its fish, a dog enjoy its meat, while Ultraman fight in the Japanese street. 3. 消息传开说宋仲基会来中国。The news got about. Song Joong-ki would come to China.合并优化:合并优化:_The news got about that Song Joong-ki would come to C

21、hina.4. 无疑,我们应该采取措施阻止地球受污染。 Undoubtedly, we should take measures to prevent the earth from being polluted. 优化表达:优化表达:There is no doubt that proper measures should be taken to prevent the earth from being polluted.There is no denying that proper measures should be taken to prevent the earth from bein

22、g polluted.5. 我有一个梦想,有一天所有中国孩子都能接受高等教育。 I have a dream. One day, all Chinese children are able to receive higher education. 合并优化:合并优化:_I have a dream that one day, all Chinese children are able to receive higher education.6. 通过以上讨论,我们可以有把握地得出这样的结论:自行车的优点远大于缺点。 From the above discussion, we may safel

23、y conclude that advantages of the bicycle far outweigh its disadvantages. 优化表达:优化表达:_From what have been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that advantages of the bicycle far outweigh its disadvantages.Step5. Writing你的朋友李华写信告诉你说他最近学习上遇到困难,并感觉压力大,五一即将到来,请回信给李华邀请他来湛江散心并放松自己,内容要点包括: 1.给

24、予安慰; 2.介绍湛江的一些景点和美食; 3.表示信心。(参考词汇:白切鸡blanched chicken)(Attention: try to underline the useful expressions and memorize them after finishing the work!)(注意:写完后将有用的表达划出注意:写完后将有用的表达划出来,并背下来!来,并背下来!)Dear Li Hua, Im sorry to hear the fact_(你在学习时有一些困难和压力) I have been thinking about the question _(我们是否应该有更多

25、的休息时间),so maybe it is a good suggestion_ _(你来我的家乡湛江旅游放松一下自己).some trouble and pressure when studyingwhether we havemore time to restthat you should travel in mythat you havehometown to relax yourself Located in the southwest of Guangdong Province, Zhanjiang, _ (一个美丽的港口城市), is surrounded by sea. Ther

26、e are many places of interest you can visit, such as Huguang Lake, Haibin Park, Techeng Island,etc. I always have a dream that_(我们在海滩自由地玩耍). Whats more, the invitation_a beautiful port citywe are playing freely on the beachthat I will treat you to blanchedchicken, a very famous local dish(我会请你吃白切鸡-湛

27、江一道著名的本地菜肴 )sounds exciting. Most importantly, it is a fact_(这里的人们很热情好客). I have no idea_(我不知道你何时来湛江), so please inform me of your coming time as soon as possible. I hold a belief_(你会比以前更自信)after relaxing. Im looking forward to your early coming. Yours, that people here are enthusiastic andwhen you will come tothat you will become more confident thanZhanjiangever beforehospitable35 以上有不当之处,请大家给与批评指正,以上有不当之处,请大家给与批评指正,谢谢大家!谢谢大家!



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