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1、20XX20XX 年职称英语考试年职称英语考试理工理工 B B阅读理解原文阅读理解原文20XX 年职称英语考试理工 B 阅读理解其中一篇来自于卫生教材中阅读判断的第 5 篇 Dangers Await Babies withAltitude。 各位考友可以参考原文及译文,比对答案。以下为卫生教材原文:Dangers Await Babies withAltitudeWomenwho live in the worlds highest communities tend to give birth tounder-weightbabies, a new study suggests. These

2、 babies may grow intoadults with a highrisk of heart disease and strokes.Researchhas hinted that newborns in mountain communities are lighterthan average. Butit wasnt clear whether this is due to reduced oxygen levelsat high altitudeor because their mothers are under-nourished many peoplewho live at

3、 highaltitudes are relatively poor compared with those living lowerdown.Tofind out more, Dino Giussani and his team at Cambridge Universitystudied therecords of 400 births in Bolivia during 1997 and 1998. The babieswere bom inboth rich and poor areas of two cities: La Paz and Santa Cruz. LaPaz is th

4、ehighest city in the world, at 3.65 kilometers above sea level, whileSanta Cruzis much lower, at 0.44 kilometers.Sureenough, Giussani found that the average birthweight of babies in LaPaz wassignificantly lower than in Santa Cruz. This was true in both highandlow-income families. Even babies bom to

5、poor families in Santa Cruzwereheavier on average than babies born to wealthy families in lofty La Paz.“Wewere very surprised by this result,” says Giussani.Theresults suggest that babies born at high altitude are deprived ofoxygen beforebirth. “This may trigger the release or suppression of hormone

6、sthat regulategrowth of the unborn child.” says Giussani.Histeam also found that high-altitude babies tended to have relativelylargerheads compared with their bodies. This is probably because a fetusstarved ofoxygen will send oxygenated blood to the brain in preference to therest of thebody.Giussani

7、wants to find out if such babies have a higher risk of disease inlater life.People born in La Paz might be prone to heart trouble in adulthood,forexample. Low birthweight is a risk factor for coronary heart disease.Andnewborns with a high ratio of head size to body weight are oftenpredisposed tohigh

8、 blood pressure and strokes in later life.高海拔地区的婴儿有危险一个新的研究表明,住在世界高海拔地区的女人通常生下体重不足的婴儿。这些婴儿在长大成人后得心脏病和中风的风险很大。研究暗示,在山区出生的新生儿低于平均体重。但是还不清楚这是由于在高海拔的地方氧气不足,还是由于他们的母亲没有获得足够的营养 许多住在高海拔地方的人相对都比住在低海拔地区的人穷。为了了解更多情况,剑桥大学的 Dina Giussani 和他的团队研究了 1997 年至 1998 年玻利维亚的 400 个新生儿的记录。 这些婴儿出生于两个城市的富有和贫困地区:拉巴斯和圣克鲁斯。拉巴斯

9、是世界上海拔最高的城市,海拔3.65 千米,而圣克鲁斯低很多,海拔 440 米。当然,Giussani 发现拉巴斯的新生儿的平均出生体重明显低于圣克鲁斯的新生儿,无论高收入家庭还是低收入家庭都是如此。甚至圣克鲁斯的贫穷家庭的婴儿比拉帕兹的富有家庭的婴儿平均体重还要重。Giussani 说:“我们对这个结果感到吃惊。”这个结果表明在高海拔出生的婴儿出生前就缺氧了。Giussani 说:“这可能会触发调节胎儿成长的荷尔蒙的释放或抑制。”他的团队还发现高海拔的婴儿通常有相对身体来说较大的头部。这可能是因为一个缺乏氧的胚胎会首先把充氧的血液输送到脑部,然后才送到身体的其他部位。Giussani 想要查

10、出这样的婴儿在今后的生活中是不是更容易得病。例如在拉巴斯出生的人在成年之后更可能得心脏病。出生时体重轻是得冠心病的一个危险因素。头部相对身体较大的新生儿在今后的生活中通常更容易地高血压和中风。以下为理工教材原文:More Rural Research IsNeededAgriculturalresearch funding is vital if the world is to feed itself better thanit doesnow. Dr. Tony Fischer, crop scientist, said demand was growing at 2.5%peryear,

11、but with modern technologies and the development of new ones, theworldshould be able to stay ahead1。“Theglobal decline in investment in international agricultural researchmust bereversed if significant progress is to be made towards reducingmalnutritionand poverty,” he said.Researchis needed to solv

12、e food production, land degradation2 andenvironmentalproblems. Secure local food supplies3 led to economic growthwhich, in turn,slowed population growth. Dr. Fischer painted a picture of theworlds abilityto feed itself in the first 25 years, when the worlds population isexpectedto rise from 5.8 to 8

13、 billion people. He said that things will probablyholdorimprove4buttherellstillbealotofhungrypeople.Thebiggestconcentration of poor and hungry people would be in sub-SaharanAfrica andsouthern Asia in 2020, similar to the current pattern. If there is anychange,a slight improvement will be seen in sou

14、thern Asia, but not insub-Saharan Africa.The major improvement will be in East Asia, SouthAmerica and South-East Asia.Thedeveloping world was investing about 0.5%, or $8 billion a year, ofitsagricultural gross domestic product(GDP)on5research, and the developedworld was spending 2.5% of its GDP. Dr.

15、 Fischersaid more was needed fromall countries.Hesaid crop research could produce technologies that spread acrossmanycountries, such as wheat production research having spin-offs forMexico, Chinaor India6.“Technologiesstill need to be refined for the local conditions but a lot ofthe strategicresearc

16、h can have global application, so that money can be usedveryefficiently,” Dr. Fischer said.Yieldsof rice, wheat and maize have grown impressively in the past 30years,especially in developing countries. For example, maize production rosefrom 2-8tones per hectare between 1950 and 1995. But technologie

17、s drivingthis growth,such as high-yield varieties, fertilizers, and irrigation, werebecomingexhausted. “If you want to save the land for non-agriculturalactivities, forforests and wildlife, youre going to have to increase yield,” Dr.Fischersaid.需要进行更多的农业研究如果世界人民想比现在吃得更好,农业研究资金的投入至关重要。农业科学家托尼费舍博士说过需求

18、每年增长 2. 5%,但由于有了现代技术和新技术的开发,世界应该能够不断前进。他说:“要想在减少营养不良和贫困方面取得巨大的进步,就必须扭转全球对国际农业研究投人下滑的趋势。”解决粮食生产、土地贫瘠化和环境污染问题,必须进行研究。稳定的当地粮食供应可以促进经济增长,放慢人口增长速度。费舍博士描绘说,世界有能力在人口由 58 亿增加到 80 亿的头 25 年实现粮食供应充足。 情况很可能保持现状或有所改善,但仍会有大批人口处于饥饿当中。2020 年贫穷和饥饿人口最大集中地为撒哈拉以南的非洲部分和南亚,这与目前情况类似。如果有什么变化的话,也只是在南亚有稍微改善,而不是在撒哈拉以南的非洲。主要改善

19、地区将是东亚、南美和东南亚。发展中国家每年将农业国内生产总值的大约0.5%(80 亿美元)用于研究,发达国家则用 2. 5%的国内生产总值进行研究。 费舍博士说,所有国家都需要更多的资金。他说粮食研究会开发出新技术,这些新技术又会传播到许多国家,例如小麦生产研究的成果已经在墨西哥、中国或印度得到应用。他说:“技术仍需因地制宜进行改进,但许多战略性研究可以在全球应用,所以可以非常有效地利用财力。”在过去 30 年中,大米、小麦和玉米的产量大幅度增长,尤其是在发展中国家,例如,1950 年到 1995 年,玉米产量由每公顷 2 吨增加到每公顷 8 吨。但是,推动高产的技术,比如高产新品种、化肥以及灌溉,正在消耗殆尽。费舍博士说:“如果你想腾出土地做非农业用途,保护森林和野生动物,就必须提高单位面积产量。”



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