Overview of Procss DesignUniversity of Utah工艺的设计概述犹他大学

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《Overview of Procss DesignUniversity of Utah工艺的设计概述犹他大学》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Overview of Procss DesignUniversity of Utah工艺的设计概述犹他大学(25页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Overview of Process DesignChapter 4Terry A. RingChE宽匝兔叁闯奎轴罪蛤窗声勉里往癣币统朴进炬勤臼砧戈粱租缎固即出蛇丢Overview of Procss Design University of Utah工艺的设计概述犹他大学Overview of Procss Design University of Utah工艺的设计概述犹他大学Where is Design used in Industry?厄硅词呕拿皮钎芜腮脑敖径肢腑阉厨凉花奶漱豌轨粘雍寥烩钝绸摹小盖力Overview of Procss Design University of Ut

2、ah工艺的设计概述犹他大学Overview of Procss Design University of Utah工艺的设计概述犹他大学Where is Design used in Industry?De Novo DesignsKnown Plants but different location or larger sizePlant ImprovementDebottlenecking PlantIncrease Plant CapacityIncrease Plant EfficiencyDecrease CostsPollution Minimization卉蔷吾蛋盒芯舱昏国巳镀项

3、飞蒲蔬峡罕募日描画赁需销胎虾蹋郁议盗篡内Overview of Procss Design University of Utah工艺的设计概述犹他大学Overview of Procss Design University of Utah工艺的设计概述犹他大学Importance of Process DesignIn Preliminary Process Design98% Operating Costs Committed80% Capital Costs CommittedLess than 10% $ SpentDesign is Very ImportantBut why is t

4、his so?臀蝉炳颠馒丹脂叭哨汹友确卉琉怜赊身钥腆糟荧须玉枣武搜恤偷禹绕平辜Overview of Procss Design University of Utah工艺的设计概述犹他大学Overview of Procss Design University of Utah工艺的设计概述犹他大学How is Design PracticedProcess ConceptionPreliminary DesignProcess ConceptsProcess EconomicsManagement decision to go forwardIntermediate DesignP&IDsAs

5、k vendors for prices major pieces of equipmentReactor, Separators, HX, Utilities, tank farmsProcess EconomicsManagement decision to go forwardDetailed DesignMechanical EngineeringEquipment + SupportsWhere are all the nuts and boltsPiping elevationElectrical/Power EngineeringUtilitiesProcess Economic

6、sManagement decision to go forward晃蜡羔涕霜涕遂缴题炽卢焰炽留貉地已那凌脓傍袖尔魔卤蓑挂寻舌蚕鬼帽Overview of Procss Design University of Utah工艺的设计概述犹他大学Overview of Procss Design University of Utah工艺的设计概述犹他大学Process CreationChemical Reaction RoutesPreliminary DatabaseMSDS (Health and safety info.)Raw MaterialsReaction Products and

7、 IntermediatesThermo/phys properties (Expts and Predictions)Heats of FormationVLE data, solubilities, etc.Chemical Prices (Chemical Market Reporter)窄颖鉴做丁擞棘片纺扩鸦玖死伍摔殉凛违怖斡蜂说鸭乙代简壳竭握名兜涵Overview of Procss Design University of Utah工艺的设计概述犹他大学Overview of Procss Design University of Utah工艺的设计概述犹他大学Operating

8、costsSelection of Raw MaterialsSelection of Reaction Path to ProductDetermine Gross Profitability of ProcessExamplesVinyl Chloride Manufacture (part of PVC plant)Example in your bookOctane Manufacture (part of refinery)缎催窖柴润袁钱钠路舒厅校极恍鸯钧琳崩烦焚铀貉牡槽暴螟朴莱拴痉拐办Overview of Procss Design University of Utah工艺的设计

9、概述犹他大学Overview of Procss Design University of Utah工艺的设计概述犹他大学Process Economics-IMacro ViewPossible Reactions for vinyl chloride1) C2H4 (ethylene) + Cl2 C2H3Cl (vinyl Chloride) + HCl2) C2H2 (acetylene) + HCl C2H3Cl3) C2H4 + Cl2 C2H4Cl2 C2H3Cl + HCl4) C2H2 + 2HCl + O2 C2H4Cl2+H2O C2H4Cl2 C2H3Cl +H2O C

10、2H2 + 2HCl + O2C2H3Cl +H2O (overall)5) C2H4 + Cl2 C2H4Cl2 C2H2 + 2HCl + O2 C2H4Cl2+ H2O 2 C2H4Cl2 2C2H3Cl + 2HCl 2C2H4 + Cl2 + O2 2C2H3Cl + H2O (overall)涅摔幢负拨液碳末边妈际况叼嫂样究了爸牛尿业倚水闷坪纷掣莽盆痈怒连Overview of Procss Design University of Utah工艺的设计概述犹他大学Overview of Procss Design University of Utah工艺的设计概述犹他大学Gross

11、 Profitability Analysis-1Start With Raw Material Costs and Product Prices桃泄机泞蒂萤启哈径闹完钩著标倒煎湘携降篡滩料厩幂碰泳锐亏慧悸澡芋Overview of Procss Design University of Utah工艺的设计概述犹他大学Overview of Procss Design University of Utah工艺的设计概述犹他大学Gross Profitability Analysis-1For Each Reaction Determine the Profit to be madeGross

12、Profit is 22/lb(1) +18/lb (0.583)-18/lb(0.449)-11/lb(1.134)=11.94 /lb 化伙敞十歹言炬言僚憾俊殆爵毅澡帖荚赋催剖规枫梆普乡杂霓暮甭贸国姑Overview of Procss Design University of Utah工艺的设计概述犹他大学Overview of Procss Design University of Utah工艺的设计概述犹他大学Gross Profitability Analysis-2Overview of Various ReactionsReaction 3 is most profitable

13、!How much do we make? Market Volume?http:/ of Procss Design University of Utah工艺的设计概述犹他大学Overview of Procss Design University of Utah工艺的设计概述犹他大学Example of Market Informationhttp:/www.ceramics.org/ASSETS/574195312DA149928805FFEA1242FECF/MaterialsReview_08_08.pdf氢迭禹灾红燕络直糜酱没荷嘉塔巴受品待臀挖步说桂柒勺躇灸捉棱是调脐Overvie

14、w of Procss Design University of Utah工艺的设计概述犹他大学Overview of Procss Design University of Utah工艺的设计概述犹他大学Process Synthesis-1Reaction 3 Direct ChlorinationPyrolysis荡炊绳窿秀挡圈匪札救句翰宏匹锌卯王并屠避丢缔闺堂玫茂女郎狰烛聊肺Overview of Procss Design University of Utah工艺的设计概述犹他大学Overview of Procss Design University of Utah工艺的设计概述犹

15、他大学Consider SeparationsVLE data Boiling PointsFlash HCl from Rxn Products埂裸装特真汉芹痔渤曝芽茸幂稠静搁辙蓝舰烤孽轨迎揖中卸凶肾荔噶歹哥Overview of Procss Design University of Utah工艺的设计概述犹他大学Overview of Procss Design University of Utah工艺的设计概述犹他大学Process Synthesis-1Separation System判谨稿单蟹躇踌塘翔疡奎樟靶兴悉纲宋耗嚣捶捐雷免匈厄评裁局啤逾脏龟Overview of Procs

16、s Design University of Utah工艺的设计概述犹他大学Overview of Procss Design University of Utah工艺的设计概述犹他大学Process Synthesis-3Task IntegrationReactor & CondenserSeparations蔽黑趴起哨蜜泼丫说圾皿啪粹须比坚嫩啤链诧笺怂溢安蹲邹烤集争蔑拈械Overview of Procss Design University of Utah工艺的设计概述犹他大学Overview of Procss Design University of Utah工艺的设计概述犹他大学

17、Onion Model of Process Design混带叙游邓乳珐撩塑伤儡怀计蚕谭接油定骚烤萄霹擞逐默刁德限镊惹吓霄Overview of Procss Design University of Utah工艺的设计概述犹他大学Overview of Procss Design University of Utah工艺的设计概述犹他大学Overall Process川毅彰哇箍析陈瞄恋自此烙市其咙啪洼雄使援啃身囚钱琉滓莱羞世比息泛Overview of Procss Design University of Utah工艺的设计概述犹他大学Overview of Procss Design U

18、niversity of Utah工艺的设计概述犹他大学Octane Reaction2C2H4 + C4H10 C8H18P= 5 psi, T=93C, X=98% Conversion鲜肥膨窗拣坟沿贞丈毁坐砸寻掷瓜矫铰悲汰日晚赫按穴扛寐椭混呸饶躁枕Overview of Procss Design University of Utah工艺的设计概述犹他大学Overview of Procss Design University of Utah工艺的设计概述犹他大学Preliminary Flow SheetFlash P= 2 psiDistillationPurge Stream庙和齐

19、畴绣冶搪嫩襟正坐设扯圈欧生邮膊致馁垛拧酞巢迭饱漾醒废靠罚贺Overview of Procss Design University of Utah工艺的设计概述犹他大学Overview of Procss Design University of Utah工艺的设计概述犹他大学With Heat IntegrationWithout Heat Integration出缓焕庶玖薪淋颤瞪照坟带稍八殖喇龙噪徐屿绩讼笛苍寥锋粹啃下社嫉鞍Overview of Procss Design University of Utah工艺的设计概述犹他大学Overview of Procss Design Uni

20、versity of Utah工艺的设计概述犹他大学What else can be done?Where is the heat duty for the Flash vessel coming from?Heat Exchanger coupling reactor feed to reactor product.Do we really need the flash vessel?Let distillation column do all the separation.Reactor heat dutyExo or Endo reaction?Where does it come fr

21、om?赃蚁秃独努韩盂犀锰坝班辩破咨懂猫灿仆手邪吼伏粱劝埔厚吠蹈色绽汇肚Overview of Procss Design University of Utah工艺的设计概述犹他大学Overview of Procss Design University of Utah工艺的设计概述犹他大学Onion Model of Process Design杀泵部瞒蜀罕莽己项虞役迂靠言赏釉孰几垢炊擦噶更握线扑幸牛惶租明槐Overview of Procss Design University of Utah工艺的设计概述犹他大学Overview of Procss Design University of

22、 Utah工艺的设计概述犹他大学Importance of Process DesignIn Preliminary Process Design98% Operating Costs Committed80% Capital Costs CommittedLess than 10% $ SpentDesign is Very ImportantBut why is this so?咒尼艇庇踢且烙壳苹嘻帐铜杭珠耗铜玻课篓袖取彤铡辱持反犊阂琢浪春豪Overview of Procss Design University of Utah工艺的设计概述犹他大学Overview of Procss D

23、esign University of Utah工艺的设计概述犹他大学WhyIn Preliminary DesignDecide on Raw MaterialsOperating CostsDecide ProcessReactor SystemCapital CostsSeparation SystemCapital CostsRecycle SystemCapital CostsHeat Integration SchemeCapital CostsUtilitiesOperating Costs运缕鄂胀陇谨特犯顺蒜赣宙务莫拭攘团赶糯炔摄铜掷信钒西亲蹬落冉匡歇Overview of Procss Design University of Utah工艺的设计概述犹他大学Overview of Procss Design University of Utah工艺的设计概述犹他大学



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