2012年课堂同步课件英语人教版必修3:unit 3 section ⅰ warming up & reading

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1、Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank NoteSection Warming Up & Reading一、根据课文内容,选择最佳答案1Which is the right order of the events according to the text?_Henry wandered in London streets. About a month ago, Henry Adams was sailing out of the bay.The next morning he was spotted by a ship.Towards nightfall he found

2、 himself carried out to sea by a strong wind.On the ship he earned his passage by working as an unpaid hand.A. C. BDD2Whats the servants name?_ARoderick. BHenry.C.Oliver. DJames.3Which of the following statements about Henry is NOT true?_A.Henry came from the USA.B.He worked for a mining company in

3、America.C.He arrived in England as planned.D.He wanted to find a job in London.DC4Why did the two brothers give Henry Adams an envelope?_A.They wanted to play a trick on Henry.B.They had a pity on Henry.C.They made a bet.D.Henry was not an Englishman.5How did Henry Adams feel when he got an envelope

4、 from the brothers?_A.Sad.C.Astonished.BHappy.DUpset.CCTimeIt is the (1)_ of 1903.PlaceLondonMainCharactersHenryAdamsHe is an Americanbusinessman.He is (2)_ in London.He wants to find a job.Roderickand OliverThey are (3)_They invite Henry to their house.They ask Henry a few questions.They give Henry

5、 a letter with(4)_ in it.EventThe brothers are making a (5)_ on Henry.二、阅读课文,然后完成下列表格brothers a million pound bank note betsummerlost三、课文内容复述 The text is a play based on a story written by Mark Twain, who isbest known for his (1)_It was set in London in 1903.Henry, anAmerican (2)_,(3)_ (rescue) at s

6、ea by a British ship by (4)_He earned his (5)_ by working as an Unpaid hand, and then he went to American (6)_ to (7)_ (seek)help.Lost in London and having no money, he (8)_ (wander) inLondon streets, hungry.He was (9)_ (spot) by two rich brothersand invited to step into their house.Henry was given

7、an (10)_and asked not to open it until two oclock pm.In fact, the two brothersmade a bet on him to see whether a man could survive in the city for amonth with only a million pound bank note. novels businessman was rescuedaccidentpassageembassyseekwanderedspottedenvelope四、概括课文大意(约 30 词)提示:Henry Adams

8、 是一名身无分文的美国商人,被一艘船带到了伦敦。两个兄弟给了他一张百万英镑的支票,因为兄弟俩在打赌看他拿着这张支票是否能在伦敦活下来。(penniless;by ship; a million pound bank note; make a bet)Henry Adams, a penniless American businessman, landed inLondon by ship. Two rich brothers gave him an envelop with amillion pound bank note by making a bet to see whether he c

9、ouldsurvive with it in London.He was brought up in Hannibal, Missouri, along theMississippi River.他在密西西比河边密苏里州的汉尼拔长大。1bring up 抚养;培养;教育;提出;呕吐典例 She was brought up by her aunt.她是由姑母抚养长大的。When I was young, I was brought up to respect the law. 在我小的时候就接受了遵守法律的教育。We decided to bring up the question at th

10、e next meeting.我们决定在下次会议上提出这个问题。拓展 bring sb.up to be/as.培养某人成为bring sb.up to do sth.培养某人做某事运用 完成句子He was _ (被教育要尊敬) teachers.He _ (提出) a good suggestion atthe meeting.She was so sick that she _ (吐出) all thatshe had had.brought up to respectbrought up/put forwardbrought upAct,Scene 3 第一幕,第三场 2scene n

11、(戏剧)一场;现场;场面;景色典例 Who designed the scene and costumes?布景和服装是谁设计的?If it matched with the natural scene, it would be a mostbeautiful picture.如果它和自然景色搭配起来,那将是一幅最美丽的图画。I saw the scene with my own eyes.我亲眼目睹了那一幕。辨析 scene/scenery/sight/view(1)scene 着重指现在、眼前的“风光,情景,场面”,也可以指 scenery 的一部分,大多包括景物中的人及活动在内。(2)s

12、cenery (总称)是不可数名词,指某地总的自然风景或景色,尤指美丽的乡间景色。(3)sight 指“视力,场景”。指“景色”时是可数名词,往往指眼见的景色,如供人游览的“景”和“名胜”,且指人工制成的景时必须要用复数。如:see the historical sights of London游览伦敦的名胜古迹(4)view 常指从远处或高处看到的 scenery 的一部分,有时可与 scene 互换。运用 用上面所提供的辨析词填空Guilin is famous for its beautiful _.Seeing the happy _ of the children playing i

13、n thepark, Im full of joy and confidence in the future of our country.You can get a wonderful _ at the top of the tower.We will go and see the _ of New York.He began to lose his _ six years ago.scenerysceneviewsightssightPermit me to lead the way, sir.先生,请让我来带路吧。3permit vt. & vi.许可;允许;准许n通行证;许可证;执照典

14、例 They permitted her to leave.他们允许她离开。Well discuss both questions if time permits.如果时间允许,我们将把两个问题都讨论一下。Have you got a permit to fish in this lake?你有在这个湖里捕鱼的许可证吗?拓展 permit/allow sb.to do sth.允许某人做某事permit/allow doing sth.准许做某事permission n许可;准许;允许with/without ones permission with/without the permissio

15、nof sb.在/没有某人的允许下运用 用所给单词的适当形式填空Their father didnt permit them _ (go) to the party. We dont permit _ (play) basketball on theplayground between six and ten in the morning. If weather _ (permit), well go outing thisweekend.Without the _ of our teacher, you cant dropthe class.to goplayingpermitspermis

16、sionGo right ahead.请问吧。4go ahead 前进;(用于祈使句)可以;往下说典例 Despite the bad weather, the match went ahead.尽管天气不好,比赛仍照常进行。拓展 go ahead with sth.继续做某事(be) ahead of 在之前;胜过;领先于ahead of time 提前 运用 完成句子After a pause, he _ ( 继续 ) with hisspeech.She finished her task _ (提前)My sister _ (胜过) me in English. went ahead

17、ahead of time is ahead ofAs a matter of fact, I landed in Britain by accident.事实上,我在英国上岸是偶然的。5by accident (by chance) 偶然;无意中;不小心典例 I only found it by accident.我只是碰巧找到了它。拓展 by design 故意地;有意地by mistake 错误地运用 完成句子 I met her _ (碰巧) on the crowded bus.My computer was taken _ (错误地) by accident/chance by m

18、istake.(his eyes stare at what is left of the brothers dinner onthe table)(他的眼睛盯着桌子上兄弟俩的残羹剩饭)6stare vi.凝视;盯着看典例 He stared at the beggar with sympathy.他同情地盯着那个乞丐。辨析 stare/glare/gaze/glance四个动词均与“看”有关,后面均可接介词 at。(1)stare 指由于好奇、惊讶而睁大眼睛“凝视”,态度有时唐突无礼。如:She stared at him in surprise.她惊讶地瞪着他。(2)glare 指“怒视”

19、,强调敌对或威胁的态度。如:They stood glaring at each other. 他们站着,怒目相视。(3)gaze 指因感兴趣而长时间聚精会神地“注视”。如:For hours he sat gazing at the stars.他一连几个小时都一直坐着凝视星空。(4)glance 指“瞥视,匆匆看一眼”。如:He glanced at his watch.他匆匆地看了一眼手表。运用 用上面所提供的辨析词的适当形式填空After I told her the news, she _ at me withastonishment.She sat _ out of the win

20、dow, lost in the memory.I just _ at it and then give it to my teacher.They stopped arguing and _ at each other in anger. stared gazing glance glaredThe next morning Id just about given myself up for lostwhen I was spotted by a ship.第二天早上,我正感到绝望的时候,一艘船发现了我。7spot vt. 发现;认出 n斑点;污点;地点典例 She spotted her

21、friend in the crowd.她在人群中认出了她的朋友。The boys white shirt was blemished with spots of ink.那个男孩的白衬衫被墨水渍弄脏了。This is the spot where the two trucks collided.这就是两辆卡车相撞的地点。拓展 spot sb.doing sth.看到某人正在做某事be spotted with sth.满是的斑点a scenic/historic spot 风景名胜/古迹on the spoton the scene 立即;当场运用 用 spot 的适当形式填空I _ ( 发

22、现了我的狗) five miles westof downtown.spotted my dogThe police _ ( 发现他正开着) astolen car.spotted him drivingThe police were _ ( 在现场)when the accident took place.on the spot/on the sceneThe fact is that I earned my passage by working as anunpaid hand, which accounts for my appearance.事实上我靠做义工来顶替船费,这就是我为什么衣

23、冠不整的原因了。8account for 导致;做出解释典例 Please account for your own behavior.请你对自己的行为做出解释。拓展 account sb.to be/as.把某人看作by/from all accounts 根据各方面/大家所说on account of 由于,因为on no account 决不take.into account/take account of.对加以考虑运用 完成句子We must _ (解释) every penny we spendduring a business trip.Flights were delayed

24、_ ( 由于) the thickfog.His exam results were not very good, but we must _his long illness _.(把考虑在内) account for on account of into account takeI went to the American embassy to seek help, but.我去美国大使馆寻求帮助,但是9seek vt. & vi.(sought, sought)寻找;探索;寻求典例 They were seeking employment in service industry.他们在找服

25、务行业的工作。拓展 seek to do sth.试图做某事seek sth.from sb.向某人寻求某物seek ones fortune 闯世界;寻找发迹的机会seek (after/for) sth.寻找某物;追求某物运用 完成句子He went to _ (向寻求建议) hisdoctor.They are _ (试图误导) us.He is the man who is always _ ( 追求真理) seeking to mislead seeking (after/for) truth seek advice fromOn the contrary, in fact. 事实上

26、,正好相反。10on the contrary 与此相反;正相反典例It doesnt seem ugly to me; on the contrary, I think itsrather beautiful.我觉得它并不丑;正相反,我认为它很美。拓展 to the contrary 相反地contrary to 与相反运用 完成句子 The boy was swimming in a direction _(与相反) the current.You didnt bother me._ (与此相反地), I likeyour company. Although Bill was going

27、to the movies, he told Jack_ (相反地) contrary to On the contrary to the contrary本课时单词拓展单词构词法小结businessman n 商人business n生意;商业;事情businesswoman n女商人1. 名词后加_ 表示从事某种事业的男性或女性。如:salesman/saleswoman 男/女售货员。2_为名词后缀,表示行为的过程。如:promotion促销。3_为名词后缀,构成行为者。如:assistant4_为形容词后缀,表 示 “ 有 性 质 的 , 处在 状 态 的 ” 。 如 :depende

28、nt 依赖的。permit vt.& vi. 许可;允许;准许n通行证;许可证;执照permission n许可;准许;允许account vi.& vt. 认为;说明n说明;理由;计算;账目accountant n会计人员,会计师patience n耐性;忍耐patient adj.有耐心的n病人助手。运用 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.He was greatly interested in _ as a child, then hebecame a successful _ after hard work.(business)2.Time _,we can enjoy ourselves

29、 in the park withthe _ of our parents.(permit) 3.This job needs those who have great _ and is_ to the patient.(patient) 4.The _ was asked to _ for themistakes.(account) accountantaccount patientpatience permissionpermitting business businessman1Well, towards nightfall I found myself carried out to s

30、eaby a strong wind.快到黄昏的时候,我发现自己被一阵大风刮到了海上。点拨“findsb./sth.宾语补足语”结构意为“发现某人/物”,相当于“find (that) sb./sth.谓语动词”,其中可作宾语补足语的有名词、形容词、现在分词、过去分词、不定式等。如:We find the story (to be) very interesting.( We find that thestory is very interesting.)我们发现这个故事很有趣。I found the boy hiding behind the door.(I found that the b

31、oywas hiding behind the door.)我发现这个小男孩躲在门后。I didnt find her an easy woman to work with.( I didnt findthat she was an easy woman to work with.)我发现她不好共事。注意:find 后接不定式的复合结构时,主要是 to be 形式,偶尔可见 to do 形式。另外也常接带形式宾语 it 的复合结构。如:He found it hard to finish the work in time.他发现要及时完成这项工作很困难。运用 完成句子 The film sta

32、r _ (发觉自己被围住) a group of fans immediately he got off the car. He found a wallet _ ( 正躺在) on theground. She _ (发现灯亮着) all through thenight. We _ (发现他是一位好老师)I _ (觉得难以想象) the life in the future. found himself surrounded by lying found the lights on find it hard to imagine find him a good teacher2The ne

33、xt morning Id just about given myself up for lostwhen I was spotted by a ship.第二天早上,我正感到绝望的时候,一艘船发现了我。点拨句中的 when 表示“这时,就在这个/那个时候”,相当于 and then/and just then/and at that time。当 when 作此意讲时,通常与正在发生的或即将发生的动作连用,构成:had just done.when.刚做完这时be doing.when.正在做这时be about to do.when.正要做这时be on the point of doin

34、g.when.正要做这时如:He had just gone to bed when the telephone rang.他刚上床睡觉,这时电话响了。He was reading newspapers when he heard his name called.他正在读报,这时听到有人叫他的名字。I was about to go out when an unexpected visitor came. 我正要出门,一位不速之客来访了。She was on the point of leaving when I arrived.她正要离开,这时我来了。运用 完成句子I _ ( 刚锁好) th

35、e door when I realized Ihad left my key on the kitchen table.I _ (正要) go out when someone knockedat the door.They _ ( 正在讨论) when the powersuddenly was cut off. were discussing had just locked was about to3And it was the ship that brought you to England.正是那艘船把你带到了英国。点拨这是一个“It is/was.that/who/whom.”强调

36、句,强调句子的主语。在该强调句型中,如果被强调的部分作主语且指人,可用 who 或 that 连接;如果被强调的部分作宾语且指人,可用 who, whom 或 that 连接;其他情况用 that 连接。如:It was I who/that met him in the street yesterday.是我昨天在街上遇见他的。(强调主语)It was him that/whom/who I met in the street yesterday.昨天我在街上遇见的是他。(强调宾语)It was yesterday that I met him in the street.我是昨天在街上遇见

37、他的。(强调时间状语)It was in the street that I met him yesterday.我昨天是在街上遇见他的。(强调地点状语)运用 完成句子 It was _ (是在火车站) they met him.It was _ (是他) stole the vase. he who/that at the railway station that1 I wonder, Mr Adams, if youd mind us asking a fewquestions.亚当斯先生,不知你是否介意我们问几个问题。结构I wonder if/whether youd mind (sb

38、.) doing sth.不知你是否介意(某人)做某事 仿写 完成句子 _ (不知你是否介意借给) me your bike._ (不知你是否介意我们离开) now. I wonder if youd mind us leaving I wonder if youd mind lendingHe was caught in a traffic jam._(这正是他没有出席的原因) the meeting on time.The weather is so hot._ ( 这正是的原因) the air-conditioner sells well. 2We know youre hard-working.Thats why weve givenyou the letter.我们知道你工作很卖力,这正是我们给你这封信的原因。结构 Thats why表语从句 这正是的原因仿写 完成句子 Thats why he didnt attend Thats why同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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