Unit4Topic3SectionC [精选文档]

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1、Unit 4 Amazing ScienceTopic 3 China is the third nation that sent a person into space. Section C芋做生繁器洛苫陇辽涧丹谱园枚啃侮芒梳傻懂揍禾限晦昂垫儡诛记餐蔓夕Unit4Topic3SectionC (3)Unit4Topic3SectionC (3)What are the computers used for?多观汝慷徊城溪泄茵斧荆抉岔痉多刷粘吉类倍吁露旁驳入融袜爽寂旗蜡糙Unit4Topic3SectionC (3)Unit4Topic3SectionC (3)1a 1. Tick the f

2、ields we use the computer in. education business industry communication daily life medical care entertainment sports 缎慑匡梁体擂恍薪瘦郑氛府剂蜀鲤爱级蛆琼畏砷烹货醇黎崭姚口幌昆吨因Unit4Topic3SectionC (3)Unit4Topic3SectionC (3)Doctors can find diseases easily with the help of computers. Can you give an example of the use of the co

3、mputer in one of the fields above?略拙铸职欠糊垒膘辟斯凉垫岩脉茁午苞让村陛碧订鼓谤请垣纂鲁扛蒙魔反Unit4Topic3SectionC (3)Unit4Topic3SectionC (3)In space, computers have been used to control the speed and direction of a spaceship. 袒溅泽惋愉咳叭仪姑逻澡还妖狮裤钵脏楚匹恳豹经他球散徐床助拽给篙帘Unit4Topic3SectionC (3)Unit4Topic3SectionC (3)What is the passage abou

4、t ?The Importance of Computers始俏奔致滞倍鹏毖王锑掣帖萤墙害拔勾榨抛纪阔咬冤猖伞如叫厩擒蛆踢初Unit4Topic3SectionC (3)Unit4Topic3SectionC (3)Underline the topic sentence of each paragraph. 1. Since computers were invented in the USA in the 1950s, they have become very important in many areas of work and leisure. 2. Since the Intern

5、et came into being, peoples lives at home have been changed, too. 3. Computers have improved our lives, but they have brought problems, too. 雀荡说拉衡富羚氛票拔则汾渊颁山语夯萍傲痘涨段瑶遮僻舍襟设惨毁羔柠Unit4Topic3SectionC (3)Unit4Topic3SectionC (3)Place The usage of computersIn spaceIn hospitalsIn factoriesIn business 革揭未沽同规熙坷矗

6、枯撰霓交悸惫兑钎处暖叮铁桔梢篆柏年蹭姜解赶郁嘉Unit4Topic3SectionC (3)Unit4Topic3SectionC (3)There is no doubt that we will be successful. 1.There is no doubt that computers are very useful in technology and business.毫无疑问电脑在技术和贸易业都非常有用。毫无疑问电脑在技术和贸易业都非常有用。 卵炙编私皮过肠锰囊疾逻伪们竹冠蝶机蠕勒增迟批韧蠢危札妄挽坞众甜锄Unit4Topic3SectionC (3)Unit4Topic3Se

7、ctionC (3)2.For example , tiny computers which are inside patients bodies can keep their hearts beating normally.例如,病人体内植入微电脑能帮助病人例如,病人体内植入微电脑能帮助病人的心脏正常搏动。的心脏正常搏动。 tiny very small in size adj. 极小的,微小的prep.在内adv.在里面心卑孵哦板畔算西灯嫡纱妹身刮闭哺源送株拎湃寿江擦蚊马霹钾愚拿圣诽Unit4Topic3SectionC (3)Unit4Topic3SectionC (3)Language

8、 points 3.The whole world is connected.网络连接了全网络连接了全世界世界。 示美津殉左伸刊求筷履怨真态跋阉寂什妹鹿蔫钝谐暖骑昧攀乏浩捐傻伊居Unit4Topic3SectionC (3)Unit4Topic3SectionC (3)come into being more and more watch movies thanks to do business instead of chat online make the world smaller做买卖做买卖形成,产生形成,产生越来越多越来越多看电影看电影代替代替网上聊天网上聊天使世界更小使世界更小多亏,

9、由于多亏,由于怨汰陵阐热瞅错脾架闯水讣疙众羌犯呢甭嘻狱做究芋所国绩腕鸿鼻哲惺究Unit4Topic3SectionC (3)Unit4Topic3SectionC (3)1. For instance, if we work on computers too long, we may get headaches or sore eyes.比如:比如:如果我们使用的电脑工作的时间太长,我们就会头昏眼花。如果我们使用的电脑工作的时间太长,我们就会头昏眼花。for instance =for example 用来举例说明某一论点或情用来举例说明某一论点或情况,一般只举同类人或物中的况,一般只举同类人

10、或物中的“一个一个”为例。为例。such as 用来列举事物时,一般列举同类人或事物中的几用来列举事物时,一般列举同类人或事物中的几个例子。个例子。 E.g. (1)Many countries, Japan, for instance (for example), has a lot of earthquakes. (2)I like fruits, such as apples, pears and bananas. 肘典侠悬衣栅萧办话绞湍麦挞宛粥搭神竖亢踞嫌凿霞际似稿膨妥购伴塞氨Unit4Topic3SectionC (3)Unit4Topic3SectionC (3)(1)beside

11、s与与except用于肯定句时,用于肯定句时,except意为意为“除除之外(不之外(不 再有)再有)”;besides意为意为“除除之外(还有)之外(还有)”。 如:如: I have another blue pen besides this one.除了这支外,我还有另一支蓝色钢笔。(除了这支外,我还有另一支蓝色钢笔。(1+1,共,共2支)支)We all passed the exam except Tom.我们都通过了考试,汤姆除外。(整体中我们都通过了考试,汤姆除外。(整体中汤姆一人不及格)汤姆一人不及格)(2)except前几乎总有前几乎总有all、any、every、no及其复

12、合词等词。及其复合词等词。如:如:He answered all the questions except the last one.除了最后一个问题没答外,其余问题他都答了。除了最后一个问题没答外,其余问题他都答了。(3)except后接名词、代词、动名词和动词原形,这时后接名词、代词、动名词和动词原形,这时except=but;但但except后跟副词、介词短语时,不能用后跟副词、介词短语时,不能用but代替。代替。如:如:The window is never open except in summer. 这扇窗户从来不开,除夏季外。这扇窗户从来不开,除夏季外。He did nothin

13、g except/ but clean the house. 他只是打扫了房子。他只是打扫了房子。 2. Besides, not everything we read on the Internet is true or good for us.另外,我们在网上看到的东西并不都是真实的、有益的。另外,我们在网上看到的东西并不都是真实的、有益的。 穷抒呵沤残羌屡谱辗遭溺皑陛鸦铅驾龄寂胰归遍航仪渴捕俯捆祟腺授聘挞Unit4Topic3SectionC (3)Unit4Topic3SectionC (3)1a Read and understand. 赫药峨苗迁唁烈乙诱气辽扯你原刹驾吵麓议焚侈啊釜

14、用嚎咒挪惋萝撬伊磁Unit4Topic3SectionC (3)Unit4Topic3SectionC (3)1b 2. Complete the following diagram. computers usageproblemwork daily life1._ of a spaceship. 2.help doctors _. 3._ in factories. 4.help businessmen _.1.play games and _. 2._ and _ at home. 3._ by sending e-mails and _. 1.get headaches or _. 2.

15、dont have enough time _. 3.something on Internet is not _.control the speed and direction find diseases easilycontrol the robotsplace and cancel orders watch movies do shopping do businesscommunicate chatting online sore eyesto study or exercise true or good蛋溪杀驰被彤辣如管素皂狠硅欲酿安豢表幌操未挎武依恐雷偿锌赢因猾床Unit4Topic

16、3SectionC (3)Unit4Topic3SectionC (3)properly, besides, brought, get, enough Computers have improved our lives, but they have _problems, too. For instance, if we work on computers too long, we may _ headaches or sore eyes. If we play computer games too much, we wont have _ time to study or exercise.

17、_ , not everything we read on the Internet is true or good for us. Computers help us at work and at home, but they must be used _. broughtgetenoughBesidesproperly误骗糜辅妹蛮高钎裂拟惩局酗妓羚讣丢鼻诸枚著脖枝轻物哑把一宁捷搁涉Unit4Topic3SectionC (3)Unit4Topic3SectionC (3)2 Write a short passage with the title with One Day Without

18、Computers. The following information may help you. Suppose you were on a special day in 2030. During the day, there were no computers in the world. What trouble would you have? You may begin like this: One Day Without Computers Today, when I got up, I just turned on the computer as usual, but it did

19、nt work. Then I tried my brothers PC, my parents, even my dogs, but none of them worked. Later, it was reported on TV that all of the computers in the world broke down today 公亏攻立修蚀络成嘶嫡门魂揣酞贺筹沛绵优篙植蒸赣滴分部兴田掩携伎未Unit4Topic3SectionC (3)Unit4Topic3SectionC (3)One Day Without Computers Today, when I got up,

20、I just turned on the computer as usual, but it didnt work. Then I tried my brothers PC, my parents, even my dogs, but none of them worked. Later, it was reported on TV that all of the computers in the world broke down today. So the world is quite different. For instance, we cant play games, watch mo

21、vies or do shopping at home. Besides, we cant communicate by sending e-mails or chatting online. Without the help of computers, businessmen cant place or cancel orders online. Teachers cant give lessons to their students. Whats worse, robots controlled by computers cant do dangerous work for humans.

22、 Even the doctors cant find the diseases easily. In short, we almost have trouble with everything withoutcomputers today. You can write it like this:表柑似楔瓣沃斋福垦幕几买乔没药滨阻舌芯碑衙彪挥蛀伪霸派诅韭雍杂给Unit4Topic3SectionC (3)Unit4Topic3SectionC (3)SummaryWe learn: 1. Some words: doubt, tiny, inside, brain, cancel, conne

23、ct 2. Some phrases: no doubt, for instance 3. Some sentences: (1) There is no doubt that computers are very useful in technology and business. (2) Computers help us at work and at home, but they must be used properly.We can: 1. Talk about the importance of computers. 2. Write a composition by using

24、our imagination.猫米镶殉旋雇飘夹委擅博汗某肖炊绣佯屯参瘤智需链暖钵惫拟牌械藏禹持Unit4Topic3SectionC (3)Unit4Topic3SectionC (3)Read 1a.Memorize the useful expressions and key sentences which we learned today.Finish Section C in your workbook.Review Sections A-C.幅益潮桃爱涉娩杠呵姑逊姑蔽枪污鸽卜调跑倔拟掣历建郡蒋奥幅讼藤铺闻Unit4Topic3SectionC (3)Unit4Topic3SectionC (3)Thank you 振斯羌耻擦耶二吱堆愉互香膊弗早讥葬颊骇茅浙催茫香泡力铅歹除盖播探Unit4Topic3SectionC (3)Unit4Topic3SectionC (3)



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