7 《Unit 2 What time do you go to school》课件

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《7 《Unit 2 What time do you go to school》课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《7 《Unit 2 What time do you go to school》课件(174页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、欢欢迎迎来来到到英英语语课课堂堂Unit 2 What time do you go to school?Section A 1a1cLearning aims:To learn to ask and say clock timeTo learn to talk about daily routines (日常工作;例行公事)To learn to save time get up brush teeth take a shower get dressed eat breakfast go to school do homework watch TV go to bed eat lunch p

2、lay/do sports go home Its 7 o .clockseven What time is it?Its 7 :15.seven fifteenWhat time is it?Its 7 :30.seven thirtyWhat time is it?What time is it?eight oclockeleven-fifteenthree-thirtysix-thirtytwelve oclockseven-fifteen9:30Whattimeisit? 6:407:004:056:006:259:206:10get upI usually at 6 oclock.e

3、at breakfastI usually at seven oclock.go to schoolI usually at seven fifteen.get upget dressedtake/have a showerbrush (the/ones) teethhave/eat breakfasthave/eat lunchhave/eat dinnergo homego to schoolgo to bedgo to the classroomJims familydo (ones/the) homeworkdo/play sports起床起床穿衣穿衣洗澡洗澡刷牙刷牙吃早饭吃早饭吃午饭

4、吃午饭吃晚饭吃晚饭做作业做作业做运动做运动回家回家去上学去上学去睡觉去睡觉去教室去教室吉姆一家吉姆一家你通常什么时候上学?你通常什么时候上学?我通常我通常6点点40分上学。分上学。What time do you usually go to school?I usually go to school at six forty.171aMatch the activities with the pictures.1. get up _2. go to school _3. get dressed _4. brush teeth _5. eat breakfast _6. take a showe

5、r _cbedfaListen and match Listen and match the times with the times with the actions. the actions. Draw Draw lines from the lines from the clocks to the clocks to the pictures.pictures.1b1. get up _2. go to school _3. get dressed _4. brush teeth _5. eat breakfast _6. take a shower_1bListen and match

6、 the times with the actions. Draw lines from the clocks to the pictures.7:307:206:40 7:006:30 6:401. What time does Rick usually get up?Heusuallygetsupatsixthirty.Heusuallybrushesteethandtakesashoweratsixforty.3. What time does Rick usually eat breakfast?Heusuallyeatsbreakfastatsevenoclock.2. What t

7、ime does Rick usually brush teeth and take a shower?Heusuallygetsdressedatseventwenty.5. What time does Rick usually go to school?Heusuallygoestoschoolatseventhirty.4. What time does Rick usually get dressed?1cPairworkStudent A is the interviewer. Student B is Rick. Ask and answer questions about Ri

8、cks day.A: What time do you usually take a shower, Rick?B: I usually take a shower at six forty.Its two (o) five .What time is it , please?Its three ten .What time is it , please?Its seven fifteen .What time is it , please?Its nine twenty-five .What time is it , please?Its seven thirty .What time is

9、 it , please?Its eight thirty-five .What time is it , please?Its eight forty .What time is it , please?Its ten fifty .What time is it , please?What time is it , please?Its twelve oclock . 30分钟以内分钟以内 past刚好刚好30分钟分钟half past30分钟以后分钟以后to正点正点 oclock1._ oclock点钟数3. half past _点钟数2. _ past _分钟数点钟数4. _ to

10、_差分钟数下一点钟数5. 15分钟分钟a quarter past _点钟数6. 45分钟分钟 a quarter to _下一点钟数Its two o five .What time is it , please?Its five past two .Its three ten .What time is it , please?Its ten past three .Its seven twenty .What time is it , please?Its twenty past seven.Its seven thirty .What time is it , please?Its h

11、alf past seven .Its eight thirty-five .What time is it , please?Its twenty-five to nine.Its three forty-five .What time is it , please?Its a quarter to four .What time is it , please?Its one fifty-eight .Its two to two .Practice1.点钟数+分钟数eg:6:157:292.分钟数+past+点钟数(分钟数不超过30分)eg:6:157:298:303.差分钟数+to+下一

12、点钟数(分钟数超过30分)eg:5:459:39sixfifteenseventwenty-nineaquarterpastsixtwenty-ninepastsevenhalfpasteightaquartertosixtwenty-onetotenTwo ways of telling the time :7:007:057:107:157:257:307:357:407:457:50seven/seven oclockseven o five/five past sevenseven ten/ten past sevenseven fifteen/a quarter past seven

13、seven twenty-five/twenty-five past sevenseven thirty/ half past sevenseven thirty-five/twenty-five to eightseven forty/ twenty to eightseven forty-five/a quarter to eightseven fifty/ten to eightsix oclock get up -What time do you usually _ _, Rick? get up -I usually get up _ _ _.at six (oclock) -Wha

14、t time do you usually _ _ _?take a shower-I usually take a shower _ _ _.at six forty take a showersix forty-What time do you usually _ _?get dressed-I usually get dressed _ _ _.at six fifty six fiftyget dressed-What time do you usually _ _?brush teeth-I usually brush teeth _ _ _.at seven oclock seve

15、n oclockbrush teetheat breakfastseven fifteen-What time do you usually _ _? eat breakfast-I usually eat breakfast _ _ _.at seven fifteen go to schoolseven thirty-What time do you _ _?go to school-I usually _ _.at seven thirtyusuallygo to schooleleven twenty-five-What time do you _ _?-I usually _ _.a

16、t eleven twenty-fiveusuallyeat lunch eat lunch eat lunch 11:25four thirty-What time do you _ _?-I usually _ _.at four thirtyusuallyplay sports play sports play sports 16:30five thirty-What time do you _ _?-I usually _ _.at five thirtyusuallygo home go home go home 5:30单项选择。17Weoftengotoschool7:55.Aa




20、)atseventhirty.13Whattimedoyou(穿衣服)?14Iwantto(刷牙)now.15Tomusually(洗淋浴)inthemorning.eat breakfastgo to school get dressed brush teeth takes a shower用下列单词的适当形式填空。tooth, usually, when, how, up, dress, haveTom:Whattimedoyouget16.up?Jack:I17.usuallygetupat6:00.Tom:Whattimedoyouget18.dressed?Jack:At6:05.A

21、ndIbrushmy19.teethat6:15.Tom:20.Whendoyou21.havebreakfast?Jack:At6:40.AndIgotoschoolat7:00.22.Howaboutyou?Tom:Iusuallygotoschoolat7:00,too.Section A 2a2d2aListen to the conversation and complete the sentences.Jim has _brothers and _sisters. Jims family has _ shower. two twoonly one2bListen again. Co

22、mplete the shower schedule for Jims family. Name Bob Mary Jack Jim Anna Time 2cNow talk about yourself.5:305:506:156:306:452d Read the conversation and answer the following questions.Q1. Where does Scott work? Q2. What time does he usually get up? Q3. Is he always late for work? He works at the radi

23、o station. He usually gets up at eight thirty at night. No, he is never late for work. 2d Role-play the conversation. (One)Interviewer: Scott has an interesting job. He works at a radio station. Scott,What time is your radio show?Scott: From twelve oclock at night to six oclock in the morning.Interv

24、iewer: What time do you usually get up?Scott: At eight thirty at night. Then I eat breakfast at nine.Interviewer: Thats a funny time for breakfast!Scott: Yeah. After that, I usually exercise at about ten twenty. Interviewer: When do you go to work?Scott: At eleven oclock, so Im never late for work.2

25、d Role-play the conversation. (Two)Interviewer: Scott has an interesting _. He works at a _. What time is your radio show?Scott: _ twelve oclock at night _ six oclock in the morning.Interviewer: _ do you usually get up?Scott: _ eight thirty at night. Then I eat breakfast _.Interviewer: Thats a funny

26、 time _ breakfast!Scott: Yeah. _ that, I usually exercise _ about ten twenty. Interviewer: _ do you go to work?Scott: At eleven oclock, so Im never late _ work.key points1. From twelve oclock at night to six oclock in the morning. 从晚上从晚上12点到次日早上点到次日早上6点。点。 from to 从从到到 eg. from Shanghai to Nanjing从上

27、海到南京从上海到南京, from Monday to Friday从周一到周五从周一到周五2. Thats a funny time for breakfast!那个时间吃早饭那个时间吃早饭挺有趣。挺有趣。 eg. Thats a good time for exercise. 那是锻炼的那是锻炼的好时间。好时间。3. Im never late for work. 我上班从不迟到。我上班从不迟到。 never adv. 从不,绝不从不,绝不 eg. I never go to bed so late.我从来不会晚睡。我从来不会晚睡。 be late for 迟到迟到 eg. Sam is o

28、ften late for school. Sam上学经常迟到。上学经常迟到。What time do you usually get up?I usually get up at six thirty.What time do they get dressed?They always get dressed at seven twenty.What time does Rick eat breakfast?He eats breakfast at seven oclock.When does Scott go to work? He always goes to work at eleven

29、 oclock. Hes never late.When do your friends exercise?They usually exercise on weekends.GrammarFocus一、核心词汇。1从不;绝不2. 早的3五十4. 工作;职业5工作neverearlyfiftyjobwork6. 电视台;车站7点钟8. 晚上;夜晚9奇怪的;滑稽好笑的10锻炼;练习stationoclocknightfunnyexercise二、核心词组。11一份有趣味的工作an interesting job12在晚上八点半at eight thirty at night三、核心句型。13你的




33、funnywatchesexercisesdoesget二、根据句意,选词填空。6Whattimedoyouhavelunch?Attwelveoclock.7Tomisagoodstudent.Hes_lateforschool.8Johntalksinclass.Wedontlikehim.usuallyneveralways9Mikefindaintheclub.Helikesitverymuch.10Ihavemuchtodothisevening.jobwork三、根据汉语意思完成句子。11我爸爸通常下班后吃晚饭。My father usually eats/has dinner a

34、fter work12他在一家广播电台工作。He works at a radio station13我工作从不迟到。Im never late for work.14你通常几点起床?What time do you usually get up?15我爸爸通常五点锻炼。My father usually exercises at fiveLookandsayA: What time is it?B: Its_.A: What time is it?B: Its _.eight-thirtyseven oclockA: _?B: _.A: _?B: _.What time is itIts s

35、even-fifteenWhat time is itIts five oclockLookandsayA: What time do you _?B: I eat breakfast at _.eat breakfastseven oclockA: _ _ he _?B: He _ at _. What time doesget upgets upseven-fifteenA: _ _she_?B: She_.goes to school at eight-thirtyWhat timedoesgo to schoolA: _ _he_?B: He_.takes a shower at ei

36、ght-thirtyWhat timedoestake a shower1.What time do you get up on school days? _2. _? Rick always gets up at 6:20.3aWrite answers or questions. Use always, usually or never.What time does Rick get up I usually get up at 5:30 on school days.3. What time do you have breakfast? _4. _? Anna never eats br

37、eakfast.5. What time does your best friend go to school? _I usually have breakfast at 6:30. What time does Anna eat breakfastShe/He always goes to school at 7:00. always _ _usually_ _never _ _3bWrite about something you always do, something you usually do and something you never do.I always get up a

38、t 6:20.I never eat breakfast.I usually get up at 6 oclock.3cInterview three of your classmates. Find out what time they do these activities. Then give a report to the class.In our group, Li Fei usually gets up late on weekends. She gets up at一、核心词汇。一、核心词汇。1最好的最好的2组;群组;群二、核心词组。二、核心词组。3(在在)周末周末4上班上班5吃

39、晚饭吃晚饭bestgroup at weekends/on the weekend go to work eat/have dinner三、核心句型。三、核心句型。6你通常什么时候起床?你通常什么时候起床?我通常在我通常在6点半起床。点半起床。What time do you usually get up?I usually get up at six thirty.7斯科特什么时候去上班?斯科特什么时候去上班?他总是在他总是在11点钟去上班。他从不迟到。点钟去上班。他从不迟到。When does Scott go to work?He always goes to work at eleve

40、n oclock. Hes never late.四、根据句意及提示写单词。四、根据句意及提示写单词。8My grandfather usually (锻炼锻炼) after dinner.9Do you like to get up (早早)?10Thats really a (最好的最好的) time to play sports.11His friend wants to find a (工作工作) in Beijing.12Lets work in (小组小组)exercisesearlybestjobgroup五、单项选择。五、单项选择。(56分分30分分)13 your fathe

41、r watching TV in the evening?ADoes, likes BDoes, likeCIs, likes DDo, likes14Susan her homework at school every weekend.AdontBdont doCdoesntDdoesnt do15Zhang Lili is a very good teacher and her students like her.Aalways Busually Cnever DsometimesBDA 16Whattimedoyougethomeeveryday?(替换画线部分)AWhereBWhenC

42、WhatDWho17LucyatschoolonSundays.AusuallyisBisusuallyCareusuallyDusuallyareBB一、选词填空。一、选词填空。when, what time, always, usually, never1When do you go shopping?On Sunday.2What time does your father go to work?At seven in the morning.3She is very outgoing(外向的外向的). She is always smiling(微笑的微笑的)4My uncle is

43、very lazy. He never exercises.5I usually get dressed at 6:00.二、按要求完成下列句子。6Maryusuallygetsdressedatsixthirty(对画线部分提问)What time doesMaryusuallygetdressed?7Lindaalwaysgetsupearly.(改为否定句)Lindanevergetsupearly.8They often go home at 5:30 in the afternoon.(用用she改写句子改写句子)She often goes home at 5:30 in the

44、afternoon.9Susans mother works at a radio station.(改为一般疑问句改为一般疑问句)Does Susans mother work at a radio station?10I usually exercise in the morning(对画线部分提问对画线部分提问)When do you usually exercise?Section B 1a1ehalfquarterdo homeworkrunwalkclean the roomWhat time is it, please?Its eleven five.Its five past

45、eleven.Whats the time, please?prep.超过Whats the time,please?Its ten past ten.Its tenten.What time is it, please?Whats the time, please?Its ten twenty-five.Its twenty-five past ten.What time is it, please?What time is it, please?Its one forty-five.Its a quarter to two.Whats the time, please?Whats the

46、time, please?Its twelvenoonmidnightWhat time is it, please?ampmWhattimeisit,please?Whatsthetime,please?Itsonefifty.ItstentotwoGolden eyesThefirstclockis3:00.Thesecondclockis12:00.Thethirdclockis1:00.Golden eyesThefirstclockis12:00.Thesecondclockis2:00.Thethirdclockis2:10.Ask and answerWhen do studen

47、ts usually do these things? Match the actions with the time of day.1a3124Check your answer with your partner.When do students usually eat dinner? They usually eat dinner at a quarter to seven in the evening. 1b1c Listen and circle the activities you hear.1.get up _ 6. do my homework _2. run _ 7. cle

48、an my room _3. eat breakfast _ 8. eat dinner _4. go to school _ 9. take a walk _5. go home _ 10. go to bed _5:301c1d Listen again. Write the times next to the activities you circled in 1c.1.get up _ 6. do my homework _2. run _ 7. clean my room _3. eat breakfast _ 8. eat dinner _4. go to school _ 9.

49、take a walk _5. go home _ 10. go to bed _5:306:00 a.m7:00 a.m 7:45 a.m 4:15 p.m 5:30 p.m 7:15 p.m9:00 p.m 1dAsk and answer the questions about Tom.When does Tom usually get up? He usually gets up at half past five. 1e一、核心词汇。一、核心词汇。1一半;半数一半;半数2. 晚于晚于3一刻钟一刻钟4. 跑;奔跑;奔5打扫打扫6. 步行步行halfpastquarterrunclean

50、walk二、核心词组。二、核心词组。7做作业做作业8散步散步9睡觉睡觉106:30113:15126:45do homeworktake a walkgo to bedhalf past sixa quarter past threea quarter to seven三、核心句型。三、核心句型。13汤姆通常什么时候起床?汤姆通常什么时候起床?他通常他通常5点半起床。点半起床。When does Tom usually get up?He usually gets up at half past five.四、根据句意及提示写单词。四、根据句意及提示写单词。14It is half nine

51、now.15We have English at a past ten in the morning.16What time do you do your _ (家庭作业家庭作业)?17Mike often (跑步跑步) after dinner.18Can you help me (打扫打扫) the classroom?pastquarterhomeworkrunsclean五、单项选择。五、单项选择。19Li lei usually gets up Aat six thirty Bat thirty six Con six thirty20Does Jim after school?Ad

52、o his homeworkBdoes he homeworkCdo his homeworksAA21doyouruneveryday?Inthemorning.AWhattimeBWhereCWhen22Lisa,doyouwanttogohometoday?AtoB/Ctothe23MysistertoschoolonSundays.AgoesBdoesntgoCdoesntgoesCBB Hello!My name is Mary.Im thirteen.This is my school day. I get at seven thirty in the morning and th

53、en have breakfast.I go to school at half past and school starts at nine I have three classes in the morning.And the morning classes at eleven thirty.Then I go home for at twelve.Afternoon classes are 2:00 to 5:00.After school,I usually play sports with my classmates for an hour.Then I go home at fiv

54、e thirty.When I get home,I my homework first.After I finish my homework,I can watch TV or play computer games.At nine thirty,I go to bed.upeightoclockendlunchfromhalfdoSection B 2a2ceat breakfast go homeeat dinnergo to beddo homeworkLook and learnWhen do you usually ?I usually at in the morning /aft

55、ernoon/ evening.listen to musictake a busruntake a walk watch TVWhat other activities do you usually do?Do you think they are healthy or unhealthy?Do you usually do these activities?Which one do you think is healthy?Which one do you think is unhealthy?7/21/2024122 Check ( )the activities you think a

56、re healthy._go to bed early _eat ice cream_eat quickly _eat vegetables_play sports _take a walk2aTony and Mary are brother and sister. They have healthy and unhealthy habits. Who is healthier? 7/21/20241232bCircle the healthy activities. 7/21/20241242bRead 2b again and fill in the blanks.TimeTonysAc

57、tivitiesAteight_eatsaquickbreakfastAteightthirty_Atnoon_Afterschool_intheeveningAttenthirty_brushesteethandgoestobedgets upgoes to schooleats hamburgersplays basketball for half an hourdoes his homeworkwatches TV or plays computer gamesTimeMarysActivities_ getsuptakesashowerandeatsagoodbreakfast_ go

58、estoschoolAttwelve_Afterlunch_intheeveningAtninethirty_goestobedAt six thirtyAt eight thirtyeat lots of fruit and vegetables plays volleyballeats ice-creamdoes her homework, swims or takes a walkWrite down the unhealthy habits of each person. Then think of healthy activities for them. Unhealthy habi

59、ts Healthy activitiesTony _ _ _ _Mary _ _ _ _2cTony _ _ _ _ _ _Unhealthy habits Healthy activitiesgets up lateeats breakfast quicklyeats hamburgers for lunchgoes to bed lateMary _ _ _ _ _ _Unhealthy habits Healthy activities_ _gets up earlyeats a good breakfasteats lots of vegetablesgoes to bed earl

60、yeats ice-creameats some fruit after dinnerUnhealthyhabitsHealthyactivitiesTonyMarydontliketogetupearly;usuallyeatveryquickly;Forlunch,Iusuallyeathamburgers;IeitherwatchTVorplaycomputergames;AttenthirtyIgotobed.getupearly;eatagoodbreakfast;eatlotsoffruitandvegetablesforlunch;dontwatchTVorplaycompute

61、rgamesalltheevening;gotobedearly.alwayseatsice-creamafterdinner.donteatice-creamafterdinner.quickly意为意为“快速地快速地”,是副词,修饰动词。,是副词,修饰动词。 The dog runs quickly. 小狗快速地跑了。小狗快速地跑了。 Dont eat quickly. Its not a good habit. 别吃得太快,这不是个好习惯。别吃得太快,这不是个好习惯。1. quickly的用法。的用法。拓展:拓展:quick adj. ,快的;迅速的。,快的;迅速的。Tom eats a

62、 quick breakfast, then goes to school.汤姆快速吃完早饭,然后就去上学了。汤姆快速吃完早饭,然后就去上学了。Jack eats either hamburgers or sandwiches for lunch. 杰克或者吃汉堡或者吃三明治作午饭。杰克或者吃汉堡或者吃三明治作午饭。You can either play chess or play the guitar.你可以下棋或者弹吉它。你可以下棋或者弹吉它。2. either or 意为意为“或者或者或者或者 ” 连接两连接两个并列名词、代词或句子成份。个并列名词、代词或句子成份。当当eitheror连

63、接两个名词作主语时,谓语动词的连接两个名词作主语时,谓语动词的时态和数应与最近的一个相匹配。时态和数应与最近的一个相匹配。Either you or he is right. 不是你对就是他对。不是你对就是他对。 3. lots of 与与many, much的用法的用法这三个词都有这三个词都有“许多;大量许多;大量”之意之意,但,但用法不同。用法不同。1) lots of ,后面可以跟可数名词也可以跟,后面可以跟可数名词也可以跟 不可数名词。不可数名词。如:如: He doesnt have lots of (=many) books. We have lots of (=much) wor

64、k to do. 2) many与可数名词复数形式连用。与可数名词复数形式连用。如:如: There are many apples in the basket. 篮子里有许多苹果。篮子里有许多苹果。3) much表示数量时,只能修饰不可数名词表示数量时,只能修饰不可数名词。如:。如: We dont have much milk. 我没有很多牛奶了。我没有很多牛奶了。4. She knows its not good for her, but it tastes good!1) be good for 表示表示“对对有益;对有益;对有好处有好处”; be bad for表示表示“对对有害;对

65、有害;对有坏处有坏处”。Its good for our health to go to bed early and get up early. 早睡早起对我们的健康有好处。早睡早起对我们的健康有好处。Dont read in the dark. Its bad for your eyes. 不要在暗处看书,这对你的眼睛有害。不要在暗处看书,这对你的眼睛有害。2) taste 意为意为“品尝品尝 的味道的味道”。是连系动词,后面常。是连系动词,后面常跟形容词。跟形容词。Apples taste good. 苹果尝起来味道很好。苹果尝起来味道很好。 Does the ice-cream tast

66、e nice? 冰淇淋的味道尝起来很好吗?冰淇淋的味道尝起来很好吗?拓展:拓展:taste作名词,意为作名词,意为“味道味道”。The ice-cream has a taste of lemon. 冰淇淋有点柠檬的味道。冰淇淋有点柠檬的味道。 For lunch, I usually eat hamburgers. 午餐,我午餐,我通常吃汉堡。通常吃汉堡。 for prep. 关于关于eg. He has no ear for music.它对音乐一窍不通。它对音乐一窍不通。 I sometimes play basketball for half a hour. 我有时打半小时的篮球。我有

67、时打半小时的篮球。 for(prep.) + 一段时间一段时间eg. Tony watches TV for an hour in the evening. Tony晚上看一小时的电视。晚上看一小时的电视。写出下列写出下列词组 1. 步行步行 _ 2. 做作做作业业 _3. 打打扫扫房房间间 _ 4. 吃得快吃得快 _5. 去睡去睡觉觉 _6. 或者或者或者或者_7. 许多、大量多、大量_8. 吃冰淇淋吃冰淇淋 _take a walk do homework clean the roomeat quicklyeitherorlots ofgo to bedeat ice-cream根据汉语提

68、示完成句子。1.我没有时间吃早餐,因此我通常吃得很快。Idonthave_forbreakfast,soIusually_.2.他在晚上或者看电视或者玩电脑游戏。He_watchTV_playcomputergames_the_.much timeeat very quicklyeither orin evening3.午餐,她吃很多的水果和蔬菜。For_,she_fruitandvegetables.4.冰淇淋尝起来很好,但对她的健康不好。Ice-cream_,butitsnot_her.lunch eats lots oftastes goodgood for5.在晚上,我通常游泳或散步。

69、Inthe_,Iusually_or_.6.他有时候会打半个小时的篮球。He_playsbasketball_anhour.eveningswimtalk a walksometimesfor halfUnit 2 Unit 2 What time do you go to school?What time do you go to school?Section BSection B3aSelf Check 3aSelf Check _ I usually exercise from six fifteen to seven. _ I always get up early at six. _

70、 After that, I always brush my teeth and go to school at eight. _ Then I quickly have a shower and eat breakfast. _ I have lunch at a quarter and eat breakfast. _ I get home from school at half past four and do my homework. I have a very healthy life. _ I have dinner at seven thirty. _ I go to bed a

71、t ten. Number these sentences in order to make a story about a daily routine.1234567893aMy dayIhaveaveryhealthylife.Ialwaysgetupatsix.Iusuallyexercisefromsixfifteentoseven.ThenIquicklyhaveashowerandeatbreakfast.Afterthat,Ialwaysbrushmyteethandgotoschoolateight.Ihavelunchataquartertotwelve.Igethomefr

72、omschoolathalfpastfouranddomyhomework.Ihavedinneratseventhirty.Igotobedatten.7/21/2024142Write about your own daily routine._3b 一份一份daily routine是要向读者说明一下自己的是要向读者说明一下自己的一些日常行为习惯,所以,一般情况下都以时间一些日常行为习惯,所以,一般情况下都以时间的顺序来描述日常所做的事。选择使用的时态是的顺序来描述日常所做的事。选择使用的时态是一般现在时态。另外,在写作的过程中应注意句一般现在时态。另外,在写作的过程中应注意句子之间的衔

73、接,可以用一些连接词,如:子之间的衔接,可以用一些连接词,如:and, then, after that 使文段看起来更具有整体性。使文段看起来更具有整体性。a daily routine 写作指导:写作指导:回想一下上个环节中自己一天的作息。回想一下上个环节中自己一天的作息。按时间的先后,逐条叙述。按时间的先后,逐条叙述。注意运用正确的英语表达方式:注意运用正确的英语表达方式: I+ usually/often+动词短语动词短语+at+时间。时间。Think about your weekends activities then fill in the blanks.ActivitiesTi

74、memorningget up exerciseeat breakfastnoonhave lunchafternoonplay sportsmeet friendseveningeat dinnerwatch TVgo to bedTell your classmates about your life on weekends.I have a relaxing weekend. I usually get up at eight. Then I exercise for half an hour. I eat breakfast at nine. I brush my teeth at n

75、ine past twenty. I One possible version:I have a healthy life. I usually get up at seven. I exercise from a quarter past seven to half past seven. Then I have breakfast and brush my teeth. I go to school at eight oclock. I have lunch at twelve oclock. I get home from school at half past four and do

76、my homework. I have dinner at six then I watch TV. I go to bed at nine thirty. I have a very healthy life. I always get up early at six. I usually exercise from six fifteen to seven. Then I quickly have a shower and eat breakfast. After that, I always brush my teeth and go to school at eight. I have

77、 lunch at a quarter to twelve. I get home from school at half past four and do my homework. I have dinner at seven thirty. I go to bed at ten. Atastecleanhavegettake Brush Byour teethmy room a walk good dressed a good job 1. Match the verbs in column A with the words in column B . Then use the phras

78、es to complete the sentences.1.Ice-cream usually _ so students like to eat it after school. 2.My grandparents are very healthy. They always_ after dinner. 3.You need to _ after eating to have good teeth. 4.He _. He works at a radio station. 5.Here are your clothes. Go and _ quickly! 6.I dont have ti

79、me to _ from Monday to Friday. So I clean it on weekends. Self Checktaste your teethclean my roomhave a walkget goodtake dressedbrush a good jobMake phrasesbrush your teethtake a walkget dressedhave a good jobtaste goodclean my room1. Ice-cream usually _ so students like to eat it after school.2. My

80、 grandparents are very healthy. They always _ after dinner.3. You need to _ after eating to have good teeth.4. He _ . He works at a radio station.5. Here are your clothes. Go and _ quickly!6. I dont have time to _ from Monday to Friday. So I clean it on weekends. Complete the sentences using the phr

81、asestastes goodtake a walkbrush your teethhas a good jobget dressedclean my room1. A: _? 2. A: _? (your mother/ usually/ get up) (you/ usually/ go to school) B:_ B:_ (5:45) (7:30) A:_ B: _ (why/ get up/ so early) (your class mate/ usually/ get to school) B:_ B: I dont know. But he/ she is (always ma

82、ke breakfast never late for the first class for me) in the morning. 2. Complete the conversations with questions and answers. Use the words in the brackets to help you.本题要求根据提示词补全对话。本题要求根据提示词补全对话。首先,应根据答语及提示词确定句子的意首先,应根据答语及提示词确定句子的意思。特别要抓住重点的词汇。思。特别要抓住重点的词汇。如:如:第一空第一空中的中的get up及及your mother,从而确定主语,从

83、而确定主语为第三人称单数形式,动作为为第三人称单数形式,动作为get up。其次,还要看清句子后的标点符号,来确定其次,还要看清句子后的标点符号,来确定是问句还是答语。是问句还是答语。如:如:第一句后面为问号,第一句后面为问号,再由答语是一时间,可知句意应为再由答语是一时间,可知句意应为“你妈妈你妈妈通常几点起床?通常几点起床?” 在表达句子时,还应注意人称与数的一致。在表达句子时,还应注意人称与数的一致。A: What time does your mother usually get up?B: She usually gets up at 5:45.A: Why does she get

84、 up so early?B: Because she always makes breakfast for me.A: What time do you usually get to school?B: I usually get to school at 7:30.A: When / What time does your class teacher usually get to school?B: I dont know. But he/she is never late for the first class in the morning. Complete the conversat

85、ions1.2.Myday Writing1.works, all, mother, night, his_2. music, love, all, to, listen, we, to, Twins_3. you, name, can, what, his, think, is_4. usually, movies, he, go, does, to, the_5.family, write, please, and, me, about, tell, your_His mother works all night.We all love to listen to Twins music.C

86、an you think what his name is?Does he usually go to the movies?Please write and tell me about your family.补全对话补全对话Henry: David, its time to get up.David: Really? _?Henry: Its 7:35.David: what? Its 7:35now? I must get up. Henry: Hey, David , wait! Just sit down and have breakfast.David: I have no tim

87、e for breakfast._.Henry: What are you late for?David:_. School starts at 8:00.Henry: Well,_?David: Aha!_.Henry: Yes, you dont have classes on weekends.What time is it/ Whats the timeIm lateIm late for school.What day is it todayIts Saturday/ SundayPractice 书面表达书面表达 I am a student. Every day I _up at

88、 6:00. Then I eat my _at about 6:30. I _to school at 6:45.I often have lunch at 12:00. I often _basketball before I _home. I get home at 7:00. _7:30 I have my supper. At night, I _ TV at 8:00.Then I _ my homework. I _to bed at 10:00.getbreakfastgoplaygoAtwatchdogo一、核心词汇。一、核心词汇。1很快地很快地2. 或者;也或者;也3大量;

89、许多大量;许多4. 有时有时5有有的味道的味道6. 生活;生命生活;生命quicklyeitherlotsometimestastelife二、核心词组。二、核心词组。7要么要么要么要么据地据地 either.or.8大量;许多大量;许多 lots of9对对有利有利 be good for10刷牙刷牙 brush teeth11吃一顿丰盛的早餐吃一顿丰盛的早餐eat a good breakfast三、核心句型。三、核心句型。12我没有很多时间吃早饭。我没有很多时间吃早饭。I dont have much time for breakfast.13在晚上,我要么看电视,要么玩电脑在晚上,我要

90、么看电视,要么玩电脑游戏。游戏。In the evening,I either watch TV or play computer games.14在在12点午餐时,她吃了许多水果和蔬菜。点午餐时,她吃了许多水果和蔬菜。At twelve,she eats lots of fruit and vegetables for lunch.15她知道这对她她知道这对她(健康健康)不好,但它尝起来好吃。不好,但它尝起来好吃。She knows its not good for her,but it tastes good!16我的生活很健康。我的生活很健康。I have a very healthy

91、life.1 1她通常她通常5 5:3030做体育运动。做体育运动。误:误:She usually play sports at 5She usually play sports at 5:30.30.正:正:She usually plays sports at 5She usually plays sports at 5:30.30.【错误揭示错误揭示】本句为一般现在时,主语本句为一般现在时,主语sheshe是第三人称单是第三人称单数,因此谓语动词要用对应的第三人称单数形式。数,因此谓语动词要用对应的第三人称单数形式。2 2我爸爸有一份有趣的工作。我爸爸有一份有趣的工作。误:误:My da

92、d has an interesting work.My dad has an interesting work.正:正:My dad has an interesting job.My dad has an interesting job.【错误揭示错误揭示】jobjob指具体的职业或工作,属于可数名词;指具体的职业或工作,属于可数名词;workwork指人们在日常生活和工作中从事的体力或脑力劳动,指人们在日常生活和工作中从事的体力或脑力劳动,即各类工作,属于不可数名词。不能用即各类工作,属于不可数名词。不能用a/ana/an来修饰。来修饰。3他每天刷牙。他每天刷牙。误:误:He brush

93、es tooth every day.正:正:He brushes teeth every day.【错误揭示错误揭示】tooth的复数是的复数是teeth。4要么要么Lily要么要么Lucy和你一起去因为她们当中有一个必须待和你一起去因为她们当中有一个必须待在家里。在家里。误:误:Either Lily or Lucy are going with you because one of them must stay at home.正:正:Either Lily or Lucy is going with you because one of them must stay at home.【

94、错误揭示错误揭示】eitheror连接两个并列的主语,谓语动词应连接两个并列的主语,谓语动词应和最近的主语保持一致。和最近的主语保持一致。5他的弟弟晚上不看电视。他的弟弟晚上不看电视。误:误:His brother doesnt watches TV in the evening.正:正:His brother doesnt watch TV in the evening.【错误揭示错误揭示】主语是第三人称单数,带实义动词的句子变否定主语是第三人称单数,带实义动词的句子变否定句或疑问句时,加助动词之后,原实义动词一律还原成原形。句或疑问句时,加助动词之后,原实义动词一律还原成原形。6她知道那对

95、她不好。她知道那对她不好。误:误:She knows its not good at her.正:正:She knows its not good for her.【错误揭示错误揭示】be good at意为意为“擅长做擅长做”,be good for意为意为“对对有利,有好处有利,有好处”。what time/when引导的特殊疑问句引导的特殊疑问句what time与与when都可以用来提问时间,表示都可以用来提问时间,表示“什么时候什么时候”。常用常用When/What time does/do主语动词原形主语动词原形?来询问主语什么时候做某事。一般情况下两者可通用,提来询问主语什么时候

96、做某事。一般情况下两者可通用,提问事件发生的年份、月份、日期等非钟点性时间只能用问事件发生的年份、月份、日期等非钟点性时间只能用when,而不能用,而不能用what time。 eg:What time do you get up every morning?I get up at six oclock.When do you have math?We have math on Monday.注意:提问做某事的时间时,常会用到频度副词注意:提问做某事的时间时,常会用到频度副词usually, sometimes, often ,always等。等。What time/When does Tom

97、 usually have breakfast?汤姆通常什么时候吃早饭?汤姆通常什么时候吃早饭?He usually has breakfast at eight.他通常他通常8点钟吃早饭。点钟吃早饭。时间的表达方式时间的表达方式1整点的表达方式整点的表达方式时间刚好是整点,可用时间刚好是整点,可用“基数词基数词oclock”表示,表示,oclock也可省略。如:也可省略。如:9:00nine或或nine oclock。2非整点的表达方式非整点的表达方式(1)顺读法:即按照顺读法:即按照“先时后分先时后分”的顺序表达,都用基数词读的顺序表达,都用基数词读出。出。eg:4:20four twen

98、ty。(2)逆读法:即借助介词逆读法:即借助介词past或或to,按照,按照“先分后时先分后时”的顺序的顺序表达。表达。一、翻译下列单词或短语。1 1在周一 2. 2. 在周末 3 3从不 4. 4. 在上午 5 5在晚上 6 6放学后 on Mondayon weekendsneverin the morningintheeveningafter school二、根据二、根据汉语提示,写出句子提示,写出句子。1. 我通常在四点十五分从学校回到家。我通常在四点十五分从学校回到家。 _ _2. 我的祖父母我的祖父母过着健康生活。着健康生活。 _3. 你需要在吃完你需要在吃完东西后刷牙。西后刷牙。

99、 _ _I usually get home from school at a quarter past four. My grandparents have a healthy life.You need to brush your teeth after eating.4. 她的姑姑在一家无线电台工作。她的姑姑在一家无线电台工作。 _5. 我弟弟从未上学迟到过。我弟弟从未上学迟到过。 _ 6. 我的奶奶总是给我们做早饭。我的奶奶总是给我们做早饭。 _ _Her aunt works at a radio station. My brother is never late for school.My grandma always makes breakfast for us.励志名言励志名言形成天才的决定因素应该是勤奋安全小贴上课间活动注意安全



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