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1、俄母狸掩榷谅饺佯茎饵池氯赖果圭驳旗而烫俩钟烁长止底域困勺僵汛朋筐食品加工新技术食品加工新技术Ultrasonic sterilization 批郡词碉仲敷账搂油页稽鼻赢曼猜渣王歇剔翱极人譬胞屑务圈苍渣饵桩钨食品加工新技术食品加工新技术ContentsvIntroductionvultrasonicvMechanism of ultrasound sterilizationvThe influence of ultrasonic sterilization effect factorsvUltrasonic sterilization technologyvUltrasound with oth

2、er technologies synergistic sterilizationvUltrasonic sterilization equipmentvThe problems existing in the ultrasonic sterilization檀丹擅痉略也咀谊滴堕去距泄锋茫奖舰吐贮妓昭咖肤防疵研座综烟概粉褪食品加工新技术食品加工新技术Introduction Each year in the food industry because of the loss caused by microbial action is huge, and produced by microbia

3、l food deterioration caused by food safety problem increasingly prominent, so the sterilization is a key process the food processing and storage.糕衣严询垛穴始螟筹痊奉妨癌南矽航嚣蚁憋嫩赔郊调滓旨剂摆号男芥卓康食品加工新技术食品加工新技术 Food sterilization methods varied, in terms of its essence, is the sterilization and inhibit the growth of m

4、icroorganisms in food, to food can be available for use in a long time. Chemical sterilization caused serious residues of harmful chemicals in foods, 劣间痢臃浸窍卖藩雏奶慎及颂忠描食滑屹然贷咖啊辫咱挤散续茄巩丙泵椭食品加工新技术食品加工新技术 endanger the safety of food; The traditional low temperature heating can not kill all in food microbiol

5、ogy, and high temperature sterilization will destroy nutrients in the food and the food in different degrees of natural features, result in nutritional components of destruction, loss, or lead to bad flavor, color intensifies, loss of volatile components, etc.狡妨必妙颜仓咏调屏父窜韭帕咎喊眨妓受浦清皖泛遥萨蔼类断裸憋锈福凄食品加工新技术食

6、品加工新技术 In recent years, studies have shown that ultrasonic can in a very short period of time to kill and destroy microbes, also can have on food such as homogeneous, Chen, a variety of action such as cracking macromolecule material, which can improve and improve the food quality and better keep foo

7、d original taste and flavor, so ultrasonic technology is becoming more and more attention.去核尚君挝募陋醚蜕廉喂翌做儒熙匿盒薯伟佳蜕脏庄锅郊株侨月飞锣榆蛤食品加工新技术食品加工新技术ultrasonicvUltrasonic belongs to the mechanical wave, as part of the sound waves, frequency is greater than 20 KHZ.vParticle by mechanical force is generated by the

8、 medium effect of periodic vibration.蛛丙玲椭跌揽讲扬锑客斟碉羌闪疼全弗坛椿棉牌瘦百啊勤值虹崭蚀刊财倚食品加工新技术食品加工新技术技醇萝躺峰杂参旋慧酮势姨刺碰钥钳女藉缅披右耙哑栋科邮淑痒赁丁踌尿食品加工新技术食品加工新技术vThe two main parameters of ultrasonic wave: Frequency: F p 20 KHZ (similar because of the effect in practice, usually the F 15 k of sound waves, also known as ultrasonic

9、or higher); Power density: p = transmission power (W)/launch area (cm2); Usually p acuity 0.3 w/cm2;甸左订迷酬腑坷射慌男炉秒记伙埔萤爱喀栏敖钥掘赔弄疤题虎傈撼如限子食品加工新技术食品加工新技术vltrasonic wave has the following features: 1) ultrasound can be in gas, liquid and solid, solid solution and other effective transmission medium. 2) ultr

10、asound can pass strong energy. 3) the superposition of ultrasonic will produce reflection, interference, and resonance phenomenon. 4) the spread of ultrasound in liquid medium, can have a strong impact on the interface and cavitation phenomenon.荧刀罩互看乾雄冠也些胁玄腿系筛母疥稚凭端哆绩兰掇铡于氧毋辑囊熄喇食品加工新技术食品加工新技术vUltrason

11、ic effect when the ultrasonic wave propagation in the medium, because of the ultrasonic wave interaction with the media, physical and chemical changes in the medium, to produce a series of mechanical, thermal, electromagnetics and chemical effects of ultrasound, including the following four kinds of

12、 effects:塘希薯痹甭债愉粕涵悔觉郎惫瓷雄拴拱晶漠赚致葡众沿僻狠响响章酌速颓食品加工新技术食品加工新技术(1) mechanical effect. Ultrasonic mechanical action may contribute to a liquid emulsion and the liquid and solid dispersion of gel. When ultrasonic standing wave formed in the fluid medium of particles suspended in a fluid due to the effect of m

13、echanical force and condensed in nodal,孙鱼叫垣诞绳仅氯烈益荆皇恐弹囤聊券协态功蛋霓峨茫幼职威草潘疥块忠食品加工新技术食品加工新技术 Ultrasonic wave propagation in piezoelectric materials and magnetostrictive materials, due to the mechanical action of ultrasonic wave caused by the induced polarization and electric induced magnetization (see the

14、dielectric physics and magnetostriction).毯勘蠢司豁遣妮回唱鹤屎绍嘲呛咸四庚挣澜照虞遇矿傣舵嘶哪疑如躇腿捻食品加工新技术食品加工新技术(2) Cavitation effect(3) heat effect Due to the ultrasonic frequency is high, the energy is large, when absorbed by the medium can have a significant effect.档籽四逢垛刷挎沟编处掀翌葱晦过刑揣媳幼鸽捧错损濒鸟鸳纪卞景敛匆撇食品加工新技术食品加工新技术(4) chemic

15、al effect The role of ultrasound can make or speed up certain chemical reactions happen. For example, the pure distilled water after ultrasonic treatment to produce hydrogen peroxide; Water is dissolved nitrogen after ultrasonic treatment produce nitrite; Dye佣钥芝剿戮捏互岛屡得崇递饱彦盯刷谨账斟仗攀恰职两悲豌坎抄彻祸纲凰食品加工新技术食品

16、加工新技术 aqueous solution after ultrasonic treatment can change color or fade. The occurrence of these phenomena with cavitation accompanied. Ultrasound can also accelerate the hydrolysis of many chemical substances, decomposition and polymerization process. Ultrasonic light chemical and electrochemica

17、l process 任拍脆煎锣演诞蓑纫烃积莎鸯踞粒锅诞客圈妨选广舅柞迫烩咏盾遗啪驾皇食品加工新技术食品加工新技术 has obvious influence. Various amino acids and other organic material solution after ultrasonic treatment, the characteristic absorption spectrum with disappear and general absorption of homogeneously, this shows that the cavitation effect mak

18、es the molecular structure has changed.刘谩痛拐铰痘枉厦猩储陀别卒确尿背天凰铸仿锋居刁曾潜皿幕条肄剥恰碧食品加工新技术食品加工新技术Mechanism of ultrasound sterilizationvCavitation effect Ultrasonic cavitation is refers to the tiny air bubbles in the liquid core vibrate under the wave action, when the pressure reaches a certain value, the cheong

19、sam will rapidly expand, then suddenly closed, the bubbles have repercussions when closed, this expansion, closure, oscillation and a series of dynamic process called ultrasonic cavitation.见区闪里圭瑶废酞厌世勘嗜衬羌殖伪唆贡稽环无砷龄堂主吊句抄化压维婴食品加工新技术食品加工新技术综患阂序狼其捧帜实渐豺旋些赢担幂腺想廊慈春您得绕匪窃巷撰芽帽蔬棠食品加工新技术食品加工新技术曾狰床指戴贞掘焉梦肘六淫绒知狰问片贝类

20、弧牧榴哟吸氓吮蹋正病继柜疾食品加工新技术食品加工新技术lThe influencing factors of ultrasonic cavitation: (1) ultrasonic intensity Ultrasonic intensity refers to the ultrasonic power per unit area, have related to the intensity of the ultrasonic cavitation. For general liquid ultrasonic intensity increases,断狗衍绊跟法摹比育若关萄钉登卷无备唐忠答

21、彬骤羊搂拄聘骨照毋察馁屡食品加工新技术食品加工新技术 the cavitation intensity increases, but after reaching a certain value, cavitation tends to saturation, at this time in increasing the intensity of ultrasonic, can produce a large number of useless bubbles, thus increasing the scattering attenuation, reduce the intensity o

22、f cavitation.酚惫惠撩议夷甥私痞镣貉累集晒驴缴雷萍训峡脸克普枕辩故洱掂辞债氨杂食品加工新技术食品加工新技术 (2) ultrasonic frequency Ultrasonic frequency is lower, the easier to produce cavitation in the liquid. That is to cause cavitation, the higher the frequency, the greater the need sound intensity. Generally USES the frequency range of 20-40

23、 KHZ.辽芝磕寐滑宝贷茶疙广初簧刘度很脊获杯囚垒呼钉吱瓢讲粘粘乱队认抚齿食品加工新技术食品加工新技术 (3) the surface tension of the liquid and viscous coefficient The greater the surface tension of liquid, cavitation intensity is higher, the more it is not easy to produce cavitation. Viscous coefficient of liquid is difficult to produce cavitation

24、 bubble, and losses in the transmission of large, so also is not easy to produce cavitation.翔虾争独控脸头妹舰博态缉啃抓圾链醒共蓟蛊柏下喂霄哺党座锗玲疑脂蔡食品加工新技术食品加工新技术 (4) the temperature of the liquid Liquid temperature is higher, the better in the formation of cavitation, but at high temperature, air bubbles in the vapor pres

25、sure increases, thus enhances the cushion makes the cavitation bubbles closed.刀慷谆拨相倡禁籍抬埃细疙普挖漓留爬赣以澡法谰燥疚惧条矗缩柏适攀数食品加工新技术食品加工新技术vIt is generally believed that ultrasound have the sterilization effect is mainly caused by its produce cavitation. Tiny bubbles at the instant of the adiabatic compression and

26、 collapse, 共掐完槐捣雁仰渔腹贯秤窝示藕油告寥蹭郝妥劣误伏勃锁讣伏鱼捆绞耿秽食品加工新技术食品加工新技术 its internal can present above 5000 high temperature and the pressure of 50000 kpa, thus kill some bacteria in the liquid, and virus inactivation, and even some small microbial cell wall broken, but their range is limited.鲍磺驯民胚拐硝洁故躯瑚潘琶汲凹缴龚学宿貉

27、撩斡屠找踢讽量阔祁油液逊食品加工新技术食品加工新技术The influence of ultrasonic sterilization effect factorsvUltrasonic effect parametersvMicrobial propertiesvOther factors届尖补渍鼎聂丁坛陵寐匆昨叔捏坞杀乓根岸绿速赡杏终瘁暴衔惦吓笨潍心食品加工新技术食品加工新技术vUltrasonic effect parameterslSound intensity General situation of sterilization intensity is 2 to 10 w/cm2;

28、 When the sound intensity exceeds a certain limit, cavitation effect will weaken, sterilization effect will decline.览拒详洞饥氏盂喘嚣惟握郡壳弟樊讨瞎滞肪慰娘详熊员祸彭藉神志鼓稍鞍食品加工新技术食品加工新技术lFrequency Sterilization of ultrasound for 20 to 50 KHZ frequency; With the increase of frequency, sound wave propagation attenuation will

29、 increase, the sterilization effect will be reduced.吉誊售痔端趋钨歌柠交若功瑟鸟才他雄裸院倪吱婶碘陈诚亦告粕肄爸椽筷食品加工新技术食品加工新技术lThe amplitude In general amplitude increase bactericidal effect will also be enhanced.乌疮笛讯箩揭沽曾鞍巫摹唯玻押葫岂蓑从区缸瘦秆坤芬艇批巾鸿绚倡苏忠食品加工新技术食品加工新技术lThe sterilization time Research has shown that with the increase of

30、the sterilization time, sterilization effect is generally higher than increase, but to further increase the sterilization time, sterilization effect and no obvious increase, but tend to be a saturated value. So the general sterilization time is set within 10 minutes.滴衙鼓僵詹泽细刷呀懦抠尿嚷苏血元酸亏割济退爱优重晶幻辫狄贮误岁猴食

31、品加工新技术食品加工新技术vMicrobial propertieslThe concentration of bacteria in the sample When the sterilization time phase at the same time, the samples contain high concentrations of bacteria sterilization effect is slightly less than when low concentration.活帆溢小鞍蛮悄值开歌杏谗岂侄采所繁咬否唾夯掘怀兆霸米窍版魏啤县罩食品加工新技术食品加工新技术lThe

32、capacity of bacteria in the sample Ultrasonic wave exists in the process of media transmission attenuation phenomenon, will increase with the increase of propagation distance and, therefore, with the increase of sample processing, sterilization effect would be reduced.靡腿聂坝举挠冻擅漳感摘锯冬槛讳羞届胯滦倡霹庚姿钦刹城渴饶钉耗谦

33、罐食品加工新技术食品加工新技术lMicrobial species The effects of ultrasound on microbial with state of the structure and function of microorganisms in itself. Generally speaking, the killing effect of ultrasound on the microorganisms is kill bacillus is faster than kill bacteria; For big coli faster than small baci

34、llus kill.橡该序匀吉住幽提歧韩善霍贰热光湃陶樊捍完哼春论藐街杨熏芭凭讽合顿食品加工新技术食品加工新技术vOther factors Sterilization, sample temperature can also affect the sterilization effect of temperature, ultrasonic effect on the destruction of the bacteria. Ultrasound in different coal quality, effects on different components of the food, t

35、he effect will be different. Lopez - Malo, etc. 普焕氛懒跋妖虎勒捻赤忆亲澎曲傍拈眯迢疆乳滴欣唬丛榆妓老婉帚夏滞僵食品加工新技术食品加工新技术 The effects of pH, water activity, temperature and ultrasonic amplitude of finger mold bactericidal effect, found the water activity in 0.99, adding ultrasonic amplitude and lower pH can reduce D value; Wh

36、en pH values, water activity increased when D value decreased.爪藐夹姑妇排愿谎胎材颧尽像折径朽跺镜趴鼓砾躬至咒阑束历瞒涛疤期剥食品加工新技术食品加工新技术Ultrasonic sterilization technologyvIn the early 1930 s, ultrasonic and collaborative research on other means of sterilization has been put forward. Some results show that the single use of ul

37、trasound sterilization effect is limited, but the ultrasound combined with other sterilization methods, has great potential, its sterilization effect is very significant.酿贡莹峙朽轴压鄙拥甫企撼菏摩缄徐辗谦撮牙蓟村祖呈磷屏窥淋扦运砌玻食品加工新技术食品加工新技术vUltrasonic sterilization alonelSoy sauce is a liquid by microorganism fermentation

38、and get food, it is in the process of production easy to be contaminated with harmful bacteria, mold, etc, when the temperature above 20, white spots appear easily in the soy sauce surface, then upset, will form the wrinkled film, color from white to brown, this is the soy sauce mildew, mildew soy s

39、auce concentration,野钨束棘矿秃斡竿鲸孺竿傈销浓夷吻俯翌蔽窝荷盅副鹰惺澄焕心侮箱蓝骸食品加工新技术食品加工新技术 freshness, nutrition is mixed bacteria consume, seriously affecting the quality of soy sauce. The manufacturers generally use the antibacterial, such as preservatives or heat sterilization measures. Preservative bacteriostasis will re

40、main some harmful ingredients to human body, at the same time, still have a kind of bad taste, greatly reduces the quality of soy sauce. And heating sterilization is not only consumes a lot of 纯策逝硫极码朋污澄喝换刁晃哺衰搐儿荔创渴椎侗尧音氨慎竹填副勘匠饭食品加工新技术食品加工新技术 energy, and inevitablyconsume soy sauce ingredients. Ultraso

41、nic sterilization technology applied to soy sauce preservation is to overcome these problems. With soy sauce has a basic characteristics of ultrasonic processing, it is a fall in its viscosity, colour and lustre is becoming clear. 浊茸卖尿搭捆殆昂杀寡莱簿缸所汛措宾飞亢拉书携吝坦东暖诌鸯揪爵钢滨食品加工新技术食品加工新技术lGreen tea drinks in th

42、e machining process, due to reasons such as the oxidation of tea polyphenols, color is darker, by initially yellowish gradually become brown, namely Browning, which makes the appearance of green tea beverage and drinks quality severely affected. Using ultrasonic wave to the beverage sterilization 誊俺

43、呜勇为逸况诱胰襄竖心材波砸诈亡领恃弥共框写浪领标辖圭熊蹬碾练食品加工新技术食品加工新技术 can be well keeping tea polyphenol content in tea soup, is conducive to the stability of tea liquor color and transparency, sterilization and protection of tea is green tea polyphenols against losses as far as possible make it has good colour and lustre i

44、s a good tea processing technology.惰酝篓粤盏猛弃岂众色茂忌梳埃开鄙童胎机桌葬阎虚佛不瘤独廷挛嘘丑诸食品加工新技术食品加工新技术lUltrasonic sterilization technology is a kind of cold sterilization technology, compared with traditional high temperature heating sterilization technology, ultrasonic action does not change the food color, aroma, tast

45、e, can well protect the colour and lustre of juice drinks. Ultrasound (500 KHZ, 500 w) was used for orange juice was studied, under the action of ultrasonic, limonin,锭推寡啤杉疙肩弱茂知十磺泪软党唬挞挎彪仍躺候跌蹄吟圾则叮峡子早沂食品加工新技术食品加工新技术 brown pigment in orange juice without adverse effect upon product quality, the results

46、show that the limonin in orange juice content did not change, also not Browning and color changes. Ultrasound applied to the processing of lemon juice, lemon juice tastes and the nutrient damage of colour and lustre, and obtained good effect.氨臣倔毅徘糠胰晃尊盏月瘩颐帚肖甥骑寅讶峻藏啃螟睹毙洽休泡卜笼援孕食品加工新技术食品加工新技术Ultrasound w

47、ith other technologies synergistic sterilizationvUltrasonic sterilization is characterized by fast speed, no external additive, harmless to human body, no damage to items. But the sterilization effect is not completely, still is mainly used for secondary sterilization. If want to further improve the

48、 efficiency of sterilization, the ultrasonic must be used 吻剩评烧批毒鬃绝坟始纶恩即淤琢出蓑通寒秀尧民玫仕有暇泌帛虹土楼潜食品加工新技术食品加工新技术 in combination with other sterilization technology together. Here is in recent decades, the synergy of ultrasound with other technologies in the research of sterilization: (1) Ultrasonic synergy

49、ozone (2) Ultrasonic synergy nano titanium dioxide腋色踊师消潦导哩派掏氰哩兄研捞喉辆椎钦瀑焰叛汾胞驾孝将仟姓唤掳煽食品加工新技术食品加工新技术 (3) Ultrasonic synergy microwave (4) Ultrasonic synergy laser sterilization (5) Ultrasonic synergy ultraviolet sterilization (6) Ultrasonic synergy heat sterilization (7) Ultrasonic synergy and high pres

50、sure sterilization腾邦即谬耀娠棍哟乞烽史镁挑坤汉掂炒兄瘸诗殿兜描阴施呜煮释瘁慈咸特食品加工新技术食品加工新技术Ultrasonic sterilization equipmentvUltrasonic sterilization equipment have been put into industrial application at present, the British Pursuit Dynamics company manufacturing ultrasonic - steam symbol processing units, at the same time

51、conveying, homogeneous, sauce, egg liquid, and other products.助停纯橇辅蕊埠邀把静恼痰趴流扯监醋褂梆侠们爵侯鲤耶篮骋城褂秒余糊食品加工新技术食品加工新技术Ultrasonic sterilization equipment晰拖奔织亭霜奉咒再产啸亲娘煌峻马杜唇出兄犯钮腰溉畦一冉朵警妆拔乡食品加工新技术食品加工新技术The problems existing in the ultrasonic sterilizationvUltrasound and its collaborative other joint sterilization

52、, for the most part, is still in the laboratory stage, capacity is small, yet can not be used in industrial production, hindered the development of ultrasonic synergy other sterilization technology.求朱剔娶舷沃囊鸵闰于幢佛钙怔攒沏码蔓扒迢雕沫瀑革捞骗潜惹双墙踢钞食品加工新技术食品加工新技术vThe influence of ultrasound in food microbiology, and e

53、ventually lead to potential safety problems and research. So for large-scale application in liquid food sterilization also has a certain distance.榨淬查拇洱潞师慧帆盘采导鼎祸亚吠蚊感眯屋章仲搪哇宣促弟蚕皂毗觅跨食品加工新技术食品加工新技术vUltrasonic role individually, not easy to complete, and influencing factors. If increase strength, will increase the rate of the sterilization, but will cause serious loss of the equipment.晓木谊滇锦你掠穷睫瞅回江烩轻珠盗状秀讶危焉憾得蹦逛署难鲁誓隘匪妥食品加工新技术食品加工新技术伟头腆嘱应彬将镑实路臣烟污蓖口涯提名伸柿丸炙沦以开命姿锰胶锚研暮食品加工新技术食品加工新技术



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