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1、SVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-A读写教程读写教程4EX: V, P. 232读写教程读写教程4EX: IV, P. 232读写教程读写教程4EX: III, P. 231读写教程读写教程4EX: VII, P. 234读写教程读写教程4EX: VI, P. 233VocabularyVocabularyCollocationCollocationWord BuildingWord BuildingMenu of Exercises妒羡隐律萄惰既强晴苛味董佯歌惊胯盎公穿骸呵效熙帘病找埔渗晦息香弛读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP2321N

2、ew Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-A读写教程读写教程4EX: IX, P. 235读写教程读写教程4EX: VIII, P. 234读写教程读写教程4EX: X, P. 235StructureStructureTranslationTranslation读写教程读写教程4EX: XI, P. 235Menu of ExercisesWritingWriting Inspiration from Exchanges across Cultures蹬危肺感妹沉括岿溃塘恶肝山烟几刚匠章

3、灯子鲜辈两某猴氰租潞泛矿疏贩读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP2322New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-A读写教程读写教程 IV: Ex. III, p. 231Ex. III, p. 231III. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary. 1. 1. Id Id be be only only delighted delighted if if gov

4、ernments governments could could prove prove all all our our reports reports wrong, wrong, if if that that means means that that human human rights rights arent arent being being _, _, Smart said. Smart said. violatedconcessioncontendviolatestretchcontemplatebanuniqueinvasionattendancefigureoffendex

5、cessExercises-Vocabulary 狄岸耽息碑其校崩宪吠侍曝瓦敷艾裕红宾夯补弊恬锋炉功尝卿青稚猛痒蚌读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP2323New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-A2. 2. The The number number of of potential potential customers customers reached reached by by the the local local press press may may _ _ in

6、to into hundreds hundreds of of thousands thousands of of people, people, depending depending on on the the newspapers newspapers circulation circulation ( (发行发行发行发行). ).3. 3. The The lawyer lawyer _ _ that that his his client client was was innocent innocent and and the the companys companys appear

7、ance appearance regulations did not offend individual liberty.regulations did not offend individual liberty.stretchcontendedconcessioncontendviolatestretchcontemplatebanuniqueinvasionattendancefigureoffendexcessExercises-Vocabulary 敢垄赚残器哩豌馈涪竖滨掠嘎逐凶阔祈奢皇丢自赁恍崭巴喉亥泳厨熊返烃读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP2324New Horizio

8、n College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-A4. 4. The The French French government government has has called called on on its its people people to to defend defend the the purity purity of of their their language language and and fight fight against against foreign foreign cultu

9、ral cultural _._.5. 5. They They denied denied that that the the concessions concessions they they made made had had _ _ prominently prominently in in achieving achieving the the decision.decision.invasionfiguredconcessioncontendviolatestretchcontemplatebanuniqueinvasionattendancefigureoffendexcessE

10、xercises-Vocabulary 目镍查丸以炙码恒棱牙假蜒湛坡梢蚤宜碟啊犯托咒成一湿竿棵术摸扮纺纯读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP2325New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-A6. 6. In In the the first first several several years, years, the the cost cost levels levels of of Euro Euro Disneyland Disneyland surpassed surpa

11、ssed ( (超超超超 过过过过 ) ) the the revenue revenue level level although although _ _ had had been high. been high. attendanceconcessioncontendviolatestretchcontemplatebanuniqueinvasionattendancefigureoffendexcess7. 7. Last Last year year the the government government introduced introduced a a number numb

12、er of of tax tax _ _ to to bring bring private private capital into the hotel and tourism sectors. capital into the hotel and tourism sectors. concessionsExercises-Vocabulary 刹恰山糖淖琼森列禄擞妓啃细芒叭泵寇初疡擅快猪向毫葡祸俗氨楔钙嗅廓读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP2326New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College Englis

13、h IV 9-Aconcessioncontendviolatestretchcontemplatebanuniqueinvasionattendancefigureoffendexcess8. 8. To To make make Euro Euro Disneyland Disneyland have have its its _ _ features, features, the the legends legends and and fairy fairy tales tales coming coming from from Europe Europe are are include

14、d included in in the the development of the theme park. development of the theme park. uniqueExercises-Vocabulary 诺痢币寿士敌弥眺赚滦淡遂撒宠煞陪狂恢凉激砚好列朔窘棱辊峙跑凯留秩读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP2327New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-AIV. Replace the underlined words or expressions in th

15、e following sentences with words or expressions from the text that best keep the original meaning. 读写教程读写教程 IV: Ex. IV, p. 232Ex. IV, p. 2321. 1. Both Both sides sides involved involved in in the the conflict conflict agreed agreed to to give give up up something something and and let let the the ot

16、her other have have something in solving itsomething in solving it in yesterdays talk. in yesterdays talk. made some concessionsExercises-Vocabulary 鲜摧划娩讶适咏精格坷叙孪吁膘颖曲宛渠郡值锈翌挂亩汉宰蜜萨棕闻瘁艳读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP2328New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-A3. 3. The The gove

17、rnment government seemed seemed to to be be unworried unworried aboutabout having having such such a a huge huge symbol symbol of of American culture, Disneyland, in its capital. American culture, Disneyland, in its capital. 2. 2. Mothers Mothers are are well-known well-known for for consideringcons

18、idering the the needs needs of of the the family family more more important important thanthan their own. their own. putting beforebe untroubled aboutExercises-Vocabulary 袖踏棠滩圆默宗郝快刨孩陋罐伴徽喘掖把型聂棋示赐绽九熬捣快嘿夕菌恿读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP2329New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV

19、 9-A5. 5. The The idea idea of of a a high high speed speed train train in in France France was was born born about about 20 20 years years before before the the first first TGVs TGVs started working. started working. 4. 4. The The workers workers demanded demanded the the company company to to give

20、 give up up its its dress dress code code or or they they would would force force it to answer charges in a court of lawit to answer charges in a court of law. . take it to court. came into service. Exercises-Vocabulary 撑洪涉碰惠惨疆族锑旷齐鬃谐旱怂刨芽瑰副塑要靶夫连趣解掐匣窟质每癸读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23210New Horizion College E

21、nglish IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-A6. 6. The The company company has has changed changed its its original original design design of of the the theme theme park park as as an an answer answer toto criticisms criticisms of of its its cultural cultural blindness blindness by by the t

22、he local intellectuals. local intellectuals. in response toExercises-Vocabulary 此刷院朴珠碧挝砾苇容达拆批接腹狄也挎渡咐马剃挚啮耿肆特突筐名闸间读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23211New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-A7. 7. Some Some employees employees of of Euro Euro Disneyland Disneyland would would

23、like like to to comply comply with with the the companys companys rules rules and and shave shave off off their their moustaches moustaches instead instead ofof losing losing their jobs. their jobs. rather thanExercises-Vocabulary 妊侵赤慰院都春拥燎怀旗泻陋娇指克谩妒旺兄姑朗郎冬止乓汰淀丝逮绞距读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23212New Horizio

24、n College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-A8.The 8.The author author believed believed that that the the Disney Disney organization organization directeddirected a a bit bit too too much much attention toattention to the issue of hair. the issue of hair. focused onExercises-Voc

25、abulary 愉蝎此梦儒执棵窑盏锯恬吐伊颓秧轨卒柒圈跋夕政幅量搂搏侧症兹硅台呻读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23213New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-A读写教程读写教程 IV: Ex. V, p. 232Ex. V, p. 232V. Look at the following sentence taken from your reading passage. Just think about what else you can “seek” and fill i

26、n the sentences with the right word. e.g.e.g. Does Does this this mean mean that that French French men men seeking seeking workwork with with the the Disney Disney organization organization must must shave shave off off their their moustaches too?moustaches too?Exercises-Collocation 茂港携莉敷赃真拂郧砧同涂性瘫泄

27、镶喇茫皖目蚀猿位掣嚎医刁蹦留泄练缠读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23214New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-A1.1. Little Little wonder wonder then then that that those those who who seek seek pe_ pe_ between between nations nations should should look look to to law law as as a a means mean

28、s of of regulating regulating and and reducing reducing the the international use of force. international use of force. peace2. 2. Pride Pride is is a a state state in in which which people people seek seek att_ att_ and and recognition recognition for for what what they they think think they they a

29、re are and and what what they they think think they they have done. have done. attentionExercises-Collocation 车弘汞法于从敢蒲绿晕劳朴倡秋赘尤洱从奔蔼甸烙窝孵浇淆街嫩输汰坡耻读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23215New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-A4. 4. Although Although staff staff will will be be full

30、y fully trained, trained, they they will will be be able able to to seek seek specialist specialist ad_ ad_ to to answer answer more complicated inquiries. more complicated inquiries. 3. 3. John John Daubney Daubney is is no no fool fool and and has has sought sought the the solu_ solu_ because beca

31、use he he looks looks for for reasons reasons for for unexpected unexpected noises noises occurring occurring at at 3 3 a. a. m. m. in the morning. in the morning. solutionadvice5. 5. They They seek seek an an oppo_ oppo_ to to rebuild rebuild their their lives lives in in safety, safety, hoping hop

32、ing that that one one day day they they may be able to return home. may be able to return home. opportunityExercises-Collocation 歪康愧帽蚂据并巫这拟迈池挛揖球砰岁些蝶镁眼叛阁妻窄否遗额请矽蛋亲读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23216New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-A7. 7. Parents Parents must must write

33、 write to to the the Headmaster, Headmaster, or or the the Head Head of of the the Junior Junior School, School, in in advance, advance, in in order order to to seek seek perm_ perm_ for for a a pupil pupil to to be be absent. absent. 6. 6. Purchasers Purchasers will will normally normally seek seek

34、 gui_ gui_ and and answers answers to to their their queries queries ( (疑疑疑疑 问问问问 ) ) by by telephone. telephone. guidancepermission8. 8. At At this this moment moment he he was was being being more more aggressive, aggressive, his his eyes eyes continually continually flashing flashing around as if

35、 seeking a cha_. around as if seeking a cha_. challengeExercises-Collocation 鹤只膏咙覆绎咀矩缘咎梳约三牧敢哆柄很栈梁硕蛇爬隆腊摈犀宰兽硕订吴读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23217New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-A读写教程读写教程 IV: Ex. VI, p. 233Ex. VI, p. 233VI. The suffix -ance combines with some verbs to

36、 form nouns which refer to the action, process, or state indicated by the verb. For example, attend+ -anceattendance n.accept+ -anceacceptance n.endure+ -anceendurance n.rely+ -ancereliance n.Exercises-Word Building 按先兼受为嗡备喂判榨母姻贬趾榷簇蛮士扭肃呐垛咎徘尤诉朵烽襟枯闻痹读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23218New Horizion College Engli

37、sh IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-ANow study the meaning of the words given below and then complete the following sentences with some of them. acceptance allianceattendanceendurancedefiancerelianceobservance toleranceadmittanceassistance1. 1. Physical Physical _ _ can can increase inc

38、rease as as a a result result of of the the training training effect effect of of walking walking up up and and down mountains. down mountains. enduranceExercises-Word Building 装转人滔懈奴嘲曝吨坎派伶误总胜袁举滩氯惺顺痒法税茧贸榜罢透戒楼殃读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23219New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College Eng

39、lish IV 9-A2. 2. He He practices practices what what he he has has always always followed followed respect respect and and _ _ for for people people of of whatever whatever religion, religion, who who try try to to live live a a good good life life by their own creed (by their own creed (信条信条信条信条).

40、). tolerance3. 3. Her Her little little fists fists clenched clenched ( (捏捏捏捏紧紧紧紧)in )in _ _ and and her her mouth mouth set set stubbornly stubbornly against against the the stranger. stranger. defianceacceptance allianceattendanceendurancedefiancerelianceobservance toleranceadmittanceassistanceExe

41、rcises-Word Building 角挝旅村矽每切凄疙津其葱钱恋敞宗晶情疾铁疏璃锯址踢妮厅港还跃挣枢读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23220New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-A4. 4. The The _ _ has has increased increased steadily steadily over over the the years years and and the the conference conference attracts attr

42、acts more more and more international participants. and more international participants. attendance5. 5. She She stressed stressed that that such such an an investigation investigation would would not not hinder hinder progress progress or or hold hold up up commercial commercial companies, companie

43、s, but but would would further further public _ of the new technology. public _ of the new technology. acceptanceacceptance allianceattendanceendurancedefiancerelianceobservance toleranceadmittanceassistanceExercises-Word Building 诛盅臻劲磁冯亥掉反那评掌漾氓慌遍磋匆退槛夹啪紊痉耽靛扛篡又庶痪啼读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23221New Horizio

44、n College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-A6. 6. Always Always remember remember to to check check carefully carefully the the identity identity of of any any caller caller whatsoever whatsoever who who wants wants to gain _ to your home. to gain _ to your home. admittance7. 7.

45、 _ _ on on parents parents is is not not the the only only thing thing which which causes causes problems problems in in child child development. development. Relianceacceptance allianceattendanceendurancedefiancerelianceobservance toleranceadmittanceassistanceExercises-Word Building 救诵遮跺迂处熊热榷栈菇狂释砂侠

46、绳享致宛谎讶央郸压展咖克娄鳖彝帧罩读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23222New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-A8. 8. _ _ of of the the custom custom is is generally generally encouraged encouraged by by social social recognition recognition but but not not necessarily enforced by law. necess

47、arily enforced by law. Observanceacceptance allianceattendanceendurancedefiancerelianceobservance toleranceadmittanceassistanceExercises-Word Building 肢湖撕髓涨溜沦特誓敢终壤紧仅钻硼鹿绚巷轻勤迭拜侨垂匈先绕镍孰砧汐读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23223New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-A读写教程读写教程 IV: Ex

48、. VII, p. 234Ex. VII, p. 234VII. The suffix uni- (also un- before vowels) occurs in words which have “one” or “single” as part of their meaning. For example, if something is “unique”, it is the only one of its type; a “unisex” hairdressers is a single shop that is used by both men and women. Now stu

49、dy the meaning of the words given below and then complete the following sentences with some of them.Exercises-Word Building 易敬厢许弦绽淋尖荐袖谤播嗜硼冯晚癣词荒缮隆泄煤煮鳃盲枝戴木坡尔绳读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23224New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-Auniformuniqueuniteunifyunityunanimousunicy

50、cleunion1. 1. It It would would require require the the _ _ approval approval of of all all member member states, states, but but it it is is clear clear that that Ireland Ireland and Luxembourg would be fiercely opposed. and Luxembourg would be fiercely opposed. unanimous2. 2. Whereas Whereas the t

51、he ego ego seeks seeks to to divide divide and and separate, love seeks to _ and heal. separate, love seeks to _ and heal. unifyExercises-Word Building 檄萌捏厉耗骸奠颇螺苟笺殃圆喳屑合眷铝卧炬耪呜溪襄捅友颓栓汇睦痔袋读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23225New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-A3. 3. On On th

52、e the stage stage there there was was a a young young man man riding riding a a _, _, with with balloons balloons and and decorations decorations everywhere. everywhere. unicycleuniformuniqueuniteunifyunityunanimousunicycleunion4. 4. The The windows windows gave gave her her a a rather rather _ _ 36

53、0-360-degree view of the place. degree view of the place. uniqueExercises-Word Building 搓衫蕉洒幌绥展绊砍篙胯晰磁拨保熄蚂谩滤恳驱阜贴担题臻固橇搬给队庸读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23226New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-Auniformuniqueuniteunifyunityunanimousunicycleunion5.They 5.They were were said

54、 said to to have have been been forcibly forcibly dressed dressed in in the the prison prison _ _ and and held held for for at at least least 17 17 days days with with their their arms arms chained chained to to the the cell cell bars bars to to prevent prevent them them from from removing removing

55、the uniform. the uniform. uniform6. 6. And And Europe Europe was was split split by by the the attempts attempts of of those who sought to _ it by force. those who sought to _ it by force. uniteExercises-Word Building 腾画晓均厢睬乓贡梗纠尝妖腑卒固兢雏墨散广浸终腊形陇水吩垛暇赞百汤读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23227New Horizion College Eng

56、lish IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-Auniformuniqueuniteunifyunityunanimousunicycleunion7. 7. The The academic academic sighed sighed and and complained complained to to his his friends friends that that its its tough tough to to get get into into the the _ _ and and that that its its

57、tough tough to to earn earn a a living living in in the profession, too. the profession, too. union8. 8. In In order order to to challenge challenge this, this, the the _ _ must must be be solidly solidly established established in in deed deed and and not not only only in words. in words. unityExer

58、cises-Word Building 剑贾艾哦陷砖惫铅夹即蔚言项祭促替惠姑逊美奶居屁室恬叫幌偏烽媳铣床读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23228New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-A读写教程读写教程 IV: Ex. VIII, p. 234Ex. VIII, p. 234VIII. “For all + a noun phrase” can be used in the sense of “despite”. Study the model and rewrite ea

59、ch of the following sentences using “for all + a noun phrase”. Exercises-Structure 展衅钡抚胞探揖奏鹅雀撼岭超法陆沤桨羌汗眯使美细跪惜剥球甄孝荐碍蠕读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23229New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-AModel:Model: Despite Despite its its concern concern about about foreign foreign cu

60、ltural cultural invasion, invasion, Frances Frances Socialist Socialist government government has has been been untroubled untroubled about about putting putting such such a a huge huge American American symbol symbol on on the the doorstep of the capital. doorstep of the capital. vvFor For all all

61、its its concern concern about about foreign foreign cultural cultural invasion, invasion, Frances Frances Socialist Socialist government government has has been been untroubled untroubled about about putting putting such such a a huge huge American American symbol symbol on on the the doorstep doors

62、tep of of the the capital. capital. Exercises-Structure 狼肘题刘吉渠态帮铱慌辉掏桂酶肿醚淑耘徽胆全宋壶扁巴扁训馏宋麦赋斟读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23230New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-AvvFor For all all the the concept concept of of the the theme theme park park closely closely based based on o

63、n the the original original Magic Magic Kingdom Kingdom in in California California and and Walt Walt Disney Disney World World in in Florida, Florida, Euro Euro Disneyland Disneyland will will be be unique unique in in a a manner manner appropriate to its European home. appropriate to its European

64、home. 1. 1. In In spite spite of of the the fact fact that that the the concept concept of of the the theme theme park park is is closely closely based based on on the the original original Magic Magic Kingdom Kingdom in in California California and and Walt Walt Disney Disney World World in in Flor

65、ida, Florida, Euro Euro Disneyland Disneyland will will be be unique unique in in a a manner manner appropriate appropriate to to its its European home. European home. Exercises-Structure 权禁港趴兜尾业妇须雇抨耸迹遂春疑尔页铅门珍内粮巴划采滞凤旷杀真铬读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23231New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon

66、College English IV 9-A2. 2. In In spite spite of of the the fact fact that that it it has has an an American American name, name, the theme park looked European. the theme park looked European. vvFor For all all its its American American name, name, the the theme theme park park looked European. loo

67、ked European. 3. 3. Despite Despite the the high high attendance attendance levels, levels, the the company company sustained a net loss for the financial year. sustained a net loss for the financial year. vvFor For all all the the high high attendance attendance levels, levels, the the company comp

68、any sustained a net loss for the financial year. sustained a net loss for the financial year. Exercises-Structure 纠棒尽嚏拣棚骇拽按柠干冕悉嗅澜麓蜜韩弓椿澜椽樟瓶灾跺腹索依晨袱浸读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23232New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-A4. 4. In In spite spite of of the the changes, chang

69、es, the the prime prime emphasis emphasis in in the the retail retail market, market, so so far far as as movies movies are are concerned, concerned, still still seems seems to to be be on on the the past, past, and and predominantly predominantly on on the the mainstream mainstream Hollywood past.

70、Hollywood past. vvFor For all all the the changes, changes, the the prime prime emphasis emphasis in in the the retail retail market, market, so so far far as as movies movies are are concerned, concerned, still still seems seems to to be be on on the the past, past, and and predominantly predominan

71、tly on on the the mainstream mainstream Hollywood past. Hollywood past. Exercises-Structure 坷捷畜羊掣碰寄问挛像靛锥绽刽彪撑脂藤傍模探甥剃任寝忆何疫僵掏甥鸭读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23233New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-A5. 5. In In spite spite of of sharp sharp criticism criticism of of it, it

72、, the the article article was widely read and well appreciated. was widely read and well appreciated. vvFor For all all sharp sharp criticism criticism of of it, it, the the article article was was widely read and well appreciated. widely read and well appreciated. Exercises-Structure 动詹石劣足碉常寞涕寂彰迪亥瑚

73、袱胯铝险疑猩缚托剑凭普悟适眷笔咱友践读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23234New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-A读写教程读写教程 IV: Ex. IX, p. 235Ex. IX, p. 235IX. “Rather than” is used like a conjunction to link words or expressions of the same type. Study the model and combine the two short sente

74、nces into one using “rather than”. Model:Model: It It made made an an extraordinary extraordinary series series of of tax tax and and financial financial concessions concessions to to attract attract the the theme theme park park here here rather rather thanthan let let it it go to sunny Spain. go t

75、o sunny Spain. Exercises-Structure 灸炬果换煮钝熔斗鸣睫灰矗坐湃牟陪阻蝶暑弛和蚤哄非会尔哆曙豪透馏详读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23235New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-A1. 1. He He was was compelled compelled to to spend spend most most of of the the time time talking talking to to Mrs. Mrs. Harlowe

76、. Harlowe. He He did did not not spend spend the the time talking to his daughter. time talking to his daughter. vvHe He was was compelled compelled to to spend spend most most of of the the time time talking talking to to Mrs. Mrs. Harlowe Harlowe rather rather than than to to her her daughter. dau

77、ghter. 2.I 2.I believe believe it it is is important important to to invest invest in in new new machinery. machinery. It It is is unwise unwise to to deposit deposit the the money money in in banks. banks. vvI I believe believe it it is is important important to to invest invest in in new new machi

78、nery machinery rather than to deposit the money in bank. rather than to deposit the money in bank. Exercises-Structure 教阮虏妻义宽壤喂鞋殿敝爬稻死筹放谁漓绰摘聪词火给莆辆旺完占睡梅洽读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23236New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-A3. 3. We We ought ought to to check check up up

79、 the the results results of of the the research research project. project. We We should should not not just just accept what he says. accept what he says. vvWe We ought ought to to check check up up the the results results of of the the research research project project rather rather than than just

80、just accept accept what he says. what he says. Exercises-Structure 啤聪扎妒罚逃漏布磋呜狂涉枯翼岁润渊雍弯佰健典沟拣蛊卞谬赦灸垂忱纹读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23237New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-A4. 4. He He always always prefers prefers starting starting early early and and making making neces

81、sary necessary preparations. preparations. He He would would not not leave leave everything to the last minute.everything to the last minute.vvHe He always always prefers prefers starting starting early early and and making making necessary necessary preparations preparations rather rather than than

82、 leaving leaving everything to the last minute. everything to the last minute. 5. 5. It It ought ought to to be be your your boss boss to to sign sign the the contract. contract. It It is not your responsibility to sign it. is not your responsibility to sign it. vvIt It ought ought to to be be your

83、your boss boss to to sign sign the the contract contract rather than you. rather than you. Exercises-Structure 里扰戈婆彤号眺陌剑腔汪砾虏勇辱毗规磺洒伤堰拙潭炙淫咋挝视吝闸映吸读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23238New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-A读写教程读写教程 IV: Ex. X, p. 235Ex. X, p. 235X. Translate the

84、 following into English.vvWhen When he he shaved shaved his his beard beard off, off, he he looked looked ten ten years younger. years younger. 1. 他他剃完胡子剃完胡子后,看上去要后,看上去要年轻年轻1010岁岁。 ten years youngerten years younger to shave ones to shave ones beard offbeard offExercises-Translation 群洱醛魄凯哩缨付甘眠淹硅宠佐棕栖

85、英褪楚殃垦僳弊陕零鲜酞淡逼玉篡犁读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23239New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-AvvThe The delay delay is is a a perfect perfect illustration illustration of of why why we we need a new computer system. need a new computer system. 2. 这次延误是个这次延误是个很好的例证,说明了很好的例证,说明

86、了为什么为什么我们需要我们需要新的计算机系统新的计算机系统。 a new computer a new computer systemsystema perfect a perfect illustration of illustration of Exercises-Translation 旗敷疥刀茹痪馅绦篡眉熏躁屹类滁疏厨捕胯斑谱选蓄角伺臀淡允忧版就弟读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23240New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-A3. 尽管她拥有很多特权和财富尽管她拥

87、有很多特权和财富,但是过去生,但是过去生活一直很艰辛,活一直很艰辛,童年受苦的经历童年受苦的经历在她的生在她的生活里活里留下了很深的烙印留下了很深的烙印。 for all her privilege for all her privilege and wealthand wealthvvFor For all all her her privilege privilege and and wealth, wealth, life life had had not not been been easy easy and and the the experiences experiences of

88、 of childhood childhood sufferings sufferings had had left a deep mark on her life. left a deep mark on her life. to leave a deep mark on to leave a deep mark on the experiences of the experiences of childhood sufferingschildhood sufferingsExercises-Translation 币柜葡戳阮透祸证骸般钩甥佰烬位绩脸缀韧也浩咏窟饵咙侣氯里怨养诞瓤读写教程4E

89、XVP232读写教程4EXVP23241New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-A4. 迄今为止迄今为止,已经测试了,已经测试了150150个,个,完整的统完整的统计结果计结果 很快就会出来很快就会出来。 the full statistical the full statistical resultsresultsvvSo So far, far, 150 150 have have been been tested, tested, and and the the full ful

90、l statistical results will be available soon. statistical results will be available soon. so farso farto be available to be available soonsoonExercises-Translation 霓些锗岭淀溜伎屏履砰轩娶袭坷渗爆显乡咬遍培皋自淖绦麻阮淖彪魂华洞读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23242New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-A5.

91、 公司已改变了一些公司已改变了一些工作做法工作做法,作为对作为对政府政府检察员检察员批评批评的反应的反应。 vvThe The company company has has changed changed some some of of its its working working practices practices in in response response to to criticism criticism by by government inspectors. government inspectors. working practicesworking practices

92、government government inspectorsinspectorsin response toin response toExercises-Translation 峡辫彭闷介巩望钡身涩鹿柠贝抬胃檬摹肄喷濒唉溜敲穴通锻陇鸵效汤慈嫂读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23243New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-A6. 今晚的节目今晚的节目集中讨论集中讨论无家可归问题无家可归问题如何影如何影响年轻一代。响年轻一代。 vvTonights Tonights pr

93、ogram program focuses focuses on on the the way way homelessness affects the young. homelessness affects the young. homelessnesshomelessnessto focus onto focus onExercises-Translation 浑射撑鼠乡辞朽苦拒坚尝资毫淹扁腺亮澎同琢兰虽湛态摔资躇赘邪羚糯穴读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23244New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon Coll

94、ege English IV 9-A7. 这件事情这件事情在一瞬间在一瞬间就发生了,尽管现在就发生了,尽管现在回想起来回想起来一切都似乎在一切都似乎在慢慢地慢慢地发生。发生。vvIt It happened happened in in a a flash, flash, although although in in retrospect retrospect everything seemed to occur in slow motion. everything seemed to occur in slow motion. in retrospectin retrospectin a

95、flashin a flashin slow motionin slow motionExercises-Translation 中资底斩墅混脊批射牺叹奈净自硕写鳞问椒撰虫协食赵上搭琉据孜答敲粕读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23245New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-A8. 预计预计这个问题将这个问题将在在他们讨论他们讨论中占重要的中占重要的 地位地位。 vvThe The issue issue was was expected expected to to fig

96、ure figure importantly importantly in in their discussion. their discussion. to be expected to to be expected to dodoto figure to figure importantly inimportantly inExercises-Translation 胆俱末绕剔札哪携绞毡础乌韩令串佩放渍逊庇愉酬彰第他寞聊籍肩僚申蛔读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23246New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon C

97、ollege English IV 9-A1. 1. The The case case is is an an illustration illustration of of some some of of the the delicate delicate cultural cultural issues issues the the company company faces faces as as it it gets gets ready ready to to open open its its theme theme park park 20 20 miles miles (32

98、 (32 kilometers) east of Paris in five months time. kilometers) east of Paris in five months time. XI. Translate the following into Chinese.读写教程读写教程 IV: Ex. XI, p. 235Ex. XI, p. 235迪斯尼公司正准备五个月后在巴黎以东迪斯尼公司正准备五个月后在巴黎以东迪斯尼公司正准备五个月后在巴黎以东迪斯尼公司正准备五个月后在巴黎以东20202020英里英里英里英里(32(32(32(32公里公里公里公里) ) ) )的地方修建一个主

99、题公园,而这一案子正说明了公司面的地方修建一个主题公园,而这一案子正说明了公司面的地方修建一个主题公园,而这一案子正说明了公司面的地方修建一个主题公园,而这一案子正说明了公司面临的一些文化方面的棘手问题。临的一些文化方面的棘手问题。临的一些文化方面的棘手问题。临的一些文化方面的棘手问题。Exercises-Translation 幢犀康缉壳慌轧术钻蛋膳混拆华修营裂书洽竿扇微厨咕吃理尸宙育苍盏绘读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23247New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-A

100、2.The 2.The Disney Disney management, management, which which is is assembling assembling what what it it calls calls a a “cast” “cast” of of 12,000 12,000 to to run run the the theme theme park, park, argues argues that that all all employees, employees, from from bottle bottle washers washers to t

101、o the the president, president, are are similar similar to to actors actors who who have have to to obey rules about appearance. obey rules about appearance. 迪斯尼管理层正在为这一主题公园组织一支他们称为迪斯尼管理层正在为这一主题公园组织一支他们称为迪斯尼管理层正在为这一主题公园组织一支他们称为迪斯尼管理层正在为这一主题公园组织一支他们称为 “ “演职人员演职人员演职人员演职人员” ” 的的的的12,00012,00012,00012,0

102、00人的队伍。管理方说所有的雇人的队伍。管理方说所有的雇人的队伍。管理方说所有的雇人的队伍。管理方说所有的雇员,从刷瓶工到总裁,他们的工作都类似于演员,都员,从刷瓶工到总裁,他们的工作都类似于演员,都员,从刷瓶工到总裁,他们的工作都类似于演员,都员,从刷瓶工到总裁,他们的工作都类似于演员,都得服从关于仪表的规定。得服从关于仪表的规定。得服从关于仪表的规定。得服从关于仪表的规定。Exercises-Translation 某张锦见绒拇珊汰赛案恭量器迂粥派耽孽嘴妆顾羹晴促瑚整筏乃哇星板左读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23248New Horizion College English I

103、V 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-A3. 3. Anyway, Anyway, a a company company spokesman spokesman says, says, no no one one has has yet yet put put his his moustache moustache before before a a job. job. As As one one new new “cast “cast member” member” put put it: it: “You “You must must

104、believe believe in in what what you you are are doing, doing, or you would have a terrible time here.” or you would have a terrible time here.” 公司发言人说,不管怎样,至今还没有人把胡子看公司发言人说,不管怎样,至今还没有人把胡子看公司发言人说,不管怎样,至今还没有人把胡子看公司发言人说,不管怎样,至今还没有人把胡子看得比工作还重要。得比工作还重要。得比工作还重要。得比工作还重要。 正如一个新来的正如一个新来的正如一个新来的正如一个新来的 “ “演职人

105、员演职人员演职人员演职人员” ” 所说:所说:所说:所说: “ “你必须相信你这份工作的意义,不然的你必须相信你这份工作的意义,不然的你必须相信你这份工作的意义,不然的你必须相信你这份工作的意义,不然的话日子不好过。话日子不好过。话日子不好过。话日子不好过。” ” Exercises-Translation 穿糙晤佃纂瓣宜填屑激拓供摩得敝缎禄有氏阉喜置板羌印蠕利芬尹翠赎腿读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23249New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-A主题公园本身只不过是这

106、一巨大综合项目的一部分。主题公园本身只不过是这一巨大综合项目的一部分。主题公园本身只不过是这一巨大综合项目的一部分。主题公园本身只不过是这一巨大综合项目的一部分。综合项目包括住房、办公楼,以及将一直延续到下综合项目包括住房、办公楼,以及将一直延续到下综合项目包括住房、办公楼,以及将一直延续到下综合项目包括住房、办公楼,以及将一直延续到下一世纪、包括影视拍摄设施在内的度假胜地开发。一世纪、包括影视拍摄设施在内的度假胜地开发。一世纪、包括影视拍摄设施在内的度假胜地开发。一世纪、包括影视拍摄设施在内的度假胜地开发。 4. 4. The The theme theme park park itself

107、 itself will will be be only only part part of of a a giant giant complex complex of of housing, housing, office, office, and and resort resort developments developments stretching stretching far far into into the the next next century, century, including including movie movie and and television pro

108、duction facilities. television production facilities. Exercises-Translation 室贾频稻买赫闰抽埋拢炙诚陈赦揩牺略涛溃歪壹河塑轧永侯尖麓令麓扑粤读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23250New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-A如果欧洲迪斯尼乐园获得成功如果欧洲迪斯尼乐园获得成功如果欧洲迪斯尼乐园获得成功如果欧洲迪斯尼乐园获得成功-迄今为止在法国开迄今为止在法国开迄今为止在法国开迄今为止在法国开设的主题公

109、园都不成功设的主题公园都不成功设的主题公园都不成功设的主题公园都不成功-到本世纪末很可能会再建到本世纪末很可能会再建到本世纪末很可能会再建到本世纪末很可能会再建第二甚至第三个主题公园。第二甚至第三个主题公园。第二甚至第三个主题公园。第二甚至第三个主题公园。5. 5. If If Euro Euro Disneyland Disneyland succeeds succeeds where where theme theme parks parks already already in in France France have have so so far far failed failed

110、a a second second and and even even a a third third park park is is likely to be built by the end of the century. likely to be built by the end of the century. Exercises-Translation 澈厂敦臼搓粪氛刑罗笑寅疏诚藏乓辞决寥棚呀猪逃年绑阿西沈漠抢粥砰迂读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23251New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon Colleg

111、e English IV 9-A迪斯尼管理层强调这一传统,显然这是对有人暗迪斯尼管理层强调这一传统,显然这是对有人暗迪斯尼管理层强调这一传统,显然这是对有人暗迪斯尼管理层强调这一传统,显然这是对有人暗示迪斯尼管理层在文化传统方面麻木不仁的回应。示迪斯尼管理层在文化传统方面麻木不仁的回应。示迪斯尼管理层在文化传统方面麻木不仁的回应。示迪斯尼管理层在文化传统方面麻木不仁的回应。6. 6. The The Disney Disney management management is is stressing stressing this this tradition tradition in in

112、an an apparent apparent response response to to suggestions that it is culturally insensitive. suggestions that it is culturally insensitive. Exercises-Translation 书蓟茨遮行常弓咕卤朴铣蜗兰殉爷纬斋溢骆屋抄钞贤犹侈嘎仿刑绊翼棋袜读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23252New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-A7.

113、 7. Euro Euro Disneylands Disneylands short short distance distance to to Paris Paris is is a a definite definite attraction. attraction. Anyone Anyone tiring tiring of of American American or or fake fake European European culture culture can can reach reach the the Louvre Louvre art art museum mus

114、eum by by express express railway railway in in less less than than an an hour hour from from Minnie Minnie Mouse to Mona Lisa in a flash. Mouse to Mona Lisa in a flash. 欧洲迪斯尼乐园距巴黎不远,这肯定颇具吸引力。任欧洲迪斯尼乐园距巴黎不远,这肯定颇具吸引力。任欧洲迪斯尼乐园距巴黎不远,这肯定颇具吸引力。任欧洲迪斯尼乐园距巴黎不远,这肯定颇具吸引力。任何人厌倦了那里的美式或仿冒的欧式文化了,就可乘何人厌倦了那里的美式或仿冒的欧

115、式文化了,就可乘何人厌倦了那里的美式或仿冒的欧式文化了,就可乘何人厌倦了那里的美式或仿冒的欧式文化了,就可乘快速列车,不到一小时就可到达罗浮宫,一瞬间就从快速列车,不到一小时就可到达罗浮宫,一瞬间就从快速列车,不到一小时就可到达罗浮宫,一瞬间就从快速列车,不到一小时就可到达罗浮宫,一瞬间就从米尼老鼠身边来到了蒙娜米尼老鼠身边来到了蒙娜米尼老鼠身边来到了蒙娜米尼老鼠身边来到了蒙娜 丽莎面前。丽莎面前。丽莎面前。丽莎面前。 Exercises-Translation 汪串合彦励螺篡贴柯创涨爸磺娃寅陈咳眶捐肛型蘸员九带啦扔屠佑茵纬姨读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23253New Hori

116、zion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-A东欧的开放对迪斯尼来说又是一大收获,他们认为东欧的开放对迪斯尼来说又是一大收获,他们认为东欧的开放对迪斯尼来说又是一大收获,他们认为东欧的开放对迪斯尼来说又是一大收获,他们认为几百万人将会把迪斯尼乐园作为其首次西欧之旅的几百万人将会把迪斯尼乐园作为其首次西欧之旅的几百万人将会把迪斯尼乐园作为其首次西欧之旅的几百万人将会把迪斯尼乐园作为其首次西欧之旅的首选之地。首选之地。首选之地。首选之地。 8. 8. The The opening opening of of

117、 Eastern Eastern Europe Europe is is another another prize prize for for the the company, company, which which thinks thinks that that millions millions of of people people will will put put Disneyland Disneyland at at the the top top of of a a list list of of places places to to visit visit on on t

118、heir their first trip to Western Europe. first trip to Western Europe. Exercises-Translation 血衡诡禽堆客洛诗擦迄捧婉甩邦月掩韧领者痘疥暴蹈爷益先慎争酒鞍戌碗读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23254New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-A(对比说明文)(对比说明文)写作模式写作模式参考范文参考范文Inspiration from Something1. 1. 某事物给人们带来了益处

119、某事物给人们带来了益处2. 2. 通过对比说明该事物带通过对比说明该事物带给我们的启迪给我们的启迪Writing岁隐捡菲泛擎逸淌佛职魄轴畔烈漱仑备缆矿摇牌姑汲蹭苏作兄够斜马肋筒读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23255New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-A写作模式(对比说明文)写作模式(对比说明文)1) With the quickening pace of , sth. enables people to benefit a lot from each other. 2

120、) The story of , for example, teaches how to while the success in proves that 3) So the wisest course of action open to us is Exercises-Writing小粟姑簿柞劝焚纠厘血跋衔艾糯坤囚圣凭奶驴倪竹咋吹协酷熊犊复乾疡扎读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23256New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-A4) The other day I happ

121、ened to in time to (故故事事的的起起因因) 5) 6) (故故事事的的发发展展) 7) (故故事事的的结结果果和和作作者者的的结结论论) 8) As a contrast, we may consider my similar but earlier experience with 9) (故故事事的的起起因因) 10) 11) (故故事事的的发发展展) 12) (故事的结果和作者的结论故事的结果和作者的结论)Exercises-Writing芥沫宝邀阂锹镍披熬阑肾玻佣臣衣棉微拇劈锋簧良表谢受逞纶际饰喉钟初读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23257New Hori

122、zion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-A Inspiration from Exchanges across Cultures 1) 跨文化交流给各国人民带来了益处跨文化交流给各国人民带来了益处; 2)通过对比说明异国文化给我们的启示。)通过对比说明异国文化给我们的启示。Exercises-Writing冰切亮捆缔状藐拽领榷狐府抬脓堂舞揭邯附铱袱侩嫂拄貌堪则骚褪下辛介读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23258New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrC

123、WNew Horizon College English IV 9-A1) With the quickening pace of globalization, exchanges across cultures enable peoples to benefit a lot from each other. 2) The story of Lei Feng, for example, teaches the foreigners how to integrate ones aspirations into the prosperity of his / her nation while th

124、e success in Bill Gates life proves that the genuine core of ones competence serves as the key to laughing last in the world of competition. Exercises-Writing佣愈鹏椰占暗乔嫩侈朴鬃烟硬鹃南尿腾郧涪沮焦港胰吕瞻函响虾咳擦浓人读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23259New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-A3) So th

125、e wisest course of action open to us is to absorb from such exchanges as much enlightenment as possible. 4) The other day I happened to dine in a restaurant in time to see a little boy fall off a chair and start crying on end. 5) His mother tried to coax him to stop crying, but without success. 6) S

126、o she resorted to her trump card, as many other Chinese women do, asking her husband to take part in her efforts while saying to her son, “ Oh, my honey, do not cry. Its the chair that is much to blame. Look, your dad is kicking it.”Exercises-Writing袭狞毛括机镐慷忍挞崖姑出演瓣症掣疏彦韵秧捅绎铅盈匈裳垢盖操雕齿祷读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4E

127、XVP23260New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-A7) Eventually, she succeeded in stopping the boy from crying; but also made it rooted in his little mind that ones failure is due largely to others rather than ones self. 8) As a contrast, we may consider my similar

128、but earlier experience with a little foreign girl in the same restaurant. Exercises-Writing寅曹矿频罚圈母奸悟致恐扒粕式君酮沧州案矽鼻酱莎造荒车碎约蛰锄父页读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23261New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-A9) While dining with her parents at the table next to mine, the little girl

129、, perhaps seized with the attraction of the Chinese bean-curd with hot pepper, took a big swallow of it just as soon as it was served. 10) But no sooner had she eaten the curd than she started gasping hard, with her little hands pulling the burning tongue all out of her wide-opened mouth and big tea

130、rdrops running down her red cheeks. Exercises-Writing恍镑贿窝尝键轨闻尿包有阑肃搪俄碗女援二嫩戎催柳铂俞亮刽魂充冠制净读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23262New Horizion College English IV 9-ASVTWrCWNew Horizon College English IV 9-A11) Much to my shock, her parents went on with their delicious meals as if nothing had happened. 12) When I went over to comfort the poor girl, however, they smilingly declined my kindness for the simple reason that the diverse flavors of life had to be tried in person.Exercises-Writing谎联盂挂脚究胯宴茸梦科妻循采亡蚀葛盔您构瘤嘴劈揽酉茁阵郁珠鸿祈仙读写教程4EXVP232读写教程4EXVP23263New Horizion College English IV 9-A



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