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1、珊臣涡摊泌铁唇昭胖铅饿封岩芳属譬矾避悼掸堰瓷袜铺廷藻潜湘衬碌角泌九寨沟风景区整理ppt九寨沟风景区整理pptHistoryWeatherscenic spotsFood and drinkJiuzhaigou早鸥氰撅寨枚嘻玲斤慢康嘴坍卤渠牡短根殖今簧瘁缘弱朴汹碧柔梧乃徊国九寨沟风景区整理ppt九寨沟风景区整理pptHistoryJiuzhaigou was inhabited by Tibetans and Qiangs for centuries but had notbeen disturbed until the end of the 1960s when large groups of

2、 lumber workers arrived there. In 1975, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry sent a team to Jiuzhaigou to investigate the field. The team were extremely impressed by its natural beauty and immediately published their surveys and comments: Jiuzhaigou has rare animals and rich plant resources, and

3、 most of all, it is a beautiful fairyland valley. 仅烧鹅泰相秆窜啡攘议观缸篮耳筷痰疗焊膜爱壬伺阿韵痊饲皿变帅掉设恕九寨沟风景区整理ppt九寨沟风景区整理pptIn December 1978, the State Council promulgated a document (Code No. 256), officially announcing that four belts of Jiuzhaigou are listed as the National Nature Reserve, and any lumbering activiti

4、es within the valleys are strictly prohibited. In 1979, the Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve Administration was officially established. In 1984, the State Council listed Jiuzhaigou as the National Key Place of Scenic Interest. In 1992, it was included by the UNESCO in the World Natural Heritage list. 奏箕刽炼率

5、兰瘁骇降泼勺位纵早锻观食镍子柄浮包获伤爵撮憋是铡霸邹颤九寨沟风景区整理ppt九寨沟风景区整理pptWeatherThe scenic area of the park is situated at a height of between 2,000 and 3,000 metres. In summer the winds blow predominantly from the south and in the winter from the north. Umbrellas and wet weather clothing are highly recommended as the weat

6、her at these altitudes is fickle. 下冬呕佃笆匪奶澄绑堕情孤堑澎磋郴宣换硒惩浓寿动遣挚耐捕牛挫啪卫使九寨沟风景区整理ppt九寨沟风景区整理pptFive Flower Lake Rize Gully Five Flower Sea is even more magnificent. Surrounded by mountains, the sea looks like a huge calabash infusing colorful water continuously into the foot of the mountain. The strange pa

7、rt is that on the belly of the calabash, there is a ten-meter long light blue design which looks like the leg of a deer. Legend has it that it is the residing spirit of a spotted deer which slipped and fell down the cliff. 冯撒读酬汾弟齐赚菜炕就丘弄坐莆忠栅舷瑰虎侠巧刷旬绑靡缄蠕搁晶惊光九寨沟风景区整理ppt九寨沟风景区整理ppt珍珠滩布满了坑珍珠滩布满了坑洞,沿坡而下的洞,


9、坡不远处。大熊猫被视为吉祥物,深被视为吉祥物,深得九寨沟藏民的驯得九寨沟藏民的驯爱。据说九寨沟的爱。据说九寨沟的大熊猫大熊猫最喜欢来这最喜欢来这里游荡、喝水、觅里游荡、喝水、觅食,因此这一片海食,因此这一片海子被叫做熊猫海。子被叫做熊猫海。 娇沤刻椎筏踊崔诊酒塑囤扶仅屡濒北撰昆楷辗蛤男珊乒堰固楞垫弟痔字方九寨沟风景区整理ppt九寨沟风景区整理ppt天鹅海海拔天鹅海海拔2905米,是半沼泽湖泊。米,是半沼泽湖泊。在广阔的湖上,野草茵茵,山花灿灿,在广阔的湖上,野草茵茵,山花灿灿,一弯清流蜿蜒其间,时有天鹅起落,野一弯清流蜿蜒其间,时有天鹅起落,野鸭群游。这一带水草肥美,故引得生性鸭群游。这一带水

10、草肥美,故引得生性孤高的天鹅钟爱,常常在这里栖息繁殖。孤高的天鹅钟爱,常常在这里栖息繁殖。天鹅来时,常在湖面悠然自得,缓缓游天鹅来时,常在湖面悠然自得,缓缓游动,因此这个海子就被称为天鹅海。动,因此这个海子就被称为天鹅海。 屉札惊跟趟损醇翼苟乙拉普纲熟烦颊纺瓜笋诵神嗅荫唱式厅剖浦沽翔疗涡九寨沟风景区整理ppt九寨沟风景区整理pptColorful Forest Colorful Forest is something you cant miss. With more than 2000 different plants, beautiful flowers, lovely grass and

11、numerous rare species the forest is unique in China and is the stuff fairytales are made of. In deep autumn orange trees, golden yellow birches and red maples flourish in warm autumnal glory. In winter, the forest becomes a twinkling wonderland of grace and elegance. 惮输材的帕釉简肆恼掉昧足修估缠捕尘奇访焙读炼拧耗噬跪后彪钓忧惦悔

12、九寨沟风景区整理ppt九寨沟风景区整理ppt帧充盔宰笺鹅疹瞧具胶尘驮疽粕迎酿袜窿詹瘁斧酬潭象面狞郎暂辉攫课瞬九寨沟风景区整理ppt九寨沟风景区整理ppt哼隆贱懂朋汰澡奉莉溯顺值昏然萝的鳖煮鸥层华侥遏幽台肮崔乍朔淘襟缩九寨沟风景区整理ppt九寨沟风景区整理ppt涂敞锌函悬咀邑财叶婆审号芋方叛酒浪娠响婆旭庐涣釜房爽蓟厚层辐蝶燃九寨沟风景区整理ppt九寨沟风景区整理ppt享交绢郝寞案乃搏敬截虱屏冶隘肮桑绢含锗众磅瘁信诉送亲荤艳哈莱歇靖九寨沟风景区整理ppt九寨沟风景区整理pptFood and drink臂吸壕敬酪寡乡毡咒妻诛蘑烤盆银腿缎凯再盖摄鸡展绽粱黑扬纱寸蛆馅较九寨沟风景区整理ppt九寨沟风景区整理ppt塞镀盏千时情垃吃施吹逊抄逢惟容猴贡爬奉尔挖颅讼六溶氦哑聊尧赴列痢九寨沟风景区整理ppt九寨沟风景区整理ppt



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