文秘专业英语课件Unit 4

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《文秘专业英语课件Unit 4》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《文秘专业英语课件Unit 4(52页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、文秘专业英语Communicating with Your BossUnit 4http:/Study Objectivesv掌握秘书与上司用英语沟通的基本技巧v了解上司的工作指令和意图的基本方法v掌握商务场合介绍和问候的礼仪v掌握英文产品说明书及广告的写法Tips on Being an Ideal Secretary vYou must be able to follow instructions.vYou need to know how to ask questions.vYou should report any problems and results of your work.v

2、You should accurately record and give messages to your supervisor.vYou need to discuss your job performance with your supervisor.Good communication with your supervisor is important to both you and your supervisor. There are five important aspects to remember when communicating with your supervisor:

3、 Tips on Being an Ideal Secretary When you talk to your boss You may need to talk to your boss about getting more directions and working together more efficiently. But before you take the initiative, give some thought to your bosss personality and working style. With any discussion, be careful to co

4、ntrol your frustrations and avoid placing blame.vListen: Pay attention to the words being spoken. If you hear unfamiliar words or terms, ask for clarification. Listening also means interpreting body language, voice inflections and gestures. If this nonverbal communication is confusing, ask your supe

5、rvisor to clarify what you do not Tips on Being an Ideal Secretary vWatch, Sometimes a supervisor demonstrates how a task is performed. If necessary, ask the supervisor to repeat the process until you understand it completely. Sometimes a task may be too complex or time consuming to demonstrate. In

6、such cases, you probably will receive general instructions. If there are details you do not understand, ask for guidance to continue the task.vQuestion, Ask questions. A good supervisor will encourage you to ask questions. It is better to ask a question than to make a mistake because you do not unde

7、rstand.vWrite, Write down in a small notebook the important points to remember. ContentsPart One Part One DialoguesDialoguesPart TwoPart TwoUseful ExpressionsUseful ExpressionsPart ThreePart ThreeSimple WritingSimple WritingPart FourPart FourExercisesExercisesPart FivePart FiveSocial EtiquetteSocial

8、 EDialoguesMr. Henry Stevenson calls Miss Susan Brown into his office and gives her some instructions.Dialogue OneH: Mr. Henry Stevenson S: Susan BrownH: (on intercom)Susan, could you come in here, please. There are two or three things Id like you to do for me this morning.S: (arriving) Yes, Mr. Ste

9、venson?H: First, Would you please type this letter?S: Certainly. When do you need it?Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part DialoguesDialogue OneH: I need it by two oclock. S: All right. H: And please also photocopy these documents for me.S: Okay, Ill do that right now.(Susan types the letter) photocopies tho

10、se documents and brings them to Henry for approval.S: Is this all right?Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part DialoguesDialogue OneH: briefly checking the letter and then signing it, Fine. S: Three copies.H: Yes. S: Okay.H: Oh, And send the original by .Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5 Send one to the presiden

11、t, one to marketing, and keep one on file please2.2. 一份给总裁,一份给营销部,一份存档 Could you make three copies, please1?1. 请将它复制三份,好吗? express mail33. 快件,快递DialoguesDialogue OneS: Do you think it is too late if I mail the parcel after work when I am on my way home?H: I dont think so. But I hope it can reach Lon

12、don as soon as possible.S: I see, Ill do that right now. (turning to leave)H: (remembering something) Oh, Before that, could you get me the sales figures for last month, please?S: Sure. Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part DialoguesDialogue OneH: And when youve done that, please make an appointment for me t

13、o meet Mr. Jason from the Peoples Construction Bank. S: When do you want the appointment to be?H: Any time after three. S: Do you want an appointment tomorrow if he is occupied today?H: Yes, or any afternoon this week, but the sooner the better.S: All right, Mr. Stevenson. Ill do that immediately.H:

14、 Thank you, Susan.Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part DialoguesDialogue TwoH: Mr. Henry Stevenson S: Susan BrownS: Mr. Stevenson, have you had a chance to look at the report?H: Yes, I have. Lets talk about it.S: Sure. Mr. Stevenson. What do you want to talk to me? H: Well, I need to tell you that the repor

15、t you gave me yesterday is just terrible.S: I knew you would say that. Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Mr. Henry Stevenson and Miss Susan Brown are getting together to talk about Susans unacceptable DialoguesDialogue TwoH: What is the reason you did such a sloppy job on the report? Usually your work i

16、s of high standard. What happened?S: Im not sure what you expect me to do, Mr. Stevenson. Youve not been very clear about any of this.H: Im sorry, Susan. Maybe I didnt make myself clear enough, but you should try to clarify your tasks. OK, now you can tell me all your concerns and all your questions

17、, Ill draw you a better picture of the situation.Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part DialoguesDialogue TwoS: I apologize. I have been feeling really stressed for the last few days. You know,(Henry re-explained the whole situation to Susan.)H: Anyway, Im sorry, Susan. But you are going to have to re-do this

18、. S: Mr. Stevenson, Im sorry, but It would take a lot of work.H: Thats certainly true. Susan. Theres no doubt that this report is unacceptable.Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5you really put me in the hot seat1.1. 你真是丢了个烫手山芋给我I was totally at a loss for ideas2.2.我一点灵感都没有 I really dont see the value in

19、doing this entire report over from scratch3.3. 我的确看不出有什么必要把整个报告完全推倒重做 But, thats what this job is all about4,4. 但是,这个报告是整项工作的重点所在DialoguesDialogue TwoS: I agree. But I think that we can handle the problem by making a few major changes. Id appreciate it if you would give me a chance.H: All right, Sus

20、an. But, youd better get busy. S: When do you want to see the new one?H:S: Lets hope that wont happen. Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5 I hope its in good hands this time5.5. 我希望这次你能处理得很好Ill give you until tomorrow at 4,00 to produce a satisfactory piece of work or otherwise, youll have to re-do it6.6

21、. 我等你到明天4点拿出份令人满意的报告出来,否则你得重做一遍Ill give it a shot7.7. 我尽量试试 DialoguesNew Wordsapproval 5pru:vln. 批准认可clarify 5klArIfai v. 使清楚photocopy 5fJtJ7kpIv. 影印 from scratch 从头做起,从零做起sloppy 5slpIa. 草率的 粗心的 Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part DialoguesWord Bankbeverage bar 茶水间dictate 口述 face music 挨骂fall guy 替罪羊go by

22、book 按规章办事handover 工作交接kick somebodys ass (老板)训人leader-member relation上下级关系 options 备选方案petty cash 出差或办事前,跟财务领取的备用金shift differential 值班津贴sign off 签发文件the go-getter 大忙人the perfectionist 完美主义者the procrastinator 拖沓者Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part Useful Expressions我刚把那些幻灯片送到温斯罗普办公室趁我在外边,还有什么事吗? 1. Ive ju

23、st dropped those slides off at the Winthrop office. Do you need anything else while Im out? 是这样,您要的那些表格我已经准备好了只是还在等财务部的一些数据 2. Well, Ive got the spread sheets you asked for, but Im still waiting for some data from accounting. Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Asking for or Getting Instructions这就行了把做好的给我

24、送来吧 3. Thats all right. Bring me over what youve got. Useful Expressions你把计划写完了吗?完了,刚刚给你办公室送去,半小时之后你就能收到了 4. Have you got those plans drawn up yet? Yeah. They were just sent over to your office. You should have them in about half an hour. 是该我做吗?对不起,我想着是该莎伦负责的5. I was supposed to do that? Sorry, I th

25、ought Sharon was responsible for that. Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Asking for or Getting IUseful Expressions那项工作进展还顺利吗?是的一切都在全力进行/不太顺利,我想得花很长时间才能完成它 6. Is it proceeding smoothly? Yes, its in high gear./Not really, I think it will take me a month of Sundays to finish. Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5

26、Asking for or Getting Instructions对不起让你久等了如果你没有提醒我的话,我可能会忘得一干二净这是我的职责,先生这里再签一个名就可以了 7. Sorry to have kept you waiting. If you hadnt told me, I probably would have just forgotten all about them. Thats my job, sir. Just one more signature here, please. Useful Expressions老板?我不知道你想怎么处理这笔账我想有几点得弄清楚 8. Bo

27、ss? Im not sure how you want to handle this account. I think there are a few things to be sorted out. 亨利,请您今天走以前过目一下这些信谢谢9. Henry,Id appreciate it if you would look over these letters before you leave today. Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5我不愿对你如此,爱丽丝,可我不得不请你再加些班10. I hate to do this to you, Alice, bu

28、t Im going to have to ask you to put in some more overtime. Asking for or Getting IUseful ExpressionsGiving Boss Suggestions格林先生,我可以和你谈谈吗?1. Mr. Green, may I have a talk with you? 我不要求特殊照顾,我只要求您公正2. I ask no odds, I just want you to be fair and square. 这只是个建议,你可按照你的意愿去做3. Its only a suggestion, and

29、you can do what you please. Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5请别生气,我只是想告诉你我的想法/ 我只是想如实告诉你我的想法4. Please dont take offense. I only wanted to tell you what I thought./I was only trying to tell you what was on my mind. Useful Expressions谢谢你的意见/劝告,但对这件事情我必须得自己考虑一下5. Thanks for the advice, but this is somethi

30、ng I have to figure out myself. 我为我的失态道歉,但我真的需要休息6. I apologize for forgetting myself, but I do need some time off. Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5小声一点,罗伯特先生,我知道你今天不太顺心,可至少你应该尊重我请原谅,我本不想和你争吵 7. Keep your voice down, Robert. I know youve had a hard day today, but you should at least show some respect

31、for me. Please forgive me. I didnt mean to start a fight. Giving Boss SUseful Expressions我们偶尔会组织本公司员工游览广州市和珠江三角洲,在办公室没多少事 干的时候,我希望我也能去游览观光都怪我,我应该想到这一点 8. Once in a while, well organize our staff to sightsee around Guangzhou and the Pearl River Delta and I would like to be able to go sightseeing when

32、 there is not much to do in the office, too. Im to blame. I should have thought of that. 出了一件事,也许你听了会不高兴的9. Something happened that you might not like. Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5实际上我是想事先通知你的10. Actually I meant to notify you beforehand. Giving Boss SSample WritingSection 1: How to Write the Inst

33、ruction of a Prouduct Make sure your instructions are written for your customers, not your organization. People who buy products need to know how to assemble/install/use the product as easily as possible. Instructions need to be understood by the common denominator. Well-written letters of instructi

34、on serve as both goodwill and sales letters so they should be looked on as a special opportunity to increase customer loyalty rather than as a routine part of your correspondence. 首先确信你的产品说明书是为客户而不是为自己的公司所写那些购买了产品的人需要最简单方便地了解如何装配和使用哪怕是普通水准的人都应看得明白 好的说明书既是一种信誉也可当作是一种销售函,所以应被看成是用来提高客户忠诚度的一种特殊商机,而不仅仅是你

35、每天处理的常规业务函件中一部分Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part Sample WritingSample Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Chime Clock InstructionsSET-UP Place clock on table with back facing you. Open the back door, hang the pendulum on the hook, and close the door. Carefully place the clock where it is to be used, on a stabl

36、e, level surface. Lift one side of the clock gently two inches, then put it down, to start the pendulum swinging.Clocks with more than one chime melody: Change the tune selector only when the clock is not chiming. Timekeeping Accuracy: This type of clock will be able to keep time within 3 7 minutes

37、per week. You will need to do the final regulation once the clock is in its permanent location to achieve this accuracy. To check the clocks accuracy, set the hands to the correct time, and then let the clock run at least 3 or 4 days. Sample WritingSample Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Chime Clock In

38、structionsRegulating the Clock Regulating Square: The clock can be made to go faster or slower by means of the small square on the dial. Turning it toward F speeds up the clock, and turning it toward S slows it down. The regulating square is turned with the small end of the winding key. Turn the squ

39、are only a small amount each time.ADJUSTMENTSChime Synchronization: The vast majority of chime clocks have self-synchronizing chimes. If the chime sequence is wrong, it will correct it self within two hours.If Clock Strikes the Wrong Hour: On most clocks, the hour hand is a friction fit on its shaft

40、, and may be moved around to point to the hour that the clock Sample WritingSample Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Chime Clock InstructionsMAINTENANCEThree Years Oiling and Inspection: Your clock, being a precision mechanism, needs periodic maintenance to keep it running reliably and to give it a long

41、 life. We recommend the following, After using it for three years, bring the clock in for oiling and inspection. We will check the condition of the movement, and check that the mainspring ratchets are secure. We will tell you if the clock needs an overhaul, or will be okay for several more Sample Wr

42、iting The main purpose of an advertisement is to pass on certain information. Usually, an advertisement includes at least the following elements, Catch Phrase, Sub-Catch Phrase, Body Copy, Slogan, etc. And a formal advertisement can be divided into six parts, headlines, subheads,body copy, lead-in p

43、aragraph interior paragraphs, and close. As for the classification, advertisement falls into four major areas, consumer advertisement, newspaper/television/radio advertisement, business advertisement and classified advertisement. While the last area can be further divided into, help wanted ads, apar

44、tment rental or house-for-sale ads, selling merchandise ads, service ads, etc.Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Section 2: Advertisement of a PSample Writing 广告作品的主要内容是传达信息广告文案一般由若干个事项组成,主要因素为:标题,副标题,内文,标语等等一篇正式文体意义上的广告可以分作六个部分:标题副标题内文导入段核心段和结尾段至于广告的分类,大致有四大类:消费者广告 报纸/电视/广播广告 商业广告 分类广告而分类广告又可以细分为:招聘广告房屋

45、租赁广告售物广告和提供服务的广告等等 Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Section 2: Advertisement of a PSample WritingSample Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5 The only razor that senses and adjusts to the individual needs of your face.Gillette Sensor, the shave personalized to every man. It starts with twin blades, individual

46、ly and independently mounted on highly responsive springs. So they continuously sense and automatically adjust to the individual curves and unique needs of your face. Innovation is everywhere. You can feel it in the textured ridges and the balance of the Sensor razor. You appreciate it in the easy l

47、oading system and the convenient shaving organizer.Gillette SSample WritingSample Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5 Even rinsing is innovative, the new blades are 50% narrower than any others allowing water flow freely around and through them, for effortless cleaning and rinsing. All these Sensor techn

48、ologies combine to give your individual face a personalized shave the closest, smoothest, safest, most comfortable. The best shaver a man can get. Gillette SExercises Listen to the following passage carefully and fill in the blanks according to what you hear.1. Listening. No matter how you earn a li

49、ving, one 1 you would do well to 2 is the knack for getting along with the boss, In most 3 , its your bosss opinion of you that determines your future in the company. A staff person 4 his/her supervisor, even if he or she is a virtuoso performer on the job can find his/her 5 considerably dimmed. Our

50、 6 is judged by him/her. Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5occupational skill _cultivate _in constant conflict with _facilities _prospects _performance _Exercises1. Listening.Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5By noting your bosss reactions to different ways things are done, you learn what is especially impo

51、rtant to him or her. For example, a secretary who 7 her shorthand and typing speed may be surprised to find herself passed up for a promotion if she ignores her bosss frequent 8 about her spelling errors. Listen to the following passage carefully and fill in the blanks according to what you plaints

52、_prides herself on _Exercises2. Role play. Suppose you are a secretary and new to the ABC company, reminding your boss of his daily routine work and asking for instructions.Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part Exercises3. Interpret the following Chinese expressions and complete the dialogue.A: I cant believ

53、e it, 1 (老板也让我加班干这个项目). 2 (我已经加班了20个小时了).B: Wow, Why so much? I thought they were getting you an assistant.A: 3 (本应该安排的),but 4 (现在助手还没露面).B: 5 (他们对你有点过分了). Why dont you ask for some time offPart 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5 I have been selected to do overtime in the project_ Ive already logged in 20 ho

54、urs of overtime _ They were supposed to _ so far nobody has turned up _ They are really running you into the ground _Exercises3. Interpret the following Chinese expressions and complete the dialogue.A: I wish I could. But 6 (我们的时间很紧迫).B: Poor you, You really need someone to assist you with the workf

55、low management. A: Then whats your recommendation?B: Julie Steven 7 (茱莉斯蒂文可以在这方面帮到你) and the timings just right. Shes just finishing another major task.A: Ill go along with that. Ill talk to HR about staffing tomorrow.Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5were under tighter time restraints _could help you t

56、here _Exercises4. Practical Writing.Task 1: Suppose you are working for P&G Company, and now you are asked to write an instruction of your classic product VS Shampoo.Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Task 2: Suppose you are working for P&G Company, and now you are asked to write a postal advertisement f

57、or your classic product VS SExercises5. Reading Activity. To get along with a boss is important to understand his/her personality and individual style and have the ability to adapt your behavior to ensure a positive relationship. Developing good human relationship skills is especially important once

58、 you enter the world of work. Understanding your boss unique personality can make your job as an intern much easier as well as more rewarding and a better learning experience. Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5How to get along with your boss?Exercises5. Reading Activity. Its important for interns and ne

59、w employees to be able to work independently as well as part of a team. If you are someone who needs directions before completing a task, you will want a boss who likes to maintain a “hands on” approach when supervising others. On the other hand, if you absolutely hate having someone standing over y

60、our shoulder and watching you, you will probably be more comfortable with a supervisor who supervises from a distance. Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5How to get along with your boss?Exercises5. Reading Activity. Bosses seek individuals who are self motivated, energized, and who exhibit a go-getter at

61、titude that gets the work done right and completed on time. It is your job to fit in with the management style and understand how the office operates.By providing your boss with a feeling of confidence in your decision-making skills, you will create an atmosphere of trust and respect and ultimately

62、better working relationships with co-workers and supervisors. Learning how your boss wants you to communicate and handle problems can make your life as an intern much easier. Bosses are human beings who have their own ways of dealing with problems and generating solutions.Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Par

63、t 5How to get along with your boss?Exercises5. Reading Activity. Taking the time to learn your supervisors management style, will go a long way to make your life as an intern much easier. Notice your boss mode of communication. Does he/she communicate with staff mainly through email and written comm

64、unications or does he/she prefer face to face discussions? By maintaining your cool in the heat of an argument, you will exhibit self-restraint and provide an opportunity for you to cool off and think things over prior to speaking. Taking the time to understand a problem will provide an opportunity

65、to replace negative emotions by settling down and reacting professionally.Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5How to get along with your boss?Exercises5. Reading Activity. Lance Choy (Career Counselor, Stanford University) says: Every office has its own culture and set of rules, and failure to follow them

66、 can be “disastrous”. Choy offers some common “donts” when working in an office Not paying attention to the start and finish hours for the office. Starting late and leaving early are definitely not good things. Not adhering to the dress code, formal or informal. Establish yourself before you try exp

67、ressing yourself through your appearance. Failure to complete work on time. This can be very upsetting to an employer. Also. Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5How to get along with your boss?Exercises5. Reading Activity. Letting someone else tell the boss you made a mistake. Be sure that youre the one t

68、hat tells the boss you have made a mistake. Take responsibility for your own actions. Not getting along with other office staff. It pays to be nice. Letting your boss know that youre smarter than he/she is. Remember, your job is to make your boss look good, and you can learn something from any boss.

69、 Lose the attitude and do what you need to do. Not asking for help if youre having problems. Bosses love resourceful workers,but if youre having problems and need help, ask! Dont wait till the problem is out of control. Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5How to get along with your boss?Exercises5. Readin

70、g Activity.1. Bosses seek individuals who are energized, and who that gets the work done right and completed on time.2. Bosses are human beings who have their own way of and 3. By in the heat of an argument, you will exhibit and provide an opportunity for you to and think Please fill in the blanks a

71、ccording to what you have learnt from the passages.Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5self motivated _ exhibit a go-getter attitude _generating solutions _. dealing with problems _self-restraint _ maintaining your cool _cool off _ things over prior to speaking _Exercises5. Reading Activity.4. Taking the

72、time to understand a problem will provide an opportunity to by and reacting professionally.5. Not the dress code, formal or informal. before you try expressing yourself through your appearance. Please fill in the blanks according to what you have learnt from the passages.Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part

73、 5 settling down _replace negative emotions _ Establish yourself _ adhering to _Social Etiquette Formal Introduction On some solemn occasions, it should be noted that the host or hostess is always introduced to the guest(s); the young to the old, men to women employees to their bosses, unmarried wom

74、en to the married, persons close to you to strangers, and later comers to early ones. With regard to people of the same generation or those you can not draw a clear distinction between their ages or status, there is a wide margin of free introductions. Introductions can be performed like this “May I

75、 present you Mr. Green?” “Id like you to meet Mr. Green. ” “Allow me to introduce Mr. Green. ” “I take great pleasure to introduce Mr. Green to you. ” Etiquette in Introduction and GreetingPart 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part Social Etiquette Informal Introduction In informal situations, introductions may n

76、ot too closely adhere to formal routines. Nor need you consider too much the words used so as to make the introduced person feel cordial and at ease. When introducing, you may just say “Let me introduced my friend, Helen. ” “This is Helen. ” “I dont think youve met Helen. ” “Please meet Helen. ” “I

77、want you to meet Helen. ” “Let me make you acquainted with Miss Helen Whitely. ” Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Etiquette in Introduction and GSocial Etiquette Greeting Each country has its own customs to greet each other. In Chinese, we often greet each other by saying, “Have you had your lunch” Lit

78、erally the sentence serves as a greeting rather than an inquiry of the fact whether the other person had his lunch or not. Similarly, in English, when people meet and say, “How are you”, they dont mean to know the condition of each others health. The French people, including school children, shake h

79、ands with their friends, or kiss them on both checks if they are close friends, each time they meet and when they leave one another. However, people in many countries find the English cold and unfriendly because they often do no more than say “hello”. Even adults shake hands usually only the first t

80、ime they meet. Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Etiquette in Introduction and GSocial Etiquette When people use any greetings like “Hello!”, “Hi!”, “Good morning / afternoon/evening.”, they may often combine it with: “How are you” “How are you doing” “How are you getting on” “How are you getting along

81、these days” “How are things” “How are things going” The above phrases are often answered with “Im fine, thank you.” “Ive been very well, thanks.” “Not too bad, thanks.” Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Etiquette in Introduction and GSocial EtiquetteGroup Disccussion If you find your immediate boss is h

82、ard to get along with, what will you do? Here is the case. Jacks boss is a lady, which makes the situation worse. When she is busy, she will forget something, and then she may make some mistakes. But she never admits that the mistakes are hers, instead, she will attribute the mistakes to him. And Jack cannot quarrel with her, because if he has some conflicts with her, she may take the revenge some day. Jack is very upset now. How would you communicate with your boss on this problem if you are in the same situation? Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 大连理工大学出版社



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