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1、第四讲 增词译法和省词译法Amplification Omission1 1前提前提做法做法目的目的动因动因增词增词增词增词译法译法译法译法暗含暗含v.sv.s. .明示明示准确准确准确准确理解理解理解理解原文原文原文原文加词加词忠实、流畅、准确、地忠实、流畅、准确、地道、通顺、有表现力和道、通顺、有表现力和清楚地再现原文信息清楚地再现原文信息语系、历史、文语系、历史、文化背景差异化背景差异省词省词省词省词译法译法译法译法形合形合v.sv.s. .意合意合同上同上减词减词忠实、顺畅、简洁、精忠实、顺畅、简洁、精炼、印象深刻地再现原炼、印象深刻地再现原文信息文信息同上同上2 2增词:增词: A

2、book, tight shut, is but a block of paper.一本书,紧紧合上,只是一叠纸。一本书,紧紧合上,只是一叠纸。一本书,一本书,如果如果紧紧合上紧紧合上不读不读,只是一叠纸。,只是一叠纸。一本书,一本书,如果如果紧紧合上紧紧合上而不读而不读,只是一叠,只是一叠废废纸。纸。( 闲置之书只是一叠闲置之书只是一叠废废纸。纸。) 3 3增词:增词:名词词形与使用名词词形与使用A) Flowers bloom all over the yard.朵朵朵朵鲜花开满了庭院鲜花开满了庭院B) The lion is the king of animals.狮是狮是百百兽之王兽之

3、王C) The mountains began to throw their long blue shadows over the valley.群山群山开始向山谷投下开始向山谷投下一道道一道道蔚蓝色的长影。蔚蓝色的长影。4 4省词: John got up vary early in the morning. He put on his jacket, (his) trousers and (his) shoes, sat down at (his) desk and began to do his homework. 清晨约翰起得很早。他穿上夹克、裤子和鞋子,就在书桌那里坐下来开始做家庭作

4、业。试比较:清晨约翰起得很早。他穿上他的他的夹克、裤子和鞋子,就在书桌那里坐下来开始做他的他的家庭作业。 5 5省词:e.g. I drank some ice tea, but it made me more thirsty.Version A: 我喝了一些冰茶,但它却使我更渴了。Version B: 我喝了一些冰茶,却更渴了。 6 6A) Success is often just an idea away.B) Away flies the arrow!C) We are looking forward with interest to your reply.D) A gentleman

5、 will die for one who appreciates his worth while a woman will beautify herself for one who attracts her.课堂思考与练习课堂思考与练习1 试将下列英语句子译成汉语,注意词量的增减。试将下列英语句子译成汉语,注意词量的增减。7 7 A) Success is often just an idea away.成功往往只是一个念头的距离。成功往往只是一个念头的距离。成功往往只是一念之差。成功往往只是一念之差。成功成功与否与否往往只是一念之差。往往只是一念之差。成成败败往往在于往往在于一念之间一念之

6、间。课堂思考与练习1 参考译文 试将下列英语句子译成汉语,注意词量的增减。8 8B) Away flies the arrow!箭飞走了!箭飞走了!箭箭嗖的一声嗖的一声飞走了!飞走了!嗖嗖,箭飞走了!,箭飞走了!9 9C) We are looking forward with interest to your reply.我们带着极大的兴趣盼望贵方的答复。我们带着极大的兴趣盼望贵方的答复。盼复。盼复。 D) A gentleman will die for one who appreciates his worth while a woman will beautify herself fo

7、r one who attracts her.士为知己者死,女为悦己者容。士为知己者死,女为悦己者容。1010增词译法与省词译法增词译法与省词译法在准确理解原文的基础上在译文中在准确理解原文的基础上在译文中添加必要词语或省略一些词语以便添加必要词语或省略一些词语以便忠实再现原文信息和在译文中进行忠实再现原文信息和在译文中进行通顺表达的翻译方法。通顺表达的翻译方法。原则:增词不能蛇足,减词不能损原则:增词不能蛇足,减词不能损意(王宏印,意(王宏印,20022002:174174)1111课堂思考与练习21、判断以下说法的正误并改正。、判断以下说法的正误并改正。1 1)增词译法就是在译文中随意添加

8、词语的翻译技)增词译法就是在译文中随意添加词语的翻译技)增词译法就是在译文中随意添加词语的翻译技)增词译法就是在译文中随意添加词语的翻译技巧。巧。巧。巧。2 2)减省译法省略的词语都是原文中不重要的词语。)减省译法省略的词语都是原文中不重要的词语。)减省译法省略的词语都是原文中不重要的词语。)减省译法省略的词语都是原文中不重要的词语。3 3)增译法和省译法都是目的语友善的归化译法。)增译法和省译法都是目的语友善的归化译法。)增译法和省译法都是目的语友善的归化译法。)增译法和省译法都是目的语友善的归化译法。4 4)增译即是增加原文中虽无其词却有其意的一些)增译即是增加原文中虽无其词却有其意的一些

9、)增译即是增加原文中虽无其词却有其意的一些)增译即是增加原文中虽无其词却有其意的一些部分;省译即是要确保在译文中虽无其词但有其意。部分;省译即是要确保在译文中虽无其词但有其意。部分;省译即是要确保在译文中虽无其词但有其意。部分;省译即是要确保在译文中虽无其词但有其意。2 2、判断以下译文是否属于增译或省译法并说明理、判断以下译文是否属于增译或省译法并说明理、判断以下译文是否属于增译或省译法并说明理、判断以下译文是否属于增译或省译法并说明理由和改进。由和改进。由和改进。由和改进。1212Ladies Room LadiesCf. Mens Room Men1313Automatic Flush1

10、414来也匆匆,去也冲冲Come in Hurry, Go in HurryFlush after UseCome in a Rush, Leave with a Flush1515One small step forward, one giant leap for civilianStep Closer 1616Specialist Clinic1717AmplificationAmplification增词译法增词译法SemanticSemantic语义语义(Clearer, smoother,(Clearer, smoother,Idiomatic)Idiomatic)Structura

11、l/Syntactic句法句法Rhetoric修辞1818A.语义性增补语义性增补Semantic amplification1.1. Amplification by supplying verbs, nouns, Amplification by supplying verbs, nouns, adjadj, , adv, numerals, plural forms ofadv, numerals, plural forms of nouns, unit words, nouns, unit words, category words, etc. category words, etc.

12、 For example: For example: *增加名词增加名词Wash before meal.饭前洗饭前洗手手 .He never smokes or drinks.他从不吸他从不吸烟烟,也不喝,也不喝酒酒。He has greater interest in novels than He has greater interest in novels than in poetry.in poetry.他对小说的兴趣比对诗的他对小说的兴趣比对诗的他对小说的兴趣比对诗的他对小说的兴趣比对诗的兴趣兴趣兴趣兴趣大。大。大。大。1919*增加动词增加动词In the evening, aft

13、er the banquets, the concerts and the table tennis exhibitions, he would work on the drafting of the final communiqu. 晚上在参加参加宴会、出席出席音乐会、观看观看乒乓球表演以后,他还得起草最后公报。 2020The wealth of students talent, application and industry are currently being wasted on diplomas and degrees that no one wants to know abou

14、t(卢红梅,2006,p36).学生们的天赋、专心和勤奋现在正被浪费在攻读攻读一些无人感兴趣的文凭和学位课程上。2121*增加范畴词增加范畴词In E-C,we usually translate abstract nouns into concrete nouns by adding category words, such as “化”、“性”、“论”、“品”、“度”等。如:abstraction抽象化 necessity必要性relativity相对论intensity强度preparation准备工作tension紧张状态2222administration 管理管理部门部门appli

15、cation 使用使用场合场合computation 计算计算技术技术damage 破坏破坏情况情况imagination 想象想象力力jealousy 嫉妒嫉妒心理心理 2323*增加概括词增加概括词Amplification by supplying words of generalization.They talked about inflation, unemployment, financial investment and environmental protection.他们谈到了通货膨胀、失业、金融投资以及环他们谈到了通货膨胀、失业、金融投资以及环境保护境保护等问题等问题。Ch

16、ina and Great Britain arrived at an agreement on exchange students.中英双方中英双方就两国之间就两国之间交换留学生问题达成了一交换留学生问题达成了一项协议。项协议。2424*增加量词增加量词A)Shakespeare was a well-known playwright in the history of English literature.莎士比亚是英国文学史上一位一位著名的剧作家。2525*增加副词增加副词The crowds melted away. 人群渐渐渐渐散开了。He poured out his tale o

17、f misfortunes. 他滔滔不绝地滔滔不绝地诉说/一古脑地一古脑地讲诉/倾诉了自己的不幸遭遇。2626*增加表达复数概念的词:重叠词、数词等增加表达复数概念的词:重叠词、数词等The judge let him off with warnings not to cause trouble.法官对他再三再三提出警告不得重新作案,然后把他释放。Cargo insurance is to protect the trader from losses that many dangers may cause. 货物保险会使贸易商免受许多风险所可能造成的种种种种损失。27272. Amplific

18、ation by supplying words in the TL text that can indicate the verb tenses in the SL text 增加因汉语语法无法表达的时增加因汉语语法无法表达的时态态虚词(如正、在、着、了、过)虚词(如正、在、着、了、过) 或时间短语或时间短语(如过去、现在、将来、那天、当时、到目前、(如过去、现在、将来、那天、当时、到目前、一直)一直)Cotton Cotton is fallingis falling in price, and the buyers in price, and the buyers hold offhol

19、d off. .棉花棉花正在正在正在正在跌价,买主们都跌价,买主们都在在在在持币观望。持币观望。Inflation Inflation waswas and still and still isis the No. 1 problem of that the No. 1 problem of that country.country.通货膨胀通货膨胀过去过去过去过去是,是,现在现在现在现在仍然是该国的首要问题。仍然是该国的首要问题。We can learn what we We can learn what we did notdid not learn. learn.我们能够学会我们我们能够

20、学会我们过去过去过去过去/ /原来原来原来原来/ /以往以往以往以往不懂的东西。不懂的东西。2828 3. Amplification by supplying background informationLe Monde, the BBC, the New York Times, the entire Arab press all quote Heikal at length.法国的法国的世界报,英国英国广播公司,美国的美国的纽约时报,以及整个阿拉伯报界都大篇幅地引用海克尔的话。The blond boy quickly crossed himself. 那个金发小男孩立刻在胸前划十字祈求上

21、帝保佑在胸前划十字祈求上帝保佑。Nixon learned that Ceausescu would welcome a presidential visit.尼克松了解到,齐奥塞斯库欢迎美国总统访罗美国总统访罗。 2929Not all mergers, however, are the result of global economic trends, political change or technological innovation. BMWs takeover of the Rover Group injected much needed investment into the

22、struggling UK car manufacturer whilst extending BMWs product range. 然而,并非所有的合并都是经济全球化趋势、政治变化或者技术革新所带来的结果。德国宝马汽德国宝马汽车公司车公司接管了罗福汽车集团,给这个在挣扎中求生存的英国汽车制造公司注入了急需的资金,同时又拓展了宝马汽车公司本身的产品范围。3030三个臭皮匠,顶个三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮诸葛亮。Three cobblers with their wits combined equal Zhuge Liang, the master mind.班门班门弄斧弄斧Showing off

23、 ones proficiency with the axe before Lu Ban, the master carpenter.3131Every family is said to have at least one skeleton in the cupboard.俗话说,壁橱里面藏骷髅,见不得人的事见不得人的事家家有。Advice and correction roll off him like water off a ducks back.规劝对他好象水过鸭背不起作用不起作用。3232B. 结构性增补结构性增补 Syntactic Amplification 1 Amplific

24、ation by supplying words omitted in the source language text.We dont retreat, we never have and never will.我们不后退,我们从没有后退过后退过,将来也决不会后退后退。A government of and by and for the exploiting class cannot possibly survive.一个由剥削阶级剥削阶级所占有,由剥削阶级剥削阶级所组成,并为剥削阶级剥削阶级服务的政府是不可能存在下去的。3333Matter can be changed into ener

25、gy, and energy into matter.物质可以转化成能量,能量也可以转化可以转化成物质。Courage in excess becomes foolhardiness, affection weakness, thrift avarice.勇敢过度即成即成蛮勇,感情过度即成即成溺爱,节俭过度即成即成贪婪。Dont you want Mr. Smith to be your tutor? Yes, of course.你不想让史密斯先生当你的导师吗?我当然想想。3434B. 句法性增补句法性增补 Syntactic Amplification2. Amplification by

26、 supplying what is implied structurally in the SL text The strongest man can not alter the law of nature.即使即使最强壮的人也不能改变自然法则。More thorough testing might have caught the failure initially.如果如果测试更为彻底,也许一开始就能找出故障。3535Suppose the preparatory work should not be completed.准备工作完成不了,那可怎么办那可怎么办?The financing

27、of the sale often involves bills of exchange and documentary credits.商品买卖的货款收付情况体现在汇票或跟单信用证中。3636Since air has weight , it exerts force on any object immersed in it.因为空气具有重量,因为空气具有重量,所以所以处在空气中的任一物处在空气中的任一物体都会受到空气的作用力。体都会受到空气的作用力。At the time of Kennedys assassination, Kissinger felt that a second ter

28、m would have led either to greatness or disaster. 在肯尼迪遇刺时,基辛格认为在肯尼迪遇刺时,基辛格认为假如假如肯尼迪再任肯尼迪再任一届总统的话,大概不是立大功就是闯大祸。一届总统的话,大概不是立大功就是闯大祸。3737C. 修辞性增补修辞性增补Rhetorical Amplification1)增加语气词)增加语气词Dont take it seriously. Its only a joke.Dont take it seriously. Its only a joke.不要认真不要认真嘛嘛嘛嘛!我不过开开玩笑!我不过开开玩笑罢了罢了罢了罢了

29、。Their host carved, poured, server, cut bread, talked, Their host carved, poured, server, cut bread, talked, laughed, proposed health.laughed, proposed health.他们的主人又是割他们的主人又是割呀呀呀呀,又是倒,又是倒呀呀呀呀,又是布菜,又是布菜呀呀呀呀,又是,又是切面包呀,又是谈切面包呀,又是谈呀呀呀呀,又是笑,又是笑呀呀呀呀,又是敬酒,又是敬酒呀呀呀呀,忙个,忙个不停。不停。You are only young once. At the

30、 time it seems You are only young once. At the time it seems endless, and is gone in a flash; and then for a long endless, and is gone in a flash; and then for a long time you are old.time you are old.人的一生只能年轻一次,年轻时总觉得时间无限,而人的一生只能年轻一次,年轻时总觉得时间无限,而失去就在瞬间,而后失去就在瞬间,而后呢呢呢呢,就要在漫长的岁月中度过晚,就要在漫长的岁月中度过晚年。年。3

31、838We think we have freed our slaves, but we have not. We think we have freed our slaves, but we have not. We just call them by a different name.We just call them by a different name.我们自以为奴隶已经解放了,实际上并没有。我们不我们自以为奴隶已经解放了,实际上并没有。我们不我们自以为奴隶已经解放了,实际上并没有。我们不我们自以为奴隶已经解放了,实际上并没有。我们不过用一种不同的名字来称呼他们过用一种不同的名字来称

32、呼他们过用一种不同的名字来称呼他们过用一种不同的名字来称呼他们罢了罢了罢了罢了。He adored that girl who had just gone out.He adored that girl who had just gone out.他他他他一心一心一心一心恋着刚走出去的那个女孩。恋着刚走出去的那个女孩。恋着刚走出去的那个女孩。恋着刚走出去的那个女孩。Crafty men condemn studies, simple men admire Crafty men condemn studies, simple men admire them, and wise men use t

33、hem; for they teach not them, and wise men use them; for they teach not their own use; but that is a wisdom without them, their own use; but that is a wisdom without them, and above them, won by observation. (Francis and above them, won by observation. (Francis Bacon)Bacon) 有一技之长者鄙读书,无知者羡读书,有一技之长者鄙读

34、书,无知者羡读书,有一技之长者鄙读书,无知者羡读书,有一技之长者鄙读书,无知者羡读书,惟惟惟惟明智之士用明智之士用明智之士用明智之士用读书,然而并不以用处告人,用书之智不在书中,而读书,然而并不以用处告人,用书之智不在书中,而读书,然而并不以用处告人,用书之智不在书中,而读书,然而并不以用处告人,用书之智不在书中,而在书外,全凭观察得之。在书外,全凭观察得之。在书外,全凭观察得之。在书外,全凭观察得之。 39392 2)增加四字对偶词组或叠词)增加四字对偶词组或叠词But there had been But there had been too much publicitytoo much

35、publicity about my case.about my case.但我的事那时已经搞得但我的事那时已经搞得满城风雨满城风雨,人人皆知人人皆知了。了。The manager was a The manager was a nervous anxious nervous anxious littlelittle man, always ready to cry wolf man, always ready to cry wolf if the shop takings went down a pound if the shop takings went down a pound or t

36、wo.or two.经理是个经理是个身材矮小身材矮小、神经过敏神经过敏、焦虑不安焦虑不安的的人。只要商店营业收入下降一两镑,他就要人。只要商店营业收入下降一两镑,他就要大喊大叫。大喊大叫。4040How do you translate the following?Even the most complicated computer man has yet built cant compare in intricacy(复杂)(复杂)with the brain. Computer switches and components number in the thousands rather t

37、han in the billions. Whats more, the computer switch is just an on-off device, whereas the brain cell is itself possessed of a tremendously complex structure. 4141即便人类现今研制出的最复杂的电脑,即便人类现今研制出的最复杂的电脑,其复杂其复杂程度程度也无法与人脑相比。电脑也无法与人脑相比。电脑的转换器和元件只是的转换器和元件只是成千上万成千上万,而不,而不是是上百亿、上千亿上百亿、上千亿。更重要的是,电。更重要的是,电脑的转换器仅是

38、一种开关装置,而人脑的转换器仅是一种开关装置,而人脑细胞本身却有着极其复杂的内部结脑细胞本身却有着极其复杂的内部结构。构。4242Omission省词译法省词译法Structural/Syntactic 结构性减省Rhetorical 修辞性减省4343Two Types of Omission 1. Syntactic Omission 句法性减省句法性减省differences at both word and sentence level 2. Rhetorical Omission 修辞性减省修辞性减省differences in the way of expressing, e.g.

39、: the source language - more indispensable, natural while the target language superfluous, unnatural, redundant, wordy.4444They had ground him beneath their heel, they had taken the best of him, they had murdered his father, they had broken and wrecked his wife, they had crushed his whole family.他们把

40、他踩在脚下,压得粉碎,他们榨干了他的精髓,害死了他的父亲,摧残了他的妻子,毁灭了他的全家。 He put his hands into his pockets and then shrugged his shoulders.他将双手放进衣袋,然后耸了耸肩。When the students finished all the books they had brought, they opened the lunch and ate it. 学生们看完了随身带的书,就打开饭盒吃起来。4545Structural Omission:1. 冠词省译冠词省译1. The sun rises in the

41、 east and sets in the west.太阳东边升起西边落。太阳东边升起西边落。2. The policeman asked the driver to describe the accident in greater detail.警察要求司机把事故经过讲得更详细些。警察要求司机把事故经过讲得更详细些。3. The little boy pretended like a man.小男孩假装大人。小男孩假装大人。4646Syntactic Omission :2. 介词省译1. The students from Guangzhou live at home while the

42、others live in the dormitory.广州的同学住家里,其他同学住宿舍。广州的同学住家里,其他同学住宿舍。2. Now complaints are heard in all parts of that country.该国各地目前怨声载道。该国各地目前怨声载道。3. The Peoples Republic of China was founded in 1949.1949年中华人民共和国成立。年中华人民共和国成立。4747Syntactic Omission :3.代词省译人称代词、反身代词、关系代词人称代词、反身代词、关系代词1. In Japan it is rud

43、e to blow your nose and as in China, rude to leave your chopsticks standing up in a bowl of rice.在日本,擤鼻子很不文雅。而在中国,将筷在日本,擤鼻子很不文雅。而在中国,将筷子竖直插在饭碗里是很不恰当的。子竖直插在饭碗里是很不恰当的。2. All the fellows gathered around, stretching their necks like geese.所有的小伙子都聚拢来,像鹅一样伸长脖子。所有的小伙子都聚拢来,像鹅一样伸长脖子。48483. “You must finish y

44、our homework before you go out to play,” said Mum to Tom.母亲对汤姆说:母亲对汤姆说:“你必须做完家庭作你必须做完家庭作业后,才可以出去玩。业后,才可以出去玩。4. How do atoms arrange themselves in solid?原子在固体中是如何排列的?原子在固体中是如何排列的?49495. When deeply absorbed in work, which he often was, he would forget all about eating and sleeping.他经常聚精会神地工作他经常聚精会神地工

45、作,往往废寝忘食往往废寝忘食.6.If you want to kill a snake you must hit it first on the head and if you want to catch a band of robbers you must first catch their leader.打蛇先打头,擒贼先擒王。打蛇先打头,擒贼先擒王。5050Syntactic Omission: 4.非人称代词“It”的省译形式主语、形式宾语、时空和天气概形式主语、形式宾语、时空和天气概念念1. It is only shallow people who judge by appear

46、ances.只有浅薄的人才以貌取人。只有浅薄的人才以貌取人。2. He took it upon himself to pay off the debt.他自愿负责还清债务。他自愿负责还清债务。51513. It was just growing dark, as she shut the garden gate.她关院子门时,天黑了。她关院子门时,天黑了。4. It looks like rain. Youd better go home now.好象要下雨了。好象要下雨了。 你回去吧。你回去吧。5252Syntactic Omission: 5.连词连词省译省译并列连词、从属连词并列连词、

47、从属连词(因果连词、条件连因果连词、条件连词、时间连词等词、时间连词等)1. He looked gloomy and troubled.他看上去有些忧郁不安。他看上去有些忧郁不安。2. If winter comes, can spring be far behind?冬天来了,春天还会远吗?冬天来了,春天还会远吗?53533. Just like the ever-changing weather, peoples life is unpredictable. 天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。4. Lets think of a situation where th

48、is idiom can be used.我们来想一个可以使用这个习语的场我们来想一个可以使用这个习语的场合。合。54545. As it was already rather dark, we decided to stop at the temple for the night.天已经很黑了,我们决定在庙里过天已经很黑了,我们决定在庙里过夜。夜。6. When the masses are of one heart, everything becomes easy.群众齐心协力了,一切事情就好办群众齐心协力了,一切事情就好办了。了。众人一条心,其力可断金。众人一条心,其力可断金。5555S

49、yntactic Omission: 6.动词省译动词省译1. When the pressure 1. When the pressure getsgets low, low, the boiling point the boiling point becomesbecomes low. low.气压低,沸点就低。气压低,沸点就低。2. Thirty years ago, concern for 2. Thirty years ago, concern for environmental issues environmental issues was was restricted tores

50、tricted to small groups of small groups of scientists.scientists.三十年前只有少数科学家关注环境问题。三十年前只有少数科学家关注环境问题。5656Rhetoric Omission: 1.原文重复词语或意义的省译原文重复词语或意义的省译 University postgraduate applicants who had worked at a job would receive preference over those who had not.报考大学硕士生的人,有工作经验的优先录报考大学硕士生的人,有工作经验的优先录取。取。

51、The crowd was pushing harder. Those in the middle were squeezed against each other so tightly they could not move in any direction. 人群越挤越厉害,夹在当中的人被挤得动弹人群越挤越厉害,夹在当中的人被挤得动弹不得。不得。5858Bacteria capable of causing disease are known as pathogenic, or disease-producing.能引起疾病的细菌称为能引起疾病的细菌称为致病菌致病菌。The late Mr

52、s Achson had passed to her Maker somewhere about 1930.亚马逊太太亚马逊太太大约是在大约是在1930年年升天的升天的。5959“Remember: you are not any old Tom, Dick or Harry giving his opinion. Youre a man who was went as a representative of the British Government.”“你要记住,你不是一个你要记住,你不是一个普普通通的老百姓普普通通的老百姓,可,可以随便发表意见。你是英国政府派出的代表。以随便发表意见。

53、你是英国政府派出的代表。”Its essential that the mechanic or technician understands well the characteristics of battery circuits and the proper methods for connecting batteries or cells.重要的是,重要的是,技术人员技术人员要深入了解电池电路的特性要深入了解电池电路的特性和连接电池的正确方法。和连接电池的正确方法。6060Rhetoric Omission: 2.不言而喻的词语的省略不言而喻的词语的省略For our part, we f

54、ully realized that to avoid the possibility of any further ceasefire violations, the troops must be withdrawn.我们充分认识到,要避免可能再一次违反停火协我们充分认识到,要避免可能再一次违反停火协议,就必须撤军。议,就必须撤军。Could you help me in any way?你能帮帮我吗?你能帮帮我吗?We should never take advantage of someone who is in trouble.我们不能乘人之危。我们不能乘人之危。6161The agr

55、eement in question calls for your working out business to the amount of $500000.该协议书要求你们做成50万美元的业务。 Every time people reach a status in life , they seem to take pride in the fact that they now have a secretary. 每当人们上升到一定的地位时,他们似乎以有一名秘书而感到自豪。There was no snow, the leaves were gone from the trees, the

56、 grass was dead.天未下雪,但已叶落草枯。62621.It is not wrong to enjoy your work and your leisure when you can afford to support yourself.2.The worker, who had carefully read through the instruction before running the new machine, couldnt produce satisfactory products.3.I wish to write an article that will attr

57、act public attention to the moral education.4.That was how they were defeated by us. 课堂思考与练习课堂思考与练习3 一、试用减省译法翻译以下句子。一、试用减省译法翻译以下句子。63631.不错,当你有能力养活自己时,可以享受工作不错,当你有能力养活自己时,可以享受工作及悠闲的乐趣。(及悠闲的乐趣。(It及及you未译)未译)2.虽然工人在运行新机器之前已从头到尾仔细阅虽然工人在运行新机器之前已从头到尾仔细阅读了说明书,但仍不能生产出令人满意的产品。读了说明书,但仍不能生产出令人满意的产品。(三个(三个the及

58、及products的复数未译)的复数未译)3.我想写一篇文章以引起公众对道德教育的重视。我想写一篇文章以引起公众对道德教育的重视。(that和和the未译)未译)4.我们就是这样打败他们的。(我们就是这样打败他们的。(That未译)未译)参考译文6464课堂思考与练习3二、判断以下译文正误并改进。二、判断以下译文正误并改进。65656666一次性卫生杯Disposable cupDisposable gloves/razors/nappies/chopsticks67676868Disposable Goods69697070CashierCash DeskCash Counter717172

59、72Fried Free-range ChickenFried Free-Range Egg73737474Fanta Orange Juice Regular CokeRegular SpriteRegular Fanta7575A joke: The PresidentOne evening, my girlfriend said she had to break our date to attend a Pep Club meeting. Attempting to get her to skip the meeting, I asked, “What does a Pep Club d

60、o, anyway?”“I dont know,” she replied.“Well, if you dont know what the club does,” I said, “why bother going?”7676“I have to,” she exclaimed. “Im the president!”注:注: Pep Club指父母有效计划俱乐部。指父母有效计划俱乐部。Pep的全称是的全称是Parent Effectiveness Program.7777会议主席会议主席一一一一天天天天晚上,我的女朋友说她必须取消我们的约会,晚上,我的女朋友说她必须取消我们的约会,晚上,我

61、的女朋友说她必须取消我们的约会,晚上,我的女朋友说她必须取消我们的约会,要去参加要去参加要去参加要去参加PepPep俱乐部的会议。我想让她不要参加俱乐部的会议。我想让她不要参加俱乐部的会议。我想让她不要参加俱乐部的会议。我想让她不要参加这个会议,这个会议,这个会议,这个会议,于是于是于是于是问道:问道:问道:问道:“ “这个这个这个这个PepPep俱乐部(省略俱乐部(省略俱乐部(省略俱乐部(省略了了了了“ “a”a”)是干什么的(省略了)是干什么的(省略了)是干什么的(省略了)是干什么的(省略了“ “anyway”anyway”)?)?)?)?” ”“ “不知道。不知道。不知道。不知道。” ”她回答。她回答。她回答。她回答。“ “噢,既然你不了解这家俱乐部是干什么的,那噢,既然你不了解这家俱乐部是干什么的,那噢,既然你不了解这家俱乐部是干什么的,那噢,既然你不了解这家俱乐部是干什么的,那你为何要去你为何要去你为何要去你为何要去开会呢开会呢开会呢开会呢?” ”“ “我不得不去。我不得不去。我不得不去。我不得不去。” ”她大声说,她大声说,她大声说,她大声说,“ “我是会议主席我是会议主席我是会议主席我是会议主席(省去了(省去了(省去了(省去了“ “the”the”!” ”7878



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